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nt Respectfully, Jean D. Morris Rt. 1 Newbury, O. 2—GEAUGA RECORD, CHARDON, 0., JUNE 14, 1962 LETTERS to the EDITOR MAD MOTORIST :The highways now crowded with --A million cars or more and many are the motorists Who get real good and sore They blame the other fellow for The slow ness of their stride While they would like to speed and :.. push All other cars aside- The destless driver is the one Who has but little sense -and whose indifferent careless ness accounts for accidents —He does not heed the warn ing signs That mark a hill or curve and if there is no room to pass He will not budge or swerve But if the vehicles collide He knows that he is right and with I4. his temper uncontrolled He wants to start a fight. By James J. Metcalfe Sir If you are allowed to print poems I tave this one in my booklet of poems. With summer vacations in full swing and another holi day coming up thought it might be appropiate to pub lish this in your paper. Watch Repair Clocks Repaired Fast -Guaranteed Work Cliffton Clark Jewelers Bostwick’s Chardon Plaza Special 20 inch WINDOW FAN reg. 29.95 Now $23.95 Chardon Hardware AV 6-4153 ™3owOpen" LAWN MOWER -r REPAIR Lawn Mowers Small Engines Bicycles Located at Jarlson Hdwe Warehouse in Alley behind store ROY BURDICK Phone AV 5-9571 CARLISLE ALLEN cofnpany -Tools Rented- For AU Your Needs DAY WEEK MONTH Floor Sanders Floor Polishers Carpet Scrubbers Wallpaper Tools Wall pa per Steamers Tile Cutters Rollers Electrical Tools Don Rt. 6 E. Chardon AV6-3210 SKIN ITCH Now Open Don't let just anyone clip you, we'll be glad to. Village Barber shop WEST GEAUGA PLAZA OBITUARIES Henry Asbury Died June 9 are Henry J. Asbury, 73, died Saturday at his home, 210 King St., following a linger ing illness. Burial was in the Calvary cemetery. Frank Trask Rites Monday CLARIDON Frank W. Trask, 83, of Claridon, died Friday in Troy. Born in Montville, Dec. 9, 1878, he spent most of his life in the township where he had farmed, retiring in 1944. In Chardon in 1908 he mar ried May Williams. She is de creased. Surviving are three sons. Lloyd of Kirtland, Franklin of Binghamton, N.Y., Halberl 1 of Dorset, Ohio two brothers, Ralph of Hartsgrove and Earl of Manfield, Pa. seven grand children. Rites were held in the Burr Funeral home at 2 p.m. Monr day. Rev. Elder Boytar, past or of Church of the Good Shepherd, Chardon, offic iated. Burial was in Montiville cemetery. Mrs. Nora Haney Rites Arc Monday Mrs. Nora Theresa Haney, 76, died Thursday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Patrick Walsh, Sherman Rd., in Munson. Mrs. Haney was born March 31, 1886, in Greeley. Neb. She had been a resident of the Ge auga County area for a num ber of years. She had worked for the Cuyahoga Board of Education for 22 years, retir ing in 1956. She was a member of St. Mary’s church and the guild of the church. Surviving are four daugh ters, Sadie C. Fullerton, Mrs. Helen Jackson and Mrs’. Rus sell Stephenson, all of Cleve land and Mrs. Walsh, of Mun son two sons, John M. Haney and Joseph A. Haney, both o Cleveland 23 grandchildren: 22 great grandchildren a sis ter, Mrs. Agnes Stark, of Cleveland two o e s John J. and Patrick O'Gor niari, both of Greeley. .Services were held at the Holy Cross church at 2000 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland Monday at 11 a. m. Burial was in Calvary cemetery. Middlefield Man Found Dead DON’T SCRATCH IT! Scratching spreads infection, causing MORE pain. Apply quick-drying ITCH-ME-NOT instead. Itching quiets down in minutes and antiseptic action helps speed healing. Fine for ...... ......... eczema, insect bites, foot itch, IOOF Hall building in Burton other surface rashes. If not pleased, your 48c back at any drug store. TODAY at Ross Cromwell Drug Stores. BURTON John Robert Walter. 53. of S. Main Street, Middlefield, was found hang ing on the stairway leading to the basement of his dry cleaning establishment, in the Friday night. Dr. W. A. Rcjed. Burton acting Geauga County coroner pronounced him dead at 9:3r p.m. and ruled the death “due to strangulation.’’ Accoiding to the Geauga County Sheriff’s Department report, Mr. Walter was late in coming home from work. His wife, Millie, became worried and went to the place of busi ness and found his body. Found in Mr. Walter’s lunch basket was a suicide note Charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Mr. Walter was on $1,000 bona pending a hearing in Juvenile Court. Other survivors, besides his wife, are a sister, Mrs. Lillian Bosworth, and a brother Paul. Funeral arrangements are pending at the Russell Fune al Home, Burton. whether his (ather not. Transportation not. He was born in England. March 9, 1889. Mr. Asbury resided in Char don for the past five years coming from Cleveland. He retired eight years ago as a inspector at Tapco, Cleve land. He was a member of St. Mary’s church, Chardon, an of Holy Name Society. His wife, Ellen, preced him in death. Survivors include two sor Thomas and Henry, both of Cleveland one daughter. Mr Lucille Penkaty, Chardon, and six grandchildren. Rites were held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in St. Mary’s churcl with Rev. James Walsh, past or, officiating. re Cub Scouts to Attend Indians Ball Game June 16 Committee members of Cub Scout Pack 93 of Chardon have completed plans for the cubs and their fathers to at tend Cleveland Indians Ball game on Saturday, June 16 They are to meet in front of Park Street school at noon and leave for Cleviand at 12 15 p.m. The cub may attend goes or is arran- r"' W- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fina, uncle and aunt of Mr. Zam mataro, were hosts at a luncheon following the ser vice at their hone on Bass Lake Rd., for about fifty fri ends and relatives of the cou ple. ______ News fr°m By Mrs. Howard Ensign The local school class day was held June 7, 9.00 a.m. Program Rev. Robert Chris tianson, Pledge of Allegiance audience, “America” audi ence. Welcome Robert Wil son. ’songs by the junior high ensemble Wood. “Peace of the River”, Serenade Medley’ Valdictory Peter Petersen, Last Will and Testament Diane Naramore and Char lene Nelson, Class Prophecy Jeamfette McBean, Present ation of 8th grade scholar ship awards Robert Siedle, class advisor, presentation of promotion certificates W Dale Rafie, principal. Safety Patrol Awards, perfect at tendance awards. Bene diction Rev. Robert Christ enson. Anyone interested in having their child join Cub Scouts, or anyone willing to help with this work, please contact Mrs. Robert Rowley. The Claridon Booster club will meet at the town Saturday evening, June 7:30 p.m_ ges. Uniforms are to be worn. June Pack meeting will be a weiner roast and Webelos graduation. Weiner roast wib start at 6 p.m. at Corey Pavil ion which is about a mile east of Chardon on South Hamb den Street on the left. Each family is to bring their own wieners and what ever else they wish. Pop is to be provided by the Pack. Cub-Master Ray Meyers is shaking hands with his son Dean who just joined the Cub Scouts Pack 93. The picture was taken at the May 24 meeting. XiJeclSatbinL Beverly Jeanne Bidgood and Frank Anthony Zammat aro of Cleveland were marri ed Saturday afternoon at 1:30 in St. Mary’s church, Char don, with the Reverend Fat her James Walsh performing the service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bidgood, Bass Lake Rd., Chardon, and the groom, the son of Mrs. Phillip land. Zammataro of Cleve- Paulette Bidgood at her sister as maid of Miss tended honor and Mr. David Archi bald of Lancaster, Pa., serv ed as best man for the groom. park. 16 at Adult the Fellowship and 'Couples club will barttekMfcturday night. June 16. JWiaAWi Mrs. Harvey Steife of Chester will speak and show slides of their sev eral trips to.Ru^sia. The con gregation is. liniited to this meeting 8:00 »p.m. The Women’s Fellowship is sponsoring the church family picinic in the park. Wednes day, June 20, starting at 4:30 p. m. Supper and refresh ments will be available at nominal cost. Entertainment will be provided by some of our members. Please come and bring your friends for an I evening of fun. One hundred dollars in Eagle stamps and cash have been contributed to the drap ery fund for the Congregat ional