Newspaper Page Text
K5WSM ; S ZJI i ii i nuns i i ii mnBwi r. 'Tr1-- mjsifv ?- .-.n---c.. JE--1-- "a f jJL--2- P&45m-a v:;:v-?rr s ,-r- 3t-.-shb?-"SK: Masuytiw . ..a-; 1 .:i.i i7r'-j.s; - 'r.j -T"?-' :-sisi!s5v,s?s j--- if -f -J" - " 1 uif-i9K VeyriJ1 i-frv.ipA,t-?.jr,y-i--'-. - - v ( - ' m JgrZTSr- -..- t-,... " '-, MS f $' W r LEAVENWORTH r lv "J Conaervnilvo rtniH.!iecI hv I i. It.Aulliouy, Juuuurj, 1SG1.J LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, THURSDAY 3IAY 1. 1870. XU3IBBR 1,265' - -v -. .-!. - T ia -.V . Jft C9aaiBSV . - . r ;& " SI WEEKLY TIMES J THE r m 5 u I -fi 7 yfc BK S . rt-z. -f - s WwWa'iwM THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1S79.J COjIPItOXISi:. The holders of Tennessee State bond have agreed to compromi-e at fifty cents on the dollar, and four le-r cent, interest That show what ma be done in the way of compromising our county and city in debtedness. i:iiToiti.i. 3h:ktix;. The Arkansas Valley Editorial Associa tion will meet at ewton next Saturday, May 3. J. S. Colli-tcr, one of the rcot accomplished newspsjier men in the State, in president of the association, and given the gentlemen of the craft a cordial invita tion to attend the meeting and share the hospitality of the city of Xewton. si:xato:: I. .AI!.S ox tiii: i:xor. A Washington newspaper correspondent recently interviewed Senator Ingall on the Kubject of the negro exodus, and the report of what he paid in copied elsewhere in our columns ihiii morning. The Senator is one of the clearest headed men in the ccuntry, and his opinions upon this intere-tirg question will le reed with interest. ii:uii or .ii !;: i:i ;;i.t:s. Judgs II M. Htigglc", who met with a serious accident abiiit two weeks ago, by which h lost h's lg, had to submit to the amputation of the fractured limb, la-it Friday, and -died during the operation The Judge hid many friendii in all partii ot the State, by whom the news of hi death will be received with sorrow. He was a man cf fine talent', and was uni versally regarded at one of the ab'e-t law yers in Kansas. His death will be a loss to the entire S:ate. Tin: x'.ijior i i;iit ixsri:. ..t:: c'.vnil Our readers will remember that pome time lau fall about the middle of Novem ber Col. V'altan Dnigbt one of the most prominent cittnp of Iiicghampton, died verf suddenly, and under 811'picioiH cir-cum-taiict, leaving life insuratice jiolicje-' to the amount of S-To.OCO. He hail been a Very wealthy man, but tailed, and fit tne time of his death had jti-t received hi? dis charge in bankrup'cy only the day lieforc rj that if he had died one day rocner, bit insurance uiiuey would have gone to his creditors, and if he had lived three dajs longer is preiniiimp would have been due, and not b ing able to pay thrm, his poli cits wonld hnve laprtd. .Iut in the nick of time be died, and though it was nt first reported that the in'nrance comjunies in tended to context on the Lit und of Rtiicide, it was puli5jueni!y Mated by tbe New York pijiers thkt the companies had abjn dourd the Me of a contest, and that tbe policies had been paid, but the New York lltmlioi tbe 2kh has an sccotint of the res unction of the Ixnly, ami its examina tion by a psrty of phsb ians fent for this purio-e. V"e copy a portion of the lhr n(T article in another column. Tbe ob ject of this examination is tKt ptaied. otiiix; iv it. The St. Iouis Turns Jm.nud that cim? yesterday has a rcjort of an interview with one Dr. McDowell, of Mi-pirt ippi, on the subject of the Degro exodus, which attracted a good deal of attention in town yesterday, and caused pome of our people a little un eisines. McDowell expresses great pity fcr Kan sas becaiisf the-e- immiu'rants are Cfmirg to us from the yellow fever districts of tbe South, are bringing tbe germs of the dis-ea-e with them, and will certainly create a pestilence in Kausas this pummer, and more than all tbe, he is particularly porry for us because tbe negroes are lazy, worth less, and good for nothing, find the South ern people are gWd to get rid of them. The cause of all this pity, and all the Doctor's apprehensions for our pafety and security from pestilence, A.C., is to he found in another part of his interview, wherein he frankly admits that if the movement goes on it will periously cripple the South. It is rather remirkable that thousands of while jwrople from tbe South, who lived in the cities, in the very midst of the pesti lence, can travel all over the North without sjbj-cting us to iny danger from tbe yell w fever, but a few hundred black people coming from the country district", where lew if any cases of feveT existed, arc scat tering tbe seeds of jstilence among us thicker ,tban autumn leaves in Vallora brosa. Strang-, it is, too pa-sing ptrange that the.- " idle, worthless niggers," too lazy to do any kind of work, are going to periously cripple the South by leaving it. Dr. McDowell says he is " ptijierinten dent of twenty plantations in Mississippi and Arkansas." Sujerintendents of plan tations ueed negroes to do their work; the negroes coming to Kansas are leaving th plantations; eryu, Dr. McDowell's bowel of compas-ion are earnins over Kansas. I'KOj:. ailSHlS"!!!!. A Colored jlan Wrilc" for Information. l'eter Mitchell, living at Leo!a Landing, Mississippi, ponds us the following letter: Kditok Times: I write you in order to get some information in regard to your country, since so many of our people are leaving here and going to jour State. There are so many lies told us about the lands we can get there, and tbe provision that will be made for us, that many of the people think all they have to do is to get to Kansas, and thea they will be all right. Now, I ask you if you think it is wise for the jieople of my race to move to that cold State without money or puch things as would enable them to make a living. Acd at the same time I would like to know how they are to get the land, and if it is rail road land and what part of the State it is in. Yours Truly, 1'ETEK MlTCnELL. In reply to our correppondent, it is only necessary for us to say to tha colored peo ple as we have repeatedly said to the white people, and any other kind of people, that they make a great mistake in coniinc here unless they can bring money enough to make homes for themselves after they get here. Iliads can be had from the govern ment, in the western part of Kansas, hut it costs money to reach them, and it costs money to live after you get there, for you cannot raise anything for at least a year. The most of the colored people now coming here from the South are very poor. Many of them have jupt enough to pay the boats for bringing them here, and land without a cent They are cot. able to tet out into the wes tern part of the State, where public land is to be had, and if they should be sent there it would barely be possible for them to live till they could raise a crop lor they have nothing to live on. Hundreds of them are being supported now by char ity, but they cannot expect that to continue indefinitely. People will grow tired of gir iag after awhile. If a colored man is the , South can gather up money e'nough to pay Im way to KasMvaad have eaough left to tot laauiy Jar ' year ajtvlu mand that much money he had bat ter waiL lie imabt just t well Ftay at home and culler, as to go "out wet" and puffer among etrangers. CapU AV. D. Matthew, a colored nan of thin city in an interview which we pub lished a few days ajp, (aid he regarded the present movement as a great mistake, and one that mutt result very disactroujly to the colored people, and in his opinion every man who is a true friend to the colored race fhould do everything in his power to discourage the movement, lie added : ''I am a negro myielf, my destiny is with that of my race, and for the good of my own people, I would do everything in my power to di.coura;e guch a movement as that now going on." Ilrath ot .luitjp ICnzles. .Lawrence 'lnbune, 25. Npwp baa just reachf-d hi-re from Hmdo rialhat Jude K. M. Jtuggle', who had a leg broken a week or ten days ago, died jestiruay whil" undrcoioe ampntatiouof tbe fractured limb. This will bead news to many rjits who knew and et-teuied Jmli;e Uuggles ae one of the ablest lawyers in the S ate. The Judge puttied in'T.yon county in 18-jS, was twice Di-tr:cl Jo!ge in that Dis trict, and for many years law partner of Senator I'iuoib. He kaves a wife and one pon. . A nrrentioii I13 the Kins of Hiirjnali. lCo:re-pouil iiceuflhe London Kally Xctf'.j Then a door opened in lbs Iff' side of the garden house and there enter-d first an old s;sunt Ierdles man tbe chief eunuch clo-ely f illuwtd by the king, otherwise un attended. He came on with a jtiick ptep ai d pat doiwi. re-tini; his rixht arm on tbe crim.