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The Jeffersonian Democrat. JULIUS 8. CONVEksk, Editor.- CBlHDb)l."Mlfl,"rRIWT, JC5E 20. 1861. Shall the Union Organization be Abandoned? t ' Tli Cleveland Trailer urge an abandon ment of lha Union organisation in this tnte, claiming that ii has failed to answer the expecta tions of the people. There it great force In in arguments, and wo ontr regret that they were Hot presented one year ngo, when, with the llei M,lt labored to forestall public opinion in favor of union. Pome then foresaw what others hsve since loomed by expeiience, but, boing in the minority, were powerless to prevent it. We eared little for pany nurnw, but thought that Republican, bofore cniering Into a union, otiglrt at leist to demand recognition of the Anti Slavery sentiment of theState. Wow could unity of action be expected without unity ol sentiment f Hut the Union organization was formed shall ft now be aoandonedt We would not answer this question hastily, but one thing is certain: that the Uuijn party of Ohio must assume Anti- Slavery ground, as strong at least as that of tho Union party of New York, or its longer con tinuance will be neither profitable nor desirable. Republicans who value their principles cannot he content with simply aiding In elovatinj; to offic e men who condemn and repudiate them. The Democratic State Convention is to be held at Columbus, on the 4th of J nly. As Unionists or ReVublicans, we must be prepnred to meet the is ues which that Convention shall present. The policy of evasion has been tried and found wanting. "The Constitution as it is, and the Union as it was." Our Northern sympathizers with treason havo chosen for thoir motto, "The Consti tution as it is, and the Union as it was." Like that with which tho Bull-Everett party entered the contost of I80D, "The Consti tution, the Union and the onforoomont of tho laws," it sounds patriotic, and is wnll calculated to attract unwary conservatives, who love tho old Union, and the Constitu tion from vhich It derives its boing, and who aro naturally averse tn any policy that would destroy the one or impair tho other. Long accustomed to regard "tho com promises of tho Constitution" as the Con stitution itself, It is perhaps no wonder that whatever has a tendency to weaken Slavery is, in thoir view, fatal to tho Uuion. Whence oiiginatod this strange fallacy, if not in tho doinoral xiog influence which years of habitual acquiescence in pro-slavery rule havo had upon tho Northern mind ? Who lia: not felt that influence, or who can esti inato its full extent ? Nothing could be more falsa and illogical than that tho integrity of the Constitution and the Union requires tho continuance of Slavery for a single moment. There Is not Republican, howevor radical, who duel not desire tho preservation of "tho Con sti.ution as it is," unporvcrted hy the roi egandista and apologists of Slavery, and the 1 restoration of "tho Union as it was," under the Constitutional rulo of our forefathers, which made Froodnm national and Slavery aoctinnal, ni would, if continued, havo saved the country aliko from pro-slavery dognnoracy and civil war. It is only tho party of Slavery, in loagua with tretison and rebellion, that is not satielled with such Constitution and Union. We hear a groat deal about "tho com promises of tho Constitution" in regard Slavery. Wo adinit-tlioni, and aro willing to allow thorn all tho weight tn which thoy re justly entitled. Our forefathers found Slavery existing in the fitutos. at the lime of the adoption of tho Constitution. It was stumbling block in thoir way, and, void it, thoy mailo certain compromises. Nono of those compromises, howovor, recog nizes tho right of properly in man, (such recognition being purposely avoided, )and all, boing contrary to tho spirit of tho Consti tution, nnd In durogation of human rights. should bo strictly ennstruod. They, at thn furthoit extent, only rncognixo tho exist eoco of Slavery In certain Stales, without making the National Government responsi bio for Its continuance. Thoy are found in tho following provisions of tho Constitu tion : 1st. That tho fnrnign slavo trade should not be prohibited by Congross, prior to year 180H. 2d. That throo-fifths of thn slaves of sny Slate shall bo onuinorated, in determining tho number of Representatives In Congross to which it is entitled. 3d, That fugitive slaves shall bo dolivorod up on claim of thoir masters. 4th. That the (Internment mny call tho militia of any of tho States, to sup press domestic Insurrection. The first of these provisions ex pi rod long slnoo by its own limitation, and remains dead letter in tho Constitution. econd, third and fourth havo roforonco tho existenco of Slavery, but in no way quire its eontinuanoo ; and, should it cease exist, Ihey would simply becomo Inoperative, like tho first, without In the loast impairing tho Constitution or endangering tho Union. They are perfectly consistent with .the that Slavery is a State institution, and pendent solely upon Stato authority for preservation. Wo of tho North may bound to acquiesce in thn three fifths rnpro entatino in tuoso Statos where thero slaves to bo enumnratud: but wo aro bound to guarantee tho prosoneo of such class !n any State. Many of iho States have novor hold slaves, while others hare ahnlishod Slavery. In all thesn, of cnurso, this provision is inoporatiro, but is tho Con stttution thoreby impaired ? The Constitu tion may rcquise us to return fugitive slaves, and suppress servile insurrections, but certainly duos not req ilro us In peipetuule a systom whose victims cscapo front llieir masters, and rebel ag',ini their authority. Suppose the Oovi rtimont weru to treat Robot Statos, with thoir peculiar institution, as extinct, or, in the exorcise of the power, to declare evory slave a free man who wilt contend that sueb action would Impair the Constitution or destroy Uoloor Tbis plausible doctrine of' "The Constitu tion aa It Is, and the Union as It was," mulgated by our Northern sympathisers wilb treason, would pledge the Nation tb perpetuation of Slavery, Let ii be repudiated. Now is oar opportu- tilty to rrliotn the Constitution and iho Onion from the dead wolght of Slavery, and wo fail lo porfnrm our duty If wo do not Improve It. And who can estimate tho onn equoaeo of such a failure? True eon ertatism demands the extinction of the cnuso of our National troubles, and what ever oppMea il radicalism the moat dangerous. Our Military Correspondence. THE FIGHT AT PORT REPUBLIC. CAMP NEAR LURAY, VA., June 11th, 1862. Mr. JiDtTOtt : l'erhaps, ere you re ceive this, you will have in (or million of llie Untile of I'ort Republic, near fnr'.y miles nbove litis place, on the Suuth - r - - Branch of tho Shenandoah River j but, , , for the benetit of those) who have friends in Co. 11, 7:h Reg., O. V. I., of which I am a member. 