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Promoted friends. Their children ''yl W. A. MATTIE CHESTER W. A. Mattie of Wilson Mills Road has been promoted to assistant manager of the Eaton facturing Company’s division of Cleveland, ing to an announcement re leased today by C. C. Bradford, vice-president and general man ager. general Manu Heater accord- Mr. Mattie joined Eaton in 1938 as superintendent of the Healer Division. Previously he was connected with Bishop and Babcock and National Tube. During the last war Mr. Mat tie was a Group Commander in the civil air patrol. He lives on Routes 44 & 87 News by Mrs. Frank Waltman Telephone Newbury 782 Young Ladies Sunday on Sunday, Feb. 15th. pews are reserved for and Rosary Thanks to a grand committee for making the card party at St. Helen’s such without your efforts have been possible, the committee were Mrs. Emily Divoky, Bizjak, Mrs. Milly Mrs. Ceil Smith, Hudak, Mrs. Marge Gabella,, Mrs. Alfie Jordanek, and Mrs. Ceil Harms. It was indeed gratifying to Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank celebrated their 25th wedding vifjes of (he temporary forming anniversary last Saturday at the committee and the various as Midway Inn with a group of pects of a Volunteer Fire De- Their children sur-1 partment equipment, housing, prised them with a beautiful manpower, legal aspects, finance floral arrangement and 25 sil-' and case studies of ver dollars. Happy Anniversary A dinner party family ering was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blascko on their first wedding anniversary, at the home of Mr. and Tretara in Claridon. were: Mr. and Mrs. Blascko and children, ine and Billy, Mr. Rudy Tretara, Jr., Mrs. R. Tretara, Sr., dren, Margie, Elsi», and Roger. Mrs. R. Present Emery Cather- and Mrs. Mr. and and chil- Douglas All had a lovely time and the couple received many fine gifts. Renew Vows The Raymond Eckes renewed their wedding vows, in honor of their 25th wedding anniver sary, at the 8 o’clock mass, Saturday morning at St. Helen’s. The couple looked lovely and were beaming with happiness. The flowers for the altar were furnished by the Eckes, and were indeed beautiful. Valentine Birthday On Saturday, Feb. 14th, Bon nie Lou Burke wiU be one of the lucky little girls whose birthday falls on Valentine’s day. The family wiU celebrate the occasion at home and a fine time is planned for the kiddies. Mary Ann Blascko celebrated her birthday on Feb. 3rd. A family get together was held in her honor, and all enjoyed a lovely luncheon prepared by Mrs. E. Blascko. (Of course there was a big birthday cake). Can You Guess???? Who the lady was that was eating qll the stuffed olives the golden wedding party?? at in Who’s corsage was found her accordian last Sunday?? The Back Fence The Albert Gazda’s took their new baby Packard for a drive last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Adamec of Punderson Lake, are sport ing a brand new Mercury. Mrs. Edna Protiva was win ning most of the prizes at the St. Helen’s card party, Edna must be carrying that rabbits’ foot around with her. Mrs. Albie Cisar and daugh ter, Evelyn, Mrs. Dalton, and (Continued on page twelve) Published weekly by Geauga Publiahera, Inc. Entered Second Claaa Matter at the Chardon Pomoflice Chardon PT A Meets Next Tuesday There will be over 100 pupils taking part in the square dances costumed in Colonial attire. All of the costumes are the work of the class mothers. Mrs. Lee Fisher is in charge assisted by the other 2nd grade teachers, Mrs. Nancy Smith, assist Anne Skidmore, Mrs. Goodrich and Miss Ellen Miss Anna Dunn will in directing the music, third grade will present The a Rodeo as their part of the program. This western show consists of singing and speaking parts Ruth chers Hazel Hanna, Bendix, and Krum. and is directed by Mrs. Booth. Third grade tea assisting her are Mrs. Miss Francis Miss Madeline The Red Cross is presenting a short film showing an in dividual donating blood. After Wilson Mills Road, Chesterland, the showing of the film, the with his wife, Vivian, and his meeting will be open for any daughter, Kathy. questions concerning the Bloud mobile and the solicitation of funds for the Red Cross. At the opening of each P. T. A. meeting, each parent is tab ulated as to which home room each of their children belong. I From this tabulation, the room The girls and young ladies with the most parents attending of St. Helen s will receive holy communion at the 8 mass Front them. Altar o’clock