-on curhioli on the edge in the Center of tite railing. He wore a white pilk jcket and loonghi, or peJliciit robe, of rich yeilow and green silk. His only ir uaments were bis diamond ear jewels. As he entered all bent low, and when be had peated hint-elf, a herald lying on his stom ach read aloud the credentials The literal translation is as fullows: "8and so, a gre it newspaper teacher of the Jtotly Aetr of Indon, tenders to hi- mist glorious ex .Cfllent Mnj-'sty, Lord cf tbe Ishaddan, king of "'ephanis, master of many while ele phants, lur 1 "ot gold, silver, rubies, amber ni.d the noble serpentine, poveretijn of tbe the empires of Thuuaparantft and Tatupi iipa and other great empires and countries lnrt of ?I1 the umbrella chiefs, the ptip porter ot religion, the sun descended mon arch, arbiter of life, and ereat righteous king, king of kings, the poses.or of bound less dominions and supreme wisdom, the Jollowmg presents" The reading was in tun il id a -omical bich recitative, strone- ly reseiubliuc that Used it ben our chutcb service is intoned, and tbe Ions drawn "phya-a-a-a" (my loid) which concluded il ai'd zddetl to the resenib!arite, as it came io -xaclly like the 'Amen" of the liturgy. The readies over, th- return presents were picked up bv an of!icii and bundled uver to me without any eeremouy, the King meanwhile looking on in sile-nce, Lheing Mel and smokinc a cheroot. Several of the courtiers were lollowing his. example in the latter respect 1'restntly the King t-"ke in a il.stinct, deliberate voice : "Who is her Dr. Williams, acting as my introducer, replied in Uiiriiie-fc: 'A writer of the Daily Aeira, of Loudon, your Majesty." "Why does he come?" "To sje jour M.-jestj's country snd in the liupe of beiog j-cruiittnl to reverence tne goitieii inoe. 'Whence dfs he come?" "From tbe llriti-li army in Afghanistan, nsed in war aaiut the Prince of Ca buL" "And docs the war prosper for my friend-, the Lcglipb?" "He rejtris that it has dono po greatly, and that the Prince of Csbtil is'a fugitive." "Where docs Cabul lie in relation to Kashmir" "I5eteen Kashmir and Persia, in a very mountairous and cold region," There had been pauses more or less long, between each of thte pie-tion, the King ubviouslj- lelltctirs what he should ask rext- Oheu ihere Vs a longer, and, in dil, a wearisome pause. Then tbe Kins; ppoke again. "Where is tbe Kingwoon Merghyi?" ' In court, your Majesty," replied Pio Nono; ' it is a court day." "Il is well. I wi-h the ministers to mike cxrry day a court day, ai.d to labor hard to give prompt ju-tica to suitors, so that theie may 1h no arrears " With this laudable injunc'ijn his Alnj tv ro-eand walked away, and the audience was over The Kin of Burnish it little over twenty, and has been bsrely four months ou tbe throne. He is a tall, well built, personable young m in. He ps very fair in Lomtdexiou, has a gotxl forehead, clear, steady eyes and a firm lut niouth. His chin is full and somewhat seii'iial looking, but withal be is a manly, frank-fao-d young fellow, and is pan! to have gained pelf.possee-ion and lost the early nervous awkwardness r-f his new position with great rapidity. Of his character lit tle bas been develped, but circumstances have occurred to prove that he is far from destitute of a wilt of his own, and that he has no fondness for any diminution of the roypl pierosalive. A we passed out of the palace after the interview a house in tbe palace ground was out to me, with in winch have been imprisoned in Mjtlilid misery ever picie the ill ness of the late king, some twenty male members of the blod royal, who were rejisrded a liKely, if left at large, to ue efforts for the hindrance of the accession of the lad who now sits on the throne, and who, anions the youngest of the sons of his fitber, was i elected to succeed, partly by female infltiercv. partly by reason of the belief of the ministers that he would interp se little olvlrcle towards the accom plishment f the pr..jrramme cf constitu tional reform with which they de-ired to iegin a new reign. And in a stable hard b, incarcerated ihere a month ago, are confined three of the-e mini-tcrs, living proof that constitutional reform is a tick lish and risky undertaking, when all the traditions alnut the throne are tho'e of absalutismTand that tbe youngest, who are seft-t-eeniitg and pliable when powerless nonentities, learn sniftly to take their own psrt placed in a position of wer. King makers, it is true, can le kins-breakers, but it is also true that many a king-maker has him-elf l"en broken by the king he has made. And I dare pay the ministers in the stable there are rather sorry now that they did not make another choice. COL. WALTOX II WIGHT. Thr I'amot:- Iltnzliaiuptou Insurance Ca-.e. lUlnQhimpton Dispatch toN. Y., Herald, SL) Last eight a delegation of, doctors and lawyers arrived here from Albany and New York. Amoug these were Daniel Magone, Dr. Swinburne, Dr. 15. T. Sherman ex-vice president of the State Medical So ciety, Dr. Bridges, of Ogdensburg and D. F. Winship. Early this morning Dr. Swinbjrne andSherman waited on tbe Cor oner, and that gentleman announced that he h-ul made arrangements for the exhu mation of the body, to take place at 10 o'clock. He further announced that he had summoned a jury made up entirely of phy sicians of Bmghampton, and that he pur posed conducting the inquest himself; but he would not permit counsel to ask ques tions or examine witnesses, that the body should he exhumed and the jury be permit ted to see and judge for themselves the cause, of death. The Coroner managed to keep the proposed inquest secret, and tbe lo cal papers here did uot announce the fact. it t-eicg leared that a crowd would assem ble at the cemetery and that trouble would ensue. A ETEASGE SCESE. At an early hour this morning a repre sentative cf the Herald visited the cemetery and found there three men hard-at work opening the Dwight TaulL At half-past nine Coroner ltichards arrived, accompan ied by District Attorney T. F. McDonald, Dr. Borr, of Bioghamton. engaged to con duct tbe autopsy, and the following geaUe mea, who composed the jury: Dr. W. Bap sou (farwaan), Dra. A. W. K. Andrew. C T..Sgmeer, OarWn. Edwards, C. a Jhhiiirti W.A.Broeka. poed to hold the inquest in the open air. The magniflctnt casket was raised carefully from the vault and bcrne to the bench. The silver side rails were as tr ght as when first put on, and tre cloth and vtivet cover ing were scarcely soiled. Just as the nn dertaker was about to uu'asten 'he lid a bower cf rain came and tbe doctors decided that it would be wiser to "get undercover," and the re-nains of Binghampton's most popular citizen were placed npon a wagon used for hauline stone and taken to an ad jicent barn. This attracted the attention ot jieople driving by the cemetery, and soon a crowd had assembled curious to witness the proceeding'. ArPEARASCE OF THE E0DV. hen the lid was removed the corpse presented an extraordinary appearance. an'!, as if it had heen left out in a snow storm, a pure white mould covered the face to the depth of two inches ; but where the eves once were there were two round holes. puch as would be made by Touching a walk irj: cane into the pnow. Graceful f jlds of this white mould decorated the entire body and were interwoven like with the iron gray hair. There wa little smell from tbe corpse, for. with the exception of the cuti cle, decomposition had not set in, and the llesh was quite urm. Tne doctor all appeared to be quite jolly and very courteous, and reganbd the occasion as a ereat treat. The coffin and contents were fir-t weighed, and turned the pcile at 2CS pounds. The c-rpse- was then removed from tbe coffin by tbe undertaker and his assistants. Dr. Swinburne and 1 r. Herman cflVred wat'-r pails, ptionges and pla-ter of Paris. The coroner walked around the barn quiet and contemplative, and reamed to take no interest in what was being done. Tbs b sly was scraped and wahed clean, and Dr. Burr asked if the coroner, po far as the exterior of the !cdy ras concerned, de-ired anything further. A OHATLY MAHK. While the doctors were gazing uninter estedly at the corpse, Dr. Swiuburi.e ap proached the he -d and, pointiug with his fimjer at tbe neck, paid : "1 wish you to take notice of that inden tation around the neck. It is very pecu liar. You see h-re it ij d-p, and it runs at an af cle of abioit forty five degrees. Dr Burr ran his fing r in ifte furrow ard said, "Yes, there i- an indentation, ai.d it runs around the back of the prck Dr. Bridge", one of the medical experts. wrote the tol low ing description: "An indentation of the ueck well marked; 1 ft side, begiuninz over hjuiil lr.e, ex tending at au angle of 4 j degrees to bick of neck; right side extending as continuation of this a little lower iln; looks a though mad- by a clothes line; icden.ati u one-fighlh to one quarter of an inch d-p and one-fourth to one half an inch wide." FTAKTIJSG THKORIf S. Pr. Swinburne said he desired a plssttr ct of tbe neck The coroner rermittfd this to b.