1 drop these few lines. SalurdilV, June 7th, Gen. 12. 15. Tvle', of the 31 Brigade, and Acting (,,.. 0,,, roll, of the 4.h Brigade, were ordered to Uepublie.tohold a bridge, fo prevent , , . .. . . r ' daemon a re reatiRg arm) 11 orn crossing ther.ver We took up ,o.,r 1 .. f march liiuo 7in. Juno N1I1 . 1 1 :nrro s mi-iimi!p , . , 11 1 . being m advance, h.l arrived at the bridge, and been repulsed.) ihe 31 "tig-; ado marched 23 miles, lo the scene ol ii 1 1 : .t , , action, and bivouacked in the woods, tn sight of Jackson s army. Our artillery was planted, nnd v. e lay down to rest, and .l..i,.,l i. k. t,o U, ;,.i . . . : u u.,,, , this world for many R brave and gallant' mnn. A little alter 6 o'clock A. n.u ,i n 1 1 , . 1, , June 0th, Ihe 3d and 4th brigades were f, I 1.. f 1 1 . I ; . 1 formed in line cf haltle. nnd iinmedinrili ofii. ll.o Knnmln.. nf .nnnnii l...rcii.. . . . . a Ul . cms uiu.r ,lie .'nine!., u ll u lur- ,. . , , , rounding country. Die Rebels made an advance on our arlilleiy, nnd, at the same fime.lried to flank us on both fl.n ks.when Gen. 1 vler ordered thn 31 liru.uln in' support the batteries-, nnd we did RUuuurti lliem for four long hours. Our liltlo band of not over 3,500 men drove the Rebels off, according to the prisoners' acciunt, 12,000 strong. At 1 1 o'cloi k, strong reinforcement were sent to them, nnd we hud none. We were, on that ac count, forced to retreat, which was done in good order. I will sny here that Oen. E, It. I yler showed as good generalship ns any man could. I think that no tuan could handle troops belter than he. I ho 7ih lost twelvo men killed, C3 wont. ded, and 10 missing. Our wounded were nearly all brought away with us. Among the wounded was CHpt. (Jeo. L Wood. He received a flesh wound just after we drove litem (the Rebels) Irom their position the third and last time. Among; the woundod in our Co., from Geauga Co., were Edwin Woods and Geo. W. Parker ; Parker wounded slightly. Those belonging in GeaugA Co., that were in the battle, were as follows : S. Vance, Geo. W. (lower, It. W. Bower and your in'orment, of Aliddlufield. nnd the wounded. Co. II bad seven wounded none killed. All who know admit that this was harder and better fought balile. than the W incbester buttle. Morn anon. Serg't R. S. BOWER. Co. H. 7th Reg., O. V. I., 3d Brigade, Shields division. The Killed Wounded of the 7th and 20th Ohio Regiments at the Battle of Port Republic. SEVENTH OHIO. to - Gilbert, Adolph Pnydor. i,. R times, (i. If. Aliig-iry, It. J. KniKslmiy, Jno. Wooilnrd, Joo. Mil lijan, Ji bus Koull', W in. Vo- gus, John tinier, John J. 11. WotJNtitn. A. l. Tivelt. J. W. Pnrdan, Chnsi i. Keller, Fred. U. Keller, Inane Maxlield. Mum- iidI llucbanau, A. It. Krye, II. It. Alwuler, W. II. I'elion, A.H .ludson, ('. I'. Hamilton, Keulien fuller, David Water, W. K. liie.hniond, Cnpt. Knox. A in li. ii y Williams, I''. Freak . Jno. Hiniili, Michael f.'aiupbell. Jus. Decker, T. C. Wheeler, Jno. Atwaier, J. Ifaskins, J. I A nisei, Cnpt li. I.. Wood, V. K. r-lnullev, lienj. F. Hawkins, Hamsom ilibbard, Jus. U. Loueks, Chas. 8. Kiuu, Hurry M. Dcnn, lirighton, Louis' Allien Siednian, Wm. W, lingers, tieo. tiexeiue, Ira llinriik, tieo. Carl, Marion Haver. Franklin Klridge, A. ('., h'A. Woods, Morris Ostium, I). Hr Hunt, (ieo. II. t'uiker. I'.eknrriK'e. l.inul A. It. Day Caul. O. If. Dalonv M. V Hurl, K.Chapmnii, iS. 1). Muthewa, A. W. Moolcy, Lawrence Koinnel, vv. Uantvrwassnr, I'hil. Anthony, Jno. ('ollniro, Hnrmaii Femur, Jno. I In un ity . Joo. ticlioeiiiue, John Lulky, Con rud SnuKueiM. tiO, MlfSINO, lu. TWENTY-NINTH OHIO. out Thn te re to Idea do its be Killed Capt. II. Luce, A. A. Morlhv, ft. I . Tinner. It. V. Hntlon, VV. A. Harn well. Willi Gisley, V. C. Hemley. T. W. Kniitli, liaao M. Ualrymple, F. It. John son, E. Heed, ('has. Robinson. Jacob Hosenbum, J. Everheart, VV. F. Water man, David Uclntyro, Wm. Fitzgerald. 17. Wounwcd J. E. March, M. St. John. C)upt. llalrymple, T. Smith, Frank Morey, P. A. Decker. If. A. Gorman, James Turion, Jacob Robinson, II. W. Baxlcr he concealed the colors in tho woods, M. I5ri'et, George McNutt, II. M. Hiker, Jos. Winby, David Thomas. Oeon-e Weastloek. Mat. II. Runvan. Wm. Mart. II. W. Morrill. Wm,.n !.