NUMBER 1,566.
D. K. A or. Juurr. I&GI.J
' v
tSBctttlft inus
si:..vtoi: ri.rixi.
We copy in oir column" 'bis morning,
from the Conor mwicf lie rd, a rejort of
the speech of Senator l'.uinb, upon that
clause of the army bill which prohibit
promotions abave the rank of captain The
speech is without politick bia, but is an
able and statesmanlike argument in favor of
justice and fair play.
In Texas they watch as well a? pray.
They have a law against concealed weapon
which is a dead letter. A correspond-nt
says : "A Texan took his pistol to a prayer
meeting, and while tiiere the Sheriff under
toek to arrest him for ca-rying concealed
weapons. The other brethren drew their
revolvers also, and the prayer meeting was
transformed into a fr.e fight, in which two
of the Sheriff essistants were hUied "
TOItV. The propo'ed invasion of the Indian Ter
ritory is not likely to came much trouble
A dipatch in the Kansas City Ttmts of
yesterday, from Carpenter, who claims to
be the manager of the pr-j-ct, chows that
the fellow is a lunatic, end not many ier-
ons outside of the lunatic asylums would
care to put their intere-ts in the hands of
nch a jierron. The crazy dispatch from
Carpenter in the Titnis of yesterday, which
we copy ele here, will do much good in
checking the fool-ba-dy movement for the
invasion of the Territory, for, although a
man may be crazy himself, he will not relish
the idea of leirg led by a crazy man.
.mit i:xfr;ii to .o auoi m
Halifax op!e now ask that a portion of
the interest on the vNJ.000,009 fishery award
be placed to the credit of tLe Intercolonial
Railway each year, for the purpose of
cheaening freight on grain, euznr, eta, to
and from Up(er Canada. They urge that
this would enab'e that line to compete for
the freight between Iirope and the WesL
There are a good many things our neigh
bors would like to do with that money, but
the cum is large enough t'j meet only a fc
of their preying wants. The provincial
governments want it to meet cunent ex
jienses, to piy debt, to build railways, to
subsidize railways already built, to
foster commerce, and to entourage uianu
facturen, and five millions of dollars does
not go far in Mich a hu-.ry family of
The Kansas City Journ-il denies thestate
rnent made by us that the Leaveswokth
Times has a lrger" circulation than the
Journal. We have offere I to forfeit a bun
dred dollars for the lwLefit of the colored
refugees if the Jcn.rm.1 will publish a state
ment, proerly authenticated by nuiJavits
of the mailing clerks at Kansas City and
Leavenworth Ksti (Ws, and show thereby
that it pays as mnch postage on its cirm
lation as we pay on ours. This proposition
the Journul does not date to accept; it
backs "square down," but continues to re
peat its false statement day after day. The
assertion by the Journol that its circulation
is as large as ours is utterly false. We
offer to wager a hundred dollars that the
Journal lies, that the records of the post
office will prove that the Journal lies and
weofferto letitpublMitheeifi-'ul figures in
its own column. 15 it the Jmirral has been
suddenly seized by a spasm of honesty and
"doesn't bet." The fit of con-cientiotwress is
not revere enough, however, to keep it
from lying.
l'LlilhA.T iii..vtI...
Since misery loves company, the follow
ing paragraph in regard to the financial
difficulties of a Pcnnsylaniatown will prove
pleasant reading to the authorities of our
city and county, as well as to our j,eople
generally, and will furnish them a modi
cum of comfort withal. We copy from the
Philadelphia Tunc uf the 1-t:
The piaint little city of Altoonwith
some others in the State, -eeni' to be in all
unfortunvcviditi-mfi.iinciill. ThS ate
hold" a judgment agsinst it for unpaid cor
tvir.iiinn tale's amounting to some life thou
sand dollars A d iv or two ago the City
Treasurer was called uion to pay a claim
of twelve thuiisind dollars, which left the
treasury without a cent. The situition i
rery embtrra-sin,-, as th- Attorney General
insisted iion i'-uing an execution iu order
to get the money due the State, while the
other creditors having claims ahead of (hit
"have taken action to secure themselves
The City Council has concluded, however,
to fettle first with the State, and o do
this the meuilxrs propose to borrow money
on their individual notes, which is a trying
lU'ine on an ffi ial who works fir noth
ing The statement is made also that exe
cutions lor unpaid taxes hare been issued
against Lock I Uvea and the borough of
Sunbury. With the State Treasury empty,
the corporations will have to pay up.
The visit of Wm. II. Vanderbi t to the
west, has given rise to miny rumors as to
the obi-ctof his coming. It is stated in
dispatches from Chicago that Mr. Yander
bilt has purchased a controlling interest in
the Chicago & .Northwestern road, and
that be intends to make that road
a competitor with the Gould lines,
for the trade of th?J west. Keferring to
this statement, the Council Eluffj Xmpa
ricl has the'following remarks :
It is not clear why Mr. Yanderbilt
should desire to measure strength and skill
with Mr. Gould uader existing circum
stances. If he is not in ab-wlute control of
the Union Pacific, Mr. Gould at least has a
potent influence in its management, and
would experience no difficulty in shapina
its policy so a9 to discriminate against thd
Northwestern in case Yanderbilt shculd at
tempt to tise the latter to his injury. In
that event the Northwestern would be at
a serious disadvantage as regards
through business, and could only
hope to hold its own hv means of incteased
local earnings which are not to be
.thought of as matteis now stand, and as
they, would stand if a struggle for the car
Tyimj trade of the west should be inaugurat
L Mr. Yanderbilt, of course, knows this
aa weH as anybody, and would hardly
engage in a struggle so unpromising from
every point of view. The probabilities in
the case are that the story is either entirely
without foundation, or that Mr. Vanderbilt
is buying Northwestern stock simply as an
investment and without any intention or
desire to precipitate a war out of which he
would be almost certain to come second
Oa the other hand, the following from
the St. Joe IlcralJ, giTea color to the rumor
in regard to Yanderbilt's speculation in
Northwestern, and goes to showthat Gould
intends to "head him off" from any part
of the Union Pacific business by removing
the headquarters of that line to St. Joseph,
making the St. Joe & Denver a link of
the through line, leaving that portion of
the Union Pacific between Grand Island
and Omaha, to be operated as a branch.
Such a movement u this would completely
circumvent the plans of Mr. Yanderbilt in
ths Northwestern, and would give Gould
absolute control of the through western
The Herald says:
' the many railroad mmon Inalintr
1 m oae which seems to have a Terr
1 leaadatioa. that U hdanT.
- '?.i fHtmTrjBMPadraU(Mkianaalw
, iwtfciisatf.
ktalff (ba
road the filing tint tt.e latter line woa'd
lie extended to the Union Pacific this sum
mer has become stronger than before. It
now tran-p res that the engineer, Mr. Sam
Clapp, has b-en out for the past ten days fit, rnlltp frrim ITa-tint- In
I Grand Lland, on (be Union Pacific, for the
supposed purpose of the extension men
tioned. Gnuld has in some way fallen out
with the Chicago ard Northwestern road,
and is said to have declared that they shall
have no more freight from the Union Pa
cific if he can help it. To do this, the
through traffic of the road from the
West will be switched off at Grand
Island and run down the St. Jo
seph and Denver to this ci'y, leaving th-
east'-rn end of the line, from Grand Island
to Oaiaha, to be operated as a branch.
I: is tho'ight that a combination has or
will le made by which the freight and pas
senger truflic will i- sent tnrrugh to the
east better by way of the Hannibal and St.
.1 eph or the St. Loui. Kansas City and
Northern roads. Th- Union Pacific com
pany has coutrol of the Kinas Pacinealo,
and the two lines cin be managed much
more advantageously here thin at Omaha."
Krom all this it would seem thst some
very important movements are likely to be
made in railroad affairs at an early dav.
As n llluiidVr It is Faultle-ns.
;N-w York Tribune.
Yiewd as a blunder, the second rebellion
is ab-jlutelv without a flaw.
An Orthodox Ilrmnrrat.
Memphis Ava anrlir, I nil. I), m
A xnti ipated, the President has vetoed
the army appropriation bill. Hi reasons
contain an elaborate exjiosilion of ortho
dox Iemocratic doctrir.-, as expuundetl by
the ui'n who niad the party great.
Iun't Turn it mi too Strong.
llterOcin, 2
Klison will sot n throw hi electric liht
upon the dpi.ol at Wa-hirgion iff
should not nut' it too brilliant; there are
a good many things about the Capitol that
look better f a shtd-d lamp.
A V.'liole- N:iio or ArtiSIe'ri.
Intor- e-an. '
The Alln"y Jimat calls the speerb of
Senator Coukliog "Trumpet call " It
might Iks appropriately cjI d a whole
salvo of artilliry. It left the f)emocrstic
party crying f r ian'sgui end tournnpietb
to tie up lb ' ii d'd.
