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Huhli'hed We Id- by Geauga Publisher*. Inc. Entered as Second CUs Matter at the Chardon Postoffice Cleaning Shop Opens in Chardon This Weekend Wain Parsons, owner of Finch Dry Cleaners in Char don, announced today the op eng this weekend of “Clean vile” a new coin operated aid dry cleaning shop. Che new shop will have com fortable upholstered chairs in the carpeted waiting area where folks may watch tele vision while waiting for their laundry or cleaning. At the rear of the store an enclosed play area has a sand box, slide, rocking horse and oth er amusements for small fry while mom does her week's cleaning. Another new feature The new branch office is scheduled to celebrate its op-’ ening Fe. 9 and 10 in the West Geauga Plaza in Chesterland. McDonald has been with the Chardon Savings Bank Co. more than 10 years. Prior to his appointment as branch manager and recent promot ion to an officer of the bank, he worked in the loan dept, at Says Xmas Seal Sales Are Good James Dinsmore, chairman of the Christmas Seal camp aign for the Geauga County Tuberculosis & Health Assoc iation, announced today that at the half-way mark of the drive contributions are good and exceed the figures at the same point last year. “We are glad to know.” he said, “that the people of Gea uga County recognize the worth of the work the Associ ation does and continue to support us so well. It is part icularly gratifying that new residents who have never been on our mailing list be fore have been very generous in their contributions.” special machine for steam cleaning of e n s’ coats. Pressing equipment will also be available. Ray Thrasher Heads Eagle Shrine Club M. Free facial lotion, free bal loons and candy for the child ren are being offered to voung sters this Friday and Satur day. The hair dryers will al so be free this weekend. There is free parking in the rear of the store for 40 cars. Use of the coin operated dryers will be free this week end and there will be an at tendant on duty to finish press clothes free of charge. John Brindo, veteran Finch employee, will be in charge of is a the new store. Jack McDonald to Head New Bank Office at Chester Jack McDonald, Jr., recent ly elected ass’t. vice presid ent of the Chardon Savings Bank Co., has been appoint ed branch manager of the bank’s West Geauga office. Jack McDonald, Jr. the bank’s main office. A graduate of Chardon High school, McDonald has had specialized courses in bank ing sponsored by the Ameri can Institute of Banking. He has been the clerk of Munson Township the last 10 years, and is active in the Chardon Munson PTA, the Chardon i Cresendo club and is a mem I ber of the Geauga County Trustee and Clerks Assn. He lives with his wife Vivi an and four children on Au burn Road in Munson Town ship. The McDonald children are: Gordon, 15 Gary, 12 Paula, 10 and Pamela, 8. Mrs. McDonald is a vocation al Home Economic teacher at Chardon High school. With the help of his two sons, McDonald enjoys oper ating a 100-acre farm and raising purebred Polled Here ford cattle. & ■b. Ray K. Thrasher Ray K. Thrasher, Chardon attorney, is pictured alwve, receiving his new presidents’fez at installation ceremonies of the Lake Geauga Eagle Shrine club in Willoughby. Presenting the fez is Carl L. Tradway, retiring president. Center in the picture is J. Paul Dietrich, lew vice-president. S. CHAMDON, OHIO $1.00 per Year Locally |3 00 per Year Ohio Note Says ‘Thank You to Sheriff Raymond Lorenz Funeral Saturday CHESTER Funeral ser vices for Raymond E. Lorenz 1145 Sperry Road. Chester were held at the Joseph C. Schulte Funeral home, 5244 Mayfield on Saturday Jan. 20 at 1:30 p.m. Memorial vesp ers were held at St. Lukes Episcopal church in Chardon on Sunday Jan. 21 at 4:00 p. m. Mr. Lorenz, who moved with his family to Chester six years ago, died on Wed nesday morning when en route to Huron Road He would have been old on February 14. in March of Dimes Geauga sheriff Louis Rob usky is today in receipt of a “Thank You” note from' Because of unpredictable Orangeville, Ontario, for the weather conditions, Mr. Char speed and effort