Newspaper Page Text
The National Finances. The detailed eteiementnf tho Tr"-Ufj fcoparlmnn showing Hin prv0l amount of the titionl dubt, w published yeeterdat morning repro'n lhat ,bl ,t having emountu. 0 .(10 2g b of M , fnur J,""lr - nl :,moty one mliione. Or hit iebt about, seventy millions, Misted beforo the; acoessioo of the prusont administration, leaving about four-hundred itnd twenty mil lion! tho amount of dubt created in tho fctt nuutiba it hat been In powor. Our war debt, accordingly, has been accumula ling at a rata not i-xoooding an aerugo ol a million a day, a fact In gratifying control to the ihl statements current during the winter and spring months. lrut the govern ineot was spending two or threo millions a day. Tho national debt on the) first of July, the flcal year, Instoad ofatnouliting tn the enormous aum ot twelve hundred inilltona, at it was currently believed it would two months ago, will not exceed fWe hundred and twenty millions. The expenaet of ilia war during fne poriod It it V9t to continue will bo considerably lest than heretofore, even while we koop at large anniet on foot The jmmotiso pur chase ol arms, wagont, horses, ships, and other material, which wero necessary when evervthina had to bo created aiiow. will not bare" to bo ropeatod. The pay and tub aistnnco of tho men will hereafter bo tho chief burdon of tho war. With a close approximation to the amount of the publio debt on the first of July, wo can estimate the wants nf tho Treasury for the next nisoil yoar. The public tlbt nn the first of July will he, say 520.000.000. Of this 4 150.00(1,000 will consist of It'g'tJ tender notes, paying no interest, liamg the amount of i'nturost-drawing debt M70, 000.000. The interest on this for thu first aix months of the fiscal year, at atx per cent., will bo 11,100.000. During tho ensuing six tnootbt thu debt will ham iiiernnsod proba bly not more than lf0. 000,000, milking the Intereat lor the ensuim? six months on the debt existing on tho first of January, 15, 600.000. That is to say, the total in forest aouruing on the dubt during the nwl fiscal year will not exceed .'10,000 000 an easy, manageable sum if tho war should close and the ordinary rxnonsos of tho govorn mont be reduced to 100,000,000 within tho jear.N. Y. World. Story on a Biuve Boy Captain Boggs, of the Varuna, tella a story of a brave boy who was on board hit vessel during the bombardment of tho forts bolow New Or leans. The lad, who answors to the name of Oscar, it but thirtonn years of ago, but lias an old head on his shouldets, und is alert and enorgetio. During tho hottest of the fire be wat engaged in passing ammuni tion to tho gunners, and narrowly escaped fioith. when one of the broadsides of the Varuna't rebel antagonist wat poured in, Colored with dirt and begrlmmnd with pow. dor, ho was met by Captain Bogus, who asked "where he was going in such a hurry ?' "To got a passing box, sir; tho other ono was smnshn I by n tmll 1" And so throughout the light the brave b y held hit place and did hit duly. When the Varuna went down, tho Captain missed hit boy, and thought ho wnt among tho victims of thu battle. Bui a few nun ntet afterwards ho saw the lud gallantly swimming towards tho wreck. Clambering on board of Captain uojg s boat, he threw hit hand u,i to his forehuud, giving the usual talute. ami uttering only tho words, "All right, sir I I report mvself on board," paatud coolly to bis ttatiob. Bo young a lad, to brave and gmd in danger, will make himself kuowu as yars go ovor hit bead. As Immknsk Hkiii.i, Earthwork Found. Tho Norfolk oi r e-ponduul of thu I'liiladol Jibia I'ren says : A reconnoitering party on Saturday left the city nf Norfolk, intending to movo to ward Elizabeth City, but thu party had careo I y gono five uiilet whoa they came upon an immenso earthwork, about four miles long, and mnuntud with boavy marine guns, and commanding every possible ap proach to the city from thu south and aouth-east. Thosn works wero no doubt constructed for the purposo ol repelling an advance on tho part of Qonoral Biirntidn. The work is, induud, immonso, and thousands uf rnoii must have been at work on it for months. It it tarnished with comfortable barracks, which will bo occupied temporarily by Union troops. Write Legibly. It is stated by one wlio knows, that a great many persons who wrilo to tlie Government Depart ments on business, receive no attention, for the reason (hut tliey write their names la such a sivle as to be wLolly uuintelli tibe. Fancy kitnatures never trouble tbe clerks much : for the instant they (lis cover trouble in deciphering them, the communications to whiou they are up peoded, are thrown aside. Tub grandfather of General Ilalleck is Mill living and is one hundred years old. Hit residence is near Utiaa in New York State, ilalleck himself was born in West Oneida county, where most of his relatives, including one or more brothers, now re lie. Msn, by asgocialing in large manses, at in carapt and cities, improve their talents, but impair their virtues, and Btrenlher, ther minds, but weaken their morals: thua a retrocession in the one, is too olten tbe price lhev pay fur a reliaetueDt in tbe other. "Do you tliink," asked Mrs. Pepper, rather sharply, that a little temper it bad tiling in a woman ?" "Certainly not, ma'am," replied the gallant philosopher who answered her ; "it it a t;ood thing;, and the ouht never to loie u. GEAUGA COUNTY