Newspaper Page Text
....J"- i&spj E -.5 . - 3? &i;w-S- --rTiSxir i'lR-' ajJLr n -m Sx: rs3L:- PfFi Vr! SSPSSSSgT! EsPuS3S 'jcSs F- - ?-' -y- - ' '.-- 3 ? THE LEAVENWORTH TIMES WEEKLI T S, ft?? ttasprrmilTC Etllnd It I K. )(. Anthony, January, lWi I. j LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, THURSDAY MAY 15, 1879. .NUMBER I ,-207. t sr w in r - PS r( m R M ! ? M. ir lr L" F.i "j-" C- 2? ?-. P--x- - .t tSSttltlii Stimts THURSDAY MAY 15, 1879. m i.yjiws. Denis Kearney and the Bev. Kallcch will be bigger chiefs thin ever now. since their new constitution has been ratified by "people. A VCTEIUV Lucretia Mott, in the S7th year of her ge, has been elected President of the Penn- ylvania Peace Society, and is as able to attend to its duties as she was forty years go. co.u 1110.11 ihi;. The Troy Chief states that the new fund ing bonds of Doniphan county aie ready for delivery, and that the creditors cf the county express their willingness to compro mise at fifty cents on the dollar. 31 A KS AM KtTIKV. Next month an unusually interesting conjunction of Mars and Saturn will take place, the space between the two placets being so small that it is quite probable Mars will actually occult Saturn. An oc cupation of this kind is extremely rare, al moet the only one on record being an occul tation pf Jupiter by Mars on January 9, 1591. TIIK KKKI'UKIX Hon. Dudley C. Haskell, member of Congress from the S'cond District of this State, was interviewed, a short time since, by a reporter of the Philadelphia Bulletin, in regard to his opinion of the cause and effect of the present exodus of colored peo ple from the South to the North and West. A report of the conversation i given in cur supplement this morning. It is brief, but covers the whole ground. IIO.Y. THUS. It VAX. lion. Thomas Ryan, member of Congre-s from the Third District of this State, de livered one of the ablest, and most argu mentative speeches on the pending appro priation bill, that has been delivered in Con gress upon the proposed repeal of the elec tion laws. The address is given in full in our supplement this morning, and should be read by every one who has an interest in the questions now before the country. Itl'MSIA. According to our dispatches during the last few days, the reports of the terrible condition of affairs in Russia are all won derfully exaggerated, and we are told that everything is moving along in the usual way, that no great numlcr of people have been arrested, and that the Nihilist terror is mainly a bug-bear. I!ut it must not be lost sight of in this connection, that there later reports come through government sources, and are liable to be highly colored in the government's interests. TIIK TF.X IOI. I.Alt OKHTIFI CATKh. Twenty thousand dollars' worth of United States ten dollar certificates were received by the postmaster of this city yesterday, and are ready for disposal to the people. The certificates bear four per cent, interest, and are exchangeable, in sums of fifty dol lars or upwards, for four per cent, bonds. The object of the Government is to place the certificates in the hands of small invest ors to give the people a safe and conve nient form of investment for their saving and to this end not more than ten certifi cates a hundred dollars' worth are sold to one person at any one time. They are Government bonds for the poor, and the object is to enable all the people to become bondholders. KItOM TIIK NOITII. Here is a letter received by us from a col ored minister at Lcota Landing, Mississip pi, and is a fair sample of many others that we have received from the South since the present immigration of colored people com menced. The following is a verbatim copy: I.eota Landing, Mies, Mayo.h, 1S79. Mr. D. 11. Anthony. Dear Sir: In being called to preach the gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to every nation far and near, and my call to the ministry. I regard it as a divine appointment and I believe that my calling allows me to direct men to do good while they are in this life. Dear sir, J lightly saw one of your papers that was printed in Leavenworth City, the contents thereof phased me well, and your paper also, 1 notice is sufficient to give the direct information concerning my people, even the colored imigrants from the r-outhern States, which delays cot one moment in getting ready for every paving steamboat. The Kiver's banks are crowded at nearly every landing and here at Leota Landing, lays twenty-five or thirty families waiting lor the steamer "Grand Tower." What they are breaking up and leavicg the country for I cannot tell, only they hnve been misled by some one, I know not who, here. They believe the Government are giving them lands, furnishing them houses to live in, and giving teams to cultivate the lands with. Now I feel for mv people and I would tell them the truth if I knew any thing about it myself, but I do not know the cause of my people breaking up and leaving here, and, for this cause, I kindly ask of you for the proper information. You will pleate to send me a paper that I might read it to the colored people here, I am, yours truly, Thomas W. Blackwood. The foregoing shows that the rumors we have heard from time to time, about the colored people being deceived by exag gerated stories circulated among them, are not wholly groundless; and, as we have said many times before, while we are ready at all times to welcome immigrants of every nationality and every color, from whatever quarter they may come, we do not want any man to be led here through misrepre sentations. We have room and welcome for all who desire to come and make homt s for themselves among us, bat the colored people of the South, as well as the people of every other part of the country, ought to understand distinctly before they come that they may expect nothing here but what they work for. They can take claims upon the government lands in the western part of the State, but the government does not furnish houses or teams or anything else. If a man is able to buy a team, and provide tome kind of a honse to sheL ter himself and family, and then have a" little money left to live on for the first year, he may expect to become an independent farmer in a few yean, with comparatively little hardship bnt it he comes as most of the southern immigrants are coming without anything he cannot get to the public lands, and could not live if he could get there unless sop ported by public charity ; and any man who cornea without money, with the expectation of making a farm on the prairie, may ex pect to go hungry many times and suffer the severest hardships. The only thing for : a nin to do who comes here without money k to go to work for whoever will hire him; and for whatever wages he can get Those who are induced to come here by sash stories as those referred to in the letter .jsaUiifcsd above from Mr. Blackwood, will a ssast craeUy deeeirtd, and every tat fcisaa of the colored paoal wOl C . , ttaialy. If they WkCi pjcting to pay their way, they may soon become independent if they axe frugal and industrious; but if they come with nothing, expecting all their wants to be provided for by the Government, they will be most terribly deceived. Kansas doesn't discriminatc'against any manon account of his'color, neither does she discriminate in favor of any man on this account; the treats all dances alike, gives all a fair chance, and expects all to ta'.e care of themselves. How Tin y Can llrat Talmose. New York Herald, 7, J Talmage's Mar continues in the ascend ant, but the Tabernacle pastor's persecutors have one form of redress open to them. Let them preach more attractive sermons, and thus draw away his congregation. ary Aiiilcron. Na-shvil'e American. Miss Mary Anderson is a doomed girl. The moment she allowed the world to know that she had $S0,0C0 ahead it became simply a jic;tion as to what masculine in stitution fhe should endow. There is no escape. An actress with SS0.O0O has to foreswear lapdogs and poodles and keep a husband. A Iistin niolirtl C'omr-S to tin- Dou ble .Manilnrcl. Chicago Tribune, 9. Anew and distinguished convert to the bi-metallic standard is announced, being no less prominent an advocate of an exclu sive gold currency than Hon. Hugh Mc Culloch, ex Secretary of the Treasury. In a lecture at