Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XVII, NO. 52. CIIAHDON.OEAUGA COUMTY. OlffO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1865: WI10LE N0.832. i The Jcffersonian Democrat runUSUKD EVEKT FRIDAY MORRIKO AT CHARDON, GEAUGA CO., OHIO. J.O. CONVEItSE, Proprietor. Office, corner of the Piiblio Square and Water Street, opposite the Chardon House. Terms, $9,00 per Ycnr. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I. N. HATHAWAY, Attorney At I.nv, Chardon.Ohlo. W$ffice, no door south of the Court House, up t,. E. D0FEK, J. STEPHENSON. DWRFEE Sc. STENIENSON, Attorney at Law. $3rOnice,'l door south fllia Court House, up elaira, Chardon,Ohio. 882tf MURltAY & CANrlELDS, Banker, Chardon, Ohio. Office socend door north of Ay res' Store. Buy and sell N. Y, Ex., 6-20 Coupons, Gold and Silver. 743 wtl CAN FIELD Sc. SMITH, Attorney nt Law, Chardon, Ohio, union Block, up stairs. Office In 626 Manhattan LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. J. Nichols & T. C. Parson ft, Agents. OSrOflice at J. Nichols' Drug Store. . 625U JOHN PARME1.E, Fashionable Barber nnd Hair Dresser, Chardon House, Chardon, Ohio. fijrParlicular ntiention paid to Hnir Cutting and Dressing lor Misses and Children &lbyl J. R. CULBERTSON, M. D., Late Surgeon of the U. S. Army, having; located at Chardon, respectfully tenders his pro fessional services to the public. Dr. Culliertaon has had 20 years' flifnpripnp. in his profession, the Inst four in the Army, and he av.o , viiuubii, uiu.i will gIVUBUWdlUVUUII 10 Oil who may consult him. WOlltce in Richardson's Dental Rooms, over the'Slote of Canfiold & Murray. Chardon, Ohio. 818tf r BS STICKNEY, Saddle and Harness Maker, Burton, Genu ga County, Ohio. 818Jy DR. D. II. DORNSIFE, FkyMcian and Surgeon, East Claridon.Ge auga County, Ohio having returned Irom the army where he has been Tor the oast voar nra.;. Using in the U. 8. Hospitals, has re-opened his voice a i casiotariuon, ana is now ready to re epond to all calls in the line of his profession. .-. y 813tf R..CREIGIITON. Book Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer, Herald Buildings, Clovcland, Ohio. rBlonk Book Ruled and Bound to order. Old Books icebound. . ..-. . .526 DR. A;McGRAW, . Phyaioian and Surgeon, Newbury Center, uoiuja uuunir, unui. yauyi ' BRAINERD & BURRIDGE, QaWTaB Afllateiili, TT C. P- l-- uwnvrivia va m. niciug) UIIU J OUIIUB CL rOr- ai-rn pMlnnl A aunt v. Ni fl Ittanlr fit i 'UuL.t..! Ohio. We are prepared to iransact business of AffilP; ituflKrinl V.l I n i 1 1 r Tnimn.; ..... 1 ... ings, Caveats, Spocilicatious, Patents, Infringe meats, and the Patent haws. BRAINERD &. BUI? RIDGE, I.enlguers V Lithographers. Engraving on Wood, Book Illustrations, Buildings, Horses & Alhnr Stlnftlr. flpnimAlllnl Prirftcra f..ift.,t-a VI. n- ettes, Agricultural Commercial Cuts in Tints, Seals, Stamps, &, Macliiuory in every variety of ciyte. will PENSION & WAR- Claim Agency. T N. HATHAWAY, of the late firm of jLt inrasner, Duriee & Uathaway, is author ized and I iconsed by the Government to procure Bounty Money, Back Pay, and Pensions for sold iers or for their widows and heirs, and Invalid Fensious for Disabled Soldiers, and all other claims against the Government of the United States, and of the State of Ohio. Business at tended to promptly and honestly. Charges for proi-tiring Pensions, Bounty or Back Pay, $5,00, a iirovinea uy taw, aua no etiaxge until bounty ui inrt, IB uuiailieu. Dr. I. A. Hamilton has been annotated Exam i.ig Surgeon ior Geauga County, by whom all applicants ior invaua rensioas must be exam ined. r Apply in person or by letter, enclos ing stamp, to J.N. HATHAWAY, i't Unardon.Uhio. WASHBURN & GURNEY. reuse Nurseries, Cleveland, Os) DEALERS IN Fruit and Ornamental Trees, GRAPES, PLANTS AND SHRUBS. Are prepared to furnish anything in oor line, for he Spring ol 1866 delivered at any point in Ge- nuua uiiu adjoining counties. We hope, by fair and honorable dealing, and delivering our Stock in geod condition, to secure ur snare 01 puoite patronage. Address WASHBURN & GURNEY, B20yl Chardon, Ohio. Q DENTISTRY. THE undersigned, having permanently located at Chardon, for the purpose of operating at hit profession, would say to his friends and the pu ilic that he ia uow prepared to attend to the war.ia ot ail tn need ol anything in his line o business. All Work WARRANTED. Ottice, over Murray St. Canheids' Bank . Rtsl ienoe oue door aouth of L.J. Randall's dwell. ,nu j t . L E D' RICHARDSON, Chardea,Dc.4th,lM3. 