of the local les Hall. states today that the department in informing a T' Chester man of the death his mother in Canada. of The letter from Canada women canvassing outside 'the villages will prefer to1 “The first contact I had make their calls during the with your department was I day for safety reasons.” said with one of your female de-Mr. Hall. puties. In a very brief con- Mrs. Lawrence J. Dolan, versation with her she gather-I general campaign chairman, ed all the necessary informa-1 Of Chardon village states that tion in a firm but courteous and business like manner. Her manner left me with a feeling of assurance that my request would receive prompt attention. This feeling was well founded because in a little more than one hour an unknowm member of your staff had located Mr. Dillon and passed the message to him. This necessitated your deputy investigating at a for mer address in Lakewood, re turning to Mr. Dillons resid ence in Chesterland, from here to his place of employ ment and his finally locating him in a lunch room. “While quite some time has elapsed since your depart ment rendered this service, I wish you neverthe less to pass on to everyone who assisted, not only my personal thanks but also the words of sincere appreciation from the entire Dillon family. The kind and efficient service rendered by your department will long be remembered.” hospital. 44 years usual on He had worked as Tuesday and spent the even ing at home watching TV. He was taken ill about five o’clock on Wednesday morn ing. Three years ago he suffered a heart attack, had seemingly regained health. who Surviving are his wife, marriage, Catherine M. Platt and their three children Walter twin daughters, Cae and Donna Marie. His mother Mrs. Bertha Bramley lives in Mayfild Heights as do his two sisters. Mrs. Leila Burge, and Mrs. Helen Gillispie. A brot her. Lawrence Bramley, lives in Mantua. was before her GEAUGA RECORD Mothers March of Dimes will be carried out in the county either Tuesday, Jan. 30 or Wednesday, Jan. 31. “Many the women canvassers of Chardon village and township are going to attempt to com-I plete their calls Tuesday i evening, Jan. 30. The 1962 New March of Dimes moved rapidtly for ward today w’ith 21 village and township leaders for the January campaign in Geauga County. The community leaders are: Troy. Mrs. Tom Smith. Auburn. Mrs. Paul Gubbins Aquilla Village, Mrs. Arch ie Grover. Burton Village. Mrs. Ann Vickroy. Chester, Mrs. Alberta Ed gington. 1 a i on. Mrs. Lyman Lamb. Hambden. Mrs. Merritt Wedge. Middlefield Twp., Mrs. Wil liam Barnes. Middlefield Village, s. Bruce Cook. Chardon Village, Mrs. Law’ rence Dolon. Chardon Twp., Mrs. Joseph Filla. Montville, Mrs. Walter Wie-J ncek. Newbury, Mrs. Richard Ford. Parkman. Miss ton. Russell. Mrs. George Fink. Six Month Old Zhild Died Cleveland Bank Promotes L. Jones Ackerman L. Jones Ackerman, a re sident of Chardon, has been promoted to Asistant Vice President, National City Bank. John S. Fangboner, Bank President, announced. Ackerman, a former bank ing official in Knox County in the east central part of the state, joined National City in 1954. He was named Manager of the Bank’s Babbitt Lake Shore office in Euclid when that branch office was open ed in 1955. Two years later he was appointed an Assistant Cashier. Early in 1959, he moved to the Bank’s university Circle office to serve in the same capacity. Ackerman served four years as a Navy Lieutenant, Senior Grade, in World War II, and has degrees from Ohio Wesle yan and Ohio State Universit ies. fe He is a Cub Scout Cubmast er, Trustee of Camp Ho Mita Koda, chairman, every mem ber canvass, St. Lukes Epis copal church. The Ackerman family, which includes five children, ,v' old Kim Fritz, six month daughter of Mr. and Mike Fritz, died unexpectedly in her home on Bass Lake Rd. Thursday. Mrs The sheriff’s office was noti fied at 2:30 p.m. and, when deputies and Dr. George Dan delides, acting Geauga coro ner, arrived at the home, child was in the arms of hysterical mother. but his and said Dr. Dandelides child had been days and ruled pneumonia. Marie from home had Burr Funeral charge of arrangements with graveside services at 10 a.m. Saturday. Jan. 20. at All Souls Cemetery. ■W A v ''r ■1 5 Hilda Nor Hugh Mrs. Burton Twrp., Humbert. South Russell, Healy. Mrs. reel Mrs. a Thompson, Kimak. Bainbridge, Price. Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Josephine Huntsburg, Clemson. Munson, Mrs. Jeanne Diet rich. Veron Howard in the picture above is receiving the plaque for the highest producing dairy herd in Geauga county from Dan Clemens, son of Dr. and Mrs. Peter Clemens. «-, -.•St. 4: Mr- i A' S W" ... ir 4‘, ’f'A"-'-®. 4 .* X. 1 $ the the two ill for death 4 •M I CHARDON, OHIO TUI RSDAY. JAM ARL 25. 1962 OUR 114th YEAR NUMBER 1 List Leaders yemon |^QWarJ |)ajry |]Gr(| -.'W 5 P- i “Mitch” Miller, in person, (pictured above) leads the group singing. Except for the distinctive moust ache and beard there was a resemblance to Mrs. Earl Miller of the county extension office. Assembly Products Has All Employees X-Rayed for TB CHESTER Special ar rangements were made by of ficals of Assembly Products, Inc., of Chester to provide their 410 employees with chest x-ray examinations at Geauga Community hospital, on January 24. This was in addition to the regular monthly x-ray clinic,' which will be held on January 31 at the hospital, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and like all chest x-ray clinics through out the year is a service of the Geauga County Tubercul osis & Health Association. II L. Jones Ackerman resides at Wilson Mills Rd., Chardon. SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE Wins First Place in County QUICK RESULTS Mr. John Zoller, of Ch e s e r, made quick work of selling his tele vision set. After placing an ad in the Geauga Re cord he received many calls and sold the set to the first party that look ed at it. TV 21” CBS talbe model, good condition $25 Call PArk 9-4655. For the best results when selling a household item, phone the Geauga Record Want Ads. Call AV 6-4116....for quick re sults. Vernon Howard of Bain bridge received the First Nat ional Bank of Burton “High Herd” aw’ard at the annual Lake-Geauga Co. Dairy Ban quet held January 18 at the Troy Community House. Last year Mr. Howard’s herd of 27 Holsteins produced an aver age of 14.060 lbs. of milk and the aw’ard in the Geauga 504.8 lbs. of butterfat to win Lake Co. DHIA testing area. A close second was the herd of holsteins owned by R. A Greig and Son of Leroy. Their herd of 30 cows produced 13, 590 lbs. of milk and 504.3 lbs. of butterfat. Fifteen other dairies were named for hav ing produced over 400 lbs. of butterfat. These were the dairies of John M. S. Miller, Burton Cavanagh Farms, Auburn J. George Binnig, Thompson Sterling Tim mons, Auburn Frank Adams and Son, Huntsburg Herbert Langshaw, Madison W’illiam Hering-Lester Detweiler, Bur ton Howard McNish Free in a n Gingerich, Claridon Ray Harper, Middlefield: Raymond Datyon Enos L. Miller, Troy Lloyd Ober. Newbury James Osborne Charles Steele. Munson: Charles Koritansky, Hamb den Dr. H. B. Thomas and son, Newbury and Otto Her ing and son, Burton. Twenty-seven DHIA herds completed a year’s record in 1961 with an average of 11, Oil lbs. of milk and 419 lbs. of butterfat. This is the high est averaged ever attained in Lake and Geauga Counties, according to Leland D. Schul er, Co. Extension Agent. There also w’ere 28 Owner Sampler herds completing a year’s record in 1961. The herd of Sterling Tim mons has completed 12 con secutive years of producing of 400 lbs. of butterfat and R. A. Greig and son have 8 con secutive years. Charles Steele, president of the Geauga Lake Dairy Ser- vice Unit, presided as toast master at the banquet and meeting. He introduced Har old Birkhold of the Central Ohio Breeding Association, who gave a short report COBA. He stated that for first time in many years BA was forced to raise service fee and stressed that members should make an honest effort to spread the story of COBA and its many advantages. Burton Bank Lists Four Promotions A. Fox, President of The First National Bank of Burton, announced the pro motion of four officers and the election of one director to a newly created office. This