Newspaper Page Text
-waefitelHassBS'::' 52S fxa-rnra-" iT" flKP&J ' Si 6haai (TOR ! 35c Saturday Morning We give inducements to encourage Saturday morn ing shopping. Gent's Balbriggan Underwear, regular price 7oc, 50c. Saturday morning 5c Zephyrs, worth 12)c, fast colors, 10c India Nainsooks, worth 15c, 10c Muslinets in dark colors, worth 15c 12 White piques in short ends, worth 20c. 15c Sea Island dimities in dark colors 1c, 29c Fancy striped and plain piques, .- 121c Dress organdies,patterns worth 25c 10c "White goods in open stripes and plaids, SPECIAL 3c Simpson's fast black calicoes. l yard to w yara lengtns, . 10c Jast color tiingliams in apron patterns. HYDRAULIC FILTER. Pure Water Used by E. J. Alderfer For Soda Fountain, Baking and Drinking Purposes. Owing to the extremely warn and sultry condition of the weather dur- 1 the past few days the soda fountains ( throughout the city have been sizzing 1 nnd fizzinir busilv. A popular place at which cool, delightful and refresh ing drinks are dispensed under an i entirely new system is at E. J. Alderfer's conlectionary ana cater ing establishment, 160 Main st. About three months ago, Mr. Al derfer secured from Crandall & God- lev. New York, at -a cost of ?W, an hydraulic filter and soda water charging apparatus. This is the only device of the kind in operation in the State. It is giving excellent satis faction, and not only produces a superb quality of soda with phos phates and fruit juices, but also filters arrpurifles all the water used in the restaurant. There is nothing liner than a glass of soda drawn from this fountain. During its use Mr. Alderfer's business has increased about one-third and is still growing. The hydraulic filter; in fact the wholeapparatus is a fine combination of technical mechanism. The drinks produced by it are purer and more delicious than those produced by other fountains. The Alderfer establishment is also headquarters for the famous Verner ginger ale. There is no pepper in the drink to burn the throats-only the purest ginger. Mr. Alderfer uses nothing but rock candy syrup and fruit juices in the dispensing of soda water. Fancy i utter Fresh From the Elgin Creameries Daily. None Superior. 17c buO, 0 flf, ui F, U I Grandmother's A. & P Mi site, it 8 Cakes 25c. EMBRACED Opportunity of Winning His Heart's Choice. LAUNDRY SOAP, No delay in getting-repairs for Climax stoves. They're mat'e at home. The Jahant Co., 166 South Howard St. "25 per cent, Silk Remnants discount on all 150-152 South Howard St. BIRTHS. Motz To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Motz, 102 Albert place, Saturday, June o, a son. CtAlehoosj: To Mr. and Mrs. David Galehouse, 113Kolb st., Thurs day, June 8, a daughter. Oi.sox To Mr. and Mrs. John Ol son, 201 North Case av., Monday June o, a son. Klkix To Mr. and Mrs. John Klein, 552 "West Market st., Tuesday. June (, a daughter. Woman Killed Iiy Hurghirs. Cakmi, Ills., .Time t). Burglars &hut and kUled Mrs. Gott of Korris City, agi'd 07, for resisting them. " The burg lars, who- were identified, secured $llfi and some jewelry and escaped. Blood hounds were after them. "Walter Baker's Cocoa . 22c Rio Coffee 12c to 20c Hunkers Cocoa 20c Mixed Teas. 35c to 70c Eagle Condensed Milk . ... IGc Java Coffee 25c to 30c Quaker Oats A. & P. OATS H.O. Oats H. O. Buckwheat . . Kingsford's Corn Starch. A. & P. CORN STARCH GOOD RICE, 4 lbs A. & P. Gelatine 5c Runkel's Chocolate ... 34c Rival Condensed Milk, 2 cans 15c fflc 35c 10c .. .. 9C 14c 14c Royal, Cleveland and Dr. Price's c Baking Powder re Grandmother's A. & P, WASHING POWDER isc A. & P. Baking Powder 5c lb. Test It Pearl and flake Tapioca . 5c Lea & Perrin's Sauce, pint 23c Courtenay's Original and Genu ine, n P'nt -- - 1-c English Breakfast Tea 35c to 70c C?!,....- Wftcp CTlnVftl, II nnutwlc T Cn I Thea Nectar Tea ' . . '. - 60c ; Indiil Ceylon Tea, hi pound Burnett's Extracts, Lemon 17c ' Soda or Saleratus Burnett's Extracts, Vanilla 23c Green Label Ketchup I Best Rice, 3 pounds Baker's Gelatine A. & P. EXtraCtS, vlSfcrio IU ' MUkmaid Condensed Milk . . ;13c Duryea's Starch, 6-pound box ...40c li&Rh "W '" ' Kc i SANTOS COFFEE 15cto20c 10c i I. X. L. Starch . 