is rewarded with $5.00. Mrs. Lee Fisher’s second grade room has won the reward 3 out of the 4 meetings during the 1952 ’53 season. Mrs. Fisher’s room also won the opening member ship contest. Organize a success, it couldn’t Those on as follows: i "mS Fire Dept Mrs. Lou1 at Munson o___ ... resi- Kure MUNSON Sixty five receive the many donations from I township^met folks to further our efforts in making this a more enjoyable' evening for all. last Monday night at the Com munity House at Fowlers Mills to form a new Munson Volun teer Fire Department, through the proceedure of signing up 52 members. Frank Carey, presid ing chairman, reviewed the act- adjoining Township Fire Departments. Af ter introducing Mr. Wanamaker and Mr. Danford of Bainbridge gath-! and Messrs. Curtis, Dryer, Schroeder, Blaske and Kelsey of Russell, Mr. Cary spoke of the very friendly co-operation extended by these two depart ments. A brief history of Rus sell’s formation and operation was given since their problems are so similar to those of Mun son. Community friendships and unity and particularly mutual aid between volunteer fire de partments of neighboring town ships was stressed by the “Visit ing Firemen.” Emphasis was laid on the feeling of security in knowning that there is a standby volunteer department in neighboring townships while out on a call. This is worth any effort in forming a new depart ment. For instance .while six men attended this meeting, away from their^jwn departments, the sheriff’s car stood by to receive any fire calls from their town ships over the radio. Mr. Cary then announced that with the obvious approval of the people of Munson and the signatures of 95 percent of the men present, the volunteer fire department of Munson-Non-Profit and Incor porated—was formed, and that these members would meet with in two weeks to elect their of ficers and effect their Constitu tion. The members, first on the books of the department, both active and associate, are: Don Tincher, Tom Bevington, Jr., Francis LaRose, Mill Mann, Otto Mann,' Gerhardt Henisch, Bill Larson, Ken Smith, Paul Herman, Frank E. Childs, Stu art M. Drum, Martin C. Miller. Thorton F. Holder, Thomas S. Henderson, Earl Bigam, Stephen Kiehel, E. J. McGeough, James E. Duncan, Paul E. Whitright, Chris Bogaske, William W. Mat thews, Albert J. Head, A. L. Dade, R. E. Burchell. William M. Reynolds, Edward E. Hessley, Earl T. Brandes, James S. Smith. Paul A. Moore, Tony Moore, Otto Holsinger, Arthur Paden, Paul W. Bidgood. John R- Purviance, Lonny Bak er. z Frank Sulc, R. C. Kieffer, Ed ward J. Walter, Frank Seufer, Wilson F. Dunbar, Paul T. Haas, Joseph E. Ponyik, Joseph Uvar di, David D. Rice, Warren S. Henderson, John O’Boyle, James J. Nozar, Carl F. Budenz, Low ell J. Brown, E. C. Wingenbach, Andrew E. Mikula, Joe Kazsuk, Howard L. Hazen. Edith Wilson Died Monday of It will be a celebration Washington’s birthday at the Chardon P.T.A. meeting next Tuesday night at the Chardon high school auditorium, accord ing to Mrs. Paul Alvord, who is in charge of publicity. Mrs. Edith Wilson, wife of George Wilson of 108 Park ave., died at 10:45 p.m. Monday in Huron Road hospital, where she had been confined three weeks. She underwent an ab dominal operation Saturday and had been ill since Christmas. Open New Motel in Chardon Ouida in in a Mrs. Wilson was born Cleveland and had resided Chardon 16 years. She was member of the Blue Star Moth ers and Pilgrim Christian church. Surviving with the husband are a daughter, Mrs. Don Edil inski of Chardon two sons, Edward of Wickliffe, John H., serving in the Air Force at Dayton three sisters, Mrs. Edna Toll, Cleveland, Mrs. Elsie Saguis, Avon Lake Mrs. Clara McCue, Kenosha, Wis. three brothers, Henry Springstubbc of Cleveland, William of Mine LaMotte, Mo., Cleveland. and Louis of call at the Burr where arrange- Friends may Funeral Home, ments for rites were pending this morning. Police List Activities in Middlefield R. MIDDLEFIELD Mayor J. Eppley Jr., released the 1952 report of the Middlefield Police Department submitted by Police Chief F. H. Klingman. The re port lists 7 arrests. 