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Church News ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH NEWS Sunday, July 15 10:00 a.m. Sunday School -les son: The King Who Tried to do Right” 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Junior Church 1:30 p.m. County Home Ser vice 7:00 p.m. Christ Ambassadors 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service 10:00 p.m. Rivival time ABC Network Tuesday. July 17 7:45 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Wednesday, July 18 8:00 p.m. Choir Practice CHARDON METHODIST CHURCH NEWS Harry A. Carney, Pastor Paul Bidgood, ChurchSchool Monday, July 16, 8:0 p.m. Commission on membership and evangelism meets. Tuesday, July 17, 8:0 m. Parsonage committee meets at the pastor’s home. Wednesday, July 18. 8:0 p.m. Trustees meeting. We have tickets for the fish fry Friday, July 13, 4:06 to 8:00 p.m. benefit Geauga County Home, to be held at Geauga County Fairgraounds. Contact the church office. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. CLARIDON The church held a sucessful summer festival last Saturday more than three hundred were served at the smorgasbord sup per in the evening. The Vacation Church School staff has turned over $40.00 to the Christian Education Com mittee of the Church to pur chase needed equpment for the church school. Thursday, July 12, The senior choir at the church. Sunday. July 15, 10:00 The tinues his series of Bible stud ie the book of laiah. 11:00 The Morning Worhip Service, sermon theme for this coming Sunday, ‘‘Footmen and Horses.” On Wednesday, July 18, the Women’s Fellowship will meet at the home of Mrs. George My ers for an all-day sewing meet ing sewing will be done for the fall bazaar. Also, there will be a ‘‘Dish Towel Shower” for the new kitchen at the church. On Monday, July 16, the Christian Education Committee will meet. An important meeting of the Church Cabinet will be held on Monday evening, July 30. the meeting will be held in the so cial hall of the church. Have You Met Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Gro tenrath, of Mayfield Road, Chesterland, who came from Burton? Mr. Grotenrath is a captain in the Cleveland Heights Po lice Force. His hobby is his horse. by AUDRE COOK Vacation No doubt, the work week seems to you to plod along on feet of glue. But, that vacation that you get goes faster than the latest jet. Because that’s so, we now remind the weather man to be most kind so that each day will bring you more real pleasure than the day before We’d like to remind you that a first aid kit is an essential ac cessory whether you vacation at home or away. See our dis play of these kits now. When you call we invite you to browse around and pick out the items you need for a comfort able and beautiful vacation. For quality merchandise and fine service, shop at Cook’s Drug Store, 125-27 Main Street, Char don. Phone 5-3183. FOR VACATION COMFORT A New Batch of Keen Short A Shorts' Weds Jk omai Miss Nancy Mary Nagy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ste phen Nagy, Wilson Mills Rd., and Thomas Norman Tosko, Dunham Rd.. Sagamore Hills, Ohio, w’ere married at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 23, at St. Mary’s Church in Chardon. The Rev. Fr. James A. Walsh, pastor, officiated at the cere mony and celebrated the mass. Mrs. W. J. Eardley, church organist, played the Mass and al so ‘‘Ave Maria” and “Mother at Thy Feet is Kneeling.” Geauga B&PW to Meet July 12 The July meeting of the Ge auga County Business and Pro fessional Women’s Club will be held on Thursday evening July 12, at the home of Mrs. Lillian B. Keenen on Canfield Road in Chardon. The business meeting will be preceded by a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. Plans and programs for the coming year will be discussed and all mem bers are asked to make every effort to attend. He who acknowledges a kind ness has it still, and he who has a grateful sense of it has re quited it. I Cicero VFW Delegates Give Reports of Convention Reports were given by the del iary will collect and send them, egates to the Department of O hio Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary to Geauga Post 6519 at their reg ular meeting in the Post Club rooms Thursday evening. The convention was held at the Miami Hotel in Dayton from June 26 to July 1. Those report ing were Leanarda Wells, Nancy Speck, Irene Majewski, and Lor etta Mae Holmes. The delegates reported that the Auxiliary received the fol lowing citations on the state lev el: a plaque for the first award for their Americanism program, a certificate for outstanding youth work in the community, second in membership, and hon orable mention for time spent in Cancer work. The delegates participated in the massing of the colors and carried the Auxiliary colors in $198 We have just received an unusually nice batch of shorts with nice detailing. All with cuffs. Gifts—Ready-to-Wear Beauty Shop Chardon 5-5621 300 Geauga Women AttendPehbtebrook Garden Party Approximately 300 Geauga women attended the annual Garden Party of the League of Women Voters at Pebblebrook Farms in Munson June 27. Highlighting the program were a bake sale, a used book sale, an art ex hibit, a water ballet and a fashion