72511" William.Tarncr Will keep constantly on band GROCERIES of all kinds. Flour & HT TE2 3E3 HXD frr Please call at the Brick Store on the cor ner, opposite the Chardon Hotel, Chardon, March 81th, mi. 793 tf ONE YEAR AGO. What stars have faded from tho sky I What hopes unfolded but to die t What dreams so fondly pondered o'er Forever Jost the hues they wore ! How like a Jcath-kntll, tad and slow, Tolls through the soul "one year ngo l' Whero is the face we loved to greet, The form that graced the fire pule scat, The gentle amile, tho winning'way, That blessed our life-path day by day ? Where fled those accents soft and low, That thrilled our hearts "one year ago ?" Ah t vacant is tho fireside chair, Thesmile that won no longer there ; From door and hall, from porch and lawn, The echo of the voice is gone ; ' And wo who linger. only know now mucu was lost "one year ago ! Beside her rave the marble white Keeps silent guard by day and night : Serene she sleeps, nor heeds the tread Of footsteps, o er her lowly bed ; Her pulseless breast no more may know The pangs of lile "one year ago 1" But why repine ? A few more years, ; A few more broken sighs and tears, . And we, enlisted with the dead, Shall follow where her steps have led ; To that far world rejoicing go 10 wuicb sue passed "one year aco I ' Mr. Beecher on Work. Henry Ward Beccher, delivered, in a recent speech, the following just and spir ited sentiments; - If the people of the South do not work they cannot eat. I do not think il is well lor a man to have many at work for him. If it is ever brought to pass that the vounc mothers of this day shall be as those of the days gone by, who did not consider it inconsistent with a cultured lady's posi tion to work her full share in the house hold, working till after the noonday meal. then changing her garments, and resort ing to social enjoyment and recreation, it ill be more creditable to us. Instead. therefore, of sympathizing with those at the South, who complain that their slaves have forsaken them, and they are necess itated 16 do their own work, I am very glad of it. I am very glad of anything that teaches persons that they are ablo to work, if they are not inclined to it: 1 like to soe a roan carry his own bundles; I like to see a man trundle his own wheel barrow; I like to see a woman tend ber garden; I like to see the economy of the house carried on by mother and daugh ter, as well as by father and son; and it is a better, state of society in which there is some work lor every man s leisure, and some leisure for every man s work. am rejoiced lo see, that after all the suf fering that has boen undergone, there is coming to be a healthier state of things; a better condition iq society. Tho first thing that Southern society wants is work ana a respect Ior work. If you want to make a man rospect work, oblige him to work. And when- he has wrought, and eaten the bread that never tastes so sweet as when he wipes the sweat from his brow, conscious that be is dependent on nobody, he respects work and workmen. Now, it is upon this wonderful power of work for the black man and for the white man in the South, that I build my hopes ior me luture. An Ancient Dinner. The excavations at Pompeii are going on witn an activity stimulated by the im portant discoveries made at almost eve ry step, and the Quantities of gold and silver found, which more (ban suffico to cover the cost ol the works. Near the temple of Juno.of which an ae count was recently given, a house bat te cemiy been brought to light, belonging to some millionaire 01 ;ue time, as me lurni ture is of ivory, bronze and marble. The couches of the triclinium, or dining-room, are especially of extreme richness.' The flooring consists of immense mo saic well preserved in parts, and whose center represents a (able laid out for a grand dinner. In the middle, on a large dish may be seen a splendid peacock with its tail spread out, placed baok to back with another bird of excellent plumage. Around them are arranged lobsters, one of which holds a blue egg in its ctaw; a second an oyster, which appears to be fricaseed, as it is open and covered with herbs; a third a rat am, and the fourth a small vase filled with fried grasshop pers. Next comes a circle of dishes of fish interspread with others of hares, par