Newspaper Page Text
, .f WfttAiit ( '■ 'flL* ^rlnttntr Department. B^ s B V «T §| M H !§ S M |?§f Wc lmve supplied ourrcives with nvgood Ba/ JB^/ J3 3L m. (9 |«ortmont of Printiug Material iW hre ^P WM Ztttdj'o execute all kinds of Job Printing, (La ^ >n retsonablc Icrmp. _ 4 t\ ~ T * \\<kve prof ire J to prim Pamphlets, C,„.- •--—■-—r^z.^T~ r_-.;l-_■----- "their legitimate business. ' ' , foguX Posters) large <.r small. Cards, Ball I POE & MATHEWS, Proprietors fref " ~'-l- — ^ Jl -- - - - - - legal Mvcrtiscments will bo charged, for .\J* VokfV Bill Henda, Blanks of every doBcrip- --j_ ' “ LESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER* IKAI 1 <CO RD "PVT? AATATTT?iA Tn A rirrnviein one S,uaru or lrtaa, first insertion ali'l .T-i *“ on,,lor Clerks, Sheriffs, Justices of the — — — -a x " ■ "a ■ . - ■ , ■ __ ’ xXJlVi ii.. Iv U «..X XII xlUVtlLiCI ■ cents ,er square for each atlditionarinserUen. • X& Constablia. he \ V rw TTA'TTs'' "4 —,r „ __ ___~-~=r-— t- ■■ . ■ . - ■ ----- —-—:-:-—: Adveuis-mcnis not ordered f6r « aqceitVl/1 \ ^ „„„,iTi<|-„,M< 1 — X>XiS ARC. ARKAKSAS, VKItRIVUtY 9, 1867. _ NDM13EK4S. " ' WSK. WLL & r, no. s Arc. Ark., RECEIVED TIIE11 STOCK OIP fk-i i I) Y\ 1M El ' v' xxO ox> s, COXSISTIXC OF LADIES & (5 EXT: ^ MESS GOODS, \ ‘O'f ALL KINDS. Hits, Gap', Boots, Shoes, LADIES CLOAKS AND HATS, ClofJyur.JVctloii*. I<'nrt<-y White ’* GOODS .LDESCiilL’JiO.NS, /* SnDry Goods Houses. Also n CniceTct of* FAMILY GKOCEUXE8,. Queeatwart, Ilollow-Vare, Hardware. Gla-tvare, Ac.. Ac. Fc ta:cc th«s: greatest pleasure in shewing • our stock, ari furKlehing a list of ju ices to jl 'be public, so liny may be tlo'r own judges mf as to where tlA- c.ia got the beat bargains. - */f'c will hy the highest market prices for allkinds ott’otintry 1’rodnee and Cotton ^ I '.ease give lisa call before purchasing else ▼ where ock- GILL & 3RO. D^.UC3-JS 2 • $ i > -1__ A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ME£ B DRUGS, ^ MW!Ulfl S hHD CHEMICALS, School tsks and SiaDonery, Paint?, Oil?, Pj? - Stiffs, Window-Class, Wr \ Pune I'fWfcit MwPcinop, Wine?, Brandiep, i w.aI *' ... , ' \ JKI 5..J celebrated Southern U'eUrtedios. inraTiailjly for cash. at small profit"«. 4 $ui BPlttEY Si BRO. iopmoif Ij dayi's,| -s *\ k T*G G ISTS, : : . T7 KIl1 on Insi a lavq vsaortment of Drug* I\ >lr*iicin’^ Pai11* nils, IV.fiitUfcry, I’afentjSJiedU aj**, Win; -. Brandies. Whiskey. ! for n»eji-*ftl ] rr : which we will sell low for eJh. ] j-erptions and orders filled r prompiy. t * july'dl-tf JM Npli i A. O. BE WARDS. h tmnm, '4 AS*! DEALERS IX f• ‘ * SERIES. PROVISIONS, dBagginga Hope* 7? aden and Will aw Ware, *jr\ (l IXtMqmfo, jiiiware^ *. __ Hardware Stoneware. E*c., y * V t Tjs Arc, Arkansas. — ( ■ v.'c feel grateful to our maty frieftds fb't , he liberal patronage received since our com »1ieucem4ni in I'es Are, and rant no better , reference to give new customers, than tho?c Vlio hate tried us. We will make liberal cash advances on cot ton for shipment, or store. - A fair barter of goods for any kind o -iSuntry produce. novlT-tiir “ DES A1IC ' sL&.i-.OQiixr!: /k iT OUvety one, that would have somethin] \J- KVI fur the inner man 1 Old PeA*h an< Whiskey, llraniy, Wine am ■ V^*fr-^kNlv4iticd u£aiid aecotnmo jjflo tluflaeic Of the* ^ M*VT FASTIDIOI S. Frcsf Oysti», Sardines, Crackers, Cheese *$pj * A\»tsf Fin6 •giix, Fine Tobacco, Apple? i s uits, &c. In tact, everything pcitainiug o r belonging to a *ir*>» cInm F«U>tin, may b «fous|ft on hand at tins D#:a Arc Saloon, o ®15uena Vist.i ue&i door to Johnson *Si Da fPg» vis’ Drug Sturt* Call end see that ix all so. J ii WILLIAMS. - *JJ(S \tc. No tender fi, 1 Mitt.