show. The women in the picture above are waiting in line for refreshments, on the steps of Pebblebrook’s recreation house. Mr. Nagy gave his daughter in marriage. She wore a white wedding gown fashioned with a lace bodice and wide lace in serts in the nylon net skirt o ver satin. She carried a bou quet of white orchids and lil ies of the valley. Wearing a pink organdy dress and carrying pink carnations was Miss Carol Nagy the maid of honor and sister of the bride. The bridesmaids wrere Miss Shir ley Millward and Miss Carolyn Kingsmill. Miss Millw’ard wore blue organdy and carried yel low’ carnations, and Miss Kings mill wore yellow organdy and carried blue carnations. George Tosko, Jr., was best man for his brother. Al Axtell and Bernard Gantzer. former college roommmates of Mr. Tos ko, were the ushers. The bride’s mother chose a gown fashioned of peau de soie in mink color and beige acces sories. The groom’s mother w’ore a pink lace sheath with white accessories. Both w’ore white or chids. After the ceremony a recep tion was held for 30 guests in the garden at the home of the bride. Miss Nagy attended Kent State University. Mr. Tosko is a graduate of Miami University at Oxford, Ohio. The couple have returned from a wedding trip to the Poconos and now reside at 3263 Claren don Rd. Cleveland Heights. the mile and half parade of the downtown sections of Dayton. Mrs. Holmes received a cash award for having the most new and reinstated members in the state. Her name will be sent for national competition. A REPRESENTATIVES in the Fourth of July parade in Chester were Viola Gore, Betty Mont ague, Maggie Ritondaro, Nancy Speck, Aggie Tvergyak. and Lor etta Mae Holmes. Mildred Evans and Helen Jean Hill were reinstated into mem bership. Irene Rhodes, hospital chair man, gave a report on the need ed hospital work in the various hospitals. She reported that Day ton Hospital was in need of clean rags for rugs to carry on their rehabilitation work. If any one has clean rags, the Auxil- Plans were completed for the picnic to be held for the Veter ans at Brecksville July 18. Mem bers attending will meet at Thrasher’s Market at 10:00 a.m. The group voted to sponsor two parties at Crile Hospital on December 4, and May 7. It was decided that the Brown ie Troops meeting in the Meth odist Church should be pro vided with a flag to use for their meetings. HOSTESSES of the evening were Ann Bowyer, Jessie Lind en and Charlotte Phillips. The next meeting will be a picnic supper at the state park in Hambden. This will be a soc ial meeting for the Post and Auxiliary families and guests. Dorothy Molzon, Cassie Cham berlain, and Mary Chamberlain will plan the recreation for the children and serve as hostesses of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tosko To Speak at Meeting John J. Cronin, field executive of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, will spend Friday. July 13, in this commun ity consulting with local realtors and other business leaders, Lyn dall Highes, president of the Geauga County Real Estate Board announced yesterday. Mr. Cronin travels from the head quarters office of the associa tion in Chicago. During his visit, Mr. Cronin will address a meeting of the Geauga Board at Hosmer’s Res taurant, Burton. Ohio, acord ing to Mr. Hughes. “We are looking forward to Mr. Cronin’s visit,” Mr. Hughes said, “not only for the informa tion that he will bring us about our own business, but for the opportunity we will have to show him our community and discuss with him its future. We are proud of Geauga County and hope that he will find occasion to refer to it in his visits to other local boards in our state and neighboring states.” Prior to his service with the Realtor’s Asociation, Mr. Cro- Have You Met Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pow ell, of West Geauga Trail, Chesterland, who came from Cleveland? Mr. Powell is the manager of the Charles Rivecs Plumbing Co. Their son, Ron ald, who lives at home is a representative of Metropoli tan Life Insurance Company. A A Mr. and Mrs. Sankey T. Jen kins. who moved to Cedar Road, Chesterland, from East Cleveland? Mr. Jenkins is a stationary fireman, for Per fection, Inc., in Cleveland. They have a married daughter and two grandsons. Mr. Jenkins’ hobby is car pentry. J.' of Geauga Realtors 4 -4 s 't ..SjZs. ’tjij i JOHN J.CRONIN nin was a real estate negotiator for one of the major oil com panies. He is an experienced home builder, has served as ex ecutive secretary of the Mary land Council of Retail Merchants and on the legislative committee of the National Association of Retail Merchants. Chardon Personals John R. Bailey and family entertained relatives from Wor chester, Mass., over the week end. They were Mrs. Flora Chen ey, Mr.’and Mrs. Winfield Che ney, son Richard and twin daughters Jeanne and June. Dr. and Mrs. Pease returned from a week at Swamp Scott. Mass., attending a medical meet ing. They were at the new O cean House Hotel, right on the Atlantic Ocean. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hummel and family left Sunday for two weeks at Campbellford, Ontar io. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Smith and daughter Sara and Mrs. Dorothy Smith and son. Tommy, left Chardon June 30 for Mi ami, Fla., for a two weeks va cation. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood Skin ner are vacationing at Cape ’cod. Mrs. Mary Filla and Mr. and Mrs. John Vachie spent last weekend in Chicago where they visited the Bachie’s son Jack, who is in the U. S. Navy and stationed at Great Lakes. A weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Filla was Mrs. Filla’s mother, Mrs. Bryan, front New London, O. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash had a farewell picnic dinner for Mrs. Ash’s brother, Harry Nadack. his wife Evelyn, daughters Jeanette and Virginia. There were 25 present at the picnic. They left for home for Valdosta. Ga., July 1. With W)r. Stork j' (Unless otherwise designated, all births are at Corey Hospital, Chardon.) June 26, 1956 Mrs. James Elco, Pekin Rd., Newbury, O., baby boy. Mrs. Jessie Sly, Box 75, Mis opotamia. O., baby boy. June 27, 1956 Mrs. Ray Eging. R.D. 4. Chardon, O baby girl. June 28, 1956 Mrs. Charles Deak. D. 4. Chardon, O.. baby boy. June 29 1956 Mrs. Paul Adams. R.D. 3. Mid dlefield. baby boy. Mrs. James Bramley, D. 1, Huntsburg, O., baby girl. A A June 30, 1956 Mrs. Howard Heun. Auburn. Rd, Bainbride, O., baby boy. A A July 2, 1056 Mrs. Robert Williams, R.D. 3, Chardon. O., baby girl. Mrs. Clyde Groves, Butternut Rd., Burton, O., baby boy. July 3, 1956 Mrs. Andy Koynock, R.D. 1. Chardon, O., baby boy. Mrs. Earl McFadden, 183 Tur ner Drive, Lake Aquilla, baby girl. A lert Group Holls Meeting On Wednesday afternoon July 18 the Alert Group of the Pil grim-Christian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Marian Parker Chardon-Euclid Road, at 1:00 p.m. It will be a pot luck picnic and the hostesses will furnish the rolls and bever ages. Each member is asked to bring her own table service and a dish to pass. On Wednesday afternoon July 18 at 2:00 p.m. the Ladies of the Senior Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Eliza Skinner 305 North Street. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Pearl Knapp. On Thursday evening July 19 the ladies of the Junior Aid, will meet at the home ofof Mrs. John Aumick on Chardon-Euclid Road for a potluck supper. As sisting Mrs. Aumick will be Mrs. Ira Canfield, Mrs. Ireta Griffiths and Mrs. Glenn Mow rey. Used Electric Sewing Machines S14.95 and up. Service on all makes sewing machines 'Free Estimates SINGER SEWING ACHINEn Singer Sewing Machine Co. 105 Court St Chardon, Ohio 6-4192 tlhlOLtllCLllCy The A. B. Smvthe Co., Realestate office located at 109 South St., Chardon (next door to Security Federal Bank), will be open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday and Friday evening’s until 8:30 p.m. We invite you to stop in and discuss your housing situation with any one of our courteous salespeople. Wether buying or selling, our office will assure you of personal attention. We have many buyers waiting for property in this area so wre welcome your listings. We offer specialized advertising, expert appraising, and excellent financing. Chardon 5-2109. The festivities will begin at 4 p.m. and run to 8 p.m. The Ge auga County fair band will give a concert in the evening. Tickets, which may be pur chased at the affair or in ad vance from anyone on the ticket committee, are priced at $1.25 for adults and 65 cents for chil dren. THE RECORD, CHARDON, OHIO, JULY 12. 1956—7 MRS. JAMES ALVORD Jeanette Haase .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Haase, became the bride of James Alvord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alvord of Chardon, on Saturday afternoon, June 30, in the Chardon Methodist Church. Fish Fry Plans for County Home Near Completion Plans are nearing completion for the fish fry to be held this Friday at the fairgrounds in Bur ton to benefit the Geauga Coun ty Home, acordinf to Frank Yavorsky, chairman of the fish fry committee, from Parkman. Proceeds will be used to pur chase some much needed equip ment for the kitchen at the county home, Yavorsky said. ON THE general planning committee, in addition to chair man Yavorsky, are Martin Mer rifield Sr., Middlefield Clarence Lorson. Middlefield Frank Sla vik, Middlefield Ed Jejuk, Thompson. Mrs. Walter Corey of Chardon is chairman of the dessert com mittee. Mrs. Ellen Weidlein of Mun son and Mrs. Raymond Osborn, Chardon, are co-chairmen of the salad and rolls committee. On the serving committee are James Hunt, Middlefield How ard Ensign. East la rid on Frank Schofield of Chardon and Don Moss. VACATION TIME! Nlkerts Maple Finish IV 3- 'J 1 JOHANNA M. BLANYER Mrs. Lillian Blanyer of Mont ville announces the engagement of her daughter, Johann Mar ie, to Mr. Richard C. Diedrich of Chardon. Ohio. Miss Blanyer graduated from Chardon High School wth the Class of 1954 and is now employed in the law office of Bostwick & Bost wck in Chardon. Mr. Diedrich attended school in Chardon, has served in the Navy for four years and is now employed at Industrial Rayon in Painesville. No date lias been set for the wedding. Subscribe to the Geauga Record JEWELRY WILL BE CLOSED from July 16 to July 25 WE WILL BE OPEN ON JULY 26 Bedroom Suite IDEAL FOR THAT SPARE ROOM Single Dresser 3 Drawer Chest Double Bed ONLY $7)95 Burr & Smith FURNITURE Chardon. Ohio