Newspaper Page Text
sSr- THE DAILY DEMOCRAT Edw. S. Harter Fred W. Gayer Editors and Managers. Ed li. I)e La Coubt. Mgr. AdTertltlng Sept PCBl.fHES BT , AKRON DBXIOCKA.T .COMPANY THE OKKIOB -, Democrat Block. Nos. iss and '1S7 Main st. ION OISTAKCBTIipBl80. OrriOERS AND DIBE0T0B8. Frmldaat ,.. aTs V. Welsij Vice-President ,, A.T. Paige secretary Fekd w. Gatek Treasurer... Kdw.8. Harteu WlUIAX T. SAWTfCK JMO. MCNAMARA Kn. B. Dk La Court. Entered at thH Postofflco at Akron, Ohio, hb Second-Class Mall Matter. Delivered Every Evening by Carrier 5 CENTS A WEEK Boy By Mall J2.50 - WjS for 811 Mouth Official Paper of the City of Akron. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL NO. 180. SATURDAY, JTJJE 10 NORTH SPRINGFIELD'. The "sixth annual Swinehart re union was held in a grove on the Jacob Swinchart homestead, in Mill heiin. last Saturday.. The assem blage was called to order by the vice- presided at ii a.m. Alter prayer there was a song by the quartet, composed of Mrs. Anna Hornberger, Miss IiUtie Hornberger, Mrs. F. W. McChesney and Geo. Nourse, Jennie Hornberger presiding at the organ. Remarks by Vice President Wm. Pressler followed, after which the secretary and treasurer made their reports which were accepted. The following were elected officers for . the ensuing year: Elihu Swinehart, president; Sam uel Swinehart, vice president; O. J. Swinehart, secretary ; Nathan Swine hart, assistant secretary: ueo. swine hart, treasurer. The meeting then adjourned for dinner, of which there was an elab orate and bounteous supply, 253 be jne seated at the tables. At 2:15 order was again called for when the following' progran was rendered: Anthem, by the truartet; remarks by Geo. Garl and Samuel Swinehart; song by Mrs. Smeidel and Rosa Ewell; declamations, by Helen Housel, Rosa Ewell. Lulu Kahler, Edith Tritt, Christina Miller and Helen Swinehart; address by Prof. John Woodling on "Benefits to be Derived from Reunions;" address on "The Home and Reminiscences of the Past Forty. Years," by O. J. Swinehart: remarks by Elihu Swine hart ;solo by Geo. Noflrse. The re union closed by singing. "God be With You 'Till We Meet Again." A reunion will bo held on the first Sat urday of June, 1900; place undicided. There were about 300 present, to share in the merry occasion. Only two of our number out of an enroll ment of 250 died during the past year. I am sure that all present are the gainers by spending a day thus with kindred and friends. Hoping that we may have the privilege;:!" meeting in" reunion in many years hence, 1 remain, your humble ser vant, O. J. Swinehart, Secretary. After using Fels-Naptha, you won't wash with any other soap. Your grocer returns your money if you don't like it : 5c. Feb & Co, makers, Philadelphia. KRUMR0Y. The young people's monthly social will be held at the home of Jacob Metzgar Thursday evening. Children's day will be observed at North Springfield Sunday morning. A good program will be rendered. P. N. Boyer will be found hereafter in a confectionery store on Buchtel ave. He will be glad to have his lriends call on him. The graduating exercises will be held at North Springfield church next Friday evening, June 16. Rev. A. B. Strong will be installed as pastor of the Presbyterian church at North Springfield Wednesday evening. Eight ministers from abroad will be present. Pleasant. Valley will have the first festival in this locality Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McChesney took a pleasure trip to New Castle, Pa.,Monday. ' "A Howling Success." Whenever properly introduced Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, as a cure for constipation, has met with a phe nomenal sale. Many druggists cannot sayenough in praise of its merits, as well as its great popularity with the people. In 10c trial size and also in 50c and $1.00 sizes, of Dutt's pharm acy, 629 South Main st. M0GAD0RE. The anniversary of the dedication of the Jr. O. U. A. M. hall will be celebrated by a social ball Friday evening. ' The floor Inone of-the lower rooms in the Eagle block gave way on De coration day while dinners were be ing served. It so weakened the hall above that the citizens were com pelled to have their exercises! in the school yard. The class social given at the resi dence of Mr. D. M. Kent, Friday evening was well attended and all report an enjoyable time. The graduating exercises of the High school will take place Thurs day evening, June 8th, at the M. E. church. Following is the class: G. R. Hope, C. S. Kent, H. H. McClos ky, Miss A. B. Myers, Miss M. H. Bastian, G. L. Atchison and M. E. Willson. The baccalaureate sermon de livered by Rev. Christman, Sunday evening, was largely attended. The convention held at the resi dence of Mr. Curt Fenton, Friday, was largely attended and a fine pro gram was furnished. G.'O. P. Ladies. Can Wear Shoes One nlze smaller after using Allen's Kool Ense, a powdar to be jihakpn into the' shoos. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; elves Instant relief lo corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, bliKtersorcullous .spots. Allen's FooUEase is a certain cure for Ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At nil druggists and shoe stores, 23c. Trial package FREE by mail. Address, Allen S.Olmsted, gfTRADE(iff'COUNCTD DARR0WVILLE. June 1. Memorial day exercises were held in Grange hall last Sun day afternoon. The program was opened with music by the Hudson band, after which the Grange choir rftndered a patriotic song. Rev. Williams of Akron delivered a short prayer, after which L. W. Sherman introduced the speaker of the day. Rev. Mrs. Abbie Danforth, who de livered a very interesting and inspir ing address, immediately alter tne close of the exercises at the hall the G.A.R., W.R.C. and school children, followed by the citizens, and headed by the band, marched to Maple Lawn cemeterv where the graves of our fallen lieroes were strewn with flowers. Messrs. Elgie and Ernest Shaffer of Akron were guests of E. T. Walk er and family. H. W. Howe and wife of Hawkins, were in town Tuesday. L. Darrow and family entertained visitors from Cuyahoga Falls Sun day. Mrs. Cawan and daughter Delia of Northfleld, visited friends here Sun day. JR. F. Caller of Cleveland, spent the' fore part of the weeks with liis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Coller. H. C. Stentz of Loudonville, repre senting the McCormick Harvesting j Co., -was in town Tuesday on busi ness. W. . H. Parks and wife of Kent, were Sundav visitors here. W. F. Ball and wife of Mantua Station, wisited M. H. Danforth and family Sunday. Thos. C. Smith of Cleveland, Sun dayed herewith relatives. Mrs. Esther Parks of Kent, is vis iting relatives here for a few weeks. Henry Wilcox and wife of Medina, are guests of M. C. Danforth and family for a few days. Miss Lena Weeks of Cleveland, was the guest of Miss Minnie Walk er over Sunday. Homer Darrow was in Gambier Decoration day. Miss Maggie Smith and George Petzinsrer of Cleveland, attended Memorial day exercises here Sunday. J Juxe 6. The Harris-Danfort fam ily reunion will "be held at Grange hall Saturday. Mr. Hoyt, representing the Union Mutual Insurance Co., was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Elizabeth Hames of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting relatives here. Frank Myers and wife of Cuyahoga Falls, were in town over Sunday. COMET. Mother Buchtel visited Daniel Harmon of Canal Fulton last week. Jerry Pelmer and family of Mc Donaldsville visited here last Sun day. Don't forget the Treesh and Work inger reunion next Saturday at Simon Whitmyer's, one and one-half mile southeast of Comet. Everybody come with a well filled basket. Speaking and singing will be the or der of the day with a good social chat by everybody and plenty to eat. The Lockwood choir will furnish music. Alter a week's vacation Elmer Treesh has returned to New Portage to help saw lumber. Homer Treesh has hired to Win. Whitmyer; will begin work Mon day. Wm. Kleckneris again engaged by the Board of Education of Green tp. to teach the Comet school. The .clerk of this school district has resigned and Freeman Dallyhns beeri elected by the Board of Educa tionas his successor. Both ministers of Comet preached eloquent sermans Sunday. Freeman Doily and wife were visiting his father last Saturday evening. Hay making "will soon be here; so will harvest, and farmers will be very busy while it lasts. Geo. Conrad had a gash cut in his foot by a chisel dropping upon it. L. A. Treesh and wife were at their daughter's last Sunday evening and enjoyed the ice cream. Wm. A. Dickerhoof and family were visiting at Barberton last Sun day. S. A. Riuninger 6old an organ to L. A. Treesh