Newspaper Page Text
- v - -v -& vr5 J-?-1 r i i i Wash Manufacturers and job-' bers are cleaning up their stocks of wash goods. We have bought lots of them at half they are worth. Wednesday Morning . Will convince you when you see suqh values. 5c 5,000 yards of the best gingham. fast colors. apron 6& 3,000 yards of toile madras cords, in navy pink and medium, blue grounds -with polka dots, rings and a variety of other figures in white. The market price was 10c. Our price 8jh. 10c Dotted mulls in pink, blue, red also in stripes, any amount "was sold for 12JoC and 15c. Our price 10c. Dress ginghams in fast colors, plaids and stripes, same as you pay 10c and 12Jc. See these goods at 8c. 10c Dress ginghams, latest styles in plaids and stripes. Would be extra good values at 15c. Our price 10c. 150-152 South Howard St. Taxes 5 Due IF" YOU FIND YOURSELF SHORT ASE. VJL LOAN YOU ON TERMS THAT AJI1 SUIT YOU. IIWE will make loaiib. from. fo to $1,000 on watches. Diamonds, Household Goods, Pianos, Orsans, Horses, Wagons, Carriages, Store and Office- Fixtures, Merchandise, Stocks, Bonds, Jewelry, Ilullding Associa tion Books, Insurance Policies, Rents, Con tracts, WITHOUT ANY PUBLICITY WHATEVEE AND WITHOUT REMOV IIQJ THEM FROM YOUR POSSESSION. Elegant Private Offices. III I Nathan IV1. Berk, 193 South Howard St., S"d Loans made thi same'day. Opm evenings. Phone 1522 and 812. J9. f' SnnrSale ' For week ending Saturday July 8. 6 lbs. good cooking rice for 25c ! 2 lbs. 14c Eio coffee (without cnecKsj ior 'A)c i I lb. 35c Japan tea for 29c i II iars Economv soap for 25c (one of the best laundry soaps) ; Sugars 17 lbs. granulated sugar for $1 .19 IhE. ivhifa "A" fnrtl ' Oi IKo cvra iiroir-n 1 ! 21 lbs. extra "C"for?l 22 lbs, yellow for $1 Coffees r Hot from the roasters. I Java i i ana Mocna 2oc, 30c, 62, extra fine i grade for 38c ; j jvuu uue ot fiLbxinu britfcs i strictly fresh and strontr Tumeric .auc, wmte musterd i a seed 20c, black musterd seed 20c, J -......, Ww, ..U.U ..... celery seed 20. coriander seed 20c. 5 mixed spices 20c, whole cinnamon me, wnoie cloves I spices 20c 20c, whole all- t nil l-ii n I..1 ij n'liiTH. n. itium 'r m. dozen for 10c - For iced tea drink S. &, G.'s COc : ueyiou auu inuia tea or a. c w.s 80c Orance Pekoe No. 1 CevlonJ and India. i i . i nina &. .lanan lea store i 164 S. Howard St., Tel. 526 Schumaker & Gammeter 1 Next to Laskaris fruit store. j Will be closed all day July 4th. ' v miniiiitif wwwwwwvwwwwwwv John G. Engslkart, WnuF. Eckart Engelhart & Eckart Plumbers, gyRS,. Mfrs. ofthe Engelhort Hot Water Generator. Big Supply of Fruits For the Fourth of July. We make the purest and best lee Cream in the United States. Wholesale and retail. N.,Iaskaris Co. Ehone 2$3. . 162 S. Hxiwarcl si. Battle of Santiago, at 'Lakeside Earfc evening of "July 4th,. free. 10 ig ship in action. f.ForiJflne plumbing call on O. M. Oberlin for prices. H GOOD GAIN Made In Every Ward. Added Valuation $350, 000 to $400,000. Fifth Ward Assessor Shows Largest Gain, Making an Increase of $200, 000 Over 1899. Incorporated Companies Have Not All Reported. Mr. B. F. Davis, the assessor for the Fifth ward filed his report with Auditor Sister, Monday morning. It proved to be .thu banner ward of the city, showing a gain of almost $200,000, as compared with 1898. The reports for the two years are av follows : '- 189a. 1898: f 12,200 190 120 Houses 11,230 200 Cattle Mules,. 80 Carriages 5,080 Household 12,050 Watches.. . 590 Pianos 16,480 Merchandise 29,330 Baw material . . 13,000 Money 2,980 Credits .... 51,300 Bonds ... 100 Kon-taxable se curities 2,700 5,0201 14,470 570 17,520 32,230 13,490 650 59,140 200 Totals 1145,120 1276,780 The City.