jjll VET ar JQ. Ua FIRE-INSURANCE GOMPANY OFFICE, CuASuoN.Ouio, ' JOHN NICHOLS, PKHinmT. L. C. LUDLOW,SttRi:Tisv. Tbis well-known company continues lo insure the property ol ueuuga county, at ai LOW HATKS ui SutvtHey will permit By lu Act of Incorporation, Property oulside Ueauga County, Cannot lie iimurra la Ibis Losapau y , mus entirely oDviuung me objec tions to Mutual Companies ss commonly organ ixed.ihai Insure all over the country. Those warn wish to be mode Kule against Loss If Eire, will do well to I nan re In llila Compimy. tTFor farther partieiilart call on E. V.CANFlELD.Oenerol Agent. Chardon, Olito. MBit. NOTICE. THE Subscriber, having ckaheed hislnestion for Tanning, to Footville, Trumbull Town aliiD. Aahlabula Count v. bens leave lo inform all taoae having lliiloa and Skins left with him to tan, trial tney win i leu tr distribution as soon M lannad, alC. Knowles' iiarness Shop. Also Mr. Kuewles iak in Hides and Skins lor in to tan- Thankful tor past favors he hopes to till reaeiv a share el the public patrunsge. lieference My former tsnnniug. J.F. FOLDER. Cbardoa, Feb. 84. 182. WMt MISCELLANEOUS. .V. w . i nn r rn r ' ,---- SEMI-AN.VLAL STATLM.NT, NO. 101. Capital and Surplus, 1)2,302,08. Way 1st, 1801. ' Cash and ensh items.., Loan, well secured K.tine Jtl.'ii shares Hartford Hank tioik itM N. V. loin " lioMnn " " 5C7 " other ' " t'. States State " llaiilortl N. II. h. It. Bonds ft llariliml t'iiy llonils. Conn. River Co.tV. R.Co. Slock Total Assets Total Liabilities JTfl.M'H.TS . SC.i'.'iMil . 84.f .SH I'O r.i.t n.' llM).7SC.t0'i do T.M1 on :t'i,io() on 3ii.rn,i'o 4.(UII.U0 S'.w-j :in?,93 7Xi 1 1 7 r'nnletnilsof Investments, tea small Cards.V Cireulara. liitHiranees may be efferted in ibis obi and sub slniiiial Coniimuy on very Invorable lernn,. Apply to K. V.CA.Nr'llll.K. ABent. , Chnnlnii, Ohio. IttrDweWlngsnnd V'arm I'ronriy insured fora term of years at very low rules. xt Chardun, August loth, Iftil. 00! y STEARNS' DAIRYMAN'S RELIEF Olrl.TJR.N', Patrnted March 11 (A. 180J. , I'rrformiiiK the Inlbeito J.iiborlour and I it I'MHiie 0iiTiitioii t Cliui iiing, Willi I onipuiiitivo Kiikc mid l)Hltb. I I M1E I'utenieo loels assured Irom observation I ol tacts, tliat his Improved Ciiuru will Hot onty perforin its work with greater ease and Uispaich.lml will produce more butter by a very valuubte per uuni, than any oilier ctiuTi, known to )ii in , in ib . None who understand the philosophy of pro ducing butter, will liiii to see the simple, philo sophic limes ol ins iinprovuineiit,as represented ill ihc above engraving. A Hevolviug Dasher, hu villi, insleud ul 4 Hosts or slnls, slniiniiiff the cream, and carrying ii Irom plate in plate, lour series ol wires ol li each; lima cutiir.g inroiign ihe moss 4tf limes with ever; reveluiion, ihc air nouessarily following lliini combining two lacis neeessnry lor Ihe lueillly anu illiciuncy ol thu operaiion Irictioii and air. 1 u.,o Uiu liborty ol iniroil'icing below an ex Iniot iioin a private coniiiiunieaiion ol N .. S. I'm it, an extensive Inrmer and dairyman of tiiistavns. Truinbiiil Co., Ohio, lie saytul it, alter lair trial, "l think it worthy tho consideration of every man who keens a cow. The best cow I ever owned would be no tei.iptaiion for it, il l could not oh i mo ii ii ui tier . " It is the present nurnosn of the Pnleiiteo to sell County Ki'tihlB to such as tuny desire. (50, mure or less, as .ihey may vary in value by circum stances, per county. A fi'ptuy lor Hie immedi ate vicinity ol t luudou , wli be innntiiaeiurcd in Chanloii. it N. STEAUNd, Churduil, May !2nd, IBlii, 1'aiemce. KvS' ! I'l': !'!' i., g ; 'J Mil lii,; a of Chardun & I ? riKIE undersigned would any to t lie publicthnt 1 he bus cuiiiuienced riiniiiuir his new. well- fiiiihhed mid comfortable KxpreHH tor passengers, irom ciioriliin to ilcvultinu,us loiiows: l'iivesCharilon, Monday, 7 A.M., and arrives In Ceveland at W M.; leaves C'eveland Irom ihe Ciiy Hotel, for Chardun. 10 A. M., 1 uesday Leaves (: hari on. Veduusiliiv.7 A. HI , anil ur rives in Cleveland at I'i M ; loaves Cleveland from the Ciiy Hotel, fur Churdun, Thursday, 10 Leaves Chardon, Friday, 1 A. M.. and arrives in Cluvohind ul I'i M ; li uves Cleveland Irom ilia Ciiy Hole, for Chardon, 10 A- M, Saturday. rrFKEIOIIT ot very LOW rales; and errands und jobbing in my line, done with quick ness and diruiuich. I would say tn persons living out of town, thai their ordtrs tuny be hill at the old llriek Store Itt'ely occupied by Hull Si. Froeniun, where they will be promptly attended to. 1 would also say to the people of this vicinity, thnt theyctingo loCleveiund lor 91,00 less, n arrive there sooner, than theycail by Pnine.ville. I will deliver passengers in uny purl ol llieoily, at l lie same price. 1. V. D. ELDni'.DGE.i'roir.Vror Chardun, June'JHth, Iftil. V.iftt KM Mi I7 E WISH TO CA 1. 1. Tllli A TTliMTIOM l uf i he Public to our NE W S 1UKE and f.uuless Stock ol NEW GOODS, Which we areAnundtn SELLat prices tnttajac lorn to all that may favor us with a call. Wo mill to keep a Ceueriil Assortment of m m m tm iit u9m II ATS .t C A PS, Fli ES1I Cl HOC E ii I ES, II A h'D IV A UK, C KOCKEh Y it- CLASS HMYfi.TIN. BTONrrVt WOODEN WAKE WlDOW.;LASX, SASII&i Pl'TTY, NA1I.S. OVE-sTUfFS. IHW.SF.