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2—GEAUGA RECORD CHARDON, 0., FEB 8, 196? LEGAL NOTICE Patricia L. Ford, who re sides at 625 So. 7th East, Salt Lake City, Utah, will take no tice that Freeman Ford filed his petition, on the 19th day of Jan. 1962, in the Geauga C.a-nty Court of Common Pl e.v. Chardon, Ohio, being cause No. 15123. The prayer of said petition asks for Div orce and relief. Said cause will come on for hearing on or after the 10th day of Mar 1962, before which time the defendant is required to ans wer. Freeman Ford by Vernon E. Carter, his at torney. 1717 Carterland Drive Ashtabula, Ohio 6c9 DIVORCE NOTICE No. 15115 Lucille H. Tracy vs Wendell W. Tracy Wendell W. Tracy, whose place of residence is Suite 404, 1619 Broadway, New York, New York, otherwise whose place of residence lr unknown, will take notice that on January 13, 1902, the un dersigned filed her petition a gainst him in the Court of Common Pleas of Geaugr County, Ohio, praying for a divorce, custody of mlno children, and relief, on the grounds of willful absence for a period of over one year and gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the 1st day of March, 1962. Lucille H. Tracy By Henry and Hofstetter, her Attorneys 3c8 SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Revised Code Sec. 2329.23-.26 The State of Ohio, Geauga County. Common Pleas Court Case No. 13988 Marianna Mucci, Admrx. of the Estate of Nicola Mucci, deceased Plaintiff vs. Josenh S Guella, et al Defendant In pursuance cf an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the door of the Court House in Chardon, in the above named County, on Thursday the 1st dav of March 1962, at 10:00 o’clock, A.M., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Geaucra and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Chester to-wlt: And known as being Sublot No. 63 in the Meadowbrook Estates Subdivision No. 2 as shown by Plat recorded in Volume 7. page 72 of Geauga County Records of Plats. Said Sublot 63 has a frontage of 150 00 feet along the Norther ly margin of Kirkwood Drive an Easterly line of 286 68 feet, a Westerly line of 278.27 feet, a Northerly (rear) line of 150. 24 feet and containing 1.076 acres as shown by the record ed plat, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Said Premises Located at Chester Township Bald Premises Appraised at $27,000.00 (Twenty-Seven Thousand and no—13G Dol lars) and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that a mount. TERMS OF SALE: Cash Louis A. Robusky, Sheriff By T. Murray Deputy Sheriff of Geauga County, Ohio D. J. Lombardo Attorney 5c8 STATE OF OHIO GEAUGA COUNTY SS IN THE COURT OF COM MON PLEAS CASE No. 15069 Mildred E. Page Plaintiff V8“ Joseph J. Page Defendant LEGAL NOTICE The defendant, Joseph J. Page, whose last known ad dres was Rt. No. 1, Bristol vllle, Ohio, will take notice that the undersigned plaintiff filed her petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas of Geauga County, Ohio, on the 7th day of December, 1961, praying for divorce on the grounds of extreme cruel ty und gross neglect of duty, and further known as Case No. 15069. Said case will be heard on or about the 1st day of March 1962. MILDRED E. PAGE By her attorney: Albert W. Marowitz Boyle Bldg. 139 8. Park Avenue Warren, Ohio 6c9 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of RALPH J. STEELE Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of January, 1962 Sara Jane Steele, Ridge wood Dr., Box 294, Middle field, Ohio was duly appoint c'l aid qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of rvALPH J. STEELE, deceas ed late of Middlefield Vill., Geauga County, Ohio. from said date. tratrix within four months their claims to said Adminis- Creditors should present ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of LAWRENCE J. SHAUGHNESSY, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of March, 1961 Ruth D. Shaughnessy, aka Josephine D. Shaugh nessy, Sharp Lane, Chester land, Ohio was duly appoint ed and qualified as Execut rix of the estate of LAW RENCE J. SHAUGHNESSY, deceased late of Chester Twp. Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Execut rix within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of ALFRED B. SOUTHWICK, aka ALFRED BRADLEY SOUTHWICK, de ceased Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of January, 1962 John Alfred Southwick, East Claridon, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of AL FRED B. SOUTHWICK, aka ALFRED BRADLEY SOUTH WICK, deceased late of Clari don Twp., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Executor within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of H. MORLEY HITCHCOCK, Deceased Notice is hereby giwm that on the 22nd day of January, 1 9 6 2 Elizabeth Hitchcock Rose, 2557 North Park Blvd., Cleveland Heights 6, Ohio and Morley Hitchcock, King Memorial Highway, Chardon Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Executors of the estate of H. MORLEY HITCHCOCK, deceased late of Chardon Twp., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Executors within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of EDWARD A. KAN GAS. Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of January, 1962 Helen Kangas, D. No. 1, Thompson, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of EDWARD A. KANGAS, deceased late of Montville Twp., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Adminis tratrix within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of EARLE J. KUTIS, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of January, 1962 Helen 8. Kutis, 1625 Bell Rd., Chagrin Falls, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Executrix of the estate of EARLE J. KUTIS. deceased late of Vill. of South Russell, Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Execut rix within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of GERTRUDE HATHAWAY, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of January, 1962 Ruth Armstrong, RFD No. 1, Chardon, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administratrix W.W.A. of the estate of GERTRUDE HATH AWAY, deceased late of Clar idon Twp., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Adm Inis- tratrix W. W. A. within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of LOIS B. UNGER. Deceased Notice is hereby given that cn the 17th day of January, 1962 Harry B. Unger, RFD, Bass Lake Rd,, Chardon, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of LOIS B. UNGER, deceased late of Munson Twp., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Executor within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of LIDIA ELO, aka LYDIA ELO, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of December, 1962 Charles H. Hall, 149 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of LIDIA ELO, aka LYDIA ELO, deceased late of Hunts burg Twp., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Adminis trator within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of KALMAN ELO, aka FRANK ELO, aka KALMEN ELO, AKA, KELMEN ELO, aka KALAMEN ELO, De ceased Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of December 1961 Charles H. Hall, 149 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of KALMAN ELO, aka etc., deceased late of Huntsburg Twp, Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Adminis trator within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of ROSE EARDLEY, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day oi January, 1962 Wilbur J. Eardley, D. No. 4, Chardon, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of ROSE EARDLEY, deceased late of Hambden Twp., Gea uga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Executor within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of CARL E. BLISS, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of January, 1962 Lester E. Brantley, Bainbridge Chagrin Road, Chagrin Falls, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of CARL E. BLISS, deceased late of Bainbridge Twp., Ge auga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Executor within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of JULIUS SZAP LAKY, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of January, 1962 Thomas G. Rowley, Mid dlefield, Ohio was duly ap pointed and qualified as Ex ecutor of the estate of JUL IUS SZAPLAKY, deceased late of Newbury Twp., Gea uga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Executor within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of KATHERINE KURTZ, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of January, 1962 Helen Rogers, E. Bel Meadow Lane, chagrin Falls, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of KATHERINE KURTZ, deceased late of So. Russell Vill., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Adm inis- tratrix within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of GEORGE H. MER WIN, aka G. H. MERWIN, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of December, 1961 Grace Kibler, East Clari don, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administrat rix D.BN. of the estate of GEORGE H. MERWIN, aka G. H. MERWIN, deceased late of Claridon Twp., Geau ga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Administ ratrix D. B. N. within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of CLIFFORD J. AR NDT, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of January, 1962 Rose E. Arndt, R. F. D. No 3, Chardon, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of CLIFFORD J. ARNDT, de ceased late of Hambden Twp. Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Adminis tratrix within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of FRANCIS SMITH, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of December, 1961 Harry M. Newman, 915 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio was duly appointed and qualified as Administra tor of the estate of FRANCIS SMITH, deceased late of Chester Twp., Geauga County Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Admins trator within four months from said date. ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of BERNARD A. VLA SEK, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of December, 1961 Josephine Vlasek, R.D. No. 1, box 468, Burton, Ohio was duly appointed and qual ified as Executrix of the es tate of BERNARD A. VLA SEK, deceased late of New bury Tp., Geauga County, Ohio. Creditors should present their claims to said Executrix within four months from said date. By W MILLS Chief Parole and Record Clerk 2c6 NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED 60 feet to an iron pipe set in the northerly line of Lot 2, Burton Town ship thence north 89 deg. 14’ west along the north erly line of Lot 2, Burton Township, a distance of 120.48 feet thence south 1 deg. 13’ west a dis tance of 947 90 feet to the center line of Road thence deg. 15’ east center line of Road a distance of 121. 99 feet to the place of beginning and containing therein 2.665 acres and known as being Parcel 9 of e Butternut Acres Subdivision, proposed, be the same more or but subject to all highways. You are required to the said petition by the 31 day of March, 1962, or judgment by default will be rendered against you. Total ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge 3c7 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PAROLE Court Case 4235 OP 112 433-George Wheat ley, a prisoner now confined in the Ohio Penitentiary, Col umbus, admitted from Geau ga County, convicted 5-12-61 of the crime of MANSLAUG TER FIRST DEGREE, and serving a sentence of 1 20 years is eligible for a hear ing before the PARDON AND PAROLE COMMISSION, on or after 2 April 1962 PARDON AND PAROLE COMMISSION William A. Malone, Jr. and Marjorie L. Malone whose place of residence is unknown will take notice that on the 26 day of January, 1962, the un dersigned James L. Werner and Shirley J. Werner filed their petition against you in the Court of Common Pleas in Geauga County, Ohio be ing case No. 15139 praying for the Court to rescind a land contract and quiet title on the following described real es tate: Situated in the Town ship of Burton, County of Geauga and State of Ohio, and known as being a part of Lot No. 2 in said Township and bound ed and described as fol lows, to wit Beginning in the center line of But ternut Road at the south west corner of a 28.121 acre parcel deeded to Ed ward C. Caton by deed recorded in Volume 242, Page 200 of Geauga County Records of Deeds thence north 1 deg. 13’ east and passing through an iron pipe at 30 feet, a distance of 942. Butternut north 88 along the Clerk, Treasurer of the Board of Education Tax Valuation Tax Levy School Enrollment Salaries and Wages (Code No. A-l A-52 Inclusive) 864,742.52 SUMMARY OF CASH BAL ANCES, RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES BALANCE, JANUARY 1st, 1961 General Fund Bond Retirement Fund Building Funds Lunch Room Fund Fund Title III Other Funds Workbook & Supplies Total j168,552.50 Tuition from Par ents and Patrons Tuition from Other Districts (Not State Foundation) Lunch Room Receipts (Exclude Federal Funds) Miscellaneous Re venue Receipts (Gifts, Fines, Etc.) Total Revenue Receipts Butternut less, legal answer Werner Werner James L. Shirley J. By Werner and Smith, their attorneys. 6c 10 FINANCIAL REPORT of the BOARD of EDUCATION For Fiscal Year Ending Dec ember 31st, 1961 Chardon Local School District, County of Geauga P.O. Address Chardon, Ohio. Date January 30, 1962 22,217,435. 