30 accident reports of which none were fa tal, 2 injury* emergency calls, and a total of 20 dogs picked up as a result of a campaign to stop dog damage to lawns and gar dens. Financial data concern ing the department was listed as follows: Mayor’s court—fines, $125.00. Court costs $23.50. Fines parking violations, $181.00. Parking meter collections, $3,719.93 Storage charges. $12.00. Peddler’s license $1.00. Total revenue, $4,062.43. Chief Klingman took over his official duties on Jan. 1, 1952, re placing E. John Phelps who re signed to become eGauga county sheriff. Among the innovations instituted by Chief Klingman are new weatherproof parking tickets ..which combine several forms which were formerly sep arate. It is hoped that the vil lage will be able to purchase a new police car in 1953 to replace the present 1948 vehicle. an- nounced ing this Chardon Water street across from Tee Pee Motors. The new and attractive motel has six units which can be joined into doubles if required. The spacious bedrooms are 14 by 14 feet. Each unit is equipped with a ceramic tiled bathroom installed by Chapman Tile of Chardon. Furniture is attractive maple, and bed and mattresses are White Dove. Radiant heat in the sidewalks prevent snow collecting or ice forming at any time. The en trance is a black top drive. Heat is from an oil fired fur nace to hot water circulating through the baseboards. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have their own living quarters in connec tion with the motel. Geauga Scouts Observe Anniversary Boy Scouts from Geauga part in the rally last Sunday in Lake county celebrating the 43rd anniversary of scouting in America. Group singing of the boys was led by Rev. Charles Strong of Chardon. Vigil honors were pinned on Wilton Town of Middlefield, Scoutmaster of Troop 95. George Wells of the Geauga district participated the presentation of awards the Eagle Court of Honor. in at Edwin B. Tinker Dies Dies at Home in Florida CHESTER—Edwin B. Tinker formerly of Chester and Burton, died at his home at Eustis, Fla., Tuesday, Feb: 10. Funeral ar rangements are pending in charge of the Davis Funeral Par lors. Burial will be at Chester. News by Lennah B. Bond Zoning Officials Clarence Battles has been ap pointed Zoning Inspector for Chester and assumed his duties on February 1. Eugene Painter has been re appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals. He will serve for a term of five years. Study Club The Chester Study Club met at the home of Mrs. Lynn Hamilton on Wednesday even ing. Mrs. C. G. Stevens was assistant hostess. The program Sixtieth Anniversary Friends here received notice of the celebration of the 60th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Jenkins, which was held Sunday afternoon, February 8, at the Church of Christ in Bedford, Ohio. The Rev. Jenkins was a former pas tor at the Disciple, now Com munity church in Chester. Community Church A Dorcas Circle of the Wo mens Council of the Commun ity church has been organized. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. George Mapes on January 29. At the home of Mrs. Charles Kasky on Feb ruary 5, Mrs. Mapes was el ected president and Mrs. Ralph Shanower, secretary and treas urer. For the present, meetings will be held on the first Thurs day of each month in the after noon. and William Clark today the formal open weekend of their new motel, located on Winner The Priscilla Circle of the Community church will enter tain the Rev. Miss Patterson and her mother, Mrs. Samuel Patterson, at dinner at Stouf fer’s Shaker Square Restaur ant on Tuesday, February 17. The Rev. Harriet Louise Patterson is the speaker for the World Day of Prayer, both afternoon and evening, for the city of Lakewood, February 20. She has recently completed the worship service to be used in all World Community Day pro grams sponsored by the United Church Women in the United States in November. Chester women will join in a World Day of at the Fowlers February 20. Prayer service Mills church on took Louise Patter- -GEAUGA RECORDi.aiUBNCOUNTY CHARDON, GEAUGA COUNTY, OHIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1953 Pictured above Blake Holtzman shows the job done by the Chardon school safety patrol for which they are being entertained and honored this Saturday night by Char don Metal Products and Chardon Rubber C). with a party to the hockey game in Cleve ’and. ........ OEAUGA EARN TRIP TO HOCKEY GAME AT CLEVELAND A bus has been furnished for transportation and the two companies have even made arrangements for pop and popcorn during the game. The high school girls crossing Main street under Blake’s protection are from left to right: Patricia Adams, Nancy Wozniak and Barbara Thompson. NEWS from CHESTER consisted of a talk by Mrsd'HSSC Others are aske^ to take Hamilton. This included many' articles to the home of ,Mrs. Sidney Graff, Chillicothe Road or Mrs. Hodge. Dines Road, of her experiences in her work as a portrait painter also inter esting information on that field of art. Russell. Ladies Night Out Thirty-six members of the Ladies Night Out group at tended the annual banquet. Mrs. John White reports that the decorations carried out the Val entine idea. The centerpiece was a large bouquet made red carnations Mrs. Harry Myers, were Mrs. WiUiam Mrs. Neal Pendleton, ert Moore and Mrs. kyn. They also furnished cor sages of red carnations for the officers. Baptist Rev. Harriet son introduced the Rev. Marg- Former Chesterite is Married aret Blair Johnstone at her Town The Sunday paper carried an Hall lecture in Cleveland on account of the wedding and a Wednesday, Feb. 11. She spoke picture of the bride of William on “Create Your Own Future” Robert Custer, son of Mr. and which is also the title of late book. Mrs. Johnstone Chester’s Miss Patterson only two of more than women holding pulpits in United States today, and combine their ministerial work with authoring and lecturing. Perso*als 1’1 questions those in answered numerous on Cancer asked by attendance. Mrs. Dale Hedge, Mrs. Eu Robert a nom present on at annual gene Painter and Mrs. Moore were selected as inating committee to nominees to be voted the April meeting. The white elephant and rummage sale will be held at the Russell school on March 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Those wishing to donate new or used clothing or any other contribution which they wished picked up call Mrs. Russell Ball, Chester 682 or Mrs. Dale Hodge. Newbury sun'-/ 4— of hand made by Hostesses Barnum, Mrs. Rob John Ey- Next meeting at church on March w ,, Jjk the 11. in Contest and Dale A. Bray, son of Mr. Mrs. W. J. Bray, Wilson Mills Road, won third prize in an AU American Minstrel show held in Chardon on Feb. 5 and 6. There were six amateur con tests and proceeds were for the benefit of the polio fund. Dale played two numbers on his accordian. "Under the Double Eagle” and “Julida.” Boy Scouts Scout Troop 95 and their Master, Quentin Groth, at tended a Scout Rally at River side high school in Paines ville, Sunday, Feb. 8 from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Nineteen boys at tended. Norman Siegel and Michael Richmond acted as flag bearers. On Saturday, 17 of the boys and the Scout Master were at the Y. M. C. A. swim ming pool in Painesville. They go there on the first Saturday of each month. Edward Harris is Assistant Master. The regular meeting date is on Tuesday each week from 7 to 8:30 the Community church. of al her Mrs. Clarence Custer, formerly and of Chester. The bride before are her marriage was Miss Annabel 300 i Beam. The wedding took place the on Saturday. who Mr. and Mfs. Henry Tinker Pre-School P. T. A. and daughter, Gloria of Ash An unusually large group land, of mothers were present to see the showing of the film on cancer at the Chester school building on Thursday evening. Mrs. Harold Richmond of the Geauga County Cancer Society, spoke briefly on the work of the Society and introduced Dr. Alton Behm of Chardon, who Ohio, were calling in Chester on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. son and Mr. and Patterson attended Horticultural meeting held in Columbus last week. C. Patter Mrs. Sam the State The Vernon Petersens visited the Paul Klatka family in Kent on Sunday. Dewey Bond came from East Lansing, Michigan and spent for Township Traud’s petition Board was filed before caucuses were held. Form Club for Catholic Teen Agers dis His Robert Martin has been charged from th eArmy, last service was at Indian Town Gap and he was discharged from there. He was also in Germany for a time. Dan and Christ Whiting, sons and Jeanette McDonald, Carol of Mr. and Mrs. Harlo Whiting, Na8y. Beverly Opper, John! both had tonsilectomies at Wo- Paul. Carol Pitschman, Luuihi mans hospital on Tuesday. Ponyik, Carol and Joe Puzder, Mrs. Sheary, local beautic- Ken Safko, Eddie and Paula ian, had her hair badly singed Sigmund, Pat Smith, and her hand and arm burned Spear, Louise Sykora, Dick when her gas oven exploded Walker, Edward and Michael on Wednesday. There was no Walsh Frank Wisneski and I damage to the home, which is on Factory Road. There was no pilot light on the oven, accord ing to reports. Mr. Rider, high school tea cher, was ill with flu last week and Mrs. Kenneth Sperry taught in his place. Mrs. H. A. Paul Montague entertained in on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ditto. When