social hall. Other gifts In the fall they plan to re side in Athens where she will teach and he will complete his studies also for a degree in Bachelor of Science in Edu cation. Claridon will be welcome so the women may start this project. Mrs. Robert Fenwick, daugh ters Janet and Judy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richmond in Malta, O. Bonna Price was home for a few days. Left Sunday to Colarado Springs, Colorado, where she will be employed this summer. She joined two friends. Donnie Star is home from Ohio State University for the summer. He was in Newcom erstown Ohio, Sunday to tend a friends wedding, was an usher. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gros venor attended the Frissell Reunion Sunday on Battl es Rd., Chester. A birthday supper honoring Linda Ensign’s birthday was held on the Howard Ensigi lawn Thursday night, June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phil lips and daughter Nancy call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Georgt Bowers Monday evening June 4. Mr. and Mrs. David Shanower of Eustis, Fla., called at the same home or Thursday afternoon enroute to Mentor, where they visit relatives for a weeks. Beth Hofstetter Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Hof stetter of Chardon, announ'1 the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Beth Marie Gary Scott Milliken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Mi liken of Waynesburg, Pennsy lvania. The customary open-chure] ceremony will take place on June 16, at 4:00 p.m. at th Chardon Methodist church. West Geauga High school commencement will be held on Fiday evening, June 15. Tlgere are 131 graduates, 68 boys and 63 girls. The hghesi grade was received by Larry Lindsey, second was Pfender. fifty In the evening about friends and relatives called at the home of the bride’s parents to offer best wishes and congratulations to the young couple before they left for Dearborn, Michigan, where Mr. Zammataro has accepted a summer posiition with the Ford Motor Co., in Dearborn. Mr. and Mrs. Bid good served a buffet supper to their evening guests. Both Mr. and Mrs. Zamma taro have been, students at Ohio University in Athens where she was a member of Chi Omega Sorority. She ex pects to receive her degree in Bachelor of Science in Ele mentary Education in Aug gust. May speak Besse, The commencement er will be Mr. Ralph President of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. Baccaleaureate s e v i es were Sunday evening, June 10. Speaker was the Rev. Samuel Davis of the Chester Baptist church. Follwoing is a list of the graduates. The girls Joyce Allen, 40 Spirig St., Cheste Alyce Auth, 1020 Mulberry Road, Chester Donna Ayers, 2800 Chillicothe Road, Chester Deanne Balice, 1885 Mayfield Rd., Chester Mary Lou Bar nes, 2035 Mulberry Road, Chester Wendy Bobbitt, 1 Strawberry Lane, Munson Linda Boss, 95 Woodside, Chester Patricia Brown, 1100 Rock Haven, Munson Linda Brown, 13 Holly Hill, Russell Mary Ann Buchman, Watt Road, Russell Rosamonde Chaffer, 790 Mayfield Chester Patricia 1 u s, Northwood Road. Russell Sally Dickin son, 961 Walters Road, Rus sell Karyn Douglas, Mayfield Road, Chester Car ol Eging, 2430 Chillicothe Rd., Chester Judy Fish, 15 Mer rie Lane, Chester Deo Ann Fletterich, 1725 Chillicothe, Chester. 1370 Glenda Freshley, 210 Brook Lane, Chester Martha Gold tfuss, 30 .Seminary Lane, Chester Donna Guella, 165 Kirkwood, Chester Lorene Hall, 35 Greenfield Trail, Che ster Arawna Hayashi, 775 Opalocka Dr., Chester Pat ricia Keller, 735 Cedar Road, Chester Gail Klingensmith, 1965 Mulberry Road, Chester Sarah Kneale, 2755 Caves Rd. Chester Joanne Kuhar, Chill icothe Road, Russell Rebec ca Longworth, 90 Chagri’ Mills, Russell Ruby Manning 170 Summers Drive, Chester Donna Mapes, 695 Mayfield Chester Danielle Pebble Ledge Farm, Russell Angela Martorello, 135 Sum mers Drive, Chester Cheryl Mayer, 1465 Heath Raod Chester Judith Mcllrath, 55 Judith Mcllrath, 55 Seminar' Lane, Chester Michele Mc Nally, 2340 Caves Road, Chey ter. Martin. w By: Chad Thrasher You aren’t used to test patterns such as the French have been known to