- This completes the reports for the entire city. There has been a gen eral gain in all the wards, the aggre gate of whicli will be, when the corporations have filed their reports, from $350,000 to $400,000. The totals for 1899 and 1898, by wards, are as follows: 1899 1898 $ 963,637 1,079,180 544,070 248,970 276,780 101.790 First. . Second I 672,747 . 435,510 448,480 222,900 145,120 157,150 Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Totals $2,081,907 $3,294,427 This leaves a shortage of $1,212,520 as compared with last year's return, wnicn includes all incorporated com panies. After these valuations ,ar,e ngurea m believed mere will be a gain of from $350,000 to $450,000 "oh the "duplicate. Spend the Fourth at Lakeside park dancing. Band concert, sports of all klndb all day. THROUGH THE HEART George Lindley, an Aged Boston Farmer, Shot Himself. V sj George Lindley, an aged farmer; living in Boston township, commit-. ted suicide early Monday morning. He was in bed at the time. His family heard thevfeport of a pistol. Bushing to his room they found that he had shot himself through the heart. Death was instantaneous. He has been in poor health for some time and was despondent. Spend the Fourth at' Lakeside park dancing. Band concert, sports of all kinds all day. SUB-STATION Will be Located In Down Town District. Orders Received From Post-Office Department Months Receipts. Postmaster L. S. Ebright received notice Monday morning from file postoftlee department at Washing ton to establish a sub-.tation at South Howard and Mill sts. The Station h to be established by July 15. Nearly all who have heard of the location of the sub-station are commenting adversely on its being so near the new government build ing claiming that it doesn't provide any accommodation for the suburban districts of the city. A petition asking for a bub-station at corner of Exchange and Spicer sts., and which was signed by about 2X) citizens living in that vicinity, was presented at the local office not longago. Receipts. The receipts fc the Akron nost- offlce for the month of June aggre gated $11,415.25. In June, 189S, the receipts weie $9,349.81, being $2,065.44 less than the same month this yrar. The Edson Kibli Market has moved to 126 N. Howard st. Battle 'bf Santiaga at- Lakeside E ark, evening of July 4th, free.- 10 ig ships in.action. " If youthinkof changingyourheat ing boiler call on Oberlin ; get prices on the Cottage boiler for soft coal. ft ' H ilTjimvHf v THE FAMOUS Queen Quality Shoe - -. For Women. - pnc$3,00 We invite you to call and ex amine our newest fashions of "Queen Quality" Shoes, for which we have exclu sive sale. See our special bargains in Trunks and Satchels. Akron. A Bicycle Case. TO PROVIDE FOR EMERGENCIES you should cany on your wheeling expeditious- a small case of necessi ties; a little bottle of witch hazel, a roll of muslin bandages the right thing to soothe a bruise or heal a cut. You want the best on such occasions. Our "best" will be sure to overcome the bad offectb of your ill luck. !HWPD0HClSU64S.iin What Do We Drink? During; the hot seabon nature or mother earth furnishes us "with seasonable vegetables and fruits. Of the fruits we make the mostpalata ble drinks that are both healthful and refreshing. The pineapple, the lemon orange, cherry, currant, strawberry, raspberry and black berry. The juice of any or all when carefully prepared and served makes a splendid summer drink. The Model Bakerjr .makes all their syrups irom tne iruu, inus guaranteeing any one just the kind of drink that nature provides for this time of the year. Our ice cream mixed with our fruit juices, makes an ice cream soda that is fit only for those that know a good tiling when they drink it. Model Bakery open day and night. l'hone 3i)4. S. B. LARFEKTY. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALK Chulce lots on Miller nv. and Bachtel nv.nt bargain prices. Dear In mind that thes lots are on graded street, Jufctoff of car line, In kockI neighborhood, conven ient to c!iooIh and South End Industries and Home as low as $Sk). Monir loaned to build hoiiBCS. ' J. I. BACHTEL, Phone 72-.V lea South Howard st. J00 per month, middle-aged man, inside potttlonof tnibt, IMS. Main. .ttf flO pur month, managing hotel, house keeper. l."W 8. Main ft. tsstf JlOo per month, man and wife ns manag ing partner and ofllce matron, yearly en gagement, particulars lddj). Main it. 83tf $10 per week guaranteed nt start, quick ad vancement after trial term If merited, par ticulars 15i! S. Main st.Syoung men wonted, office positions. catf YOUNG man Tor our Massillon office, prominent iiliiciyworth after trlnl J15 per week, call 150 H. Main st. KStt MAN and wife for Youngstown branch office a well established cush business, $80 er.mpnth.assnted.3-earlj- engagement: twr ays-only, particulars 138 8. Main st estf TEDEHHOirE 876 when you want help, no costi no trouble. 23 n-earx. establljhmL nt. flees from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Akron office 15(1 8. Main st. Kjtf WANTED BininK room clrl at Long Lake Park Hotel. inquire nt noii mme dlately. D8-G5 B1 li 5" lfJTV ' S SEE S . US 5 FOR S RELIABLE 2 BARGAINS 1 IN SHOES 2 TRUNKS S K CATrUETC Sb 2 AND DRESS SUIT CASES. Shumaker l&Co. 1 S 121 S. Howard st. g drrrrrsrrrrj Special Drive -ON ALL Special bargains for this week. -OF- I AT- $1.50 a pair Monday, July 3rd Rich Steel Engravings Authentic pictures of the battles of Santiago and Manila and are the njost famous pic tures ever engraved In this country; given FBEE with purchases of $5 and upwards. WilLbe closed all day July 4th. RED) BROS. UP-TO-DATE Shoe and Trunk House 122 S. Howard St. Six-Horsepower Electric Motor For sale cheap. In good condition. Inquire Akron Photo Eng. Co. 5 PER CENT. ..FARM LOANS.. We have MONEY TO LOAN on lirst-class improved farms a 5 per cent. Wall & Hollinger 226 South Main st. Akron, O. The Playful Kitten July 4 V8 Will bo In the swim nt Lonir Luke Fork. Tnlco your families for n cool and delightful ride by steamer. Fill your baskets or have an elegant dinner at tno park Hotel fof E3c. steamers leave at s a.jn ana i p.m. iteturn lng 12:30 and 7 p.m. 2c round trip. Scientific Shoeing, The Best of Help, Kind Treatment, A Cool Shops AT. Prof. Rich's, Phono 832. 411 South Main St. You Must Eat-to Live Why not come where you get the BEST MEALS at all hours? TME ATLANTIC GARDEN . European Restaurant DETTLING BROS., Props. 200-202 E. Mill St. Leg Broken. Harry Zulsdorf, aged 14 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Zulsdorf, of South Sherman st., had his rigliHeg broken between the hip and knee Saturday night. Finest exhibition of fireworks in Summit county at Randolph park July 4th. For Powell's Defense. S. G. Rogers has nresnted a bill for $225' for the defense of Arthur Powell. Spend the Fourth nt Lakeside park dancing. Band concert, sports of all "kinds all day. I a ELECTRIC ROAD. Wants Franchise Over Copley Road Extends to Sharon. The Cleveland, Wadsworth & Southern Electric railway applied to thf County Commissioners for a franchise over the Copley road, con necting Akron, Loyal Oak and Wadb worth, Monday afternoon. The company agrees to begin work by May. 1900, and to push work by May. 1901. The Commissioners will grant the franchise if term are t-at isfactory. Proot of It. "So you think there really is eomn thing in heredity, after alii" "I do. Yonng Mnndsley, who is try ing to get np a north pole expedition, is the son of a woman who nsed to lie an inveterate house hnnter, not because she could have used a house if she had found one, but for the mere love of the thing." Chicago News. The Trj-luc Position. "I don't eee why you should talk about being worried by any investiga tion. You have never done anything. Yon have no reason to be apprehen sive." "Yes, I have. I am the man who is expected to ask the questions and tak back talk." WashinKton Star PERSONALS. M- Otih Hower of Chicago, is in the city. R. S. Qtiiue, 404 Sumner st., who was. burned Wednesday nt Spicer school, is improving. Mr. Alden Baw and wife ot Marysville, aro guests of Policeman Arthur Cogswell and wife of 140 Benjamin bt. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Keck will spend the Fourth in Springfield, at the I. O. O. F. home. Mrs. Johu Gostlin and daughter, Maud, of 114 Pearl St., have left for Montreal, Can., where they will visit Mrs. G.'s old home. They will be absent about two months. Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Barron left Saturday far Detroit to visit a few weeks. C. F. Wood"," local commercial freight agent of the B. & O., has gone to California for a few weeks' tour of tho state. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cummins were in Sandiibky, Saturday. Rev. John H. Bickford" of Pitts burg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Stone over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. CKoplin, of 517 West State st-, have left for a visit.of a few days with friends at La Porte, Ind. L. C. Koplin, of 513 West State st., accompanied by his wife, left Sat urday evening for Ashtabula, where they will spend a few days with friends. Mrs. C. L. Brockway and daughter Ethel, of Cleveland, former Akron ians, are visiting old acquaintances here. They will remain ten days. H. Evan Williams, the renowned tenor singer, is spending his vacation at his home in Thomastown. Robert Todd, of Urbana, is tiie guest of J. T. Enright. P. C. and Nick Huber and families spent Sunday in Massillon. Arthur Smith left for Sandusky Saturday on his bicycle. From there he will go toKelly's Island. Goldie and Katie Hall of Chewton, LPa., are the guests of their uncle, J. ,M. Clearwater, 105 Sibley st. Chas. B. Raymond, general mana ger of the American Hard Rubber Co., is In Chicago. E. W. Wiese is in Cleveland to day. Mrs. Lucinda W. Brown, better known as "Aunty" Brown, of 206 Carroll st., left Monday morning for Boston, where she will spend the- summer. Will O'Brian and Chas. LeRoy are spending a few days in Buffalo. . Dr. L. P. Waldron and family left today for a two weeks' .vacation in Eastern Ohio and Pennsylvania. Miss Ida May-Orr left for Colum bus Sunday for a week's visit with friends. ' Hon. U. L. Marvin is in Columbus visiting with relatives. Mrs. S. F. Bowser "and daughter Ada of Fort Wayne, Ind., and the Misses May and Ina Bachtel of Canton, O"., spent Sunday in Akron the guests of A. C. Bachtel, 132 Car roll st. Mrs. Geo. Smithisler, accompanied by her daughter, Miss It hnu, is visit ing her son, Harry Smithisler, of 150 S. Higii st. Louis J. Grether ib home after a two week's business trip to Wooster iu the interest of J. Lamparter & Co. John Lamparter is in Zanesville. Miss Lulu Kurtz of 811 East Ex change st. left Monday for East Liverpool to spend the wsek witli friends. J. P. Curry, of West Center St., is in Summilton, Pr., where he will en Joy the Fourth. Mrs. Albert Koch and sons of Lima, of tho Lima hotel, are the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Koch, 110 Adolph avo. Mrs. Thomas M. Fiscus, "07 Water st., wat, called to Oil City, Pa., Mon day, on account of the death of her mother. John Dormt of Cincinnati, is visit ing his parents on West Center st. Ho will leave next Sunday for Bos ton, where ho has secured a position. Battle of Santiago at Lakeside Eark evening of July 4th, free 10 lg ships in action. NEWJBRICK BLOCK R. E. Mc Allister will soon commence the erection of a two story brick block on bis lot. on sjoutii nowara st., near Mill. RECEIVER For Root-Tea-Na Co. Alleged Stock Has Ceased