Mr. and Mrs. George Inkster arrived at Camp Gor don, Augusta, Georgia, last week to visit Duane Inkster, who is stationed there, they found him ill and in the hos pital. Last reports from Duane state that he is improving and now able to leave the hospital. Offer Baby Sitters for Blood Donors Ditto and Mrs..01 leonA8e club and A baby sitting service free transportation are 1 offered to donors when the Bloodmobile comes to Chardon Feb. 26 under the sponsorship of the Geauga Chapter of the American Red Cross. being Staff aides, headed by Mrs. Carl Law, will baby-sit when necessary, providing the babies are brought to the Bloodmobile healquartecs at Eagle’s Hall. appoint- be pro headed Transportation will vided by a committee by Mr. Law. be fur Aid of church, of Mrs. Canteen service will nished by the Junior the Pilgrim Christian under the direction Tom Murray. duty for by Mrs. Volunteer nurses on the visit, secured George Holmes, are Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mrs. Carol Franz, Mrs. Hildegard Steinfurth, Mrs. An nette Laughlin, Mrs. Kathryn, Mrs. Florence Lan don, Mrs. Martha Ridenour and Mrs. Ruth Haueter. Josephine M. Shuart, 91, former Geauga county dent, died Jan. Kearn’s Nursing Chillicothe, Ohio. is in Mrs. Wilson Smith charge of scheduling ments. AoTX.“ S* Single Copies 10c Volume 105 Number 7 Hattie E. Adams EAST CLARIDON —Funeral services for Hattie E. Adams the Burr funer- were held from al home last I burial in East tery. Tueaday with Claridon ceme- was born in Mrs. Adams I Tareytown, Md., Sept. 9, 1875 and her education included studies at Western Maryland Illness forced them to break ion. up their home and about a year and a half ago they went to Hal Griswold Rites Tue$day_ Rites Held in Cleveland or St. Membership to the newly ganized Teen Age Club of Mary’s Catholic church is open to all Catholic Boys and Girls who are in the 8th to 12th grades inclusive. The group I ... S1VT ne group graduated from Western Re- the weekend at his home here. meets for a. social hour every serve University in 1909 a phi Dr. and Mr,. C. P. Titus Thursday night after the reg-| Beta Kappa since hls (hiri took his class of boys at Community church Sunday school to the Ice Follies mat inee. Mrs. Raymond Richmond also drove her car. Fourteen were in the party. Titus Thursday night after the reg- Beta Kappa‘ the u^ar Catecetical Instruction I inday class. Anyone interested in onenM pPractice joining may do so by filling an application form at the Rec tory, 400 North St., or at the church hall on Thursday eve- After the report of the cau- nings. cuses were printed last week, Teen-agers already accepted' u IIV a iaw pracuce Robert Wjjrt filed a petition'for membership are Lou Merta in Chardon Born February 4 in St. Luke's hospital a son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grantham, James Mi-I George Matthews of Ward chael and Peter Hangach, Sue Drive. Kirkpatrick, Robert Horn, Irene Trustee John and Bickwith^ Barney I FrW) 19ig to 1023 was ,a for School Campbell. John Cavanagh, Republjcan member of thc Ohio the Claire Csizma, Claire Deak, Lil- General Assembly serving as ilian Divoky, Richard Edelinsky, of Ho’usT hi 1923 Funeral services for Hal Gris wold, former Chardon resident and former Superintendent of Chardon schools Tuesday afternoon in Cleveland. ____ Mr. Griswold college at Westminster, Md. In national attention back in 1930 March 16, 1895 she married f°r his handling of the crisis Joseph H. Adams at York, Pa. created by the disastrous fire They spent most of their life in *n the Ohio Penitentiary that Pennsylvania. Mr. Adams was killed 320 men. Mr. Griswold in the United States govern- was state welfare director and ment service for 31 years. After supervisor of the prison at that he retired they moved to East time. Claridon in 1943. Mrs. Adams In 1926 as first assistant at was a member of the Claridon tomey general, he took charge Grange and her husband served of securing evidence of business the township as Justice of the conditions in Ohio’s mining dis Peace and as Republican com- tricts for presentation to the mitteeman.