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Pr- 7ZZzz T f T"- " J- 1-" " " -''- - '- - AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT Insist upon having tne ...BREAD... With the AKRON BAKERY TAG. It is THE BEST- Atomizers Si Perfiimes FINE sVt -AT- STEINBACHER'S, 104 East Martet Street. VOLUME EIGHT. NUMBER 99 AKRON, OHIO, MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 4, 1899. PRICE ONE CENT -&: NEXT YEAR. Democrat's Picnic Will be Postponed Until That Time. Will be Bigger and Better Than Ever Then. Many Improvements Under Way Now Prevent Time's .Being Devoted This Year's Picnic. to For the last four years it has been the custom of the Democrat to give a Free Trolley Excursion and Outing to the children of its sub scribers and advertisers. The fact that the attendance at these events has increased each year, until at the last, outing more than 7,000 children were entertained, is an evidence of their success ana popularity. Tills having been the pleasant ex perience of previous years, the Demockat regrets that the picnic intended to be given for 1899 will have to be postponed until next sea son, when it will be bigger and better than ever. The Democrat has just closed a contract for an up-to-date Goss per "fecting press, to be installed in our press room within the next three weeks. This improvement has been necessitated by the steadily growing circulation of the Demo crat. It will enable the publishers to increase the size of the daily from the old four-page form, to the more convenient and modern eight-page form, and will print, fold and count 10,000 eight-page papers per hour. In addition to this improvement, type-setting machines will be in stalled as soon as the order can be filled by the manufacturers. This will give the Democrat an equip ment excelled by no other paper in any Ohio city of Akron's class. It will enable the Democrat to furnish its readers within a few weeks with a complete telegraphic news service, more local news, and at the same time greatly improve the carrier and mail delivery service. An addition is now being built to the Democrat V press room and will be ready for use within three weeks, These improvements mean that the Democrat's subscribers and the people are going to get a better paper. And they explain why the Democrat must postpone this year's Children's Outing until next year. Much time and careful attention are required to make the outings successful. The safety and enter tainment of the children must be well looked after. The attention of the publishers being engrossed by the improvements that are under way, they cannot spare the time necessary to give the outing this year. But we want to say to our little friends that next year the Demo crat's picnic will be bigger and better than ever just as the Demo crat is going to be within a few weeks. Broke Camp. The Seventh Day Adventlsts-have nearly all departed from Randolph park, the greater number leaving to day. Baptism of converts took place Sunday morningat9 o'clock. Thirty- six persons were immersed in Crystal lake. GOLDEN RULE Direct Method of Settling Differences. That Exist Between Capital and Labor Practical Sermon. A very practical and forceful ser mon was preached Sunday morning at the First Church of Christ by the Pastor, Rev. C. J. Tannar, on "The Commercial Value of the Command, Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.' " Reference wa&Jiiade by the pastor to the great street railway strike at Cleveland. He deplored the fact that it. exists and has continued so long. In his remarks MrTannar championed neither the side of capital or labor, but spoke emphati cally of the value of tly3 golden rule and the love of one's neighbor as a direct method of settling all differ ences. He said that President Everett was not all to blame nor were the street care men all to blame for the trouble. It is his opinion that reasonable concessions should always be made by both sides, and that right should at all times govern the settlement of labor troubles. Several instances were cited where large manufacturing concerns have adopted the golden rule as their motto for the governing of their em ployes, and everywhere the golden rule principles have been tried suc cess has followed. Mr. Tannar urged that it was not only possible but at all times to live strictly in accord ance with the golden rule. Quite a large audience was present and the able sermon was appreciated by all. STAR COURSE Ten Great Attractions Will Appear at the Grand Opera House. The Star Course, which was an nounced several weeks ago, is now definitely arranged for. The talent and dates are as follows: Oct. 10 The Central Grand Con cert Co., consisting of the following artists: Francis "Walker, baritone; Cecilia Eppinghouser Bailey, Louis ville soprano ; Mr. Harry Fellows of Buffalo, 'tenor; Miss Antoinette Hording, contralto; Mr. Harry Vin cent, pianist. Nov. 