7c ..25c I JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE .. 25cto30c ...7c ' Baker's chocolate ... .35c 15c ' Young Hyson Teas .35o to 70c Finest Arabian Java and Mocha Coffee Imported. TEST IT. El Ryad Coffee, Genuine Arabian, 35c per ib. outh Howard Street il,laH;l3-Vi Next to Boston Store. 8 Wheeling Keceied Her Soldier. "Whekuni:, June 0. Wheeling gave her returning soldier boys. Company G, of the Fourth immunes, who have feerved at Muuzanillo, in Cuba, sinco last tall, a magnificent reception. Owing to the Lateness of the Season, And the time being short for SUMMER POOT s WEAR, we have made the prices so low that, it will move the stock quick. You know our past reputation is that when-, ever we advertise CUT PRICES That is what we have. Our store is full of Shoes, Trunks, Satchels and Dress Suit Cases. Bargains for You. buy SHIM See our stock and get our prices before you 121 South Howard Street It Don't Cost Much To be cool and comfortable. "We can you a wool crash suit, well made for A linen crash suit from Straw Hats 25c to $2. sell $5.00 $3.00 up Summer underwear, all kinds, all prices, bicycle underwear. Our light weight goods like our regular stock thoroughly well-made. See our are just iti Reliable Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, and ISO South IVIain Street S.fsooisl Sol I OF I At reduced prices for THBS ftEZEZ&C A new line of sailors and Children's Hats. Our Corset stock is complete. 130 South Howard St. " in en Keaueis so i s pi s. him 4 i .s"I?sE!E"5-Ju We have too many and must gjgyr65?foggg3?&5a reduce our stock. k THIS' WEEK s m a Ss. m a Etti B Mfea u Yvo will quote you lower prices on good well made Couches than you ever heard of. If you need a (.'ouch do not miss this sale. avenpons PARLOR SUITS ANS ODD ROCKERS- Ism Ess nor rwee -WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY 154-156 S. Biain Street and LEAGUE GAMES YESTERDAY. At ridladolphla Philadelphia, 8 runs, 13 hits and I error: St. Louis. 4 runs. 8 hits and 0 er rors. Batteries Fifleld and UcFarland; fcud hoE and O'Connor. Umpires Burn's and imith. Attendance. 1,953. Called end sixth inning; rain. a At Washington Washington, 5 runs. 9 hits and 3 errors: Chicago, 1 nm, 9 hits and 4 er rors. Batteries Mercer and JIcGuire: Tay lor and Nichols. Umpires Lj-nch and Con nolly. Attendance. 2.UO0. Ten innings. At Baltimore Baltimore, 11 runs. 15 h'ts and i errors: Pittsburg, 5 runs, 11 hits and 3 errors. Batteries Howell and Robinson; Payne, Gardner and Schriver. Umpires S artwooJ" and Wnrnor Attendance, 1,0.5!. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 3 runs, 5 hits and 0 errors . Cincinnati, 0 runs, 0 hits and 3 errors. Batteries Hughes and Grim: Hawley nfl Wood. Umoires Enislie and McDonald. At tendance, 2.S0O. At New York New York, 14 runs. 16 hits and 2 errors; Cleveland, 5 runs Id hits and 3 error Batteries Seymour and Grady; Hill and Zlinmer. Umpires O'Day and HcGarr. Attendance. 301. At Boston Bogton. 7 runs, 14 hits and J er rors: Louisville. 5 runs, 1J hits and 2 errors. Batteries Lewis and Clarke: Dowling and Powers. Umpires Gaffney and Andrews. At tendance, 1.8J0. Twelve innings. Staiuliii'r of the Clubs. W. L. Pc. W. L. Brooklyn.. JH II .T-il Cincinnati 21 22 Boston ..0 14 .S2 New York-20 24 st. Louis 27 18 .(W) Pittsuurg.l(i JO Baltmore...". 19 .57S Phila .25 Ml .563 Chicago 2il 2J .585 W.ioh'gton.17 Louisville. -14 Cleveland 8 Pc .483 .455 .3SI C9 .370 SO .318 33 .195 (utiles iM-Iiednled lir Today. Pittsburg at Baltimore. Cincinnati at Brook lyn, at New York and Washington at Philadelphia. Interstate League Oaiues. At Wheeling Wheeling, 5 runs," 9 hits and 2 errors: Toledo, 2 runs, 4 hits and 3 errors. Batteries Poole and Twineham: Ferguson and Arthur. At Mansfield Mansfield, 3 runs. 7 hits and 3 errors: Dayton, 0 runi, 7 hits and 1 error. Batteries Smith and Belt: Carter and Don ahue. At Yimngstown Youngstnwu, " runs. 14 hits and 2 error-: Tort Wayne. 