Harvard College yesterday. Mr. McCulloch publicly gavs in his ac- suunituguicui.01 paii error on me su eject of a single stindanl, and arrayed himself 'on the side of the bi-metallists. A ooit Point to He inbrr. Chicago Inter-Ocean, S. Governor St John, of Kansas, in his in terview with our social correspondent, makes a good point when he refers to the spirit inwhich the negroes of the South helped Union soldier-! escaping from rebel prisons during the war. They asked no questions, but did all they could for the unfortunates. Now that tlity are refugees, seeking ntw homes, they deserve as fair and as kind treatment as they gave. This is a good p int to remember. Tin- Nanir (Mil Trick. (Il-irtford Kveulns I'ot. It should te borne in mind that while theDemccrats now propose to put their political legislation into separate billi, as they should have done in the first place, they are determined to hold back the appro priation bills until the President has passed upon the other bills. This is the same unconstitutional menace. It U a threat that unless th-e,bills are signed there shall be no appropriations of the money the people have paid in for the support of the Government. It is the same revolutionarv proceeding in a different form. Th- I'racy Adrnti-.tN. The Bps'on Adrerler has a terrible story denouncing Alden Divis, the fanatical un dsrtaker of Pocatset, who approves of the Second Advectist tuurder. If the child Edith U not raised, he says, it shows that the sacrifice U not complete, and, as his own children are lurtuer advanced in Ad ventist perfection thanmestof the sect, it may be necessary for one of them to be taken. A person found Davin's children crying, and, on asking the trouble, found that they feared their father would kill tbem as Freeman had killed his little girL Mrs. Swift, the mother of Mrs. Freeman, a!"o says that the sacrifice is not complete, and irsisU in regarding the murder as a most gloriom affair. Hon a Clilraso Drummer .'ot" Cliurrli. It hlcngo Tribune, 9.1 A Louisville paper tells a good joke en a Chicago drummer which is almost incredi ble for the reason that "the line of goods" referred to never or hardly ever goes to church. It states that the Chicago man attended divine service on Sunday, listened with close attention to the sermon, and that just as he went to arise from the pew the tails of his coat became entangled and separated in such a manner as to ex hibit, as he walked reverentially acd meek ly down the aWe, a large, ferocious-looking navy-six-revolver strapped around his waist, and nanging down in such a manner as to lorni one and the same straight line with his spinal column. The mild-mannered man meandered silently and grace fully from the church, and was never ap prised of the awe-inpiring spectacle he presented until he had walked three blocks. A "rami ir IIi- Firt Water. tlndlan Journal.) We are credibly informed that the noto rious vagabond, " Col." Carpenter, of 'Black Hills notoriety, is the leading agent in in ducing citizns of the United States to colo nize in the Territory, ard that McFarlane, of the defunct Vini'ta ViJtlte, E C. Boudi not, and others, are copartners in the scheme that must inevitably result in ruin ami dis tress to every family whom they may delude into coming into this Territory. We look upon this scheme as criminally cruel to both white and red, and unhesitatingly pro nounce it a fraud. They are flooding the country north and east with circulars cal culated to deceive, appealing to the cupidity of all by promises of gold, silver and lead in abucdanre, and public land upon which to settle. This is all false. There is not a foot of land belonging to the United States open for settlement. Not one dellar's worth of the precious metals has ever been discov ered in this Territory to our knowledge. The schemers are informed that the Indians do not proKe to emigrate to Canada, but will stand by their homes to the bitter end. Wliat a At 0111 a 11 fan Io in (lie tVent. Waukestia (Wis.) Telegram 1 A gentleman recently returned from Ne braska makes an interesting reference to the widow of a former prominent resident of this village ex Gov. and Postmaster General Alex. W. Btndal. When the Governor died some yehrs ago, he left his widow property which she disposed of for 15,000. The most of this she invested, in company with a New York man, in a herd of cattle in Nebrvka. Beleiving in a few months, that she was likely to lose her invest ment, Mrs. Kandall went from Elmira to Nebraska, baughtout her psrtrer.assuming an indebtedness of over $111,000, and took entire charge of the business herself, and has ever since managed it, and with marked success For teveral years the sales of stock have reached SG,000 a year, and the herd is ss large again as it was when she assumed the management. Mrs. Kandall declares herself delighted with the situa tion, and though alone, in a section of the State known for its large number of rough people, she has received only the most kindly and respectful treatment. Making Lift- Insurance a Hollow Mockery. Xew Yorlc Herald J One of the most famous of disputed cases of persons who have died after their lives were in-ured has again been brought to the notice of the public by a continuation of the examination of Colonel D wight's re mains. The subject of investigation, as will be remembered by mo3t of our readers, diid some months ago and was buried peaceabjy, but the interests of certain moneyed corporations have compelled the exhuming of the remains and the perpetra tion of considerable talk. Oar special dis patch from Binghamton contains the text of the autopsy, never before published, upon which one life insurance company considered itself justified in paying the policy which it had underwritten. Be sides this we give the conclusions of the company which has felt itself safe in pay ing the amount for which deceased insured his life. Withont desiring to lessen the care with which insurers investigate bogus cases, we mnt say that the reasons given by the Equitable Company seem sufficient. If an insured man cannot die without bar ing writers of policies dig up his remains, question his friends, pry into his habits and do various other things inimical to prompt payment to the survivors, the next best thing to dying is for a man to abstain from life insurance. No man carries a per fectly balanced head from the cradle to the grrve, and if his personal foibles are to neutralize his paymentsot premiums on policies, life insurance is a hollow sad costly mockery. rresMeat UaesU to Sen.ker. JaUka - -w M If., c t. I !- " "j y "iBBflssssr Hooker, written jmt after the latter had taken command ot the Army of the Poto mac The letter was penned in January, 1SC3, and, while the President yet retained it in his possession, an intimate friend chanced to be in his cabinet one night, and the President read it to him. remarking. "I thall not read this to anybody else, but I want to know how it strikes you." During the follo"ng April or May, while the army of the Potomac lay opposite Fredericks burg, this friend accompanied the President to Gen. Hooker's headquarters on a visit. One night, Gen. Hooker, alone in his tent with this gentleman, said : "The President says that he showed you this letter," and he then took out that document, which was closely written on a sheet of letter paper. The tears stood in the General's bright blue eyes as he added: "It is such a letter as a father might have written to his son. And yet it hurt me." Then, dashing the water from his eyes, he said: "When I have been to Kichiaond I ehall have this letter printed." This was more than 1C years ago, and the letter has just now seen the light of day. There are in it certain sharp passages which, after this long Iape of time, cannot be verified by the memory of any who heard it read in ISC". There are others which seem missing Neverthe less, the letter, which is herewith reprinted, .. Iiave f,een vritten by Lincoln: - J.i.vJaC.IZ.