- done, and an t xcellent reprf sn tsti n of the furrow vx obtained. The Hi,- hi representative inquired of several doctors present, what wasibe tbi-ory of the man who brought about these prooedings. They replied the:! the evidence jKiintcd to the fact that Colonel f)ish either hanged hiui-elf or was strangled io death. Tiiey expect that the plaster cat, in connection with tbe facts adduced at the autop-y, will estsbli-h the fact Tbe "indentation" a!liidd to is very ap parent nd locks as if it had Ik-en made with a rope It seems p'rsnue that the fif teen doctors who made tbe antoi-y should have paid s little-a'tent'on to this, which is apparently of eiuh vast iniportance now. Wax impressions id the teeth were taken, a portion of spinal marrow removed and tbe old wound lu the left thigh explored. The lody was then, in its terribly muti lated condition, returned to tbe casket, ar.d tbe coroner adjturnt-d the inquest until to morrow morninir, when tbe Lets pertaining to tbe examination to d-iy will be brought out. What tin- Itrimli'SeriKH arc I'lsiitln 1 or. l.Vltian Journftl.l are not fi.'blinj to put the ballot-box under ftderal control; they are pimply fighting for the right of witnesses to watch the count who are not in tbe hands of tbe local ptrpetrators of fraud. I bey are merely resisting tbe overthrow of laws pas-ed to protect the purity of the ballot box. Two ConwpIruotiN Itot-Ileailx. I ' hsrlehtou, S. C, News Some of tbe Southern Coneressmen find it impossible to keep their temper, much to the satislaction ot their politic il oppo nents. Gen. Chalmers and Mr. Blackburn are two conspicuous hotheads, and they play ''You're another" whenever Frye, Con ger, l1 tbe other Republican irritants choose to stir thin up. A Scrionx I.o-s to-tlie Cliurcli. ICluclmmtt U izette, -i.) Another serious blow to the Catholic Church in tbe west is the destruction by fire of Notre Dime University at South Bend, Ind., which occurred yesterday. Notre Dame was one of the leading Catho lic educational institutions in America and its fine buildings and sroticds have long been the prideof tint denomination in the northwest. The loss is estimated at S-200,-000. The action of the sun upon the tar on the roof is believed to have started the fire. .eorsiaTpa. IFromtlie -avAmmli Xew. Mr. Win Hu 'lies, Sr., a gentleman whrse name has been well known in Georgia for the past fifty years as a prominent laud sur veyor, and who is now living near John son's Station, Libertv county, sent us a few days since a sample of tea grown ami pre pared on hi- farm. It wis "drawn" in the usual way, and the result was a most de licious beverage. Those who want the un adulterated tei should try the Georgia ar ticle, and they will never after drink the indigo-colored medicfted leaf, as prepared in China, especially fjr the Ldropean and American markets. Xotliiusrfor Tlieiii to Do. imilailelplila Press, mj An immigration of miners from tbe coal district of the North of England, who have "struck" for higher wages, is promi-cd, or threatened. Having heard that there are mines rnd mining in tbe United State-, these people have got the idea that employ ment and high wages are wailing for their acceptance here. On the contrary, a great many American miners arc out of work, or impressed with the dread oi reduced com pensation. It is a pity that pome one, whose sdvice would have weight with these poor people, does not impress upon them that when thev land on our shore, without money and without a chance of employ ment, they will be infinitely worse off than if they had remained at home. It is a hard tiling to say, but there is no room in the United States at present, for a large im portation of able-bodied paupers. It was different when canals had to be rut and railroads made, and labor was high and living cheap. He Thoiicht it nan Her Hand. An Ohio merchant tells the following story about him-elt Where he lives is a secret, except it is probably not a mile and a half from the Xenia courthou-e : "When I was aliout seventeen years old I made a trip to Cleveland in the old fashioned stage coach with its spanking four horses. At Mount Vernon, about 4 p. m. a pretty girl came on board. She sat in the back seat next to an telderly , farmer-like looking man. I was on the middle seat immediate ly in front of her. I soon struck up a pleasant chat with her. She was a charm ing talker, and almost as brilliant as she was pretty. It looked as though we were mutually pleased. When dark came I con cluded there would be no harm in giving her hand a squeeze by way of a feeler. I reached behind and got bold of the hand. I was a little startled at its hardness, but it returned a vice-like pressure. I squcze again and it squoze back. A penfe ol dis apointment would steal over me when in my mind I would contrast the seeming toughness of her hand with the tenderness and sweetness of her voice. The contact did not seem to arterialize my blood quite np to the point of exhilaration. At last she reached her destination and left the coach. After we had started again that old rooster who sat beside her addressed me thasly: "Young man, do you feel all' right; Ion bad a nice time tugging at my old paw for the last five miles; hope yon enjoyed it." The two young ladies in the atxt seat gkgled ail the way to the next talks, and the gftlwtw waeogen Wumi kaBi wh Iyaiiaiiulr apt Till: ALASKA AT StTKA, Hoorhenoo Ituui at tin- Itoot or the Trouble 3lor- Law W anteil A Cu- hoat Iletter than a :arrlsou. Sitka, Alapka, April 3, 1S79. An interview took plao to day I e'wecn Captain Bronn, of the United Statts steamer Alaska, which arrived hre this mornins. and the ceotain of Her Maj-styV steamer Osprey and the United States rev enue cutter Wolcott and tbe Greek nest. From everything there sta'ed it is not to be reasonably apprehendtd that any out break by the'lndiacs will occur. What is generally conceded, however, is that the government ot SitKS requires aiteniinn in the form of local civil authority, which is now so ill-defined that off nders can act with impunitv nnlp extra leal measures are taken to enforce order. 1IOOCI1EXOO KUM. It was remarked on sll sides that the root ol the pr sent difficulty was the con sumption by tbe Iodians of tbe villainous hoocbenoo rum, a vile distillation nude from molssses and pogar. Ku-sians, half breeds, whites and t'.e Indians themselves engage in its manufatt ire. Crazed with this drink the Indies have had seVernl bloody fights among theui"Ivs, and tbe whites were natural ly of Is me at tacked. Bron, who was recenll killed at Hot Springs, had a Us still in operation at the time of his vi-dent destji, aid was probibly killed by f-idian- lioe'e un der the influence fjf his o n lii'i..r. Capt Brown seamed determined u terfry every still in tbe country that be could reach, and thus rid Si.ka'of its cur-e. He will not leave until he hfcs heard what both the Indians and the whites have to pay, ami will supply tbe rt venue marine pieamer Wolcott with whateer she may rf quire in the way of coal, stores, ammunition and men, until theoverr.nen! shall have made furrier dispositions, for the protection of Sitka. CAITAIN CCUItT? COUirTESY. The federal officers here speak in the warmest terms of Captain A. curt, royal navy, fur hisreadine-s to as-ist them in ev ery way. lhestoryoi ttif ttuicoii going wi'th British trooji to intercept tbe Indians was a pure fabrication. THE CIVILIZED OF FITKV. I had a brief Cf nversaiion "i b Captain J. M. Selden. United States Kevr.ue Ma rine, of the Wolcott, re-rding th- situa tion here. He -avs that the nuin'vr of U'ls'ians remaining here. who are numbers cf the Greek Church, is 17; Kus-iin- not members, 20; Araencfn re-.dtnts, .0; total number cf cither.s, :17 During the sum rner months there is a tlostmg imputation of aHotit a hundred, coin.cied with the -al-mon canneries and luii'es. n !s-iov- a-ked to give expression to his views o.i the situ ation Captain Selden was kind cnoimh to baud me the following abtmcls from his former reports to the treasury department CAITUX -EU)FJ.s VIEW-. Under date of NovmlT 12, 1S77, I re mark as follows: "In my opioma the authority of tUi goven.n-r.t coti.d e more ellectively and cheaply entoned by a suit ably adapted armed vcs-J, writh could move freely from point tc pjint, than b tbe :ationing of troos- at aoy one place. Tbe natives, living a- they do in scattered village ilocg the coast, toat can be easily reached by water, soldiers cannot get to them as ea-ily as a. gunbjit, they stsnd much more in awe of a gunlmt tbau of a carrion, but a ysel fur this ptirH-e should b well cquippd and ininne,l,cap ble of resisting au body of Indians meets fully. The couiuiander of stich Ves-ei should le iovis'ed with full magisterial powers for the arrest and piini-hinent of all offenders in all ordinary true., so that ibe offenders mii;bt le reached anil crim-s pre vented bv pronipr punishiiienl." On March 3, 1S79, I staled tint "it is my cindid opinion, if tbeterrilorisl govern ment is not to be established ov r Alaska, that armed protection should be (I.