—it I ’XUo kVrcac le ! ■ 1 >oU 'a 30r,,c*‘ibg I* good eall n gj Av<SL‘. JIl Torn and Jerry. Brandi ^-.n Ibtorih, etc, iu la-*r, ever Tjjvlot t hat jVnl'(Ji ink. Yki ■ ■ J vt game, and pay tl. |S^ir 11. Ii. iliiTHI'.l.I.. ME lh,;7»_ HTfotorBl AT LAW Oottoa riaf» Arkansaa, E Win practice in tlri Circuit Courts ■Woodruff county, and Oe (.'ire,til Court* A. i ,- weftoih Judioio 1'f. iv l. a ii .give f. ofti | '0 Cl *>>*>,«» rnuruitH 10 h f* * — ; A. STEWART, of “ ' Stewart, Galb'reft'tb A Titer, NcT Orlcanl W. STEWARD, it I Mt Galbreatb, Stewart & Co., Wcrapbili , | Iil GII STEWART, A. D. G WYNNE, | De« Arc, Arkansas j * I Stewart, Cfwjaao & Go., . COMMISSION MERCHASfa AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, I - f.. j FURNITURE, ETC., ARC, ARK. | i j Otir stock embraces the following articles: | HACON, CORN, ; FLOCK, MEAL, j CANDLES, COAL OIL, ' COAL OIL LA MFS. COALOIL LANTERNS, lard oil, Tanners oil, Of NS, AMMUNITION, iron, Na'ilS, I ■ CASTINGS, COOKING SfOVKB, TIN WA RE, WOODEN IV A RE, STONE W A RE tju EE NSW ART, •! CARPENTER'S TOOLS, KNIVfin A’KfTokks, rCtts ane (Screws, »i n n,u» r iLT-c, | horse sii'Oii nails, LOCHS. 'HiWtS. CHAIN'S, j or \ss uorn, glass and pash, ' PAINTS AND PC TTY, COGt.Ans AND HAMMS. | BRIDLES AND SADDLES, RED ST MADS, LOUNGES, , RARY Cil'.iSS, SAFES, Cables and chairs. together tfith a large n«*rhrl?rtr*nt of useful and fancy articles. TV e respect fufty invite the public to an examination of our Bloc* nnu • pricep. i -TV© pay the highest lottos for Cotton and other country products. junlfi- STEwAb'T, GWYJTNE & CO. W ALT & CO, j | (Successors to Moore &.Co.,) WHOLESALE A RETAIL j AND DEALERS IN LI1IE, tEMEST, PLASTER, IIRIR, CORA, OATS, ETC., -- ■ I If you want Flour of all grades and prices, I go to Walt & Co's. If you want Lime, Cericnt or Plaster, go to Walt &, Co's. If you want any kind of Food, go to Wall ; & Co'S If you want Cue Liquors, go to Walt & Co>. If you want ‘'Georgia Pino Tdp Whisky," go 10 Walt & Co’si ! If you want to draw rations of all kinds, go to Walt & Co's, Hand in your requisitions on green paper, I countersigned by ono Mr. Spinner, and you shall be satisfied. augl WALT & CO. i LIVERY AND SALE ;j :; —nr— , • .T. 1». WELLER, WOODlfUFF ST., - - ■ MS ARC (XEAK THE “CITIZEN OFFICE.”) — :o: — muE..TRAVEM.NO I li« will find i!ic I’nrpri • ator of this Stable always prepare*! to imnisi > HACK#, IftWKStEK and HOltSK# to go t. any part of the country. Horses boarded b; 0 iho dav, week or month, oeLW. J. r. WFLLF.H. F.lLEi*TIEN, tVatclunakfr and Jeweler • MS ARC, ARAKNSAS. , T AM NOW PREPARED TO DO AM, JB : 1 kinds of work in my lino. Moud- gTl iag, (Jloauitig. &o. |-Thankful for past favors. 1 aolieii •* ocutinunnee of (he j>ntr®nagj Eorolofcrt t«i itew-fd oi, m*. fefc?* tf . • • t ~ V ' * - ’ m nvr ^ I a i AIUIB. J. F.. GATEWOOD, > < J. £ THOMA87 Dee Arc, Ark. / \ Brownsville, Ark. GATEWOOD & THOMAS, **tM9*t»*Y &*w Des Arc (uid fertthgvllie, I’RAIKIE COt XTY, ARKANSAS. ] __ deel-tf Greo. W. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND . S O LIC1 T O R IN CHANCERY —and— GENERAL LAND AGENT, COTTON F*T>.v>rr, [ WO01)UL'FF COUNTY, ARKANSAS. ITIHU slimd (be Circuit end Probate | >» /ourts for the counties pf Monroe. S, ; I Frenctsand Woodruff. ma:2l- | ; GANTT & BKONaooh, , .vril'.' • li. P. VAUGHAN, I)es Arc, Arkansas, Gantt, Bronangh & Tanghan, I ATTOttXIYS AT LAST. ,W>H practice in the counties of prairie, j White, Woodruff'. Monroe, Arkansas and l’u-1 laski. Prompt atttcntion given to the collec tion of claims. Taxes will be paid and titles, investigated for non-residents. aprll-ffm ! URS. LANE & BIRNEY* | UwitlfHt gbijsicianS; -A N D SUKGEONS), m® | OFUiili their services to the eitiirns and! Vicinity, iu tlie various branches uf their EitSfegpionp. Office at Burney & Bro’w Drutr ! to***- _ marK-1 y 'J *• K' *KbtiBIT.TH. T. fU-ARP! kj?nt. HEDGEPETH & Ot, MTORNRYS aYT LAW. j DE3 ARC, ARKANSAS -V-V V, v w ' IV ,l'1' I'1 iiuuce in an ot me court-* of; ▼ T Prairie county, and the circuit courts! tif the surrounding counties. mar24-6m WM* T- JONES, fcVm'&M&t.&'S K4Wr BROWNSVILLE, ARKANSAS. i WILL prnct)c« «!« comiiios of Pulaski. \ Prairie, Monroe, lYrfhrri w. nnA j White Prompt attentiou given to tTif'eonv. .!, tion of claims. aprll-ly j ___ _______ ______ I WM. R. GOODY. I*. 