-.Ays! s, Washington, D. C, JaiilK, 1SGS Major-Gen, Hooler: General: I have placed you at the head bf the Army of the Potomac Of course, I have done this upon what appears to me to be sufficient reason, and yet I think it best for you to know that there arc some things regard to which I am not quite satisfied with you. I believe you tc be a brave and skillful soldier, which, of course, I like. I also believe you do not mix politics witu your profession, in which you are ght. You have confidence in yourself, which, is a valuable, if not an indispensable quality. You are ambitious, which, within reason able bounds, does good rather than harm; but I think that during Gen. Eurnside's com mand of the army you have taken counsel of your ambition and thwarted him as much as you could, in which you did a great wiong to the country and to a most merito rious and honorable brother officer. I have heard, in such way as to believe it, ot your recently saying that both the Army acd the Government needed a dictator. Of course, it was not for thi, but iu spite of it, that i have given you the command. Only tho-e Genera's who gain successes can set up dic tators. Whu I now ask of vou is military ucce, ana 1 will risk the dictatorship. The Government will support you to the utmost of its ability, whicb if neither more nor less than it has done and will do for all commanders. I much fear that the spirit which you have aided to infuse into the army, of criticising their commander and withholding confidence from him, will now turn upon you. I shall assist you as far as I can to put it down. Neither you nor Napoleon, if he were alive again, could get any good out of an army while such a spirit prevails in it. And now beware of raohnrss. Beware of rashness, but, with energy and sleepless vigilance, go forward and give us victories. Yours, very truly, A. Lixcoln. A3I I'SKMKXTS. Lotta is on a New England tour. The Troubadours are in Philadelphia. Maggie Mitchell is at Hooley's, Chicago. Mary Anderson is playing in Toronto, Canada. The "Pinafore" is still filling the Stand ard, New Yirk, Modjeska is at the Grand opera house New York. Edwin Booth is still playing at McVick er's, Chicago. The Coiville FolW company is at Hav erly's, Chicago. The "Lost are found profitable at the Union Square. The Standard Theatre Pinafore company is at the Boston Museum. The Knights are doing "Otto" at the Broadway theatre, New York. The "Black Crook" has been withdrawn from Niblo's stage, New York. Haverly's minstrel's are stiU filling Hav erly's Lyceum theatre, New York. Janauscbck is in Boston, where they un derstand German classical acting. Barney Macauley in "Uncle Daniel" is at the Bush Street, San Francisco. Barrett is doing well in San Francisco. So is Boucicault. So is Fanny Davenport. John McCulIough is reaping the second crop of the season fa the interior towns of New York. "Snowball" anl "Delica'e Ground" are the programme at Wallack's, New York, Large audience). Ben Thompson commenced this week in Terre Hsute, and is going for all contig uous one-night towns. Charlotte Thompson is running around a Northern New Eagland circuit. She ojien ed this week in Portland, Me. Kob'on and Crane are running around among the New York towns, with "Our Bachelors" and the "Dromios." Mr. Wallace has left New York for his Western starring tour. He will go further west t&an Bufialo for the llrst time in his life. A blacV "Pinafore" company in New York, (Globe theatre) invited the white ac tors and singers to a "Pinafore" matinee S.Vtirday afternoon. Haverly is going to do "Pinafore" with children at the Lyceum soon, if the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children does not stop him. J. Steele Makaye is still running "Af termath" (Won and Lost) at the Madison Square theatre, New York. Popular prices 50 and 75 cents, and full attendance. "Engaged" has been withdrawn from the boards cf the Park theatre. New York, and Aimee and her French opera bouffe troupe have stepped on from Booth's where they have been playing some weeks. M. Quad's American-German comedy of "Yakie" is said to be a success as a dialect drama. It was produced at the Detroit opera house by Mr. Alf. Wymon and wife. M. Quad is Mr. Lewis, the Detroit Free Drtts man. "Eaticifzi" has made a big hit at the Fifth Avenue theatre. New York. It will make things as lively as the Pinafore did at the etart. The papers are printing the outline of story and plot, acd "Fatinitza" is booked to run the story out. FAMIIIOXM. I'anirrs anil Puffed Tunic Iainstlic Way for Crinoline. Horn" UmHtr are Made thiMSeaton ArtNtic Trim ming Styles for Mourning Spring IVrapsi. Literally everything is worn this season. There are basques and polonaises, princese dresses, jackets and vests which last style leads the rest short suits, demi-trains and trains, while themuch predicted panier U brought to the fore again, and is worn in a mitigated form. It is not yet universal; many trained dresses from the modeistes are slim and sheathlike, but many others exhibit the panier, while short dresses are ccveied with folds and wrinkles in front, and drawn into lull drapery at the back. Yet though WTS WEAK rAXIEES, the fullness is the result of the arrange ment of the dress itself, not of any crinoline worn underneath. On many walking dresses the back breadths are looped into three large puffs, one above the other, while on others it is all drawn into one large, soft hanging pnff. A new design has a sort of polonaise, fastening below the waist for some inches, and then drawn back on the hips into paniers at the side, and caught up behind into one full deep puff. In front the skirt is kilt plaited to the waist, or else there is a plastron with horizontal clusters of shirring at regular intervals drawing it into a succession of egg shaped flat puffs. THE FAVORITE BASQUE is a coat with revers at top and bottom In front, showing a vest bentitb, and double htwisUd at th waist, whew it k fattened by front fer to iiu batten. There is a ma- Atemsm Ther sflSSKtWl and appear on drewes of all kinds on skirts, bodices, sleeves and coats. Long narrow revers separste the back from the front of the breadths. Barques have faced revers behitd and before, acd sleeves are frequently trimmed with cuffi faced and turned back. Many tunics are slit up more or less deeply through the center of the front breadth snd the rides faced and turned back in revers to show a plaiting, either kilt or a pyramid of narrow knife plaitings. Dteeeei for little girls, cut in princesse style, have the feims left open for about six inches at the bottom, and the slits turned back and faced with fan-shaped plaitings set into each opening so formed. This trimming is also seen, though lees fre quently, on ladies dresses. The rotation or fashion's wheel has brought EUIERING AGAIN into notice, and it will be much used for the next few months. I have spoken of the shirred plastrons which are 6een on costumes of silk or woolen, on grenadines, on muslins and on tbe pretty new cotton costumes. hen such a plastron is made on a wash dress, it is wie to button the plastrons on one side, under a perpendicu lar revers or flouncing, and make the shir ring by means of narrow tapes run in cas ings which can be let out when the dress is washed, acd drawn up agsjn afterward lie- id tha dress b worn. A NEW AND VERT rRETIV SKIRT . trimming is the shirred plaiting. For this a slraignt piece is cut, say twelve inches deep, and hemmed on both edges. It is then plaited into inch wide kilt plaits, and every plait is stitched together like a tuck for two-thirds the depth of the flounce. The rest is left loose and pressed flit like an ordinary plaiting, the tucks hre shir red on "the edge, one row of ehirricg to each and drawn up to the width of the plaiting below. The flounce is then stitched on the skirt at the head of the plain plaiting and again an inch from the top of the shirring--the inch left at top for a heading. This trimming is very pretty in silk or any thin fabric SEW MATERIALS. The fabrics shown this spring are too many to enumerate. Perkin much used for trimmings and lor overdresses u a term applied to any fabric, thick or thin ; silk, woolen or cotton ; woven in alternate raised and flit stripes. The new buntings are softer than those heretofore worn, and resemble very thin cashmere Chaillie, a favorite fabric with our mothers and grand mothers, reappears, and is much 'iked. Shot silks are another old-fashioned style which has returned. The favorite colors in this Ist are brocz ehot with gold, pink shot with blue, and the soft mixed gray, or the hue of a dove's breast. The many new anil lieautiful cotton dress goods which are offered for sale, and which are "taking" thoroughly, MAKE BEAUTirCT. SUITS and are as elaborately made as the costly silks or satins which they copy. Pompa dour designs fiad greatest favor among the-e, and come in all the charming floral patterns heretofore limited to brocades. I have spoken also of the handkerchief costumes made of giy bandana handker chiefs. These are simply hideous when made of the regular plaid kerchief, and the pzrxsol to matcn is excruciating, out tney are fashionable ! The polka dotted foulards acd cambrics, and the Madras ginghams which the handkerchief costume has intro duced, are, however, really pretty, espec ially for children. SOME OF THE rRETTIEST MORS ISO JJKE3SE3 for little girls are madeof thee Iast in plated sacque shape with a box-plaited Spanish flounce around the bottom, and the whole trimmed with white or colored em broidery. Lace and striped buntings and grenadines will be much worn, and there are very many artistic gauzes. One of these last hhows a design of velvet and gauze in alternate squares like a checker board. It is made up over satin, acd trimmed with r'ch ltinge in knotted tassels. ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY. Embroidery is more fashionable than ever. One of the handsomest dresses I have seen is of black faille with scarf tunic, a straight breadth of satin four yards long, heavily embroidered by hand with roses and buds acd carnations in crimson, white and pink, with foliage cf shaded old gold. The scarf is almost covered with the flowers, and is draped plainly across the front and crossed rather than looed behind. It is three-quarters of a yard in width and fin ished with frince at the lower edge and at the end. The fringe is silk, the colors of the embroidery intermixed with black. AX EVEMSG DRESS OF BLACK TULLE is trimmed with black lace and with mar guerites done in chain stitch embroidery in tilken floss, in heavy rows, like the old fashioned tambour work. This chain-stitch embroidery is very fashionable, and trims many elegant diesses. It is easily done. The embroidery on a dress of iceberg blue slik and dark garnet velvet is formed of alternate rowsofblueacd garnet stitching in a vine-leaf pattern. A cream colored bunting is decorateJ with coral or feather stitch in crimson crewel, forming, together with knots of criuion ribbon, a very effective trim ming. The easy Point Kusse stitches are much U'ed, bnt, of course, hand embroidery in the orthodox style is much handsomer. How is the embroidery put on? In many wrys. Deep ba'qiie indices closed by three button', and then cut away showing an em broidered vet, are much worn. On some dresses B VJUE3 A-D TUNICS are edcd wiih a band of embroidery. A pale blue silk, embroidered with wild roes and foliage, has a deep basque bodice turned back en revers below the waist, show ing a simulated vet-t, which is embroidered. Tiie cuffs are embroidered, and theic is an embroidered collar THE OVERSKIRT is in CurUin shape, and edged with a nar row band cf embroidery. Bows cf blue tibbop, with embroidered ends, are set down ihe front of the skirt, which is of blue satin t birred. Otl er dresses have three bands down the tahlier, one down the center, acd one on each side, between the front of the skirt and the tiain. Individ ual tate will suggest various devices, and one can scircely go amiss. I have recently seen a white lierege embroidered in passion flowers, and an ecru batiste with blue car nation and ivy leaves. FASIIIOXS !" JIOURSISO. Mourning dresses, as made by tne best modistes, are simple and expensive. For the depest ztlhclion there are dresses of foulard or lustreless faille, covered with heavy Eoglhh crape, put on plain. Next to this come Henrietta and Mahratta cloths trimmed with wide bias bands of crape. After this the fair mourners array themselves in dresses trimmed with folds and plaitings of the material. Next in the descending scale come cashmeres trim med with silk, and black silks, a shade lees elaborate than those worn out of mourning. The mourning merges into the border land, when it is impossible to say whether the wearer is in tbe black garb of mitigated tftliction, or is merely wearing the black which is now eo fashionable for ordinary wear. DBE'3 REFORMERS clamor for a sort of uniform for mourning for dresses without tunics and with no plaitings; dreeses that shall be as severely plain as a nun's garb; but dress reformers clamor in vain. "Harry is dead," said a pretty and disconsolate widow some time ago, "which is no reason why I should make a guy of myself. I know he wouldn't wish me to; so please, Madame Blank, make my dress as pretty as yon can." The close cottage chapes are preferred for mourning bonnets, and are of crape over tilk or of black straw trimmed with crape cr with gross grain ribbon. Mourning wraps are made of the dress material and trimmed to match. SrR15Q AXD STIIIIER WRATS. The fichu. mantles so much liked last season have a lcw lease of favor. They are round or pointed at the back, and in front have long ends, square or pointed, or crossed in front and tied behind. Made of black silk and trimmed with fringe or lace, they may be worn with any areas, though looking best with bias. They are also often made to match suits of all kinds, from the cheapest 'cambric to the richest silk or gauze. Coats to match suits are also popular, and a favorite style has revers at the neck and at the lower edge, letting the bodice beneath show as a Test. PAELET, CHTJDDAH, X3TD HTDIA. HHAWX8 are very sack won, aad Pans corresposf ma im that tl last wOl acta rag wWsmaflM tm. TaT ?? shawl pnee bought is a wrap for a life time, an heirloom for future generations, outlasting every other style of wrapping. FROMXEXT AMOXO STW FASHIONS is that of white ties, and this has caused white scarfs to be adopted for street wear. They are of white mull or French muslin, two yards long and half a yard wide, and the ends are finished with finely plaited Breton lace. They are folded into the width of an ordinary necktie around the throat, and tied together -with a ribbon or passed through a ring, giving the effect of lull tassels. Muslins and organdies are furnished with surplice shaped fichus of the material, laid in perpendicular folds, and edged with lace. The pretty fashion of draping a breadth of white tulle into a V shaped fichu has been revived. The ends are tucked into the bodice and hidden un der a ribbon bow. THE ALSACIAN BOW 13 OS THE WASE. It has been too popular, and the fashion has worn itself out by its very popularity. Everybody had one, and we grew tired of seeing them. The butterfly bow is the thing cow; for how long, no one can say. Handkerchiefs are tied, without cutting, into pretty bows for the neck, and there are infinite styles of combinations of lace and muslin, and of ribbons and crape. Every thing pretty, everything odd, is worn, and as I said in the beginning, one may dress very much as cne cboses. Only be careful to adopt nothing so ultra fuliionablc as to be conspicuous, unless indeed you can af ford to throw it away when the fashion wanes, or when you "have worn it three times at the least calculator;" then you are above economy and need no advice. KANSAS NEWS. The grape crop will bi large. Valley Falls boasts of a Kaspier Kun glebachker. The Manhattan E Urprie has donned a new head gear. The amount of property taxable in Atchison is 1517,027. The editor of the North Topeka Times got married recently. The Drought Kill will observe Deco ration day at Wyandotte. The Walnut Valley Fair Association meets on the 17th inat , at Winfield. Five marriage license's were issued in Woodson county during the month of April The rumor to the effect that small pox is prevalent in Onaga is denied by the Journal. C. A. Stokes, of the Kansas Central, has sold his drug-ttore at Onaga to Messrs. Jeffries & Erold. The Lawrence Reporter growls about the "get up "of its city, and don't say a word about its new canning factory. The Onaga Journal has entered on its second volume. The first number of the new volume is a neat 8-page paper, having been enlarged. We are pleased to note the fact that Mr. Stauffer is being successful. The Tool but not the Huag. Miami Republican, 9.1 Two young