ICanvas Ktlitorial Onikiition. C'lianipio.i.l
The talk nhoiit liCf'.ding the Convention
at Kansas t'i'y is a piece of advertising
stuff, und we hnve been surprised at the
fct that an Kur.ui new-psier has evrr
mentioned the Titi.t nisg-fti'jn Thelil
itorial As-ocialitm ot Kausas, at each an
nual uicetinc, fixes tlit pfiint where the
next meeting sh.ill Win Id, At the Con
vention lat June Totcka was elected as the
place wlurc the meeting should be held this
yiar. o -ersoti has any authority to
change this appointment. And it any one
had, there are plf nty of towns within the
limits of our own S.ate that would be glad
to welcome the Kansas editors at their an
nual Conventions.
Hon to Knlurr n v.i-llii: in the
TYrasurj. K1111S..S. lt J iurnal,3.
The State of Mu-Hiuri cannot pay hei
lebt, am! must Ivy a jmjII tax and isue
new bonds to meet 1 hem iVople Ixddirg
warrant', evi u memb rs of her legislature,
cannot get the money for tluir dally pay
Cau-e Democratic rule
The S.ate of Kan-as cannot pay her
debts because her cretlitors will tot take
the money. She has in her treasury a mil
lion ot dollars she does not Know what to
do with, and her bonds cot h:ing due, the
holders prefer them to the cash. She can
only invest the surplus in United State
4 per cents, and wail till the b mds In come
due. Cause of this prosperous condition
U-iubIictn rule.
TlwS-. Lonis Kiilroad ll-g.i, com
menting on this extraordinary state of af
f lirs, sugi:sts a mode of relief, which if
not original is at least pertinent, and
noull be vrry efiective: "To send for State
Treasurer l.aies and the IJurnes." What a
tici th "honest man and god soldier'
and h'.s financial advi-ers would have if
they could only gi-t into a State treasury
like that of Kansas.
In-tinrt or Stca-on.
A small Knglirh terrier, belonging
to a friend, had been taught to ring
for a servant. To tet if the dog knew
why it rang the bell, he was told
do i-o while the girl was in the room. The
little fellow looked up in the most intelli
gent manner at the person giving the order
(his ma'ter or mtstres', I forget which),
then at the servant, and refusel to obey,
nl'hough the order was retailed more than
once. The fcrvant left the room, and a
few minutes afterward thedoi raug the bell
innnnliatcly on bsirg told to il so. I give
the fullowicg as toid by my wife, now dead,
who per'inslly witresed the transaction
on vsriou' occasion'. At her si'ter's house
in Knit a donkey which, when not em
ployed by the children, grazed in a field
wiih soinecow, was in the regular habit of
acting as follows: At the u-ual hour for
the cows to come home to get milked the
donkey lifted the latc'i of the field gate,
oenexl and held back the gate (which
would otherwise have swnng hack a;ain)
till all the cows passed out, then allowed
the gate to shut, a ul went home with the
cows. Of cour-e no oce taught the donkey
to do this, hut the quadruped gave the bi
ped a practictl les'OD, from which I am
not aware that they drew the abstract ver
bally formulated conclusion that reason
may be exercisd without rhetoric
The IrcsH the l.reat Teacher or tJco
cranlij. lNew York Ilerald, 1.1
People have grown accustomed to read
in the columns of the Herald "news from
all parts of the world." and find in the
telegraph subdivi-ions of our pjges state
ments bearing on the affairs of the met
widely separated continents, countries.
States and cities. Obscare rivers be
come f minus 111 connection with great
event' occurring on their bank'. Name'
of villages, unknown beyond a radius of
fifty mile, are suddenly elevate! to the
oignity of a place iu history bv being as
sociated with corgresees or cocfltcs which
overturn empires or call into existence new
States. A little Italian village his given a
ducal title to a hero of S-dferino. The
fame of the Belgian hamlet, Waterloo,
will never fade. The dirt and dogs of
Plevna will not make that little Bulgarian
towu less glorious to Kussim or Turk.
Saratoga was a name in history before
it appeared associated with mineral
waters. What we desire to impress on
our readers in this connection is
that journalism has h-come the
great teacher of geography, and has in
creased, beyond all the po-sioilitics of the
school or lecture room popular knowledge
regarding distant places and foreign peo
pies. When wars convulse and dev istate,
or famine and pestilence scourge other pop
ulation and countries, the first inquiry
made by the intelligent reader of news is,
where these dreadful things are happening.
How near home how far from our fire
sides. The Herald gives a map of the re
gion sffVcted, with all the obtainable de
tails cf topography, statistics of population,
&c These furnish the requisite informa
tion, so that the value cf the news accom
panying them may be intelligently appre
ciated, and the sequence of events followed
in unbroken order.
What Itusola I.o-cs liy the Itarnlnz of
IPhlladelphta TlmesJ
Russia loses by the burning of Orenburg
something more than a mere frontier trad
ing post; the fire involves political and mil
itary interests, having a material bearing
upon the Russian policy in Central Asia.
Orenburg, built upon the west bank of die
Ural, here dividing Asia from Europe, is
the ea-lern terminus of the great line of
railway that runs from St. Petersburg
southeast to Moscow and thence easterly
through Novgorod, Spask and Samara,
Orer this line are moved a larne portion of
J the troops used in Central jssian opera
tions, ana over 11 are Drought, irom either
St. Petersburg or Moscow, all arms, ammu
nition and oihcr strictly military supplies
and a considerable part of the commissary
stores destined for the nse of the Asiatic
armies in the field. Orenburg ia
a great military depot, where all
this ma'erisl of war is stored;
tbe base of all the forces operating in the
tract ot essstUT exteadiag across
to trosttieraf Chaa
to'lijfciHsiM. Ji
"VJi -"-x---
th's time, to he in readiness for the open
ing of the spring campaign, the amount of
supplies on hacd and waiting fcr dispatch
into Asia by caravan u u't have E'en ex
traordinarily largo. It is evident from
thec facts that the burning of Orenburg at
any time would be a znattor of serious and
far-reachinz inconvenience, aCVcticg cot
slightly the success or failure of the opera
tions of t1- armies thousand of miles
away ; and ii also, is evident that its des
truction at the present moment, by stopping
the tranmi-sion of recissarv suppli'" '
the forces in garrison in Central Aais, and
only awaiting the arrival of tLee supplies
t take the fiJd, may have anything but a
happy effect upon the coming spring cam
paign. Tiie Klectrlc I.i:Iit
tfcolon Traveller, M.l
From time to time the public has Icen
informed of the progress made by Mr
Edison towards solviLg the problem cf th
electric light, and pro'Juc ng by this means
a light available for general purposes of
illumination, which shall combine cheap
ness with the other rptiites of a gwd and
available illuminator. We have been, iu
fact, fo frefiuemly assured that the great
inventor is just upon the point of complet
ing bt'di overy, that the public arc get
ting a trille skeptical as to thee announce
ments and are rather disjaoJ to put the
same question as the jieimist, who en
listening to the old song, "There's a good
time coming bjvs," enquired of tre vocalist
whether be ouid not fixtbedete. The
Ne Yirk Uerxll of April 'Siih had an
article stating tint Fdi'on had succeeded
in surmounting tl C j ivi.tal difficulty of the
whole system, that of dividing ihe electric
cur-eat without an enormous lots of illum
ina iugpotcr. Theinvru'orinochariatan,
to claim ijuccfsse' which are not fairly
achieved, ml his own admissions, a? pub
lishtd in last Sunday's i'sueof the same
paja r, 'o not a- all bear out the sanguine
exjictatio"s which have been proclaimed
of the production of a light so far su-rior
to ga for ti'c on an expensive scale that the
gas pipe will tke it' place be-ide the tage
ciacli and the ibntlock inu-ket as relics of
an outgrown state of eoc.ety. There is no
evidence th-t any material advance to
waids the jwrfectinn required for iiublic
and general use hs.s b-en a'tained. No
one knows le.ter than Mr ) discn, or i
note ready to admit that it N a longstep
from the discovery of a principle in science
to its practical exploitation I 1 the labora
tory, as he savs, the ehctric light works to
his stjsiac ion, "but laboratory work and
public work ere two dill -rent things."
'There are hundreds of thirg'," the inven
tor gees on to say, "iu concretion with the
electric liirht system, that 11111-t le care
fully consider ar.d they require time."
A I.omt fall Tor the fool-lilllcr.
