Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY DEMOCRAT Edw. S. Harler Fred W. Editors and Managers. Gayer Ed H. De La Coukt. Mgr. Adrertlilag Dept THK PU1IL1SHED Br AKRON DKMOOKAT COMPANY OKKIOB Democrat Block, Noa. 1D5 and 137 Main t. IONO UISTAXOJE PBOKE 1W. OmOEKS ASD DIKBOTOEB. President . Vic-Presldent.. Secretary Treasurer.. Edw. B. Uarter.. ..James V. Welsh A.t. 1'AK.E KHED W- GATEIt WILLIAM T. SAWTEK JiJO. MON A3IABA .June Weddings... This is the lending month of tlie year for weddings, is nothing better or more attractive than a piece of There Potter assware H na I THE WITCH HARE I rir'ti;ifAf;c7ti;,iit;ti(;tCtdf't;wt.i Ed. H. Dk La Coubt. Entered at the Postofflce st Akron, Ohio, us Second-Clnsa Mall Matter. Delivered Every Evening by Carrier Eo 5 CENTS A WEEK By Mall 12.50 - - - Jl.forHlx Montiin Official Paper of the City of Akron. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL NO. 130. FRIDAY, JUNE J Nor n bridal gift. Our stork i full of good things ju-t in luir- v this festive season, and avc invite you to call Uli and PloveSfles TRADETi&4cOUIf0b "Wanner. At sight of Sigfrid the dragon laughed with horrid unction. "Yon are jnst in tiny; I" exclaimed the monster. "I am very hungry" "Yon should have brought a sand wich," replied the warrior lightly. "Here in New York nobody thinks of going through a Wagner cycle without a sandwich." Detroit Journal Tricked. "I am disposed to he friendly to the United States," said the Cuban. "They freed us." "Freed nsl" grunted the member of the assembly. "What's that? They won't give ub the caehwewant:" Philadelphia North American. Use Allen's Foot-Ease In Your Gloves. A lady writes. "I shake Allen's Foot Ease into my gloves and rub a little on my hands. It saves my gloves by absorbing perspiration. It Is a most dainty toilet powder." We Invite the attention of phy sicians and nurses to the absolute purity of Allen's Foot-Ease. Dr. W. C. Abbott, edi tor of the Chicago Clinic says: "It lsn grand preparation: I am tiling It constantly In my practice." All drug and shoe stores sell It. 25c. Sample sent FIIEE. Address, Allen S. Olmstead, LhRo.v. N.Y. LOCAL MARKETS. WHEAT 70 CENTS. Retail Prices. Jnue a, 3 p.m. Butt-er, creamery 20c, country 15c, cooking 10c lard 10c; eggs 18c; chickens, 15c per lb. dressed Corn, ear 23c to 25c per bushel, shelled 45c: oats 33c to 37c; hay 55c to 65c a hundred ; straw IXta to 40c a hundred. Potatoes5-j c pur bushel. Lettuce 10c per pound. New onions, three bunches for 5c. Asparagus 8c a bunch. Radishes, two bunches for 5c, Strawberries, lX to 10c qt. , Cucumbers, 5c piece. Spinach 25c a peck. Pie Plant, 2 bunches for 5c. Wax Beans 25c a measure. Tomatoes, 20c per ll. New beets, 5c. Summer squash, 10cvto 15c apiece. New potatoes, 15c a measure. Peas, 10c a measure. Wholesale Prices. Wheat 70c; oats 30c to 33c; corn, ear, 20c ; corn, shelled, 40c : hay, $10. to $11; rye, 58c. Butter, creamery, 15 to 17c; country 10c; lard, Gc; eggs, 13 to 14c; chickens, live 3c, dressed lie. Navy beans,$1.34, $1.40; marrowfat beans $1.50, $1.65. Potatoes, 30 to 35c a bushel. Cured hides, No. ,8J.'jS'o. 2, 8c, green,No. 1, 7Jc, No. 2 GKc, cured calf skins, No. 1, 10J&C, No. 2, 9c; green, No. 1, 9c; No. 2, 8c; tallow, No. 1, 4c; sheep peltsdamb skins, 90c. Pork, dressed, 4c, live $3.50 to $3.75; beef, dressed, 7c to 8c, live 4c to 5c; mutton, live. 4o to 5c; dressed, 9c to 10c; lamb, dressed, lie live, 5 to h ; spring lamb, 14 to 15c ; pork, loins, 8c; veal, live 5c to 6 dressed, 9Jrfc. Sugar-cured ham, 8c to '9Jc; shoulder, 5c; Califonria ham, 6c to 6c ; bacon, 7c to 8c ; dried beef, lie to 15c; lard, simon pure, 6tc in tub ; 6c in tierces; country kettle 5Cc: purf lard, 50. inspect our assort nient'of AH the Latest PreMueed Herrlck & Son 1 AVeArc i C J! " Our I S Em I the Original j rzFa Ba Goods are 1 J Cut Kate Lj "Always Fresli ! Store. S Mhwaa and New. 9 i T .1 I IE . w I n a I i I The ta&s S1 Patent Medicines 1 Citizens saBfBRI " atdit Eates. 