-I KIM Ml.WUSat all kind, YANKEE NOTIONS, Lnoking-filusses and DomnHiic Good., such SHEE riNtiS.SInrtiiiiis. Ticking. Cotton flan nels, Wickings, Twiun and Waddings, tc in fact. everything usually kept in a country store. WE DESIRE, in exchongefor the above. Butler, CAeeie, Lard, Date, Cor, ttuck-uiMtal Flour. Kurt. La it. ami. in fact. nveruUiur au- th taken lor generally. (Cash not reluscd.) I liauktui lor past lavors, we sun sonuii t snare I your pairoiisga. Wllklns & htllfj. Chardon, Feb. 1st, 1861. !77yi NOTICE The Undorsigned hsa been np pointM and qualiKod us odintnistraUir ion i of the estate of Froncis L. Disson. da ceased, lute of lluiitsbuig, (innuga County. Olfto. N. C. WOOHAK1). Hunuburg, June l3th,lBb2. r.dw TIMOTHY and Clnuer Reed at 635tf WILKIAS rj- KELLE.Y. EXPRESS PAINESVILLE. A. al( ud our it ofV Jiircct from lII.UflftIT4ITI?nCH!. TK.TF.WFi IIAVI.'(1 Jififi.V llrrrivrd Jl imf Ihr "Uuirt nn Ihe I'otuuwc" HJIS M!!..V Itl. T I III II Kit t.v ll.. vntiuiiHiv mnvetnontnf the Uohel Arm,, and .ha-o. sniifnt tremenlnnsruh olour Army after theiti, I havo concluded lu oiler INDUCEMENTS at my STORE thai will proilune a greater STAMPEDE to wards my head qanrters 1 h nil the famous Ske daddle the Southern nnny has ever made from anyplace. Having received an Enormous Stock of GOODS, honuhi under tho most fnvorablo elroiimsinnees, and cheaper than ever. I will sell (,oods Cheap er than ever. .My Stuck embraces everything anybody wants. DRESS GOODS of every kind, from Calico to Silks. Cloths, Casslmcres, S.1TI.V t:TTH. TWF.F.DS, JKANK. SUM M Kit RTUr'FS, C'l.OAKINUS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS ready-mado and in ado to order, LACK CAl'S and SHAWLS. PiUOC'll A and STELLA SHAWLS, COTTON GOODS, all kinds, BLEACHED and UIIOWN, Ac, HOOP SKIRTS, "f ,vcr' ",y,e ciiti'JETma, tie liest assortment lever had. and Cheaper than ever such as llrussels, Ingrain, Dutch, llmtp, and some with Cotton in them and warranted. Itesides the 1fi.,t'e Notions, Jewelry, Gloves, HOSIERY, EMUHOIDEKIES, ami a thousand oilier things too numerous to mention. frlrCive me a call, and if yon are not sa'itfled with goods and prices, 1 will charge notliing lor showing them. YAXKER STORE. O. II. COWLRS. Painesville, May 9th, lKtil. 6l:ltf J. T. TALBOT X CO.'S Furniture Establishment, ... . Alain btrcct, Piilnosvillc, Ohio. FURNITURE FOR THE MILLION. "V70U might as well try to turn the North lliver L up stream, or letter Mingara's torrent wilh n bulrush, as to keep the people Irom rushing to Talbot At Co-'t rUKMTUKK VVAKEUOUSt: where they buy From 41.00 lo SHU.OI). From $3,23 lo (50, per Set. SiTablcsS Erom 1 Dollar to 100 Dollars. From 15 Dollars lo 30 Dollars. (Moaioies-' From 16 Dollars tn Ml Dollars. AND A THOUSAND OTHER. THINGS Too nuniurous to menlon. STTltemeiiiber lb Slim nf C371 TALBOT tt CO. New Goods & FASHIONS, ii AS rulurnud Iioin Now York with a gnneral Stuck ol Ladies Ootids, com- (iiiniHj all that it Now und Fashionable in MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. A Choice Lot of DRESS GOODS, Plain and Fancy Silkt, Org.iniliet, Mmim biiUiis, I'opllns, &ia. Alto umtui'iult fur the Now (Styles of MANTLES & SACQUES. SILK, LACK and THIBET rPteS'EHEf i3Il!sS.,. Vuili, Embroideries, Olnvft, Hosiery, Dross Triinmingt, and lu short, all the Novelties of the season. -STltAW BONNETS & HATS dressed in iho best nmiiner, and at tbo lowest price. A Fiuo Aiisortaietit nf HOOP SKIRTS &. CORSETS. Puinotvillc, May 1st. C4 ltf Notice. rrli R Mi use K I ii i: u s will keep on hand the .Machine L and manuliiciuru to older, at Shop ol the lute A. A. Uciiuug. Puiiicsvillu, (J. llie lollowing iiiucuiiiei y, iiiiiueiyi Steam Ijiifiurs, Stalioiiuiy and l'ortubli ol any required size and dinieiiHiuu We tutiiiulncture a siuuli sixed por table Engine wullcalculuird lor driving a power pruning ureas, being upright and verv compact. IIIMUIVUI'VIIIH IMOI. IIIUII imiwuw, piuu.ilir Inroe .ii.;. built in ..anieiit.r ,ie,n.. o,l Pumping, fee.. all ol which are uiiinulucluted of llie bust material and warruuleil petlecliiiuclilllct JACK SCREWS OF ANY SIZE, SAW ai.IMi:ilS, a superior article WINDMILL PUMPS, A. A. Cenung'.Paienl MAcuiMEity oa Woop, Daniel's Planers of any sixe, Plening, Matchlnf and Moulding ivioeiiine eoniuiniHi, murtieiiig ma chines. Tenoning Muuhiiies, Wood I. allies, F.e IIIIIR niuuiiiue., tvixiii l.eiues, r-e centric do.. Wood Sowing Machines, Circular Saws, T INK Kits' TOOLS. Iliilbert. Dnulil. Senmera. SouarMiff Shears. Set- ting Down Machines, Punches, ate., fee rarllculur Attention paid to JOB WORK, Mill Woik renairitig of all kinds done with promptness and dispatch, and al the lowest tins ihle prices. t,. i , uv hVbli I et w, L. T. Ii OI.BERT. E- 0. litHVH. 7Cyl i sms5WrmSH' J LEGAL. LF.ttAL. NOTICE. T1F.NRV KK.AIII.H tut Harris Searls sr II hereby notified that, on the tilh cloy of No vember A. I) IHtil, George King anil l.urinda King his wile, filed In the office uf the UerS ol the Court ol Common Meas of (ienuga County, Slntenf Ohio, limit bill of complaint agninM Hie .niil II. nr. snrl. .ml II irri. Senrl nml others selling l.irili Hint one Stephen Searls, Inte ol sniil Couiily, the lather ol anl l.uciniia, Henry aim ""' - ' ibo ins nst will oml tesmnieiit, ami ntiorwnrjs. on the Stiih day ol Mnreli. A. D. I'.lfil. Uepnriod l.lo. lonvi,,,, IVrmi'lin Sea i Is, his widow, 1 ' and rortain children nomril in ami mnue panics to snld bill, his lesatres, to whom he bcmteallipil all hit property. Said coinplninniinnver in said bill that said Stephen Searls, at Inn lime ol his executing said instrument, was not of sound, dis posing