Ilec ul Dirteh to tlie Kanis City Times
lMiKrENTENCE, May Tre movement
to ocuipy the ceded lands of the f cdian
Territory continues to "boom" along the
frontier. My anticipations are more than
realiz-d by developments thus f r. I have
information that colonies are formiu in
all Ihe Middle and Western States. The
at erupt of the difjuto government at Warh
ington to check the movement will be nt
terly fntile. There is no iufrarion of law
in the present migration, and if the sdoiin
lstration attempts to ''stamp on." the inva
sion by military fore-, we r-ha'I appeal to
the God of Hattles and the United States
Cjogress to j roiect ii', the invaders, iu
our cjostitutional rihl'. f do not care
a fig for General Hull Kun Pope. If
he will settle this difficulty under
the Western cede, we can end the
controversy in five minutes. I understand
that he has orders from Va-hiu.:ton to put
me under arrest. He csn arrest mc and
be d d. The movement will still go on
but unless he cuts a liet'er figure on the
frontier than he did at Hull Kun there will
be a hellitisptit retreat, and it wm't be
Carpenter's expeJ tion. I re:Ct the laws
of God and man; I am loyal to my Gov
ernment, but I swear hv the Tunes' mapof
the Indian Territory, and it tells me that
there are fourteen million acres of public
lands o(e;i to settlemeut under the Home
stead and Pre-emption laws of the United
StaUs, and as an old soldier of the Union.
serving durinj: the entire war, 1 am entitled
to one hundred ar.d sixty acres of lacd,
free of cost, and propose to preempt the
same in the heart of the capital of the
incipient State of Oklahoma. (Jive
the white man, as well ss the black man,
they How man and the red man a chance.
This is the feeling that inspires the present
spontaneous immigration to the Indian
Territory. Millions of settlers for defence,
if need be, but not oce cent per acre for
There is intense excitement here as well
as at Fort Scott, Parson', Chetopi, CoffVy
ville, and in fact all along ths frontier.
Perhajts my next secial will b dttcd in
the guard hou'e st Fort L-avennorth, oral
the old Capitol Prison in Washington, and
perhaps it won't.
On t oOklohoina !
CAKrcfTKB, Commanding.
What They
IN'cw York Times.l
The question of food is fast getting to he,
in America, the strongest line of demarka
tion between those who live in large cities
ami those who dwell in the country. In
tormer days, there was rustic speech, dre'
and intelligence which were unmistakable
clisracterisiiis, but though these continue,
the effect of time has been to Iesren the con
trast which cxi'tet. The country bovs are
taught in their schools to pronounce word'
correctly,and to ti'e when piwakicg a pro
per inflection, and, though home training
may run counter to this, there has been
within th e experience of the last gen
era ion a decided improvement. In a like
manner, the country tailor copies his city
rival much more closely than he uted to,
when he can fifed customers, for our vil
lages and towns are now Hooded with
ready-made clothicg sent out from the
great manufacturing establishments in
one or two of our .Eastern cities.
Of intelligence it is needless to speak, for
newspapers and magazines circulate every
where. Bit with cooking the divergency
in practice is increasing rather thandimin
i.-hing, a re-ult due to the fact that, where
as in earlier times country cooking and
cily cooking were pretty much alike, now
the former reraaics constant to the old
ideal, while the latter has undergone many
beneticient changes. Take for example the
bread that is eaten in these different sec
tions. In our own cily there is an immen.-e
amount of inferior bread made and pre
sumably consumed, but, withTrare excep
tions, even this is ichoitcly better than the
sosgy loaves and rolls which disgrace the
tables of forty-nine out of every fifty farm
houses. In certain quarters, where metro
politan ideas of eating have penetrated,
e3orts have been made to introduce
oatmeal and cracked wheat, but the ability
to properly cook these simple articles
seems to be generally wanting, and, conse
quently, they are usually served in a half
cooked condition. With soup the case is
still worse, for it is not only cne of the
cheapest and met nutrious articles of food,
hut it is one of the easiest to prepare. But
a man may travel through our farming
districts for weeks without encountering a
housewife of native parentage who ever
uses this means of utilizing the fragments
of former meals. Indeed, in matters of this
kind our country may be compared to an
immense desert in which some fifteen or
twenty cities form conspicuous oases. In
time their influence will be felt, but the
task of improving is almost as arduous as
would he the fertilization ot the Sahara.
Sn nc anit nccrsoll
We hope Colonel Ingersoll has read or
will read I rolessor Swicgs sermon printed
in the Itcr-Occan yctirday. Not for its
logic or i!s argument, but for that beauty
and candor and that gentle rebuke that is
sometimes worth more than arcument.
We know of nothing bitter that Professor
Swing has spoken for these many years
than the sermon oa the " Defect of the In
gersoll Address." delivered on Sacday
morning. And it is the kind of sermon
that tells on puhlic sectiment. There are
passages that are severe on Ingersoll, but
they are passages that he himself can aa
mire even wbi'e being com e'ed bv them.
Professor Swing speaks of Ingersoll as a
lawyer trained to look upon one side only
of a case, and says :
Men trained in a profession come by de
grees into the profession's channel, and flow
only urine one direction, and always be
tween the same banks. 7 he master of a
learned profession at last becomes its slave.
-He who follows fiithfnlly any calling
wearaatlaHasaalof that calling's abase.
Ywiwwta Mw iiilfc i.toi l tkoMtr
AmmtU fcwr
-- -ja
boys and girls in the winter mornings, ard
had dismissed them sinter evemegs after
sundown; and had done this for fifty lorg
ye-rs O-e Monday I e did not appear.
Death had struck his old and feeble pulse;
but, dying, his mird followed its beautiful
but njirow river btd, and his la-t words
were: "It is growing dark, the school is
disifii; : let tie girls pass out first."
Men of intense emotional jiower like Mr.
Ingereoll, and men who, 1 ike him, have
hearts as full of colors as a painter's shop,
are wont beyond commen to iour their pis
sions upon cne object rather than diffu-e it
allover tne worm. liue can awaken anc
entertain, and nhalte, acd untitle, but then
after it is over, we all must seek for final
guides men who are calmer, and spread
gentler o-nts with their brush. I am, lher
fore, of the opinion thst none of us should
follow any ore man, but rather all men ;
should seek that general impression, that
wide-reaching cimmon sense which knows
little of ecstacy aid little of despair.
Professor Suing gees on to say that Col.
Iogtrsoll's addre-res '"are wonderfull con
centrations of wit and fun, and tears and
logic hut concentrations Umn minor points
Tny are severe upon a little group of
men, upon literrlisis and old C alviuists,
and old jsopf, atd old monks, but they do
not weigh and measure fully the religion
of su"h a being as Jesus Christ.
'There i, it is true," ootuues Profes
sor Swing, '"a time and place for irony, but
after it has done its work amid the acci
dental of a time or a place, there remain'
much, to be studied by the solier intelligent
and loved by the heart which reVly cae
for the useful and the true. Above the
brambles and thorns of 1 egend, at which
the narrow eye may 1 itrgh, there rises up
from the Mof aTc s jtl a growth of moral
truth that caicl es at last fjll sun
shine ana full bresz; a ,-rnih that will
long make a grod sh. d w lor the graves of
Chris ian aid infuel tstoejih.1'
We cannot resist reproducing f rther ex
tracts from this admiral'eicnion. Speak
ing of the narrow ground trodden by Inger
soll, Mr. Spring puys:
Ihe metliid of the ad Iresses i' very de
fective. It is not a wide survey of a two-thousand-year
enod ia human civiliza
tion, a jtriod when lee Hebrews were
makirg imperishable the g od of tbcl",:jp
tuns who were dying fr -ji vices and des
potism, but is only I ne ramble cf a satirist
having a sharp eye for defect' and a mot
ready tongue. All the bygone jeriods
may be pa-red over in two manner'. We
may uo forth for our laughter or for our
pensiveuess and wisdom Juvenal saw o'd
Home full of disoltite ir.eo and women
Yirgilsawit full of literature. Tacitus
lound it not destitute of lit roes; and where
Juvenil found the huso H't's all debauches,
and the wives all hyjsocriles, tnere the mivt
c-din and elegent hi-torians found the most
exctllent Agricola, and found a wife of
spotless fame iu the daughter Dauiitia.
Ti us the idas of 'Mt-e," and ' Church,"
and "Heaven," and "God," lie Wfore Mr.
I ogersoll tube pictured by his skillful de
ri-ion, but alter the artist has drawn hi"
little Puritanic Hebrew an 1 his absurd
heaven, and has painttd his little gods, and
has limned his old papal heavecs and hell,
another scene opens, and tLere untarnished
are the deep things of right and wrorg, the
laimortal hopes of man, ri.d a Heivenlj
Father which "canLot be placed upon a j s
ter's canvas.