last Monday evening. Dewey. In treating children for coughs, colds, croup or whooping cough, it is expedient to have a medicine that is pleasant to take. Children like UnamDeriain's uougn iiemedy., it always cures too. For sale by all druggists. MUNR0E FALLS. John Strowman is building a corn house and wagon shed. Mr. Samons has his barn ready for the painters. Mr. Rearick's house looks nobby with a new coat of paint.. Mrs. Arch Harris was " quite sick Tuesday. Dr. Middleton was called to attend her. The corn is backward; some must be replanted. Wheat will not be a very good crop. "Oats look good; not much hay. . Mr. and Mrs. TJplinger visited with Mrs. TJ.'s sister, Mrs. Scool, at Free dom Station, Sunday. John Corley attended Mr. Car michael's funeral Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson have moved into the home of Wm. Hun ter. The Butter company is unable to fill their orders for butter and cream although they get about 8,000 pounds of milk a day. George Gaylord has the best corn in the neighborhood. Bekoham's Pills for Stomach and I.iver Ills. TWINSBURG. Mrs. A. L. Nelson of Detroit, is visiting Twinsburg friends. Messrs. Chamberlain, Harvey, Rounds and Bellomy of Hiram col lege were guests at O. E. Chamber lam's last week. W. C. Prentiss was in Akron Mon day. Lyman Atwater of Hopkins, Mich., spent two or three days here last week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Deacon rind daughter Ruth of Akron, spent Sunday with her brother, R. A. Dickerson and family. Mrs. Cinthia Barber of Cleveland, is visiting friends here. Miss Bina Parham and her friend Miss Stanley of Cleveland, spent Sunday with Miss Parham's sister, Mrs. N. C. Dodge. There was an accident at the Sand mill, Monday. One of the workmen, Sinclair Wilson, was quite badly hurt. He is getting along as well as could be expected. ' E. B. Stanley of Akron, spent Sun day "with his parents. .High school commencement ex ercises here tonight. Donrs. Randolph park theater opens Sat urday evening, June 10th. AKRON. OHIO. nil June 11 and 15 ADMISSION FREE F, TREATED FREE L'pon the stage by the BOY PHENOMENON Who is coining with healing in his hands, the world's invicible MAGNETIC HEALER Who treats the deaf, blind, sick, lame, rheumatic, paralytic and all chronic disesfses by the Power of Vital or Human Magnetism. Will publicly demonstrate his won derful powers on the stage of the Opera House one night only, as above, rain or shine. Admission Free Seats free. Treatment on the stage free. Positively no boys, girls or children will be admitted unless they are afflicted. The crowds are always so large that seats cannot be given to young people. Ladies are especially invited to be present at these de monstrations, as those of both sexes will be treated on the stage. Each demonstration will be preceded with a short dissertation on The Power of Vital Magnetism as a Healinf Agency, After which cures will be performed that will astonish the skeptical, set the serious to thinking, and con vince the doubtful that in Vital Magnetism is a force capable of effecting most marvelous cures. No matter what the disease how bad, how long standing or hopeless they may appear if curable at all, they are amenable to Magnetism and they will ARISE AND WALK All those who are on crutches or canes, rheumatic, palsied, paraly tic, deaf, sick or lame, and wish to be cured are invited, and as great a number as possible will be treated FREE upon the stage. He not only treats the blind, lame and cripple at his private office at the Hotel Buchtel, Akron, Ohio, but nearly all chronic diseases quickly yield to ."this strange power. SPECIAL NOTICE Pjrlvate. apartments have been secured at the HotelUuchtel, Akron, Ohio. Private entrance on Main st., where all who desire private magne tic treatment may call at any time during the two weeks commencing Wednesday, June 14, and receive consultation, examination, a thorough diagnosis and advice by the consulting physician in charge of the Boy Phenomenon, who directs all treatments, after which, if found curable and treatment is desired, a price which is in the reach of all, will be named, and appointments made for treatment. Office hours, daily, except the Sabbath, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. TALLMADGE. J. Young of Columbus spent Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Young. A