mind ami memory, and, on the contrary, was In bis dotage, iliseated in body and mind, and was so weak and (eeble in body and mind, as to be wholly insapable of making any just or proper disposition ol his estate tt was under Im tinner restraint ami limine influences from said cgatees; that said instrument is not, in fact, the last will and testament nf said Stephen benrls, and the mmii is wholly void lor want ofcnpaciiy on the part of said .Stephen to maKc a ., w I lift nrayrr 111 Sam lllll IS. Ilini nil iwim ui he made up to try thu validity of said pretended wilh a"nd, if the issue bo found against said pre-; tended will.tbai then, by the decree ot ihe Court, theenine limy be decried null anil void. and Ihe estate of said Stephen Searls distilmud accord ing to law- and lot furiher relief. The said llcn ry Seorls and Harris Searls will answer said bill by the 1st dny of iho utuber Term ol said Court. A. I). lei.i. IIIKASIIKK.DI'HFFK.V II ATI I A WAY, Attorneys for Coniphiiinnis. Dntcd May flih, lHt.2. t:wli ;unrdlau's Sale. N pursuance nf an order of the Probate Court oflleauca Couutv. Ohio, made on the lliih day ol May, A. J., IHfi'i. in the case of lliiam CoveU, guardian of lliram SullneK, a lunntic, against his said ward, the undersigned will, on Saturday. Ihe 2t day of June, A D. 1802 at I o'clock P !l., on the premises, oiler at pub lic sale the following described real estate situ ate in Newbury township, ti jaiign' Conuiy. O.. being part ol l.oi in Tract 2. mid hounded nn the north nml west by laud owned by Jnnaibnn Houghton; on the east by land owned by L. Dos worth: and on ihe full ill bv the lot line ol said Lot 3, coiitniniuff 2(1 ocres of land. Also one other piece or parcel ot Innd siiunie in Ihe town, ship, County and Siaie aloresnid, and descrided asbillowsi known by being pnrtol Lot. No. 14, Tract I, and bounded on thu north by laud owned by Henry IJiirilcli; on the cast and south by laud owned by A. Alexander; and on I lie west by land owned bv Kilos Clark, containing 20 acres of land. 1'EILMS OF S ALE One. fourth cash cn the dny of sole; one-fourth in one year, oiin fourth in two years, anil one-iour'li in Hires years irom dny ol sub, lo be secured by mortgage on ihe premises sold, and the deferred pay men is lo benr interest pnyable nnnually. Fitst described land appraised at (140; second described luud appraised 016340. I11IUM COVEI.L, (iiardinn of Hiram Mullock, by his Atlorneys, Cantield & Smith. 6l&w5 ShcrilPa Sulc of Hen I Estate. TN obedience tothu requirements of an Order X ol Sale, which l.i nod Irom Ihe Court ol Com mon Pleas at tieauga County in Ihe Smle ol Ohio, wherein Josiuh 8 Conk is plniniiH'. and Willis Cay et nl are defrnilnnts, lo me directed and del ivered, 1 have caused to he apn.'niscd and sliill expose to sule at pi bile vendue, ol tlie Uoorol the Court House in Cliordon, Oh Mumluij. June 30(i, W I). 180:1. between Ihe hours of lu o'clock A.M. ond 4 u 'clock P. M. ol said day, I lie billowing de scribed real estate siluule in the township of nut ion in I lie county ol ucniign, in ihe Mule ol Ohio, being pari of Lot No. J j in said tuwn.hip, and unr;oi Town Plat Lot No. bounded us lollows, lo win llegiiining at a post in the weal lino ol'ihe uorih and souih center road in said iho souih ensl corner ol Josinh S Cook's Innd in said Lot No. 3f; thence north long the west luv ot toe aftiresnid road too pom in ihn cmnor of iho ienee ns ii now stands near n pine tree just south of'soid Cook's dwell ing house; tlienco west 2 degs UHohains; thence souihto the south line ol said Cook's lniiil;thence enst lo ihe place of beginning, containing about uiree-iourins ot an acre oi iiinn. Said premises appriiised in $400. Tonus ol Sale Cash in hand. E ii. WHITE, Sheriff. ShorlfPs OfTice.Ceouga I 64G5 lo , May num. trJi2. (unrdiitii Sole uf Henl Kslnte. TN pursuance of an nnler duly issued by the I. Prohaie Court ol Uonugn County, Ohio, Muy 12ih, 180.', I shall oilur lor sule. on Ihe S2i (hi, of July, A U. I8dll. at 10 o'clock A Al., on the premises, the follew ing described renl estate, to wit: Tlie undivided third nan ol the followiny premises situate in the snidCouuty of ticniiga und in Ihe lowmdiip of (.hamuli. Known us puns oi Lots INo. IN und I '.I, anil bounded as lollows: On the norlh by land owned b Edgar Wise on the easily iheeast hue ol sum Lot ixo. i;i; on the south 'y the south line ot sum i rnci io. i; on I lie west ny the old road lending from Chardon to Pninosville, con taining one-hundred acres of luud. Terms of Snlo ime-rillh ul ihe purohnse mon ey, ensh in bund, and the balance in lour eiiial annual payments wilh annual imorest. Deferred tiayiiienislo bo secured neenrding lo law. MillMAN COLLINS, (iitardian of Addison W lienton. Dated May 2:td, S6i, bl!w4 Notice IS horeby givnn, I but tho Cnmmissinnen uf Ooauga County will bo in tho Town ship of Burton, at a point where thu Cuya hoga llivor crnssot (ho mud loading Irom Hurl on square In Turkman village, on Monday, the 30th day of June itist to re ceive proposals for thu building uf linden across said s:reuin at lhat point. Alsn, at the snnn lime and jiluoe, proposals will be received for grading the road and building a bridge near the above-named place. They will alsn he in suid Township In tho afternoon nf said day, at a point where a brunch of the Cuyahoga Hiver crosses the east and west mud, about ono and ono half milos west of rturlon Fquurn, tn receive pro