9 The Famous Park Sisters of Xew York, assisted by Mr. C. Edmund Neil, impersonator. Nov. 25 Dewitt Miller of Phila delphia, one of the most popular lec turers on the platform. Nov. 29 The Oxford Musical Club of New England, a company of five instrumental and vocal artists. Dec. 7 TheThalian Dramatic club of Chicago. This company will give an evening of comedy and miscella- ous entertainment. Dec. 27 Fred Emerson Brooks, the California poet humorist. Jan. 9 The Boston Ladies' Svm- phony orchestra, consistidg of 22 of the leading lady instrumentalists of New England. This is the fourth annual tour of this great organiza tion. Jan. 23 Father Nugent, the Cath olic orator of Des Moines, Iowa. Feb. 19 The Ariel Ladies quar tette, assisted by a magician. March 28 The Oberlin College Glee club. This will be the longest course ever given in Akron. Tickets including admission to the ten at tractions are to be sold for one dol lar. Watch papers as to the time tickets will be on sale. INVOLUNTARY Petition In Bankruptcy, Filed Against. T. H. Groves Saturday. T. H. Groves, owner of the Chicago Clothing, Shoe & Hat company, 1(53 and 1G5 South Howard st., was forced into involuntary bankruptcy Satur day afternoon. H. D. Clailin fc Co. of New York, filed a petition in the United States court at Cleveland, asking that Mr. Groves be declared insolvent. The claim of this firm is a large one. Be sides the Akron store Mr. Qroveshas places of business in a number of the larger cities. Monday morning the Akron store was closed. Sheriff Kelly received an execution for $290 in favor of the Astor Place bank of New York. THE WEATHER: Rain tonight and day. probably Tues- LARGE FEES For Two Receivers Of Akron Street Railway & Illuminating Co. The Claim For Services Aggregates $20,000. p. & W. Railroad Sued $10,000 Damages. For Grand and Petit Juries Court House News. A motion to fix the compensation of George W. Crouse and O. A. Bee- be, for their services as receivers of the Akron Street Railway & Illumi nating company, was to have been heart in the United States Circuit court in Cleveland, Saturday. Because of the absence of Judge Thompson, who was delayed in reaching Cleveland, the hearing was postposed until this week. It is said that the receivers will ask $10,WX) each for their services. Damage Action. John R. Rosemond, administrator of the estate of James Vance, has commenced an action for $10,000 damages against the P. & W. Rail road company. Vance was struck and killed by a train April 28. Criminal Business Postponed. Probate court will not. begin the bearing of criminal business until Wednesday, because of the funeral of Attorney H. K. Sauder. Labor Cases Appealed. The actions in which Justice Shep ard, John S. Englander, Geo. Van Buskirk are the plaintiffs and the City the defendant, have been ap pealed from Justice Hard's court. The plaintiff claim they are entitled to judgments for labor. Two Juries. The following names have been drawn for jurors at the next term of court: - Grand jurors H. G. Griffin, B. M. Allison, R. F. Palmer, H. C. Viele, N. C. McNeil, W. E. Merriman, Chas. Ingham and W. H. Rook, sr., Akron; N. K. Adair, Copley; Byron Hamlin, Portage; Nicholis Knapp, Boston; B. H. Looinis, Cuyahoga Falls; J. A. Stettler, Springfield; W. A. Johnson, Norton. Petit jurors M. J. Allen, Alex ander McLaughlin, Theodore Tal cott, Geo. Wetstine, J. Koplin, J. H. Collins, John Greer, H. H. Jackson, T. F. O'Neil, L. K. Force, Akron; Jacob D. Brietenstine, Franklin; J. Bishop, Portage; E. H. Parmelee, Twinsburg; Walter Randall and D. C.Long, Portage; V. S. Sweitzer, Coventry. Probate Court. Luura J. Smith has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Clar ence D. Smith, who was killed in the A., B. & C. wreck, July 7, 1899. The Citizens' Saving & Loan asso ciation has filed an application for the appointment of an administrator for the estate of J. G. Raymond. Marriage Licenses. Herbert Cainc, Akron.... 27 Ida McLaughlin, Akron 26 Arthur M. Zarle, Cleveland 21 Christina B. Kling, Akron 17 LIVELY TIME. Officer Curwin Had It at the Saturday Night. Gorge Officer Fred Curwin, at the Gorge, had a lively skirmish Saturday night with Art Simms and others, who were acting disorderly on the danc ing pavilion. The officer was pretty badly used up in the affray. Simms had given his ticket to a friend and attempted to go on the pavilion without .price. To this Officer Cur win took objection, and it is said would have put Simms off the pavil ion had not the latter's friends as sisted him. No arrests have as yet been made. PI.Mll n Remodeling Clearance Sale Special Great Reductions IN I 155-157 S. Howard street. BOUND OVER Was E. Beeman Young Woman In Police Court. In Police court Monday morning Kdward Beeman, charged with grand larceny, waived examination and was bound over to Common Pleas court. His bail was reduced from $1,KK) to $500. Bail has been secured, and