Newspaper Page Text
- srfZczw??eprFk.'' THE DAILY DEMOCRAT Edw. S. Harter Fred W. Gayer Editors and Managers. KdH.De Li Coubt, Mgr. Advertising Dept PCBLISHED BT THE AKRON DEMOCRAT COMPANY OFFICE Democrat Block, Nos. 185 and 137 Main it. LOKG DISTANCE FBOXE 190. OFFICEIia ASS DIEECTORS. President ..... James V. Welsh Vlce-Presldent.. A. T. Tajce Secretary . Fbed W. Gayek Treasurer. William T. Sawyei: Edw. H. Harter.. Jno. MoXamaiu Ed. H. De La Cockt. Entered at the Postofflce at Akron, Ohio, ns Second-Class Mall Matter. 'Delivered Every Evening by Carrier Eoy 5 CENTS A WEEK , By Mall $2.50 - - - JL23 for Sir ilontlm Official Paper of the City of Akron. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL NO. 180. TUESDAY, MAY 23 .Tudoe Andeksoii is doing bo much wabbling on the telephone question these days that neither the people nor the local telephone monopoly know where to find him. The City Commissioners can afford to be liberal in granting such street privileges to the merchants and manufacturers as are necessary to making the Free Street "Fair a suc cess. The Fair will be the biggest event of the kind in Akron's history. No favor that the city officials can grant to make the same a success will be withheld. JuDftiNG from his change of front upon the telephone question the light must have dawned with 'more than usual brilliancy upon Judge Anderson between Saturday night and Monday. This lack of firmness on theparfcof'the governing power is a hardship upon those members of the Board of Commissioners who are expected to make the Judge's dicta tion their unfailing rule of conduct. But what are the proxies to do but Bubmit with all the meekness they can command? "Shall the ax boast itself against him 'that heweth there with?" The sincerity' of the attacks now being made by-the Hanna newspa pers upon the trusts was attested by the treatment of Attorney General Monnett in his csyii county, Craw ford, Monday. A dispatcli from Bucyrus says that "Administration and trust influences triumphed at the Crawford County convention and a delegation hostile to the Attorney General was chosen. Representa tives of special interests whose toes had been trodden upon by Mr. Mo'n netfciiithe discharge of his duties, joined in with postmasters and other Hanna appointees to set up the pins against, the Attorney General. The charge is being openly made by Mr. Monnett's friends that trust money was Ireely used to bring about his defeat. The convention even refused to adopt an anti-trust resolution, an adjournment being forced by the machine and the submission of the resolution being thus prevented." As Attorney General Monnett is the only Republican oilicial in (lie state1 who has had the courage to fight the trusts, his defeat by "Adminis tration and trust influences" will make the adoption of an anti-trust plank by the approaching Republi can convention more of a farce than ever. THANKED PE07IDENCE. Passengers of tlie Paris Held a fleeting of Tlirfiilibgivins: at J'ulmoutli. Officers Praibetl. Falmouth, May 23. A miinber of the passengers of the "Paris met at the Falmouth hotel last evening to render thanksgiving for their deliverance. William Rigley of Philadelphia, who presided, said they were all most grate ful to Providence, who had stilled the treacherous waters of the channel in the hour of their recent trouble, when the wreck of the Mohegan seemed to welcome all to a similar doom. The very highest praise, he asserted, was uue to Captain Watkius and the crew for coolue.-s ana promptness ami to the coast guards lor their heroism. Baron Opienheim of Paris and New York a.-ked rue company to devote live uliumes to silent prayer, the snggestioii being immediately adopted, all present standing. U rue proposal of W. F. Archer of Loudon, a collection was taken for the coast guards, the sum of 20 being quickly contributed. NATIONAL PEACE JUBILEE. Celebration Opened at Washington This -Morning With Firing of .salutes. Washington, May 23. A national halnte about 7 o'clock this morning trom the dispatch boat Dolphin, the Washington barracks and Fort Meyer, the ringing of chimes and church bells and the tooting of steam whistles started the three days National Peace celebra tion in this city. The chief feature of the nay was the military and naval p-uaile, which moved lrom the peaco monument about 2 o'clock and was re viewed by the pre.