3 runs, 7 hits and 1 error. Batteries Cariit-y and Lattimer; Swaim and Bergen. Intel-Mute League .standing. NV. I.. IV. W. L Mansfield 21) 14 .583 G. Kapids 19 18 Toledo 2110 .5X New Castle18 17 Y'n'gstown2i) If. .550 Dayton 11 23 Ft. Wayno.21 18 .533 Wheeling 14 24 Pc .514 .514 .878 .3!W tiames Scheduled Tor Today. Grand Kapids at New Castle, Fort 'Wayne at Youngstown, Dayton at Mansfle'd and To ledo at Wheeling. TrtMip Were Witlidiawn. Washington, Juno 9. Minister Calvo of Uosta Rica was advUed by Ms gov ernment that the two companies of troops ent a snort time ago to Port Limou, near the Niearaguan border, of the assembling of largo bodies of Nicaraguau troops on the border had been withdrawn. Ho baid lie thought it meant no war. May ltetite a rend. MlDDLESlioito, Ky., June U. Abo Leo, a member of tho Ireo factio;i of the Lee-T.iylor fend, which raged iu Harlan county about ten years aj.'o, was killed from ambush. It was thought the Taylors did tho deed aud tho Lees are arming. The old fend will bo revived. Phonograph grand c'.niuert tonight, Brownell's store, 207 Mill st.,',S p.m. Phonograph grand concert tonight, Brownell's store, 207 Mill st., 8 p.m. Giving: Actual Re ductions on Odd Lots of LADIES' MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S Sale begins will continue aro sold. An great SHOE BARGAINS are offering will be at once and until goods idea of the we ob- Pit sum is Is And you will want one of those flue Apex Hams to Cut Up. No picnic dinner or supper is com plete without one. We know if you once try these hams you will use no others, for there are no finer hams in the city. We guarantee these hams, for we know they will please every one. We have almost anything in the line of fancy bottled goods, such as Pickles, Olives and Fine Preserves. Also the most complete stock of Mineral Waters. Call and look around our new store, there might be something in it that might interest you. Wooster Youth and His Only Own Will Soon Wed. Pretty, vivacious and loving, it seems that nature really intended Wooster girls should have lovers. One of these counterparts of Venus was at Akron Thursday afternoon. So also was her lover. He preceded her here and at the local recruiting office the two were actor and actress in a little performance that had in it both pathos and comedy. The first scene was the young man's entering the office hastily, making application for enlistment, preparing for examination, vocifer ously declaring his attention of de creasing the Philippine population, all the while displaying good humor, being jolly and glad that he was go ing to war. Scene two was different. A young lady entered. She was sorrowful and ever and anon wept into a dainty little handkerchief. At once she grasped the situation and also the young man by the neck. Taking him aside she talked tenderly to him, also expostulating a great deal. Finally she kissed him, next she em braced him a victory was won, and it was hers. Then the reunited young couple bade adieu to Officer Turner, and as they sauntered leisurely up Market street the sun really blushed as it smiled bashfully at their happiness. But they cared not; they saw no one. The lovers' quarrel was settled, and as the young man occasionallv winked a cunning little wink, it was quite evident that his play was a neat little game of blulf, and by it he had triumphed over the coquetry of his sweetheart. Somo day in this month of roses, wedding bolls will ring joyously at Wooster, and the little episode of Thursday afternoon will no doubt be soon forgotten in the happiness that'll follow. MILLER CUTTING THE LIFE OUT OF PRICES OF SHOES FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE SEASON. The prices which we quote below are astonishingly low for Superior Goods. This is a sale that appeals most strikingly to the judgment of every SHREWD Economist. Read this partial list of great inducements Men's and ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 black and tan shoes . . Now $2.6T Men's and ladies' $3.00 black and tan shoes Now 2.1? Men's and ladies' $2.50 black and tan shoes Now 1.8f Men's and