3tC RAE. ! COODY & McRAE, mI SEAKC Y, WHITE COITXTY, j ATIKAN8A8. iVill practice iT\ all the courts of Arkansan. mar24- ! W. HICKS, Formerly of the firm of Cypert & | Hicks. II, R. FIELDING, Formerly of Athens, AlA. j HICKS & FIELDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j Searcy, While Co., Arkansas. WILL practice in this and the adjacent j counties, in (ho District Courts, and Su- i premo CettYtbf the State. -Wo have in. connection with our Law ' Office nn ACTIVE 6CT-DOORCOLLECTING j AGENCY. Claims entrusted to. u$ will be j promptly attended tft, ahd if Hot immediately ! collected will be at once secured if possible, j Claim against the Government for property , taken by the l\ S forces (whether receipted ! for or not)—Bounties Pensions, AueXaes of1 Pat Ac. promptly attended to. j marl!-I- HICKS A FIELDING. ! POL. F. CLARK' PAM. W. WILLIAMS, j JOE XV. MARTIN. CLARK. WILLIAMS & MARTIN, Attorneys at Law, LITTLE HOCK, AKKAXSiA. T 1 TILL practice in all the Courts, prosecute V V * Claim* of All kinds, collect, debts, and act ae Real Estate and General J gents. Office—Markham Street, near State House. npril28-tf J. Sims .Allen, ! Wholesale anil Retail W j AND GENERAL, RECEIVING* FORWARDING -ASP Cemmissisu pmUnttt, nilS AflC, ARKAXftlS. j. j n«s .md will kcpf on hand a largo dnl good selecllon of Furniture i i Of all kind*, suitable for the market, which | he offers uu very reasonable terms. Also, a lot of LIME. "A TK. (TfcO. TV. V.AHEN i« d*ing business J.T-1 with J, Sims, find would res peel fully infoi*m his Lid friends and ncqttain j tanecs, that lio is still alive and kicking at th« old stand, and would bo most happy to see al h of his old friends, renow atfqaaiulanees ,1h< a , both start anew to fortune. Call, gentlemen - • I promise to do you no harm—but think I ca: * make it to your interest to do to. iin28 DES ARC ADVERTISEMENTS. : NEW ~ CASH STORE!! I j "Wilson & Cook, DEN Alt*', ARKANSAN, DEAIERS IN STAPLE and FANCY! DRY GOODS, | j a umes' dress «ooas, SHAM'D. IIATS, j KIDTXG HAT* AXI) . AXXRTS, I cf (Svtvjj 3favicui, . ; A good Mock of Mohs' and Tovf,’ I READY-MADE ' i i ! i Mats and Caps, i ■** i , QOTS AND SHOW, ; if a i! i) w a 1: k axi) ci:tlki;v, • < H'l'ATIO A Kit V, : | : i : imtA fciiOt r.Rgjis, Etc. ! I d r Vvou’.d I'l'f-pcciftilly rolioi! the pith- 1 lie jfoiH’rally, in vUiiinjr P<*d Arc £ to buy Goods in our lino, to . honor us with a chII. W'c hope a flu 5 doitiji' so, they wfU And It to , '1 Xnr.* int r-vi’.-t. i V tobiiv from 1 ii lis. • , Wo ire in the cotmtry, bivr coute ; . tmonr von with the view of in ale ini' this cur 1 ! nerinnnent borne, and only ask. that by fair ieaUn*g, promptness arid liKV Ally in bttsi less, that vc share a reasonable pdrtlon of! < patronage. , . WILSON & COOK. l>es Arc, Ark., Oct. 13, 180b.—oetl3 THM.GOURGUES, Family Grocer, A.\I> UKALF.K IMPORTED WINES. LIQUORS j ^otoicrc*, <£ujavss, &c., DES Alto AKK HAVE just received, ah it am now offering j at tlic lowest market prices, a complete ; assort tilth t of Family Groceries. Wines. Liquors, to.. Consisting in part of Brandies, Whiskey, j I'ort Wine, Madeira, Claret, Cotree, Sugar, Molasses, and a variety of such articles us are usually fjund in a first class • FAMILY GROCERY. Being thoroughly acquainted w ith the busi ness lb TfhWh I am chgaged, I feel confident 1 of my ability to give satisfaction, and solicit the patronage of all desiring articles in my j line. jtiuCS-if Tom’S SALOiT DEV ALL’S BLUFF, ARK. WHO WANTS A GOOD DRINK OF FINE LIQUOR!! Tom is ' now behind the counter of thu BEST SALGOM i In ihe place, ready to hand or.t to c'.l desiring it, the Finest I.iqtOHs that the market affords, i No humbug! Giro Tom a call, and if you love good things, you will be satisfied. jmtrlT-Sm CARR & GALLAGHER. I SALISBURY, BRO. «fc?o7~ Eitchsive Manufacturers and Importers cf t!OLD, PL ATED* &, OltEI!