-.ild to Wrancel ami itka. Tne state of affairs at the present time confirms me more s'-ronaly in tbe opinion I baveexprts-ed in mj pre vious reports that a man ol war should cruise in thec waters, and in addition t the j-rotection she would afLrd that she should survev the ordinary channels of commerce. This Ls aivolutelv mcessary if the country is to le develojied and opened for settlement, as the interior channels tre so inarctirately laid down that passsce through them is now extremely perilous." c irrAt.v brown'! isetokt. Captain Brown, commanding the United States steamer Alaska, which was sent to Htka to protect the white residents against a threatened outbreak on 0 e pprt of the Indians, reached Victoria, Vanc-iuvre's Is. land, last Thursday on his return. He rc Iorts to Secretary Thomrwon that he found at Sitka no outbreak ou tbe part of Hie In dians, and no indications of any. On the contrary, everything was peaceful, and he did not see anything that would warrant any apprehension. The whole outlook was o peaceful that he felt warranted in re turning after investigating the condition of affairs. To guard gaint anv possible danger, and not to leave the plsce without protection. Secretary Thompson has direct ed Captain Brown to return to Sitka and remain there until relieved by tbe Jam-s-town, whi h will leave San Francico early in Mij- for that place. Immigration from I'.urope. Thellowof immigration from Eiiroje has begun e.rly this year, and is wonder fully rapid. There were more than trree thousind arrivals at Castle Garden KstJ week the largest, it is said, since 1S72. The business depression in England and the general unrest among nearly all peoples on the continent, account for th increase over former years. The wide West wel comes the multitude. The- Poor IVIiite-. tFlo-iila L'or. ITticaOb-erver.l For an example of all that is ignorant lazy and degraded allosr me to present for the reader's consideration the class of Southern people known as "crackers," or 'poor white tra-h," as they were termed before the abolition ol slavery, and which is no Is applicable now. B.-fore the war, no white man deigned to work, and the sole end and aim of tbe "cracker"' was to "own a nigger," even though he lived on half rations. He was hated and depi-ed by both white and black, and, though the war and it" object served to lower social lines in a great measure, the "cracker" oc cupies very much the same po-ition in fo ciety to dsy that he did in slavery days. He uaually lives m a miserable cabin, can bun', fish and drink whisky,but never work. rtlaxiniillair-s M'iilou. After the ex-Empress Charlotte (widow of Maximilian of Austria, who was shot in Mexico by his Republican victors,) had been literally burned out of her residence, in the palace of Tervueren, near Brus-els, it was stated that the shock had restored her reason po much that when taken to Lacken by the Queen of the Belgians, her sister-indaw, she recognized tbe works of art, including pome of her own paintings, executed there in her youth. A rew resi dence, at Benehorst, was purchased and fur nished for this most unfortunate lady, who lost her reason by the shock of her hus band's fate, and it was hoped that con sciousDess might be restored to her mind in that calm and beautiful retreat. But the latest official statement is that sbe does cot appear to notice that she has changed he abode; that ahe never speaks, and can with difficulty be persuaded to take food. Reproduction by the Iirain. That which has. existed with any com pleteness in consciousness leaves behici it after its disappearance therefrom, in the mind or brain a functional disositiou to its reproduction or reappearance in con scioune&s at some future time. Of io mental act can we say that it is "writ in water." Something remains from it whereby it occurrence is facilitated. Ev ery impression of sense upon the brain, every current cf molecular activity from one to another part of the brain, every ce rebral reaction which passes into movement leaves behind it some modification of the nerve element concerned in its function, some after effect, or, so to speak, memory of itself in them which renders its repro duction an easy mattter, the more easy the more of ten it has been repeated, and it makes it impossible to say, however trivial, it shall not in some circumstances recur. Let the excitation Uke place in one oi two nerve cells lying side bv side, and between jWhtch there was not any original specific uiuereoce, were win re ever aiierwaras a difference between them. The physiologi cal ptoeecs, whatever be its naiure,Ta the HMMfMv. Mditiaoa tbe ROOKS COUNTY. A Mention cf One of the y,oit gressive Western Counties the State. Pro- 01 The Lay nf the Land Future Rail road 'JonnsctionsWater Courses. Stcckton, the County 5eat--An En terprising, Busy, Bustling Littb Bu'g. It. Growth.-ImmigrationRapid In crease in Population snd ?A?ts rial Inieres's. CirrcKroudenrM lyavomrnrth Times . Stockto.v, April "J4. Uotil a few years ago tic territcr now known as Hooks counly was beyond the pale of civiliz ition tte buffalo, the mlaian vd that scourge o the plains, the horse thi-J, disputtd f r the mastery cf this beautiful do-uaiii, and while so contending in frrfle"rSe and angry rivalry civilization ste,ip-d in and bore off the palm. At the present time the travel er who saw this sauie , '.prry six y ar ago would not know, it is , i h ii'd ; fine farms areAlotltd all oer Hie vast area where the btifl i'o ra-utd and tb-a Indian held full sway ; wheil li-Ms have taken the place of THE FORMEIt DEySZ BltEAUVSi of a bare land'csje, and all nature beauti ful and adorned hy the hand of the intru der, is smiling and happy; settlements are -pnnging up on everv hajl, while, as the center of all trade ard thj natural basis of all tbe commercial transactions cf the county stinds SioeVton, tli9 liveliest and nio-t wide-awake of ail t'e towns ia this region, a marvel ot et.ergy ami lile. In 1870 Hooks county had little or no popula tion, hardly erongh pople b-ing within hrr borders to make tbe fact worth men tioning, the number Kmg hardlr six hun dred, while now tr.e estima'e, Lis,d upon township return-, i xcthjj? six Tiroes vxi, ard there is no doubt whatever hlit that thtse latter figures are about correct and as near the truth as it is posible to get. The immigration into tl e county this spring has been great, and is now injuring in at a rate entirely unantici pated, and it is not at all improbable ths the estimate of ten thousand population lor the county at the end of the year is about tbe riht lijure. Allcf tbe extreme wes tern counties of the State are getting a big proHirtiou of this jesr's iiilluv, and Hooks is the recipient of her due sh ire. Claims are being taken up every day hi large num b. rs &ml THE MO-iT EI.IfllCI.E FAHM1S.G LtXO i- bring enaped up by seltlers, pj that the unluiky one who comes late Will b.- frod t.j content himself with whal'd left. Twenty per cent, cf the area e f the county is laud, llii- fjrest area b?ing near'.y three r cent. The general stu face of the county i undulaiug the s 'Uibeistirn portion bein quite bluily, bjt exc-ller.t for grrz 1J2, ard it is proibesied that I'onks will vet Ueome the utazing ground fur tbe tale. 