Newspaper Page Text
HOME DEPARTMENT. iMrOur three months' volunloort arrived t Camp Chile no Wo.lnei.Uy nf last wook. About thirty from Holmot ami Porry Conn. Hot, mostly from the former, hnlng assigned It) their Cnmnanv. f(V II fia.u n. . tttiitibort nlnnty-throo men, over tir'j of fetlnm as... t .Li n mn county. On the day ftcr thctr arrival In thoir enm:nlMlonod nrtlcnri, who are i Cant . u. .Toouaury, or Geauga t lit Lieut., John 8. Orr, of Morrow , 3d Meal., Martin If. Hamblin. of Geauga. The imn com tnisslonod (pfflcon ore not yot olootod. The P8th it one of tho R.-glmontt which are lo remain in the State, for guard duty. AMIon. Warron Chase will lecturo on ho ttato of the country, at the- Disciple Church in tbit Tillngo, oo even ng next. sT-Cap. Geo. L. Wood hat returned to Warron. lie reonlved a severe flosh wound at the Battlo of Tort Uopublio, from a musket kail, which paiied through the thigh. Ho l ooabln to walk or lit up, but we are glad to loarn that the wound la not comidored dangoroui. JrVto ar requested to state that, ai r " not ooon declared, thoro is work yet to be done bv our Aid Soclntv. It tinuoa to meet regularly evorv Wednesday afternoon, at Odd Follows'. Hall, which If opened for the purpose, free nf nhnrim... Wo are Informed by ladioi protont at tho meoimg, mat the Hull was not orowdod, and that a larger turnout at future mooting! mgiuy desirable. Needlos, thrnad and Intellectual rofroshmontt providtnl for all who may actend. Mossrs Eiloman and Parmolo, of tho 7th llogimont Band, havo armed at homo. It is understood that all the Bund are soon to be discharged. ysir-1 oe ooiuiers Mite Society will meil t Mr. Thos. Ruth's, on Tuusday ovoning uexi. From the 6th Ohio Cavalry. The following extract from a letter of Mr. Chas. Shatluck, of this plaqc, to his mother, will be of interest to all of our readers who have friends in the 6ih Cav alry. The letter is dated Mount Jack bod, June 6th: We had a fight with Jackson's army the other day, and have driven him about 40 wile'. We drove him front Strasbourg to the Shenandoah River, where he burned the bridge. We were in sight of him when the bridge wag on Ere. Our cav alry was in the advance, and, when we came up to the bridge, they fired upon usr ana killed one man. The day before, we killed about fifty or sixty for them. Our Company was brought, up to support the artillery.' We had some tilled and wounded. John Granger and I were riding together. He had his horse shot from under him, and 1 had a canister shot go through my hat. It made a hole as big at my fist. It was a close call for me. The bIioIIs were bursting all around, but we stood it well. I was rather frightened, but no more than the rest. We look one battery and about COO pri -oners. The Rebels have made a stand about five miles from here, across the river, and just as soon as the river fulls, so that we can ford it, we shall be at them again. We calculate to take this whole army. We are having some pretty hird times some good; we lake anything we want. af Those who do not know that our townsman, Mr. A. B.iil, cultivates straw berries of the very largest and most dolicinuB Tarioties, are boreby assured of tho fuc'. We hare reason to know, Mr. B. having gonorously presented us with a goodly supply. -jrThe Howard Association, of Phila delphia, still extonds its kind and booeffcont aid to the afflicted io all the loyal Slates, and overvwbore maintains a bigh character for honorable conduct and professional skill. We feel assured that it may be relied upon as a sound and highly useful Institu tion. A new card from the Manngers will be found in our advertising columns. Thompson Soldier's Aid Society. Editor Democrat : Will you plcaso to publish the following list of hospital stores, tent June 2d, to the Cleveland Aid Sooioty, by the tadiot of South west Thompson i 5 cotton shoots, 12 pillows and pillow al'ps, 3 bedquilts, 1 rug, 285 yards bandagos, 3 lbs. linon lint, 3 Its. cotton and linen piecos, 34 towels (linen and cottorj.) 