>E JEWELET SOLID AND NIC Kill, SILVER ^ ARE, American, English & Swiss Watches CASED BT OVRSEI.VKS, And every description of F'in>y (ion</i mu/ lanlfc A'oliont, Especially adapted and designed for Southern and Western Trade. Circulars and full dcscriptits Trice Lists sent free. Agents wanted everywhere. Address 6ALISBUBY. liltO. A CO., fit Dodavscr 6r*rt», nsrlil-J VfoTtrwv c. Tv I NEW YOKK AIIVEKTfcMENTS. Splendid Holiday freseats l Gold and Slver! Filmnciul Crisis COMPEL r* TO kit la tin?? Cohi-ifi drift Drouths. $260.000--> -$250,000; woinirbfc' li utrhf ^ < VijcJcs, fyiins, Diamond biui'/t. /Vbto.v, \f /droits, Snicing i Machine*) Siho r fair, dr., <(■<:. A I.L TO 15K DISIOSKD OF AT | ONE DOLLAR EACH V iiliotit regard to valje ? And not to ho F'id for until youknow what you are to receive. 8©“-Vfter receiving the article, if it does AOt ! please volt, you can return it and your money will be .refunded The sloescomprises, amongst other articles, dpletidid Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches. Rings act with Diamonds. Itubies, Pearls, tarntt art’, -tiller' Stone*, fsijiitltiro and in ?lnster».) ,1;a'!'.*■»' Jet r.f .Jewelry, comprising I'lipt and Ear Rings of the most, fasliionahle ttyles. set in Precious Stones of every variety, ugrther w‘1'1 a large assortment, of Gold aiid i Enamelled and l’nii! Sets. Hold Studs and! deeve Duttons of the ttuna beautiful patterns, ients Rosotit and Starr Pina, and nn endless j variety of Bracelc*-*, Cltains, Musical Boxes, ■ dead Dresses, Con.hs. Charms, &c. lu eonsei|i;cne« of the great stagnation of ra te it; the dietriets of Eranee , ind England. a Urge (tnnalitv of valtttible ‘ ivvfelry, original!; intended for the European market, line bec-u sent off fur sale in this I "-unity, and mint tv sold at .any sacrifice I -rtulcr these -'irninislnnces iJie ’-WATCH ,s; lOl.D JK\W-,I ill CO," have resolved upon AN APPORTIONMENT! ! ubjeet lo the follow ing regulations: l ei'tit.cates nf ihs various articles, without 1 vgar.l to choice or value are first put into on cln) es. seated up teid mixed : and. when tip ered. are taken out bv u Blindfolded h.v nd sent by mail, tl.u,- -r I Aug all a fiair-dtRuem •:i rveeipt of the Certificate. you will see . • ' ... •» mi j P*n*n to wiiu the ilolluf and take the article mot. Purchasers may thus cMAii; a Piano. I el ode on, Sewing Machine. Gold Watch] diitnnnd Ilsng. any set of Jewelry on our ial for One Duiiar. NO IVLAN’IvK. SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CKHTJFICATK. j la tii: trf.^sfi'uions by mail, we -.•bull charge j <r forwarding the certificate.':, paving postage 3+W4N fo.C1.1 *jj*•• A5 ceutjj'carv u WW i >r. Five ccreificute* vvTTl be sent for Yl, IfVv»» ror .* 2. thirty for $5, sixty five for j Ad too for £15. AG-.N 15".—Me want air* n;.-. in every to.'.vu; :id county iu the country, and (Hose acting ~ --idlA be allowed ten cent a on every j frrtifi rate ordered by them provided their : ebiinance amounts to *1. Agents will col- ■ i-'et 25 cents for every certificate,and remit 15 ; ents't* \ns, icithy- iu cash or postage stamps. ■ kgonts remitting n? once $30, will be entitled i o a beautiful Silver I Fulling Case haunt ; .ever Wruch, and also 2U0 certificates. i lease write your Name, Town,County and : date, plainly, and address all orders to WATCH AND COLD JEWELRY COMPANY, !ccl*4ia 3(5 Liberty Street, Now York. , j OH THE POPDLAft ONE PRICE PI AX, jiving every Ptlron a Handsome and lie liable II at eh for the loir Price of i'i.h hollars’ tV ITIIOIT It HOARD TO VALUE. bid not to be Paid for unless per fsctly Satisfactory I 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches $250 to $750 100 Magic I'nfitd Gold WattihCs 200 to 500 100 Ladies' Watches; Enameled 100 to 300 200 Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches 200 to 300 200 Gold Hunting English Levers 200 to 250 100 Gobi Hunting Duplex Watches 1»50 to 200 >30Gold Hunting Americau WatfcheslOO to 250 >00 Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 150 >00 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 