use scenes from the-’ Folies Bergere but our local variety does have ut ility. Through adjustment of the fine-tuning knob, the viewer can use the lines and circles of the av erage test pattern as a guide to bringing into sharp focus any program on that station. Usually accompanying a test pattern is a deliber ately transmitted sound which, if the set is in good order, is clear and pure. at He Whether it be a situat ion comedy, western or test pattern, the picture will be more eye-pleasing on a new RCA color TV. Easy as a RCA is on the eyes, it is easier yet on your budget. The cost? For an RCA in color, as low as $495.00 at the Ad- Mrs. Maude Sloat is at John M. Miller Home, dress Jug Rd., R. D. No. 2. Burton, Ohio. THRASHER RADIO & TV, 231 Main St., Phone AV 5 8591. THIS WEEK’S HO USE HOLD HINT: Unglazed brick floors can be cleaned by scrubbing with a strong solu tion of sal soda concentrated. will few Chardon Personals Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carson and family, Andrea, Dan, Jack and Christy, left last week for Lake Mohawk, Spar ta N. J. whene they will spend the summer. Herman Dreyer’s brother, Walter, died suddenly at Youngstown a week ago Tues day. Funeral services were held last Friday at Youngs town. Done your Christmas shop ping yet? One Chardon resid ent has his well under way. Ross Armstrong spent two West Geauga toPresent 131 Diplomas Friday Alice McNeely, 80 Birch wood Drive, Chester Joanne McjNiece, Fair mount Road, Russtell Fareeda Mirza, ex change student from Pakistan Charis Newton, Cedar Road. Chester Christine Nowak,26 25 Mayfield Road, Chester Karen O y, 120 Morning Glory Drive, Chester Judith Ann Oros, West Williard, Rus .‘♦ell Sally Osbourn, 1710 County Line, Chester Joyce Paine, 55 Valley Vista, Ches ter Ami Panik, Pekin Road, Russell Eileen Pekrul. Mus io Street, Russ«ell Mary Pf ender, 595 Westchester^ Ches ter Cheryl Posey, Chillicothe Road, Russell, Dianne Pritc hard, Maywood^Park, Chest er Roberta Rear, 535 Mul bery Road, Chester fcS’jchond, 1405 Road, Chester any, Chillicothe Sandra Seliga, Russell Irene Chillicothe Russhll Scott, 1820 Mayfield, Chester Jane Tabler, 53 Hill Drive,' Russell Mary Tyler, Chilli cothe Rd., Russell Sally Utz, Fullertown’Road, Russell Jo Ann Vanac, 1850 Heath Road, Munson Barbara Vlack, 9' Apple Bossom, Chester Kat herine Wantz, Pekin Road, Russell Sandra Whiting, 1635 Chillicothe Road, Chester Rita Charlene Wildman, 2330 Wilson Mills, Chester Lynne Wilson, Northwood Rd., Rus sell. i Chillicothe Loraine Ris Rd., Russell: Pekin Road, Sabo, 5017 Jeanne The boys who graduate are Geoff ery Allin, 175 Bard well, Chester James Barger, Hillbrook Lane, Russell John Barger, Hillbrook Lane, Rus sell Harold Bentz, Sweet Br iar Estates, Russell David Bissell, 225 Budkeye Drive Chester Leslie Braund. 1525 Mulberry Road, Chester Kenneth Bubna, Chillicothe Road, Russell James Carrol. 1465 Rock Haven Road, Mun son Dean Chapman, Still water Drive, Russell Roger Custer, Parside Drive, Ches ter Thomas Davies, 45 Hill crest, Munson Mark DiSant 765 Sperry Road, Chester Dale Edworthy, 100 Dorothy. Chester David Egleston, 36 Hill Drive, Russell Richard Elliott, Route 87, RussieU Frank Herman, Dines Road Russell Gary Gabram, Wal ters Road, Russell Jospeh Galiardi, 250 Woodside, Ches ter Warren Gechei. Clover idge rd. Russell David. Gen- days this week at Pittsburgh looking at the showing of Christmas merchandise pre pared for Rexall drug stores. Mr. Armstrong is the proprie tor of two drug stores in Char don and one in Chester and in Middlefield. His family ac companied him to Pittsburgh Elementary School News Park Elementary School This last week of school has been a busy one. The Safety Patrol was given a luncheon by the Police Department in recognition of their services during the school year. A number of picnics were held. Mrs. Catherine Canfield took her fourth grade class to the Booster Fifeld, Mrs. Flor ence Barone’s class went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kovac, Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher took her class to the Corey Farm and Mrs. Eliza beth Ladd’s class visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sanborn. Mrs. Hazel Hanna, together with Miss Karen Bundus and their respective third grade classes visited the Cleve land Aquarium, and the Moss Dairy on Tuesday. Miss Beverly Bidgood’s sec ond gratae held a small con cert and dance program on Tuesday. Diane Harrison played a piano selection and several memb« df the class sang. Bewerly -WripUds and Karen Evin each danced for the class. A new record for the 220 yard shuttle relay was reach ed in the Junior Olympics of June 2nd. On the team, re presenting Park School was Susan Novak from Mr. Rob ert Gilson’s fifth grade. In the baseball throw, Dean Fuller of Mrs. Floy Rickard’s room achieved a new record for distance. Thursday thie two sixth gra des. Mrs. Ann Morgan’s and Mrs. Floy Rickard’s classes, held their annual sixth grade breakfast. Friday, June 8, will mark the end of the school year with pupils coming to school in the morning receiving their report cards and return ing to thfeir homes. kse, 0177 Walters Road, Rus sell Shelton Goldfuss. Sem inary Lane, Chester Jona than Greve, Fairmount, Rus sell William Gustafson. 305 Sperry Road, Chester Will iam Harris, 60 Sylvanhurst, Chester Edward Interlied, Hemlock Point Road, Russell. Rolland James, County Line Road, Russell Jeffrey Jaske. 1740 Heath Road, Munson David Jones, Stillwater Dr.. Russell David Korver, 55 Chillicothe Chester. Dennis Kratovhvil, 70 Hov ey Drive Lars Larson, Rus sell James Lewis, 595 Ceder Road, Chester Larry Lind sey, Beechwood Drive, Rus sell Walter Lorenz, Sperry Road, Chester Ronald Mah- Carol ler 1055 Mayfield Road. Ches ter Patrick Malone, 785 West Chester, Chester William Marshall, 4 2 0 Chillicothe, Chester James Maurer, County Line Road, Russell: James McDowell, 920 Opal ocka Drive, Chester Will iam Meikle, Riverside Drive, Russell Albert Mjeinke, 6 Hookhollow Road, Russell Thomas Patterson. 2605 Cav es Road, Chester Ladd Pob uda, Williard Drive, Russell Gary Petersen, 55 Woodcrest Lane, Chester Kenneth Rau pach, 2360 Sperry Road, Ches ter Wayne Redding, 3440 Sherman Road, Chester Pet er Rogers, Fairmount, Rus sell Stevten Ryan, Sperry Rd Road, Chester Richard Sab en, 180 Ward Drive, Chester Steven Stafford, 150 Beech wood, Chester Charles Schilling, North wood Drive, Russell Clifford Schultz, 280 East Hill Dr., Chester Ted Shearer^ 1470 Cedar Sidoti, Perry Skarl, 2430 Chillicothe Road, ka, 50 Sperry Road, Chester Dennis Smithisler, 1260 Chill icothe Road, Chester John Snevel, 27 Hill Drive, Russell Kenneth Sojka, 2585 Mulberr Road, Chester Don Sommer 235 Devon Lane, Chester G1 enn Steinfurth, 175 Chillicothe Road, Chester Craig Stentz, Chillicothe Road, Russell: Steven Stoner, 580 East Hill Drive, Chester Gary Temple 120 Sylvanhurst, Chester Verl Trushel, 145 Valley View Drive, Chester Jerry Virgo, 105 Lynn Drive, Chester: Donald Williams, Cloveridge, Chester James Williams, Norman Drive, Russell. Road, Chester Phillip 40 Brooklane, Chester Chester Clyde Skuf- printed later. William Spon sellor was in charge of this program. On June 8 Senior Day was held. This was sim ilar to the form,er Class night programs with humorus num bers. Preceding the Senior program awards not present ed May 25 were given out. Cleaners, Dryers & Coin Operated Machines For all your needs Finch Cleaners and Cleanville AV5-2135 518 Water st 101 on be Awards Day was held May 25. The winners will UNICO PAINT SALE! Your opportunity to buy Unico’s finest in white paints. Years of good appearance and protection-at SALE PRICES! STARTS TOMORROW: IN THE NEW ECONOMY 2-GALLON CANS »*T4».OR fABO Sb® onna 3 oil NJoiiSe Specialist in Hair Color ing and Permanent wav-’ ing. AV 6-2071 9:00-5:00 Evenings by Appointment Chardon Madison Rd. LAND title GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. Title GoaranteM Saorowa Title XnraraBM SALE PRICE 4.89 per gal. 5.99 per gal. e a u a County FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVES LANDMARK TOWN & COUNTRY Park Avenue Chardon, Ohio AV 5-2121 LANDMARK LUMBER Water Street Chardon, Ohio LANDMARK TOWN & COUNTRY Thompson, Ohio CY 8-3242 LANDMARK TOWN & COUNTRY Burton, Ohio TE 4-4101