-!. ... ... - "-! Webber. Wm. Robinson. Thos. Mc(5..n. ney, Corp. Howard I'armenter, J.Jerome, Asa Har.lord, Sidney M. Smith, Christo pher kittle, VVm.'K, Harrington, James Smith, 8. S. Ferguson, R. Karnliam, W. II. Abbott, A. Alderman, Win. Dickenson, C. C. 133. Johnson, F. Kenens 37; missing Appearance of the Battle Field. not it tho war the pro lo in dignantly A correspondent of Iho N"W York 'l'iihr$ thus describes tho bat tin field where Casey's division was surprised und routed I 'Iho scune of that unequal and terrible eoiill cl iho battle field, yet led with Dm blood nl its viotiuis, on which wo aru now encamped no pen can convey an ado quuto description of its rovnlling horrors, everywhere about us aro strewn all tho trappings ot tho surprisod camp, trampled in the mire, or piled in heaps, to be cou tunied hy firo, whilo blistering pools of blond and now made graves interrupt our footsteps at frequent intervals. Alabatn luns, Curotians, Georgians, and Virginians are buried in long rows all about us, scarce a doien yard beyond, and all through the tolled timber, and swamps, ami woous, ami fluid, liehuudrodsaod hundreds of unburied dead, black, disfigured and corrupting bo nuuth tho swolioring skies all traoe of recognition gone, end myriads of worms rapidly reducing them to skeletons. The woods, for miles, prosent the same sickening ana atsgusttng spuotaole, and thousand ol unburied skeletons will indicato this terrible battle fluid long after pesoo Is rostored. Tho stoncb is intolerable in many plaoes, and Ihe horses, which lie thickly scattered upon Ibe field, aro boing burned. For the Jeffersonian Democrat. Eclectic Institute. Commencement exercises of the old Eclectic, like everything else, always come in time lor those who can wait. The thousands that were gaiiiercd at Hiram on Thursday, the Will insi., nil. 'pled by their eager prewncn that they had ocen waning their rwurn with the usual interest. One would havo supposed there was less expei la lion on the part ol llie public than usual, on ac count ol the wnri but thn crowd was nrualy Inrirp. Never Imvinil aolluhl thn simious tent in vain on these utilti days, they would trust her ample shade once morn, cnnlMent ihey were not to lie disappointed. Wben It was known, how ever, that over one hundred of the brave Eclectic ' boys had laid a.idn their books, and leit tie in and Inemlly balls ol learning (or ihe tented field) j that thn master spirit of tho Instiinie wasnway i I 1 !,n- I j j I I In the iirmy ot (ien Hnlleek; rniional fear might have bean entertained lint the (lomineiiccmeiit ukiiIiI fi n 1'iiiliirn. Ilui thee knew no such thing ns laWnie. A faiihful band o' teachers,' Willi li. W. Everest, A. ,M as Prineipal pro i,m , yei remain: two niinnreo riiereuuu each of whom senme I to leel a iiersonul responsi- . . I ... ' "'',y ln l"" S""" name nl,; ,. ' .j!" , ", stitine. havn been in oticnrtance tlurtng the last t,.rin ,le twelfih ntinoal conimeiieeuienl of the Kcleciic. adds new aiirels to iluwe she has so ; I During the exerci-e ot ihe day. an excel out back nl ihe staging, looking 011 somewhat sol Port ! e-only. Hy the way. In none closing rrriiarks by I l!ev. A.S. Ilnvilen. it wns slated ilnitiliet.eoer- j,,,,.,,.,, in ,,, Mlll , ,m, , ,-,i. -l-n retiniu ns I rineuiat. I'im exercises were heralded by the following ',' The opening piece, by Miss Ilatiln M. King, of I hardon. was very credimhle in her, and was 1 f , 1 j I n niimonitiiin to lint 1 ioti"hi c. W'ho am lt tlt, " fTy canting shadow, upon l,.d poreuW 1 hearts. Death cuts not the darkest sholow, the son's pathway of vice spreads a deop.;r gloom ' over the mother's henrt. ' I re. s," by iMissClnra strong, abounded ill Incis relative to ninny won dcr'ul tries found on tho Am.irican Cnuiinnnt, M.,'nnl torgniiing to mention I'enn's Trea'y Tree. j ; ihe Charier mk of llnrll.nd. ant, manv Blunt ' Cednr ol Cnlilornia Hut I find I am occupying I ' 1 . : , ! I ol the merits ill each, and 1 trust I shall bo ex- I ,..,HM.i iniiti iifirilcularizinu too nunutclv u, ... ui7,iii 1 by l,ir too much space tn nlieinpting to ,-ive some ., ,, . i n j . . "In the Hospital' well read and mnit touch- imjly patrnuic. -Fandoro's itox"-a new dress : lor ihe o'd myth, in which lloie was benueaihed tM" ....... ,...i. i,i,u .i,i i,-I.',,,,. i'.,n Lain." "The Ocean," ond '-'I'hB Iteeiiation" were j ; a all very good; iudeeil, the former was one of the , best ol Hie loreuoon i while Ihe Ijlter. purlormeil byaix young Indies, attracted by its novnliy, and wua admirably done. "Women of the licvolu liml" o miWo tubule lo our great-grandmothers. than whom "no braver (lames had hiiria ; no ... .I.ln - iiinl.ioiu li.imn" slrnnfr. elmir v,tiM. and well read. "Klowols by the Wayside ' ' Comity Kxaminaiion,"and ihe Eclectic Offer-1 a uissiiw notice, 't he second was a Severe cri.i- cihiii upon human natu'e. as teste' by those terri- ble ordeals. It wos decidedly hiiinerous, and created much merriment. The est was a nohle tribute to the brave Eceetic buys who have left loved class-matesand kind teachers, to meet the hunlshipsol war. The uieusslon was rather weak. One or two wild assertions were made by the negative, which wnre mil coinra.lieieil, nor wore Ihey very clearly sustained. According In his theory, emancipa tion would cause a revolution in public feeling, pruduciivo of the most de-pernie civil war. It was a ehangn of feeling among I'uiouists of Ky and Tenn., doubtless, that he referred tn, for he toid, We should no longer have any llolts.l'ren tiees or Andv Johnsons, should eiiiaueipiiiiou bo declared." Tbis revolution, then, would make such Unionists, traitors Would they then tie any urenttr lerror to the Uoverniiieul than now ? !tr. uuwsnn s or" .ion was cuiieii n gsju iniog, , but that oil,. J. Adair was bencr. His was a! (liilii'iilt prop.j..tion, hut he sustained it nhly, and hiselliirt wiis wvii recvtvi u. linn jonn nrown suciiiedoil, hisnainn woiiui en piiieeo sine tiy sine with that ol Unriliadi. Had England succeeded, OUT niiUL'ntuia -um .m-o ,r.o. ,, u iniiiir,,, hnrl mm Hiincended. thev would have denernnl no other names than thne we eive ihem. .Should the rlnnthern Lonlettoracy succeed, tho Itetiefs 'i r!,s-L:,MSK- rlI.1Iii,,.di.!i: traitors we now call them. It was only those who succeed In conformity tn absolute truth and virtue, that wcie really sucecsslul "Suif Uuliance" wasasuceess To the brnve belongs Ihe world was an old (Inrman proverb, said Newton only another sod genius name for patience. At school. Mir Walter Kcott was called a blockhead, but ho opened a vein of ro mance hitherto hiikiiowii to Ihe world. Ifn gave many illustrations and rxnmplesor ,elf-reliauce, and olusnd in these words "To thyself he true, and thou art nut false many man." R. S. Wondworili said many cutting things, nnd 1 watched some ol tho small holes in the old tent, to