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Newspaper Page Text
8—THE RECORD, CHARDON, OHIO. JUL Y12, 1956 35 Hambden Grangers Attend Pot-Luck Super HAMBDEN About 35 gran- ly 2. Attendance for the meeting gers, their familiies and friends numbered about 50. joined for potluck supper be- This was youth night at Hamb fore the regular meeting on Ju den Grange and the following 1 nome... Is only as modern as your HEATING SYSTEM The replacement of your coal furnace with modern “Walsh Designed’’ oil fired heating system your first step toward carefree winter living. No Down Payment F.H.A. Financing 3 Years to Pay J. P. WALSH & SONS Telephone Chardon 6-1691 a is '■2 iSMtlte 't** s fl IH II a every week. Most folks around Chardon know Roland Os born's reputation for work in any worthwhile com munity project—and know too that his store on Main street also series a definite need in the community. __ For more than the past ten years Roland Osborn has had an advertisement in your newspaper each and “We feel that advertising in our home town paper is an essential part of our operation.” says Mr. Osborn. “We know we have a good store with good values and we need to tell folks about them. Our home town paper is tailored especially to our needs. And besides we know that our advertising in our home town paper helps make the newspaper a little bigger and better so that it too can better serve our community.'’ were officers for the night: Mas-1 ter: Kenneth Mohney chaplain: Mra. Geralding Chapman stew-' ard: Miss Joan Steffancin la-1 dy assistant steward: Carol Break: assistant steward: Ted Wiech treasurer: Donald Wedge: Ceres: Mrs. Betty Moh ney Pomona: Mrs. Ruth Wheel er Flora Mrs. Ida Maltry executive commitee member: Edward Maltry. The opening song was Billy Boy”. Mrs. Hilda Grant re ported on the home economics picnic which was held at the home of Mrs. Mildred Blair in Burton on June 26. THE PROGRAM for the even ing conssged in presentations by the children of grangers. Charles Osborne read an essay which he had wrtten about safety. It was very appropriate because of the number of ac cidents in the area over the weekend. Billy Steffancin played a number of piano solos: “Chin jese Dance’’. “Dance of the Su gar Plum Fairies’’, and “Ara bian Dance’’. There were reci tations by Nancy Phillips “Bar gains” with assistance by Sharon Hazen and “At Grandma’s House” by Aleta Chamberlain, Joanne Phillips e n e a i ned with a baton routine and Carol lyn and Norma Phillips sang several numbers with motions. There were readings by Carol lyn Phillips and Lois Wheeler. Aleta and Artie Chaberlain al so sang a number, and Sharon Hazen sang twosongs. On July 16, the program will be presented by members of Ra venna Grange. There will be colored slides taken on the Na- WiV' & VlL?■'■{$& 2w W fc* r^.i*.l L- Chardon Cottontails Discuss Rabbit Care The sixth meeting of the Char don Cotontails was held at the home of their advisor, Mr. John Bailey, on June 30. Discussion on the care and breeding of rabbits was held and Mr. Bailey discussed the show points of the California buck that John Heikkla brought to the meeting. Joe Huxel was not present as he is spending his vacation at Camp Perry with his father. Robert Blum gave an interesting description of his days at Camp Whitwod. Dale Bray planned to attend camp also but came down with the measles. He will attend another session. Refreshments were served and after a recreation period, the meeting was adjourned. -:’... sa ••-■.* ‘w- IhA THE GEAUGA RECORD Serving Geauga County Folk Since 1849 tiional Grange tour to Hawaii. There will be other numbers in cluding special music. On July 11, Hambden Grange members will present the pro gram at the Montville Grange. LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals for the con struction of “Addition and Al terations to School Building” for Board of Education, New bury Local School District, Ge auga County, Ohio, will be re ceived by the Beard of Educa tion at the office of the Super intendent of Schools, H. H. Had field, Newgury School Building, Newbury, Ohio until 12:00 noon, Current Local Time on Friday July 20, 1956, and will be pub licly opened and read aloud im mediately thereafter, tabulated and a report thereof will be made at the next Board of Ed