posal! for Ihe building nf a bridge and abut inenis fur tbo same, across said stream. They will be in tho Township of New bury, on the roud leading frnin Clianlnn In Unvuntia, near the residence of Uri C, Hick ox, nn Wednesday, tho 2d day of July m il, lo reeoive proposal! lor iho building o! a bridge and abutments across a stream near the residence of said Hicknx. They will bo in thn Township of Chardon at a point where llig Creek erosset Ihe road leading Irom Benjamin Uider't tn the Iluuibdnn cast and west center road, on Thursday, ihe 3d day nf July next, to re ceive proposals lor tho building of a bridge and abuiuiuntt across laid stream at tbul point. Thoy will hu in tho Township nf Bain bridge, on Monday, tho 7th day nf July next, at or near ihe residence of John K. Smith, lo reeeivo proposals for tbo bul'il ing of a bridge and abutments acrou a branch ol thu Chagrin - Kivor nuur laid Smith's. C. C. FIELD, Audior. Juno 6, I8t!2. )lt(l I. NOTJCi:.. The following ac- 1 1 I t .1 I, 1 ..,- ! 1 . .enis have been hied in the Probate Olhce ol Cenuca Cuuntv. lor settlement, vim Uuurdiuu of Henrietta M. Clupp, a minor, Puriisl Acct. ' Thomas F. Clapp, Adm'r of Jas. M. Clnop's Esiute, ' ' Dan'l Ethtidge'e ' Final ' fjuardianof Dwiht E. liarnes, minor, ' ' ' Mary E. ' Said accounts will aland for hearing In the Probate Conn ol said County, al Ihe Probate Ol hce iu Chardon, on the (ruth dny of June, HiJ, , ... . .....i u;.,u .11 ' ,."'." ' M. C.CANFIELD. Chardon, June oih. 18b. Probate Judge. I eijwS NO'l'ICK.-.The undersigned have been ap pointed and qualified as administrators ol the Estate of Kichard L. Alitor, deueated, law ol Hurioa, Ueauga County, Ohio. MAKYETTESL1TOB, B. P. ME11RIF1ELD. Burton, June Cth, 166?, 647wl MEDICAL. XMcCONNELL'B xiir EYE INFIRMARY, 235 Superior, Corner of Seneca Street el -1 A nvu 4ievciauu, yum. D" Tt.McCONNELL, having been for several years connected with tbe nrsi institutions of this character in New York and eiscwhere, feels confident that he can give entire satisfaction to those nllhcied with ony iliseaso of the Eye or Ear, who may put themselves under his treat ment. Numerous Instances of persons almost totally bind or deal have been restored to sight and hear ing. These enses may be seen in the at'y a. uny lime, by persons caling. Alsoa nuiiiner ot a Alson number ol sucuesslul operations for the ... -v.. , nniiiiiim r.i noinwrini iniiii!iMi'riii:i- feet manner, having Ihe appearance and motion ol the natural eye. HisCe'ebrnted EYEWATER will he sent to any address upon the reee'pi n! One Dollar All C'lininiiuieaiions by letter must contain a tamp lor return postage. Mfyl ' AYEIt'S OATHARTIO PILLS. are yoa slsk, ls.blt, ana eompllidosf Arsyoumttof oril.r, with your .v.t.iN u nuiKcd, .ml yvur fciut.gv a eeaiturtmliltif Thnto syrnp iulas are oftea Uir prsla.l. In setiuu Illness, (Sunt. (It of sIcHiihw Iscrv.ptas Un you, .ail should tw riuil uy a im of Hi. rlitit rm. wly. T.ks Ayer's I'dl.. sail clonuM out lb. ilUirdsriHl hu mors purify 111 bleed, au4 Ivt lb. giilda mo., on uuou In lianltk m:in, Ttn-y sllinnlat. Ui. functions of the body into vli;or.u mv tl.lty, puriry lb. jr.nm fron til. ubslruc-Uoiis whirh untk. dlwssa. A eoM sllls sneiswli.r. In Ui. Ily, and ob. slrneu Its niiliirsl funrtlou.. Tie., If not rliej, rmct Ckhi lliinMl.w sad III. surroundllig organs, in-die-Inn trnrr.l SKRr.v.tlon, .utTariitg, .lid UlaoaM. Willi. In this cniiitlllim, onnt by lb. darauiPlu.nM, Ink. Ayr's fills inl s lion directly lli.y rwlor. lb. natural action of lb. sy.lm. sod with it tlie buoyant feeling or health agaiu. What Is trao ud so In Ibl. trtTieJ nail eoiinunn eouiplalut, I. .tea Hun In ni.ny of lb. diWAtil .ml il.asernus di.luuiHirs, The s.ui. urgaUv. iret .xpsls ( by .luillar olwlru Ions and demnic.ia.uts uf lb. natnral runcUoiis of Ih., thoy are rapidly, and la.ny ef thi-in, rurel ky tbo same DtMo. None who know Ik. virtue, of I'ills, will nealsol la .uiiby tkeee wk.a sejfarluf from the dieardors they cure. 81. Union I. from Iwullag plifelrliias la Kin or Ik Brlnelpal elUef, and fruus ether well ka.wa publl. per suna. rvm a iWwenl; VrAmUifS. lmi, Itt. t, UU. Us. Avsa: Yn.r I'ills sr. lb. pouron or all that la great In medietas. They have cured my Utile daughter of ulcerous sums upon Iter baud. ud IW.I lk.l had prove! Incurable Sir years. Her Mother bH keen long grl.v. euiiy effllrle.1 will! blutshe. .lid pimples oa bar .kin and la her hair. Aner our child wee cared, sk also tried yea, JfUU. sad Us, kav. ud k. M0IiallU)Q1 At a Family Fkyal. JVeet Dr. M. If. ebrtervM, Ktm Orbwns. Vrmt Pills ar III. prince of purges. Tbelr eiwUswt auautl.. surpse. auy eninarti. w. pneeeei. in.y illil. but very certain and efTwIuel la Mlloa oa Ik. which makea tbeui laialaabl. to us I. Ike daily ttwalmcnl of dleease. IIadache,aieklIadaeh,reisI ttomatt. rVr Dr. AMimrd UnfU, Ualtimm. Psiallso. A vsut I oanaat su.w.r yon waal nmpl.t.ul 1 hav. cured with yuar Pitt, betler than to esy mU OiM tec crr trtot wilh a mirguj.'ee nerficinc J place great depcu dnnceon ftn .ffuetiiai rathnrti. la Sny daily caole.1 Willi riiMtM, cad bellavlug ac 1 do thai your Pills afford as Ui beet w here, I of soars, value Iheni highly. Pimanue, P,, Has 1, lSla. ' Tta. J. 0. Arra. airi T Ii... been ropeHtedly .arrd of th. wor-t Si iiififrA. any 1.dr can have by a ibiee or tw of your Pills. It Clients to arts, from a foul sloaisck, wbica thoy eloauc. at nuce, Yours wilh (reel