1 Appreciate the iJLn c art'T'lt 1 1 Opportunity ' Leaders. D to Receive H-S E We are here to stay.B I patent mamm. store I 1 2IO West Market St. I I J. O. DAY &. OO. I WE DO IT RIGHT-New YorkDentists Artificial Teeth AnOrdinance To re-establish the- grade upon Cherry street, between Market street and Howard street. Section 1. Be It ordulned by the City Council of the city of Akron, that the grade upon Cherry street, between .MnrtcUatreet and Howard street, be and the same is hereby established in reference to and above the city datum plane as follows, towlt: At the southerly line of JInrket street, 145JW feet. At 280 feet from the southerlv line of Market street, 1SU feet. At 5H feet from the southerly line of Sinr ket street, 1.13.30 feet. At the westerly edge of bridge across Ohio canal, 130.50 feet. At 245 feet from last named point, 181.75 feet. At the westerly line of Howard street, 157.S0 feet. With true planes connecting aijncent ele vations. Sec. 2. That any ordinance conflicting with the above Is hereby repealed. Hec.3. That thlsordlnance slinll lukl' ef-fect-upon lis passage. Passed June 5, 1K'.. Chas. H. Isbell, K. 1. Sprigle. City Clerk. l'res't City Council. Aproved by the Board of City Commis sioners. Chas. 11. Isbell. June 8 10 Clerk. AnOrdinance To amend section 507p of subdivis ion VIII, relating to electric wires, lights and poles, of the general or dinances of the city of Akron. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Cltv Council of the city of Akron, that section SOTp of subdvlslon VIII, relating to electric wires, lights and poles, of the general ordi nances of the city of Akron, as revised July 5th, 1893, be amended so as to read as fol lows: Section 507p. Heavy current wire at crossings shall pass under tbe light current wires, and no less than three feet distant therefrom, except when permission is grant ed by the Board of the City Commissioners or ineir successors, upon application to run them otherwise. Section 2. That original section 507p be and the same is hereby re pealed. T Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and due publication. Passed June 5, 1899. Chas. H. Isbell, E. I. Sprlgle. City clerk. Pres't city council. June 8-10 We defy competition to workman ship or prices. Painless operating and extractions guaranteed. Careful examinations free of charge. Full set of teefcli rrrrw Without piate A S?ccivnr. .Made of tliobest material, inside sub stantial, made to fit. any mouth, made to restore natural appearance? Twenty years written guarantee with.all our work. Crown and Bridge Work Examination, estimations and ad vice FREE. Open daily 8 to 8. Sundays 10 to 4. !Nisw York E3r&i:a2 Parlors IA8 Sou-bH EV.iir- Street. O. W. RENKERT, D.D.S., Manager. Over Standard Hardware Co. pw AND RETURN Via C, A. v C. K. K. Sunday, June 11th. Train leaves Akron turning leaves Columbus Union Depot 8:30 a. m., Re 7 p. in. and 12 :35 midnight. I J. hf. L8TTLE 1 MILLINERY The month of June is one of the best months for.: I have all the season arranged by buying so that I can have the very newest, and nobbiest tilings as they appear in June. THE NEW THINGS FOR JUNE ARE BEAUTIFUL J.W. LITTLE 1 jBWWjSL.r(l-a.E:-4xgH a PLANS AHD ) ALL, AVORK fKIS&I0HS GUARANTEED FURBISHED. M P. Cahill -AGENT KOI Tie h. ii. m Co. inn onfl cm- First-Class Plumbing: Work a Specialty. Orders Promptly Filled. 203 East Market St. Tel. 19S. Res. Tel. 747. iAL-4i.iaf,raaffcaEg M.J. Murphy, Liquor Dealer "tai ft i II IIS - A SPECIALTY S. Howard St. AKRON, 0. f wmst) ( HUM ) Secin 'twas my awn gert sran'faitlier what fust heard the story from the Aery lips of Gammer Bassett, theer bau't no particMer call for dUbelievin it, as 1 can see. Well, Uammer Hasett wn- comin hiune from tbe Tavistock market, awier Wliiti-lnireb down, when what thonW her hear l'lit the tantuni of a horn. Mowed mj clear as a lell, an the bay-of homnK in full cry! Then theer suddenly MreaKisl aloiij; somethin gray, vri friirht eiil ejes an .sides all wet wilh f:weat. An the ln-at jumped lip 'pou toj) of a ttune wall, light 'long side Mother I!as--ett, where .