large crowd attended the social given by the Epworth League at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walters Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bassian of Cuya hoga Falls were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. McCamon Sunday. Henry Olsen of Akron spent Sun day with his mother. The Epworth League will give an ice cream and strawberry social in the church parlors Wednesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. D. Roberts of-Akron spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. T. Roberts: R. Kepler is going to keep ice cream in the back of his grocery Wednes day and Saturday evenings. ITJIU1 OCULL IS I1UW WUIKIIIg III AK- ron. Mr. Van Buskerk has moved into Mrs. Shawl's house. Mr. Baldwin gave a report of the Epworth League convention Sunday evening. Mrs. Roth is on'the sick list. The C. E. 'society- gave an owl social at the town hall.Friday even ing. .All were well entertained. Charlie Diece of Akron spent Sun day with his parents here. A helping word is like a switch on a railroad track but one inch be tween a wreck and prosperity. To better appreciate this advise some ono who is troubled with rheumatism to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This remedy is famous for its cures of rheumatism. For sale by. all drug gists. Randolph park theater opens Sat urday evening, June 10th. Fazzoni fireworks display will sur- Erise you. See it. Randolph Park aturday evening. Summer Tourist Tickets Via Great Lakes now on sale. For tickets and full information see C. D. Honodle, Union depot, agent D. & C. S. N. Co., C. & B. lino. Anchor line, Merchants' line, Northern Transit Co., Northern Steamship Co. BRIMHELD. Miss Estclla McConnell spent a few davs the past work with friends at. Kent. Mrs. Jennie Sapp of Kent, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Chap man. Samuel Mantel and wife of Kent, called on friends in town Sunday. Miss Cora Tritt visited Springfield friends Saturday and Sunday. Bird Pontius, wife and son of Kent MAfilliivlhis $, Something New! Large package of the World's cleanser for a nickel. Still greater user lor a hickci. 01111 greater econ-n.K rIn 4 pound package.. Made only byVr fHE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, S omy THE Chicago, St. Loalj, New York, Boston, PhiUdelohia spent Saturday and Sunday with Wm. Pontius and wife. Burt Porter was in Cleveland Sun day. Mrs. Lee Shanafelt went to C'leve lane Sunday to viit her -daughter, Mrs. Jennie Getz. Mr. Krepps from Washington Co., Pa., is staying at the home of S. W. Bostwick. George Cline of Rootetown. was in town Sunday. J. J. Wertaberger and wife visited relatives in Stark Co. the past week. Newton Mead, wife and son from Mishler, visited Philip Souers and wife Sunday. Airs. .Mary Aloneton of Kent, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Louise Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Myers of lvcnt, visited Mr. and Airs. S. B Jones a few days the past week. Frank Boosinger and wife of Kent called on friends in town Sunday. Melvin Miller of Akron, and Miss Ida Bingham of Tallinadge, spent Sunday with L. W. Underwood and wife. Mrs. Electa Ewell visited A. M. Special Sale Genuine Rubber Trimmed Buggy Harness, made from besf oak tanned leather. ONLY $15. A. R0SENFELD No. 123 South Main street. A cordial invitation is extended to all to CALL AT ii ge 55 For MEALS or WET GOODS. Full line of Domestic and Im ported goods. TONY WALDVOGEL, Proprietor 70S S. EVIain s-fc- Telephone 1511. Trt Billow & Sons .Funeral Direoto'rs.. OPEN AT ALL HOURS -WarchouscrrA&h-str Office, Ash st., foot of Mill. Watch the Bulletin FOR BILL OF FARE DIFFERENT EVERY DAY Remember the 15c Dinner From 1 1 till 2 PACIFIC RESTAURANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE BEST IN THE CITY. J. S. KESLER, Mgr. A Prestidigitator Could never work euch a magical transformation on your Boiled shirts, collars and cuffs as our up-to-date laundry methods are doing all the .time. We can presto ohange ! on a grimy shirt front, or soiled linen ot any kind, so com pletely, with good, pure washing materials and skill, that "that is all the witchcraft we have used." EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 156 8outh High at. Tel. 67 Scientific Shoeing, The Best of Help, Kind Treatment, a