see the Democrats, in their hiiini iation, endeavoring to creep out nut there were proha hl mint, present. The name ul Ureckinridge I) numeral mid traitor were synonymous terms, ll was a splendid tiling. "John Bull'' was humorous. Was an animal residing in Die southern part nl li. ii., lnl and sleek, weighing 200 lbs., avoirdupois. Thinks his liroiher jnniiuinn a wiik duck ; iniiiKs nun rather mulish in not allowing Jell. Davis to run oil'willi Ihe navy yards and the mouth of the MissiHsioni. The nrimarv reason thai John U. has noi interforred In our allairs more than hu has, is, that we have n navy equal lo his own. "Ah tho wind blownth whoro itlis eth. so do John Dull' sympathies " 11 it I pnrhnus the moat in genious oration, was that of J. C. Cunuon , it wus lull of wit and sarcasm. The lierman dialogue performed by two boys, evinced remarkable powers in persons so young. "Northern Ifelnls." by Mr lictir, elicited some applause "The North and South' was a collo iiiy between a Union and liebcl picket, ll was written by I'rof. Khodcs, and wus. by aI o''ds, the best thing of the day. It was eminently dm mime, first arousing the tender sympathies of the heart, then provoking the extremes! auger, and auou calling loi ill hursts of applause and re neaied clu eiinir. Hut I have no lime In notice it as it deserves. " Vftti oni, Ae.n.di,""broihl down" Ihe li nt. The to urniions lliatlollowed weru doulitb as worthy ones, but the speakers were uiitorliinate in having been placed inline, dialely alter one so exuiiing. They lulled lo get the uueniionof the audience. The Kxoelsiur Baud enlivened the exercises throughout with some of iis sweetest uruins. N. The Commission Attend to Ohio Sick and Wounded. Wo havo a briuf report of the doings of thn Unininiaainn which was sunt by Uor. I Tod into Virginia and Maryland to look alter tho Oliio boys who are lyine? in '.ho , ,. , , - .r. a .. nosp.iaisau.i camp Thn party first stnppod at Now Creek, ou tho Ii.iltiinoro and Ohio road, formerly an unimportant station, but now tho depot for all subsistence, stores, &u,, tor Fioiiionl's army. At thu post hospital hero, there aro 000 solaters, of whom 400 I aro from Ohio. Thoso men are nearly all sick, hardly snv being wounded. At Clarys villo Hospital ihero are from 200 to S00 Ohio soldiers. A part of Ihe Commission remain at New Creek, two wore sent to Petersburg, whilo the rntoainder go lo Har per's Ferry Winchester, and other points in that vicinity where thoir survico max bo needed. Thoso soldiers are many of them In such a condition that they cannot enter tho ser vico aguin, and must either be brought tn their homos or din whore Ihey aro. At New Creek are one hundred ant) ninety who are so fur diseased or maimed that Ihey can do no more -in Ibe servico. Theso men, it at home, cared for by loving friends, will most of them recover, but if they aro com pelled in lio in t lio hospital, will surely tl lo there. The Commission is empowered by Gov. Tod tn procure the disohargo of such mnn, and furnish Ihom transportation In Ihojr homes. Ry this provision very many who would otherwito did whoro thoy lio, will be sent carefully homo to be toudod and restored lo hoalth. Our readers will bo kept advised of the labors of Ibit Commission. Cleveland Leader. jKsv-Tho House has passed an amendment to tho bill, excluding slavory from the Ter ritories, adopted, by the Sonate. It only require the President's signature to become a law. WAR NEWS. FREMONT'S HEADQUARTERS, PORT REPUBLIC, Va., Monday. June 9th, 1862. The arm advanced early this morning line of battle, but. finding no enemy, proceeded in column through the woods! over the country to Toil Republic. livery wltere were evtnencea ot me com-i plctenras of yestert!ny's success. Thn battle was fought at Cron Keys, and takes that name. The Rebel loss was greatly superior lo ours. They left their Head and many srountieti en uiu- jjol ,,M 500 dead were found, and many wounded. Two of their guns were left behind, which we captured this morn- . . Unit. Dunker of Uen. iremoni s aiau staff was seveiely wounded. lo other isttifT officers were wounded. I lie Kebel wounded were found in every house along the road. Ambulances, wagons, 'arms and clothing strewed the field. Forty of our wounded, taken piisoners, were left in a church, and were re-fnken. The tjih Louisiana lost all hut 30 men. The enemy retreated till midnight, and ii'i,..ii.r was killed, Lapt. (iillennau ol t,luercu s ,r t I .1 nll,Al ,,lis mornn(. ti.(.jr rear KUard crossed the place and burnt the bridge. HEADQUARTERS MOUNTAIN DEPARTMENT, PORT REPUBLIC, June 9, 12 m., via Martinsburg. To Hon. Mdwin M. Stanton, Secretary of Mar. There was no collision with the enemy after dark last night. This morning we renewed the march Against him, entering the woods in battle order his cavalry ap . . . rt I tll-l I I pearing on our 11 inns. uen. u.euKer imu llie leu, vien. i.uiroy uie rign., mill vien. Schenck the cenler.with a reserve of Wen. Siahl's brigade and Gen. Bayard'a. .The enemy was found in lull retreat on Port Republic, nnd our advance found his rear guard barely across the river.and Our advance came the bridge in Humes in so suddenly that some of his officers. remaining on this side, escaped with the loss of their horses. A cannonading during Ihe forenoon apprised us of an en gagement, and I am informed here that J nckson attacked UCn. bhields tills mom- inn and afier a severe engagement, drove L1,m U"" tlie r,ver. Bn(l IS now m pursuit I have sent an ollicer, with a detachment of cavalry, to open communication with Gen Shields. This morning, detachments wete oc cupied in searching the grounds covered by yesterday's action at Cross Keys for our remaining dead and wounded. I am not yet fully informed, but tbink that 125 I, I" f 1,11 , I ,w.l win cover our toss in killed, anu ouu inni in wounded. The enemy's loss we can not clearly ascertain, lie was engaged during the night carrying off his dead and wounded. This morning, on our