35 pocket haodkorcbiofs, 6 dozen oomprusses, 6 absorbors, 2 pairs woolen sooks, 2 cotton shirts, 1 pair cotton drawers, 5 lbs. crackors, 3 lbs. cookies, 3 lbs. dried beef, 14 J lbs. rfred apples, 6 lbs. dried peaches, 11 lbs. mall dried fruit, 6 lbs. old sage cheese, 4 J lbs. maple sugar, a quantity of sugar-cured ewoot flag, and caraway teod, I pewter soup ladle. Roading Mattor 1 Bible. 1 vol. National Magazine, 2 vols. Guide to Holiness, 2 vols. Advocate and Guardian, 3 vols. Oborlin Evangelist, 6 copies Western Advocate, and other papers, tracU and magazines. S. H. WHIPPLE. S. H. WHIPPLE. Thompson, June 16th, 1862. Hambden Mite Society. On no preceding meeting was thhre such turnout at at Mr. A. Hale's, oo the eve of last Friday, whiob is proof nositive that thore is a deep interost manifested In behalf ot our trlends in camp. The entire audience wore nigniy entertained by some well-timod remarks by Mr. J. O. Conrorse. They went with the expectation of hearing some "good things," and wore not disappointed Id the least. We are happy to Inform our friends that Mist Palmor will road an ossay at our next meeting, and D. W. Canfield will ad drew the Society, to be beld iu two woekt from last Friday evening, at Mr. J. T. Field's. When the Illinois trooDS passed through Washington, Lincoln was laid to langb all over, and now let in make Mr. Field's whole family laugh all over by a tre S. E. Hambden, June 14th, 1852. Gary's Cough. Cure, OR PECTORAL TROCHEES. ' See advertisement.' . 640yl Hambden, June 14th, 1852. Recruits Wanted, for the 9th Ohio Battery. undersigned is authorised lo ro Hut filty five tnun for the above Ilattery Recruin will be immediately sworn into service, and will be paid and subsisted from the dsy of enlistment. The Battery Is now at Cumberland Ford. In enmmanrl of L. P. Harrows, of this County, to whioh point transportation will be fur nislied so soon as a sufficient number shall he enlisted. For a few days, I will be uuou ai uurion. GEO. J. RUNDELL, Recruiting Officer. SPECIAL NOTICES. IMPORT 'a'Sff OEMALB87" . DR. CUEESEMAN'S FILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman.M. D., Ktw York Citv. Tliecombinatltinsof ilnrrcriivhta In thou Pill nre the reauli of a long and extcnajve practice. They ars mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irroulariiira, I'aiiilul Menstrua tions, removing all cum ructions, wlieihcr from coiu or oinerwiso; Headache, fain in (lie Si.le, I'nliiilntion 01 the Henri. Whiten, all Ncrvonn Altreilons, iJyucrics,.raliKiic, I'oin In ilia Hack and Limbs, &.c , Dieiurbed bleep, which arist iru.n interruption oi nnlurc, TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheosemnn'a Pilla are Invaluable, ts itivy will bring nn the Monthly rcriod wiih regular, iiy. l.nJie whohnve be -n disnppninted in the use of otlior pills, can place lite turnout confidence in Dr. Hiurseman's t ills doing all that they rep resent to da. NOTICE. Thera Is one condition of lite femato system in which the fills cannot be taken wiihoui pro ducing a PBCULIAH RESULT. Tho con dition referred to is FKEGNA iVC F the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such in the irrcintihe ten dency of tlio medicine to restore the Kcunl Func tions to a normal condition, that even the repro ductive nnwer of nature rmnni renini tt. Warrunied Purely VegelHblr, and Kit EE from onything injurious. Kxulicit direction, which ahouldtie read, accompany each HOX. Trice $1,00. Sent by mail on enclosing $ 1 .00 lo lyornnnus u. unaeseiuan, Box I'onO lice. New York Citv. Sold hy ONE Druggist in every town in the United States. R. B