The truth is, we must move through the
present and the past with both eyes open
and with a mind willing to know all and to
draw a corc'iisum from the whole ojm
biced clcud of witties-es. The author of
the addresses docs not do this. He does not
make a wide survey nor draw conclusions
from widely tcitlered fac's, aud hence,
alter he has spoken about the lmrrors of
the Mosaic age, or of the church, there re
mains that ageof that church emptymgrich
treasures into the general civilization, purt
tyiog the barbarous ages, awaking the in
tellect, stimulating the arts, inspiring good
works, elevating tLe life of the living, by
setting before man a God and a future ex
istence. Oar Christianity has a Hebrew ori
gin. The Sermon ou the Mount was begun
by Moses. As Mr. Ingersoll does
not know wherce man came, eo he knows
not whither he goes, and therefore he must
himself stai.d aial permit others to stand
in the presence of death as in the presence
of a treat mystery that, at lyast, sh-.uld
silence all dogmati'in of priest or infidel
The logic of tbe adJresees may be fitted for
the common jury, hut they ate too rude for
man who is weeping his way along be
tAeen birth and d-aili.
Logic cinnot make such shcrt work cf
the religious fentiments. Mr. Ingersoll
fays: "If you can ever find a God. jtt't
let me know, ard I shall kneel. Until
then I shall stand creci." What injustice
to that delicate form of reason, which has
moved the world for, perhaps, 10 000 veers!
We do not propose to lind God tr a future
life. What the world has foHnd long since
is the deep hojie in a God, acd the mt a-ure-lejs
hope that the dying loved ones of the
world will meet in a land that is better.
Nobody has come to the human race to let
it know that a God has been foiled, but
many come to it saying, '"My dearchildren,
let us trust that all this matrhles univer-e
came frrm a Creator, and that from him
we came." So many and so holy were
ihee voices, and bo resionsive was the
heart, that upon this trust the living and
the dying have knelt and have told their
doings to the Invisible. TLe human race
has not been haughty. It has been willing
to kneel. Its heart has never been stone
nor its knees bras'. It has stood erect in
battle where liberty was to be won; it has
been a' erect as an infidel when a bosom
was to be bared for arrows or bullet', or
when the nick was to be unclothed for the
fatal ax, but in moments of hope and long
ing it has bent willingly in prayer.
Xotrs I'm 111 the Capital.
Topeka Common wealth 18
Superintendent Welch admitted the Man
hattan Life Insurance Company, cf New
York, to this state yesterday, and licensfd
H. D. Macuav, of Leavenworth, as sgent
of thesimc. He also forwarded ctosary
blanks for compliance with the laws of the
State with the Glens Fall' Insurance Com-
psry, of New York, and to the Watertown
Fire Insurance Company, of Watertown,
New York.
J. B. Kennedy, of Doniphan county; K.
H. Ctosby, of Jefferson county; W. F
Hetherinston, of LyoaT county; John Wil
son, of Osborne county; Leverette G. B-iis,
of EJwards county; O. Fagerherg, of Pot
tawatomie county; and dros lxgenbyke,
of Hodgsman county; E. S. Had lock, of
Stafford County, Geo. Hampton of Chere
kee county; and Ludwig Hartz, oi Hodge
man county, are commissioned Notaries
The Camp of the Patrol l.unnl.
Topeka Commmwejlth, 3
This camp is at the ntouth of Hackcey
Creek, known as the Kock ilanche, in Bar
bour county, lorty-two miles from Medicine
Lcdse, and eighty rods from tna line of the
Indian Territory. The party consists of
Captain J H. Hibbets, and Dr. Rigg, ot
Medicice Lodge, aa surgeon, and twenty
three enlisted men.
These men are well armed, uniformed
and mounted, all but the camp bugler.
This makes twenty-four horses, and two
mules to the wagon for hauling sup
plies. The people along the border
are all well pleatd and satisfied
with the movement, it has given a
feeling of security to everyone. The flings
thrown at the Governor fcr not selecting all
the men from these border counties, fall
flat. The prompt action of the Governor
has made him very popular. Ine enlisted
men are taken from different counties, and
selected as men cf experience. Some are
men of families. The border will be
patrolled for a distance of from one to two
hundred mile, acd if there should appear
to be any danger, wont will at once be sent
through all the settlements, so that the
companies) which have been organized at
different places can be called out if neces
sarv. Adjutant General Noble will ba in
The evidence is steadily cumulative
thst the influence of the civilization of Asia
npon America and Polynesia was Terr con'
siderable long b fere Europeans visited
these latter regions. Dr. Burnett-Taylor
finds that the game cf draughts played in
the Sindwich islands is much more closely
related to tbe ancient game which is prac
ticed in -tvypt at tbe present day thin to
the modern game with which we are beat
acquainted. Kite-frfing was well under
stood in the Sooth sea islands at least as
con aa it was known in the west of Europe.
land it most have beea contmnnicatcd to
-; :v.
The A prll number of tbe Xttuteenth Century
JnitrectleJ, brings til-full text of Tenny
son s poem, "The Defence or Lucknow,"
BanDer of England, not for a season, O ban
ner of Erliatu, liast thou
Floated la conquering battle or flapt to the
battlfMrry !
Ke er w un mlshtler elory than when we had
rear'd thee on high
FlylU2 at top of the roofs In the ghastly
fcl-se of Lucknow
Shot tlno tbestxtl or the halyard, but ever
w lal'ed thee anew.
And e-r upon the topmost roof our banner
of Kugtund blew.
Frail were the works that defended the hold
that we held with our lives
Women and children among us, (Jod help
ttiem.ourclilldrenand wives!
tloM 11 we MUhl aud lorntteeu days or for
twenty almo-t.
".Never surrender, I chnrgo you, but every
........ I... ... I. .., .WW. t't '
mail uic ... 111a )... . 4j,i
Voice? of the derid whom we loved, our taw
renre. the best of the bra e:
Cold were tits brow a when w klsMJiim we
laid htm that ulchl lu his crave.
"i:irj man die at tin. p-i!" and there hall-
e-lou hous'hund halls
Dentil fiom tcelrrlttsbuilets, and death from
their cannon-balls.'
Deatli In our innermost chamber, and death
at our alight brilcude,
Death w bile c stood wiih the mnsket, and
death while we Moot to the aii&de.
Death to Hie dying, and wounds to the
wounded, for otteu there ell,
i-Hrlbtu the hospital wall, crashing thro' It,
their shot and their shell.
Dealb for their spies wen huiovg u, their
iiiaikMiieii weri lo!d of our bet,
dotliMt the brut-bullt-i broke thru' the brain
thateouut ihtna for triur-t.
Uullrts would s. 114 byourtoreheud", and bul
lets would rain at our levi
Fire from teu thousand nt ouch of the rebels
that girded usiouud
Death at ttie ell misled u tl tiger fiom over the
breadth of a street,
Deutii irom Hie heulus of the movjue and
the p dace, slid death in ihe irouud.
Mine? Yes a nun ! Couutermliie! down,
down! and creerp thro iheho.e!
Keep the reolvr iu haud! You can bear
htm Ihe murderous mole.
Qulel.uh! quiet-wait till me poiut ot the
pick ax be thro'!
Click with the pick, comluguearerand near
er again than before
Sow let itsi-trnkardyou Ore, and the dark
pioneer is no tiio e;
And eer iiiniii t tie topmost roof our hinner
ot tinsland blew
Ay, Iiut thefoespruns his mice many times,
rdu it chaiicvd ,.fi u duy
.Soon as ihe blast of that underground thun
derclap echo'd away,
D.irk litre the smoke and the Milr hur, like
so llHU) tlelids in their he-li, muskt t thot, olley oa volley
and yell u imy.ll
Fie c I) on all ttiudefenstacur myriad en
emy fell.
Lt i.ue they done? Where Is It? Oat yon
der. Uuaid heihdau!
sjtoirn at th-. Wat r-gat.-! Storm at the
lUlley.Kii e! storm, and It ran
ur.'lu; and tuajlng all round us, a ocean
on every sld.
PluiiKrs a-.d heavesata bank that lsd.illy
drowu'u Its Urn tide
-0 many thousands that If they be bold
e-uoii!!i. who shall escape?
ICII1 or bo Klll'd, llveordiu. they shall know
Welirefcoldlelsaild m-ii!
Keadj ! take h m at their leaders their Kiass
es. u'e Kapp'd Willi our braise
Backward they rel like the wave, like the
waelluii;liiy forward again,
Kljinculi.l loU',1 tit the l.isl by the handful
they could not sabdut; upon lb- topiuoit roof our banner
of Ejgtaud blew.
Handful of means we were, we were English
Hi heart ami lu limb,
httroin; iih the. strength of the race to com-
uiaiiu, to obey, to endure,
Each id us loulit as if hoje lor the garrison
hunt: but 011 him:
stt 1 ould weuHteh ntnllpolnts? We.were
eer day fewer and tetter.