Cool Shop. AT. Prof. Rich's, Phono 832. Ill South Main St. GOLD DUST --kTK gySZCNSSS5- ft&ftS,' l best econ Wasiifowdffi Donthilt and family at Edinburg Sat urday and Sunday. Thieves entered J. W. Hall's barn Saturdays night and stolen good set of double work harness valued at thirty-eteht dollars. Children day exercises will bo ob served at the M. E. church Sunday, June 11, at 1 p.m. sun time. An extra good program lias been arranged. All are cordially ihvited to attend. Mrs. Frank Overholt is slowly re covering from her recent serious ill ness. . ANNOUNCEMENT. For the benefit of all those who are subject to attacks of bilious colic and severe cramping pains in the stom ach or bowels we wisli to state that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoga Remedy jjives immediate relief and is pleasant- and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. Cure tpat ingrown toe nail by using "Dr. Marvel's Ingrown Toe Nail Remedy?' price 2c. For sale by all uruggisus. Sid Myrey's orchestra plays for Dancing; afternoon and evening at i the Gorge. .' tf Fazzoni fireworks display will sur prise you. See it. Randolph Park Saturday evening. Edisoii's Projectoscope free, Lake side park Sunday evening; 7:30 to 0:30. t I CLINTON. OniTuaKY Frederick Geru was born JaSiiary 20, 1837, died June 2, 1899, agefl 02 years, 4 months and 17 days. He emigrated to America with his par&ite m 1837 and located on Warwick! farm; later moved to the farm nov owned by Joseph Peters in Wayne Co.; then moved to the old homestead now owned by Daniel Edwards. Tn 1802 was united in marriage to Sarah Jane Drurio. They were olessed witn six cniutren, live girls, one boy. The living are Frank Gern, Mrs. Benjamin Whitman of Doylestolwn, Mrs Williams of Cres ton, and Mrs. Putt or Canal Fulton. He had moved to Creston ?- a few months ago finding no employment, returned and worked in the Clover Hill mine. He was boaading with his son, Frank, when tjie accident occurred that caused his death. Relatives attend ing burial services wen1, John Rhodes .land wife, John Baughinan Miss Carrie Gern, of Akron, Daniel Keck and wife of Smithville, Fred erick Ries and son, Frederick Hum mell, wife and son, of Doylestown, and numerous others. Burial serv ices were conducted by Rev. Leisher it the Lutheran church The Becker, Klein and Reis fami lies will hold their annual reunion at Luna Lake Thursday, June 8. The Lutheran Sundayschool will serve an ice cream and strawberry festival on the church lawn Satur day evening, June 10. All are in vited. The U. B. clnnch will have Chil drens' day exercises Sunday even ing, June 9. Squire F. Deutsch called on his brother at Greensburg a few days. Mrs. P. Schweisinger and Mrs. P. Casenhiser are in Ravenna, calling on tho hitter's daughter, Mrs. K. Y. Lacy. The Smith family reunion was held at the residence of Alonzo Smith on' Fulton st. The attendance vas very large, but the Smiths were not all in attendance. There was a large rep resentation from Stark county. Fazzoni fireworks display will stir prise you. See it. Randolph Park Saturday evening. Knights of Pythias Excursion To Springfield, Ohio, via, C, A. &.C. Ry. Saturday, June 17. Only $2 round trip. Train leaves Akron Union de pot 6:30 a.m. Returning leave Springfield 10 p.m. Free, Edison's Projectoscope, at Lakeside park Sunday evening; 7:30 to 9:30. Edison's Projectoscope free. Lake side park Sunday evening: 7::!0 to 9:30. NIMISILA. Capt. Aaron Wagoner of Akron, delivered a very interesting address on Memorial day. The church was finely decorated. The singing was clone by members of the different churches. A choral class will be organized in the near future. The ladies of the Reformed church held a lawn fete last Saturday even ing. A large crowd was present and a good time was had by all. Rev. J. C. Katiffman of Lena, 111., stopped here a few days to see his mother and relatives. He was on bis way home from York, Pa,, where he was in attendance at the general, synod of the Lutheran church. Miss Alice Serfass is quite sick. Or. Campbell or Canal Fulton, is in attendance. Dr. L. E. Staler and Albert Stump of Akron, were among the Sunday visitors in town. The Church of Christ celebrated Children's day, Sunday, with a mis sionary program, which was well rendered. Free, Edison's Projectoscope, at Lakeside park Sunday evening; 7:30 to 9:30. . Werner Co. Excursion And outing Cedar Point, Ohio, June 17. Only $l.oii round trip. Train leaves Union depot via R. s O. R.R. 7 a.m. Returning lenvi; Sandusky 7 p.m. Fazzoni fireworks display will sur prise you. Sec il. Bandolpli Park Saturday evening. EAST BATH. Prospects for a good wheat crop this year are better than for many year?. Corn is doing well but. hay is a poor crop. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kemory and Mr. and Mrs. "W. Capron and family and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snyder spent Decoration day-at C. Snyder's ofTallmadge. Arthur Harris and sister. Maud, spent Sunday at Barberton. Oni Snyder and sister, Rose, spt-nt Saturday at W. Capron's'of Batli. . Fred Shoemaker was in Akron Sat urday on business. Ford Cover lost a good cow last week. The horse which G. I.utz recently hought dropped dead last week. Agents lor hinders and fertilizers are plentiful. Randolph park theater opens Sat urday evening, June 10th, with a grand display of fireworks. The entertaining drama entitled "Fair Play" ' will be presented. Theater coupons free with round trip tickets. Best danoing floor in the vicinity at the Gorge. Dancing every week day and evening. tf PRESIDENT'S COMING TELP. Will see His Xiece Graduate at Mount liol.vuke, 3Ias.-. Mr. McKinley ti .Vceoiiipaii3' lliiu. Wasiuxuto.v, Jaue 0. The itinerary of the president's New England trip is almost completed. Ho will leave here on Friday,. June 10, for Holyoke, Mass., where he will be the guest of the Hon. William Whitiug. who served -with the president during his congressioua career. Ou Monday the president will' go to Northauintou to. attend the ivy day exercises at Smith college and ou Tuesday to South Hadley to attend tho graduating exercises at Mount Holyoke seminary. His niece will be one of tho giatlnates. On Wednesday he will go to Spring field and on Thursday to Adams. Mass., where lie -will be the gnest for several days of V. B. Plunkett, president of the Houie Market club of Boston. The president will be gone about ten days. Airs. McKinley will accompany the president. THE BIG FIGHT TONIGHT Managers Seemed Confident .Police Will Allow it tu Go to a Decision. New Yoke, Juue 9. Everything is in readiness for the big fight tonight lietween Bob Fitzsimmous and Jim Jeffries, and with the possible excep tion of iK)licu interference or an uu looked for accident to either one of the principals the bout will take place as scheduled in tho arena of the Coney Islaud Sperling club. Brady aud Julian seemed to be confi dent that tho contest will 1k permitted to go to a decision without any unto ward incident, so far as the legal au thorities are concerned. Fitzsimmous is still a prime favorite in tho betting, but theru is plenty of Jeffries money in sight. SCOTCH MANUFACTURERS SCARED. American and German Competition Hurt ing ISritUliera Ittlsiness. Gi.asoow, June i). At a massineet mg hero of manufacturers, shipowners and merchants a resolution wasr passed -expressing alarm at tbe serious injury to British aud colonial trade arising from -the continued and threatened ex tension of foreign competition. Mr. Anderson of the Anchor line said America and Germany were taking markets where Great Britain had long been preeminent. He added that Brit ish subjects had not received just sup port from the government, asserted that the board of trade had assumed the character of police and claimed tho for eign office only moved when the steed was stolen. 52 DIED ER0M THE "HEAT,, Total of Fatalities In Three Days In York aud Vicinity Many Others Prostrated. New Yoke, Juno 9. The tempeniture it its highest point stood at 91 degrees, 7 degrees below the record mado two days before. Tho record of fatal pros trations was somewhat smaller than tho list the day before, 19 persons dying in New' York and vicinity. Of these four' tvere women. Aside from this there were 21 prostrations the victims of, which were in tho hospitals -with more: ar less hope of recovery. Wednesday's official death list numbered 20 and Tues day's 7, making a total of i52 deaths recorded. Tlvent.v-EiRht Keported Killed. Little Rock, June 9. It was re ported here that a landslide occurred at Ross l.olfow and engnlfed 28 men, all of whom were supposed to havo been k lied. A large force of graders has bjnu engaged in grading anew railroad through'the