OCR Interpretation

Geauga record. [volume] (Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio) 1952-1962, May 24, 1962, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028102/1962-05-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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John Strava Re-Elected
Head of Geauga Democrats
John Strava of Thompson was returned to office
last Saturday to his job of heading the Democratic
party in Geauga by a vote of 29 to 16. The sixteen dis
senting votes were cast for John Reithoffer.
The battle between Strava and the Reithoffer bro
thers was the highlight of the primary election this
Democrats first vice president is Albert Rabat in
of Montville Ann Collier of South Russell is 2nd vice
president Rolf Tinge of Newbury is secretary and Joe
Brunskole of Chardon is treasurer.
Forty seven of Geauga’s 49 precincts were repre
sented at the party meeting. Twenty eight of the com
mitteemen are new people, elected to office for the
first time.
Strava was elected head of both the Democrats
central committee and the executive committee.
Elected to the county central committee were the
following: Garland Shetler of Middlefield Dorothy
Bullock of Russell Bernice Phipps of Burton Mrs.
Norma Kinder of Russell L. A. Schaeffer of Thomp
son John Sangrik of Hambden George Kundtz of
Chester and Arnold Bottger of Newbury.
In a letter to the editor in this week’s paper Jac
ques Loebs, one of the leaders of the opposition, pled
ged support to Strava, indicating that possibly the
inter-party feud of the local Democrats has been sus
Student Art Show at
Chester May 26 27
I CHESTER Students from 2nd to Pete Rogers for a most
phardon and Wtest Geauga colorful and amusing Purple
hhare honors at the student peeple-eeter, and 3rd to Eile
krt show on display this Sat- en Pekrul for a white moun
lurday and Sunday at the West tain Ram..
Geauga high school gym.
The winners in the painting
[pastel and crayon class
1st Ladd Pobuda, 2nd
Jnk, and 3rd a tie and
licate prizes to Janice
[Chardon High and to
iTabler. Honorable
igo to Eileen R'ekrul. Jack Ink,
Barbara Bovard, and two to
Barb Frank.
goes to Toni
sculpture that
plays music,
In crafts 1st
Blackford for a
lights up as it
In drawing, design, and ill
ustration, originality and tec
hnique added to talent won
1st place for Glenda Fresh
ley. 2nd for Tom Davies and
third for Mary Shearer.
Honorable Mention in draw
ing is awarded to Fareeda
Mirza, Linda Moore, and to
L,es Kovach of Chardon high.
In illustration honorable
mention were won by Linda
Moore, Roberta Rear, Holly
Hollis, and Jack Ink.
\Juniors Entertain Seniors at Prom
k A
5 4 A?
,'W. ..
Scholarship awards,
scholarship certificates and
general awards to Chardon
high school students was the
feature of the Chardon-Jun ioi
High P. T. A. meeting Tues
day evening.
The following awards were
Danforth award was pre
sented to Patricia Fisher and
John Koritansky.
American Legion Citizen
ship award was presented by
Mr. Arlin Trask, Commander
Chardon Post No. 167 to Rus
sell Epplett and Paula Bost
D. A. R. Good Citizenship
Award to Patricia Fisher.
Bausch & Lomb Science a
ward to Dennis Jedlinsky.
Mathematical Assn of Am
erica award to Dennis Jedlin
The Rest Thespian Award
to Cecilia Witt.
1962 National Honor Society
Scholarship recognition was
presented to Patricia Fisher
Honorary Scholarship: and
Russell Eplett. Certificate oi
National Merit Scholar re
ceiving recognition were Pat
ricia Fisher, Merit Scholar
ship winner Dennis Jedlin
sky, Finalist Frederick Rus
sell Epliett, Finalish Michael
Gerboth. Semi-finalish and
Martha Nuendorfer who re
ceived the “Letter of Recog
following students re
the Chardon High
Honor “C” Award pre
by Miss Ethel Mellin-
*r N
ger: Paula Bostwick, Russel
Eplett, Dennis Jedlinsky.
Henry Nemec, Martha Neun
dorfer, Rhea Singerman, and
photo by Wallace J. Kosinski
I Pictured above is a view of the dining room of the Swiss Chalet at the Jun
Fior-Senior Prom in Chardon last week. o
«en». W?\
JagTr'w«r* ■—i
Enjoying refreshments on the balcony at the dance are (from left to right)
LDave Frank and Sandy Kovach of Chester and Jerry McFadden and Sandy Sin
ragra of Chardon.