-idtvt and his cabinet. Iu the eveniuK there will be a display of fireworks at the monument giouiuU, The decor-lions are elaborate. feclionl Superintendent Stricken. Cixci.nxaii, May 23. In tho midst of the meeting of the board of education, Prof. W. H. Morgan, for 11 yeais super intendent of tho Cincinnati public schools, fell from his chair, strickeu with paralysis. His 'entire left sido is affected and tho case is considered very serious. dlTRADES(iff) COUNCIL)? Hoods Restore lull, regular action Pills of the bowels, do not irri tate or inflame, but leave all the delicate digestive or ganism in perfect condlUon. Try them. 25 centJ. Prepared cralj- b j C. L Hood i Co., Lowell, Mut ISTERS Met After 43 Years. One Was Three Years Old WhenThey Parted. Two Visitors From Cape Colony, South Africa. Journey of Thousands of Miles Was 'Made. Something About Life In Port Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. James Mangold and daughter Maria, of Port Elizabeth, Oape .Colony, South Africa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Christ Grad, 12S Sherman St. Mrs. Mangold 'is Mrs. Grad's sister. They have not seen each other for 43 years. At the time of the separation Mrs. Mangold was three years old. Mr. and Mrs. Mangold have resid ed in Port Elizabeth, on the sea coast, for 30 years It has a popula tion of 31,000 white people, while 17,000 negroes exist in huts on the outskirts of the city. Mr. Mangold says they have excellent public schools and colleges and that the majority of the people are well edu cated. The city is well protected with a corps of 52 policemen. The buildings are mostly modern in style, some presenting a fine appear ance. The temperature ranges from 25 to 05 in the shade. They never have snow or ice. Mr. Mangold is engaged in selling steam and oil machinery, steam threshing machines, plows and field implements and ' agricultural sun dries, which are imported there from K"ew York city. Phillip Weyer, a brother of Mrs. Grad, also lives in Africa. He owns one of the largest farms on the conti nent, on which lie has an ostrich colony and a goat ranch. Cloth is manufactured from the hair. The goods are more costly .than wo'ol. Tlie farm is 18 miles long and 1G miles iu breadth, making iu all 51,000 acres. It requires 75 miles of fence, the way he has the sections divided. " The party left home April 22, on board the Dunvegan Castle, a Scotch steamer. Their first stop was at Madera, a coaling station. Then they sailed for Southampton, Eng., where they arrived Mav 12 and transferred to the steamer St. Louis, leaving May 13 for New York. They landed in the metropolis Saturday. They started at once for Akron, ar riving here Sunday morning over the Erie. It 'was just exactly a month since they left home. In that time they covered 11,074 miles. Mr. Mangold is especially delighted and impressed with the beautiful scenery in this country. He is also surprised at tlie dense population of our country. The visitors will leave in a week for Niagara Falls. From there they will go to New York, from which they will sail for England. Then they will visit in Scotland, Germany, I There is a Class of People "Who aro injured by the use of cof- 3 fee. Eecently lucre- has been placed 3 in nil tho grocery fclores a new pre- S paration called GRAIN-O, made of 3 t pure grains, that takes the place of 3 E coffee. n fe Tho most delicate tiomach re- 3 E ceives i vritbout distress, and but 3 C few can tell it from coffee 3 E It does not cost over , s much. H tj Children may drink it with gi eat ben- 3 fc et. 15 cents nnd 25 cents per pack- 3 E age. Try it. Ask for GIJAlli-O. I Try Grain0 ! 