'jhe tioilhfr is limited to narrow belt- along the lit e cf the Hresins, the va rieties of trees being oak, walnut, red and white tint, hackderry, ash aud cedar. Even THE NOVEsT. .SETTLERS, however, are piyin attentton to the pcJ tifgoutof trees ard artificial fores' are incoming quite the rage. Taking it in everv re-ieol, and notwilhstandiug the fact that Hsoks is one of tbe newtsl cotiu ties in tbe State, she his really developeil more rapidly and made more improve ments than any. of her sisters, a"d offers superior inducements to the immigrant. In regard to market facilities .Mocklun, the county seat, is the natural centre of trade for the county, aul being admirably situi id. is fully able to ansuer all reqtiireim ut- I here are as yet no rail roads con-true ed mi the county, although it will be a metier . f but a few months, at the vtry farthest, unul THE CENTRAL BriANCII of tbe Union Pacific is built through to Siockton from Cawner city, by way of Odiorne city. The teople .noni; the pro-pos-d line of the rca 1 are heartily in favor of tbe extension, and will aid it in the way of voting bonds rnd otherwise inducing its construction. When this line is completed to Stockton, Hooks will be upon the same footin?, in regard to railroad advantages, as the counties to .he east and nortl east of her, aiid will then b? enabled to enter ibe lists as a grain and stock competitor. Hooks will be a great county for BOTH CKAI.V AND STOCK, the indications jsiinting to the latter more pirlicularly. The Central Branch roid is pushing its way westward rapidlr, and it will not be long before Hooks hears the welcome snort of tbe iroi horse. Indications of coal h ive been found in various parts of the countv, although as yet n grat amonnt of prospecting has been done. However, where the article is needed, tbe earth will bt found willing to be rot bd of her treasure. As for buildtnt; stone, the countv will never want for that, as magnesia lime stone, one of the most beautiful building ma'e- risls in the world, is found in every town ship. THIS ST0TS IS USEK EXTENSIVELY, not only for business bouses, but for rcsi decces in the towns and farm houses in the country, while a great deal of it is being put into fencing. Tie steme being fouud neir the surf iceof the grj.ind needs no ex tensive quarrying, and the expense of get ting itrV'tit, therefore, is very small. Gyp-s-iin is f mud ia tha southwestern part of tbe eoun'y. ROOKS roCSTY IS 1VEIX WATERED, in this respect bnng perhaps the equal of any county in the Siate. Bjw Creek, which is quite a stream, rims acro-s tbe northern lauder, while the Nor'b Fork of the Solo mon river which affords a good water jiower, flows through the county from east to west alwtit the center. The "North Fork his numerous tributaries, flowing from liotli north aud south, some of which are of very good siz?, prominent among which are the Big Medicine, Elm, Douglass, Stockton, Hindall, Lost an 1 Box Elder creeks. Silt Creek flows sou'hea-lwardly through the outhastern part of tbe county, while Sind, Eigle and other smaller creeks, tribu taries of the Saline river, have their sources in tLe southwestern portion cf tbe county Many of thtse streams b-ing fed by springs, their waters are very pure. SrR!G3 ARE NUMEROUS throuchout the county, and good well water is ohtsind al a comparatively small depth. Th acres tinker cultivation now in the county is r.erly 8,00'J, having almost Joubie-1 si -s-e a year ago. try littla is mtnuf iciured in the county as e:, although this branch of industry is re ceiving con-ide.ab attention this year. There were abuut 15,000 potinls of butter uiide last year. ?13 000 i- invested io manufactures in the counly, there being x S-c flouring mill, KITS BY WATEK-rOWER, and a large steam saw mill at Stockton, while various branches of ir.du-try are in contemplation in various parts of the coun ty According to the last estimate, the value of all personal proierty in the county is about $75,000 and the real value of all property S150 000. 1 he county debt is only S5.G00, being bonds issued to fund the floating dtbt, contracted for various improvements, county wanauts issued for sundry purposes, etc. As to newspipgrs Hooks has but one. the Stockton Aeitr, published bv Randall Bros, aud ediud by Mr. J. W. Jewell, but that Oue 13 DOING A BIG WORK for the county, and is unceasing in its efforts to build up acd advertise theconnty. One newspaper like this is worth a dozen petty sheets who do neither good for them selves ncr tbe counties in which they are published. The county is just now paying PAEXICCUJl aVTTMTICSr TO rTHMrTr XA1 iS2 There arenoir forty-five organized school ' districts, with twenty-five school houses and a school population'of 2,500. Xew school j buildicfrs are In course of erection in evr-rv I ' Part of the county, and special efforts are ' 1 being made in every direction to offer every I advantage rosible to the crowing fenera tion in the matter of education. In fact thinjs are iut being got into shape looking to that end. The schools are getting along finely, the people all being more than ordinarily interested in this most important subject. THE TRICES Or LAND Land is cheaper in Hooks, but the figures for which it can now be imrchased will not long remain as they are now, and therefore this being tbe accepted time jeopl shoibl avail them-elves of the ooixirtunitv offered and not he-itate. Good farmins lands. within easy resell of market, can be bouzht cot for from f3 to $10 per acre, according to location ami th character ot improve rxtcnts thereon, while, cf course, there is J still some in the county which can be pit- emp'cl, although comparatively little, as ihe choicest aud b;st has been taken. Tbere is n great demand fcr choice lacd in tbe county this year owing to the great rush. STOCKTON. The county seat of Hooks is a wonderful little town in more respects than one, acd is crowing at a wonderful rate, having doubled as to the number of buildings and inhabitants within th- past taree months. The prosperity of Siockton is but the natu ral re-ult, however, f the determin'd ;nd uniiwt etiorts oi Ler jusicc-s men.wno reive put their shoulders together to the wheel, and 1 ibjred in unison for one cenmon end the advancement of tbe town. The little city is deservedly prosperous, but bca'S her pr sperily meekly and with becoming mod esty, nor vauntelh herself in con-tqiience. The hou-e, both for bu-inefs ptir-io-cs and residences, are springing up on etry nils; the streets are busy all the time and the merchants hive ail the can do to supply the demaeds of all customers, energy anl enterpri-e are ipptrent everywhere and tbere is no lime lor idling. Tne population is rapid'y on the, so rapidly in fact, thst Ihere ire cot enou.'h houses to accommodate them; new bu-ines ram are coming in and the old ones are enlarging their stocks and -apacity to suit the times. The popula tion of the tosrn now is about six hundred, Ahich will hi increased to one thcusmd in six monih-. The sdiool population is -ihotit two hundred. Ths loan is on the hih road to ppsiisrity and is going etraisht ahead as firt as sirens arms and willing hands can rcrry her. Her success is marked and with a good country to snp lcrt her aud staunch bu-iccss men to stand by her she need never fiar. TECULIARLY WESTEkN. More peculiarly, jierhaps, than any other ton iu the northwirt, dees S'ocfetou rerre snt uie tnish, enterprise, vim and general go-aheadativeuess characteri-tic of the fron tier, ard it is by reason of thcs'j attributes that Slocktou has ri-eu from tLe hire bvs'mofihe prairie, a little giant, prcs lepjtis anif alway o.i ihe go, refer at rest but always ready for hn-iness. Time was, aial not so far back i lur, nheu this town wxs a general rendezvous for hjr.-e-tliieves and gentlemen of thntilk, who were not gii'.ea uy iiauire wun me prereption snili citnt to enable the in to distiugiiidi tither ;eople's p- 'iier'v fiom the r own. and who were Cjii equently A s URCE OF t, r.K T SORROW and tribul itinn to thj hoiiest'y dispo-cd Nirtion rf the community, who would, at limes, wh-u the thiug got too monotonous, loid up their little rilles and re volvers aud go on a hunt after these nomadic sons of Mercury, while the sudden but not always nnac ccuntable disappear nce of some of the perjetrator- of these outrages upoa civilizi tion showed that law, order and peaceful jtistite bvl at times been asert-d. On the bmks of iheSjIomon. jit-t south of Stock ton, i- still to bi founl what a few years ago was known as 'H'lbber-,' Boost," THE STRONGHOLD OF THE HORSE THIEF FltlTERNITY in this Fection of the country, which was a favorite retreat for the.ii, and practically impregnable. It is a -sort of adngout in the -ble of the bluT, with two entrances, one upon the north and the other ou the south side of the bluff, and with plenty of provis ions anil ammunition a very small partv ot determined men intrenched therein coii'd bid dtii uce to an army. But ihe 'RJou" is deserted now acd there is nnthini; left except the nif morits of some of the faumus characters who formerly rendevoueil there, the great majirily ot whom have either met their deaths at th hands of tbe vigi lance committee or at the mouth of a smoking pistol at d an officer of the law behind it. Property here, especially horses, was not safe in those days unless securely stabled with a strong guard around, 'or the thieves would dare anybody or any thing and would staniupas long as they could hold a revolver. Brave and deter mined men were they, but these two attrib utes were their only redeeming qualities. THE KILLINCi 01 fcHERIFr RAMSEY. Stockton is the pNca where Alex. Ham--ey, tbe brave sheriff of Ellis county, met his death abuUt four years sgo at tbe haeds of a hnrsethief wbo-c capture he endeavor ed