Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY DEMOCRAT Edw. S. Harler Fred W. Gayer Editors and Managers. Ed H. Dk la. Court, Mgr. AjSTertaing Dept PUBLISHED BT THE AKBOX DEMOCRAT COMPANY OFFICB Democrat Block, Nos. IK and 187 Main st LONG DISTANCE PHONE 190. OFFICEUS AND DIRECTORS. i, ... . TitVWeIa1I Vice-President A. T. Paige Secretary Fred . Gayei: Treasurer William T. Sawteb Edw.8. Hartek Jno. MoNamara Ed. H. De Ia Ooubt. Entered at the Postofflce at Akron, Ohio, as Second-Class Mall Matter. Delivered Every Evening by Carrier Boy 5 CENTS A WEEK By Mall $2.60 - - - tUS lor Six Month Official Paper of the City of Akron. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL NO. 180. FRIDAY, JUNE 9 The last report of the State Hoard of Public Works shows the usual annual loss of about $100,000 in the oporation of canals. Mark sueeringly declares that Mayor Jones' supporters are eomnosed mainly of "riffraff, idle fellows, liquor dealers and bums." Talk about Ajax defying the light ning! If the "riffraff" are as much o in evidence in the Ohio election next fall as they were at Toledo this spring when Mayor Jones got about 20,000 more votes than his Bepubli can rival, Hanna will cut but little figure in the political future. Local Republican politicians are not at all backward about making the prediction that the Hon. J. Pane Alexander will not succeed himself as Senator. Col. Geo. W. Seiber is next to wear the Senatorial toga for this district, they claim. As both aspirants are determined in their opposition to Akron's top heavy form of government, and will do their best to give the people a more direct con trol of their local affairs, it seems to be a case of how. Akron might be happy with either "were t'other dear charmer away." TOO MUCH B0SSISM. Hon. Eobt. Price of Zanesville, a life-long Republican, cannot stand the methods employed by Hauna and Gox to control the recent con vention. He concludes a two-column denunciation of party bossism with the following -trenchant paragraph: "Hanna now sees that a reckoning will be required and is trying by fair means or foul to ward off the grow ing dissatisfaction of the people. Hence the scenes witnessed in the convention last week. In former times delegates were known as dele gates from the different counties. Here they were known as represent ing a boss and bore his naming. In former years a United States Sena tor was a guest of honor. Here oar Senators were found promising or threatening the delegates as they though best to secure their votes. .George B. Cox had as absolute con trol of one-ninth of the delegates, those from Hamilton county, as any slave driver in the South ever had over his slaves." WERNER EMPLOYES privately arranged state ticket can be defeated. It is the duty of every lover of libertv to put forth his best , energy from now on to election day." j Have Made Extensive Arrangements If anything was lacking to goaa the anti-Hanna Republicans of Ohio to openly revolt against their boss-made ticket, it seems to have been fur nished by Hanim's interview. Fazzoni fireworks display will btir prie you. See it. Randolph Park Saturday evening. Edison's Projectoscope free, Lake side park Sundav evening: :30 to 9:J. TERRIBLE Symptoms of Spinal Meningitis -Few Cases Now. Local physicins state that the cases of meningitis, so prevalent a few weeks ago, are gradually decreasing. At present their is only a very few cases in Akron. Meningitis belongs to those dis eases that sre especially dreaded by Ihemedical profession. It is due to a microbe known as the micrococ cus lanceolatus, and in the first stage the patient is so irritated that the most trifling noise and a single rayi of light will throw him into a parox ysm of pain. In the second stage the reverse is the case, the patient becoming deaf and almost blind, and in the third stage paralysis of the entire body ensues. A peculiarcon dition called tache cerebrale also supervenes when it is possible to trace lines, words or letters on the patient's chest with the finger, which appear through the skin in livid red. Even if the sufferer survive one of his senses is inevitably affected forever. BIDDING FOR TROUBLE. In an interview published