1 fc Insist that jronrcrocCTKivca you QRAIN-O 2 E .Accept no imitation. jjninuumiaiiuimuuuimiiiii;iiuiltW AKKON, liEDKOltl) A CI.KVELANI) K.Il. Waiting Ituoin, North llownrci St. Time Curd. .Inn. 1, 1WJ. Leave Akron uvi-ry hour, r;: am until 3:80 pm, last car 10:iiii. I.cavo Cleveland every hour, 6 am until 10:00 pm; theater cur. 11:10 pm. . ' Austria, Switzerland and Italy. They expect to end their extensive trip at the Paris exposition in 1900. BARBERS Insist Upon Proprietors Reducing the Hours of Work. A committee composed of Messrs. Jos. Winum, Geo. W. Hale and Geo. Iseumann, representing the proprie tors of Union barber shops, visited the Journeymen Barbers' union last night to protest against closing the shops an hour earlier than heretofore on Wednesday nights and a half hour earlier on Saturday nights. The Union politely but firmly de clined to yield to the protest and to morrow night the shops will close for theiirst timeaecordingto the new schedule. " "The proprietors will accept the new schedule without further objec tion," said a journeymen barber to day. "The sympathy of the people is with the journeyman in their effort to reduce the hours of work. What tradesmen other than barbers in Ak ron are required to work 13'S hours four days in the week ; 141. hours on Wednesday and 18 hours on Satur days. This is the schedule for the barbers. We want to shorten it only one and one-half hours a week. That's not an exorbitant demand ; do you think so?'' BETTER Man Than Jeffries. Peter Maher Has That to Say of Gus Ruhlin. M aeons Comment on the Kennedy Match. Art Simms Ready to Meet .the Winner Of the Leonard-Turner -go Sporting News. "The Big Swiss Akron Giant, Gus Ruhlin, has gone to California to do battle with the much-vaunted Eldo radoan, Big Jim Kennedy, says Ma con in the Enquirer. I don't mean Kennedy, the former base hall re porter and present sport prof&oter who is the manager of that other clever Swiss, Frank Erne, but the California big fellow whom some of the Friscoans think is a fistic comer. If ho isn't clever, and a stilt punch er as well, Ruhlin is apt to give him what Paddy gave the drum "a good beatin'." Maher, speaking of Ruh lin, says: "He's a better man than Jeffries. He went the distance with him and lie had a shade the best of the argument. He should have had the verdict. He has a mighty long reach and he can jab with his left to plaze any man." Peter knows whereof he speaks, for Ruhlin jab bed him until his face looked like a couple of toy balloons. Let us keep our eyes on this match." Must Consider Ruhlin. O'Rourke says that Sailor Tom will take on Peter Maher for his next bat tle and will issue a challenge to fight the winner of the Fitzsimmons-Jef-fries match, says the World. There are a host of good heavyweights with more or less claim to fight for tlie championship. The general public will, of course, regard Fitz as cham pion until he is either defeated or re tires from the ring for good. The recent fight of Ruhlin and Maher compels would-be champions to con sider both men, while foxy "Kid" McCoy is a dangerous rival for any man who aspires to fill Fitzsimmons' shoes. That's the hardest thing to figure on about McCoy. You can't tell where he is, nor how he will land. Open For All. A few of Akron's pool players have been gossiping considerable about their desire to meet Met Hard, Sum mit county's champion. They not only iire anxious to meet him, but rumor has it that they also have "rolls of coin" to wager on the re sult. It is needless to say that Mr. Hard is open for all engagements. Will Play In Youngstown. The team of the Akron High school will play the Raycn school team at Youngstown on Monday, June 12. Winner Challenged. . The following communication speaks for itself: "Sporting Editor Dkmocbat: "Please announce through the col umns of your paper that I challenge tlie winner of (he Leonard-Turner match for a go of any number of rounds for any amount. "Hoping you will give this your prompt attention, I remain "Yours truly, "AltT SIMMS." Ten Inning Game. Tho Five Points and Cedar Creek How Mrs. Pinkham HELPED MRS. G00DEN. tETTEB TO MSS. rlXXBAU KO. I2,7Uj "I am very grateful to you for your kindness and the interest you have taken in me, and truly believe your medicines and advice are worth more to a woman than all the doctors in the world. For years I had female troubles and did nothing for them. Of course I became no better and finally broke down entirely. My troubles began with inflammation and hemorrhages from the kidneys, then inflammation, congestion and falling of the womb and inflammation of ovaries. " I underwent local treatment every day for some time; then after nearly two mouths the doctor