36.9 mills 2,642 56,982.88 94,333.98 9,789.90 4,750.80 536.61 6,348.02 4,994.36 1,686,670.34 and 1,855,222.84 Total Receipts Balance EXPENDITURES— General Fund Bond Retirement Fund Building Funds Lunch Room Fund Fund Title III Other Funds Workbook & Supplies Title V 1,074,589.61 507,806.73 7,292.31 67,183.49 6,706.36 5,721.82 4,784.17 Total BALANCE, 31st, 1961 General Fund Bond Retirement Fund Building Funds Lunch Room Fund Fund Title III Other Funds Workbook & Supplies Title DECEMBER V Total Total and REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY 621,702.17 159,028.39 General Fund Bond Retirement Total Property Tax FOUNDATION Cash Received Deduction for Teachers Re tirement Deduction Employes tirement Deduction County Board of Education Total Foundation Program EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION— A-l to 14 inc. Salaries and Wages Adm. A-49 Legal Services re- I certify the following port to be correct. Jennie C. Davidson Total Personal Service 124,877.75 B-l. Office Supplies E-3. Repairs Admin istration Equip- m.ent E-15. Service Fund—Traveling Expenses E-16. Travel Expense Employees F-l. Rent Adminis trative Office and Bldgs. Total Other Purposes 2,158.33 RECEIPTS— General Fund Fund Lunch Room Fund Fund Title III Other Funds Workbook & Supplies Title V 1,075,136.08 519,028.39 73,599.08 7,564.41 CO-ORDINATE ACTIVITIES A-31 to A-33 inc. Promotion of Health -34 -A-34A Other and Driving Training LIBRARIES— A-35. Personal Service B-5. School Library Books 1,674,084.49 58,355.87 105,555.64 2,497.59 Total Other Purposes 11,166.39 568.14 2,784.53 210.19 181,138.35 Expenditures Balance 1,855,222 84 RECEIPTS Total Other Purposes 780,730.56 PROGRAM 335,634.01 68,771.00 for School Re 14,896.00 for 8,272.45 State—Voc. Ed., Ag., Home Ec., other Distribu tive Funds State—Handicapped Children Classes (Deaf, Blind, Etc.) State—School Bus Purchases State—Interest on Irreducible Debt and School Land State—Other Federal Subsidies (School Lunch, Milk. Etc) Total Other Purposes Total Other Purposes Total Vocational Education OTHER AUXILIARY AGENCIES— A-48. Lecturers A-50. Other Special Services 4,700.74 3,309.40 59,456.56 7,544.20 6,350.27 25.90 611.50 Total Non-Revenue Receipts 366,987.67 and Total Revenue i Non-Revenue Receipts Transfers (List) (Must equal Trans fers on Page 8) General to Title III Total Transfers 1,680,670.34 6,000.00 6,000.00 Total Transactions (Revenue—Non Revenue and Transfers) 1,686,670.34 4,502.26 108.52 209.75 454.93 Total Admin istration INSTRUCTION— A-15 to 29 inc. Personal Service B-4. Text Books and Work Books B-6. Other Educa tional Supplies D-4. Replacement Educational Equipment E-6. Repairs Educa tional Equipment Total Other Purposes Total Instruction 218.64 12,209.92 335.00 Total Personal Service E-13. Board and Lodging of Pupils F-5. Teachers Re tirement Con tribution F-6. Employes Retirement Contribution F-7. Board of Ed ucation Contribu tions and Other Deductions by County Auditor 1,313,682.67 NON-REVENUE— Sale of Notes— Sec. 133.30 R. C. Sale of Text Books and Work Books Sales of Property Insurance Adjustments 360,000 OC 42.50 377.50 350.00 68,771.00 14,896.00 8,272.45 4,386.04 Tptal Other Purposes Total Other Auxiliary Agencies OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLANT A-42 to 44 inc. Personal Service B-3. Motor Vehicle Supplies (Not Bus) B-9. Fuel B-10. Janitors Supplies B-13. Other Supplies E-9. Water 96,675.49 97,052.99 71,194.58 596.59 12,230.91 3,327.02 313.85 3,742.04 14,587.17 2,141.98 76.93 25.00 E-10. E-ll. E-17. E-18. E-19. tract Order Service F-2. Rent of Instruction Rooms F-3. Insurance F-4 Taxes Electricity Telephone Advertising Hauling Other Con and Open 24,625.00 252.75 6,582.86 100.00 6,334.36 3,583.68 Total Other Purposes Total Operation School Plant MAINTENANCE SCHOOL PLANT— A-45 to 47 inc. Personal Service C-l. Materials for Maint. Bldgs, and Grounds C-2. Materials for Maint. Equip, and Furniture C-4. Materials for Maint. of Motor Vehicles (Not Bus) C-5. Materials for Other Maintenance D-3. Replacement Motor Vehicles (Not Bus) D-6. Replacement Other Equipment E-2. Repairs School Buildings E-5. Repair Motor Vehicles (Not Bus) 53,642.39 of 124,836.97 OF 360.00 9,844.38 5.635.46 4,728.99 30,513.21 1,035.76 669,813.88 210.22 16,276.4? 190.15 10,472.78 1,340.77 324.38 28,091.17 697,905. Of 8,178.69 Total Other Pur poses 13,878.69 Total Cb-ordlnate Activities 13,878.69 267.75 4,207.33 44,660.70 10,619.80 1,459.83 1,234.75 7,889.66 21,607.54 Total Transporta tion of Pupils 66,268.24 SCHOOL LUNCHES— A-31. Personal Service B-13A. Supplies and Food D-6A. Equipment 427,573.46 19,094.73 Total School Lunches PLAYGROUNDS— D-5. Equipment Replacement and 67,183.49 3,356.25 1,259.16 Total Other Purposes 5,001.00 Total Play Grounds VOCATIONAL A-52. Personal Service E-16A. Travel 50.05 6,558.77 14,142.52 159.83 159.83 150.55 Total Other Purposes Total Maintenance of School Plant Total Operation of School Plant DEBT SERVICE__ H-l. Bonds or Notes Maturing H-2. Interest on Bonds H-3. Interest on Certificates of Indebtedness H-4. Incidental Expenses Total Debt Service 5,700.00 7,034.41 16,878.79 1,131,362.26 74.400.00 33,211.00 14,918.75 (All School Build ing Equipment) 126,875.38 