-he rode her pony. They had panniers in them days, the ways bein too rcugh most places for an 1 tiiiif wi' wlieels. So a sudden thought taLes the auld '.roiii.iii. an he formed if she didn't pop out her hand an catch the hare (for hare it was). She catched tin by the ears au popped un in the pannier, an the beast 'peared to know as 'twas her awnly chance o" salvation an bided so quiet as a tamo cat. while gammer she pushed on her pony an no doubt had a fine thought of a judged hare come Sunday. "Twas evenin time by all accounts an a loneome part the road when the horn went asain, an afoie she knawed it the auld woman seed a gert pack o' black hounds come a-tearin out the gran ite 'pon 1'ew Tor, as she passed near by on her way home. Black as the bottom of a bos they was, wi' ruby red eyes an thin tails as trembled like whips o' fue. Course she knawed them for devil's hounds ns anybody might, an, suie enough, theer corned a coal black chap arter 'em, an he sat upon a horse wi'out no head, an the dame seed as his left foot were cloven in the stirrup. Devil or not, he weeni't smart enough to knaw she'd foxed un an had the game hid in her pannier, for he coined up in a very gentlemanly way an axeil if she'd chanced to a hare 'pon the way. Dame, shivviu for fear, reckoned as weeni't no gert harm to give the faither o' lies wan in his awn coin, so her ups an sez her'il seen nothin o' the sort at all. An the devil thanked her so civil as need be an Man oil his horn an was gone wi' his dogs an his varmint of a horse afore she'd time to cross her bosom or say a prayer. Then,, thinkin a gude deal 'pon such a strange thing. Gammer Bassett went aloiij till she seed the lights o' Meri vale, where she lived. Presently the moon lose awver the moor edgge, whereupon chanced a 'mazin thing; for no sooner had the light failed in the pannier where thieky hare was than up coined the lid. an, instead of the haie, theer roo out a butiviil gal so bowerly a maid as ever you see all dressed in white, wi' a gold band across the forehead o' her, an her hair corn color under the moon, an her eyes, so gammer said to my gert-grandfaither. brighter'n the evenin star. Mother Bassett seed as 'twas enchant ments an set herself to her prayers all she knawed; but the white lady spoke in a pleasant fashion o voice, nn this is what she said: "Auld woman, fear not when I tell you I be a spirit not o' this nirth. l'or many thousand years I have been doomed to pay for a crime done in my youth, an have had lo fly awver the moor, from Whitchurch to Cranmere pool, in the shape of a haie, while the faither o' evil an his archangels, in form o' hound-, hunted me. But it was decieed that if ever I could let them pass me hy au see their tails vanish in the darkness my punishment should cease. Today, by your help, this end has been reached, an now I shall repair to the hc.itvnly mansions. But think not that I be ungrateful. I owe you many thanks for your friendly help, an as it is in my power to grant them, ax o' me three favors an be sure that I shall grant thi'ifi. Speak!" Course the young vhite lady spirit didn't talk in my common way for her used the most butivnl words as ever dame had heard but that was the sense of what she said. An ould woman she scratched her ear, an thoughted, an thoughted. an wished her might have had more time to consider such a gert matter. But she was full o' mother wit by all accounts, an soon had her wishes leady. "Savin your presence." she sez, "if you'm in earnest an not haviu a joke wi' me, I'll ax these three thinggs fust be pleased to let my hens lay twice so many eggs as any other body's." The white lady nodded. "Second, I'll thank 'e to let my cows yield twice so much milk as any other body's cows." The white lady noded again. "Third, as you'll kindly give me n sharper tongue in my dealin's wi' my auld man; for 