250 500 Gold Ladies* Watshes ijt) tS 250 1,000 Gold Hunting Lepincs 50 to 75 1.000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 00 to 100 2.000 Hunting Silver Watehes 25 to 50 5.000 Assorted Watches all kinds 10,i6 75 Every patron obtains a Watch by this arrangement, costing but $10, while it may be worth $750. No partiality shown. Messrs. J. HICK LING & CO., 149 Broad way, New York City, wish to immediately dispose of the above magnificent Stock. Cor tificntesi naming the articles, are placed iu sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named on their certificate, upon payment of Ton Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $750 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the article named thereon, upon payment irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than $10 is named on any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is A’o f.often/, but ft straight forward legitimate Transaction, which may be participated in even fry the most fastidious! A single Certificate will be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cts., five for $1, eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant pre mium for $5. sixty-six hml more valuable premium for $10, one hundred and most su perb Watch for $15. To Agents or those wishing employment this is a rare opportune ty. It is rt legitimately conducted business duly authorized by the Government, ami opet to ilie most careful scrutiny. Try us! Address J. RIH EtlJ\G & CO., dcc8-8n\ 14b Broadway, New York, J. A. XEVILS. JAS. UOSE DICK POE, —WITH-— m &®«s» WHOLESALE AND RET Alts GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS No. 110 Front Street, Tom. McKeon'a Old Huind, jtlt’iu/iJus, JDejincAa.ce. JfeV-Partieular attention paid to tli t-ale of Cotton. Mr All C 'ofton or other 1‘rodnets cor ( sinned to ui, is Insured iHider our ops j policies. unldM otherwise instructed. oct'27 if NEVTL8 * HOSE T MEMPHIS ADTERTISEMESTS. Bleioclc & Co., Bookseller?, Stationer?, Printers. —AND— Blank Book Si 5 MAIN' STllf.F.T, 31 E 31 1J HIS. Record JSooks for County Officers on hand, and made to or .lor. novi7*Jjm W. W- V7AIR, or ARKAI'l 3AS. —WITH— SHLOSS Sr BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS CEOTIIINO, — ci.nju siil4. Fiirnhliing fiowls. I’lauiiMsi' J.ootls. fir., 217 Main Street, Opp. 03d Lel'.ow, Ha’:l, oct27-6m MEMPU-tS, TL'XX. K0BIJ1NS, Jt. BR.UU.kV, I'-’ «arvtfii St , N, Y. Memphis Tvnn. E. RQBglKS a BRADLEY. 223 St coin! Street, AJamt Week, (BfeTTVK** AI).'« ami JEFrKRSOK ST3.) Memphis, Tcnn; HARDWARE, Plantation Implements, • . Mechanics Tools. i BUILDERS HARDWARE, QUITS, Pistols and Bowie Knives. not! i -.'Jin W. M. PICKET?. l.K' i Joy. UAl.Pil wokukrlkV. JOIIX I>. U3SERY. AY'. l.^iflcett &: Co., LL) 4 si 'JVi rvjii > u —aw— General Commission Merofcti-nt-s,1 NEW ORLEANS, LAi JAMES A. I’AINt:. JACfc llhitXE. WORMELEY, JOY & CO., Cotton Factors, WHOLESALE Grocers and Produce Merchants, 310 Front St., Memphis, Teiin. [T will be seen by the above announcement, that we have established a branch of our house in New Orleans, under the management of Mr. W. S. PirKr.TT. nil old an experienced cotton merchant ill the New Orleans trade, thereby ottering to our customers the advant ages of cither market for tlie sale of cotton and purchase of supplies, janb- 1YORMET.EY, JOY & CO. HAiUlWICKv lUlUSK, NO’S. Cl, 63 AND 65 ADAMS STREET, Mtmtl*tElS. I'EXW. ' riltirj pro pi ill ’’rfj ipxmi'i Iiiiiuj 1_ public for the libcrnl patronage extended to them for the past 'year. The house lias within the past feW months been thoroughly Renovated, Painted aud Furnished. The House is now open to the public nt the following rates: I Transient, per dav.$ 3 Oh I Per Week.. $18 01 | Per Month,.:.