to efiVct, although before be died the plucky oili-er ha ' tnesitisfactlon of know ing that be had ' f tell"! bis man," and th it the thief !.j! crossed tbe dark river before him, Haaisev's bullet having got-e lbro'igh bis heart, killing him icstanilv. The storr of the kiding was told me by an eve-wit ness, and in whose arms liinivr died. There ws a sale of ponie- iu Stxkton Ihe day of the trtgedy, being conducted by two -irangers line in sale was goin.r on, Kam-ey. accoaipani-d by a depnty.rodeup, and, without apivannsr to take anv twrtic- ular notice of the strauers, addressed a few inquiries to my informant in regard to tbe country to the northwest, where Hsmsey said he was coin::. It was noticed that RAMSLY WAS VERY TALE, peculiarly so, which led some cr.e to ask him if h'" were not si' k. He replied that he did n'it feel any worse than usual, and when K'V'rtg the an-er be gut ofl his horse icd 'akirg his carbine cocked it and di rected his eyes toward the ptranjer who was soiling the hor-e Then all at once it tiVhed across the minds of tho-e present that tl e stranger was a horse-thief and that Kamsey s business tbere at that time. was to take him. Indeed, just at that time Hamscy remarked to my informant, "I'm going to tate that fellow," and raising his carbine, lirtd, the ball, however, missing its mark, but killing the stranger's horf. Theshe'iff then drew his revolver, (the thief by this time having his ont) acd tie duel commenced. iJoth cCicer aud outlaw were behind their horses, and it was but a qnestion of luck ai to who should get a hot in fir-t, Several shots wereexrhanged without injury to.either, when both men showed them-elves at tbe same time and in stantaneously THE SHARr RErORT? OF ROTH nT0LS rang out, both failing, the thief phot through thehesrt and Uanisey through and through j l-t below the ril. While the duel was in proffers Ram.ey's deputy shot several limes at the thief, but :nis-ed him, and aher the latter had received his death wound he tnrced around to fire at the dep uty, but before tec .iild cock his weapon he pitched forward heavily upon his face, deal. Hams-y was taken into a drug stora nar by and I'ved sbout two hours. Shortly bj fore he died h- a-ked about the hore thief, and tirxn being told tint he had killed him be -miled, is if particularly satisfied, ar.d d.e-1 with ihe entile -till upon his lips. The sid denouement cf the terrib'e afliir is well known to the teop!e of Leavenworth ; how Hamsey's young wife, crtzed at thede.athof her husbtr.d, became insane, and while at the Sisters' hospital, in the rntroiolis,d;ed. Ram-ey was as brave a man as ever Crew a pistol, was rash, in fact, but he lost his life in the performance of his duty. mmm John. A Pluck) Neriaiit I.'irl. Cincinnati, April 26. A tramp entered the re-idence of G. W. Kitchen, a farmer near Lebanon, Ohio, yeslerday morninp, during the absence of the family and be gan searching tbe bureau, where a large amount of valuables had been placed. Car rie Itobsrts, a young girl dome-tic, who was in the upper part of the hon'e, heard the noisj and discovered the tramp at work. She approached him unobserved and suddenly clutched himbyjthe hair with one hand and endeavored to wrench a box of valuables from his grasp with the other hand. Findirg her effjrts unavailing, she released her hold, sprins "upon a chair, se cured a revolver froa the top of the clock and fired t th (ramp several times ia inc- Utter dropped tha box. raa we KANSAS NEWS. The next Bsowa Counly Fair will be held Sept 0 to 12. Atchison has org-.niz;d a public library association. A special term of the Xeosha county court will be convened on the 23th inst. The Board of Regents for th State normal school was in session in Emporia last Wednesday. The last rain his caused the grass and all other green things to bound upward with rapid velocity. Clin!:.. In .Icirerxoii County. lD'k.i!oo-a bickle. 27.J Jim Holland, white digjicgawell for J. E. Clark, near town, struck some of thft nicest chalk we have seen. It is quite soft and very white. Vilnius Xear t'olnmlms. ICor. Chetopa AUttince,. They are digcing for lead within three miles of Columbus. An arm of mineral recks a mile wide, I never saw before, 'tins up there from Short creek anil Itzerv:lle. Sale of I-oml NtorU. lOiaca Journal, il j Mr. M. E I.arkin last week bought of T I. K-idy sixty steers that will average l.COO pounds. It was the best average lot of steers in this part of tl e county. Mr. Ed dy received S5 per hundred a total for the tixty of S4 S00. A Itid. ICor. Chetopa Advance, 20.) Some vigilants passed through here Sat urday in hot haste after the thief who sol Mr. Shepherd's bor-e. Any doctor want ing a skeleton would do well to speak to one of tb-s gentlemen to mine the lead out ot n dead horse thief acd turn the bones over. Ilerriiits I'nr the I.nriler. Wichita Kagle.I!.! Capt. Hib'?ts recruits front different por tions of the State are rendezvousing at this point. The company is encamped on the west bank cf the Great Arkansas. The men are nicelv uniformed, well mounted and armed The outfit moves immediately for the border. IIoiv Tiiey Ilt-cn DNtrZuuti-il Wjamlolte Herald, 21.1 Tlie number of colored people that have landed here has Uen overestimated and that very largely. I'p to date but 1,200 have len landed here. Of this number the committee has shipped 350 to Liwrercv, '2S to Touganoxie, 140 to Leivenworth, 200 to Manhattan and 250 to Ottawa. In ad dition to this about 159 have left on their owu account. The Jackson fonnty Court House Vnril. Tllolton Itecorder.21 1 Oil of about 225 trees set out Iat spring in tbe court house yard, 105 are alive and growirg nicely, con-idering the careless manner in which many of them were plant ed ; and the fict that some were of varie ties that seldom liear transplanting, this is a pretty good showing. The white elms md tbe soft maples made tbe best live of it. Do Aot Want to In- Committed. A'j mi. lotto Ilrraid, 21 1 The stories about the Drought Hides 1 in.i called out to prevent the larding of eclored refng'-s are all sheer fabrications, ar.d have no foundation in f'ct. While our people are inclined to do all the they can to di-rourage the-e imniicrauts from cotoini; here, they do not intend to place .hm-elves in an attitude of hostili.y to the laws of the country, or in such a manner as to be ch-irged with being destitute of humanity anil cbari'y. An Innrlnimr "ciltVIIow. Saline Valley Hegister, SI While W. S. Wail was lying on a lounge in his hoite on Sabbith evening, hele cams aware of another occupant at bis side Upon examination it was found Jbat his bedfellow was nothing less than an ad der of eood pZ". 1 he discovery earned not a few exclamation- by Mr. Wait and a live ly departure from the lounge. By what means tbe snake came there is not known, but is stippo-ed to have been in the traw with which the tb-k was recently filled. .1 (''inliirsx at Port Scoff. Il or. 1 1 tojia A.Ivuncc, 21. I took occasion to visit tbe place where tbe Ft. Scott people burnt the black wretch Howard. All trace of the died has leen removed, and tbe jieople were calm, quiet and ready to talk aliout it. An intelligent African whom I talked with justified the banning but not the burninj. I further tlced with hira about the colored people from the South emigrating to Kansas, ard expressed a fear they may starve here. He said they would bettor starve here than lie murdered down south. A prejudice seems to exi-t at Ft. Sro't between the colored people acd tbe whites. Cuiemau'fc Kural.J "I have grown the artichokes for a num ber of years, and during the tirn have ex perimented in various ways, and I am now ready to siy that growing it for hogs is one oi me means to proo uce CLeap jsirk. I su.. ally the cr.-p is r-ady to turn onto abont tbe fir.