yester day, Senator Hanna, in his charac teristically brutal style, grossly insulted all the independent Repub licans who had the hardihood to try to save their party from boss domi nation at the Republican convention last week. Among those assailed by Hanna was Mayor Jones of Toledo. The Mayor replies to Hanna as fol lows: "I never deal in personalities. Hannaism, Plattism, Crokerism and bossism are all th e same. If we could believe that bossism would perish when the individuals who represent it are dead, our hope might be quick ened, but Mr. Hanna, like all others of his class, is simply a product of a vicious social systemthat only pro vides a plan for a few to live. "If Mr. Hanna is correctly reported, his ignorance andamazingeffrontery are simply appalling. Thatheshould come to the point of parading his venality in the public press, saying, 'I sent some of my labor lieutenants down to Toledo,' etc., is the slight indication of the kind of a man we may look for in our billionaire baron, boon to be known in this country un less there is a radical change in the social order. "The whole interview is reeking with the puffed up pride of a man who has been transformed by the wicked system of legalized robbery, known as business, from a being created in the image of God, from a man of possible kindly nature ifito an intoleranttyrantand an insuffer able boss. His reference to me and my ambition respecting the governor ship is a tissue of lies which I charitably charge to his leading characteristic, his colossal ignorance. "If we have reached a period in the "history of the great state of Ohio when a boss like this can subvert the will of the people as he did atthe Columbus cbnvention, then indeed may the people despair, for their cause is desperate. I do not believe such is the case; I believe the forces of righteousness, the forces of fair play in politics can be united in Ohio and that this monstrous infamy of a Edison's Projectoscope free, Lake side park Sunday evening; 7:30 to 9 :r.0. Fazzoiii fireworks display will sur mise you. See it. Randolph Park Saturday evening. Best daucing floor in the vicinity at the Gorge. Dancing every week day and evening. tf INCREASED IN VALUE Because of the Street Railway Extension. The work on the West Exchange .st. street car line is progressing rap idly. The extension has had a tendency to increase the value in property. A man on West .Cedar st. two months ago offered a piece of property for sale at $1,300. Now he wants $1,600. For Their Picnic. The Werner employes outing June 17 at Cedar Point promises to surpass all previous picnic.-. Theie will be no program of sports. Edward P. Werner, M. J. Hoynes and C. H. Elliot make up the general committee. Tomorrow evening the Eighth Regiment band Mill parade the down town streets. Banners will be con spicous announcing the Werner out ing. Randolph park theater opens Sat urday evening, June 10th. Summer Tourist Tickets Via Great Lakes now on sale. For tickets and full information see C. D. Honodle, Union depot, agent D. & C. S..X. Co., C. & B. line. Anchor line, Merchants' line, Northern Transit Co., Northern Steamship Co. I IB r LADIES' AND For S GEE ummer Wear. This is the met comfortable footwear for this season of the year. We have a complete line of 0 OXFORDS In Tan and Black, for LADLES, MEN and CHILDREN, at very desirable prices. Our goods are reliable, the kind that wear and give perfect satisfaction. See our line, it is worthy of your imme diate attention. 1J3 South Howard Street. Opening 1 liC APPIdliSC W 111 I Announcement kTrc mendous Eazzoni fireworks display will sur prise you. See it. Randolph Park Saturday evening. Randolph park theater opens Sat urday evening, June 10th, with a grand display of fireworks. The entertaining drama entitled "Fair Play" will be presented. Theater coupons free with round trip tickets. FRIENDS Presented Mr. and Mrs. Huggard With a Silver Tea Service. Robert T. Huggard, a well-known Cleveland insurance man, took it upon himself to get married Wednes day. The wedding was hedged about with quite a little mystery, says the Cleveland'Leader. The lady of Mr. Huggard's choice was Miss Margaret Lynch, daughter of an Akron insurance