gave me permis sion to go back to work. I went back, but in less than a week was com pelled to give up and go to bed. On breaking down the second time, I de cided to let doctors and their medicine alone and try your remedies. Before the first bottle was gone I felt the ef fects of it. Three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of her Sanative Wash did me more good than all the doctors' treat ments and medicine. "The first remark that greets me now is 'How much better you look!' and you may be sure I never hesitate to tell the cause of- my health." Mks. E. J. Goodek, AcKLEr, 1a. base ball teams met in contest the other day, and in a 10-inning game the latter club was defeated in a score of 23 to 19. Five Points battery was Tynliamaud McGuire.and Cedar Creeks', McDonnell and Woods. LEAGUE GAMES YESTERDAY At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 5 .runs, 7 hits and 0 errors; New York, 4 runs, 1 ' hits and errors. B.itterie Breitenstin and Peitz; Ca-r rick and Urady. Umpires Swartwood and Warner. Attendance, 1.C30. At Luubville Louisville, 2 runs, 8 hits and 3 errors: Brooklyn" 5 runs, 0 hits and 2 errors. Batteries Cunningham and Kittredge: Dunn and Karreli. Umpires Emslie and SIcDon aid. Attendance, b:i. At Pittt.uar!; Pittsburg. ! runs. 14 hits and 0 errors: Baltimore. 4 runs, 14 hits and '-' errors. Bittenes Tannehill and Schriver: McKenua and Crislmni. Umpires -Gaffney and Andrews. Attendance, O.GOJ. At ChidKC Chicago, 5 runs, 7 hits and 3 e rors: l'hilarulphia, 4 runs, 10 hits and a errors Batteries Callahan and Donahue; Fifleld ant HcFurland. Umpires Hunt and Connelly Attendance. 2,1j0. At St. Loa.s St. Louis, 3 runs, 4 hits and ti errors; Bj-tou. 10 runs, 12 hits and 1 error. Batteries Jones. Gates and Criger; Hick man. Nichols and Clarke. Umpires O'Day andSIclSurr. Attendance, 2,300. At Cleveland Cleveland, 3 runs, 7 hits and 2 errors: Washington. 11 runs, 16 hits and 3 errors. Batteries Sudhoff. Maupin and Zim mer: Wcyhmg and SIcGuire. Umpires femith and Burns. Attendance. 200. Standing of tlie Clubs. W. L. Pc. W. L. Pc Brooklyn.. -.;2 9 J-t. Louis 21 0 .710 Baltimore 15 15 .500 .70J Pittsburg 11 IS .370 Chicago. 20 10 .tT. New York.10 18 .35; Cincinnati ...1, 10 Boston ..18 11 .630 Louisville 10 10 .345 .621 Washington. 8 22 .267 Phila 17 12 .5SJ Cleveland.... 5 21 .102 BECOMING A MOTHER. A Sure "Way to Avoid Danger. Every true woman wants to be a mother. A baby is the dream of her life the crowning glory of womanhood true happiness can never be known without tlie blessings a child brings. Yet the ordeal through which all mothers must pass is so full of pain, anxiety and fear, that many a young life is sacrificed because of the inability to undergo the struggle of childbirth. It is not necessary to suffer in bring ing new life into the world. By the use of "Mother's Friend," the suffer ing and danger can be avoided, and the hour robbed of itsjdread and pain. This remedy is praised by thousands who have tested it. Every woman is anxious to learn how to avoid the pain and Buffering which may be in store for her. The little book, "Before Baby is Born," will be sent free to any address upon application to the Brad fleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Georgia. U. P. BOARD Of- HOME MISSIONS. Remaining Applications l'or Aid uifd ,t!ier Matters Considered. Philadelphia, May 23. Tho session of tlie board of home missions and church extension of the United Presby terian church was devoted to the con sideration of the remaining applications for aid under the 15-ycar limit and re ceiving tlie reports of the sub-committees. The reports of the committees on special missions and special work, tho committee on resolutions and the com mittee on new work were also discussed. Schley and Wife Giieu Iteecption. (J.M.Mi.i, May 23. Omaha society peo ple paid riie-r respect to Rear Admiral W. S. Schley and Mrs. Schley at the Omaha clith litt night. If You Have Pain In Your Back. Let us give you a piece of advice: Pain iii-die back is an almost infalli ble sign of Kidney disease; a. surer sign'is tlie condition of your urine, if you have a pain in your back then look to the condition of your urine. It is easy done. Take a glass tumb ler and fill -it with urine, after it has stood 'Ji hours; if it. has a sediment, if it is milky or cloudy, if it is pale or discolored, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys and Bladder are in it dan gerous condition and need immediate attention, or the consequences may prove fatal. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the one medicine that really cures till diseases of the Kid neys Iiiver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation and corrects the bad ef fects of whiskey and beer on the system. It is wonderful- how it makes that pain in the back disap pear, how it relieves the desire to urinate often, especially at night, and drives away that scalding pain in passing water and in a remarkably short time makes you well and strong Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy is sold at all drug stores for $1 a bottle, or six bottles for $5. If you would like to try this won derful medicine you can do so absolutely-free. Send your full name and 'address to the DR. DAVID K K X N 35 D Y CORPORATION, Rondout, N.Y., when afreo trial bot tle, together wjtli a pamphlet of val uable medical advice, will bo sent you by mail postpaid, providing you mention tlie Dkmockat whed you write. The publishers of this paper guarantee tho genuineness of this liberal oiler. FOR. BALK Ten K-I-P-A-N-S forB conts at druggists. One glves.rollef. I General Assembly Would Not Reduce Representation. MMJIFFKUr CASE OX THURSDAY. Jiaile u Special Order l'or That Day The I'erSIng Was That DraMic .Action Would He Ta'-ien Anti-Polygamy Amend ments I.lkely to Pass. Minneapolis, Alay 23. The Presby terian general assembly voted down two carefully cou.',Jered and prepared plans to reduce tlie membership, one by a tliird ami tlie other by more thin :t half. The commit;?. on reduced representa tion appointed a year ago,was; stvrwly given courteous treatment, so pro nounced was the feeling against gr'tiug farther away from the people. Two members of the committee pre sented the two proposed plans one making the basis of representation 6,000 communicants and the other making the basis 3i3 ministers in the presby teries, instead of 24 as at present. Colonel L. F. Hitchcock of tho commit tee argued for tlie representation by synods, according to membership and declared that there was no doubt that G72, the present membership of tho assembly was far too large. It was plain from the interruptions that Colonel Hitchcock was on the uupopular side ahd when he sat down expressions of the democratic spirit came out strongly and profusely. "Thev call this a mob," said Dr. Page of" Topeka. "If tt is a mob, God grant that there ma bo more such. God pitv the Presbyteriau cJiurch, with the bulk of the wealth of tho United States in its coffers, if it can not afford a largo i assemuiy. "The time has not como to reduce the assembly, and I hope it- never will come," cried Dr. George W. P. Birch of New York. "We ought to keep as near the people as wo can. The backwoods presbyteries now hold the balauco of power. I don't know what wo would do without tlieni, they hold tho balance so true." 4 Impressed by the strength of the op position, a friend of reduced representa tion proposed to send tho overture down to the presbyteries, asking their advice. The motion'was laid on tho tublo with great alacrity. Dr. John YV. Duismore of Sau Jose offered a substitute motion, thauking and discharging tlie committee and in definitely deferring tlie question of re tlnced representation. "When tho vote came there was it mighty yes and a few feeble noes. Tlie decision against sm other i-art of the senate committee's re port was closer. By a vote of 184 to 10S, the assembly decided not to increase from five to ten the number of niims ters necessary to constitute a presby tery. Tlie judicial committee came in with reports on a number of matters, and was granted permission to refer to spe cial committees for trial such cases as required Miprcme adjudication. The appealed case of Herman Warsawiack, suspended for alleged gambling from tho Filth Avenue church, New Vork, two years ago, was referred to a commission. The Rev. Sir. Backus of Kansas, got a conmiis'-iou to try his appeal from tho synod of that state. An appeal