Scholarship Announce
were as follows:
The Kiwanis Award present
ed by Mr. Ira A. Canfield was
(Continued on Page 2)
Pull.h.d W.aiy by G. Pul.I.^he,,, inc. Jnth.4 $1.OU ,,,t Y. .F IxTally |tI Y.-.r n, OU (’IIAI’ItfiK Tl I I I 1 V \1 1 Miro zyr*fTTio’iTAM I.
a Second Gia** Matter at tht Chardon Postoffice $4.00 per Year Outside Ohio
Baccaleaurate e e i s
es will be held Sunday. June
3 in the high school auditori
um. Commencement speaker
will be Dr. Carl C. Bracy, pre
sident of Mount Union
Dennis Craig Jedlinsky,
Joyce Alice Johnson, Marvin
Alan Johnson. Carol Ann Ken
yon. Judith Kehoe, James
Robert Kleppel, John Charles
Koritansky. Frank Matthew
Kunstel, George Vearl Lan
don, William Nicholas Luc
kay, Sandra Lee Lyman.
Jean-Ann Mansfield, Jeanne
Louise Mansfield, Joann
Mansfield, Da vi Walter
Marthe, Miraim McArthur.
Eleanor Ann McDonald, Ger
ald Dennis McFadden, Linda
Carol McMaster, Irene Ver
ann Metz, Michael Anthony
Linda Kathleen Nagy, Wil
liam Allen Neill, Emma Mar
ie Nelson, Henry Alan Nem
ec, Martha Lu Neundorfer.
Gwendolyn Lee Novak, Rich
ard Allen Opper, Kathleen
Lenore Parsons, James Law
rence Petkosek, Janet Carol
Pogorzelski, Thomas Patrick
Rayl, Michael William Re
minder, John Edward Rimes,
John Stuart Robertson, Dor
othy Mae Rusnak, Elaine
Frances Schannaker, Rama
Dee Schinagle, John Frank
Schneider, Robert William
Schneider, Rudolph Raymond
Schumer, Rhea Rose Singer
man, Alexandra Skapura.
Richard Howard Smith, Rose
marie Ann Spisak, Cheryl
Joy Stinchcomb. Nancy Jean
Strainic, Ora Kathryn Stray
er, Dennis Norton Strong.
Janet Rose Sulc.
Linda Jeanne Tann, Leroy
Ralph Thompson, Judith
Troutman, N o e e n Ann
Underwood, Martin Ray Ven
neman, Joann Consuelo Vok
oun. Helen Mae Wagner. Ed
ward Dee Waller, Janet Thel
ma Williams. Lyle Lee Wil
mot, Pamela Jean Wingen
bach, Cecilia Catherine Witt.
Marcia Joan Woodford, Rob
ert Merritt Woodin, Brian
John Wright, Linda Louise
Young, Gloria Catherine Yur
check, Polly Jane Zepp. Wil
bur J. Eardley, Richard Tho
mas Clause, Frederick Gren
“The Beginning of Wisdom’’
To ask wisdom of God, is
the beginning of wisdom.
—Mary Baker Eddy
Commencement Exercises
Are Wednesday, June 6
Students Banquet
Is May 19
With final exams almost the
last hurdle, 122 students to
day expect to win diplomas
from Chardon high school at
Commencement exercises on
Wednesday evening. June 6.
Prospective Chardon
uates are as follows:
Elaine Susan Adams,
erson Alvin Allyn. Karen Ann
Amsbary, Joyce Louise ar
ndt, Richard Loren Ashba,
Judith Rose Baker, Linda lee
Began, Judith Frances Bla
ha, Kenneth Andrew Bora,
Paula Curtis Bostwick. An
drew Jo n Buday, Walter
Charles Buehner, Judith El
aine Butler.
Betty Bertha Carmigiano.
Daniel DeHart Carson, Can
dance Hall Carver, Dolores
Jean Cherne, Karen Rella
Cooley, James Robert Corri
gan, Neil Ernest Craxton,
Margaret Ann Daniels, San
dra Jean Davison, Robert
Earl Diedrich, Gwen Anne
Dinsmore, Timothy Savage
Dinsmore. Susan G. Doherty,
Susan Elaine Dolsen, Fred
rick Russell Eplett, Fred Mic
hael Epstein. Janice Ann
Guy Alan Felice. Patricia
Ann Fisher, Janet Norine
Ford, Joseph James Fort,
David Charles Frank. Joyce
Elaine Freeman, Michael
Stanley Friel, Judith Ann Fus
sner, Harold Michael Ger
both. William Edward Grady.
Richard Alvin Grant, Bar
bara Ann Hajjar, Donald El
wood Hambleton, Patricia
Jane Haueter, Penelope Jean
Haueter, Bonnie Lou Hein,
Allen Thomas Helm, Diana
Kay Henry, Susan Marie Hil
denbrand, George Hart Hol
mes, Myron Joseph Hudak.