HUTCIIIN9, General Ageut for the United States. No. 1 14 Broadwoy, N.Y., To whom all Wholesale Orders should be ad dressed. Fur Sale by A liook, Druggist. Char don, Outd. 631d3G5 The Great French Remedy. Madam Boivin's Celebrated Silrcr-CoaU'd FEMALE PILLS. CTpIlK only certain and sate Kemnly lor all U UtcrineObstrticiions.Mnnthly Difficulties, Ir regularities, and all other diseases to which the woman, wife and moiher. is peculiarly liable. These Pills contain no deleterious ingredients, but are safe and certuin in .their action. They will be found to exert the happiest effect in ull ei-e of Prolapsus Uteri, in Lcucorrhea or the Whites; they will bo found the easiest and most ccrtnin cure that con be found. It is on account of this certainly that they should not be taken by Pregnant Females, (.during the firt2 movlhu. in miwarriiige it certain to be brought on,j but at other periods their use is perfectly safe. N. B $1,U0 onclosed loany authorized Agent, will ensure package of pills by return of mail. C. S. CROSBY, (ienerol Agent, Fort Krie.C. W., Buffalo, N Y. Cautiom Beware of Counterfeits; the genuine have iliesijnalure of C. CROUD Von the outside wrapper. . 4)6 For sale by all respectable Druggists. Mathews' Chocolate Worm-Drops NEVER fail to destroy all kinds oIntostinal Worms. Are perfectly reliable in all cases, and far superior to any and all of tho fancy Worm CONDUCTIONS and nauseous VKIlMlFUGliH in use. They may bojnken at oil times with perfect safety, as they contain NO MEKCCK.Y or other deleterious drug. Mothers should al ways purchase them, and give their children no other. t.V Cathartic whatever, is necessary to be given.) For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers io Med icines. A. I. MATHEWS, Genernl Agent, Buffalo. N. Y. For sale by A. Cook, Chardoii) C.9. Field, East Claridon; C. P. Treat. Clurldon; H. Thomp son, Ilbiilsburg. - COMMERCIAL. Chardon Market—Retail Price Current. Reported expressly for the JtntiisoflUN Dkno- chat, uy Messrs. vviLKiNsci KBLLtv.Uhurdon. Dried Fruit Apples choice t) UTTER tyllOlCe Coffee Java--. Uio Ground per lb. pel lb. per lb. per lb. per lb. per lb, Dandelion Currants English Candles Tallow Ktearine Corn In Ear Shelled Eoos Flckr Supurfine per bur per lb. 11 to 12X per lb. lb to bX ,-perbu U5 'per bushel peruozea 8 S 25 Extra. per barrel Uouble Extra per barrel 5 2J wnite wneat 5 60 Fish Dry Lod per lb RH to White. per K bbl $4 00 White per lb. 5 Trout perlb. i Trout.... H barrel $4 00 Mackerel perlb. e,lo Iv per ton 7 00 to $7 50 Poultry Chickens dressed pel !b. 0 Turkeys dressed ner lb. Oats per bushel Si Oils Lord (white strained) ....per gallon 1,25 A-inseea per gal. l Ou to l IVX Coal Oil per gal 3u to 40 Rice Prime nr th. nn Raisins Box n in Vulenlia Raisins perlb. 18X Layers perb. 2i per box 3 60 M. R. Raisins. ner hi.i c2 on SVRurGolden per gallon 87K Golden Extra per gallon 75 Molasses New Orleans' uer aullon fiu SuoARCrushed perlb. 11 Pulverized perlb 1 Coffee (white) per lb. 12X to 13 Coffee (yellow) perlb 14 .Brown ner lb 10 to 12 Soap Chemical (bar) 10 Transparent (bar) 10 Yellow perlb. 7 to 8 Castile perlb. 25 Toilet bar ....A 12U Tallow perlb, 8 Salt, bbl. (3 00 Mo sack 20 to 25e. Corn Meal 1 12 to 1 25 MARRIED. In Hunttburg. June 9ih, by Nelson Woodard, Esq . Mr. HRAM BURBANK to Misa MELIS SA STILES, both of the former place. DIED. City 'Clevolund, June 7th, HORACE Wll.KlNS.Jr, eldest son ot Horace and Lu cinda Wtlkins, aged 15 years and 1 month. Neirly seven years .disease has been preying upon his system, baffling the skill of eminent physicians; but, amid all his sufferings, he has been sustained by aa unseen hand. He was an industrious studenl, and, until his condition forbade his attendance at school, he was in advance of his e'ass. Of a kind dispo sition, possessing