tridges and squirrels which ail have thoir htads placod between their fore feet. Then comes a row of sausages of various formi supported by one of the eggs, oys ters and olives, which is surrounded in its turn bya'double circle of peaches, cher ries, melons and other fruits and vegeta bles. The walls of the triclinium are also covered with fresco paintings of flowers, birds, fruit, game and fish of all kinds, the whole interspersed with drawings that lead a charm to it not easy to describe. On a table of rare wood, carved and in laid with gold, marbie, agate and lapis lasuli, were found amphorae still contain ing wine, and some goblets of onyx. Shilling Magazine. BKia your cross worthily, and it will turn 10 an ancnor. Department Reports. The Secretary of the Treasury begins bis ropnrt by exhibiting the evils which we are eull'orlng, and the other evils with which we aro threatened, by the Inflation of our cur rency. Ho remarks that "the plethora of paper money is not only undormiuing the morals of nor pooplo, by encouraging waste and cxtravnganco, but II is striking at tbo root of ouf material prosperity, by diminish ing labor." Tbo paper circulation on tbo 31t of October,, was over seven hundred and thirty four millions of do'lart; and II has daily increased sinoa then by reason ot further Isbuo of national bank notes. ' If disaster followed tbo expansions of 1837 and 1807, whst must bo tbo couscquoncos of the present expansion, unlets speedily chocked and reduced?" savs tho Secretary. Ho strongly advocates contraction, docs not beliovo that any measure which can bo passed by Congress can causa embartass mout, either to tho government or people, or a crisis worse tbao Is inevitable ir we con tinue as we aro. Tbo Socretary recom mends, therefore: First, that Congress de elare tho compound Intorest notes no long er a legal tender, after thoir maturity. Second, that tho secretary bo authorized to soil six por cntit, bonds to rodoem compound iutercst and United States notes.' lie docs not think contraction by those means will bo injuriously rapid, but holds that it will not bo nocotssarj to rotiro more than one. or at most two hundred millions, to reach tbo desired result. The national debt will reach three thous and millions ou July 1st, 18G0. "Nothing but revenue." says the Secretary, "will sustain the national credit, aud nothing less than fixed policy (or tho roduotion of tbo public debt, will bo likely to provont its increase." He proposes an act of Congrosa that, begin ning with tho next fiscal year, two hundred millions per annum shall be applied to tbo psym'ont of the principal and intorest of tho pubtio dobt. He soggests also that Congress shall doclaro the principal as woll as the intorest of tbe five-twenty bonds payable io coin, lie oppoBos tbo taxation of govern ment bonds by States. As to intornal rev nuo laws, he withholds his reeommendatlbn until tbo Commissioner roportt. - ' Tbo Comptroller of the Currency seems to profor national bank issues to govern ment notes, and is willing to increase tho national banks, as ono moans of withdraw ing some part of tho logal tender notes. Tbo Commissioner of Intornal Itovonue ro- marks that tbe actual rocoipta of the gov ornmont during tho last year, from intornal revenue alono, equalod tho wbolo amount of the roeoipis of the treasury from all loorcos from tbo eroation of tbo government to tbo year 1 812. He ostimatos tbo receipts rrom intornal revenue for the current fiscal yoar at nut less than 9272,000,000- be states tbe cost of collecting the custom rovenuos at throo-and-a-balf por cent, and iho cost of collocting tho iotoral rovonuo, at two and-threo quarters por coot, for tho Northern States, and not over throo-and one-half por cent for all tbe Statos. ' Tbo oerotary or War report) that our military forco amountod on tho 1st of May to ono million five hundred and slxteon men; it is to be reduocd to fifty thousand mon, and eight hundrod thousand have boon dta chared and paid off in six months. Tho military appropriations of tho last OongrosB amountod to over fivo hundrod and sixteen tnilion: bo asks of this Congress less tban thirty four millions. Mr. Stanton remarks that tho war has mado us a nation of voter ana. and "tho spood of Iho railroad and tot ograph now dotorminoa tho time rcquirod to raise an army in tbo United States." Tho rebel armies which surrondorcd at the closo of the'robolllon