from the decision of the Indiana synod in the matter of unter mented wine at the lord's Supper was sustained. Tlie appeal of A. AT. Mc CnJloch of the synod of Baltimore was recommended to the consideration of the Baltimore synod. The appeal of Charles S. Lane, from the decision of the synod of New York, will be tried by a special commission. Dr. YV. R. Kirkwcod of Emporia, Kan., presented the report of the coni mitteo on the board of education. The report held that the expense of the board was not uudne'and that it could not be. reduced without consolidation of boards, which was not wise. The stand ard of ministerial education was de clared not to be declining, and the day of shrinkage in the number of candi dates for tho ministry was said to be iu tlie past. The re-election of the mem bers of the board whose terms expire this year was recommended. The Chi cago and Schuyler overtures calling for a commission to investigate tho whole subject of miuistcrial education were improved by the committee, and it was recommended "that a commission of not less than 1 1 be appointed for that pur pose. Tho report was adopted iutact. Rev. Edward B. Hodge, corresponding secretary of the board of education, ad dressed the assembly in defense aud ex planation. " The JIcGiffert matter was made a special order for Thursday. Tho feeling was that drastic action would bo taken. Tho denunciation of recent mob out rages in tho south made in tlie report of the committee on freedmen was finally referred to the committee for reconsid eration. D. V. Glass of the presbytery of Baltimore was arranging simultaneous meetings lor today iu the interests of reunion of the elders of the Assembly North in Minneapolis aud the elders of the Assembly South in Richmond. Colonel James Rico of Peoria. Ills.. the father of tho Peoria overture, aimed atmlue.iig the moderator's power, said he expects vigorously to push his pet measure. Overtures now before tlie committee on bills and overtures iu favor of an anti-polygamy amendment to tlie national constitution and iu favor of exi.eiling Congressman Roberts of Utah lrom tho house of representatives are likely to be passed by the assembly almost unanimously if they get by tho committee. Bulore tho popular meeting last nirfit of tlie freadnvii's board, the largest of the meetings livid under the auspices of the assembly. Uie Rev. H. W. Hnlbcrt of Cleveland, ostgjuiator of tho move men; t mice thtr&0,000 indebtedness of the board, announced that subscrip tions and apportionments will foot up $1)0,000 or $65,000. For the first time in a generation, idl deporhuonts of tho Prcrbyteriaa church are froa from debt. It w.t announced, however, that every presbytery is expected to pay tho portion of the debt apportioned to it. as all ex cess abo e tho quota which any presby tery give3 will bo devoted to opening some of tho schools have been closed for lack of funds. A DEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE. Csll of Ston anil Toknnni. Fur a 3It.t- iug at St. I.011W Matlo 1'tiblfc Peck Will Not Attend. Milwaukee, Slay 23. Edward O. Wall, national Domocratio committee man of Wisconsin, made public tho call for a conference of mombors of tho national Democratic committeo at St. Louis on May fi, which ho refused to attend, looking upon tho meeting as not more than a conference of tho ways and means committee. It was signed byW. L Stone, who Three Days Sale Special 3 j o u Dunns: the next three lots of goods, which we wish to close out at the Low est Price ever offered in Akron. It will pay rou to attend this sale, as it means money saving for you. Bargain I 5,000 yards WHITE GOODS, nainsook, dimity and India linen, regular 12nc, 15c and 19c. Your choice " Qr yA. for three days. l jU. Bargain 2N 3,000 yards HAMBURG and SWISS EMBROIDERY, regular l'2Kc and 15c quality. Your choice Qp yA for three days t ju argain 3 yards 5c LAWNS, 5,000 colors fast For three days 2cyd .at Bargain 4 50 dozen BATH TOWELS, extra large size, 19c quality ForthreedayJj Bargain S 100 dozen LADIES' EMBROID ERED HANDKERCHIEFS, regular 15c quality For three days J 0ceacl Bargain 6 A. 100 dozen GENT'S HALF HOSE, Black and Tan all sizes, regular 10c and 12jnc quality For three days C.r nnir at Jt Pdll JW"None of the items above mentioned will be sold at wholesale. 