There whisier fatnuug us, but only a
villain r thai pist;
"Children aud wiv.s;i thu tigers leap into
tile told uuawures,
Etr uiaudloai his post and the foe may
oullve us ut last
Better to fll h the hanila that they love,
lhau to fall into their!"
Hot upon roirlu a moment two mines by
the enemy snrumr
Clove into ix-riiouscnasmsour walls aud our
poor paiiasue-..
ltltlt-iiieu, truo is your heart, but be sure that
lour naud be us true!
Sharp is ihe flie ot assaud, better aimed are
jour Hank tuslladts
Twice do h e li urt them to earth from tbe lad-
uers 10 winch they had clung.
Twice from the ditch ttberti they shelter we
drive the 111 with han 1 grenades:
Atiiltvtr upon the to. uiott tower our ban
ner of Kugland blew.
Then on another wild morning another wild
Clean troai o-r llueaot defense ten or twilve
good paces or more
Kilhiueii. ultra on the roof, hidden there
from theluhtofthjaaii
Uneii-s mpi jniu iffToreach, crying out:
"Hi low nie, lo.low me!"
Maklilm he iils! tlica ano'.h.r, and Aim,
liKi, and dow n goes he.
Hid they bee-u bold enough then, who can
tell but the traitor hau wou?
It 'ardlngsand ratters :nd doors an embra
sure! make way for the gun!
Now double cbai gelt with riiape! It.scbarg
tdatid we lire, und they ruii.
Praise to our l.dlau h otneis, and let the
dark lace have hisdu!,
Ihsuiks M the kindly dirk f ice) who fought
with us, failh.u! lew,
roubt Willi Ihe bravest among u-,HUdurove
them, and bitiote the.i., and slew.
That ever uikju the lopmou roof our banner
lu Ifedm blew.
Men will forset what wetuiTer and not what
we do. We can tight;
Eut to be soldier -Ii day aud ;be sentinel all
through the night ;
Ever the mine aud assault, cur sallies, their
l)iu,; alarms.
Bugles aud drums in the darkness, and shou'-
lngs aud souiitliius to arm'.
Ever the labor of tlil that Cad to ba done by
11 e,
Ever the marvel among usthat one should
be left alle.
Ever the day with Its traitorous death Irom
the loop-Nous around.
Ever the nighluiih itjc jtanless corpse to be
laid In tne ground
Heat like tje mouth of a hell, or a deluge of
cataract skies.
Stench ot old offal decaying, and Infinite
torment unties.
Thoughts ot tlie breezes of May blowing over
Cholera. nutey aud fever.the wound that
uvuiu nut ue ueaieii,
Loppiuit away of tbe limb by the pltlful-nlt-iiess
Torture and trouble In vain lor It never
could aave usu. lift.:
Valor of delicate women who tended the
hospital bed.
Horror of wouicu lu travail among the dying
aud deal.
Grief tor our perishing children, and nevera
moment tor grief.
Toll and lnettable weariness, faltering hopes
ui renei,
Havclock balll'-d, or beaten or butchered for
all that weknew
Then day and .night, day and night, coming
down on the sill, shattered walls
.Millions of musket bullets, aud thousands of
cannon balls
But eernpnu the topmost roof our banner
of tnglaud blew.
Hark, cannonade, fullade! Is It true what
was told br the scout?
Outratn and Il'Ve.ocs: breaking their way
throush the fell mutineers!
Surely the pibroch of Europe is ringing
again in our ears:
All ou a sudden the garrison ntter a Jubilant
Havelock's glorious Highlanders answer
with conquering cheers.
Forth from luelr holes and tholr hidings our
women and children come out.
Blessing the wholesome white faces of HaTe-
lock'a good fuslleera.
Kissing the war-hardenel hand of the High
lander wet with their tears!
Dance to the pibroch saved! we are saved!
is .1 vou? Is it vou?
Sayrd by the valor or Havelock, saved by the
blessing of Heaven!
"Hold It for fir tee a days!" we have held It
lur eigniy seven:
And ever aloft on tbe palace root the old
banner of England alew.
The saloons in Osage l ity hre been
closed up.
J. II Sheltou has hen appjiuUd City
Marshal of Paola.
Crawford county has organ"zed a
cultural society.
Oikaloo'a hta organized a permanent
lecture association.
Real estate sales in Wyandotte county
during the month of April amounted to
In JefTer-on County.
fOkaloosa Independent, 3.1
All the fields of wheat we have seen here
are looking magnificent.
Onaga Journal.
Mirs Susan B. Anthony lectured last
week in Louisville, and also visited the
schools and ,gave the children a pleasant
ITopeka Commonwealth.)
The Society of Spirituilists had a pic-nic
dincer acd sociable in the City Park yes
terday. Tbe Xissoaurl Facile.
lEareka Graphic
ThelTuaotui Paeiae Kaiiroad camcaar
!! .swg i laghiaw jsafasiagtha
Columbus Courier, 1.
Major l.?ckifeller is quietly working up
the project of the railrosd from Columbus
to Parsons. It i' only a question of time
when the carj will be ruanin .
A Touli Varn.
IGarden Qty Paja.r.1
Uncle J:m Fnstoa caught etyera! wild
horses last Stturday asd tied them out on
the prairie. During ths night it rained,
causing the rope to shrink so much that it
choked one horse to death.
Xot Jterpresented.
( Vtchlson.CbampIon 3.)
Atchison has no army, ar.d consequently
was not represented, otherwise a Colonel or
a Major at lean would have f'llen to the
lot rf the city, and then the loud timbrels
would have rent the air to ihe luce of
"" A Petrified lteptile.
Onaga Journal.
Charlie Mueick took from a rock, near K.
A. Thomas' residence, part of a petrifirxl
reptile about five inches long It shosrs dis
tinctly the shape of the spinal bone, the
rib', etc Mr. luick says the head was all
broken up in getting it ont.
Itond F.lecllon.
Oia;e City Free Press, 2 1
An election has been called to vote for
or against bond' to the amount of SlO.OoO,
for school buildirg The bnds to be pay
able in fifteen year', to draw seven per
cent interest, and to be sold at not lea than
face value one hundred teats on the
Steel ItaiN.
I'atawatotnle Chief I
The K. P. Company are Isyins; steel rails
between this place and Kan'as City, and iu
a short time intend putting them don all
along the line. They have also adopted
the improved Miller platform for their
coachc, thus doin away with the old
fashioned platform and coupler.
Sfilltlaiii Harper County.
I ropeka CummonweaJth, 3.1
A special company of militia has been
formed at Anthony, Harper county, with
J V. Chtmbers as captain Actios Ad
jutant General, Lieut. Col. Tilley, yester
day shipped sixty stand of arms and two
thousand roucdi of ammunition, for u-e by
tbe company.
The Itisht Kirn! (if .Wlshboro.
Ottawa Journal
Mr. W. N. Abraham, of Lincoln town
ship, has been suffering severely for the
past few weeks, with heart diseve. A few
days ago, his neighbor sturncd out aid did
his spring's plowing and otherwise pti-htd
his spring's work along. He says he fully
appreciates the kindness, and feels that his
lines are indeed cast in pleasant place'.
Hailed in.
Topeka Commonwealth, 3.
I.igers and CIuIk, in theShawr.eecounty
jail, charged with robbing the postofUce at
Osage Mission, will remain there until Oi
tober 13ih, unlfRs they give bail in the sum
of S2,000 each. Grindy atal Post, also
United States prisoners, rlnrjed with coun
terfeiting, are to rai-e SI. 003 eich, or re
main in durance vile until that date.
Fnt and tVind-lirohcn A'nzn Will not
lie.lileato Itun Aaiiint Saitimy.
Inter Ocean, 2
While a Chicago paper trots out David
Davis, and the er York Sun U grooming
(Jeneral Palmer for the race of 1SS0, the
Sams of Democracy are solid for the hero
of Grameicy Park. Fat and wind-broken
na' will have small hope of even an entry
for the first heat.
It N Visible to the .a!.-d i:-e-.
Boston Advertiser
A flatting str has bv-n discovered in the
Washirgton sky by Profesr Tilden, cf the
Gramercy Park t.Vjn'ervatcty. I: was of
the very first magnitude, gaseous in it's ele
ments; was het :-d fn in .lie -Northwest to
the So Jth, and if s's- i:i glories burned
principally in ths v.c m.t of the Cipital
and the White II .m Pro essor Tilden
has csmsd his d. overy ths Divid Davis.
It is visible to the UiLed .ve.
About Steal Trninpw.
I.awr nee Journal, 3.
AVilh the retu-ti of warm weather comes
a revival of the tramp nuisance. A greiler
number than for some time previous are in
the city at present, anil leavenworth and
other of the surrounding places are com
plaining of the presence of lare numbers
of these vandal'. While some good men
seeking work are undoubtedly to be found
among them, the average tramp is a worth
less and often dangerciH character. If the
nuisance continues ice casing, somelegi-li-tion
in regard to it will I necessary in thi',
aa it has been in other States.