$00 0C Day Hoard Per Month,. ?35 Oh OFF.N AT AI.I, IIOVR8. IT A It I) WICK & KEAI.tS; j oct27-llm Proprietors. A. VACCAKO. M. MAllKVNRY. All IS. VACCAKO. A. IS. VACCAKO A. Vaccarb & Co., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN j WINES, LIQUORS SEGARS. ETC-. i »«1 fRONT HTR10KT, | nov!7-3m M(’lUpllls, TetlU ) a »• JONES. tv. S. BROWN. M. B. JOSES JOSES IUIOWX & CO., C o 111» h Factors , Receiving & Forwarding Merchant^ No 2btj Front 8t , Memphis. Tenu. \FTEK a suspension of business for fen years, we again take this method of r« ! turning onr thanks to our patrons and friend • for their kind and liberal patronage hereke fore extended to us, w ith renewed assuratio j of a continuance of our prompt and person* attention to all business entrusted to on C " c ar® prepared with A large, comm, dious Warehouse, fo» stprjng Cotton, A I Cotton consigned to us will ^e poyexed hy ir . ! suranec, unless ojher',. i»o instructed: Chic i the members Cf the turn w iil g”>n this braue ti of the business his persoual sw. VJlon. Ifvo l visit our city, wo will be pllei. to have vo j call on us. •4,"i Sm Jnjs' lawit A Co. , ,. - * , . “"""ar: r l'"SBfeBSSsrrr~ liV ri:ElaEGit APIII IjIXTLR Rock, February 4. The bill providing relief for tb'e families of deceased soldiers, and for wounded and disabled soldiers, aud providing artificial limbs forsucli as arc maimed and not pro vided for bv the United States, has pass ed both Houses over the veto of the Governor. ’J be offices of the Slants Zcituurj and of the old True Democrat, were destroyed by lire yesterday morning. Loss $20,000. The German paper was insured for $000. The river has risen two feet since yesterday, and still rising, with good pros pects for plenty of water. There is five feet in the cnauael to the ihottlH yf the ArfcanS.s. Washington. Feb. 4—-The Fcnnte concurred in the House amendment to the : joint resolution for the payment of the i Kentucky militia for Government sorviee. A resolution was adopted asking the: Seen tary of War for copies of the order ! *n relation to the Bermuda. Also one i offered by Schofield, organizing a Com- j mission to investigate the claims of loyal j Tennesseeans for army stores Mr. Harris, from the judiciary Com- J i.Gtt.m, reported the resolution to pay the ! Senators from Tenncs-ec front the com mcnccincht of the Thirty-ninth Congress. Mr. Williams presented a bill providing a ttiore efficient government in the insur rectionary States, Which was referred to the Reconstruction Committee Mr. Trumbull, from tlio Judicially Com mittee, reported adversely to Davis' reso lution declarative of the principle of the Const.union relative to the writ of habeas corpus. A bill granting aid for the construction (■1 the San i vanciseo Pacific Railroad and the Bankrupt law, weio considered and amended. Washington, Feb. 4—In the House several bills and resolutions were offered 1 iih' referred Among thorn was dhd pro-! h bitmg the .Secretary of tli o 'Treasury from j selling go’d. -v i>•'uia’w uanii" mu currciu ; year there shall unt be any reduction of! greenbacks, and directing the Committee on V' ays and Means to report a bill to that; off'.-ot. was passed. Washington, Feb. 4.—It is under- ] stood that the Reconstruction Committee | are agreed upon a plan which, if adopted ! by Congress, will be acceptable to the j .South itud (speedily settle the question.— j .'southerners in Washington say I their constituents will at once outunl-v j. HaeTCtary McCulloch approves the loan no opposition-tins-... o.. The Judiciary Committee have done nothing in the impeachment matter, save by informal conferences to ascertain what o"oU ! p proved to sustain Mr. Ashley’s charges. It is rumored that Gen. Sheridan will be ! sent to the plains to conduct the impend ing Indian war. The New Orleans riot committee will re port a bill tor provissiotially governing ] Louisiana until admitted to Congressional representation by an enabling act. A prominent Senator says the lTh.