gentlemen, members of the Normal school, found a complete set of burglars tools while out walking in Bull Ci-eek bottom west of town on Saturday last. flay Center. IManbattan Nationalist, V.) Clay Center is a busy town. There are a good many new buildings being put up, and a good many more wanting to build as soon as brick can be had. A Criminal Muit. A criminal suit was begun in the district court of Labette county, on last Tuesday, against Dr. Lamb, editor of the Parsons EilijifC. The parties bringing the suit are State Senator Ange'l Matthewson, and Mr. Kimball, an attorney of Parsons. (iood Composition. Onaga Journal, g.f When we started the Journol, one year ago, we had a composition roller cast at the Leavenworth Times press 'rooms, and the sane roller is still in use, and looks as though it might last another year. Organization ofConntirx. No county, whether organized or unor ganized, can have jts lines changed by the Legislature so as to inclose an area of less than four hund'ed and thirty-two square miles. Nuitili-n Ileath. AtclUson tilotn-, 9.1 A dispatch was received this morning, announcing the sudden death of Mrs. E. D. Ford, of Atchison, who has been visiting friends in Falls City. t'nileriileil. Woodson County Io-it, 3 The directors of the Woodson County Agricultural Association had a meeting last Saturday, but adjourned without de ciding whether they sball have a fair or not. A reorganization of the joint stock plan was talked of, and the matter is now held under advisement. Want Them to Meet anil Nrtllc it, Lawrenco Standard. The desire is to place Leavenworth in a Cition for future prosperity, and give new .e to that beautiful city. To enable thera to do eo, it is proposed to meet credit ors in an honorable way, acd adjust diffi culties in a business-like manner. k. or i Abilene Gazette, 9. It is only about sixteen years since the first lodge was instituted in this country. Now almost every State has its supreme and subordinate lodges. There are over 20 lodges in Kansas, and the number is con stantly increasing. -To My Wir.- t'Seneca Courier, 9.) The ' widower" of the Courier is faring well during his wife's absence; and last Friday night enjjyed the company of a large party at Mr. and Mrs L. Cohen's; and on Saturday took tea as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Burnett, who gave a grand party tnat evening. Attempt to Barn a Convent. An attempt was made to burn the Cath olic Convent at Wyandotte last Friday night, and the sisters were obliged to escape in their night clothes. A coal oil can, which was found in front of a grocery store, is thought-to ha e been used by the incen diaries. Alone the Kansas Central. Cor. Onaga Journal, 8.1 We were permitted the pleasure, last week, of paying a long-anticipated visit to Onaga, and saw a thriving young city where, a little more than a year ago, was unbroken prairie, with business houses that would be a credit to any town. Oar time being limited, we did not get to visit many of them, but saw enough to make us feel quite proud of oar neighbors. To ArkanxaH City. Arkantas City Traveler, 9.J Sixty-nine car loads of railroad iron have arrived at Wichita to be used in the exten sion of the Cowley acd Sumner railroad to Arkansas City. With the improvement of the A rkasas ri ver and the railroad fiinshed to this place, Arkansas City will soon be come the most important point in the Southern tier of counties. Having no east or cross road to cut through our city, with way stations every few miles to divide our trade, business will concentrate here, and soon this will become the great emporium of the South-west. The Meneea. Seneca Courier, 9.1 The Seneca Guards met at their armory on Saturday night, to fill vacancies in office cause by the promotion of Capt Brown. The following were chosen: Captain, Ed ward Butt; Second Lieutenant, G. R. Tuc ker; Orderly Sergeant, J. L. Brockman. The above elections caused a promotion in the remaining sergeants and corporals one rank higher R. M. Emery being the lucky one to step from 1st Corporal to 5 th Ser geant AKaasax city Bey Captared la Ellin Kansas City Time. 1 Kansas City has, perhaps, as large a percentage of confidence men, "sure thing workers,' aad others of that general ilk, in cluded in its floating popalatioa as mar other city ia tbe West. Sat tab fact is sot to her discredit, it is ratter tareTtriB aad OttssS MMs MaMI f ,-kMM for "professional gentlemen." Upon the through train which pulled into the depot yesterday over the Kansas Pacific there arrived as passengers a prominent citizen of Kansas City and his fifteen- year-old son. They had come from Ellis, Kansas. The boy had rnn away on Friday last, acd had been stopped acd held at that place until his father's comiog. It appears that he had by some means formed the acquaintance here of one of the class of men first mentioned, that the latter had to fascinated the lad by his glowing stories of life in the mines, of how they might pick up gold as readily as dirt, and as easily be come the possessors of whatever they wished if only once at Leadville. that he induced the boy to eeize a favorable opportunity of decamping with $050, which ne stole from his father. They spent SS0 of this in pro curing tickets to Denver and buying a few necessaries of life in the far west, promi nent among which shone a brace of seven shooters. As said above, they were arrested at Ellis and held until the arrival of the boy's father. 5210 of the money wa3 re covered, but it was found that there was no legal hold upon the man who had caused the mischief. It may transpire that the lesson ot his folly will be impressed upon the embryo Buffalo Bill, and that for this reason the matter will not altogether with out good result. Alilcto see After Twenty Year of Illiiidm-xx. ILawrence Journal, 9. A week ego yesterday Dr. Mumey oper ated upon Mary Griffin of this city, who has been blind from cataract for more than twenty years. The operation upon the right eye was for carulo lenticular cata ract, and on the left eye for iridectomia. The operation was successful, so that she now has sight in both eyes, and when pro vided with cataract spectacle! will be able to see with a tolerable degree of comfort. The Doctor performed the operation with out Tcharge,; as the woman is poor, and he thinks some of the kind-hearted people of me cny may ne wilting to buv the specta cles for her. She will require two pairs one for long sight and one for objects near by. ltcruseoi on a ICork rile. Liwrence Standard, 9 A refugee went to the city marshal yes terday and said he wjs starving and the city mu3t give him something to eat. The marshal told him that the city had stopped that, and advised the man to go into the' country and find work. He answered that his party did not want to separate, but would be obliged to if they went into the country. Of course there is no reason in such a plea, but the marshal told him that the city wluld pay him for breaking stone, and he might begin this morning. This morning the refugee pbt in appearance, but not alone. With him were fourteen men who wanted to-work on the rock pile. They were permitted to do so, and the city will pay them 35 cents per yard. Shipped to the State Commute-. (Wyandotte Gazette, 9. Tuesday afternoon all the colored refu gees remaining here, with the exception of lnoc who nave obtained work or rented farms in this vicinity and expect to stay, were shipped over the Kansas Pacific to Topeka. where they will be cared for by the State Committee until a permanent lo cation is found fur them. The exodus is over, practically for the season,and entirely so far as Wyandotte is concerned. ' Land Oltirc iiiin-.s at Kim in. I Klrwiu CUler 7.1 No. Acres. 5G3 Homestead Entries SG.519.ol 103 Final Home Proof 1C.125.06 391 Timber Entries G0.102.30 3-5 Cash Entries 41002 C25 Declaratory Statements 100,000.00 1S7 " " (Act June S, '72) 29.920 00 1 Warrant Act 55 . 