march, upward 200 of his dead were counted in one field, the greater part badly mutilared by can non-shot. Many of his dead were also i ""'r" '"""S" ' wvjuuo. mm .u.mi. i bad been already buried. A number suit, regret to have lost many good-officers, Oen. Hthl"s brigade was in the hottest part of the field which was the left wing, prisoners had been taken during Ihe pur From the beginning of the light the brigade lost in officers b killed and wounded, and one of his regiments alone, the Oth New Yoik, has buried 05. The Ofi.ri bnlJi Guard, nrxt after, suffered most severely, and following Ibis regi ment, the 4 5ili New York, the Durklrril Hides of Gen. Dayard'a and Gen. Milroy's brigades. One of the Bucktnil companies has lost all of its officers, commissioned and non-commissioned. The loss in General Schenck' Brigade was less, although he inflicted severe loss on the enemy, principally by artillery Cre. Of my stall', I lost a good officer killed, Captain Nickolas Dunnka. Many hor9es were killed in our batteries, wiiioh the enemy repeatedly attempted to take, but were repulsed by canister fire generally. . I feel myself permitted to say that our troops by their entlurance ol this se vere march, and their splendid conduct in the buttle, nro entitled to the President's commendations, and the officers through out behaved willi gievt gallantry and efficiency, which requires that I should make particular mention of them, and which I trust, will receive the particular notice or the 1 resident as toon as possible I will send in a full report, but, in this respect I am unable to make any more particular distinction than that poiuted out in ihe description of the baUle. JOHN C. FREMONT, Major General Commanding. LURAY, June 10, via Washington, June 11. it Col. Carroll, commanding the fourth brigade, consisting of the Eighth Penn sylvania, Eleventh Pennsylvania, Seventh Indiana and First Virginia, about sixteen hundred strong, reached Port Republic Sunday, reconnoilered, and found the en emy in the town, nnd had a skirmish. He concluded !o hold the bridge, and or dered it not to he humeri, and put guns position commanding it. At six A. Monday, he was opened on by some twenty heavy guns, placed in position during the night. Our forces tried to reach the bridge re peatedly, to destroy it, but were met storms of bullets, and had lo retire. A large cavalry force crossed and our troops, while llieir infantry followed, our men opposing them at 6very step, after 'driving Ihem back with heavy loss; but the numbers, after Gen. Tyler's brigade arrived, were so muoh inferior the enemy, they being at least five to one, that it was impossible to hold our noti and we were compelled to fail back, Doys lighting every foot of the way, After falling back some three or four miles, a body of cavalry were sent to us, but they were compelled to lire, when the engagement ended, having asiea nve hours. Uur loss in killed, wounded and piisoners is not know, is large, as is also that of Ihe enemy. Col. Carroll' horse fell injuring badly, Capt. Kelly of Gen 'Shields' staff, hurt badly in the bead. He received praise from all who saw him fighting. Colonel Buckley, of the Tweoiy-nintb Ohio, was badly wounded. His men charged three time to get body, but it was carried off by the enemy. Capt. Heagh eharged with a body eavalry, then held '.be bridge for some lime during a terrible torm of grape. Tliis was one of the most hotly contested engagements of the whole war as indi cated by the loss compared with the num bers engaged. The men fought like LATER. Twa remmente from ihe first hrtrnde . ,' . . , a,8ji in covering the ! l t .pne pionecr Corps also helped.! (j0j Buckley has arrived wounded. McCLELLAN'S HEADQUARTERS, Saturday Evening, June 14. Tho rebels vestordav alter driving trom the Old Church a squadron of tho tih Cav- airy, prooeeuen in uoi a j I'amuiikoy rivor abntn four miles above Innnrs. From hero thoy prnuonled tn lun ers and Some wagons aim nro.o mi ob molns. Thoir conduct is represontod as barbarous, hnviog killed snvnral of our team- urn without n nnceamlV. 1 nolo won 1 "J --.-j- - - flli01j , mi)lt() thuiroscii ro tukun prts- . . . 1 1 himself In tho woods until morning. 125.000 in the cars. The tram - 1 1...... ,A ,1... tvt.i. . niiiuiini'v " llousn. whore the, burnt . two .choon- . of of 17 all in M., by to our but him was hit of stalls Station fpur miles from the Whim Housn with tho vio of burning the Hail roud briilfe. A train which was passing dnwn at the tlmo was ftrod iuto, killing two and wounding several. A Colonel belnnging 10 the Excelsior Brl- I gam, was iiiitu insiiii jriBnit'r, ou. .uii-put 91! ill making his escape during the night. A Paymaster jumped from the Irani and hid leaving novor stnppod, but passoil on lo tho Whilo House. Alter destroying thn teirgrapn wiro tnoy proceeded tn B iltirnnre Cross Unads, near New Kent Court Housn. nn the way tn Richmond, ornsiing the Chickn'inminy be Iweon Bottom's Briilgo and Junto river, about 2 n'nlock this morning. The foroo that accomplished t' is was 1,500 cavalry and six pieces nf artillery, under Oen. Stewart, most nf whom wero residents ol this locality and knew thn roads At Old Church the rebels had in reserve six regiments ot tnlantrv. wit 11 artillery. As snoii as tho facts weru knnwn, pursuit by Ihe cavalry was immediately ordered, but the enemy bavins too much of a start, only flvo wore cuptuied. nuvnrul urrests httvo boor, mane to-oay nf citizons witnni our lines on suspicion of giving information to (ho enemy. A K ctimonn paper si nes mat a.uuu lirisonors. tukun ty tjou, Jacksnn irnin lion. B uiki, left nn Wednesday tor Satilsbury, N C. It also slates that of Iho 742 of our wounded that full into their hands at tho battle of Fuir Oaks, nine havo since died, and the balance are in the Libertv Prison Hospital. Washington. Jane 15. A dispatch from MuClulluu's army says movements of the enemy to day havo boon cxtonsivo and as yet involved 111 mystery, i.argu