-idcnt informed him that if tho Tariff bill in its , present shape, passed the House, he would j be compelled to veto it. The Senate can , pass the bill over liis veto, but it is doubt- j ful whether tbS House can: Nkw York, Feb. 4—Tho World’s] Washington special of to-day says the Cab | inet consultatious with lending Southern men last night ended iti an agree ment. A series of resolutions were drawn up at the conference favoring a suffrage based oti reading, writing and a property | qualification amounting to $250, which ■ should be submitted for adoption to the ] Southern Legislatures, to pave the way for i the submission of the question by the l’res ! ident ifi his message to the fortieth Con ! gross. These resolutions were sent to the Governors of the several Southern States to day, accompanied by an advisory letter stating that they meet the President’s ap 1 proval. The question of amnesty does not ap : pear to have been an essential feature of the plan. The New York Herald’s special says it : is definitely settled that articles of impeach ment will be presented to tho House at an early day, but the Semite will not lake uiem up uniti tne next session. The Tribune soys the re construction ■ plan did not receive much encouragement 1 before the committee on Saturday. The Southern Relief Association have thus far raised £14.000. The Tribune says the humtkly state ment of die public debt is not so favorable I as preceding ones have been with regard to the bon (motion of the $400,000. The Secretary nil! not publish it this month, i owing to the heavy, demands lipoh tlu Treasury. Paris, Feb. 3.— I, i i\cssr thinks the ; presence of the American squadron in the Mediterranean tends to complicate the j Eastern question.*" Paris February 3—The friends of the Cretans have been very successful in raising funds. ‘ Serious labor riots have occurred at Me chfonncs, near I.illi. The troops were called nut and several of the rioters were killed. \ Yirnna, Feb. 3.—A radical change in the Austrian miifstry is impending. Fred * | Orl is a candidate for the uew Gunner " ■ Parliament. London. Feb. 3.—Sonth American ad vices say that a terrible explosion, with , i great loss of life, ©courrod recently ’ ir ' Paraguy, * * • 8t. Petersburg. Feb 4;—A mail has beet: ' established to 1‘ekin London, Feb. 4.-—Foiled States ft 20; | 72 11-10. Consols (JO 9-10. r Liverpool, Ftib. 4.—-Cotton opened dul ' | and inactive, With sales of 6,000 bales * ; iiiiddling uplSttds 14}d. 1 feij* In the Ilouse ou the 31st, Ray moud and Darling of New York, presents* 1 numerously signed mCniDrials, protestin; -; against tile impeachment project, an* ‘ i begging Congress to adopt measures ti H | strengthen public confidence, allay excite u ment, revive the interest of labor and cap i ital. and promote the peace and nrnsnerif , of the country. * ' -=-.J Tlio Financial Aspect. The terrible tommcrcial crisis, so long ixpected, is slowly bet surely drawing iigh. Tho culmination of tho great polit eal war which desolated the South did not sod there Like a huge wave, it has rolled jver that rich and beautiful half of the Union, and after carry it g untold horrors to ten millions of a onec happy people, and leaving a land that nctmally iioweil with milk and honey a bleak iutd barren waste, the wave is now surging back upon us, rnd bringing the evils If financial and commercial chaos, the extent of which, as yet, we do not dreaiVt of. 1 Tlis South can not be blotted out tciihoutv hluUlny "S' spot lam vpon'llii North, and tvic cohiplcte ins olation of the South is raw. hellish work which 'i bad. Stevens and !ii workers haVc sworn to spend the balance si* l^cir lives ‘to accomplish. ’ ''n<L To-day, all over the N*tftf h, ten hear greahs of financial cmbarrcs*ment. 1 h'o commercial tVorld is sick. In every largo city of the Northern States the productive branches are parilyzed. Money is said t*> be “tight.” The markets are depressed. Workinghictt are turned out of employ ment. lliindreda of hard fisted foreigners, who a year ago, were tempted by the rn- | mors of high wages in this country, to leave their homes in Germany and Switzer land and other parts of F.urope, and em bark for our shores, have found the reality a disappointment, and have returned to their friends to'.tell them that America is not the country itwas six years ago. Im porters,-in our odjymorcial centres, aro shipping their stocks itaick to I.uropc.