'iGOOO 13 Supreme Court Scrip 1,920.00 1 A. C. S AfW) 1,919 295,317.52 W. W. Youivc, Chief Clerk. Coin irtoil uT lUaiiilaiislitcr. Columbus Courier, S. The jury in the case of Allen Smith, charged with murder in the first and second degree for killing Ira Hyde about a year ago, returned a verdict of manslaughter in the third degree. The punishment for man slaughter in the third degree is not more than three years in the penitentiary, nor leas than six months' confinement in the county jail. At present writing the court has not passed sentence, but in any case Smith may well be sati-fied with the verdict of the jury. We have heard none of the evidence in the case, but we were on the spot where the man was killed in an honr or so after the homicide, and from whet we learned from eye-wilnessca of the transac tion there certainly was cot provocation sufficient for the taking of human life. A Heaiy Snlr. Woodson County Iot,9. On Thursday of last week, Capt. Ilaugha wou sold to George hlliot Barton, Esq., of Wellington, New Zealand, sixteen hundred acres of University land, embracing the south half of section twenty-one and all of section twenty-nine acd thirty-two in town ship twenty-four, range seventeen, lying five miles south cf Ncosha Falls. The total consideration is seven thousand eight hundred acd forty dollars, all cash in hind. Mr. Barton is at present a resident of Sevr Zealand and member of tbe provincial leg islature of that Island ; is a man of large resouices financially, and cf great energy and wide experience iu business. He will proceed at once to improve his recent pur chase and will take inversion in person early this fall, and will at stock it to its full capacity with the finest breeds of cattle, horses and sheep. Mr. Barton will make the breeding of bne stock a specialty, devoting one quarter section only of his land to residence, orchards and tillage. The remainder will be given exclusively to pasturage and meadow. The Soldiers nml Sailor.. Mitchell county is preparing for a g and reunion of the old soldiers and sailors on tbe 4th of Julv next. The following is a list of the township committees: AsiiEBrii.LE. Capt. John Beese, W. Y. Crow, John C. Wigcl. Beloit. J. F. i'loyd, Jeff Tourney, N. P. Simonds. Bloojifield John Garner, Win. H. Noah, Geo. Watson. Blue Hiias. Wm. Hill, J. E. Lcwe, Adam Faulhaber. Carp. Creek. Capt. D. Harahberger, Lt. J. II. Norton, Capt. J. D. Mitchell. Cawker Crnr.B. F. Hilliker, K. W. Lundy, J. E. Moulton. Center. D. II. McCall, Daniel Iago, John urabam. Gles" Elder Capt J. F. Becker, Col. J. M. Depuy, Milton Spencer. Hayes. Col. S. B Floyd, Cummings Durham, Cyrus Gaston. Lulu. U. W. Culp, B. P. Kendall, J. E. Owen. Lcoas. W. II. McKim, E. Halber, W. II. McCune. PmsBCRO. Capt W. A. Pitt, Lt. A. P. Gilhngwater, S M. Shock ley. Plumb Creek. II. II. Hamilton, J, J. Boundy, A. P. Maynard. Salt Creek. Lt. D. Hoed, James Lee, B. F. McMillin. Solomon IUriDi Capt. J. B. Wicklin, C. C. Wooster, J. A. Vanatta, Turret Creek. W. J. Cook, M. S. Mitchell, John Leslie. Walnut Creek. James Larkin, John Kandell, Capt J. P. Bibcock. A KemarUaWe Affidavit. (Manhattan Enterprise, 9 J The following remarkable affidavit is on file at the office of the Clerk of the District Court: The State of Kansas 1 In the District Court, Eiley County, State Charles W. Bates. J ot Kansas, AFFIDAVIT. John N. Davies, being duly sworn de poses and says that he was one of the ;ury at the March term of the District Court of Riley county that tried and returned a ver dict of Manslaughter in the first degree against the said Defendant That affiant believed that the Defendant was not guilty, and so voted and held daring tha delibera tion of said jury, and until on Friday morning, the 14th of March, at which time the said jury sent a communication to the court that they could not possibly agree, sad received in reply through the Bailiff, that the court had no communication to tad to that iary. From which s ssiiimj, thai the jarjr vaala at I said communication, he would not have agreed to the verdict which was rendered in the case. That several other members ofthe jury w?re in favor of rendering a verdict of jus tifiable homicide prior to said communica tion: That this affiant was induced by communication or statement of the Bailiff to the jury to. agree to the verdict which wss rendered in the case, and in so agreeing to said verdict of manslaughters the first degree te surrendered his convic tion of right and duty in the case, under a sense of belief that the jury must agree on a verdict. Jons N. Da vies. State of Kansas, " Sworn and Eub'cribed to before me. this fourth P.iley County. J day cf April. 1S79. C W. KsArp, Notarv Public in and for Iiiley county. Filed May 7, 1S79. K. J. HARrER, Clerk of District Court OTTAWA COUNTY. The Lay cf Ihe Land Tree Grow ing Haw the County i3 Watered. Vaster Power Wills and Manufac- ture3---Big Yields Increase in Population. A Good Class of Settlers Educa tional End Church Facilities Minneapolis, the County Seat. Correspondence TiMts. MiJNEAroLi3. May S. Of all the beau tiful valleys of which Kansas can boast, and she can point with pride to a great many, is the Solomon, which is certainly as choice a section as the sun shines on, at loan upon this continent of ours. The soil of the valley is as rich as the most san guine anticipations of the pioneer husband man could hope for ; her products are the wonder of the wcrld, and her average yields are a matter of astonishment to the plod ding farmer of the East, who doubts even as he reads. The Solomon valley includes the finest section of the State, and no fairer portion is there than that included within the limits of Ottawa county. Tims was, back in HIE EARLY DA Yd of twelve or fifteen years ago, when the white man contended for the mastery of this garden spot with the red man, the orig inal owner, acd many were the bitter and bloody coiiiKcta which took place, and while more than one brave settler fell to moisten the tarth with bis life blood the invader was the victor at last, and the sav age was forced to retire. Since the time when the settler felt assured of the safety of himself and family, the settlement of this section of the State has been very rapid, and while the increase has been wonderful in every'way, "the county has filled up with a class which is EMINENTLY- A PRODUCING and a beneficial one, and has included none of the lower orders which too often flock to a new country under the imprest-ion that good crops can be raised with little or no labjr, where everything ij at hand, and where the road to wealth is a royal and an easy one. It is too true that some parU of Kans.i? are alllicted with a cla.s which is "worse than noc-productive, but this could have not been otherwise, owing to the great rush for THIS LAND OF TROMISE, and Kansas is to be congratulated that she has comparatively so few. O.tawa county this reason is being the recipient of an un usually good class of immigration, that claa which brings money into the country, and which adds materially to the wealth of any region in which they may locate. There is no "tremendous rush," but the country is filling up steadily, and as a straw which may serve to show which way the wind is blowing, the fact may be noted that within the past two years THE TRICE OF FARMING LAND has been steadily advancing, keeping pace however, with the growth of the country and its settlement, no fictitious values be ing created but everything being kept upon a level. Regarding the increase in the population of the county since its first set tlement, in 1S70 there were 2,200 people within its borders; in 1"75 the population had increased to 4,500, and in f-7S to 0,700, while at the present time, making es timate from the returns made by several towcshipi. the population is not less than 10,000. Not being situated upon THE MAIN LINE OF THE RAILROAD, and immigration trains not being stopped and unloaded within her borders, the influx having been so steady and net of that na ture to excite a great deal of attention, It may be a matter of surprise to many when they read thee figure", but they may be relied upon as being correct The county has a branch of the Kansas Pacificrailroaii runmeg through a portion of it, the lice at present being built from Solomon City to .Minneapolis, the cou.ity seat, although its extension from the latter place to Beloit, in Mitchell ctunty, is but the matter of A COMPARATIVELY SHORT TIME, as negotiations have been going on for some time and the railroad company will submit a proposition to be voted upon about the middle of June. The people along the line cf the prOosed extension of the road are very