-t rf Cc'olr. Cne acre will peep twenty hosts in a cood growing condition from that time till the middle or last of March ; or, with the addition of half the corn usually fed, it will fatten them in less time than all the corn, and, as far as I have been able to see, the pork is ju"t as good. A or:ion of the crop should be dug and hou-e-d. or put in mounds, to be fed when the ground is too hard frz-a for tbe hogs to root. AntKvcitiiiK Accident. tiloUon Itecorder,2l.) A nire-year-old son of John Dutr, living on Soti'h tidar, on last Tuesday was driv ing some kind of a woodm smoothe Kround, when, owing to the roiighnees of the ground, the drsg was overturned and the boy caught under it, with his arm fas tened between tte chain and drair. The team ran pome eight hundred yards, drag ging tbe lioy with his face on the ground. The boj's father ard uncle wilnetd the fearful pii;ht. and u-d every effort to stop the and rescue the boy, but without avail; acd finally tbe team ptopp-d from sheer exhau-nou. The little fellow was taken out, and to the joy acd surprise of his family, life was not extinct. Dr. Adam son w.t pummoatsl, who f.jticd that the onljr apparent serious icjurie were a bro ken arm and a bidly brui.ed face. The probability is that the boy will recover. Atchison's Jen Depot Projert. (Atcoi-ou Champion, .5th. J The I'nion Depot Company met yester day acd perfec ei all ihe arrangements for buildicg a depot. Tbere were present A. A. Tallage, Gereral Suprintendent of the Mi-souri Pacific : Col. Walker, Super intendent of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific; I' D Dunn, of the Hannibal and S', Joseph; Od. I W. Towre, Atchison t "ebra-ka, President; acd Majjr W. F. Lsjwa-, CeaL-al Branch Jsecreiarv and Treasurer. L-tters were receive.! frcm Gen. Geo. H. Xettleton, cf the Joy roads, and General Manager fclronp, of the Atchi son, Topeka .t Ssnta Fe, pledging their hearty on orration in the enterprise. Uy-laws were adopted for tbe govern, ment of the corporation, and Mfpi-rs.Towne-Birnard, of the K. C, SkJ. C. 15, acd Downs, were spiioimed au Executive Com-mitts-, to make nil necessary arrangements secure the site, and pnierifiteLd the erec tion cf the depot buildings. TIip Indian Trrritnr). ICor. Wyandotte Herald, :i.j Many of the old-time WyandotU have during tbe past two or three years rn laid under the sod. Jno. Kayrahoo died recently, acd Irwin I'. Locg has been elected head chief. Jno. Greyeyes looks somewhat pale, having joined tie' bine rib bon brigade. John says the red men are making ench rapid progress in the indus trial pnrsuitsthat thev will soon be able to cope with their white brethren in any line of life. The various Quaker missionaries are doing good work in the education of the children. Pa sing through the Xez Perces camp we ob-erved some have commenced the aulti vation of the aru of peace. Sir of the men looked comical trying to harness up a team of half-brofeea mules. After much push ing and pulling the wagon and males were finally placed in cL'se proximity. One of them while hitrhine op. tickled iIm hhi of Ml, wkiak ia tan kt f at, tkm kaai I amocg the tents and painted warriors with I .1 Ul. !-..- . ' 1- niM T L scu uisikcis io get a iuo& ai caiei uosepu, our tall copper-colored guide could not help smiling at the timidity displayed by a lady in the partv. The chief, a fine sp-ci-men of man, physically, stands six feet, six inches in his mocassins, shook hands cor dially. . I!nIrnH. Bsxter Springs Times, 2L1 Twelve divorce cas and eleven criminal ca'es rire docketed for trial at the next lena of court. Treasurer's Wort. Topeku Commonwalth. Mr. Francis time is employed with the Board of Kailway A'sesors. The next semi-annual eettlement of Crusty Treasur ers occurs on or before Julv let. An Indian Drowned. lUxxtersprlns Times, ::t A young Ottawa Indian about eighteen years of age, named Stephen Wicu, was drowned in Spring river, at the mouth of Hock creek, six miles below town, last Sat urday evening. Ou to tVialtotd. lAVinfleld Courier, 21 J The engineer corps of the A.. T. & S. F. road, were purveying through Winfield last Tue-dav. It is said that the company will t turowirg dirt on the road to V, iidieid in less than leu dy. Tr)ln to Uurri a J-chooIIiou-i-. tBixter Springs Times, H. Some person attempted to bum the Jes sup rchoolhoue lajt Saturday night. Siraw, saturated with kerosene, was placed under the house, but it failed to do any damage. A I'nrtiiiir'tr Printer. Topeki Commonwealth. 1 Mr. L. H. Hascall, a compositor in Mar tin's ollia", has r.ceived the scug little amount cf s500 by the will of his late brother. It isn't every worthy compositor who is so fortunate. Altrniptei Ilxprrss Itolitiory. pjlrard IrrM.:i, Some thief tried to get into tbe safe of tie express company last wek while the asent .as at dinner. The key was lef. stickirg in the door. It was nrcessary to cbi-l the door off and seed it to tbe facto ry iu Cincinnati for repairs. The Partners Ilapp). Cedar Vale Cor. Iloltou slsual, SB. F'aruiers are hapjiy in the prospect of se curing gid crops this pea-on. Cedar Vale has as an in.iustrions and Hsrseverini; set of farmers as can be found in the country, and they will leave no honest nieaus untried to improve this section cf th country and make good homes for them-elves. An Indian Iviiled. Cedar Vale toriestioudeiictt llulton bisnnl. Two Icdians were down by the Cross Rofcds banting a few days ago, and as they wera riding side hy side, one, a rather pranky fellow, began to ttmitr with tbe other's gun barrel and it dischargul and shot him tnrotigh the hit". He died al most instantly. The deceased, we learn, ws vislticg this tnlpe the Prairie Bind. Proposril iousi,Hilat:c-.i. Lat lie Journal, -C j There is a desire oa the part of pome of our that ihe olfis of city m tr-hal aud street be con-olidateil. It is claimed that if a suitable man crtihl Ise found to attend In ihe duties of both po sitijns a considerable saving of city money would hi made thereby. The council is considering the m titer carefully. Tin- vf. IVrces. IUxter S,irins Times, 2i. The Ke z Perc-s Indians have moved to the west bank of Spring river. They are now located ten miles south of town. A number of them come to town almo-t every day. Lin Siturdiy they came up in foce and sucdry little purchases. A few cf the warriors have donned tbe garbof the v lutes, t.ut nearly all, including the rqaiws, cheg to mcccasirs, leggings am! blankets. ttislmaj i" Irani I".-es,;i. A commercial drummer representing H. S. Patterson of Kausaa City, while on bis way from Xew Pittsburg to Cherokte on Monday niyht was stopped about du-k by two masked men near Cow Creek, one of sit Zed hi-, horses and the other pre sented a revolver at his bead, with instruc tions to deliver, whic'i be did to the extent ofS70, after which he was permitted to proceed. Pound ;tiilt) rZII--.-il Vtin-rs Salens Jlllur, 2I.J The case of tbe State of Kansas vs. E. I'. Heo, for having votes! illegally at lie election held in this city, on tbe 7tb inst. which commencnl last ".Monday, in Jud Mctiill's court, before a jury, "terminated yesterday about noon, acd resulted in find ing the defendant guilty. Jude McGiIl tice.l tie defendect S150. and gave him thirty .lays in the countv j til, but his counsel took an appeal, ard his wis placed at five hund red dollars, bur afterwards reduced to three hundred dollar'. Tin- istafinrd fount)- Case. Toi &.l f 'oiilinoil wealth "LI The S'lpreme Court ye-terday filed an opinion in tbe nctnl Stafford County ca-e. It will be rememtiereil that it Ind been di vided between Pratt ar.d Birton counties. An ftijrt was made la-t winter to have the la-gi-lature reinstate htafiord county, but it filled. The court now says that tie lair hich divided it was UEcmstltmitiQal, aud Stafford is a county hy itself; without sny action of tbeI.egi-lature. This news will make the residents in Siatlord county hap py, acd those of Barton not so happy. An Indian Asent t.Viuoitd. Galena JHner,.: 1.1 Hiram W., ; Indian acent at the Qaupaw .Agency. Indian Territory, was re lieved ou last Friday from bis duties as ag-nt at that place. Mr. Joces was ap poir.ted during the fall f lis72, if we re member correctly, ihrctiKh the icliiieate of (iualers. There has ls-en for several years charges of corruption standing againrt'hira, and peveral committees have isitil tfce Agency to inquire into them, which we suppose brought about his removal. A Mr. II worth was pent to tbe Aecr-cy to accept the turn over of properly belonging to the United States, but whether he is the new apjointet, we are unable to sav. A t KoMicry. IKt. Scott Kecord,2t.l About eleven o'clock last night a man called at O.ild's livery stable, and called Mr. John Hcusruan to the door, stating that a man at the Gulf House wanted to get a team to go to O-ag- Mission at six o'clock in the mcrning. While they were talking, a confederate plipr ed into the office and stole .Mr. Hou-man's pants, which had 22 25 in the rsocket, a silver watch worth i'i-j, two knives, two complimentary tickets to the show, acd a bunch cf keys. The po lice were immediately notified, and the thieves caught in a hinse of ill-fame on Scott avenue. Sine dollars of the money was found in the lining of the hat of one of the thieves, ard traces cf the balance found. WjaiKlottr'si Itrason. Wyandotte, az-He, u Kacas, the birthplace of freedom, canr.ot and ol course does not wish to deny to ifce- oor colored people the right to'flte from their oppressors ar.d locate within her bir ders. The tsxple of Wyandotte Pimply wi-.h to avoid having the city in future made the di-triluting point for large num bers cf these refuge-, they consider that, in feeding l,J0O of them cearlv a month, furm-hicg medical attendance "for