145 S. Howard St. SI Columbus ANO RETURN Via C, A. unday, May 28th. a Trflin leaves Union Depot bus 12 o'clock noon, and 12 :35 midnight. was asked by Senator Jones before leav ing for Europe to act as chairman of tho ways and means committee and J. G. Johnson at-ked to act as national chair man, iu the absence of Jones, in Eu rope, and Secretary Walsh in tho Klon dike. It said in part: "We aro of the opinion that the time has como when the work of organization of the cam paign of 11)00 should be begun in earnest and actively prosecuted. We believe this work riiatUtl b? csrrk-d on not in two or three states, but throughout the Union, to the end that we may be pre pared to light tho battle next year with well-grounded hopu of succoss. We be lieve the members of the national com; mittee should meet at an early day for conference, with a view to reaching tome understanding as to future oiera tious. Wo have no authority, of course, EXCELLENT RESULTS. They Have Resulted In Steady Gain of Popu larity. People Who Are Ever Ready Recommend What Has Done Them Much Good. to The people of Akron feel very grateful for the great benefit they have received from tho use of Mor row's Kid-ne-oids, the great remedy for backache, dizziness, sleepless ness, nervousness and all diseases arising from the kidneys. Morrow's Kid-ne-oids cure where other remedies have failed and tho people of this city nave not neen slow to find this out, and they add their tes timony that their -friends may know what to use and get cured. Mrs. M.J. Voile, 121 East North st., Akron', Ohio, says: "I suffered with disordered kidneys which de veloped in dropsy, also with swelling of tho feet and ankles, which would bo very painful, and sovere backache. When 1 read about Morrow's Kid-ne-oids L decided to give them a trial, and after 1 had taken them for a short time T was relieved of my troubles." Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are not pills but Yellow Tablets and sellatr0oti box at all drug stores and at John Laiuparter & Go's drug store. Mailed on receipt of price. Manu factured by John Morrow & Co., chemists, Springfield, Ohio. Three Days Sale Polsky'sj Days Sale, I, Till 01 it days we will sell several Bargain 8 E3 1 lot LADIES' BALBRIGGAN EOSE, sizes S and S1, only, 2oc quality Forthreedaysatl0cpalr Bargain 6 O One lot 50c PLAID HOSE, Choice for "2Qr noir three days at Ot pdll Bargain 7 1 lot ladies' COLORED UNDER SKIRTS, plain black or fancy sateen regular $1.25 and .$1.50 skirts. Take your choice for three OQr porTi days . .at argain 1 lot colored SILK GLORIA UMBRELLAS, $2 quality, FdaysreeiT?aet $1.50 Cadi Bargain 8 E3 l lot changeable SILK GLORIA UMBRELLAS, $2.50 quality For threo sale $ 1 QQ days at pl.0 We also have a lot of REMNANTS in wash goods, 3 to 10 YARD LENGTHS, which we offeratHaJfprjce & G. R. R. 8 :30 a. m., arrives Colum Returning, lesive Columbus 7 p. m. Parlor car seats 25c each way. to assemble the committee in a rcgnlrr meeting, but we have thought it would be proper and wise to write to members of the committee individually and sug gest an informal conference. "It so happens that tnc Jefferson club of St. Louis, representing the Alis-ouri Democracy, will give a dinner in this city on May&i, to which some 1,500 per sons will be invited. Mr. Bryan and other hading men of the party will at tend this dinner and formal invitations will be sent to each member of tho na tional committee. As St. Louis is a centra! and convenient point, we have concluded to write members of the com mittee and invite them to meet us hero oil the nu.niiiig of the 2oth inst., at the Planters' House, where we- can spend the day in discussing party affairs and arrange our future work." PAYMENT TO EE00EED. First of the Cuban Troops Will Receive Their Money on Saturday. Havaxv, May 23. The Cuban arms question is apparently neariiig a com plete and rapid settlement. The pay ment and d:persal of half the armed bauds that have been voluntarily or in voluntarily quartered on tho country will begin, according to tho present pro gram, next Saturday in this city. Gov ernor General Brooke and General Maximo Gomez had what both consider a final interview on