a meek and quiet spirit, every acquaintance was his friend, lie was remarka bly conscientious in all hia little dealings and kindnesses. Not a penny would he forget; if due .0 another. His sufferings are over. He rests in pesce and, young as he was, he left an evidence that Jittit was his friend, and that he has gone to HIS PARENTS. STRAYED from the premises o'f the Subscriber in Chsrdou villara, . On Thursday. June 6th. TWO Hf IKRS One.a two-year-old, dark-red color; the other, a yearling color yellow. Any one taking up said heifers, or having knowledge of their whereabout, will pleaae inform n j t Mr. COUGE BUSS. Chardon, June 11th, 1868. 64Bw3 BUFFALO ROBES just received, a nd for sala cheop, at AYRES 4. MURRAY'S. I5tf MISCELLANEOUS. jtu1 yTt. nag - IMtoM snd after Monday, March 17th.Htsge will leave Chardon el 7 o'clock A . M-, snd rainesvilisai I o'clock r. M.dniiy. K O. OR NOER, Proprietor. Chsrdcn, March 21st, lbi. 63oyt "IS HIMSELF AGAIN." . Once more behind the counter, friends, To erv you out cheap goods. Shnktpeare. WARNER has just returned from the East ern titirs will, a Larger snd Cheaper Stock of New Goods than was ever offered to the people of Chardon since the days ot Men, women and children, Irnm the land of wooden nutmegs and lesiher pumpkin seeds, 101 he land flowing wiih milk snd butter, all rush in on conglomerated mux, 10 amp bis selling goods so cheop. by Inking them offhis bonds. The eagle of Anient a mars aloft, and, flapping her wings, screams, 'Is 1 tin t sot' And went utf with a Keg ulatur in her mouth. Intel a mnn the other day, When turninir r..und iha corners "Hullo, my friend," says I "which wsyf" rays ue, 1 in uotind lor Warner s. "Whst rofts of poods, from day to day, Dan W Jr. 'ssellin' His system is tho READY PAY," The eagle keeps a yellin'. Keep it before the people that D. W. Jr. has a Largs St carefully selected Stock ol Consisting ol Gray Traveling Goods, Moxam binurt. fancy I'laiitt. Challie Urlainrt. rf-c. Rtilliants and Ginghams, French Prints- Black and fancy Drest Silks, Summer Balmoral Skirts, Summer Shawls, 50 cts. vp, Brocha $3,00 Trimmings and Tltittons, Silk Jassels and Hoad Notts, GINGHAMS fronlO cms up, CALICOES f 6 to 12i ots.. Hoop Skirts from 2 ctt boop, up, & bar rol hoops. BR OADCLO TI1S8& Cossimercs, Linen Ootids, Cottonadcs ond Lent onndes, and All Goods lor men and boys; Gene ral Assortment of StllEEl rXfJR Shirtings, Bleached &. II A TS (' CA PS"''. Boys', babies', i4iou' Cdpslor women, cops for Mon, and Porcussion Caps, and Hats to fit ever; pate, from 10 coots up; B00TS& SirOESftZSfJsSi snd puling infants. Ladies' and Misses' Uititurs Si alines from 60 contt up, Lad's' & MV Luce Boots 75 ' Mens' Stogy Shoos 73 from 91 371 Mens 11 outs Keep it before the people that D. W. has tho Largest Stook of Groceries, Hardware. Paints for honnrs l,m Xj tvns ovor in town, and tbe cheapest; Carbon Oil DeovCzd 4 25 cts. a gal. 35 Also Crudo Mecca Oil for Machlnervi A Boautilul Atsortmoiu nf Crockery, Glass Waru, 30 bour and 8 Dau Clocki. Mithnnnintr St Whnnling Nails hy lb. or keg Cod-fish, While-fish, Trout, and IHuKUlNG BV THE BOX. Keep it before the people, that D. W., Jr., haa purchased the Exclusive Right ol Geauga County, tor the sale of Wheeler's Improved Patcut Water Drawer, and shall keep a supply of Double and Single Buckets a', his Store, lor sale on the most tea sonable terms. Keep ilbcfore the people that D. W., Jr., PA YS CASH for CHEESE. BUTTER. WOOL, Pells. Kip, Veal and Deacon Sleiui. Keep it before the people that D. P., Jr. wilt not be. vndtrtuld by any live man, woman or ctiua '"Come on, my Soys, to Warners', go This is no idle dreaming; Why will he sell so mighty lowl" The eagle keeps up screaming. And yelling on, as up he soars Last accents thai he miv'ei "O lleav'nslmy