to Pay Dividends. Profits Diverted From Company's Interests. An Action to Recover Heavy Damage Claim. Judgments by Entries- Default Calendar -Courts. E. E. Otis was appointed receiver of the JRoot-Tea-JNa Herb Company Monday morning by Judge Koluer, JHe furnished $5,000 bond. This action was taken on tho annlicatiohof Hilon S. Sumner, Wm H. Denham, Alfred E. Young and. Carl Sumner, stockholders, wno asked for a dissolution of the com' nany. It is capitalized at $50,000. They alleged that it had ceased to nay dividends and was being ope erated without profit. For two years, the profits have noibeen sufficient to pay dividends. They claim the earnings have been diverted from the best interests of tho company. In affidavits which accomDanv the Deti' tion it is alleged that the books have not been kept in such a condition that stockholders could tell how the company stood financially. Heavy Damages Asked. Thomas F. Gilson has sued the American Cereal company for $15, 000. He was injured by falling from a box car while atrempting to set tne brakes. He was acting under orders from the foreman. Debts and Claims. The referee" in the case of Will Christy vs. the Akron Street Rail way company, hab been ordered to determine the amount of the debts of the company and the claims in dis pute. Old Case Dropped. The old cases of H. C. R: Wall vs. A. L. Congerhas been dropped from the calendar. Injunction Continued. Tiie injunction in the case of-Kellie M. Hower vs. the American Cereal company has been continued untiL July 10. Default Judgments. S. F. Sweitzer assignee, vs. Chas. Rempus, $339.14. Grace H. Martin, vs W. H. Eag ling, $77.49 and $1,118.28. Embezzlement Alleged. A transcriDt of the case of the State vs. Irvin G. Keatloy has been filed in Common Pleas court. He is charged with embezzlement. Marriage Licenses. Jesse Hazenbush, Akron 23 Harriet'M. Brown, Akron 22 M. S. Chapman, Waterbu'ry, Ct... .44 Kate N. TJpson, Cuyahoga Falls 31 George Dolbow, Chicago Mary Gordon, Akron. . W. E. Lloyd, Akron Jessie TV Metzger, Akron . ..27 31 1 .".27 29 Two Saloons. Two saloonists failed to pay. the Dow tax at the last collection. The amount collected was $32,000. One of the saloons is in Coventry and the other in the Third ward. LAST LINKS. ENROUTE TO "WAR Erie train No. 6 west Saturday had on board a number of soldiers "from Camp Meade, near Harrisburg, Pa.,wio are' on their way to the Philippines. GOODYEAR PICNIC Six hun dred tickets were sold at the Union depot Saturday for the annual outing of the Goodyear Rubber co. at Ce dar Point. NIGHT OPERATOR J. AV. Hutchinson, of Lewisburg, O., lias secured a position as night operator for the Valley road at the Howard st. station. BAND IN DEMAND The Eighth Regiment baud went to Uurbana this morning where they will play a con cert this evening, and tomorrow they they will escort a lodge from there to Bellefountaine where they will play the Fourth, with a grand concert in the evening. A. weed's engage ment will also be played at Pittsburg about tho middle of the month. LARGE OUTING About 1,700 tickets were sold atr Youngstown Monday morning for the annual out ing of the Iron and Steel Workers association which is being held at Randolph park. WILL CLOSE STORES The first annual picnic of the Hardware and Stove Dealers' association "will be held July 12 at Put-in-Bay. All the hardware and stove dealers of the city have signed a contract to havo their respective stores closed during the entire day of the picnic. A good program of sports will be arranged and pleasant time la being antici pated. AT RANDOLPH Tho members of the Young. Mon's1 Tnstltatg at Bachfister, Fak, will, picnic eet 'Ran' dblph,park.Thursday. ; FOURTH AT POSTOFFIOE Tuesday being a legal holiday, the postofilce will be closed for the day at 10:80 a.m. Carriers will