A fserioiiH Accident.
Co urnbus Courier, l.
Last Monday forenoon, while out hunt
ing with Mr. Kit g, George Houston, a
worthy young mantf this city, met with
an accident that will make him a cripple
for life. He was standing on the bank of
the pond at Leadbette r's farm, near the ice
hodse, and being about ready to come
home, concluded to di-charg his gun,
which he did, but instead of the load of
shot coming out of the muzzle, the barrel
bursted immediately where he hail hold of
it, tearing oil" his entire left hand, eicept a
portion of the thumb.
iVmit It filiform.
Osage County Chronicle.!
A discussion is being carried on in the
CommonKeaWt concerning the stone for the
building ot the new wing of the State
Capitol. The stone in the east wing ap
pears all right, and som from the same
quarries at Fort Riley placed forty year"
ago still show the tool marks. Oae or two
stones in the east wing have cracks, prob
ably due to defects in the foundation. We
hope our elate Commissioners will not
commit the folly of using a different stone
in the new wing. Ihe difference in color
would be an eyesore as lorg as the build
ings lasts. It is bad enough to have one
wing seven feet wider than the other with
out this additional disfigurement.
A Xarroiv i:eape.
Osarj" Clt Free I'rees, 2.1
Mr. Wm. II. Clo'e had an narrow e-cape
from death, on Tuesday. He was digging
a well on the Slus-er farm, and having put
in a blast of powder he stopped a moment
at the top and looked down to see that all
was right, when the blast exploded, and
p!eces of rock struck him all over the face,
making a bad picture of it. but fortunately
none of the pieces were very large.
To lie Landed In Kausan City.
Wyandotte (Jszet'.e, I.
Mr. PrentLas, chairman of the transporta
tion committee of the relief organizition at
St. Louis, was in town Thursday, and will
probably be in Kansas City until Sunday or
Monday. He informed us that in future
all the colored refugees Fhipped by the
committee at St. Louis will be landed at
Kansas City, and immediately transferred
to the cars acd forwarded on to such points
ss may bj selected as their destination
without any delay.
Decoration Day at I'aola.
Miami I.publIcan.J
It will be seen from the proceedingi cf
the Committee of old soldiers which met at
the court hou'e last Sitnrday, that Decora
tion day is to be observed in a becoming
style. There will be a meeting of the same
Committee on Saturday at the same place
at 1 o'clock, to which all who feel an inter
est are invited. At that time tbe details of
the day will be arranged and suitable com
mittees appointed. At their meeting on
Monday evening the Paola Rifle' appointed
a cammitteo to co-operate with the old
soldiers in the work.1
-To Your Teeth, siir. Yon Lie."
I Wyandotte Gazette, 2.
The Pilrut publi-hes as a matter of his
tory the indi'putable factthat the citizens
of Wyandotte armed themselves with doable-barrelled
shot guns and patro'ed the
banks of the river to prevent the colored
people from Coming to Kansas. Atchison
The Gxette publis-ei as a matter of his
tory the indisputable fact that the above
statement, is a malicious Democratic lie,
containing not the least shade or coloring
of truth.
Col. nallovrell not Confirmed
Topeka Commonwealth, 3.
Some days since we sta'ed that CoL Hal
lowell had been confirmed as United States
District Attorney. We stated this on in-
fomatioa waietr we aappased was reliable.
In it mmm tkatooxiafanaaatWM awe-
takrn. Col. Hsllowell has been into the
Tndian Territory under the direction of the
United States Governmentto report on the
immigration going there. He did not,
however, act as Di-trict Attorney, but ex
amined, and is to, or has made a report to
the authorities.
The K. V.and S. Itoad.
I Kansas Valley Times. 2-I
Mr. Frank A. Kossiter, of Ellsworth,
civil engineer, his reached Kassville, with
his corps cf assistants, acd under orders
from the Kansas Valley and Southern rail
road, and will at once set about the survey
of a feasible route from Rossville, across
the Kansvs river, via Mill ValIey,to Maple
Hill, Xewbury, Alma and Council Grove.
Udr farmers will had this surveying party
to be experienced men and affable gentle
men, acd any courtesy they may receive
from the farmer' along the route cf their
ope a tons will be fully appreciated.
The St. I.- It. .1 A . Itoad.
(Mlamt Itepuhllcan.)
A gentleman in Paola received a letter
on Wedmsday last from Mr. Garrison, the
Vice-President of the St. Louis, Kaasa
& Arizona Kiilroad Company, stating that
the bond difficulty in Anderson county hav
ing been adjas,edr.there will be no further
delay; that early next week he wonld ar
arrive ia Paola when the work would com
mence. He stated that he had purchased
steel railings for the first hundred mile,
and spoke of other matters connected with
tt.e building cf the road. We may look
for tbe road from (lsawatomie and (iamett
to be built. The building of the Ottawa
branch was not mentioned, and we know
not whether the building of it will com
mence right away or not, as will the road
to Garnelt. It is understood that Mr. Gar
rison's headquarters will be in Pa-o'c.
DroM ned Oklahoma.
iSpeclal Di-patch to the JC. C. Journal,
Fort Pcott, Kas., May 2 Two men,
nicies unknown, were drowned to-day in
the Marmaton river. A farmer near .Ne
vada, Mo., with whom they stopped last
night, said they hailed from a trading post
in Kansas, acd were selling Holt's honey
extractor; one aged fifty, the other twenty.
A team aud wagon was found three miles
south of where ihey catered the water. The
bodies of the men were not recovered.
.An organiz iticn was effected here last
night, led by John Forbes, once a newspa
per man cf this city, for the purjiofe of
taking up claims in the Indian Territory,
sjulh of ft ixter Spring'. They anticipate
no trouble Irom the Indians or government
troops. They will take farming imple
ments and all ths ncccsary stock. They
propose laying out a town site and other
wise improving the country.
(fttins Anaionx.
The ft Ilowing letter has been received by
the Kansas City Timer.
Bclmtt's Bayou, P. O , La , April '27,
IST'J. Plea-e let me know, by return
mil, as to how the are faring in
Kansas. l.eort are contradictory, as to
their condition. L is a very serious que-s
tion, and, I would like to have and equally
serious answer. Let me know if the jaople
(generally ) in Kansas desire their immi
gration, or not. There are now about lo0
of thim here ready for transportation ; they
expect to go for nothing. Their idea i'
that ingoing they w;Il be fed and clothed
by the "Government," and not have to
labor. We can supply their piaces with
ther labor, but we wih to learn sorue
.lung of the "Exodus" from some one who
nas nad opportunity to see and know. I
am, sir, I.ssi-ectfuIIy your,
AkciiikM. i-ElMA.'.
Tie- for Hay.
1 to i Clear or fair.
2 to Clouding, threatening weather,
with heavy and severe etorms in places.
5 to 7 Cle ir or f iir.
7 to 11 Clouding and threatening wea
ther, with local storms.
11 to IS Clear or fair.
13 to 17 Clouding and threttening wea
ther, with heavy and severe storms in
17 to 19 -Clear or fair.
VJ to "2 Clouding, threatening weather,
with rain storms in places.
22 to 21-Clear or fair.
21 to 23 Clouding, threatening wcither,
with severe storms in daces.
23 to .10 Clear cr fair.
SI Clouding.
The warmT davs will b? about the oth,
10,h, lo.b, 21st, 27lh and 31st.
The cooler days will lie about tLe l't,
7th, 11th, 17th, 231 add 30th.
The lilot;i Filled.
The following order will be issued in a
few days:
C, 1S70 J
Acji-tast General's Off
TofKKA, March C,
Gereul OiJus, So. 1.
On account of the great demand for or
ganizition of Military Companies through
out the State, from all sections, and the
scarcity of arms and accoutrements with
which to meet such demand, and the furth-erj-eason
that to the extreme border is due
the protection guaranteed by euchorganizi
tion it is deemed exiedient to refuse the
recognition of any further petitions to or
ganize Military Companies in the interior
of the State, until further orders from this
The Adjutant General is hereby ordered
to tiromulgate this order to all concerned.
I!v order if the Commander-in Chief.
Adjutant General.
a i:irc.:u shot.