friends, don't miss the doors Two north from the Blockade" Chardon, May till. 6l5tf FASHIONABLE MILLINERY-. THANKFUL for the liherol patronage of the Ladlosof Tbardon and vicinity, rtBMIss L. A. KN API would respectfully say to them, that she hasiuit received a Choice Slock of SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY .GOODS, And everything usually kern in the Millinerv line, consisting in part of B ONNETS, CAPS, ARTIFICIALS, HEAD DRESSES, de. 3T Particular attention paid to Bleach ing and DOING OYER BONNETS. Shoo, corner of Main and Water Sta . Char. don.O. L. A.KNAPP, Fashionable Milliner. Chardon, Moy 2nd, 1362. C40w8 J. Sherman Will keep constantlyoa hsnd GROCERIES of all kinds, Flonri BT TS3Z 3E3 KrPleaseesl at the Brick Store os the cor ner, oppoelteonase's Motel. Chardon, August 16th, 1861. 605t Admiuistrnior's Sale. THE undersigned will offer lor sale at the late residence of Stephen Searls, de-.-sosed. in Hambden. on Saturday, Jane 86th, 1863, the following personal property, to wit: 1 span of Horses. 8 dry (,'ows, 4 two-year-old Steers, I two-year-old Heifer, I two-horse Wag on, and I Threshing Machine. TERMS OF SALE Sums of3 and under. Cash in hand; over $3, 6 months' credit will be given, with approved security snd interest. ftCrSalo to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. . L.G. MAYNARD, AHm'i. Hambden, Juna 13th, lc62. 648w3 Sidney Curtiss I Berore L Davis, Justice of the against Peace of Parkman township, John J Young. I Geauga County .Ohio. ON the 8th day ol May. A. D. 1863. esid Justice itsued sn Order of Attachment in tho above action, for the sum of (116 which is setfor trial June 88th, 188, at 10 o'clock A.M. SIDNEY CURTISS. rsrkmari, Msy 17th, 1863. 648w3 NOTICEThe nndersignad has been appointed and qualified ss administrator of the estate of Russell Dixson. deceased, lata of Huntsburg, Geauga County, Ohio. J. B. EGGLESTON. Huntsbnrg, June 13th, 1868. 648w3 SHOUTS, BRAN, Meal Corn, generally iHOKTUS, BRAN, Meal, Middlings, Oats and Dy 63711 BEbULATOR MJUS d- KELLEX, MERCANTILE. lockade RAISED; Not to benefit the Relists but to allow lnloa men whnhsvs been loysl, to prosurs of AYRES Si mm the Indispensables. Luxuries and Convehiencss conducive touealth, bappioese and long life. Notwithstanding the general stagnation of afYnira In IhA nt.rMnlila Bn.M again receiving our usual Largo and Mplen- uiu Assunuieui oi Spring fe Summer which have boon tolectod exproistv In suit tho wants of tho ponple, who, unlike the 'Ureal Unready, are always ready to pur chase Ihoir Goods where tboj can got them cheapest, and with the least loss nf life. Ws have purchased our Goods entirolv 9 and consequently toll them, for only offering it formerly, tuparlnr Induce me tits and groat bargains to our old custom ors who havo stood hy us in all the trying scones of high and low prices who noeded no 'Regulator' to keen tbotn tteadfast we are ith you rocoaga n. We clasp your hands and know tboy ttilt are froe. We offer you Good Prints 8 to 12 1-2 cts. Shcding,;- 0 to ' GOOD GAITERS, 50 , Fine Linen Coats, $1,00 Shirt BosomsXZSXnZO , Nice, broad Bonnet Ribbons, Newest Styles, 35 Cents per yard. And other gnndt in tho same proportion notwithstanding tho destruction of Cotton, Sugar and MolasBos.l.y the Rohels, at Mom phis. We would not forget to mention that we bave a good assortmtmt of Ladies' CLOAKS & Mantillas, and more made In order, if necessary. Er ery variety ot Ladies' Fwm a 5 ct. Lawn ,0 , $2 SiUc We are no oommissarles or eontrsctort of the Uovernment; tborofore our customers will find, by wearing our CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Vustings, that you have not been buy ing Shoddy which Uovernment blond suck ers have forcod tbo poor soldier to wear. We bave also a large Stock of Heady-Made Lur Clothing