boiltos nave boon seuii moving down from nesr Mochun ioivillu bridge and Richmond towards the Iuto battle fluid. Our pickets yesterday wero drivon in from Old Church, showing that Ihe enemy intends making a demonstrutinn in that direction. A contraband reports that 3000 cavalry left Richmond Wednesday, going in the direction of Fred oricksburgnrohttbly tho same force that was soen si Old Church. Tho rebels opened this morning a sharp artillery Are in front nf Sumner's djvUlon, lasting abnul 3 hours. We bad ono killed, one wounded. The woulhor is sultry. Wiiitb HotSB, V11., Juno 10 Sovcral guerrilla parlies aro tinvoiiiii; around in the rear of our army. On Saturdav and Sun day a small party was prowling around tho country on the opposite side ot Iho fjmun- ky, thoir object beiog to destroy the ship- til lie at this point. Another party was Charles City C. II nn .Saturday, and to day i reported in the neighborhood ol Williams' burg Two of Ihe mnsi prominent citizens remaining on this side the Chickuhnininy, havo been arrested. They undoubtedly gavo information upon which tho rebels have operated nn our rear during the past few days. Tho rebels tnudo an attempt drive in our pickets in front of Gnu. Hointlolinun, for In) purpose nf ascertaining force and position. A few wuru wouuded 011 botb sides, but none killed. Washing ion, Juno 17 The War De partment has dispaiohus from McClollan' Hondqunrtnrs dated four o'clock this P. M No special movement hail taken pluco. The weather was very fino and the roads improving rapidly. Our cavalry yostoiday paid another visit to Oakland and surprised a party nf lohols at that pnint, drovo them olf and csplurud some property, Tho ad vices from other quarters contains nothing ot pulilie Interest. Memphis, Juno H'h. Tho Grenada Ap peal of the 12ili contains the following 1 Al'uusTA, Gu, June 11. Fighting con tinues in this vicinity. Charleston papers of this morning contain particulars of sharp engagement on Jamos Island Tuesday afternoon which continued until dark. Our foices consisted of three regiments, bnllallion of inluntry, and three batteries artillery, uudor command of Gun. W, Smith. The enemy wero undor tho protection fallen trees and eunhnals. Col. Williams of the 40th (toorgia regiment was mortally wnunded. Our loss is estimated at from 30 tn OS, principally Georgians. The of the enemy is thought to be largo. The Confederates succeeded in driving Yankees from a pieco nf woods Ihey were trying In occupy. Col. Lamar, at Secession villo, kept up fire on Iho enemy's boats land camp, and nn Monday hu disabled Yankoo propeller. Federal prisoners taken Monday report the enemy's forco on James Island sixtoon regiments strnng. and a tow mnro were pouted shortly. It was reported in Charles ton that (ho steamer Cecil from that port for Nassua, with a cargo of outton, bad boon oaptured by tho enemy. Kansas Citt, June 16 Advices from Fort Sonit tho 13th, stato that a delated- ment of tho 2nd Ohio Cavalry arrived this placo to day with 1000 head of flue cattle and 800 hoad nf inulos and hones, taken from Col. Coffee's command on morning of tho 4 Is. Our forces, a. strong, in company with Rthh's 2J Indiana Battery, undor command at Charles Double day, made an attack at an early hour on morning of Iho 4th, oomplnlely surprising tho enemy, part nf OolFoo's command, which Is made up of Indians. AH the mu nitions, camp equipage, &c, fell Into hands. A regiment nf Uuion Indians expected in a day or twn. They era lo nowly armed and equipped preparatory marching South. Washington Juarfiii, P. M. Dispatches of this date Irom 0mv II illeck have beon lecnived at Ihe War Department 1 Thore am nn new features in regard Beauregard's army, which Is still supposed to remain In ihe vicinity ol Okolooa, Over Ion and Columbus. ' Nkw Yons. June 16 The correspondent of the Philadelphia Press on hoard stoamor Brooklyn, off Baton Rouge, 30tb, state that f ort Morgan had surren dered, leaving Mobile unprotected. Ibat . Brig. ' Gun. William encountered large body of rebol outside the city. torrifio engagement I transpiring result unknown. Gen. Buttor I lending men up in the Constitution and Mississippi. Soveral erevasset had occurred In the Miss issippi river. In some plaee whole town and plantation were immersed. The Hart ford and Richmond had fired into Baton Rouge, killing and wounding toveral It is ibe intention of the fleet to by Vicksbnrg and attack the rebel fleet Asor River. One ef the rebel vettole iron plated, Gems from the Southern Press. From the Jackson Mississippian. $10,000 REWARD FOR THE HEAD OF BUTLER. To th Editor of th Mlttsitsippu n ! As the modern Nero, the brutal, beastly and sanguinary savage, Qen. B. F, lint ler. has, bV vlrlue of Ma genera! order No SB. dated at New Orleans on the 15th of Mv, violated the principles of warfare, and' as he proposes to ouirnge the chastity of the women of the fouih who, by the misbrliines of war, fall into bis hands, it i, our tlin duty to rid our country and j wor, 0I the horrid, hideous monalcr, nv Bny means mni can vc !"- Vh(,0 mnn (urns to be an enemy of the I When a mnn turns io ne an cociur u, forMin rig,l to a hab and ..... 11 Hat on upon the lace 01 me wurm , he who rid Ihe world of such an un natural creature is entitled to a monument in the memory of mankind. Let there He a purseof $10,000 made nn and offered for the head of this man Butler, or to Bnv one who will take his life by any means whatever. If the per son who kills him should lose his own life by doing so, let Ihe money go to his heirs, or to whoever he may designate. 