VilAlvDOlX nlLKoDAl, Al A I 24, 1962 OUR 113th YEAR
Dennis Jedlinsky
Patricia Fisher
T... ^:r.'
Russell Eplett
Dr. Carl Bracy
Graduation Speaker
to Honor
War Dead
HAMBDEN Memorial
Day services will be held May
30th at the Christian Alliance
church at 10 a.m. There will
be no parade from the school
but children will march in the
cemetery. Speaker will be
Mark Sperry of Chardon. The
Congregational church choii
will furnish music.
The Geauga County Holstein
club held its 54th annual ban-1
quet meeting May 16 at the
Auburn Community church
Only 52 members friends, and
suests were in attendance,
probably due to the excellent
corn planting weather.
Allen Franks of Auburn
gave the invocation before
the banquet which was follow
ed by the business meeting
with the president. Robert
Thomas of Newbury, presid
ing. Mr. Thomas appointed a
committee to take charge of
a Geauga County Black and
White Show this summer
Named on the committee
were Sterling Timmons of
Auburn Vernon Howard, of
Bainbridge Ignatius Cavan
1 agh. Auburn Howard Me
Nish, Burton and Robert
Igantius and Robert Cav
anagh extended an invitation
to hold the Tri-County Hol
stein picnic at Cavanagh
Farms this summer. Breed
ers and their families from
Ashtabula, Trumbull and Ge
auga Counties will be wel
The following officers were
duely elected to serve the club
in 1962-63: Sterling Timmons,
president Vernon Howard
vice prtesident Fred Hering
of Burton, secretary-treasur
er: and Mrs. Fred Hering, re
cording secretary. Named as
irectors were: Stanley
Smith of Parkman. Earl Mill
er of Troy and Robert Tho
Holstein breeders iin the Ge
auga County area are invit
ed to take advantage of the
classification program which
will be held in December. In
formation for this may be ob
tained from the State Associa
tion at Wooster according tc
Cyril Moore, State Fieldman.
Mr. Moore spoke briefly o'
activities in the state office.
He pointed out the Junior
membership to the Holstein
Friesian Association of Amer
ica had dropped sharply this
past year and encouraged 4
and FFA members under
21 to join, thus saving much
money on registry fees. Ap
plicatins for Junior Member
ship may be obrained from
the secretary. State office or
the Extension service.
The guest speaker of the
evening was Ralph Seaman,
formerly an o i e in the
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo M.
Vaughn, 131 Tilden Ave.,
Chardon, celebrated their
Golden Wedding anniversary
May 11, 1962.
A party was held Saturday
Mr, and Mrs, Waldo Vaughn
Celebrate Golden Anniversary
List Memorial Services for
Chardon Next Wednesday
Memorial Day Services
Chardon, Ohio
The American Legion Post 167 of Chardon will con
duct Memorial Services in the Chardon School Aud
itorium on East Park Street Starting at ten O’clock
next Wednesday morning. The service will be as
Pledge of Allegiance
evening, May 12. at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. Doug
las R. Bevington.
The honored couple are the
parents of three daughters,
Mrs. Louise Grace, Newark,
Delaware, Mrs. Charlot­
W. R. C. Tribute to the dead
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address- John Koritansky
Salute to the Dead Firing Squad
Benediction at World War I & II memorial
Star Spangled Banner Band.
Chardon High School Band Mr.
Richard McConnell Director.
Rev. John W. Ridder
Led by the Boy Scouts
Chardon Hi Toppers & Topperetts
Miss Anna Dunn Director
Introduction of the speaker Commander
Arlin D. Trask
Honorable Robert E. Cook,
Parade to Cemetery
Color Guard
Chardon High School Band
Firing Squad and Veterans of all Wars.
Car for Speaker and Clergy and guest.
Cars for American Legion Auxiliary
V. F. W. Auxiliary
Cars for W. R. C. ladies
Boy Scouts Explorers Scouts Cubs.
Chardon Junior School Band
Chardon Girl Scouts and Brownies.
The parade will pause on Main Street at the
two War Memorials in the Court House Yard.
At the Cemetery
Arlin D. Trask, Commander
Robert H. Fowler, Parade Marshall.
Legion Members will meet at the Legion Hall and
go to the two Chardon Township Cemeteries for
Memorial services.
Route 44 and Clark Road 9:00 A.M.
Mentor Road at Hermitage Road 9:30 A.M.
The public is invited to attend
Carlings Conservation club, Geauga County 4-H mem
who showed two films of bers that completed a dairy
camping trips to Canada and project in 1961 using a Hol
the Everglades. stein were guests of the club.
te Farinacci, Chardon and
Mrs. JoAnn Bevington, Char
don. There are eight grand
children and three great
Mr. Vaughn works for Don
Farinacci Lumber Company.

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