anxious to have the road built, and Beloit and Mitchell county will also do their share. The amount of grain shipped from Ottawa county is surprising, acd when the Minneajiolis branch is ex tended eo that other parts of the county will have the bentfi: of .a market without having to go so far that THE TR0FIT IS AD30RBED upon the grain before it reaches the ship ping station, the amount will ha doubled. The face of the land of the county is undu lating, twenty-five per cent, bring bottom land, which is undoubtedly the richest por tion of the county, although the uplands are very fertile. According to the govern ment survey the forest lands of the county average but two per cent, but there is no doubt of the fact that it is nearer four per cent, owing to the great number of streams, all of which are thickly wooded. In addi tion to this the farmers during later years, have been paying considerable attention to artificial icrests, the number of acres now planted being very large. THE NUMBER OF CULTIVATED ACRES in the county is about 100,000, and of the entire 400,000 more than half are taxable. The increase of cultivated ecres daring the past year has been nearly 23,000. Of the timber in the county the principal varieties are hackberry, ah, walnut, oak, box elder, Cottonwood acd elm, the average width of the belt in which thi-y are grown being about eighty reds. Tbe county is excel lently well watered, the principal streams being the Solomon, which flows the entire length of the county from the northwest to the southeast The Saline river crosses the southwestern portion of the county. Of the tributaries to the Solomon the main one is Silt Creek, WHICH ENTEES THE COUNTY on the west at about the center line and empties into the Solomon some distance be low Minneapolis. Among the other tribu taries of the Solomon, which come in from the north, are Pipe, Lindsey, Sand, Coal, and several smaller ones. Good springs abound and the best of well water can be reached at a comparatively small depth. The Sclomon affords an excellent water power, which is taken advantage of at Min neapolis and other places. As yet little or no prospecting, or rather none to amount to anything, for coal has been done, al though there is no doubt whatever of the existence of this necessary aud valuable ar ticle of fuel, and as long as THE SUTTLY F TIMBER holds cut, the prospecting for the former will not probably be very brisk, although tbe gain of additional railroad advantages may stimulate efforts in that direction. There is an abundance of building stone to as jonna taroogaoai im county, pnacipej Mineral punt acd imtterv clay exist abundantly, but trey have not been worked as yet The present assessed valuation of all the personal property ot the county u estimate! to be SI 90,000, acd tbe total as sessed valuation cf all prorerty over 51,000,000, THE TRUE VALUATION of all prorerty being 51,700,000, which is indeed a low estimate, considering the character acd extent f the improvements made througout the country for the past six mouths. Tbe snount invited in nian ufictures in the county is about S10.CCO, acd it will be fully double that by this time next year. There are over one hun dred thousand rods cf fencing in the coun ty which have cost about 5S2.C00 The dairy is not neglected, and the butter and chee e produced is of the very best quality. AS TO SCHOOLS, there are cow seventy organized echcol dis tricts in the county, nearly all ol which have good buildings, the rchool population being about 3,000. The value of all school property is about 53.000. The churches of the county include every denomination and creed, and the settler has the benefit of every denominational and religious facili ty, particular attention having been paid to schools and churches, which are kept up and liberally supplied. THE COUNTY IN GENERAL is one cf the finest in the State, and rapidly making its way to the front tank. It has a lice, rich, productive soil, a salubrious cli mate, every educational facility, good mar kets acd railroad communications, busy, thriving towns, with energetic business men, a good class of farmers; the ccunty is well watered and the majority of the streams retain their water even in the dry est seasons ; in fact the county offers every inducement to the immigrant he possibly could wish for, and what is more, he can obtain some of the best land to be lound in the world at a very small and comparative ly insignificant price MINNEAPOLIS, the" county seat of Ottawa, is situated almost in the geographic 1 center of the county, and has a population of about fifteen hundred, having doubled in the lat ter respect within the past twelve months. Her growth in that period has, in fact, been remarkable in every respect, and at the present time she is going ahead with aston ishing rapidity, business buildings arising upon every hand, while scores of cew resi dences are being erte'ed in all parts of the town. She has two large grain elevators. the largest having a capacity of 33,000 bushels, anil being iuu by water jiower, furnished through a tunnel one thousand and four feet long. The other elevator ia run by steam power. She has two large flouring mills, which are doing as much business as their capacity will allow, acd then not by any means meeting all de mands made upon tbem. A fine iron bridge erected at a cost of 510,000 spans the Solo mon here, and the dam, just above the bridge, was the first built in the West The grain business of the town is very heavy and is on the increase, the country sur rounding being noted for its grain yield. The branch of the Kansas Pacific road from Solomon City to this place has been com pletei about a year, and arrangements are now on foot, and which will probably be carried out, to extend the road to Beloit. Minneapolis would be willing to extend the right hand of fellowship to the Kansas Central road, and many now regret that a more determined effort was not made to get it The town is beautifully located, the site being rolling,-so that the streets are dry in four hours after even the hardest shower. The business of the town is good, and is getting better every day, and notwithstanding her rapid growth, there is one big thing in her favcr she has not gone ahead of the surrounding country, which has gone ahead at a remarkable rate, improving rapidly, and at the same time permanently. There id not a town in lis State which h is gone ahead more vig orou'ly than Minneapolis, nor one which eo richly deserves the success with which she has met She has good school and church facilities, and in this resect is ahead of many towns larger than herelf. There is an abundance of good building stone in the vicinity, which is an advantage to be appreciated, when considering the high price which of necessity must be piid for lumber. Her future is a bright one, and being an ambitious little burgh, she wip! not rest until she has accomplished her aim. John. .IS.IFK lO.MUTT. The tVrtillrate ;v. fOn'. of 3Iii.--ippi. ;a- a .WwspaiMT Krpnrlrr. A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, wishing to investigate the negro emigration movement, recently called upon Gov. Store, of Mississippi, in Jack'on. He thus reports the reul!a : "ihe Uovernor is a tine loofcmg man, Iarje and imtosing in his appearance, i on would set him down at once as a person likely to move slovly in a doubtful or per plexing ca e. His temperament is perhaps a little saturnine. II- has the reputation of lieing extremely cautious and con'ervativc My introduction had been already made, and I launched at once upon the troubled sea of Southern politics. " Governor," said I briskly. " what can you tell me about the exodus?" "Not much," he replied clowly; "I am not in a position to speak freely on jolili cal subjects, and have not the latest infor mation. Vicksburg is the headquarters f ,r exodus news." " Have any people gone from this vicin ity'" ""They tell me that a good miny have gone from Edwards Station, which is on the road between here and Vickeburg." " Are the planters there suflericg for the want of laborers?" " Very considerably." " Will I be permitted to go on the plan tations and talk with the laborers ."' " "I don't know about that.' said the Gov ernor, with a peculiar look, 'our jeople are a utile alous ot any interlerence. " 'But I don't intend to interfere, Gov ernor, lam only looking for information.' " It might not be pleasant for yon,' said the Governor significantly, 'if you were mistaken for an immigration agent' " 'Now, this is why I have come to you. You know who I am, and you can heip me. I would like to have you sign something lor me in the shape of credentials.' Where upon I drew up and handed to the Governor the following document, which he signed without a moment's hesitation . "To vhom it may eontern : m "The lewtr of this, , is a newspaper correspondent, representing the Chicago Tribune. He has no other pur pose in this State than to obtain informa tion for the journal he represents. "J M.Stone, Governor of Mississippi." '"This will put you right before our people,' said the Governor, as he handed back the paper. 