the question ot sur rendering the aruik Colonel Ac -a, who was at one time a member ot the staff of tho late General. Antonio Maceo, disbanded his force of 300 men, who had been stationed near Alqni?ar, province of Pinar del Rio, the men going quietly to their homes with their arras, resolved neither tho accept tho money of tho United States nor to wait longer in a condition of suspense. ) A'meeting of the Cuban chiefs in the 1 :.i..... i. :. l..... 1 .. ' called to consider tho situation, and will probably decide to adopt the same course. " The stall otlicers and the gen erals who composed the late military as sembly still say they do not .want money and will not surrender their arms, but their .assertions tire ' not regarded as specially significant. .3iliil!,ou !iit Option 011 Luml. Pour Clinton-. O., May 23. Tom L. Johnson, the t-treet car magnate, has been buying up options on boversil hun dred aeres of land near this city. It is said ho contemplates erecting a mam moth steel plant In connection with tho deal, the Marblehcad, Port Clinton and Southern railroad will bo extended as far as Titlin, and perhaps into tho coal field!.. 75 cents. Mansfield and Return, May 23. Special Erie It. R. tram, 8:80 n. 111 CUTTING SCHOOL REOPENED Mrs. E. C. Gingell has reopened her Cutting and Dressmaking School and will teach one of the latest svstems. She is located at 408 Kverett block, where she will bo pleased to see all former patrons. Frank N. Fuchs, Transfer I Coal, transfer and general teaming, rubber tire coaches for funerals, weacungs, aances, moving vans, wagonettes, band wagons. 105 Lincoln st., Tel. 564. IM. tVS.'VAfElV'RICK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office, Second floor, Palmer Block. No. 168 S. Main st. First stairway north of the I.O.O.F. Temple. We carry the largest and most com plete lino of foreign and domestic brands of cigars at all prices to be found in Akron; also a full line of smoker's articles. Our goods are the best to be found in the market. H. FERBSTE 161 S. Howard St. Arcade Bldg. Tel. t6S. 20 head of carefully selected horses. Drivers, draft, single and matched carriage horses at the stable of The Dixon Transfer Co. 116 North High st. A. ADAIVlSOrc ..FOUSSSDRY.. Machine & Pattern Works. Castings of every description In iron and brass tor structural machine or mold wort. MacUlnaand pattern work. Phono Eel Cor Exchange and Water Sts. osaoi Fresh Every Day-Home Made-Extra Fine Strictly Pure Also fine line of fancy candies. Let 113 furnish vour baked goods CLARK & OO. Tel.312. (22S. Mainst. J. K. WILLIAMS fVIacSnirce Shop General Machine Work of All Kinds Clay Working Machinery 'for Stoneware a Specialty. A BRICK YARD PLANT With latest improvements FOR SALE. Call on or address THE RITCHIE COAL CO. 110 West Market street cwors o-FAS -.-, Cttawba Pure, Catawba A, Port, Sweet. Ives Seedling... Alvrays on hand. All orders promptly filled. Special attention given to all mall criers. SCHAEDLER RHEIK, Kelly's Island. 0. Yon are cordially invited to visit..." The finest Restaurant in Akron. sJrd , Fine Imported and at all Domestic Wet Goods hours ) and Cigars... Onder Central Savings Bank. JOHN K0ERBER, Prop. A. D. ELLIS ff - -a. B moving vans, general a r", "" 3 teaming and trans- 3 .;-! V H'J"1"-1 anptrunKdellvery.feed R nii ""'" ervice, popular prices. OHico comer Canal and Cherrv streets. S Stable 310 Cherrv street. 1. sasy Watch "the Bulletin FOR BILL OF- FARE DIFFERENT EVERY DAY Remember the 15c Dinner From 11 till 2 PACIFIC RESTAURANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE BEST IN THE CITY. J. S. KESLER, Mgr. The grocery building and house in rear on the n.e. cor. lot Mill and Hich sts., are for sale and must be sold at once. Apply at " elan Bros. J- E. PI-- 1 gPv Ciiiji, Sewer Pipe Tel. 124. 128 North Main st. SHAW'S PURE MALT, alwavs reliable, strictly pure, safe for medi cinal as Avell as for social uses. Sold bv TM. 'WASHER, 144 South Howard st., - Akron. O. CASPAR ZINTEL Manufacturer of all kinds of brushes. Orders promptlv attended to. lStTMIIiL STREET. AKRON, . Lawn Mowers and 5 Hose, Plate Glass J Mixed Paints & Lead. Tools of all kinds. J. LOUIS BIGKEL ! Nn. KU S Mnln ct C C Phone 638. ' S DO YOU To I a X i i I S TJt i