man. The marriage occurred in Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Huggard, together with a party of friends, arrived in Cleve land Wednesday morning and stopped at the Hollenden hotel. Mr. and Mrs,. Huggard left Wednesday night for a wedding trip to New York. The life insurance men of Ohio, to the number of one hundred, contri buted toward the purchase of a beau tiful solid silver tea set, which was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Huggard. Free, Edison's Projectoscope, at Lakeside park, Sundav evening; 7 ::'() to 9:30. J Fazzoni fireworks display will sur prise yon. See it. Randolph Park Saturday evening. . When these always-wanted goods make their opening bow to the public TOMORROW, Saturday, June 10, And it will be a quick-buying applause, for it's honest, worthy merchandise priced as such goods were never marked before. They're presented to you at absolutely lowest prices. ..Hot Weather Clothing.. e Suits With silk facing, single and double breasted. r A good uit, well made. See our light suits, (R QQ Nice suits, single and double blasted only J)9b?C?j JSl . fof M IT iVl A JM Has opened a CASH GROCERY -AT- . IViN'3 Blue Black Scrg 504 South Main St. You will find here everything NEW and FRESH, and at Lowest Prices. It will pay you to come; it will save you money. Leading Brands of Flour from 90c up to $1.00 (the best). Best Soap, 15 bars . .. ....2."c Best Corn, 4 cans 23c Best Tomatoes, 3 cans 25c Best Pumpkin. 4 large cans 25c Best Syrup 25c Best Rice, Gibs 25c Best Farina, 8 lbs " 25c Best Prunes, 5 lbs . .25c Extra Large Prunes, 3 lbs 25c Magnolia Salmon, 3 cans 25c La rge Sa ck Sal t 3c New Potatoes, per pk .35c Bananas oc and 10c per dozen A large stock of Strawberries at low prices for Saturday, June 10 Also a full line of other fruits at lowest prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Do not forget the place, . 504 South Main St. & - W HS T IV3 J BNI VIOLATORS Of the Sunday Laws Will be Prosecuted. Young Man Made a Bad Mistake Police Court Cases. Adolph Ley and Joseph Wiiium stated Friday that all violations of the Sunday bartering law would be prosecuted hereafter. Geo. Iseinann pleaded guilty to barbering on Sunday. The lowest fine $15 and costs was imposed. Nation Levi, a barber employed by Adam Grosjean, 217 E. Market St., pleaded not guilty to the same charge. The law provides that a man can work six days but must observe one. He being, a Hebrew it was argued that Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath and that he com mitted no offense by laboring on Sunday. Mayor Young found him guilty but sentence was reserved as a motion for a new trial was filed. Geo. Edwards, who resides in North Akron, drunk, $2 and costs. Geo. Huber, aged 18, was arrested for bathing without a suit. He failed to obey a summons to appear in Police court. As similar cases the other day were really dismissed, he thought it was a joke, when in fact it was a sober reality. He was fined $1 and costs. Fazzoni fireworks display will sur prise you. See it. Randolph Park Saturday evening. SIZE WILL WIN, i m Bioins i 1 PO fflflf? nulls I IIM9IH1I " iuLOIU 0. ror. I W ISpcclal Sale wash skirts I -- " I y ii Mondavi Men's Underwear E in So Sullivan Stands by Jeffries. L Special Sale on Underwear Special Shirt Sale Colored Shirts, soft bosom Special Sale on Hats and Caps 43c and 48c each See them, we defy competition to meet this quotation on these goods. BIGGEST BARGAINS ever offered on Boys' and Children's clothing. See our new stock just received. A Bat and Ball or a scientific Box Kite given FREE with every boy's suit sold. tail lb i We have moved our Meat Market f wioTcrsing noi No. 134-136 ' DOUBLE STOUE South Howard st. HOLDSTEEN & OO. - ' H iTmamrwmi 1 1 mniHiwrg-Tmr-i i i tttmi IftHl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF OHIO. Toledo, Ohio, June 8 to 12, 1899. via the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. On June 7 and 8 the Baltimore & Ohio railroad will sell tickets to To ledo, O., and return at one fare for the round trip. Return limit: Leaving Toledo to and including June 13, 1809. For further information call on or address nearest B. & O. ticket agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger agent, Chicago, 111. Prof. "Fazzoni, of Pittsburg, will give another exhibition of fireworks Saturday night at Randolph Park. Don't miss seeing it. TO sis. E We invite all our former patrons and solicit, new cus tomers to call at our new location where we are pre-. pared to serve you with the best, ot meats. .EI. F"oi-tas PHOTOGRAPHER, Who has been located" at Ex change and Buckeye sts., has moved into the rooms formerly occupied by G- A. Ley, Cor. Main st. and Buchtel ave. Where he has pleasant rooms and every facility for doing strictly first-class work. Cor. Mill and Howard st. Telephone 139. imss ZfiSC-F. IN SAFE HANDS. A careful physician wants to be sure the prescription he writes is in safe hands. Those physicians who send their prescriptions to us know they w'ill be correctly filled. Our method of filling prescriptions is such that we can refill them at any time, even though months or years elapse. HIMMELMAN, Pharmacist 164 South Main st. WELL RECEINED A series of moving pictures, also a complete set of pictures of the Windsor hotel fire in New York city, presented by Edison's Kentiscopeat St. Bernard's hall last night wore well appreciated. If you think of changingyourheat iug boiler call on Oberlin ; ge't prices on theCottago boiler for soft coal. 9t BUT BUV Watch Our Specials. Here's what we offer this week : iSo. 1 Hour 3 cans tomatoes -t cans corn . -joe 3 cans salmon . . . 25c 2 very best 25c 1 bottle ammonia lie 1 bottle blueing 5o 15 bars soap 25c 8 pounds sill soda 10c 1 dozen matches . . .v. 10c 10 pounds salt . 5c 5 pounds salt , 3c 3 pounds salt 2c Country butter No. 1 ... 15c 10 pounds graham flour .. 25c A-iErs:E:F3 bros. 221 i:. Mnrket. Trl.7l. Krcutlcr'i, old str.ncl Canned Salmon Canned Fish Sardines .Canned Beef Baked Beans Salad Dressing: Catsups Olives MORSE SA!E. Tlmrsdny, June 13, nt the stiiblu of tin nick'.cm Tmifrr Co.. 110 X. High st, Alcron, O.. imiij cur load nf Asliluiulrouiitr horxos. Jlorscsnlll ln nt stnlili-i, two lnvi before d'lteorsale. A trinl glveu wltli enVli hor-e ohl. Sale to commence nt one o'clock p.m. T. H. BEAVERS & CO. GROC I2r N.Howard st. KW iAll desirable articles I for Picnic Lunches AT .Moss F3 Kilrain of the Opposite Opinion Local Sports. "Size will win." That'is the belief of John L. Sulli van in regard to the fight tonight be tween Jeffries and Fitzsimmons. Jake Kilrain is of the opposite opinion. Sullivan aroso early this morning and conversed pleasantly with many in the Empire lobby. He loft at 0:30 for Canton. "Old John" said this morning that when he shiued shoes and carried hod in Boston ho could whip every mail he saw. Finally he wagered $50 he could put out all comers. This he did and in a couple of punches, too, without, any training. Then he drifted to busy New York. Here he said the dubs would appear before him. After one or two punches it was all over, except wiping up the gore. John walked up to "jVTax" Mc Creedy cigar stand, threw down $2 dollars and asked for La Perfer- encia's. "Have a cigar, .boys?" "They're the best cigar sold J' They were two. for a quarter cigars and John had almost finished his, before the rest hardly had lit their's. He immediately proceeded on -No. 2. "But say," he said, "there is some thing that I have never done and that is smoke cigarettes." In speaking of the pugs, John said: "Whiskey will whip them all. I have been fighting it for 20 years, and ought to know." Free, Edison's Projectoscope, at Lakeside park Sundav evening; 7:30 to 9:30. . Randolph park theater opens Sat- uruay evening, June lOtn. THANKS TO.GEN. KITCHENER. Tel. 478 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FROM THE AKRON BAKERY Hilt KKNT Large house, two minutes' walk from Kmplru house; suitable for boaidlng house or two families. 