276.98 122,806.73 CAPITAL OUTLAY— 1-2. Improvement of Sites 1-5. Equipment for New School Buildings 1-6. Equipment for Old School Build ings 1-7. Equipment for Administration Offices and Buildings 1-8. Motor Vehicles 1-9. Other 4,207.33 4,475.08 OF Total Libraries TRANSPORTATION PUPILS A-36. Personal Service B-2. Motor Vehicle Supplies C-3. Material for Maintenance of Motor Vehicles D-2 Replacement Motor Vehicles E-4. Repairs Motor Vehicles E-12. Transportation Contract Bus Storage 395.77 15,740.56 12,979.02 2.594.39 7,180.00 25.76 Total Capital Outlay Certificates of In debtedness Paid 268.50 135.00 28,915.50 385,000.00 Total Certificates qf Indebtedness Paid '. Transfers (Must equal Transfers -on Page 3) 18,088.76 47,665.29 1,429.44 385,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Total Transfers Total Transcations (Expenditures and Transfers) 1,674,084.49 ASSETS AND LIABILITES ASSETS— Cash Money on Hand—In Depository, Active and Inactive Accounts Accounts Receivable (For Supplies, Textbooks, Equip-* ment, Etc.) Inventory Supplies and Materials Lands (Cost) (Building Sites, Playgrounds, Etc.) Buildings (Cost) (All School Buildings) Equipment (Cost) 159.83 EDUCATION- 11,991.28 218.64 181,138.35 Total Assets 1,801,481.54 LIABILITIES— Accounts Payable 15,422.81 Bonded Debt 1,120,400.00 Certificates of Indebtednes Out standing 360,000.00 Total Liabilities 1,495,822.81 Excess or De ficiency of Assets 305,658.73 Total 1,801,481.54 lc6 PROBATE NOTICE APPROVAL AND SETTLE MENT OF ACCOUNT Revised Code, Sec. 2109.32-.33 Accounts and vouchers of the following named persons and estates have been filed in the Probate Court of Geauga County, Ohio, for approval and settlement. FINAL AND DISTRIBU TIVE ACCOUNTS Ted R. Root, aka T. R. Root Administrator of the Estate of: AUGUSTA ROOT, De ceased. The Cleveland Trust Co, by Trust Officer, P. V. Capuano, one of the Executors of the Estate of: A. GLENN RORA BECK, aka etc., Dec’d. FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNTS Fred Ausflug, aka Fred J. Ausflug, Executor of the Es tate of: FERDINAND AUS FLUO, Deceased. 96.74 1.2C 297.62 Ruth D. Snaughnessy, aka Josephine D. Shaughnessy, Executrix of the Estate of: LAWRENCE J. SHAUGH NESSY, Deceased. Howard H. Knapp. Execu tor of the Estate of: e o e kleinshrot, deceased. Rev. W. B. Mussellman, a ka W. B. Musselman, Execu tor of the Estate of: WIL LIAM H. DORSCH(l Deceas ed. FINAL ACCOUNTS Frank W. Befinington, guardian of: A A A BENNINGTON, Incompetent Person. Margaret T. Leist, Admin istratrix of the Estate of: JULIUS JOHN TOTH, aka JULIUS J. TOTH, Deceased. A. Marie Summers, Admin istratrix of the Estate of: GEORGE FRANKLIN DOTY, Deceased. Inez M. Kurtzman, Admin istratrix of the Estate of: JOSEPH M. KURTZMAN, a ka J. KURTZMAN, aka JOE KURTZMAN, Deceased. Ste-vP'-Hovan, Commission er of fKe^Estate of: LOUISE STOTTER, deceased. PARTIAL ACCOUNTS Shirley Cowles, Guardian of: CHERYL ANN MAYER, Minor First Partial Ac count) The Cleveland Trust Com pany, Executor of the Estate of: ELIZABETH F. BENA WIT, Deceased (FIRST PAR TIAL ACCOUNT) Marie Putzke, Guardian of: ANDREW DUDAS, Incom petent Person (Third Partial Account) Unless exceptions are filed thereto, said accounts will be for hearing before said Court, on the 10th day of March, 1962, at 10:00 A.M. at which time said accounts will be considered and continued from day to day until finally disposed of. Any person interested may file written exceptions to said accounts or to matters per taining to the execution of the trust, not less than five days prior to the date set for hear ing. 66.73 8,898.03 18,250.87 1,466,252.18 ROBERT B. FORD Probate Judge lc6 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR ADOPTION Probate Court, Geauga County, Ohio No. 13,332 Gen. Doc. 4 Page In the Matter of the Adoption FREDERICK JOSEPH SLAGLE: To: Frederick Harris Fost er address unknown (some where in Florida) You are hereby notified that on the 1st day of February, 1962, a Petition for leave to adopt Frederick Leeds Fost er, was filed in this Court. The Petition and Allegations allege that you, Frederick Harris Foster, being the fat her of said Frederick Leeds Foster, have wilfully failed to properly support and main tain said child for a period of more than two years next preceding the filing of this petition, and that hearing on said allegation will be had be fore said Court at Chardon, Ohio, on the 3rd day of March 1962, at 10:30 A M. You are further notified that hearing on said Petition will be had before this Court on the 3rd day of March, 1962 at 10:45 A.M. Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, this 1st day of February, 1962. Robert B. Ford Probate Judge 3c8