numbered 174,223 men, of whom Lee bad loft only 27,800 in bis final surrender, and Dick Taylor bad over forty two thousand, Ibe largest robot foroo sur rendered by any ono Oenoral, Llou tenant-General Grant furnishes 1 spendid report of military operations, writ ten in terse and ldiomatlclanguago,ln which he praises ' Sherman, Sboridan, Mosdo, Thomas and othors, in forcible phrases, and oonsuros Bullor. "Bald" Smith and others for miscondjicl, or for (ailing to do tho parts which had boon appointed for Ibem. Grant closes with a paragraph in which he lauds tbo equal bravery of tbe Eastern and West ern troops, and makes botiorablo mention also of tbo stubborn fighting of tbe South em soldlors. . Tbe Socrotory of tbo Navy reports that in January lasi 47 vessels, carrying 3.401 gonr, ana nearly nitj mousanu mon, wore engaged in the biookado sorrier; now tbore remain bat 29 vessels, -wiib 210 guns, on tno coast. Since March, 1861, 418 vessels were purchased, of which S13 were steam ers. I boy cost over eighteen millons: but 340 nave boon sold, which bare returned over five and a balf millions. Tbe Score tary urges Ibat our flag should be carried now Into every soa and port where our com meroe extends. - The Socrotary of the Intorior reports that - A 'II- . . . over lire minions acres or public lands woro disposed of during tbe fifteen months ending wim boptombor last. Of these 1,160,. 032 acres were taken nndor the Homestead aot. Tbe number of army pensioners is 84,130, and those received $7,783,772 last year. Tbe navy pensioners number 1.856. . t Annn mtmC ana roooiveu ozdu.or-c. . . Nbwstafbb Editoiis. Dr. Johnson savs: "1 know of no classes of communttv from wbom so much disinterested benevolence and thankless labors are expeoled as from editors of newspapers. Tbey are expected to feel for every one but themselves to cor rect public abuses, and privates ones, also, itnout giving cnencc to sustain tbe dif ficulties of others without regard lo 'their own to comdemn improper measures of every one aod no one at tbo same time. Theo are expected to noto everything that s important or extraordinary or men s opin ions, their notioes must be calcuated to please every one, and at tbe same time of fend no one." I Atouko lady was asked how she could possibly afford to take musio lessons in these awfully bard times. "Ob, I oonfino myself to low notrt," wastboreply, Report of the Post Master General The Annual Resort of Postmaster. Gen- I Dennison is a verv comDlete and sat isfactory view of the business of thd Post Ollice Department, during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 10G5. THE REVENUES. of the Department were 8 14.650, 159.70; expenditures, 813,694,728.28, leaving a surplus of 6801,430,42 an increase of revenue 17 per cent., and expenditures ot 8 per cent. The expenditures of the current year are estimated at 810,678, 000 receipts, . 17,470,543 dols.; deficit 1,2(37,451. No special appropriation, says Mr. Dennison, will be required, to meet this dtficit, as previous appropriations are still unexpended. An appropriation of 500,000 dolls, is lecommended, how ever, for'the payment of steamship mail service. The Department hae issued 387, 416,455 postage stamps representing 12, 099,787.50; 25.040,425 stamped envel opes, representing 724,125,09; 1,165,750 stamped wrappera.representing 23,315,00 dolls., making a total of 12,847,437.50 as., being an increase of 1,873,108 over the previous year. The Bales amounted to 12,399,727.82 ds., an increase of 1. 623,148.27 dollars. , As stamped envelopes are cancelled by uso'.and therefore safer acrainst fraud than those with stamps attached, it is submitted wueiuer tne rosimaster Uen. should not be authorized, in his discretion, to furnish tbem as the separate stamps are now, with out reference to the cost of manufacture. CONTRACTS. The aggregate length of the mail route June 30, 1866, of which there were 6,- 012 in number was 142,320 miles, cost ing 6,246,884 dol. per annum. , The cost per mile was by railroad 1 lie., steam uoi iio., ceieriiy, eio.i tuo. une in creased length of routes was 3,168 miles, and of cost 428,415. Fines to the am't OT 56,443,37 dl. have been collected from contractors. The number of routes ordered Into op eration in States lately in rebellion is 241; it. 1 it A asxa i s tueir jengtu io,74u miles; and compen sation 721,949 dl.; a reduction, compared with former cost of