the pick, buryicg tbe numerous dead, and providing for their shipment toother points in the State, they have already shouldered their share cf the harden. That is all. A IZnxy In the Pawnee Ascnr). ArksiiKU City TraeIUr, 25. An assault was made noon Vf Tt;,i Superintendent cf the boarding pchool at i awnee agency on Sunday Hia in-t. by K. S. Ball, a former employee. Mr. Hill had been discharged from the service and ordered off the reservation for ungentle manly conduct by the Ummtssioner cf In dian Affairs. .Mr. Ball Udityed-that Mr. Htatt had been instrumental in afrectin bis dismissal, which belief led to the a siult above mentioned. Having accom plished his purpose 3Ir. Ball fled, acd ex pressed himself ready to die in preference to bsins arrested. Indian Police were put upon hk track but failed to overtake him. Agency people, believe that Mr. Hkvtt A Korrihte Accident Xear Empire Pity. lEmpIre City Kcho, 21 Osoar Springer and a Mr. Smith were at work in the ground, timbering up a drift, and Mr. Tu-tison was attending the hoister, ou top. Just previous to the accident. Dr. T sent down a load cf timbers, which were recriv.d by Mr. Springer, who, after pnt tirg thrm in the drift, returned to the sump and hallowed to Mr. Tnstlson to send down thetufi. Just as Mr. T. placed tbe tub on Ihe car, preparatory to lowering it, a man at a shaft a few hundred yarcs distant called toshiru in an- excited manner, and Mr. T. thinking something was wrong, left the tub on the car, which was on the track a few feet from the shaft and ran over to where the man was. While he was absent, it is supivsjd the wind, which was blowing a strontr gale, blew the tub off the car and into the shaft, which is some eight feet deep, and down which it went with crash icg force, striking Mr. Springer on the head, killirg him instantly, his brains be iDg dashed out against the walls of the shaft and into the tree of Mr. Smith, who was in the drift a few feet away Mr. Tustison knew nothing of the accident un til, when returning to his work, he heard Mr. Smith calling for help, snd looking up he saw the tub was He hastened to the phaFt, ami, with the aid of Mr. Smith, the body of the unfortunate man was soon brought to the surface, where an examina tion showed that in addition to his head being crushed, his neck was broken. Particulars of the- Suicide of AVnt. tt ells. About dark, on the 21st, John Alexander, sou of Adin Alexander, who owned the stable, went into the lolt to obtain some hay. Hesiw a baton the hay, and on thrusting his fork intothe hay felt some thing olid. Took the" hat to the house, where it was recognized as AVells. Went wuh a neighbor acd toucd a cororer, who soia found the corpse. The body was m ich changed, acd could hardly be identi fied as that of Wells. There were evidence of a strong death struggle. Ttstimony suf ficient to prove its identify, was found in the pockets of tbe deceased. Also evi dences that be had committed filicide. Three notes were found iu a small noto book. Tlie following is the l&st one aud the most important : Dear : When you receive this I will le dead. I could not bear to meet you after what I hsd done. I have only t-een a ciirre to vou fir two years past, and you wi'l be better ofl without me. I made an attempt to get my life insured for your benefit, but could not. I leave Charley feeling that you will do letter by him than I could. I liope and pray you will keep a pure 'vomio, and marry some man worth ur of you, acd there may be many happy jeirsf r yen yet. Adia Alexander will ki.ip you I know. My brain reels too much to pay more. Good bye, dear one. Yon hive done all you coupl to make me a goes! man but I have failed; and Ins, I feel as I lie here dying that I am doing yon tbe kindest act cf my lire. The Masons will bury me. Seed word to Bartlett, he knows I am a Mason. Will, The name of the person to whom this is addretVd is not plain, but it was evidently wrut-n to his wife. The Charley referred to, is bis son. T.'otes Prom the State Capital. Toi'c&a Commonwealth,:! I FXECXTIVE. C.-iiimbs.ions issued yesterday by Go S:. John : Notariss Public S. Devore, Franklin county ; Theo. Botkin, Pottowatomie conn ty ; Wra. Marsh, Cherokee county; Ur biii Wilde, Jewell county; T. S. Haun, Hodgeman county; W. A. Flush, Hodge man crtinty. Justices of the Peace William n. Con ley, Agency Township, 0(Jge county. SECRETARY OF STATE. Hon. James Smith, Secretary of State, and Geo. T. Giimnre, the newly appointed A-sitant-Stcretary of State, are happy having each received a new desk. There were filed in the office of the Secre tary cf Slate yesterday the articles of in corporation of "The Kacais State Agricul tural acd Live Stock Association." The principal places of business are Williams burg, Franklin ounty, Kansas, acd Kansas City, Missouri. The capital sock is fifty tb'iiisand dollars. Incornorators ; F. G. Welch, David M. Bucn, E. M. Bartholow, M Ii. Welch, anil Alfred Shapard. Tha puro-e is for holding fairs in Franklin acd other counties of the State. THE STATE BOARD OF ASSESSORS is continuing its slow and tedious tssk of examining tre returns. Nothing has been concluded vet. THE STATE LIBRARY. hss been angnmentcd in its miscellaneous epartment by ibe reception of twenty-five1 volumes among them, Layy ,s History ol Home, a standard nork. SITERIXTESDENT Xess and Trego counties are aliout to Or ganize -chool distrii ts, under thelaw passed at tbe last session of the Legislature, per mitting such organizations in unorgan ized counties. .Most of the unorganized counties of the State will organize cchool di-tricts at an early day. rZIUtAKETT SCHOOL FUND CX)M)IISroNEE3 Several lots of school bonds were re ceived yesterday which will be considered ami piircnased or registered at the regular monthly meeting, at 10 o'clock next Satur day, tbe 2C:h. At the cext meeting of the School Fund Corin"s:ooers the question of the pur chase of tlie funding bonds of qnite a num ber of Kansas cities will be considered. PI'AXIv SCOTT. Orm or tin- Staunch. 'Kcllahtc Jler- rhantst or tin- Pity Who Speaks- to till- People. To the readers of The Times is pre cn'iil tdy the advertisement, attractive both in its contents and general appear ance, of one of the oldest antl most reliable business men in the city Frank Scott, at SIS Delaware. Mr: Scott his given time ami thought lo lis advertisement, well an-dei-standing that there is everything to be (.anted by advertising judiciously ; and he has thus presented, ia a clear, forcible manner, the value of his goods and the ad vantages to lie gained by trading with him, without an effort to "blow," orpuff up him self to the attempted detriment of others Mr. Scott uses plain, exact language, and the advantages he will reap from the adver tisement he presents this morning are in calculable. Mr Scott has in sW for the spring and summer season of li"! one of the largest stocks ever displayed in this city, and the prevailing cheap prices, added to his knowl edge ami dealings for years direct with manufacturers, have enabled him to mark; goods at prices which are astonishing; but Es-vertheti-s are true, as an examination will He further calls attention in his adver tisement to the fact that he has trnlj good TaU no claptrap, shoddy article', whose cheapness is but a delusion and a snare, as the buyer finds to his sorrow when it is too tale to remedy matters. Thinking persons will remember this, acd bestow their patro nage accordingly. A host of spf cia! bargains are preented, which tbe careful husbandman acd the ecooornical housewife will scan with closest attention, to '"certain the many ways ia which they are to becefitted. The ladies will tsicially be charmed by many of tbe beautiful acd attractive specialties he pre sents in his li-t. His claim Ls, that he will fill orders at as low prices as any in the country thereby a-suring the world that he means to give bargains in all thirgs by reapon of tbeir wonderful cheapness; yet at ihe pr me time payiDg the close-t and strictest attention to scurd business principles, acd selling nothing at "less than cost," or "at any price to dispose cf the goods." Tiie-Ian ulio Kceclics the Applause Tbe "e.w York .jTrtitine calls Ihe atten tion of gentlemen cf intensely judicial teja-I-rrament to the real sentiment of tbe South as express d in Congress, and adds : "It is , the man who boasts how far Lee marched into Pennsylvania who is cheered by th Democrats in the Home. No one ever hears a syllable of Democratic disavowal or reproof when the csnse icd- coane eft- ceasitwisUia thetUyscf the ysar osmI r-a oosteBCtaea are gferstts,-or Mettfaf? t i r. m Ml r l jm.mmmmmmammm.aammnmtmm .fM aad ettoeb WofpomC-ummt & Kl.witeMsaarMi Air Ml Mejmunta, as uiauave ., ret Us smamu vmvmr a- . 5 Mlillll ,M . lwsja