pass. Many Important Improvements of Direct Practical Value to No new model of any of our machines is over adopted until it has- been road by expert riders employed for the purpose. COLUMBIA BEVEL-GEAR CHAINLESS KasiesL running, most durable, safest, cleanest. World's record of 250 consecutive daily cen turies. entangle or soil the clothing. Price $rs. HARTFORDS The new Hartfords, Patterns 19 aud 20, have improved design, new crank construction, flush joints and internal expanders. Price $35. Our artistic catalogue fully describes and illustrates these machines. largains: Wo have a fow Colunibias, Model 46 (ladies',) $42.50; Models 45 and 49, (men's) $40. ITartfords, Pattern 7 (men's,) $30; Pattern 8. (ladies') $31. Bicycle F0 IVIR'G. The Standard Hardware Co Columbia Dealers, Akron, Ohio. HH BUND MAR THREAD., Members of the Family at His Bedside. CASE UECACIHMI AS HOPELESS. Phygit'iuiis S Tlumxlit a;n! Iiirnriticil llio lHiuily Tin- Mfl. .1l.ui ll-.ul ISccn IScct'itleis lir liiMir UN SSrotlicr liulgu 111 tin!, TlcKapliMl "or. Lkh.vxox, Mo., June !. Mr. Bland Rppeared somewhat brighter, bat he had been speechless for hours. The physicians legard the case as hopeless and have s.i informed the fam ily. All of liis family were at the dying man's bedside except his brother, Judge C. C. Eland of the St.. Louis eourt of appeals, who had been telegraphed for. WILL USE HARVEYIZcD ARMOR. b-eeretaiy l.tnc Agreed to Use Some of It So luttleihii' WouKl .Xot lie Delayeil.' Wasuixhtox, June !).- Secretary Long passed npoii tho armor Dids re cently submitted, deciding to purchase a small quantity of armor aud to let the next congress decide what shall be done toward securing the remainder needed for tho armored ships already author ized. The armor companies .-tated that they could not furnish Krupp armor ot the high grade required by the depart ment at the price fixed by the law, but that they cotiM continue the supply of Harveyized armor at $400 per tou. The secretary ordered the purchase of some of the Litter. The bureau chiefs reported that this Harveyized armor would answer the re quirements for the armor of the four monitors to be built, and also for the diagonal plates of the battleships Maine, Missouri and Ohio,, now under construc tion. Tho sccrcttiry's decision will go Tar toward preventing tho delay that would ensue had it been decided to pur chase no armor. KANSANS WANT TO COME HOME. Petititm Mgucd l,y 'iiie-Teutli: Sent Ahk in? Discharge. Kansas City, Juno 9. The Star re ceived from its special correspondent the following cablegram, regarding the muster out of tho Twentieth Kansas, General Funston's regiment. Hongkong, Juue 8. Petitions signed by nine-tenths of the officers and men of the Twentieth Kansas regiment urg ing muster ont and dischaage from the service in Sau Francisco have been for warded to Tho Star and to Senator Baker. Steele. McCormick Was Indicted. TJniontowx, Pa., June 9. William C. McCormick's application for release on bail was made before Judge Mestre zut. Mrs. McGogau told her story as she did before the grand jury, which .re turned a true bill for ninrder against bco. j. Kcnncr Lag All Orders by the Barrel or Bottles promptly attended to Cr ilSCC Bryan's New Book REPUBLIC m EMPIRE? THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION BT HON. WILLIAM "With Supplementary Chapters from Hon. Andrew Carnegio, Senator- uoar, vest. Alien, Wnite, uor mna, Bacon. Mason. Daniel. Chilton. Batler, -,, . , man, jioney, inrner. Teller, EdmaniK Clay; Hon. IT. U. Johnson, Hon. Chas. A. Towne. Hon. Adlai E. Sterenbon. Es-Secretary Car- TSVDrcVa?.ykennChas'FraDCl3A(lan:s'Prot- DilTid Starr Jordan, Genl Weaver, Hon. Carl bchurr, Sam'l Gompers, Preet. Am. Fed. of Labor, and others. the sEMATiox of IMPERIALISM AHD ABSOLUTISM DENOUNCED. r ,7"i'"r,j1'fIPanion deiiominatod. -THE FOOi: MAX'S LOAD." and opixMd to the Constitution or tliB United Stages, tho Declaration of Independence, and all tho moat sacral doctrines of onr I.epuuUccsbandeddoiTntonaby our Fathers. THE GOSPEL OF A HIGHER CIVILIZATION AND BROADER LIBERTY. the oxi.Tr no ore ox the subject. AGENTS WANTED. It ia profusely illustrated, giving beautiful half-tone portraits of Mr. Bryan and tho other con tributors; also scenes ot thrilling interest, showing tho exact conditions and customs in the 1 niiippines. Nothing like it