service in those States, ot ttai.iuo ci. per annum. This, howev er, results in part from reduced service. . Tbe report states the general results 61 the foreign mail service as follows: be aggregate postages, sea. inland and foreign, upon the correspondence ex changed witn foreign countries, amounted to i.siy.uxu.SB dolls.: of which amount 81,449,530.76 accrued on the mails ex changed with Great Britain, France, Prus sia, Bremen, Hamburg and Belgium; 3Z7d,iu7,ub on the mails exchanged with the British North American Provincos; and 895,200.84 on the mails to and from the West Indies, Central and South Amer ica. Tho cost of the United States Transat lantic service, performed by steamships, receiving the sea postage only, was 8405, 479.56." . APPOINTMENTS. The number of post offices established on June 30, 1865, including suspended offices in the Southern States, 28.882: new oihees established during the year. 586; offices discontinued, 582; changes of names and sues, 500. Total appointments during tbe year, 5,447. The number of dead letters received, examined and disposed of, was 4,368, 087, an increase of 859,262 over tbe pre vious year. "The number containing moncy.and re mailed to owners, was 42,154, with en closures amounting to 8244,373.97. 01 these 35,266, containing 8210,954.90 were delivered.leaving 6,886 undelivered with enclosures of the value of 833,419,- 07. The number containing sums less tban one dollar, was 16,709, amounting to 84,647 23,of which 12,698, containing 3.577.62, were delivered to tbe writers. The number of registered letters and packages was 3996." Tbo report expresses the opinion that tbe time will come when the increasing prosperity of tbe country, and tbe conse quenl increased business of the Depart ment, will justify a reduction in the rates of postage, and recommence that this re duction be carried out as fast as possible without reducing tbe postal revenue be low the postal expenses. - The abolition of the franking privilege is recommended as a means of making the postal department self-sustaining. The total expense of the five principal routfs connecting at points on tbe West ern plaice is 1,196,743 dolls; tola) of re ceipts, 60,923.45 dolls; exoess of pay over receipts, l, 135,810.55 dolls. It Is asserted that ia Germany, since the beginning of tbe railroad system, 20 or 80 years ago, not a life bas been lost in conio quece of carelessness or mismsnsgemeat on too part ot railroad agents. A row persons bavo killed tbemsolves by incautiously ap proaching or jumping off a train, but none nave been killed by wbat are called acci dents cr causalities. Mamt persons have their best society In their own boarts and souls tbe purest memories of earth and tbe sweetest bopos of beaveu their looelinesi cannot bo called solitude. Patrick O'Claiikrtt said that his wife was very nngratetul.for "whin I married ber, sho badn't a rag to ber back, but now the is covered with 'em." The Source of the Nile—Speke and Baker's Discovery. Recent letters from Egypt go to show that the lake discovered by Mr. Bsker near the 'Mountains of the Moon,' is the Luta Nzige of Captain Speke. The form er traveler pronounces it Lutn-zigc, and renders it 'Locust Grave,' a name need in those parts to denote a large sheet of water. The reason is, that owing to the conformation of the hills aronnd or on one side of such waters, they are traversed by violent winds which overpower the night of locasts.and so the destructive creatures are drowned. In the case of the Lutn cige, forming the second greatjake of the Nilo, or more properly the westerly lake of that river, very high mountains are supposed to exist around its western and southern shores; so hfgh that Baker saw them across tbe breadth of the lake for five days before be reached its eastern margin. He was, however, traveling on a ridge of an undulating platform at the height of about 3,400 feet, and bis jour neys were not more than from 10 to 12 miles per day. The elevated line of raad described terminated at the point where he wrote, and when he came npon the lake he was still 1,470 above it. Even from thrft point he could not see the base of the mountains, between which and him was the breadth of the lake, at that point about sixty miles wide. . These moan tains Mr. Baker supposes to be the Mon te Lunat of the old geographers. The lake is exceedingly deep, and abounds in hippopotami and other