___________________ Interstate Commerce Commiss- Cecilia Eustach, Lois Fink. LVr’ey' general from 1924 to 1927 and I director of public welfare for Walsh, Paul Young. Merton Beckwith and Dick Walker will hold temporary office until nominations and I elections are held. Michael Walsh is chairman of the Ping Pong Tournament. The first open social activity of St. Mary’s ................entertained in WJU Ya 'ntlne Pan“ at °e honor of Mrs. Wayne Hudson c^lurc^ hall on Friday, Feb. s Teen-Age Club 13th, from 8 to 12 p.m. Music will be recorded and the ad mission is 75c. The dance committee headed by Merton Beckwith includes: Clean-up, Joe Puzder and Ken Safko Decorations, Irene Mc Donald, Carol Pitschman, and Pat Smith Tickets, McDonald and Louise Refreshments, Peter and Edward Walsh Joey Spear. Jeanette Sykora Hangach Records, Josephine Shuart Died Jan. 31 31, at Home Miss Shuart was born in I Gates Mills, the daughter of is survived by four Marion Taylor and Jes Taylor, of Minneapolis, Steves, Monterey Park, She nieces, sie E. Gladys Calif., and Mabel Shuart Mayer of Chillicothe, Ohio, with whom were held first gained Assisted by Bricker .. ... He was assisted on that proi- live with their daughter. I ect by a young attorney for COTinne^E^Small, in Birming tbe Ohio public utilities Com Here jieath mission, John W. Bricker. ham, Michigan. Here death came to Mrs. Adams on Satur-, day, January 31. When the country was wall- ... owing in the depression in 1936. usband sl? Griswold, then president daughters: Mrs. of the Cleveland Welfare Fed of Hanover, Pa eration, was summoned to head relief committee as successor to Marc Besides her leaves three T. Earl Culp Mrs. Lester J. Frey ot Wmdscr thc Cuyaboga County o’’ aIM® Warren Srnell of committee as successor I Birmingham, leaves 10 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren. Michigan. She J. Grossman. An insight to Mr. Griswold's personality was shown a few months later by a Plain Dealer reporter, who, after concluding the relief post was one part welfare work to four parts pugilism, wrote: ‘‘Griswold has now shown that he can take it and he can dish it out, thanks to his coun terpunch during the Cleveland Commerce.” a round with Chamber of born in Char- Mr. Griswold, don on May 25, 1886, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Gris wold. After attending the pub lie schools in Chardon, he was Opened in 1916 He returned to Chardon and became superintendent of schools. On July 23, 1914, he was married to the former Miss Gertrude L. Carter, and in 1916 he opened a law practice Ohio from 1929 to 1931. He came to Cleveland in 1926. opening his own office. In 1931' Susan he heCame a member of the of Bartholomew, Griswold, which at of his law firm r--Leeper & the time Griswold, death was Miller & in the Stan- Leeper, Corry, with offices dard Building. Mr. Griswold became a trus tee of the Cleveland Welfare Federation in 1933 and was president from 1935 to 1940. Joined Red Cross in 1944 He served on the board of the Community Fund from 1933 to 1949. In 1944 he joined the board of the Red Cross here and served until 1952. Two high honors came to Mr. Griswold just last year. He was honored by the Salvation Army last March and made a life member of its board. In December he won a certificate of merit from the Welfare Federation. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Carter Strawsburg of Rochester, N. Y. Cleveland Ohio Bar Cleveland He belonged to the Bar Association, Association and Club and was the Independent Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. the the a member of Order of Odd Present Gift to the near Worker Leaving tOP ^OrVlCO William Shuart. During-her lifetime she also During the lunch period last lived in Munson, Chardon and Friday the employees of Bes Burton where she taught school tone Inc. assembled and pre fer a number of years. sented an electric razor to a feUow employee, Daniel Toder, who leaves the company to enter the service. Mr. Toder will be attached to the medical corps and will join his unit, who have headquarters at Chil- she made her home in the drens' hospital. Detroit, Mich. The gift was presented by William N. Clarke general for Bestone. letter years of her life. Funeral services were Mon-1 manager __ ______ _____Mr. day at ChiUicothe, Ohio, with ^(arke praised Mr. Toder’s serv Rev. Oscar Keller, and graveside rites at Chardn cemetery at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3 with Rev. Howard Spangler of Cleveland perform ing the service. Subscribe to the Geauga Record officiating, ces to the company and as sured him of a position with the company when he returns. In accepting the gift, Mr. Toder expressed thanks and his regret at leaving a place with so many pleasant associations. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Toder .and resides with his parents in Middlefield, Ohio.