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4 1 I I 0 2—GEAUGA RECORD CHARDON, 0., DEC. 21, 1961 Geauga Gets $15888 for Poor Relief Geauga county will receive $15,888.55 as its share of an advance distribution of $5 million in poor relief money to be made on or about Dec. .18 by State Auditor James A. .Rhodes. The money comes from the 1.65 percent excise tax paid by public utilities for poor re lief. Dec. 15 is the deadline for the payment of this tax without penalty. Underprivieged Enjoy Eagles’ Xmas Party Saturday afternoon. Dec. 16 the Chardon Eagles Hall was filled to capacity with the un derprivileged children of Ge auga County. Three hundred and seventy five welfare children received gifts from Santa and enjoyed refresh ments of pop corn, apples, hot dogs, hot chocolate and cup cakes. We are sorry that we ran out of refreshments as more children showed up then were planned for. The Worthy President. How-1 ard Richardson, president o. the Chardon Aerie No. 2261, Madam president, Linda Han sen of the Ladies Auxiliary, General chiarman Jack Clau se and deputy State Pre sident, Albert J. Rabatin o? Ohio District No. 21 wish to take this opportunity to ex press their appreciation to everyone who helped make this a success to the people who donated toys, clothing money, time and etc. and to Mr. Wellington Chapman of the Welfare department for his help. Sunday, Dec. 17 at 2:00 p. m. a Christmas party for the Eagles children was held with over 125 children present. oju, u ml Your friendship and patron age have helped make this a truly happy time for us. May your Christmas abound with the spirit of great joy. SPEAR MOTOR SALES W. J. Spear W. R. Spear Pcacg 012 I -Kave CHRISTMAS XOC7V ALBERT’S JEWELRY Dave Wilson Water Si. Chardon .'•V Cargf?^ A ip /ti C/uitbwu and may it bring you and yours lasting peace, joy and blessings, BURR FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Telephone AVenue 5-2182 .* MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL DEAN WAXLER MONTVILLE Miss Carol Ann Dostal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dostal of Montville, became the bride of Michael Dean Waxier, Dec 2 at 4 p.m. in the Newbury Community church. Mr. Waxier is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waxier of Newbury. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. Theron French, pastor. The altar was decor ated with a floral arrange ment of white chrysanthe mums and two seven branch candelabra. The pews had bows of white chrysanthe mums. Organ Music Organ music was by the church organist, George Mea land. Mr. Mealand sang “Be cause,” “Commamion Hymn” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” The bride, given in marri age by her father, was attired in a floor length gown of white taffeta and covered in tiers of chantilly lace. The dress featured a sabrina neck line, cathedral train and long tapered sleeves. A tiara of white seed pearls topped the veil. The bride carried a Bib le covered with white roses, Mr. Enfield Tate is confin ed to Winter Haven hospital with stomach ulcers and would be glad to hear from his Chardon friends. His ad dress is room 124, Winter Haven hospital, Winter Hav en, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Trask called on the latter’s sister, Mrs. Bessie Ross, in Union ville last Thursday evening. Miss Leila Rhodes is plan ning to leave this Friday for Barnesville for a weeks visit with her brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. David Mare cak expect to move into their new home on Aquilla Road this weekend. Tjiey have been living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marecak al so of Aquilla Road. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Nolan are spending some time in Fort Myers, Fla., and later in the winter they will go to Tuc son, Ariz., and visit their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holloran and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ward McDon ald entertained at open house Sunday evening for friends and neighbors. Miss Sue Rossbach student nurse at Elyria Memorial hospital will be home Friday to spend a three day holiday with her family, the F. E. Rossbachs. Mr. and Mrs. George Sulc will entertain for Christmas Day dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Dryer and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dryer. David Sulc, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sulc, arrived home last week from Mon tana State University to spend the Christmas holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nel son have leased Spears Meat Market on North Hambden St. The Nelsons are remodel ing the store and are special izing in good grade meat at reasonable prices. Christmas Day guests at er i 4. Si stephanotis and ivy with a gold cross. A friend of the bride, Miss Gloria Loveland of Montville was bridesmaid. She wore a red velvet dress with a sweet heart neckline and three quarter length sleeves. She wore a small headhpiece and veil of red. Miss Loveland car ried a white velvet muff with red chrysanthemums and green ivy, and a moss green ribbon. Best man was Jerry Stetina of Newbury. Ushers were James Vins and Ted Schienke A reception was held immed iately following the ceremony in the church parlors for ap proximately 250 guests. The bride is a graduate of Thompson High School and is employed at Assembly Pro ducts Inc., Chesterland. The bridegroom is a graduate of Newbury High School and is also employed at Assembly Products. The young couple took a weekend wedding trip. They will reside in Chardon. Relatives attended the wed ding and reception from, all over Northern Ohio and Pen nsylvania. the home of Ml", and Mrs. Wayne Johnson, North St., will be Mrs. Johnson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cook Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cook II and their two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merkel. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cliff and son are leaving Thursday to spend the holiday week ir. Hunington and Sulfur Springs West Virginia with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foti will spend Christmas week in Beckely, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coo per, Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper will spend Christmas with their parents, in Frost burg, Maryland. Mrs. Morgan Taggart, 141 North Street, after undergo ing surgery at Geauga hospit al, returned home last Thurs day and is recuperating nice ly. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parks will spend Christmas Day with their daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brody in Mentor. Marine Private John Ray man. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Raymian completed boot train ing at Parris Island, South Carolina and was home on leave for Thanksgiving. He left by plane last Sunday for San Diego, California, where he will enter a Marine school. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith and Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson and children will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith Jr., in Bedford Heights. HAMBDEN CHURCH INCORPORATES HAMBDEN Articles of incorporation have been, granted the Hambden Con gregational church by Secre tary of State Ted W. Brown The application was filed by Mrs. Leo Kempf and the officers are Lawrence Chap man, Dorothy Grumney and Lloyd Carver, Leo Kempf and Arthur Wieland. Hambden By Mrs. H. S. Woodin Mrs. Joe Pokorny celebrat ed her daughter Barbara s birthday, December 9. She in vited 12 little neighborhood girls and boys to enjoy the birthday cake. Don Bartlett of Painesville called on Seymour Woodir. and his mother Monday atternoon. Jimmie Hayden of Thomp son visited Mr. and Mrs. Mer ritt Woodin and family one evening last week. A baby girl was born Dec. 12 at Geauga Community hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. George Mansfield. At birth she weighed 7 lbs. and she was named Laura Jane. Congrat ulations. Mrs. Henry Boerwinkle, took care of little Mark ana will spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Mans field and new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pok orny attended the Chardon Savings Bank Christmas party, Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peter sen and children and Paula Pokorny attended the Tapco Christmas party in Cleveland Sunday afternoon. On Monday afternoon, Mrs Frank Z i a, MRS. Walter Petersen, Mrs. Tom Graham. Mrs. Joe Pokorny, Mrs. Wil liam Miner and Mrs. Jack Arnold attended the Hamb den school Christmas pro gram. Mrs. Frank Pokorny, Mrs. Clara Petersen and Mrs. Lloyd Grantham attended the program of the Hambden kin dergarten, Friday p.m. Former Chester Man Shot CHESTER —Carl Reynolds, formerly of Chester now of 1122 Hillcrest Court, Eustis, Florida, is in Waterman Memorial hospital, Eustis, 1 with a fractured left leg and other injuries caused by gun shots. On Sunday, Dec. 17, Mr Reynolds and two other men were spending sometime in the woods. According to re- i ports a 17 year old youth who was hunting, accidently shot him. Bullets entered his legs and thighs fracturing the bone in one leg. Prompt act ion of his companions in ap plying a tourniquet and get ting him into the hospital in Inverness for first aid is at tributed to saving his life. Mr. Reynold was later re moved to the Waterman Memorial hospital. Mrs. Rey-j nold’s mother, Mrs. Nelson Pulsifier of Chester, receiv-1 ed word on Monday morning that he is doing as well as! possible. CHARLES R. BUTLER 74 N Rocky River Dr. Berea. Ohio Watch Repairing Quick Service Albert’s Jewelry Chardon Lake and Geauga Water Pump Service Repair All Makes Phone 635-1274 DR. A. JOHN ROSE OPTOMETRIST 227 Main St., Ph. AV 5-3188 9 to 5:30 Dally Except Wed. EYE EXAMINATIONS AND CONTACT LENSES a? 4 CONGRATULATIONS, NICK FUN ARI 3305 E. 49 Street Cleveland, Ohio JAY J. CAUSMAN 106 Hamilton Avenue Akron, Ohio CHARLES R. LUCAS 386 Cornwall Road Rocky River, Ohio KATHRYN LAWSON 220 N Lyman Stieet Wadsworth, Ohio YOU’VE WON THE NEWEST NEW CAR IN TOWN! Here it is AUCTIONEER INSTRUCTOR Col. R. E. Knotts Gallipolis, Ohio Home Study Course $25.00 Complete With Diploma. Also Easy Payment Plan. Member of National A. A (jhardon No job too large or too small At prices you can afford Jack Herendeen AVenue 6-8105 if ■4 WRfc teUsfli dreams -come-true for you and yours SNAPOUT FORMS CO? Washington St. Chardon, Ohio I RICHARD G. HARRIS 244 Belvidere Columbus. Ohio RHENE H. BECKER RUDOLPH F. SUROVIEC 81 Townsend RD. «4 Norwalk, Ohio Erie, Pa. •iiM w ’62 FORD FAIRLANE 500 YOU LL ENJOY owning your new Fairlane 500 in every way. It’s long on looks ... it's big inside end .t's a foot shorter for more handling ease in traffic and parking. You won't have the bother-or the expense-of frequent service stops, either. Your new Fairlane 500 needs routine service on/v twice a year, or every 6,000 miles for oil changes and minor lube jobs. It's on a 30 OOO mil. major lubes its new coo.ant-antifreeze lasts for two years or Jo.000 matically. It s a great car in every way. Congratulations again, from- USt 1 THE FORDDEALERS OF THE CLEVELAND DISTRICT SALES AREA I E BROS. DeLuxe Mimeographing 4 Direct Mail Advertising Mailing Lists Secretarial Strvfcje Service All types landscaping, Nursery stock, Split rail fences Temporary Services, Inc. 143 Main St. Chardon, O. AV 6-3304 AV 6-3335 WINNERS! .1( w. WILLIAM W. FURBEE Alexandria, Ohio Pt 2 T. E. HARTHAN D. #7 Mercer, Pa. DONALD I. PLANT Route |tl Wooster, Ohio NOEL W. SPITZER 219 S. Jackson Stieet New Lexington, Ohio E- Park Street, Chardon