recuect, !. W. PRftnLM, ftrre e SUamtr Cluritm. BUIona Disorders T.I v. r Complaints, from Dr. Vivulan Bdl, ef A'fle lWli Otty. r7ot enly ar your Pills admtralilv arbipted to their pnr ftoce ac aa aperient, tail I tlnd tbeir lienoflclal effls upon the J.iver very markml Indeed. Thoy b.v. In my piae tlcei pnived sinn ellwitual fur th cur. of kJiouf cofa fWtinj Ui.n aoy one roiawty 1 omn nteiitioii. J slucerely ri-jolce the! w. b.v. al length a ptirgullv. which I wor Shy tlw cunlWIaiK). of the pi-ofiwshm eud tk. wpt., DcsASTacicr or ma larsaioa, ) Tfachiugtun, D. 0., Ilk y.k, I860, f Ira l T hav need yuar I'ills lu my general and hoeitltal practice over clue, yon mad. them, and cauuot hccileu to sey Ihey sr. lite bed rulbsrlie we .utploy. Their regu lating aatiou oa Ibe liver Is quick aud decided, oone queully tliey ar. an admirable remedy for drraugvmeut of that organ, ludi-ed, I bav ceblons fouud a cmm of bilious dueuu Co tibctinato Ikat It did not readily yield la vkua. rUirully jourc, AIai.nzu HAl.l., t. !., d'iyfua'a la Uorint liotptUil. Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Relax, IV arms, em Dr. J. J. Ui un, t' CiuMUje. Tnnr Pills have had a long I rial hi my practice, and I hold them in e.tevui ac uo of lb bti.l aiierlenu I hav. ver found. Their alterative efTecl Uiu lite liver makes litem an ..client rsntedy, when giveu lu small dose, for IfibfMis iliieithrtf uif Uum'iao. Their cugiu-oaliiig makes litem vi7 iwceplable aud couvsuieal th. uu ef wuaiuu aud vltildreu. Dyapetcla, Impurity of th Ttlonil, From lln. J, I". ftsiu, iuor demt tViuiV., Ihitm lla.Atsai I hav need your Pitts with astranrdlnary siK-euHS iu my family aud nuioug those 1 am called lo vtcit In illHtrciic. To regtilatu th. urganc of dlge.llon aud purify lite blnud, they ata Ihe very beet remedy 1 bav ever kanwii,aud 1 sa couhdvully rocoiiiinmid lu mybleuds, Yours, J. V. lllHkS. WtSSW, "Wyoming Ca., If. Y., Oct. 21, H55. Tlsia fliai I aai iiciiig your Calbartlc I'illc la aiy prcc tlcc, aud flail them au exetdlent purgative lu cleauca lb system aud vurU'v (Ac iiiuiiitiu 11 VitllfHt, JOHN U. MKACIIAH, U.D. Constipation, Cast I venesa, flnpnrciclon, llllviliiiatlem, tjlont, iuvatilaa lrip ay, Paralysis, 'lts, etc. Pnm Dr. J. J ruiuyin, JfuNlrcni, Ctinorfa. Taa much eaaaot li. cald of your I'ills Ihr tbe car. of enjieracif. If other, of our fraternity have Ibuitd M ettlcacinus as I have, thy should Juin m. in pi-ocImIiu-lltg it for tho better)! of Iho uiultlliidiis who culler from thai enmplaiut, which, allhoui;li bad eaongb ta tt.elr, I. tit. proiienllor of others that are wnrea. I believe du Iiiwhcm looriginste in tho liver, but your fills udtKt that rgaa and suta lb. dUiyise. 1rl, S. .fuarf, nyiietan snot Kltefi, flhikm, I tlnd one or two birre donee efyour Pills, taken al Ul TOier lime, are eseelh-ul iipiniiillvecof Ih. Mararal kcic liaH when wholly or pitrllnlty aiiiireceeil, aud alee very eOWtual lo ccaaic lit. cleMnttA aud eewef uiii-mc. They are so much Ihe best phyei we have tial 1 rececaaieBd ao other to my patiuols, jaross Ms Kn. Dr. Ihuka.efOit JMAsdicI JJiil. CltureA, Put.tssi llnnsa Jan. S, 185S. TfomsJaa fin I I chnuld be linKratefnl for the relief your kile bi ought tae if 1 did not rHrt my caae to you. A cold ei-Ulod lu my limb, and bt'tniKbl on eacru ciallag NctirMfific fiaitil, which eitdud lu cAtenic ,7i.iitna fiiMt, Nelwith.taiidlng I had lite heel of pliyclciauc, th dlcesa grow witrce und wutmi. until by tlie ca vice of your xceileul atieat In llaltiinnre, Dr. Mackeusle, 1 tried your rill.. Their eflerl. were clow, bat care, ny p.reoveliug ta toe ac ef them, 1 am bow .utirely well. Bawtva Cntuscs, flatnn Itonga, t Dep. lass. Us. Af sai I have been entirely cured, by yoar I'lll. af JfActeetNlM (Aaif u Itainful dutoaiie Mint had eOtkHed m lor years, VtNUKM Il.ltiKLU cT- Mnet af th rills la msrket eontala V erenry. Which, allhonch a ealuatils remedy In skilful hanik), I dangerous la a public pill, from the dreadful conse quence. Uiat fie.innlly IblluW Its Incantlous use. Thee contain ao mercury or mineral cubcUuc whatever. Prie, SS cents per Bos, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr, J. C- AYEU So CO., Lowell, Uass. A. COOK and JOIIX NICHOLS, Chardonl S. Eield, Enst fjlurijon, Cievolimd Si Son, IJur- ton; J.M. 1 tinnjisoii, Midilleilelu i llerrtuk St. (iiiines, Newbury t C Si C.ll Harmon. Chester X ItooJs; and by dealers in modicine everywhere. Balm of the West. For ihc Cure of Cufs, Brnisos, BURNS, SCALDS , also, SALT IUIEUM Itch & other Diseases of the Skin e-nnoratlv. Thoao afflicled wilh the t'lLESar especially Invited to give it a trial. r or sale) by John McuoLi, Cimtaoii.anu A. Fliko. Munaon. May 29th, 1801. fiO-ttf Horse q and Cattle SHOEING UONEIN THE BESTMANNER. Al the OLD ST A N P p f h a S aba en h J .a, MA rticvVB. 