177 North Hlyhst. IiHiulreof C. A. Koch, with Geo. F. Knit, Ml St Howard st. 15-ns Canes From Manila. Attorney W. T. Sawyer has re ceiyed a fine rosewood cane from Manila a gift from Robt. Chnmbor hiin, formerly of Munroe Falls, who is now in the Philippines prospect ing for gold. TIios. Chamberlain of Cuyahoga Falls, cousin of Robert, hns received a mahogany cane. For fine plumbing call on C. IT. Oberlin for prices. PERSONAL. Oeo. U. Marvin of Columbus, was the guest of relatives Thursday. D. F. Berger will leave Tuesday for Ontario, Cal., where he will be the guest of his son, S. G. Berger, for the next year. Mrs. A. H. Conkey of Appleton, Wis., is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Rev. F. C. Had dock. C. L. Myler is here from Atlanta, ueorgia. Free, Edison's Projectoscope, tit Lakeside park Sunday evenincr: 7:30 to 9:30. b' Randolph park theater opens Sat urday evening, Juno 10th. Dancing at the Gorge every week day afternoon and evening? tf .Utcliael l)altt'H Protect Voted Doivu In Knglish Parliament. Lon"io.v, June !. Both the house of lords and the house of commons passed votes of thanks to General Lord Kitch ener of Khartoum and the otlier officers and men engaged in the Sondau cam paign. Michael Davitt, Irish National member for South Mayo, protested aud nhnlleuged a (U vision, with the result that thero wero J21 votes in favor of hn motion aud .20 against it. A. J. Balfour, the crovernmeritleader. remarked that Mr. D.ivitt attended the hou&o "as an avowed enemy of our country," adding that he understood :t British reverse -would not break his heart. Saturda 100 doz. men's grey mixed underwear, shirts or drawers, full regular make, nicely finished, re- guiar 50c quality IXr During this sale at 3y Wash Dr-ess Skirts $1 .251inen, duck or pique skirts, neatly trimmed at 98c $l.r5 linen, duck or pique skirts, bell shape, neatly trimmed with three rows braid and seams with straps at $1.25 $2.25 linen crash or white pique skirts, hand somely trimmed with vhite and blue braid, buttons in back at $1.?5 $2.T5 blue denim or linen crash shrunk,- over skirt effect, trimmed with insertion or braid, strictly fast colors at $2.98 Our line of wash skirts embraces all the latest novelties in wash skirts at from. 98c to $5 Worsted Dr-ess Skirts $l.r5 black figured mohair skirts at $1.39 $2.50 blackfigured brilliantine skirts at $1.98 $5.00 black brilliantine skirts, full sweep, neatly trimmed at $3.T5 $6.00 black (all wool) crepon skirts at $5.00 $7.00 black Sicilian cloth, handsomely trimmed with shirred ribbon .' at $5.50 Shirt Waists 69c shirt waists, made latest style at 50c 89c shirt waists, in tucked white or nicely trimmed percales ."at 75c $L25 percale shirt waists, trimmed with in sertion - 98c $1.50 white lawn waists, with three rows in sertion, a beautiful waist at $1.25 $l.f5 white lawn, trimmed with three rows fine insertion at $1.50 Umbrellas $1.25 black gloria umbrella, steel rod, para gon frame, fancy handles at 98c $2.00 taffeta umbrellas, steel rod, paragon frame, persian handles at $1.50 $2.50 twilled silk umbrellas, all colors, latest assorted handles at $.1.98 $3.f5 all silk taffeta umbrellas at $2.75 Jackets 1 lot Venetian cloth jackets, strictly tailor-made, lined throughout with silk serge, regular $6.50 garments &A Cfi Will close out entire lot at 4hOU 2ic Tic Special in Aasfa Goods 5c lawns, fast colors at 1 lot of 10c and 12c lawns and dimities . . .at 1 lot of this season's summer dress sroods. re gular price 12c, 15c nd 19c at 10c yd We will offer splendid values in India linens at 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c. 18c and 25c Specials itn Hosiery i louaaies' last black, seamless hose, i fin noiV 15c quality at "C PSIl 50 doz. men's 124c and 15c half hose, 1 fr rir in black, tan or mixed at U yd.ll or 3 pair for 25c Monday will be the last dav of our Muslin Underwear Sale. AT A. PIsky ix 145 S. Howard st. n "We are cutting the price on all our Summer Suit ings to make room for our fall stock, which will soon be here. Take advantage of this reduction. Any $50.00 suit for $45.00 Any $45.00 suit for -$40.00 Anv $40.00 suit for $35.00 Any $35.00 suit for $30.00 Any 30.00 suit for -$25.00 ' M.A MERCHANT" TAILOR, CENTRAL OFFICE BLDG., 183 SOUTH MAIN STREET. VBnBiHgggHHH :3EIiVIEE:BVaBEF2: THE FINAL WIND-UP SALE OF MILLINERY ssa A sure go. The bargains are well appreciated and we have thousands vet to oiler. NONE OVER 25 PER CENT. OF ACTUAL VALUE. vm Q. EL. DURR, csCTggrassssssoS131313 igareigii?iiJiittiiy.3iic3i)g3 129 South Howard St. 5S ViYa m s v , as - j -A . "?s4i2&gK. "-