action w’as taken at the 60th annual stockholders meeting. B. J. Shanower of Burton, a member of the Board of Directors chairman re-elected Directors Beales, Howard McNish. M. A Fox. W. T. Clark. Lyle Battles. Peter J. Clemens. Jr., Ellis H. Clark, E. Painter. S. A. Patterson K. H. Mumaw. since 1934, and its for five years, was to that post. Other re-elected are A C. on the CO its MAIN SPEAKER of the evening was Robert Thomp son of the Standard Oil Co. in Cleveland. He talked and showed slides on the tracing stations for sadelites and how they function. Recordings of actual messages received, from the many sadelites now orbiting were played. NEW DIRECTORS elected to the Dairy Service Unit in clude Elwin Adams. Charles Koritansky, Bob Cavanagh. Allan Franks and Lloyd Ober. Those directors whose term expire next January are Ver non Howard, Fred Hering, Thomas and Miller were charge of the banquet and gram. in pro M. by The “Sing Along With Miller” was conducted Mrs. Earl Miller of Troy who “grew” a mustach and beard for the event. She led 8 “mus icians” using melody bells in two numbers “Dickory, Dick ory. Dock” and “Hallelujah, I’m A Bum”. The ’’musici ans” were Ray Harper. Le land Schuler, Bart Warner, Dr. H. B. Thomas. Berton Beardsley. Mrs. Ignatius Cav anagh. Mrs. James Bahnick, and Mrs. Gertrude Price. Moss Farm Dairy, Lockie Lee Dairy, the Swiss Cheese Co-op of Middlefield and Wra ren Sanitary Milk Co. con tributed dairy porducts for the banquet dinner which w’as served to 83. The Central Ohio Breeding Association contrib uted table favors. County Planning Commission He is a graduate of the War ren Business School and the Graduate School of Banking at The University of Wiscon sin. He and his wife and two children live on East Center Street in Burton. E. W. Bollinger is a gradu ate of Burton High school, the School of Banking at Ohio University, and the Consum ers Banking School at the Un iverstiy of Virginia. He has also attended the Graduate School of Banking at Univer sity of Wisconsin and the Am erican Institute of Banking. Bollinger is the Prekident of the Burton Troy Board of Education. He has been with the bank since 1948, having served as Assistant Cashier for four years and Assistant Vice President for three years. He and his w’ife and R. and Howard McNish. a direct or of The First National Bank since 1942 was elected to the new office of Vice-Chairman of the Board. W. T. Clark. Cashier since 1949. and vice-president and cashier since 1957 was pro moted to Senior Vice-Presid ent and Cashier. E. W. Bol linger. formerly Assistant Vice President, became a Vice Prtsident F. M. Lind blade was elevated from Con troller to Vice-President and Controller. R. J. Dragonette. formerly Assistant Cashier, and Manager of the Chtster Office was named Assistant Vice-President. W. T. Clark, a native of Trumbul County, is President of The Northeastern Ohio Bankers Association and Chairman of The Geauga NOTICE OF MEETING The monthly meeting for parents of children w’ho at tend Opportunity School will be held January 31. Wednes day at 8:00 p.m., at the Am erican Legion Hall, Auburn Center Road, Newbury. A discussion of great interest to all the parents will be carried over from the last meeting. Plan to attend! three children live on Hotch kiss Road in Burton. F. Lindbalde, a native of Pennsylvania, joined the bank in 1957 after 20 years with the Cleveland Trust Company. He was graduated from the Graduate School of the National Association of Bank Auditors and Controll ers. Lindblade is a member of the West Geauga Kiwanis club and the Board of the Geauga Opportunity School. He lives with his wife and daughter on Leia Lane in Newbury. R. J. Dragonette joined the First National Bank as Mana ger of The Chester Office in 1957 with banking experience from Los Angeles and Char don. He is a graduate of the Ohio School of Banking at Ohio University. Dragonette, is the newly elected Presidet of The Chesterland Business men’s Association. He and his wife live on Lincoln Dr ive in Chesterland. The First National Bank of Burton has offices in Bain bridge, Chester and Burton all in Gtauga County.