ladies' $2.00 black and tan shoes Now 1.57 Men's and ladies' $1.75 black and tan shoes Now 1.1? Men's and ladies' $1.50 black and tan shoes . Now 9?c Boys' and misses' $1.75 black and tan shoes Now 1.3? Boys' aud misses' $1.50 black and tan shoes Now 1.1? Boys''and misses' $1.25 blapk and tan shoes Now 60c to 8?c Children's $1 to $1.25 black and tan shoes.. . . Now 50c to 8?c One lot of men's $l.o0 shoes . . Now 75c One lot of ladies' oxford ties, small sizes, worth $1.50 Now 35c One lot of men's tennis shoes Now 35c Other Bargains Too Numerous to Mention. We guarantee better goods at less money than any other Shoe House in the city. Call and be convinced. Terms strictly cash. IVII White FVon-fc 606 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Shoe Store SOUTH AKRON Detroit GASOLINE STOVES ABE THE HEIGHT OF PERFECTION. They light like gas. Are ready for instant use. No tedious gen erating. Economical in the consumption of gasoline. ... A.ll The Jahant Co. Only one remedy in the world that will at once htop itchiness of the skin in any part of the body; Doan's Ointment. At any drug store, "0c. Do you scold and fret .this hot weather? A Detroit gasoline stove will make you smile. A full line at The Jahant Co., 166 South Howard St. Randolph park theater opens Sat urday evening, June 10th. Knights of Pythias Excursion To Springflel.d, Ohio, via C, A. & C. Ry. Saturday, June 17. Only $2 round trip. Train leaves Akron Union de pot 6:30 a.m. Returning leave Springfield 10 p.m. AnOrdinancc I 214 East Market St. Tel. 769. tained bv seeing DISPLAY IN SHOW WINDOW. SPECIAL SALE ON lis i mm REIB BROS. lip-lo-Dote shoe ood Trunk House, 122 South Howard St. SiS5SESK3332SS?5?tE5Xi Randolph park theater opens urdny evening, June 10th. Sat- Our- IVlot-fco. Put pure food into the homes of the people. "When one lias the best Bread Baked in Akron why not give it the best name in the world White House Cream Bread? Extravagance is tho rock upon which many a family has made shipwreck. Best Pure Goods are always the Cheapest and no extravagance can be charged to those using White House Cream Bread. Model Haker.y, 100 S. Howard st. Phone :94. S. B. JjAFFERTY. S5& G's Pointers. MONEY SAVING TEA A little of our Tea lasts a good deal longer than some other folks Tea. Then our Tea is REAL TEA. lake of 50c Brag uncolored Japan or 50c Ceylon India or Assam, Mixed, English Breakfast or Oolong. eio 8 Japan no store 164 S. Howard o-fc. T establish the grade upon McQowan street, from Johnston street to Gage street. Section 1. Bo It ordained by the City Councll of the city of Akron, that tho grade upon SIcGowan street, froiruTohnston street to Gage street, be and thesame Is hereby establlshed in reference to and above the city datnm plane as follows, to-wlt: At the center of Johnston street, 321.00 feet. At the center of Corley'street, 826.75 feet. At the center of Gage street, 321.75 feet, with true planes connecting adjacent eleva tions. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect upon Its passage. Passed June 5th, 1S09. Chas. H. Isbell, E. P. Sprlgle, City Clerk. Pres't City Council. Approved by the board of Cltv Commis sioners. Chas. H. Isbell, Clerk. June 9-10 166 South-Howard St. .Just: Received I -A FULL LINE OF ) I III III! I New and Stylish Walking: Hats, Sailors and Sun Hats. i J ' e are offering Speeial Price? on all TEBIMED ' MILLINERY during the month of June. ; Smith & Topl5 No. 172 S. Rftain St. AnOrd mancc AWVWWVWWWWWWWVA John G. Engelhart. Wm. K. Eokart Engelhart & Eckart Plumbers, SSSEg. Mfra. of the Engelhart Hot Water Generator. .'!U E. Mill st. Tel. 45 Suejresllons and Information about heating. It cost you nothing. The jahant Co., 160 South Howard St. To license and regulate bill posting, bill distributing and general adver tising. Section 1. Be it ordained by the council of the city of Akron, Ohio, that It shall bo un lawful for any person or corporation to en gage In or carry on the business of bill port ing, painting and posting signs for advertis ing purposes, distributing bills or advertis ing matter of any kind, tacking cards and advertising matter of any article or com pound which has not been manufactured or compounded within tho corporate limits of Akron, Summit county, Ohio, without flrt having obtained n license from tiio mayor of said citv to do so. Sec. 2. Before Issuing such license the mayor shall demand anil receive from the person Applying therefor, the sum of fifty (."