beasts. The Nile issues from its northern end, a sluggish stream not more than a mile wide. There is no continuation of the Nile from Speke's Yicloria Nyaoza as supposed by him. At the spot where he quilted the river in his journey towards Gondokoro, the river turns due west, and rnns into the Lutn- cige, which it joins about 80 miles from the northern point, from whence it issues again to flow on bv Gondokoro; so that had Speke followed up the stream instead of leaving it to make, as he supposed, a cut across a large bend of it. he would in fallibly have oome npon the second lake. and completed nis discovery of all the nn- per waters oi me river. Winter. If we do but take the pains to observe wuai passes around us, every thing and evtry circumstance of the world manifests . . ... the wisdom of divine economy. The whole scheme of the earth, and every cireum- aiance oi ua preservation, are inaicauve of the wisdom and goodness of the Crea tor. , To man, and to all other animals, sleep, like a soothing and nursing mother. periodically returns to repair the havoc made in the spirits and in animal strength by labor and exertion. Without sleep the slrongth of animated beings would soon be exhausted; and tbey would sink be neath their exhaustion. But the havoc made by the day is regularly and fully re paired by tbe repose and forgetTulnesa of the night. We feel, even the most sense less and unreflecting among us. the value of sleep, and the impossibility of existing for any considerable period without it. But few, perhaps, have reflected that na ture requires repose. Winter is nature's night; giving her re pose from ber labor, and recruiting her energies to fit her for new exertions. What night docs for animated nature the winter does for the earth. Without sleep the most robust man would soon fall a victim to harrassed spirits aod bodily fa tigue. nature, luxuriant ana actively teeming nature, requires repose. Though the seed be apwn within ber bosom, and the young plants have already begun to shoot out their fibres, nature labors not as during the other seasons. In every thing how wise,bow beneficent, bow pow erful and how thoughtful is our God 1 For all bis creatures be bas thought, for all their wants be has abundant and nev er-failing resources. - ' Tax Uexs or adversitt. These are thus summed up by Punch: You wear out your old clothes. You are not troubled with visitors. You are exonersted from making any calls. Bores do not bore you, Sponges do not haunt you. Tax-gatherers hurry past your door. Itinerant bands do not plsy opposite your wiudows. Yon avoid the nuisance of serving on juries. No one thinks of presenting yon with a testimonial. No tradesmen irritate you by asking, 'Is there any other little artiole that you wish to-day, sir?' Impostors know it is of no use to bleed you. , You practico temperance. You swallow infinitely less poison than others. Flatterers do not shoot their rubbish into your ears. You are saved many debts, many a de ception, and many a headache. And. lastly. if you have a true friend in the world, you are sure in a very short space of lime to know it. "Honor Tmv Father and Mother." Tbe Madison Courier say it bas beard young ladies singing, "Who will care for Mother now T while their old mothers were wear ing themselves out in the kitchen of er the family washing. Penmanship. In China penmanship and the art of eonu position-are inseparable, and tbe man who can pot his tboogbts In choice language aod a perspicuous arrangement Is also able to adorn iho same with elegant characters Ia China tbe learned man nios a kind of running band in making his draft, thai the current of bia reflections may not be Imped ed. After the draft has been read and re vised be makes a fresh pencil, and writes II ost io fair charaetors, that the ponmsnsbip, learning, and skill in the arrangement of words, may all combine to give value and beauty to bis production. Tbe Japanese, who imitate the Chinese In many things, aod in psst timos drew all their literature from thence, seta great value npon rapidity and grace in tbe nse of tbe pencil. Their characters have tbe nature of an alphabet, bnl tbey were derived from the Chinese sym bols, and so are susceptible of the same kind of finished execution. Tbelr running band is a perpetual flourish, and so difficult to read, from tbo exoentrio playfulness with whiob il is executed, that a native- bat fre