."r.-ljhlc Account of the Shootins of
Theodore It. t r'licr. of Chicago, by
Ir. Amelia l.olicrt TI.e Victim of
thoShot Oit".niid tIic3!urdrrH;-oe4
Chicago Times, 3
The law office of Messrs. Jtis.sen A Ander
son,on the third floor of the Times building,
was the scene of a tragic and most start
ling episode on yesterday afternoon. The
woman of the period, when she has any
real or imaginary wrong to right, place her
whole tru't in the avenging revolver, and.
with constant practice, her markmanship
has gained a precision that might well be
envied by Carver or Bogardus. The at
tempt to murder in this instance wan pre
meditated with a cunning and deliberate
ness absolutely fiendish, the victim, though
advised of trouble, being thrown completely
off his guard, and this afforded the woman
every opportunity to carry her deadly in
tent into mo-t efiective execution.
i' Mr. Theodore I! Weber, a member of the
well known wholesale boot ami shoe firm
of Geo. W..Webjr & Co., doing business on
Market street; the a-saillant; Mr'. Amelia
Robert, a woman who his been the bane of
his existence f Jr a period covering sixteen
or seventeen years, who has charged him
with seduction, with rape, acd being the
father of a boy born to her, who at the age
of 14 was drowned, about two years ago,
who has blackmailed him in and out of
season, bled him to the extent of several
thousand dollar', and finally summed up
the persecution by tending a bullet into his
fjAfter meeting the woman's demands for
nearly a score -of years that he might
tcp his name nnsmirched before the com
munity and save his family from the dis
grace of an expo-nre Mr. Weber finally
determined to face the music in manly
fashion and make open and stubborn re-si-tance
to all future attempts at black
mailing. Whatever Mr. Weber's faults
may have ben in the past, he had atoned
for them bitterly years ago paid for them
iu dollars as well as untold agony of soul
and during thee later proceedings, none
but tbe most sentimental will contend that
the woman had any farther natural claim
upon him. For years he bled literally at
evety pore. Mill the woman refused to let
up, claiming that under a certain covenant
and transactions a considerable ecm was
yet due her. To secure this
and the trial has been set for some time in
July. Previously, Mr. Weber had made
arrangements to visit Europe, and as this
snit threatened to delay his departure, the
court granted leave that the testimony in
the case might be taken before a notary
public, in the form of depositions, thus
obvisticg ths necessity for his presence at
the trial.
began on Wedaeday before Xotary F. J.
Q-ifSa, rrom 30 Bryan block, corner of La
Si'l ' and Monroe strteta. Mr. Weber was
j.reseuf ia persea. atwadem ky aiaattor-
- j " s .- k. g .- -,. J,CJ - "s! , J
ncy, Col. Jusscn. Mrs. Kjber was repre
sented by Mr. Shaedner.
Before the examination began Mrs. Kob
ert gave an exhibition of her feeiiegs by
throwing a chair at Mr. Weber. When
tbe examination adjourned for the day Mr.
Weber stepped toward the door. Just at
the moment he reached it Mrs. Robert
jumped up and make a dash at him. He
succeeded in gaining the hall and held the
door between th-m. She tuggrd on the in
side and he held it firmly fjr a time on the
outside, but finally let go and took refuge
behind the rigging of an e'ev-ttr. I.uh
inginto the hall and ui-jiK him there she
again made a dash at him, but this time
was intercepted by C I. Juoen. She wrig
gled fiercely in his stout grip, screamed
and jelled at the top of her voice, bat was
finally subdued and the party separated.
Neither Mr. Weber nor Mr. Ju--en felt
certain that
bat they suspected her of having de'igns on
the former's life, and according y the latter
took the precaution to secure the presence
of ona of Pinkerton's detectives at Hie con
tinuation of the examination yesterday
Mrs.Kobert hid no cause to suspect that
her actions were under strict surveillance,
for the detective deported himself as any
ordinary spectator. He kept a watchful
eye on her every movement, but the woman,
after all, proved too much for him, al
though when the shot was fired he was
within easy reach of her.
As on the preceding day, so on yeslerd.ay,
the examination was conducted in room 37,
Bryan block. Oa yesterday afternoon
and a report of her testimony will be found
in another part of this account. Mr. Jus
sen, fearing for his client's life, had advised
him not to be present during Mrs. Robert's
examination, ar.d he accordingly remained
in Mr. Jussen's office, in the Tin's' build
ing. Mrs. Robert's bearing while giv
ing her te.'timony was hold, defiant, not to
say reckless. She seldom made direct an
swers to Mr. Ju-sen's questions, but, as a
rule, she rather gave vent to some biting
remark, calling Mr. Jussen repeatedly a
liar, a scoundrel and other pet names.
Every now anil then she would break out
into a coarsj laugh, but there was nothing
nervous or hysterical in her manner.
While Col. Jussen put some rather leading
questions to her, the was observed on sev
eral occi'ions to
FVJicLE ARor:;n tiic rccKET of her
but, on the whole, made no very belligerent
Shortly after 4 o'clock Mr. Jusen con
cluded the cross examination of Mrs. Kob
ert, and then he announced that they nould
adjturn to his office, to take the testimony
cf Mr. Weber.
While the party were walking along La
Salle street some one .vked Mrs. Robert if
she carried a pistol. Breaking into a loud
laugh, she answered: "Of course not.
What should I carry a pi'lol for''' The
77m rejorter who was of the party walk
ing by the side of Mr. Jussen, made in
quiries of him regarding the episode of the
of the preceding day, and during this con
versation Mr. Jussen remarked that he be
lieved that the demonstration had no other
object than to intimidate Mr. Weber.
Messrs. Jussen & Anderson occupy a
suite of rfficf, three in numlajr, facing
Washington street, on the third tl sor cf the
Time buildirg. Mr. Jifn and the Tunes
reporter led the party. They entered the
middle office Irom the hall. From this
they pased into the west room. This was
occupied by Mr. Weber.
CHAIR, in the southeast corner of the room, about
twelve feet from the door leading into the
middle room. A few moments later Mrs.
Robert, accompaniedbyjher shadow, the de
tective, made her appearance. Under her
arm she carried a framed photograph of
her son. As soon as the detective entered
the room he took a seat on a sofa lies-ide
Mr. Weber, thus placing himself practical
ly between the woman and her victim.
Mrs. Robert s'emed quite cool and collect
ed. After standing in the middle of the
room for a few moments, she began to take
the paper wrappings from the picture, and
placed it on a table that stood within a few
feet of .Mr. Weber and the detective. She
was now within three feet of the latter, and
immediately by the side of the detective,
her left side toward him.
Pointing to the picture, and addrcssicg
Mr. Weber, she icquired:
"I will," said Mr. Weber, "bat I do not
want to have any private conversation with
you. The matter is now in the court'."
A' this ioint Mr. Jussen stepped for
ward until he had reachetl her side, and re
marked : "I tbink you had better not have
any private talk abiut this matter."
The woman now broke into a laugh, and
addressing Mr. Welser said :
"You were afraid of me yesterday, in the
hall, when I ran after you.
I don't wast to H'-t:r you ;
did I want to h"urt yon I might have dore
so a thousand times. I would not hurt
Remarks like this were well calculated
to disarm suspicion. And yet, even while
she was uttering the last sentence there
wss a movement of her right arm. To Mr.
Weber it was a menace, acd he started to
rise from the chair, and at the same mo
ment, no oce seeing the revolver, unless
Mr. Weber saw it,
reverberated through the room.
The woman was instantly disarmed, hut
thra.s-li.ef had been done. The weapon,
a No. 1 Smith it We"on six shr-oter, had
evidently been carried in herimcket, cocked
and primed. Drawing it forth she fired as
soon as the barrel was on a level. It was
all done in a flish. Xo human foresight,
except a previous search of her erson,
could have prevented the tragedy.
While tbe detective made a spring fjr
the revolver, and secured the woman, Mr.
Ju-'cn jumped to the side of his cl'ent, ex
claiming ".Mr. Weber,
The victim with remarkable calmncs cn
swered "yr," and pointed to tbe lower part
of hi' ahdoinen. Mr. Ju-ven immediately
helped the wounded man to hi' feet, as
sisted him to an adjoining room, and then
made him as comfortable aa possible on o
lounge, after which he and others rushed
out in eearch of a surgeon.
Tbe woman in the meantime paced u;
and down the apartment, which had been
the ecene of the tragedy, in a state of in
tense excitement, exclaiming :
He refused to own his own son. He wanh d
me to starve."
As the excitement increased her teeth
began to chatter as if she were the victim
ol an attack of ague. Her gestures lie
came more and more vehement, and finally
she made a ru-h for tbe door, exclaim
ing: "I want to see him before he die'. I
want to say one word to him Istfjre ..e
meets his child in. the other world."
She was restrained by stout a.tas. ail
forced back into the room. She now be
came literally frantic in her speech am!
gestures, her face took on an ashen hue,
her teeth became set, her eyes protruded
ed from their sockets, the fingers of U r
hands intertwined in a convulsive cratr p,
acd the sank back into a chair
A cup of cold water was dashed ia her
face, her hands vigorously nibbed, and in
the couse of a few minutes the was me a -urably
restored. But her strength hsd f r
aaken her, she trembled in every limb, ard
when in the course of half an hoar sh
departed under official escort, it wa' w th
difficulty that a couple of stout policem-d
could sustain her on her feet.