1 would suggest that this money be made than 9100. BRUTUS. The Mlssimpp'mn, editorially, "has the following : ASSASSINATION OF THB INFAMOUS BCTLXR Fer a day or two past we have ''heard upon the breexo" a report that the mon ster who has so outraged the moral senti ment of mankind by his proclamation and orders had been sent "where the wicked cease from troubling." We fear the re port has no foundation in fact. Perhaps Ihe wish was father to the thought. It would be retributive justice, not re venge, which wouia consign uim to me. gulf of black despair deep "as his will for others would dictate." The most pious heart might, without irreverence," ejaculate the prayer "Cancel his bond of life, great God, I pray, that I may live to say the dog J dead. What a happy day will it be for the South when like Miriam, we can celebrate the deliverance of our country from the oppression ol a race, whose moral seoli- ment and feelings the hlur-eyed slanderer of female chastity and purity is a fit type and representation. When that day ar rives the only drop of bitterness which will weigh in our cup of joy will be Ihe re flection that we speak a common language and sprang from a common lineage. And the Charleston Mercury has this paragraph : NO QUARTER TO PICAYUNE BUTLER. at Let this be the sworn resolve of every, southern man. The debased wretch and inhuman tyrant who has published proclamation consigning to the horrid em braces of a bestial soldiery the mothers and daughters of a Southern city svhioh for the lime is at their mercy, deserves not to be (rented according to the laws honorable warlare. If held caught hang him I If he keeps out of harm's reah, and ventures not upon the 6uid of buttle, let poison or the knife do its secret but deadly work. lie has forfeited his life in any manner by which it can be taken, to every man, woman and child in Confederacy. As God is our Judge, says the Alittuilppian, we believe that day of retribution is coming for the mon ster nnd for the Government which sua tains him in his crimes. GUERRILLA WARFARE RECOMMENDED—HOW TO TREAT OUR STEAM MORTARS ON THE MISSISSIPPI. a one of D. of loss and a ex- at beef thn 000 the our are be Guerrilla bands will bo a powerful auxil iary 10 our regular army, and peculiarily serviceable on Ihe hanks of our rivers, in picking olf iho pilnts of trading vessels which may vm.iuro upon Ihe water of our rivurs. Tho possession of the rivor by Ihe ene my will amount to very little, if ihe people residing on ihem are vigilant and true lo thomselvus. His gunboats are not ordinary steamboats. The latter may go in fleets with a gunboat preceding them, and the larger boat mny curry a eunnnn eaeh, loaded with grape shot, lo repol attacks; hut even this will mx servo thorn, if a lew determined men will retolvo that Lincoln's boats shall not float upon our waters. The pilot houses of tho steamboats msy bo casod wiih iron, but thn pilnts most have an open space through which 10 ten. It twn or three men will dig rinn pit on the shore at the bend of a river, whom a boot will be obliged lo onmo within a hundred vards, and where Iho pilot will bo fueing bom and exposed, thuy couin pick off the pilot, ami perhops Ihooapiain. If the gunboats send a. shell. lot llie partisans sloop in I no pit until it ex plodes. If by chance it fulls in ihe pit thev can jump out. But the trees can prelect tlioni from shells. A discharge of grape shot would not hurt thooi, as ihey would be prolocted. If Ihe boat should attomct lo land, before thai could bedolio, Iho partisan could be a milo off, to whore his horse was tied or in some canebrako. rive, ten, or fifteen men in each county bordering on thn rivor, wttn well selected rinn pus. could render the navigation nf ihe rivers by other than gunboa'.s. so dangorous that pilots would not attempt tn curry boat up or down Ihe stream. There are plaoes whoro the channel runs close under a bluff, where rock or tree could be thrown dowu on the boats. To the Editor of The Mietiuippia: Where the Lincoln army have (ucceuded in getting possession nf our towns, the com manders have insisted upon the ministers nf God offering pruyor for the President of the United States. Tho word nf God com mands that prayer shall be offered for all men, end I rospeotfully suggest that every private Christian,' also, should oboy this commandment. I also offer a prayer which 1 myself have usod for this purpose, in the language of Scripture, and others, if they should feel disposed, may avail themselves of it in his behalf: PRAYER FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. to the May Also a A more per sons. run on it O, Lord, our Heavenly Fathor I tho high and mighty Ilulor of the Universe, Who dost from Thy throne behold all tho dwoll ors upon the earth, most hoartily we beaoooh Thee tn behold and look down upon Abra ham Lincoln, Iho President of the United Slates, and all other in authority under him. For lo I this 1 Ihe man that made not God hi strength, but strengthened himself in hi wickedness, lie hath putl forth hi hand against uoh a be at peace wiibbimt he bain broken bis covenant. The word of bis tnouin were smoother than oil. they were drawn swords. Thou bast seen it J for Tbou beholdeat mischief and spile lo requite it with Thy band. Remem ber O Lord, that this foolish people bavo blasphemed Thu name. Thoy roar In the congregation J they let op eneirni for ', whereon are portrayed the Kara of the heavens; they have set up their standard even upon Thine altar thoy worship that which prooaodotb from the bowel of a worm, and see It likeness npon the page of my noiy wore. They have taken orarty counsel agiintt us, and havo commanded Thy servants In lull dnwn and ndura tho Imago which they havo niadn. 1'hpy have Bald, "Cnino, let us cnl ihem nfT from being a nation they have compassed 11s annul with words ot hatred and fought tn without a causn. I.iko a Hon that I greedy of lie prey, thev liava compassed us in our steps. 