quently to pore ever it for a lime before be can follow the sense. . All literary men In Japan, as in China, can write good hand; and even those who bavo acquired the first principles of tbe art are adopts In tbe use or tne pencil, il would redound to our own credit and our comfort, If, while we are laboring lo write Latin, Grook and English, with idomatle grace and grammatical puri ty, we were to give a little more care to the improvement of onr penmanship. I -i i i I i How Mr. Seward First Learned of Mr. Lincoln's Death. Mr. Beward bad been kept in Ignorance 6t tbe attack on tbe President, his physician fearing that tba shock would be loo great for nim o near, and an newspapers were rigidly cxolnded from his room. On Ibe Sunday 'following tbe assassination, Iho Socretary had tbe bed wheeled aronnd, so tbat ne could soe tba trees in tbe park op posite, just putting on the spring foliag wnon ma eye caogbl tbe stars and stripes at half-mast on the War Department, on wbicb he gazed awhile; then turning to bis attendant, said, "Tbe President isdeidl" The confused attendant stammered and changed color as be tried to say nay, but the sagacious old man said: "If be had boen alive, he would bare been Iho first to call npon me; but he has not been bere, not has he sent lo know how I am, and there's the flag at balf-muU" Tbe old statesman's fcductive reason bad told the truth, and be lay in silence, the great tears coursing down his gashed ebeoks, asthe dreadful truth sank into his mind. : . . . . i Fkish Eaos iir WiirTxn. A writer In the AVw England Farmer thus describes his treatment of hens, which results in bis obtaining from one dozen fowls en av erage of two dozen eggs per week, through lbs winter. He feeds them one quart and a balf of shelled corn daily, washed down with a dish of sour milky with occasionally crumbs from the mas ter's table. They bave been, moreover, confined in a snug hen-house, well lighted by one large window on tbe south side, and provided with a box of air-slacked lime for tbem to pick materials for their egg-shells, another box of gravel, and an other of wood ashes for them to wallow in at plessure. .Now and then a bone baa been thrown in for them to pick, and a chunk of tefuae meat, besides all the egg-shells from the kitchen." The time spent in their service bas averaged fif teen minutes daily. Besides the fresh eggs, their other droppings bave already amounted to two barrels of manure equivalent lo gusno, with an ; unfailing supply in prospect. Distribution or van 8xxx9. The number of males in the United States is 13,685,854, against 13,004,372 females, showing 681,462 excess of males, accord ing lo tbe census of 1860 ; so that there is now more than a man to every woman, in spite of the loss by the war. In Eu rope, exclusive of Russia, Turkey, Prus sia, Switzerland and Austria, there are 61,350,796 males and 52,346,918 fe males, showing an excess of 996,122 females. This difference in Surope is accounted . for by the fact that 942,068 more males tban females have emigrated to America. That accounts for the ex cess of males in this country. Had it not been for this, we should bave nearly 300,000 more females than males. Had the emigration of the sexes been equal, there would be in Europe abont 100,000 more females tban males ; so lhat . this country is far more favorable than Eu rope to the Increase and preservation of females. . . . . Polite ess Undfji Difficulties. A gen tleman, rosidont of a eitv not a thousand milos from New York, bad tbe exuberant fortune of five successive wives. He bad buried tbem, one after another, as death made Us demands uqon them, happening to be in different plaoea, at quilo a distance from each other. Two or three of tbem were in different towns. To reconcile bis sense ot sacredoesa with bis sense of order and numerical unity, be atarlod one day on a tour of collection, to bury Ibem all in one place. He mounted tbe wogon him self, and drove around till be bad got tbem all tegetber in one load, and then, aa fate wenlu bave it, was obliged to drive by tbe bouse wbere tbe lady ot bis present address es, to whom be bad offered himself, was sit ting at tbe open window. Seeing be there, bowed to ber, as any gentleman would, as he drove by with bis precious toad ol nve coffins witb their contents. It was too much for tbe lady; tbe deolared she never would have him, and bos to this day kept her word.