A half-dozen parties had ran in direr -
directions for
and several physician-, among them Dr.
Seyffert, of the Alexian hospital, wire sco
in attendance. Ko thorough eximiaat'i
being practicable owing to the lack f
proper convenience to furnish repose
the victim, the physicians ailvi-ed a spec
removal of the patient to his home.
in CoL Jussen's office had somewhat in j-
sided, the wounded man was placed in t' e
elevator and taken to the Fifth avenue en
trance of the Times buildinj. A carriige
was in attendance, into whieti i w-s t n-
derly placed by a cuoiler ' ed and
conveyed to his res.t-.-t-c- 270 North
LaSallc street. Dr. Trunin W. Miller,
of Hat mmmt . c-piul, was called.
.-i -UO.l .ss I11C J.klE. "S .- 1.4 UUl.'il.'. 11 U
admit of an examination, the doctor traced
the direction of the. ball, but made no effort
to probe for it. The ball entered about
three inche3 alsive the navel, and" one nul
one-half inches to the le't of thaC locality,
passing through some of the smaller intes
tines, ll.e hall ranrtd backward snad
downward, and is lodged in the ack part
of the body, not far from the spinal column.
Mr. Weber was in the act of raising from a
chair when the shot was find. Had he re
mained in a sitting posture the ball would
probably have penetrated the brsast.
The wife of the victim of yeterda's
tragedy is in Europe, whither it was Mr.
Weber's intention to have started lict even
ing. THE MCRDEREiS. .-
When Mrs. Kobert had sc'" re
covered from her spasm she wa ndacted
down stairs by Officer Bowen. rV caniagf?
was summoned and she was j .' in'i.i'
Speci l Policeman Cle-ry got in with her
and the trio were driven to the armory. On
the wav she was still sgitatcd to a consider
able degree, and did not seem to have a
clear comprehension of what was being
done v ith her. She asked in an abstracted
way several times if Mr. Weber was much
hart, acd if he was not better. She did
not seem to understand when to'd that he
was letter, and repeated her question sev
eral times.
At the station she was searched and a
large number of scrajt) cut from German
newspapers and pieces ol writing in her
own hsnd were found in the pockets.
Among the number was a letter addressed
to Mr. Weber which contained a statement
of her case and which she says was
A COrf'ts" A UTTER
which she sent to Mr. ."Weber before her
trial began. This leiter contained no de
tails not set forth in ber testimony pre
sented in connection with this narrative.
There was nothing else in her pockets ex
cept a few ordinary articles which any wo
man would be likely to carry. She ob
jected to being searched at first, but finally
acquiesced, the did cot object to going
into the station and down stairs to a cell.
Every movement wa an inovluntary one,
and she eeined lest to everything about
her. She continued in this state for two
hours, and reptatedly aiked how Mr.
Weber was, putting, her question in this
form always: "Is Mr. Weber better?"
She was put into one of the larger and
cleaner cells, and was -oon after joined by
Mrs. Sanders, wife of the Chicago avenue
station-keeper. That lady succeeded in
quieting her, and between S acd !) o'clock
Mrs. Robert disrobed and lay down on the
comfortable bed which had been put into
the cell. She was annoyed for some time
reporters, but talked freely on all but one
or two points connected with the case.
While waiting for her to get some of the
rest which she plainly needed, the Times
reporter learned from Mrs. Sanders that Mrs.
Robert had called at her hou-e early on
yesterday and asked ber company to the
scene of her suit at law, as she was to give
evidence and didn't want to go alone. Sho
had with her a picture of hereon a photo
graph about ten by twelve inches in size
and handsomely framed. She said that she
was going to take that along to show Mr.
Weber, and if he didn't acknowledge the
boy as hi' own child
" What, do you carry a revolver with
you "' asked Mrs. Sanders.
"Oh, no," she replied, laughing, and the
two left the house together, Mrs. Robert
carryirg the picture along.
At lo:;i o'clock the reporter called again
to see Mrs. Robert, after she had been alone
for two hours, and had had time and op
jsortunity to rest. She waj tc-ins about
uneasily in bed, and moaning, " Oh dear,
oh, dear."
"Have you rested any-" was asked of
"Oh no,-' she said, "I am to cervons I
can't sleep. How is Mr. Weber cow? Have
you heard "'
The answer was'ri'fced that he was some
what betterj when 'he said
"O, I am sorry that 1 shot him. I hope
he will get well. I wih it could have been
Mr. Jussen, for he ia at the bottom of the
whole trouble. If it ha I not been for him
this would never have occurred. Mr. Jus
sen is a very had mau. '
"Mrs. Robert, why did ycti shoot Mr.
"Oh, I don't know why I did it, I didn't
knoT what I was about. I had got so an
gry in the other office beiause Mr. Jussen
asked me such mean que3tions that it just
I don't remember what I did after that.
My head 1 all confu-ed about it,"
"Dj vou remember when you left the
other cilice and where you intended to go?"
"No, 1 can't tell anything about it. I
don't know how I came here. .Oh, that Jus
sen. he ought to be hung."
"When did you buy the revolver you
had "
"I think it was it February, 1S7G."
"Why did you buy it'"
"I was knocked down one night, it wan
February 20, 1S7G, I think, and robbed. I
was beat about the head and badly hurt. I
got the revolver next day to protect myself
with after that. '
"D.d you always cirry it with you?"
"I guess so."
"Did yott ever resolve to shoot Mr Web
er with it?"
"Oh, I don't know ; plearc don't ask me
any more about that, I am sorry now that
I dfd shoot him, but I didn't know I was
going to '
"I lad you ever fired the revolver before
yesterda '"
"I never did, nor any other gun."
'-Did you intend to kill or simply to
wound Mr. Weber when you fired?"
The woman only moaned, turned her
head away and would not reply.
"Did Mr. Grcenebaum ever encourage
ycti to pursue Mr. Welr or offer you any
money to pro-ecute him?''
"No, no," she said emphatically; "that
is one cf Jusen's lieV as though she had
heard the thing suggested Iiefore.
"Did Mr. Greenebaum ever say anything
to yen about shooting Mr. Weber?"
"No, I never had anything to say to Mr.
Greenebaum since about two months before
his bank failed. I went to him then to ree
if Mr. Weber had left any securities with
him. as Jussen h2tl said, for the payment of
the S-o (XX) and the interest. I found that
there was none. I have not had a word
with Mr. Greenebaum since."
"Have you ever before been unconscious
of w hat you were doing ""
"Yc. I have been told of things that I
had done, abvUt which 1 could remember
that I have got out cf led at night, taken
my boy's clothes from the closet, kneeled
down and prayed over them; that I hay,e
gone off to the cemetery alone in the night
to cry over my boy's grave. If I djd these
thing' I did not know it. I got soexcited
when I thought of my child that it made
me out of my head."
? A a .aa. a. .(. .........& .ma.. ... ...vl . t ..... t..
Uhydidntycu -hoot .Mr. J uen in
stead of Mr. Welcr, ii he "was the cause of
your trouble? '
"Oh, dear, I told you that I didn't intend
to shoot anybody. But do vou think that
Mr. Weber will diV-'"
No positive assurance could be given her
to the effect that he would live, when she
added : "I hope not."
the woman repeatedly wished that (he
could die. Phe said her troubles; were
more than she could endure. Shespeaka
English only brokenly, and deplored her
inability to do better. She talked freely,
except when pressed for the reason of the
sheeting and for seme account of her life
whn she first mt Mr. Weber. She seema
to have no thought of punishment for her
attack on Mr. Wtber, and is only con
cerned about his recovery. She was asked
about coming to the Times building on
Wednesday afternoon, and at first did not
recollect it. She said afterward that it was
to see Mr. Jussen, acd that she did net in
tend to ahcot any one.
is a woman somewhat over 40 years of age.
Her letters indicate that the has enjoyed n
fair education, bat in her manners she is
coar-e to vulgarity. In stature she is of
medium height; her framu is strocg and
wiry. Her features ere decidedly coarse and
vixenish. Her nose is qaite prominent, her
eyes snapfishlv wicked, and she has the
tongne of a fi-h-woman. He manner while
giving her testimony before the notary o
yesterday was as far removed from the "ia
jnred innocence" type as can be unagiaed....
When sho affected modesty it was with tka
air of a common courtesan, aad. wheal aha
took a Lotion to bs moved by her owa ro
cita), thj effort was so transparently a "pat
np job," aa to cause a general titter among
all the bystanders. Ia awo.d, she ia aa
bracaa a puce of flesh aa aat TZiSS" ' "'
tlMatrtMief Oslaiarsjd. Sr
r a"S throaja lae wia
-jP- . -!r s-.-. z-Jsia
,s. . C r ii . -j
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