1,1ft up Thyself, Theu Jutlgn of Ihe Earth I Arise, O Lord, and riisssppnlnt him. Mat Ihem turn their hacks when Thou ahnlt gnl ready Thine arrows npnn Thy strings, Gird us with strength for tho bnttle. JSnb due under tit those that rise up against us. Deliver us from Ihe wicked by Thy sword. Slay them not, lest my peoplo forget seailnr them by Thy power lot (hem know that Thon art onr strength and our dofrmn. Give Ihom repentance and Sorrow of heart for their wicked designs against us, that the) curse of Cain who slew his brother, orortake ihem not. May they speedily torn ' frpm thoir wickedness, and lire and tbis we ask AMEN. The Northern Democracy. . "We recollect noticing soma days sine in a very Jihu southern journal, a oantinir encnuium upon the Northern Democracy - a political organtxatton wntcn died with the fall of Fort Sumter, and wbnse putrifled careais has been Inng ago consigned lo the loinb of the Capulots. Any distinction,' therefore, between the abolitionist end ibis apnstate party (if we onlv except thai small and powerless faotinn of Vallsndigham) s exceedingly ill-timed, and tonds only to delude and deceive our peoplo. It boot not that there is a difference of oplnioa be tween the two upon iho subject of the uni versal abolishment of slavery, to long as they are indiscriminately arrayed against us in the ranks of the Federal army of in vasion that now destroys our homes, Im poverishes our pnnploand ravages our fields. The wholo North, Irrospectivo of former politiea! parties, is arrayed in a solid phal anx of armed hostility to ns, and we must whip Democrats, and sn-callcd conserva. lives, as well as Abolitionists and Republi cans, It we wnuld be free. Wu can see nn practical difference between thdtn to far as iho vital issue to us the war quostlou i concornod. The platform nf tho Nnrlliorn Domnera cy bnasts as nno nf its tennts tho enuaciation (hat tho 'Rebf.i.mos must bk Cnuanan. and in so doing, places itself not only beyond a claim to our sympathy, but as equally hostile and malignant toward us as the original advocates and supporters nf Abra ham Lincoln. Where will wo find more odious, violent and ungenerous enemies than DlX. D1CIRN8ON, MoCucrnano and BuTbBB- all Northern Democrat of lbe'"flisl water V Let ut boar no further mention made of this faction at the especial friend ef tbyo, South. -U'trpAis Argui, My 28lK, The Fighting in Mexico. of the the We have details of recent important events in Mexico, including the battle be tween the French and Mexican forces near Puebla, in which tho French were de feated and forced to retreat to Ortxiba. Two battalions of French Zouaves skir mishing as light infantry began the attack-. These oovered two strong columns of in fantry supported by rifled cannon. The Mexicans wailed till their em mies wero within 60 yards, and then fired. The French fled whilst the Mexicans charged ; but other French eolurans renewed the attack, and a second time they fled, leav ing a number of dead who were shot in the baok. Again ihe Mexicans chargnd. and hd they had cavalry would have de stroyed the invading army. The French did not renew the attack on the front, but sent a strong column against the fortifi cations of Guadalupe. I key were here also repnlsed, and a reinforcement oC Mexicans coming op, an attack was made on their right flank. The French at onte-fell back on Oriaaba. Their loss is esti mated by a friendly authority at 600 or 800 soldiers in the fight and by sickness. Another fight subsequently look place near Orizaba, between the Reactiofiieta, supported by the French, nnd the Liberal forces the result of which is claimed by both sides as a victory. It may, there fore, be regarded as a drawn bnttle. The French force, it is understood, were lo remain at Oriaaba until they could re ceive insiructions from their Government. Meantime, Juarez is making; every effort to fortify the approaches lo the Capita,), and expresses the determination lo defend it to the last. Proposition of Denuauk. It appear that the Danish Government has made av proposition 10 the Federal Government lu transport, without cost to this government, such ot (he African race at may bodirposoJ lo emigrate to its islands In the West ladies, St. Thomas, Sr, Jobu and St. Croix or Sand Crux To envor this expense tbey propo'to to approoiice them for a term not decoding threo yoars, when they are to be free. Its the mean time Ihey aro to bare some educa tional advantages. Millinery. r would say lo tfnr pekjic tna t I have been receiving for iwo weeks past, a Varietv of Fashionable Bonnets, such as Fine STRAW. English, DUNSTABLE, Cheap Common Straw, Whit and Grey SeapolUan, Black Fan ama, a ho Ihte and Cap for Mine and Children; also a great Variety f RIB HONS. FLUMES, FIXWEKS snd LACE for Trim mings, which 1 will sell for READY PAY, AND NO TRUSTi A. A. BENTON. Chardoti.Mny 30th, t(X. &w HOWARD Association, pi1n.4nFi.PHfA. Frtke mUefof thtSickund Dulr4t$ed,nflUttd will Virulrnt and Chrome Vueatel, and -daily for the Curt l Vneaies oj the Sexual Or- g?'l': - u.. .1- MtDIUili AUVItu given gruue uy inn Acting Surgeon. VALUABLE REl'OKTS on Spermatorrhea! or Seminal Weakness, an orher Diseases ol the Sexual Organs, and on the tnw. REMEDIES .m iiiiMi 111 ine 11 meniirv. ecu. ,u in .iuividu in sealed letlor envelopes, free of charge. Two postage will be scceptnnte. Address Dr. J. SKll.l.lN IIOUBltTOJN, Act- or three Stomps for postog ing Surgeoa, Howard Association, No. 8 noutn Ninth Sireet, Philadelphia, fa. 6l9yl FARM for Salft-Si M6. Kirst Kate Kann of 120 aeus. well-Improved sue admirably adupied to Dairying or Grazing. Said Kami is situated 2H miles from t'hardon on llie Knvenna road, and can be bought on long credit with a small payment down. Anpl to liO.WORTHlNGTON, Cleveland, or to Calvin Kkowlvs, Chardon. Chardon, June 18th. 64Stf jVf WANTED. The subscriber wishes iJlOUU to borrow 500 lor 1 or 2 years, at 10 per cent, interest, promptly paid for which he will give good real estate security. Address "1. H. J.," Chagrin Falls, O. Chagrin rails, June I3ih. 18bg, 648w3 NOTICE The undersigned has been ap pointed and qualified as sdmintstrstrix of the raiata nf Reuben Reed, dsoeased, late of Ilunisburg, Geauga County, Ohio. All person interested will govern themselves accordingly. SARAH KKEO. Huntsbarg, JuneJSth.JIfiea; 64Bw3 (1 LOVER SEED, Clover Seed. Choice Clo J ver Seed always on hand, by Sitf WlLhllNS d KtLlBY,