ucation meeting. The proposed work consists of all labor, materials and built in equipment necessary for the alteration of part of the ground floor of the existing school build ind and an addition to same providing for seven new class rooms, new toilet rooms, show er and locker rooms and new kitchen facilities, etc., and cer tain alterations in the second story of the existing building. Proposals will be received for all trades in one bid, except that separate bids will also be received for the plumbing, heat ing and electrical work. The character and amount of the bid despoit or bond and the performance bond required is stated in the Contract Docu ments to be bid upon. No pro posals will be considered unless submitted in the blank proposal forms furnished. Contract Documents, includ ing plans and specifications, are on file for inspection of all con cerned at the office of the Super intendent, at the office of Jun ior W. Everhard, Architect, 306 Hippodrome Bldg., Cleveland, O hio, at the F. W. Dodge Corp., Hanna Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio, and at the Builders Exchange Inc. 1737 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Copies of complete sets of documents covering all work may be obtained from the Ar chitect upon deposit of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each set. If, within ten days after the Roland Osborn’s Western Auto Associate Store Advertises... EXCLUSIVELY in the Geauga Record ROLAND OSBORN t. time set for receipt of bids, the documents are returned undam aged, deposits of those bidders who actually submit bona fide complete bids direct to the Own er prior to the time noted above i for receipt of bids will be fully refunded for one (1) complete set only of the documents. A refund of Ten Dollars ($10.00) will be made for each of all other complete sets of docu ments so returned. The Board of Education re i serves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. No bid may be withdrawn, after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, for at least thirty (30) days, and bidder is to state any difference in his bid if the award of Contract is delayed for an additional thirty (30) days. Mrs. Jessie Dutton. Clerk, Board of Education, Newbury Local School District Geauga County, Ohio. NR4C28 "legal notice The unknown heirs at law, devisees, legatees, administra tors, executors, assigns and cre ditors of Vanchle K. Poole, de ceased, all of whose residences are unknown, Cleon Poole whose residence is 1420 North “L” St., Lake Worth, Florida, and Cleona Makee whose residence is 1420 North “L” St., Lake Worth, Florida will take notice that on the 14th day of June. 1956, James Rose and Robb B. Rose filed their petition in the Com mon Pleas Court of Geauga County, Ohio, in Cause No. 12353 against them and other parties, asking for quieting title and e quitable relief on the following described real property: Situated in the Village of Mid dlefield, County of Geauga and State of Ohio And known as be ing part of Lot 29 in said Vil lage described as follows: Be ginning in the center of the east and west center road at the south-west corner of land now owned by Erastus Johnson. Thence west along the center of said East and west center road 1.50 chains to a stake. Thence North 6.67 chains to a stake. Thence east and parallel with said road 1.50 chains to a stake. Thence south along the west line of said Erastus John son’s land 6.67 chains to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land. Said Petition prays that de fendant’s may be compelled to show their interests, if any. and that the claims of defendant’s may be adjudged null and void, and plaintiff’s title quieted a gainst the same and for any o ther relief to which they may show themselves entitled in law or equity. Said parties are required to answer on or before the 11th day of August, 1956 or the pray er of the petition will be granted. Mark Sperry Wallace King Attorney for the Plaintiffs R6C30 NOTICE OF ELECTION ON ISSUE OF BONDS NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Education of the Kenston Local School District, Geauga County, Ohio passed on the 16th day of April, 1956, there will be submitted to a vote of the people of said Kenston Lo cal School District at the Special Election