'tis 'which he should' wi' us most times, an I alius have the worst on it." The white lady said: "Henceforth you shall always get the better of your good man with your tongue. And one word more. Yon have outwitted the devil, Gammer Bassett, and he is one who never forgives an in jury. Therefore be cautious, and look to it you give him no chance or opportu nity to be even with you.. Farewell!" Then the maiden vanished like a moor mist 'fore a breath o' wind, an Gammer trudged home. Fust word she heard on getting theer was a hard wan from her husband for bein so late; but she'd got a harder ready for him, an from that day ever afterward, to the wan when Gammer buried the old Mid, he found he'd met his match an more'n his match in her tongue. Never was heard such razor words to Meiivale afore. An same wi' the fowls and the milk cows. The ghost, or whatever 'twas, kept her word by Gammer, an the eggs she got an the 'mazin showers o' milk her cows gived was a wonder o' the countryside for years an years. That's the tale just as my gert-'gran'-faither told my faither, nn I can't see as anybody's got any call not to b'lieve it, for never none feared a lie worse'n my gert-gran'faither. An as to repeatiii such a thing, 'tweern't in the nature of the man to do it. Black and White w and ask E SHALL NOT im pose on vour time you to read a of lo or 20 pages describnm the merits of the catalogue i . UNTO THE END. I know not where tomorrow's pnths may wend, Nor whnt the fnture hold, but this I know. Whichever way my feet aw forced to go, I shall le given courage to the end. Though God that awfnl gift of his may send We call long life, where headstones in a row Hide all of happine-s, yet Le it so; I shall be given conrage to the end. If dark the deeiening shadows be that blend With life's pale sunlight when the sun dips low. Though joy speeds by and sorrow's steps are slow, I shall be given courage to the end. I do not question what the years portend Or gi-od or ill whatever wind may blow; It l- enough, enough lor me to know I shall Ik given courage to the end. nila Wheeler Wilcox in Youth's Companion. MaB 10 M Notice this No. 323 is oh eachjwindow. I tail ill ill Saforia Sfioes They speak for themselves. Your inspection will lie hot ter than 100 pages of praise. Call and ee them. If once yon have the Satoria you will buy no other Price . . YV"c are exclusive asents A LITTLE BIT OF A DARKY. I 110 S. Howard St. g 9 if you would stand on the pedestal of hiicce-s choose wisely your trading place; you understand, of course, that means' bnv Groceries at !; Tulil 1I1 Story Well anil Iteapcu HIh ltettiril. He was a little bit of a darky, not much bigger than a lump of coal and not uracil whiter, and when I called him tip to do an errand for me across thestieet his eyes snapped as if they were electrified. "What is yonr name?" I inquired. "Tank, boss," be answered, with a bow .md a grin. "That's a queer kind of a name. Yonr people aren't temperance folks, are they V " 'Deed, boss, I dunno. Dey calls mo Tank, bnt my name's Pasquotank Per quimans." "Oh!" I laughed. "That's name enough for Iwo kids like you. Where do yon come from?" "I'se f'nui Kbrf Ca'liny, boss." "What are you doing to far from home?" "Doiu the best I kin, boss." He stopped a. moment to stndy. "How much have you made today?" "When I gets de 10 cents you's gwinter gib me," he said, with a shrewd little smile I baddjjfeigreed upon a price at all "an I gBfu cents mo' f win de nex' gem'man it'll make 20 cents, boss." "Is that all? Yen can't live on 20 cents a day, can yon?" A. shadow, if a bhadow could show there, came into tho little black face, and with it a bard line as of determi nation. "I'se gotter lib, boss," he said. "I cain't die, fer dey ain't nobody but me ter take keor ob mammy, an she's mighty po'ly mos' ob de time." Possibly Pasquotank Perquimans was working on my sympathies and his story may have been told many a time before, bnt I think not, and I know that his revenue for that day was more than 20 cents.' Washington Star. Goods will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST Summer Clothing, Winter Clothing, all must go. Cent's Furnishing-;. Hats. Caps and Children's Clothing will be sacrificed so that everv trarment will be sold by Sept . 