Edelinski Rolls 231 in SnapoutLeague George Edelinski made a hab it of rolling up against the side of the head pin in the Snapout league last week and his total for high game was 231. But ap parently his luck went to his head and he dropped to 145 and a 140 for his last two. On the other hand, E. Chace, by just rolling steady made a higher three game total with his 2982 Mayfield Rd. Only Ford shows you nationwide truck running cost figures! The Ford Truck Economy Run Book shows hundreds of running costs on Pickups covering gas, oil and service (‘but not including fixed expenses, such as license, insurance, de preciation, etc.). Come in. Look up your kind of job. See how little it can cost to run a Ford Pickup in your work! CASH U$w 177-180 and 167—a total of 524. D. Trask rolled a 510 three game series and Albright rolled up a 511 score. The Joiks had a single and three games 778 and 2,023. Team standings at the start of this week are: TEAM STANDING w. Bombers Joiks Buckeyes Bowlcats Snappers Clippers L. Pts. 18 9 25 16 11 22 14 13 19 12 15 16 10 17 14 10 17 12 Here’s a real snappy “wet weather” ensemble. Raincoat, matching um brella, and cap in wonder ful water repellent checks and solids. They are styled by LANSON and are wrinkle resistant. The Dress Shop Hazel Naftzger. Mary Rodhe Middlefield. Ohio Closed all day Wednesdays ^SNEDEKERS Toy Shoppe Cleveland's Largest Toy Shoppe Every kind of toy imaginable to make your youngsters happier this Christmas than ever before. You’11 be amazed at our selection and low prices. I ESTABLISHED FIVE YEARS It’s a proven fact that 3 out of 4 Ford Pickups run* for less than a mile! Sundays in December ’till 6 p. m. (corner Superior) NEWS/jww News by Mr*. F. S.' Whitney Edward J. Humpal, son of Mrs. Marie Humpal of Mont ville, S. N. U. S. C. G. aboard the “Rockaway” recently re turned to New York from a six weeks weather patrol to New foundland, Greenland, Iceland, and Scotland. He left Nov. 2 for another month’s patrol on the coast of Labrador. Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Saladonis, wife of Vin cent Saladonis, were held Wed nesday at 10 a.m. at the Wilke lis funeral home on Superior ave., Cleveland. Survivors in clude her husband Vincent, a son Victor, a daughter, Mrs. Bertha Hoffman, two sisters and five brothers. Burial was in Lakeview cemetery. Attending the service from Montville were Mrs. Mary Petkas, Mrs. J. Kar alius, Mrs. C. Kairait, Mrs. Ele anore Janda and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dingers. Mrs. Paul Tommer entertain ed the Dilly Dally club Wednes- Bowling Beat (Continued from page two) Carl Nesbitt’s 204.Frantz Tav ern rolled 3 to Culligan’s 1. Tuesday’s team standings are: Won Lost Security Savings 22 10 Finch Cleaners 20 12 Circle 6 18 14 Country & Sub. R’lty 18 14 Vet’s Beverage Store 18 14 Carlson’s Hardware 17 15 Jay Cees 16 16 Tee Pee Motors 15 19 Chardon Springs 14 18 Strong Milk Cartage 13 19 Chardon Rubber 12 20 Suchdale 9 23 Dial YE 2-4011 Now cut your running costs with a new Ford Pickup! OVIR 7 CU. FT. MOM PAYLOAD SPACI and carries a full K -ton load. Supported load capacity of the Ford Pickup is a full 38.8 cu. ft., as compared to 81.6 cu. ft. in the FORD TRUCKING COSTS LESS McBRIDE BROTHERS FORD MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE CHARDON, OHIO day evening. Attending were Mrs. Josephine Stone, Mrs. Ina Stone, Mrs. Helen Brace, Mrs. Grace Burger, Mrs. Erma Gyet ko, Mrs. Marie Humpal, Mrs Jean Beardsley. The evening was spent in sewing and visiting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Tommer. The birthday an niversary of Mrs. Josephine Stone was honored and she was presented with a group gift. Mrs. Helen Brace will enter tain the next club. Mrs. W. L. Dostal entertained Sunday, Nov. 2, for her daugh ter Carol, honoring her 12th birthday anniversary, Carol Zig ander, Doris Bossee, Gloria Loveland, Barbara Blanyer, Helen Campbell, Ivan Campbell, and Patty Marianna of Mont ville, and cousins Helen Tamas and Mr. and Mrs. C. Gall of Cleveland, and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. J. Babcock of Par ma. Mrs. Dostal served a sup per to Carol and her guests. Many gifts were received by Carol. Mrs. Alice Raider,, Mrs. Jessie Logan of Hartsgrove, Mrs. Em ma Graul and Mrs. Winifred Janek and son of Hambden and Mrs. Blanche Such of Montville, attended .the Apron String club Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Millie Garrison in Painesivlle. The Parent Teachers club met Wednesday at the school, called to order by the president, Mrs. Alice Nielson. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Lillian Leg gett. The treasurer’s report was given by Mrs. Lucille Colbow. Mr. John Beni of Cleveland, representative of the club mer chandise plan was present and gave a demonstration. A dis cussion was held about the car nival and final plans made. The carnival is Nov. 15 at the school auditorium from 3 m. on. A short program followed. Clari net trio by Gloria Loveland, James Donoghue and Carol Dos tal. Piano solo by Gloria Love land and a clarinet solo by Lily Ann Hutter. Present were Mrs. Harry Egler Mrs. Frieda Stoltz, Mrs. Jeannette Stapel, Mrs. Er ma Gyetko, Mrs. Mabie Klaus, Mrs. Blanche Loveland, Mrs. Aa ron Miller, Mrs. Marie Phillips, Mrs. A. Rowles, Mrs. Edith Koerner, Mrs. Carl Burger, Mrs. Lucille Colbow, Mrs. Daisy Trask, Mrs- Ouida Warner, Mrs. Rose Huntoon, Mrs. Rose Weit zenhof, Mrs. May Bluett, Mr. Richard Martin, Mrs. Ruth Hem er, Mrs. Florence Trask, Mrs. Lillian Leggett, Mrs. Alice Niel son, Mrs. Helen Stochl, Mrs. Es ther Reid, Mrs. Edwina Stone, A door prize was won by Mrs. Klaus. Refreshments of tea and cookies were served by Mrs. Colbow and Mrs. Stone. Next meeting is Dec. 3 and will be a Christmas party and exchange of gifts. The Montville members of the Chardon glee club and band CHOICI OF TWO GMAT CAM in thin Ford F-l Pickup! Easier loading—low S-fhi floor-to-ground loaded height! Mow”’ ,o Jngine anyft t0*- “euionofgwi —... ovary ia leader! hp.! Giv* “pped to S ^^ting 9nly FORD Rives you, MX! MONTVILLE went to Chardon, Wednesday i night, to participate in the con cert when the glee club and band entertained the Cres cendo club at the Chardon audi torium. The members from Montville were Karyl Hale, Car ol Whitney, Shirley Susman, Jo anna Blanyer and Hubert Hoff man of the glee club. In the band were Charlene Leggett, Sally Phillips and Robert Geis man and Arlene Stone. Many others from Montville attended the concert. The County Grange home ec onomic committee met Friday at the home of Mrs. James Blair in Burton. Montville Grange home economic committee, Mrs. Rose Weitzenhof, Mrs. May Bar ber, Mrs. Margaret Twarogow ski and Miss Alice Twarogowski, attended the meeting. Mr. Nikkila, football coach at Chardon, and his squad went to Columbus Saturday to see the Ohio State Pittsburgh football game. George Phillips of Mont ville, one of the squad, went along. The Montville firemen and ladies auxiliary held their regu lar meeting at the school house Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mildred Wenzel gave to the firemen the table and chairs and chess game, which was presented her when she was on the Welcome Travel lers program, for the Montville firemen. The ladies have pur chased a set of stainless steel table ware, to be used for the dinners. Mrs. Gladys Leggett will entertain the auxilliary at her home Nov. 20. Mrs. B. .Beardsley and two daughters and Mrs. Albert Stan ley and two sons went to Ash land and Shelby, leaving Friday and returning Monday, where they were guests of friends. Mrs. Ralph Hollenbeck of Shalersville was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs Howard Bacon and son Berlin. Harold Jones and son Donald of Painesville recently visited his aunt, Mrs. Carl Webster. Mrs. Vemie Daniels of War ren spent several days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dono van. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pickett, Mrs. Blanche Pickett and Mrs. Viola Walters were in Akron re cently, where they visited Mrs. Anna Fisk. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higgins and four children of Cleveland were recent guests at the Ine man-Krejci home. Mrs. Agnes Palange of Beau mont, Calif., has returned home after spending several weeks with her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dinger and family. Corp. Robert Johnson retum ed-home Thursday night, having flown from Japan. On Satur day he had to report at Indian Gap, Pa. Corporal Johnson was wounded while in service in Korea, and has been in a hos pital in Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colbow and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krause and family in Euclid, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Krause formerly resided in Montville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiland of Chardon, are now occupying their new house, just completed on Whitney road. The Wodolan family was en tertained at a farewell dinner Sunday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. william Haney. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wodo lan and children Leora and Don ald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schell er, Joseph Kves, and Mr. and Mrs. William Haney. Mr. Wodo lan left Monday morning for his new position in Detroit, Mich., and his wife and children will follow in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Suhay en tertained on a recent evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray and son of Wickliffe and Mr. and Mrs. James Baker and three children of Montville. Save money, nave time, save work, bring your wash here each week. CHARDON LAUNDRY Water St. Chardon Telephone 5-4851 Bendix Automatic p:s'saw hn«« (Molint powrtwl h»n NATIONWIDE SALES I SERVICE FREE-U RAGE MANUAL 'c5u thCUIlOC* Geauga Implement Company Phono 17781 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stone spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayduk in Madison. Miss Arlene Stone entertain ed at a pajama party Thursday Grumney, evening, Audrey Mary Ann Kadic, Louise Devo key, Norma Carver, Claire Deak and Janet Hofstetter. Mrs. Morris Bloom of Mans field spent Tuesday and Wednes day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ineman and brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krejci. AQUILLA New* by Harriet Minman Phone 5-7228 Mrs. Nancy Wilcox who is 101 years old and an aunt of Mrs. Mabel Thompson, cast her vote on Nov. 4 at Berea, Ohio, where she has lived for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Treveme Richard were weekend guests of the Dave Richards on Turner Drive. Mrs. Lillian Richards visited her sister, Mrs. Edith Stokes in Cleveland, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer Sr. spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Churehfield in Montville. A birthday party was given for Karen Lee Hall at her home Saturday afternoon. Karen was 6 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Borgman visited Mrs. Borgman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Musick of Euclid, O., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woodard are living with their son, John Erwin Woodard on Melville ave., Cleveland, whose wife re cently passed away. Mr. and Mrs. John Minman spent election evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rivitz on Cutts road and Route 6. Hambden to Hear Radio Artists November 16 HAMBDEN The Sorenson Lyceum Bureau is presenting Alice and Harold Allen, radio and musical artists in “Sounds of the Air,” at the Hambden Congregational church, Sunday, Nov. 16, at 8 p.m. They will demonstrate how sound effects are created in leading radio stations, motion pictures and animated cartoons. Following the program a birthday party will be held in the basement of the church, where they will have a birth day cake for each month of the year. Everyone is invited. Admission charge will be $1.00 with no charge for children un der 12. This affair is sponsored by the True Blue Class of the church. We 142 North St. regular 69.50 $59-50 THE RECORD, CHARDON, 0., NOVEMBER 13,1952—5 South Newbury New* by Lucy Simpson Phone Newbury 902 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson of Snow Rd., were among those entertained at the Robert Hohn horst home in Burton after the concert by the Master Singers, Saturday night. It was also the sixteenth wedding anniversary of the Johnsons. Inn ersp ring Tufted Pre-built Border Save Ten Dollars PLUS 15 to 18 lb. FREE TURKEY up to Thanksgiving Orville Allen of Russell visit ed his brother at the Shepard home on Bell Rd., Sunday. He leaves for camp Nov. 12. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Laws are moving to their new home in Mantua. Remember the ham supper at the Union Chapel Saturday eve ning from 6 to 8- There will also be some baked goods and other bazaar articles for sale. Your patronage will be appreciated. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE TRAVELERS fOK wvnriumr-wtmn«Briiiess WE CAN PROVIDE ALL FORMS Hie HANNA INSURANCE Agency Chardon. Ohio Mnmbnr Lake Geauga Association of Insurance Agents, Inc. Representing THE TRAVELERS* HARTFORD Oven-Ready Turkey Nationally Famous Mattress or Box Spring TOM HALSTEAD Middlefield Furniture Co Middlefield. Ohio Phone 22222 KLEINFELD & BOSTWICK DEPARTMENT STORE Feature National Brands First Quality Merchandise GOODRICH & BALL BAND RUBBER FOOTWEAR POLL PARROTT and CULVER CUB Shoes for Women 8C Children ENDICOTT JOHNSON RANGER 8c JOHNSONIAN Shoes for Men CAMPUS SPORTSWEAR Arrow Shirts, Ties and Accessories for Men Work Clothes by Lee, Dickies 8C Blue Bell We Are Floor Covering Specialists -We Install Armstrong Congoleum Naim Pabco & Kennedy Products For Linoleum Asphalt Tile Rubber Tile Vinyl Plastic Inlaid and Tile Miraplas Plastic Wall Tile CARPETS BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT By Mohawk and Magee Carpet Co’s. APEX &. DEXTER WASHING MACHINES E. Elm Street Middlefield Phone 2-2531 Telephone 5-8651 FREE! to You! with the purchase of a SALE PRICED