18U. Biiwauai.",LVV'Z MEDICAL. J4ggk "Us fnl-tip riif (sitndi sir fnxm, For tlie iMt lomJt!i Coilimt ii esrs. an 2 have been intrndtioml to the pnlilie for more ncnUired an - far cxricedintt tiny Family Medicines of einiiliir nature in tho mnrket. An npfireeiiitin public wns not long in discovering they possessed rcmarknldo and hence tliuir anil eonnaquent profit to tho Proprietor, thus enabling him to expend NUt f,fovftrA of dollara eneli yenr in ddvertiains tlioir morits, and publishing tlie which havo been showered upon him from The peculiarity of tho U thnt they strike nt the root of Diseaso, by oradioattng every particle of impurity for the life nnd health nf tho body depends upon tho purity of the blood. If the bloml is poisoned, the nodyxlragi out a ruiaertiblo exiatenue. Those medicines "3cvw.A for curing g)roful, S.vphilia, S'ct'n. i7)isecxaen, C'J Sort, 8j.U tfhoHtn, '.jKtiimatiam, CPyxpepeia,, fJia'v Hesiao'ie', Liver Complaint, Fever and, figue, Leuf.rrhx, Femxle Complaints, Erysipelas, ' tit. nthony'a Fir; 5'un.ors, Eruptions, Fiis, 3crefulou Consumption, efj. ONEpcrsna writes, hor daughter was cured, of lit ot nine years' standing, and St Vitus' dtinco of tvvn year, ANOTHER writes, his son wag cured after his tle-ili had almost wasted away. Tho doctors pronouuood the) ousa tucura bio. ANOTHER was cured nf Fever nnd Ague alter trvni!; every medicino in his roach. ANOTHER was cured of Fever Sore which hm! existed fiiui'teen yenrs. ANOTHER of 1 'licutnatiam of eiht yenrs. Cases innumerable of Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint could be mentioned in which tho X urilior ana l ilU . nra tho most ne.tiva nnd thorough pilli that nave evor uoon introaiicca. Thoy not so diroctly upon tho Liver, excit ing that organ to such an extent ns thut tho syatein does not rolnpso inlo its former con dition, which is too apt to be the caae with imply a purgative pill. They are really a which, in conjunction with the will cure all tho aforementioned diseases, and, of themsolvcd, will relieve and cure Headache, Costiveness, Co'io (Pains, Cholera Jrfcrlus, Indigestion, (Pain in the jewels, (jpizziness, eta. Try thono medicines, and you will never rcgrot il. Ask your neighbors, who have used them, and tliey will say tliey nro and you should try them before going for physician. . (et a Pamphlet or Alninnao of my local agent, nnd read tho certificates, aud, if you have ever doubted you will An n proof tli UI-nmI I'tirilUr and IMItit nr parvty THptt'tnlslf, I hit. tit wriiftcHtv-v uf tliuMA ftn 1 1 it-nt ctioiti IvUi l'n)f ior Cbiltou ot ti. Y.,aml LovktrwCCiiiiiuuittL lt(ji1 Dr. Holmrk'n Rpefifnl Nfttrm nnl Cwiliflrtitmi pub tlatiw. In ii couiipicuuiu .irt ul thi I'm per frvoi tiinu time. i'rlro nf tlie Rcnntlinnvltin yftnM Ttlond PtirfflBr, per Itotilt, ort-i nr hHlfit'-nen. t'f ttioStMiulinftviiM Ttfj. otii'il Hltvnit I'i I In, S.s oentu pr lvx, or & huxt for 81. I'rlnriiml Onlconnd SitlmrteAm. Vo. 0 KiMi Fourth 8t. M Huil.llnR from Miiin St., CiucluMti, O. LilMrtury Kq, lb Uaiunii'mi tttnmt. FOR SALE BY A .Cook. Clio do t; I. Smith, Thompson; J.W. Oarritt, Moniville; It. P. Hurnetl, Kusaell; C. Treat, Claridon; A. Maihews. Newbury; John Muyhew. Auburn; Johnson Si Tulte, llurlon; Thoninsou, llunlsbiirgh-, W. II. Ilnrphnui. Haiti tirnlne; Wni. Muniforil, Wulehfield; E. N. Hatha way, llainbrlen; Lavier l)arymie,Troy Center; Warren llishop, Middlcfield: C. 8 Field, East Claridon; Tracy VV . Scoll, Chester X Itoails; by Uruifn'nta and MerchtniB generally through. out til U.S. andCaiiadus. DR, E. L.SOULE'8 ORIENTAL OH SOYERSIOM BALM PILLS. SUGAR COATED ! npHESE CELEHRATED PILLS hare A gained a decided reputation as a sure, anil elbctuul family medicine, over af oihors use. For 6'ieA HenUacke, Foul Stt.mach, Dytprp sia. Liver Complaint. Contivevete, litntrul ihuit ire. Bilioue Vvinplaini: ($-e-. iV"- iiiut ,e Ul,r' uleil. Ir'arrunleii I'urelu Veartiible. Moreol them used than any ether kind. See Crraulars. Eorsaleby every druggunsnd merchant in oountry. Also l whoiusule al Ibl. untario Bt Cleveland. Ohio. G. O. Nl'HKIS, lien'nl Agent for Ohio, Mich. aud Indiana. Sold by A Cook, Chardon. ' &811y Kurius Sucknmstance. EL01X UNDER THE COUNTER! SMITH AND OTHKS IN A IiOX N ORRIS ia sight with hi Celebrated Arabian Condition Powder, where every owner of Horse and Callle can at once find cheap, certain. eef. reliable and best medicine .... !... mnaiunf lliA iliunaee ruti-illin. In eti.-l, imala. They are aoveteign remedy for Coug; Coliie. Lone of AppttUe, Uintemper.Uidt-ISoHnd, Hiivri in ita first stage. &c.. Ate. They gained a deoided reputation over all othera use. Try them Sea Ciroulars- Forsalobyall druggists and niercbantein tne country. Also wholesulebv the oronrietor. al 161. OntarloSl., Cleveland, Ohio, to whom all order must be O. G. NORK13, Proprietor. Sold by A. Cook, Chardon. MEDICAL. a to fl P K. and safe in 'he a in en. have in at ad dressed. . FAMILY MEDICINES A HE preparer undef tti Immediate fttpertif ion ol a skillful I'hysltinB.and ihey may b relied upon in aI eascBi The intelllgrnre ol the eowmtinlty Is fiol In stilled by the nller of a single medieiiie afnell clninis to cure Al t, HISFahis, but the (irfrnlirerg1 Kenieilies consist of seven different Metlicines, all uueqiincd in the cure of diseases for whk'h they are recommended, anion; which may be se lected one appropriate le any of lb diseases inci dent to this country and climate. tKrTIIE GKiF.l ENBEIUJ VEGETABLE FILLS sr better thin any other kisd of Tills in the world Price 25 Cents. ftTTlIE GRJEEENDEna UTERINE CA TliOLICON is nn iiifnliVe rsroedy for all E male discsscs. THICE $,15d. (W-TIIR t'TERINECATHOLICoN wi(afs cure Gravel, Discatea of the Kidneys, L'tinsry diHicu'tins in males. trTTH E G R .EFEN 11F.RG S A K S A PA R ILL A is by far the most powerful nnd eflicacioue cesu pound in use. Price One Dollar. &TTUE GRjEEENBERO DYSENTERY SYKl'T is a certain mm quick remedy for all list en scs ol the bowels Price hi) Cents. fc-rTHE G K.l'.FEN BEI'.G PILE REMEDY never Inis in permanently relieve this