before ottemDted in book-publishing. A Tery bonanza for agents. -I'?,?1'0' bought at book-stores; it cannot be furnished by any other house. Wo are tho sole Official Publishers. The first Edition, 100,000 copies. A large octavo boot, beautiful new type. ii K PA"iT FliEIGIXT on each order amounting to 50 books at one time, when cash accompanies order. n .HS.?,UTFI.T ?S FHEF- w" make no charge for tho elegant, complete Prospectus uulht, with blanks, etc. but as-each Outfit costi us a lot of money, in order to protect ourselves against many who would impose npon ns by sending for Outfit with no intention of working, but merely out of idle curiosity, we require the applicant, us n cuarantee orcod rilth on his part, to send us 23c to cover postal and wrapping, this amount to be refunded to arcnt npon our receipt of first order Tor 10 books. . Best Cloth Binding ., Best Half Kussia Binding, viiili niiaVbinTois(H .'."".'"'"' Best 1 all Bussia Binding, with gold edges. Writefor our Unparalleled Terms to Asents. Address THE INDEPENDENCE COMPANY, Publishers, FRAHKLIN BUILD3NC, CHICAGO. COLUMBIA CHAIN MODELS Embody tho results of 22 years' experience in tho .application of the best methods of cycle building. Price $50. VEDETTES Vedettes are trim, well built, serviceable bicy cles especially desirable for those wh'o want first wear at moderate cost. Price (men's) $25; (ladies") $26. COIV.FAISY, Hartford, Oonn. tne prisoner. Dr. Hackett also de scribed the -wound, winch he said had been produced by some sharp-pointed I weapon. Diffendorfer also testified be fore the grand jury. The hearing for trial was continued until today. Firework, riaut De&troyeii. : New York, Juuo 9. Thirty-six build ings, comprisiug about the entire plant of the Nordliuger-Cloarlton Fireworks company at Grauiteville, Richmond bor ough, were blown up aud tho entire fireworks plant practically wiped out of existence. Fires followed. No lives were lost aud but three persons were injured, two of them seriously. Total loss on buildings aud stock about $33, 300. . Soldiers Went I'or 1Vltue?,sef,. Manchester, Ky., June 9. Special Judge A. K. Cocke" of Piueville, sitting in the place of Judge Eversole, who is absent on account of illness in his fam ily, presided when the three Bakers were arraigned ou a murder charge. Soldiers were sent out for -witnesses. No concern was felt for their safety. Friends of both factious thronged into town. Cubans Willing to 15e Paid. Havana, June 9. All opposition on the part of the insurgents to receiving the gratuity from tho United Statist ended. Lieutenant Colonel Randall at Malauzas, Lieutenant Colonel Rafferty at Sagua la Grande and Lieutenant Colonel Bisbee at Paso Real had large crowds waiting for payment and dis charge. rrobnbly S. People Drowned. Austin-, June 9. The cloudburst of Wednesday, which swelled tho rivers of this portion of the state out of tneir banks and caused a great loss of prop erty, was much worse than reported. Many people, are known to have per ished, meager reports placing the num ber at 25. Will Create Xeir Cardinals. Romf;, June 9. If is officially an nounced that the pope at a secret con sistory on Juue 19 will create 12 Italian cardinals. A public consistory will be held ou June 22, when a number of Italian and foreign bishops will be pre couized. Keed Had Not Kosigucd. Augusta, Me., June 9. Secretary of State Byron H. Boyd and Private Sec retary Smith said that Governor Powers had positively not received any notifi cation from lion. Thomas B. Reed of the litter's resignation as congressman from Maine. WANTED Case of bad health thpt B-I-P-A-N-8 will not. benefit. Send 5 cents to IUpans Chemical Co., New York for 10 samplfls and 1X00 tastfmnnlalg taYROYAL FILLS Original and Only usnclno. A a afc. ilwayt relUMe. udhs j& Dnis"rt ftr Chlrhtur Enc'ttk Dm& inoad Brand la Red aod Ocld Iurk!ucVUr boiu, wakd with bine ri-Vi TuUe VSy Inoothcr. Jitfu rftmjTvuj ntUf tu- la rtuep for psjti'-lTar. ttrtfawsllls &s3 'Keller for lAtteJ'nt'Uer.tTtm Il-Ii- tlluOO( JTxem Parar irilrGha1rt.i.-'t U 6cKr fit- JlLertJ Irruudst tZlLJlW ,. ..This Laer ..BEER is ..Superior to . .All Others in TP1 MA o( . . W li U. O U Akron, Ohio. J. BRYAK McLaarin. Till- S1.50 the Rider Are Contained in '? rl3 , r rf rBrewtrv liildfc. Hartford and Vedette Bicycles 1899 ridden thousands of miles on tho I n . .- a