make AaaaAaMMMaMuiMMaMJhaAai 10 When placing vour order remember J. M. LAFFER handles the best brands old process WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL as well as strictly pure colors, VARNISHES, GLASS, etc. Enamel Your Bicycle For 15c Any Color J. M. LAFFER, Druggist Clarendon Hotel Block. rSSSSSSSSJSSSJJfSSSSSSSa REMOVAL SALE Our Entire Stock IVIus-t Gc Consisting of a fine line of Wood Mantels of various designs, with prices, to suit everybody. Come in and look them over be fore you buy. See our complete line of natural gas materials, such as burners, asbestos back walls, gas grates and incandes cent gas fuel, etc. Call and get our prices before you buy. Jas. T. Tel. S'T'S. Oar-. iflHBMlfiiMiL IBHHHSFMIhI L-. J. HEFFERNAN PRACTICAL FL.UIViQE:re 204 A. IVlartco-t: st. Tel. 649 Qo-fc IVly Prices. GEO. A-fc TREE USE OF DARK ROOM-fl Also Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments,. Strings, Etc., Guns, Revolvers and a full line of Sporting Goods, Cart ridges and Fishing-Tackle. Call and get our prices. 228 South IVIain St., Akfron, O. SKSsfrs$sfrSSSS- $$3$S3S3SS5S$3&$xS s W ffi-J It's Still Hot and the Only Way to Keep Cool is to Buy a "Detroit" Gasoline Stove The Jahant Co. 166 South ono delivery over morning district, leaving the office at 7 and 7:30 a.m. Akl afternoon and evening mails will j be closed at 4 p.m. Jso money order business will be transacted. NO CASE AGAINST BRAD FORD William H. Bradford, ar rested on complaint of Saloouist Harry Winter, was discharged Mommy in Police court. It was al leged that lie obtained money under falibe pretense. There was nothing to substantiate tne cnarges. j'rose cntor Benner asked that tho case be dismissed. EYES BUIiNED The 14 year old bon of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gair. of 7SI Summer st., had his eyes badlv burned bunday. He was shooting a cannon,, 'when the- powder flew through th'a-tou'ch hole. BUGGY Olf -FLHH-Qfticer Mc Allister discovered the leathor pad ding of a buggy on fire in the rear of the fish market on Mill st. Saturday evenincat 8:40 o'clock. The Chemi- cal engino extinguished the blaze. 15 lowers IHovtsai-c! artel IVIill PfWt PLAHS AHB J AM. AVOKK SHss GUARANTEED hill First-Class Plumbing Work a Specialty. Orders Promptly Filled. Tel. 195. Ses.Tel.74T. 203 East Market St. S. DALES & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers in best makes of. t.owQS't: Prices. IWN0 CHARGE FOR INSTRUCTIONS If you are Interested in GIVE US A CALL Crown and Bridge Work can't be beat. Prices are consistent. Gold fillings fl and up. Best teeth $8.00. Philadelphia Dental Rooms 126 South Main st. Open evenings: Sundays 10 to I. We are closing out our en- tire stock of f BICYCLES Special prices on all sum- mer goods. Rohrbacher & Allen! Builders' Hardware and Mill Supplies Tel. 70. 170 S. Howard st. Howard St. DEATHS. Buchanan Frank J. Buchanan, aged 23 years, 7 months and 2S days, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Buchan an, 223 Wabash avo., died Saturday evening, July 1, of tuberculosis. Tho funeral son-ices were held Monday nfternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the resi dence Burial took placo in Cuya hoga Falls. Hokkr John II. Hofer, the mx-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hofar, 513 Sumner st., died Mondav morning. July 3, ofbrnin trouble. Funeral AVednesday. Rbxxie Thomas A. Rennie, the four-month-old son of Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. E. Rennie, 117 Bachtel av., died Sunday, July 2, of cholera" in fantum. Funeral Joly-j4. atr. 9:30 o'olock afrSt. Mary's church. V Finest exhibition of fireworks in Summit county at Randolph park Your Dili l-i. F. Oa AGENT FOR " Ik ll'M ClIWllM- . lags House Healing lite. H iff j July 4th. -4 "rsSffi&3SSs; -rSiz.-n "gicaSfca