'You have nothing to ap prehend, nor has any Northern man trav eling in this section, unless you are snp posed to be deceiving the negroes. Our people are hospitable aad generou-, and they will treat you well. I should like to have you talk to them freely, and report fully and fairly what they say. The North ern people misunderstand us, and we wel come any observations at first hand by travelers who are willing to see the truth and tell it'" VarlouH Topi-. Washington, May 10. At Ike meeting of the Committee on Levees and Improve ments of the Miasiarippi IJiver, the Bepub Iican members asserted their opposition to the consideration of any provision, except that which may refer directly to the sub ject of improving the navigation of the river. They contend that the reclamation pf all wild lands was a matter not only impolitic, but improper to be considere-i by Congress. Leadirg Democratic members of the Committee will endeavor to frame a bill which can command tbe approval of the entire Committee. Mr. Gibson introduced in the Houe to day a very materially modified propostion. Representative "White to-day re-intro-duced for reference to tbe Committee on Military Affairs, the Buraside bill of last session, providing for the reduction and re organization of the army. Admiral Farratt Iead- New York, MstIO. Bear Admiral E. G. Patrjtt, U. a Navy, died this evening. If your lirer is torpid, if your appetite is poor, if job waat tout stomach tharoashlr 1 rlssastJ.ifTotteaaaot slefR'ifyoHwaata ia taa car were asore or less ia iawd. 8er mA liaiilfii, aw Dr. Ball's Baltimore nlHaat4kisipis tatwaga the wia- FOUL AND MYSTERIOUS! Chtrles Caldwell Mtlndered at Geo. Strobel's Saloon, on the Corner of Linn and Fiflh Street. With a Dozen Men Around, There Seemingly No Clae to the Vile Murderer. is Last night at twelve o'clock, a Times reporter learned that a murder had been committed, in Geo. Sirobels saloon, at the corcerof Fifth acd Lirih streets. Shortly afterwards, an express wagon was seen go ing to the police station. The body of a man was found lyiog in the wagon. Around the vehicle was a crowd of specta tors, among whom waa Dr. M. S. Thomas. From this gentleman the reporter learned that the man had been stabbed in the right side through the lower part of the right lung. An examination showed that the deceased had received but one wound, but that had been a sure one, and had brought the death angel upon swift wings. WHAT OTHERS SAID. While the driver of the wagon was wait irg for a stretcher, oa which to place the body, in order to carry it up into the sta tion, the reporter g!caced,a3 far as possible, the statements of those who seemed to be willing to talk about the mysterious affair. The name of the deceased was l HAS. CALDWELL, who formerly was the driver of a soda water wagon iu the city, but had lately been living on a farm with a Mr. Beard on Xine-Mile Creek, ia Delaware township He was in the city 7c!erday, in company, some said, with Mr. Beard. He had some money with him, and purchased several articles from Mr. M. E .Franke during the afternoon. He came into the city in a wagon. Mr. FrarLe, ho wa3 at the station, slated that the deceased hid lett his grocery store, on Fifth street, between Cherokee and Choctaw streets. He had some money with him. He lived in Delaware township, on Nine mile creek, with a Mr. Beard, and had formerly driven a scda, wagon ia the city. ONE WHO WAS AT THE SALOON. Wm. Moorehead said that he was sitting; outside when Caldwell came out and said : "lament" Mr. Stahler said, "No, yctt are drunk," thinking that he was in fun He then fell to the ground and was picket! up, placed in a wagon, and taken to tha police station. HE WAS THEN ALIVE, but died on the way. Mr. Moorehead says) there was an ex-convict around there, but he would say no more. He had heard no fuss on the inside ot the ealocn. Mr. Kane, Frank Zipp's foreman, helped to put hitu in the wagon. Mr. Moorehead finally said that he only heard about the ex-convict, but did not see him. One man whose name could not bo learned said that the man, after falling, stated to a man named Ike Itidge that ha was FATALLY STABBED aid told him who had cut him. George Strabel, who had charge of tha express wagon, said he was behind the bar in the saloon, but knew nothing of tha stabbing until his attention was called to it from the outride. 0 Several men who were around the wagon expressed thenrelvcfl freely regarding tho murder, saying that it was strange that such a thing should occur where a great number cf men were present, and that no one should know who committed the act. IN THE STATION. Officer Yerke, who was the only police, man about the station, had the body taken up staira and placed in one of tha rooms. He then searched the pockets of the clothing cf the deceased, found a quantity of tobacco, which Mr. Franke identified as that purchased from his store, a box of matches, and a wallet containing 510 50 in money; which showed that robbery was not the cause of tha murder. The police were at once notified, and it will not be Ijrg before the murderer i3 arrested. st. i.ot is rutit i:-ni- ('nnllnsratloti Anions tha t'lmhliT- anil Uattcrs-Tlir I.oe ami liixuraiirr. Sr. Louis May 10. At il.20 this evening a fire broke out in the wholesale hat anj cap store of Gans, Hunieke & Co., 107 North Fifth street, and in a very short time extended to the large notion and gentle mens' furnishing goods houe of Frackin thall & Bro., on the north, and tbe clothing store of It. & W. Goldstein, on the south. All three stores were COMrLETEL'k '.CTTED, and the stocks are a total lose. The build inss were owned by Mrs. Agnes Kennett and the Glasgow brothers, and are damaged about 545.000 ; insured for about 5 15,0C, in the Citizen' of ht Louis ; Boyal, r.f London, and other companies not accessible to-night. This was another of those MYSTERIOUS FIRES which b&llle the ingenuity of every one ta discover their origin. At half past sis o'clock-, the book-keeper of Ganss, Heinecks & Co. called some half dozen girls down trom tbe nlth story, where they were work ing, and sent them home. He then closed the safe, turned off the gas, and left thi store. In less than five minutes a small light was seen, by men in the street, in thj front part of the ground floor, acd in a very iew itcuuus me enure nouse was on nre, th flames rourinir out of the fcurth and fiflh story windows ia a "5IOST CT.I0C5 AND FRIGHTFUL MANNER. Three distinct loud and sharp reports were ucaju iu mc uunuiug uunng me nre, out the occupants declare that nothing of an explosive character was in the building, and no one knows how to account forthem. Terrible Itailroail ArrMcnt. Toronto. Ont., May 10. This afternoon an excursion party of the directors and mechanics who have been inspecting tho work on the Credit Valley Bailwav. whilo seated ia the car oa a siding at Corlin Junction, writing for the engine to takti them to Toronto, were, owing to a mis placed switch, run into by the Grand Trunk engine, and the car wrecked. Among thoso. severely injured are t, James Goodenhour, a merchant and miller of this city, oao leg cut off, and otherwise badly bruised, recovery doubtful: ex-Mavor Morrison, spine badly; injured; P. D. Coa ?er. coal merchant several ribs smashed: John McNabo, retired hardware aerchaat. spine hurt and side badly bruised; Saasacl scauy, rauway agent, teg oroaea- uusss , l 1 .31 A f X2 SByrttfyJ: rir 'T- jf "'.? 5ii"-- s - . .-nr 9frzvJ bshb.' 'ouua