1 . -feg-ais sale men's, Boys ..tnudrcn's Clothing-., Will be sold cheaper than others can buy them because avc are manufacturers. A clean new stock will be put in for the fall season. Now is your time to save money. I Akron Clothing Co. I Wo. I3S S. Howard s-fc. I I "ext to the 15. Ij. Dodge Furniture Store. I F?3rf 'BTPhi3 Lai3,t I GOODS YOU NEED IN SUStiER. Gasoline Stoves Lawn Mowers, Hose Window and Door Screens Ice Cream Freezers Garden Tools Builders' Hardware Nails, Tinware OUR EF5ICE:S Sherwin-Williams Co. Paint Lead and Oils, standard brands Brushes of all kinds Poultry Netting Stoves Roofing and spouting ARE RIGHT. HART Oor. Howard and Market"Streets The oldest hardware stand in the citv. Griesmer & Crumrine's GROCERS No. 218 East Market Street Tel. No. 58 Evidence of Ability. "And so jnu think Horrocks is a man of more than otdinary intelligence? What has led yon to form such an opinion of him?" "As I was on my way homo yesterday I saw a horse that had balked in the mid dle of the street, and a crowd had gather ed around. IIoi rocks was the only per son piesent who had no scheme to sug gest for making the animal move." Chi cago News. An Oilnlon. "A trust," remarked the very pros perous looking man, "is a public bless ing." "Maybe it is," answered the unas suming friend, "bnt I can't help think ing it is one of tho kind that would brighten as it took its flight." Wash ington Star. Order your Spring Suit and Over Goat now. . . , Y THE FASHIONAIiLTC TATLOIt. Gttth Uloek. lS4-i:ifS S. Howard st lie Wa .o Authority. The New York Times relates an anec dote concerning Mr. Howells that is good enough to be true, whether it is or not. According to report, a dispute as to the words "lunch" and "lunch eon" recently arose between Mr. and Mrs. Howells. Mr. Howells championed "lunch" as the proper term, while his wife defended "luncheon." At last, at Mr. Howells' FUggeation, they appealed to the Century Dictionary to settle the question. "Well, I was right, after all'" lie exclaimed in triumph, and he read aloud the following extract quoted as showing correct usage: "We lunched fairly upon little dishes of rose leaves delicately preserved." "From what author is that sentence taken?" inquired Mrs. Howells. "Why, I declare, from W. D. How ells!" "Pshaw!" was the retort. "He's no anthority." Unrloo.t Bird Hnuiis. It is a well known fact that if the young of almost any kind of bird are taken from the nest before they can fly the old ones will feed them most atten tively if tho cage in which the little birds are inclosed is placed somewhere where the parents can reach it, and a popular but erroneous belief is current that they do this for a time, and end by poisoning the yonng ones. This, however, is a mistake, the fact being that at a certain stage of a young bird's existence, when it is naturally able to begin catering for itself, the parent birds, also quite naturally, cease to attend it, and then, if tbe birdlings tire shut up in the cage and their cus todian has not thought of placing some food at their disposal they necessarily die, not from poison administered by the parents, but from starvation. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. A Choice line of Sailors at Miss Helen Griffin, 50c i 7o I Children's Sailors at I Cor. High and Ex change Streets. Are always pleased with sifts coin ins from our htore. The reason is plain: USEFUL and ORNAJdENTAI. goods, HIGH QUALITY which means SERVICEABLE, are the kind or goods we sell and consequently not only please, when received, but grvo- ati(ie(j pleasure iroiu use. Do ou you can't afford to Do you. want a nice low priced gift? We can please vou. 1 want a nice Watch, Diamond or a' rich piece of Jewelry? Yi t afford to miss us. The newest uroods and correct nrices. Frank. Laubach & Clemmer Co. Plain Street. Try our Silver Polish. S.O.O.P". TEIVIFIE 01 iiiKi In amounts to suit individual! on real estate security. G Rer- Oer-i-fc- Interest Wail I Hoifgnger 226 South Main si, Akron, 0. Phono a DRINK Prmlnclngr a Good IxniireMHlon. "I suppose," said the editor as he spread the manuscript out on the desk in front of him, "that yon call this poetry." "iNot at all, answered the yonng: man who had submitted it. "I desig nate it merely as versification." When the editor had recovered from tiis astonishment, he made haste to say: "You may leave it. I have no doubt I shall find considerable merit in it, and I shall be glad to look it over care fully at my leisure." Chicago Post. NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE ANOTHER SPECIAL SALE ON SATURDAY. - A still greater reduction on Trimmed Hats. Also a fine variety of Mid Summer Hats, newly trimmed for the comimr season. Wo have tho VERY LATEST in White Sailors and Walking Hats. Also every variety of Sailor from 10c and upwards. Call early and make your selection. Prices low as the lowc-f. IVars. E- O. ioo-fc, SSSSSS23 139 Howard St. Oil IB ! SE, ,,!! W're Tlinn die Dlnense. Handout Harry1 I wasted de hnll ui or n in yesterday readin a piece in de pttper about how ter git rich. Tiepass Teddy Didn't it tell how ycr could do it? Handout Harry It didn't tell no way but workin. San Francisco Ex aminer. Economy, btticiency, D u t-E fa i I i ty . Reing adjusted to any given gas pressure, the requisite volume, of gas and air to in sure perfect combustion un easily and readily obtained and controlled,tlius securing the highest eiliciency and greatest ec consumed. Insist ou plumber ftirnNh ingsame. I'll guarantee ga bills less than coal. 'SSS8? ' ' JifiVSaSB -f-'I.;-S- t ti?. Ill IZTtim -StWi'T' rs!' tiff sir flil; k'hi Jtrn ' (I M "I '- KTI Tm mIJk i1 S3Z&Z-S i II I w 112 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. Bnrknardfs Beer- From One Point of View. "There, now, jast listen to thiol" the telephone exclaimed. "A very wealthy man says the way to get rich is not to talk during business hour?." "Huhl" growled t,he phonograph. "That shows how little, he knows about buelness." Chicago Record. IT'S THE BE! BREWED The best donkeys come from Arabia. They have clean, smooth coats, hold their heads high and are used only for riding purposes. Many are sent to Per sia, where they sell for high snms. They are well looked after and their harnessings are of the richest. Herr Dnsen, a German traveler who explored the west coast of Patagonia, says that mosses of all species are de veloped theie to an extraordinary de gree. They grow in immense heaps, the explorer sinking to his armpits in sonio of theu:. Won Unite Up to Date. "Yon say you want a bicycle, Willie?" "Yes, pnpa." "Well, why don't yon start one of those letter chnins and earn one?" "Because, papa, I'd rather have n chainless one." Yonkers Statesman. READ DEMOCRAT ADS. A Menn Amnitracnt. "I love to mako visits in the morn ing." "Do you" "Yes; all tho other women are bnsy cleaning house, and it is bo funny to see them try to act glad to see me."- 1 Special Sale o-f g UP-TO-DATE HATS. HATS which we will H M close out at $2.00 see them. TRIMMED a piece. Do not fail -to M. E. WOLCOTT CO. 122 S. Howard st. Over Reid's Shoe Store Summit Lake Park Theater New People For This Week, Every Evg., and Sat. Matinee Seeker Wilkes and Kastus tho latest metropolitan success, the only pickaninny singing conn sons in (Vnnau. Allk'uat & Wild in tIn'ii'tmiiii-.en'ation of the ''Dance of the tioblins."' Carroll & Maley tin- greatest knockabout song and dance artists in America. SI'KCIAL ANNOUNCliJll-NT FOIt NEXT WEEK The Great Seville Sisters lm e hern engaged at an enormous salary to piotiin-e their laitiotis iviicctririM minority jj.-iuce. -inu imeeiis 01 nn urv dancers. All others, outdone bar none.