!) dollars, ami upon payment of such sum of money It shall be the duty of tho mayor to issue to such person n license for tho per iod of one year from tho date thereof, and express authority is hereby given to the mayor to grant and issue such license and revoke the sume. Sec.Jf. Said licensee, his agents nnd em ployes, while engaged in tho act of bill post ing, painting and posting signs for advertis ing purposes, distributing bills, tacking up cards for advertising purposes, and adver tising matter of any article or compound within the corporate limits of said city, shall while so engaged, wear budge with the following words, printed thereon In large letters. "Licensed, Advertiser," with the name of the licensee. Said budno to bo worn conspicuously upon tho person and iurmsncu m me expense 01 tue licensee. Sec. I. It shall be unlawful for any per son or persons. Arm or corporation to adver tise upon any street, alley or public placo of the city of Akron, by menus of any covered wagon or other vehicle wherein any bell or other device Is placed for the purpose of at tracting attention by noise. See. IS. Any person violating any of the provisions of section one (1) and section four (4) of this ordinance hliall bo fined not less than live (5) dollars nor more than twenty-live (25) dollars for ench nnd every ollense, and each day's eontlnuence In acts and deeds for which a license Is required without obtaining the same, shall ben sepa rate olTonse; provided that any conviction hereunder nnd payment or fine shall not exempt such offender from tho payment of tho license fee required. Sec.O. Nothing lu this oullnanco shall be construed to autuorlzo tho mayor to oact anil receive n license feo from merchants doing business in this city, for advertising their own business. Sec. 7. That nil ordinances and sections of ordinances inconsistent with tho provisions of tills ordinance aro hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall go into full forco and effect from nnd after the earliest time allowed by law. Passed Juno 5th, 1S99. Chas. II. Isbell, E. J. KprlgU. City clerk. Pres't city council. Approved by tho Donrd of City Commis sioners. Chas. II. Isbell, clerk. Juno 9 10 PLEASANT BETJNION "The Boys and Girls of Thirty Years Ago" held their annual picnic and reunion at Lakeside park Thursday. Quite a number of the "boys and girls" participated in the pleasures of tho day, talking over old times aud en joying the social companionship of one another. Take steamer for Long Lake park, 8 a.m. and 1 p.m daily; Sundays 9 and 1:30. Phonograph grand concert tonight, Brownell's store, 207 Mill St., 8 p.m. ($) l Nil Minnie 1 (J; Commencing Saturday, Steamers will run daily at 8 a. m. and 1 p.m., Sundays 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to Long Lake Park. Everything in first-class order. New boats, new management. Make dates for day or night excur sion, fish fry or parties with J. D. Kassinger or S- N. Wilson. Tel. 274. Werner Co. Excursion And outing Cedar Point, Ohio, June 17. Only $1.00 round trip. Train leaves Union depot via B. & O. E.R. 7 a.m. Returning leave Sandusky 7 p.m. Summer Opening Friday and Saturday June 9 and 10 Of latest trimmed designs in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats. Just received large shipment of Flowers. Will sell in all lines at lowest prices. eison's IVBiliinery 624 South Wain Street. OPEN EVENINGS ::vvo: rs"tsTJs-isc i :sv?sir2S3S2sas:SY BOaSaSfeSSE3SSs3t3JSs3bJSE3l3E3iSvaG3C3i3te "A Bund of Pinks !" This Special on Saturday. beautiful picture, framed, size 10x2 given with 1 pound of the famous ai nrri un II in. a 1 I SEE THEM TN OUR WINDOW. Grand Union Tea Co... 130 S. Main st. y !' J ;i