disinssinf disease Price One Dnllnr. rrTHE GILT'.FENBERO CHILDREN'S PANACEA is nn invaluable eonipouud in all diseases incident to children. TIIEGIt.'El'ENRKRO FEVER AND AGfcK RE.V1KDY is a sovereign specific for thia partis ulur disease-Price 5n Cents. THE CJIliTIFENBERQ GREEN MOVNT A1N OINTMENT excels all other salves ia i! curative effects- Price 'i i Lents. THE GKEFENHERG CONSUMPTIVES BALM affords tlie most astonishing relief inall niilmiinnrv comolnints Price 3 00 s hotde. (An eminent Physician of New York, eimec lhat ha has known the Griefonberg Consumptive's Balm used wilh great success in Dropsy. Our owa experience substantiates his slaltmenl.) THE GH'TEN BERG HEALTH BITTER ere the mo.t iitensnnt und dvlighllal Ionic ever prepared, Pi ice 8I Cents. Til EOU-KFEMBERO LOTION is anpnral leled in a11 lutlamtnation or diseases Of the b Price 25 Cents. noil TESTIMflST. Mr. II. B.KiNusi.KV-DenrSin We foci It a da. tv w, nai lo ll b uublic losav lhat Marshall's Ca. tholieon is a meilieinn invaluable for complaint classed under the hi ad ol Female Diseases. We have used your Giajfenberg Medicine, and have been ureal! v benefited thereby, so much so, that were the price doub'e we would have them.---To the thousands ot our sex who are suffering from weaknesses, we would recommend Ihe Ca- tohcon ss a sure panacea. It gives strcngiuta the system, and enables each of ihe oisnnsol lb body to perfoun their npnioprinie lunciions, ' Mrs. W. CARTER, il7r. E. E. WEEKS', Mis CHWOEMHTEIT. Medina, March 1st, lblij. The obove-named Ladles we are personlajr a qnninted with, and know that for eeversl yeara while we lived in Medina tliey were Brest snl ferer. Miss S lias been so badly sfilicteV that it was with difficulty she was able to aland upon her feel. A few bottles ot Csleolicon entirely cured her of her complaint. My wile received great benefit from this medicine. We recommend it lo the Ladies ol ibis Country, as a sala and et tiioient remedy for the many sumpaims ihey at subiecno. John weeks. Editor of the Caufield Urld, FOR SALE BY A. Cook, Chardon. C. P. Trent, Claridon. J. E. Williams, Parkmnn. II. L. Bishop St Son, Midd'eBeid. D. C. Kolloee, Munsnn. Honry Cuininings, Kussell. Lymun & Scott, Mulberry Cerners, Horrick it Oainos, Nowbury. Tow & Butts, Rapids, And by MudioinoDoalurtgonora!ly,thrriug out the State. H. B. KINGSLEY, Clovoland. Agent fnr Ohio. March 28.1801. 479 im BAHPiELLS' Worm Confections, Or Sugar Drops. The Mest Safe, Pleasant antlEfferlual Rem. etly for Worms ever l)isr oYered. The object of these drops is to accomplish as end long deeired by Physicians, viz.i to combine by the aid al Chemistry and the latest improve ments in Pharmacy, the ACTIVE PRINCIPLE Of Welt-klWWD VlUITiBl.E htBSTANt.S, nisucli a manner as to INJURE iheia Eflieieney, and at the snmniinie, render them EASY to be AD MINISTERED and free from those unpleasant and often dangerous effects produced by Vermi luae in ihe old I'ornt TREATMENT. The ftrsf rhmgto be dor., is to eniluuvor to restore the digestive functions, and at the same time, we must .institute an ex terminating war against the filthy intruders,--. The nature ol tlrls Confection is such aa te pre dnceihis result mosi elTeciunlly selicve all iho symptoms, and restore all the organs t perfect liealih. tleuco Us great supuriarity over ail other Vermifuges. OCT Directions on each Box. Pric Zi 0t. CEUTIFICATK. We append but one eertificate,ns we nr aware of Ihe value placed upon them by the public. Wa prefer rather, to suimii: tka Coiifoatiena to a thor oush trial. ranesvilTe, C., May 2St, 18ST This is to certify that. bein uiwler th impress ion that I was troubled with a Tnpa Worm, t took. Ky the asYviee of a friend, Thtee Doses only el"Barrel'a Indian Worm Confections," the et feet oi which wns lo expel 14 large worms, mora rhoa twelve inches in rengm-, and aa innumera ble quantity of smaller worms. I consider una lhiie Worm Medicine ever offered to th pub. lie A. I. .FARJMJJL Witness, O. T Anon.- BARNES St PARK, Eastern Office. SO BroaoTway, N. I . II. O. O.CARY.Zarasaville, .. Wealera 60lyl Branch Office. a Pectoral Troches! For fhe Immediate Relief and Certain Cure ol COUGHS, COLDS, INFLUENZA, ASTHMA, MOsasENKSS, WIIOOPlNQ-COUaH, CATAISII, BROXCUIT1S, DIFFICULT BREATIUNO. . Sork Thkoat, 4-0. Relief Warranted in Ten Minutes For Ministers, Public Speakers aud Singer, these Troches are indipeneable for Clearing and Strengthening the Voice, Uemoving hoata- neas, ic. Thislnrm of administering medicines for the cure of Coughs, Colds and Irritatione or Inflam mations of the Throat and Lungs, is far preferable to the old form of Syrups or drops, and is fast ta king their place. Medici naa for the cure of these diseases not be ing required at stated period, but only aa the symptoms or urgency of the caae require, to al lay the tickling sensation or irritation whenever it occurs, it i eon veaienl W v it always ready for use. The ease with which they are takenbeing ea sily carried in ihe pocket, requjrjag no prepare, tion, always ready lor use an all occasions, not li able' to change in any climate, containing noih- JA h. . autficient recommendation lo all to ins iniurtoua te me mnai ueuuai cuiiviiuiiwn- , , . ,m . f.;, iri.. . Directions on each Box. Price 95 Centat Non geauin unless signed. n. w u.v. s . J-For Sale at all Drug Store. JC4 6034 y WHEELING NAILS, a flaelot, of auperief maoufacture, lor sale cheap by AYRES&MUBRAV.