Department, vp stairs, is under the superin tendence of JOHN STROIIL, Our Stock of Boots & Shots is larger than formerly, and of better quality. We have the Balmoral, CowhidelStngy, Baby-shoe, Lady Kllnnnr Kin or P.ilf. Sk m P.n.,1 nr Ktnlr of Hardware, Iron, Nails, IIouso-Trimmings IB wots. for cash saw mi CLOTHE ana carpenters tools, cannot be turpaitud for thoir durability and finish. Of Croclccry and Glass- Ware wo have a .large and well-tolooted Stock of the Latest Stylos and most superior workmanship. All kind of Produce taken In exchange for Ooodt. CASH paid for BUTTER. AYRES & MURRAY. CbardoD, May 16tb, 1862, 044tf MERCANTILE. RANDALL It lil WITH A Full stock OT MORECOMIXQ Competition Dcfled FROM JjyrfTHERE EVERYWHERE Selling 'or (Sash 9 Jl.XD Faying AVool, Pelts, Hides, Deacon Skins, &c,, &c. LARGE Stock of READY-HADE lothiu Complete, AND IIAKI1V6 TO ORDER. NEW BNN !! Bailyn GiiSl for CbardoD, April 1Kb, PAINESVILLE. ! SUMMER7 MY oods, HAVR RKCEIVED SIX CJSES OF SUMMKIi DRESS UOODS OF Every Description, whioh they are offoring From 25 to 100 wr cent. Lots than their actual value. 2 Cases English Pattern ILiglit Print; 2 Packages Summer Muslins, C5JJ5S bl'k & col'd SILKS, IN ALL QUALITIES-, G Carton Summer SHAWLS; xxi r DOZEN SUN UMBRELLAS; 12 Pieces LADIES CLOTH, FROM 75 Cli. to tifiOper yard; Cloths, Cassimeres and Veslings; WHITE Goods; House Furnishing Goods; Domestics: Cnttnnarins T.innn Tnvnlinn, Linon Ducks; A'panish Linen for Moo and uoyt ou turner Wear; Auoamer BALMORAL SKIRTS, Now Styles; Thompson's Celebrated Crown Hoop SIcirts; BurnhanCs aylVif Trio Shirt; Bonnet Ribbons; Trimmings; Laet Embroideries; Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' SHOES & GAITERS; A New and Fresh 6'tock of Groceries; The Highest Market Price Cash paid for Butter. Painotvilte, June 6tb. 647juo6tf ANOTHER RE INF0RCE1IENT. fi. T. Winslow lias Landed a Large and Heavy Stock of Boots, S)g Shoes, Of esry Vsriety suitable for Spring and Sum mer wear, for Men, Women, Misses & Children The Garrison is supplied for a - 6 nfONTHS' PROTRACTED SISGE, and notwithstanding these are War Times, WILL SELL CHEAP. I ftrtsirn in ctxW thm uttpnltrtn nf r'aiaik nu.... to one of the irgrst titocktof BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER, ia market, which 1 CAN and WILL sell It LiOW Prices! X9The Manufacturing Department will be in charge of Mr. J. B. K1LBOURNK. to which particular attention will be paid to CUSTOM iniait. The above facts will be demonstrated at BA KER'S BLOCK, North side Main Sireet. u. t. iruYSLOir. Painesvillf, April 25, 1861. NEW GOODS. Mrs. G.T. WINSLOW WOULD announce to the public that she hss just returned from New York, having par chsseda Newaad t'lejuut Stock of Which she offers for Sale at Prices to suittbe limes. Bhs invites rer old enstnmers, and new ones too, to call and examine her goods. Store, Maker's lllouk. Main St., Paines ville, Ohio. Uld Straw Donuett an ads to look asgood as new. April, 1862. T. Whitaker. Book-Bieding Establishment, Marshall's Block, Main 6treet A upstairs,) PAINESVILLE. O. npHF. Subscriber would respectfully informthe public generally, that he is prepared to bind Rooksof every UesoriuUou. ia evrrv Va riety olstyle,aaaia the best roannsr, alias very Lowest Prices for CASH. T. WHITAKER. Palneville,l861. ?Mf Cfs.r.vr I li a STRAYED from the tJWttJ IIVious residence of the sub scriber in Lerov, May 2nd, a S year old sor rel Mare Colt, 2 bio j feet white. Any one taking it up and returning i, or giv ing: information ofita whsraaboata. will be suit- slily rewarded. PAV1D PIKE Leroy, Juno 6th. 6t7w8 PAINESVILLE. i . I Lockwood Broth's Have opened, tins Day, ORGANDIES, M0ZAMRIQ UES, Plaids !c Brosha Plaids, 4 Traveling Mixtures, 4 Grenadine Veils, 4 Mitts, Gloves & Hosiery, PHINTS, English and American at 1 (.,' c Bleached Cottons, ai 1 Shilling; 4 Parasols & Sun-Umbrellas, SUMMER SHAWLS, French Cor setts, Embroidered Collars, ' Rufllles, do.. Of all kinds of Goods. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Now full of New Colors and Patterns. . Cloths and Trim'gs To match us Every Variety. Cloths, Cassimeres & Vesting, GOODS FOR MEJVf- BOYS WEAR. Neck Ties, Collars, Bosoms, tit. . Domestic Goods. All Goods marked in plain Figures? frm which then is no deviation. Fainesvile, June, 1S6I. junfitfC4T .Attention, FARMEKS of Lake and Gcauja! OHIO Harvester !! Manufactured by EJfGLlSU, I1ELMICK fc D1JOX, t-c-r a iiiiaueipiua, unto, THE nt lity of Reaping Ac. Mowing Machines being no longer a question, the very natural inquiry of the tarmer wanting to purchase a Harvester is where can I buy the best Machine in use f We would advise all such toexamiua all the Machines in your reach, and when ys have found one, the appearance ot wbicb pleas es you. go to some one who has used it, and as carata Irom hin whether it is what it has been represented to be. In this way you will proba bly PHI HafVAMIftr llmt ia nil rirrhf 7 tils machine has been in use for the last f yesrs, and there is scarcely a county in the Northern Slates in which it has not been tested. Persons wishino" to buv. can be shown refer ences from termers in tiiis vicinity, who have uaea nits mscnine, ana wno recommend it aa having advantage! over any other in use. vve are tne agents lor trie bounties ot Lake and Ueauga, snd have Machines on hand, that can be examined at any time, by calling st the Old Geauga Store, State Street, Paitiesvillt, v). RUSSELL &.CR04V ELL, Painesville, Lake County, Ohio. May 27th, 1862. 646m2 A Dew and Tataaab TUhtaieSK t Preserving & Beautifying the Hair I AKNICA HAIS GL068 f!fJ!?ta"rtoT,1"A,Aai-t11iwiw 'ItJZ'Z ?fSS71TJL'wM'""' '"""""- ABKICA EAIB OLOBS l nlr; Ilpmmluiuiliwoiit: Tl m iln a ABJTICA HilK GLOS3 ' - .1 - . . .. . ... all iiAuaraa. aud tamlm Urn rouM at um UmM ib aWkkf ARNICA HAIB CLOU Iiflw Mne wiS. t Rdr THnvbw n 1 llwr pniawulr Mrtuid &mr n UaUak. Iu AKNTCA HAIB OLOeS U HHng.T fKBFt'Man . mS eranMnn the eTatloBMS AltmnA mrw.nrvsai liltaCtamlB rit Mihs TWt rrdrn BaatoollitovlllMisatefivloaU auaav taseV Atlntle is ate st Priasim c mmar. Price, - Twenty-Five Cent a Bottli. A. L MATHEWS, ' MUa.H.T.MlVwtCita.C: W. OemriAanS. Slieritra Sale of Heal Ee title. In obedience to the requirements of a vend. ex. order of Sale which iMued from the Court of Common Pleaa of Geauga County in the Stale of Ohio, wherein Henry C Gridley and Uewilt C. Gridley are plainriffs, and Aretue Clapp, Jr. Morea Clappand Simon SawyeJ, are defendants, and dated the 19th day of June, A. U. 11162, to me directed and delivered, shall offer for sale at public vendue, at ihedooi ot ilia Court House in C'hsrdon in said County , on Monday, the 21st day of July 1662, between the hours of to o'clock A. M ., and 4 o' clock P. M., of said day, the following described Real Eitite, situate in the township of Tnomp son. in the County of Ueauga and State ol Ohm, being t part ol Lot No. 11 in said Tuwnahip, and bounded as follows, to wit.i Beginning st the south line of said Lot 13 chains snd b6X links Waal of the B3uth east corner ot said lot: thenea noith 36 chaina, 44 links i thence south H9 degs.. 20 minutes, west 13 chaina, 86 links, to land nuin.d hp Mjtrk fiamAl t thni aAOll. ' to the east line of ssid barnes' and Sbcha ns and 94 links to the south line ol said Lot tbence saw on llie Lei line 13 chsins, 56 (, links, to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres of land, be the same mora or leas. Said premises sppraiwd at (6SO) six-hundred ' and fifty dollars. TERMS OK BALK Caah iq bsnd. E G, WH1TK, Slieiiff. Sheriffs Office, Geauga I Co., June 0, loa. I 6t9wS Ft (PI HUB s GOODS.