— Manufacturers are stoJfjt^PS productions by working ouly half the There is alarm and distrust everywhere.^jl[d gfBa* is the marvel thereof. Wo. lie4ualis5WP!a*J'' : of explanations of the present stale of af fairs. The leading financial writers liars given the commercial classes tho causes of this peculiar stato of affair's, and each WritP.r n tliPnrv n( Vintfrn V»n feels is the true otic. AVh are told that there is too much money ; ami again, thatf’”'*' there is a plethora of goods; that the can- if ft sumers’ market is glutted ; and again wo are given to understand that there are noj , goods enough in the country. Another theory is, that prices are too high, another, \VV. that tho price itself, has nothing to do t* wi.h it, but fluctuations or changes, in values, growing otit of the variations of tho gold quotations, cause the stagnation in 5* trade, but not one of the scores of theorist, ''Nj«l seem to have the least idea of the chief - cause in the stagnation iti tho commercial narttet to~7T;ty. H r7,7o,v of Soxiiho) ’1 q i'in't'iiM'I'f'd a .;iu<5 t,u‘s result is rendered North, by limited productions. t'tVl >• y' miners will not pay; saris very sparingly, fw arid hence goods move slowly. Ihosc t»o . /-%>' causes chioflyr-***-/■ sioti over the entire '.Yti.cs t.. , [Somerset Tiik World Caxmot Satisft.—Trince Tal leyrand, who had served fifty years as n groat diplomatist in France, under five different governments, at nearly all the courts of Eu rope, a few years before ho die !, inado tho i M fijllowuig confession. lio rirroie it by a lam^ ou bis table, in a chamber of his palace, i n Faria, and it was read whoa ho expired ;-A~ ‘■Eiglity three years of life are now passed— filled with what unxieties, what agitation*, what Tanitlos, troubled perplexities—arid all this with no other result than great fatigue, .. physical and moral, and a profound sentiment^;: of discouragement with regard to the fu and of disgust for the past f that this world, wdtlfns pleasures, its honoi. and its gains, can never fill up the aching \oid in the heart of man. This, the “life of God in the heart of man’’ can alone accom plish. UxtusiiiicSs at the North.—Tho Washing ton correspondent of ‘.ho Richmond Piimatch says: “Accounts from tho North represent A very uneasy state of feeling regarding the Spring trade and the general prosperity of business of all kinds, and a wide spread desiro exist* to have the Southern States rcstorod at ike earliest moment for tho protection of .north ern capital. The Radicals there are becom ing alarmed at the derabraliicd flat® of affairs in Congress. And some prediet the admit ■. .. ... . . t -.... .l.i _•> Cl UU Ul IUU DUUIUV1II ••I'l'C1' v ‘"V "" the present session. If they find that their | trade is suffering heavily front tho non-repre | mentation of the Southern States, petition* ' nud memorials asking that immediate action be taken will assuredly be found showering ih upon tho Senate and House of“Rcprescula tives.” CtTin's Catechism.—The following ele : incntary catceljism for young men about to marry Is "c o titm on, 1o*T * Arc you aw candles ? Do you kno I aitch bone, 01 | lloyv far wi family t How much tanniu ' Declare, If per annum th aals, bonnets cuffs and eoll If itualile I i would say to | i!.;«Wyvould b< training phys further exam Can you ro , Can you wi * Can you uu day ? Can you cu have yon the lay your ham ••yel.' take your license i -Den butler announces his intention run for tho t’reSideucy iu lHtVH, at all h : wiiy not? iiunriiifg 1* his fotfe. Ttaad. Stevon* says A«t wtailw the South vjtll catch h-fl. i h-H will catch York ia *0 groat that one-third the omnibua»Hj^^| huTO b<?en wlibtUn*n, not b-‘inf | to a lirtain tbcm, ■ : •