to be held in the Ken ston Local School District, Ge auga County, Ohio, at the reg ular places of voting therein, on Tuesday, the 24th day of Ju ly, 1956. the question of issuing bonds of said Kenston Local School District in the amount of One Hundred seventy one thous and Dollars ($171,000.00) for the purpose of Additional fireproof classroom and gymnasium build ing addition to the present build ing now under construction on Snyder Road and for purchasing equipment for said addition as provided by law. The maximum number of years during which such bonds are to run is 22 years. The estimated average addi tional tax rate amounts of four- teen cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, which is 1.4 mills for each one dollar of val uation, outside of the limitation imposed by Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, as certi fied by the County Auditor. The Polls for said Election will open at 6:30 o’clock A.M. and remain open until 6:30 o’ clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time of said day. By order of the Board of Elec tions. of Geauga County, Ohio. Gladys S. McDonald, Chairman Beatrice Van Gorder, Clerk Dated June 15. 1956 R4C28 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Columbus, Ohio. June 29 ,1956 Contract Sales Legal Copy No. 56-449 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT S-46 (5) Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the office of the State Highway Director of Ohio at Columbus, Ohio until 10:00 A.M., Ohio (Eastern) Standard Time, Tuesday, July 24, 1956, for im provements in: Geauga and Lake Counties, Ohio, on Sections GEA-306-12.07 and LAK-306-0.00, State Route No. 306 in Chester Township, Geauga County, and Kirtland Township, Lake County, by grad ing, draining, widening and re surfacing in part with asphal tic concrete and paving in part with asphaltic concrete surface on a crushed aggregate base. Width: Pavement 24 e e t, Roadway 40 feet. Length 18.833.68 feet or 3.566 miles. “The date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal”. The minumum wage to be paid to all labor employed on this contract shall be in accord ance with the “Schedule of Pre vailing Hourly Wage Rates As certained and Determined by the Department of Industrial Re lations applicable to State High way Department Improvements in accordance with Sections 4115 .03 (17-3), 4115.04 (17-4), 4115.05 (17-4ai 4115.06 (17-5), and 4115.07 (17-5a of the Revised Code of Ohio.” The bidder must submit with his bid a certified check in the amount of $10,000.00. Plans and specifications are on file in the department of high ways and the office of the divi sion deputy director.. The director reserves the right to reject any and all bids. S. O. LINZELL State Highway Director R2C28 You’re ’way ahead of them all for action when you drive this glamorous go-getter And you’re away ahead in vo/ue, too—for, believe it or not, you can own this big and brawny beauty for less than you’d have to pay for 43 models of the three small cars! Here’s the perfect way to break the small-car habit. Drive it—price it—today! "PontiacYOU!STOPT’WONPRICETHEANDGOSAYSCARTHE TEE PEE MOTORS 525 Water Street Chardon, Ohio Uli I Completef00D D0C RED MEAT rrrttnAir hidicai AMMMZ HKMFrTAz per case C.&S. Farmers Exchange Co. 'Master Mix' Feeds Seeds Garden Supplies Fertilizer CHAGRIN FALLS. OHIO Telephone CH 7-7201 Subscribe to the Geauga Record actor-Mounted fl Redi-Mixers DO MORE —COST LESS! Your tractor does the hard work. Saves you time, work, money on every mixing job. PTO drive operated. Raise and lower hydraulically. Many extra features. Sec 'em in action at NEWBURY HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT Ri. 87 Newbury 38B Open Evenings ’til 9 MADISON AUCTION Every Tuesday at 7 P. M. at OLD BARN PLAYHOUSE 2 Mi. North of Rt. 20 on Hubbard Rd., N. Madison Let us sell your Furniture. Tools and Miscellaneous Items at one of these sales. Auctions any place, on Your Prem ises or at our Auction Barn. For Appraisal or Pick Up call Perry AL 9-3183 or Madison HA 8-3211. PAUL W. NEUBERT, Auct., Ph. Perry AL 9-3183 NEUBERT BROS., Mgrs. Ph. Madison HA 8-3211 actor s&Implements Homelite Chain Saws RN8ctf TIRES TUBES BATTERIES GENERAL RE1 FIRING Newbury Auto Service Newhury, Ohio Ph. 520 BOTH WAYS