Beeman released. Hi- brother, W. Beeman, of Cleveland, and some local friends signed the bond. Alice Porter, a sprightly young woman aged 21, whose home is in Youngstown, but who for the past few weeks has been living in Akron, was arraigned on the charge of steal ing a watch from Daniel McGiunis, also of Akron. She had nothing to say and was fined $10 and costs. In default of the fine she was returned to the city prison, pending instruc tions, from her father, to whom a let ter has been written. . Mayor Young took occasion to deliver some good advice to the young woman in refer ence to a change in her manner of living. For indulging in a fight in a North Howard st. saloon Saturday night Harry Paige and Joseph Gauthier were each fined $5 and costs. Win. Morrison was arraigned on a charge of disorderly conduct. He pleaded not guilty and the case was continued until Tuesday. Frank Rinehart, arraigned on a charge of peddling in the city with outa license, will be given a hearing Monday, Aug. 21. John Merryweather was fined $2 and costs for drunkenness. Peter Lusher and George Snyder were each fined $1 and costs in police court Monday morning, for removing night soil before 11 o'clock at night. MARRIED AT LAST. An Old Couple That Created a Sensa tion at Creston. A year ago church and social cir cles in Creston, Wayne county, were aroused when it was learned that Andrew Jack6onRockey,a merchant and a married man, and Mrs. Sarah. J. Ruggles. widow of Dr. Rucrsrles, and quite wealthy, had disappeared. It was iinally given out that the couple had been located in England. Mrs. Ella Brown, of Cincinnati, was appointed guardian of her mother, Mrs. Ruggles. Mrs. Rockey was granted a divorce on the ground that Rockey had eloped with Mrs. Rug gles. A few weeks ago the pair re turned. Mrs. Ruggles this week ap plied for a license, but was refused owing to the guardianship. The guardian asked to be discharged. This was done, and a little later Rockey appeared and took out the coveted document. Mrs. Riursles age was given as 65, Rockey's as 51. They were wedded Wednesday by a clergyman of Lodi, Medina county. Election Of Officers. The election of officers for the Eighth Regiment is being held to day. It is not believed that there will be any opposition to the officers nominated at the convention in this city. A;$20 FINE Otis Neitz was be fore Mayor Durant of Barberton Tuesday for assaulting liis wife. He was fined $20 and costs, in default of which he was sent to the Canton workhouse, being taken there Wed nesday. m in SHARKEY Will Use Same Blow On Jeffries That He Did With Ruhlin. Sailor Tells Just How it Will Happen. Nebraska Indians Took Games From Akron. Two Temper Trotted Fast Mile Sporting News. Tom Sharkey has already mapped out his plans as to how he intends to fight Jim Jeffries when they fight their twenty-five round bout for the championship of the world on Octo ber 23. Sharkey, according to the information, expects to win from Jeffries by exactly the same blows he beat Gus Ruhlin within one round at the Greater New York Athletic club at Coney Island last year. These blows are a short left swing for the jaw and a quick follow up blow with a right swing for the oth er side of his jaw. Sharkey in se lecting these two blows to beat the present champion, Jeffries, is doing so on account of the height of Jeff ries, which will put him at a great disadvantage. Sharkey "imagines the shorhleft. swing will surely roach Jeffries' jaw on account of the lat ter's crouching position while he is fighting., j. Regular Practice. Member of the High school foot ball team are requested to meet at the West Hill baU grounds for regu lar practice Tuesday afternoon. Elks' Road Race. Frank Strauss of this city, finished fifth in the Elks' 23-mile road race at Cleveland Saturday. He had a three minute handicap. Henry Dech fin ished in 22d position. Equaled Her Record. Temper went against her record of 2:11 at Cleveland Saturday and just equaled it. The track was rather deep in places for the little mare to perform her best. Akrons Were Easy. The Nebraska Indians made the Akron team look like 30 cents on the Buchtel college grounds Saturday afternoon. They won both games without exerting themselves. In the first only five innings were play ed. The score resulted 8 to 1 in fav or of the Red Men. In the second game the Akrons succeeded in getting two runs while their opponents piled up 18. The Indians knocked Gilletly all over the field, making nine hits and 1 1 runs in the last two innings. P. Taylor, in five times at bat made three triples and two singles. PEEPING IN WINDOWS Strange Man Making It Unpleasant For Exchange Street People. A strange man is making it un pleasant for people living on E. Ex change st. in the vicinity of Brown st. He has been peeping in win dows. He was discovered at the residence of Mrs. Louise Higy, 627 E. Exchange St., Saturday night, but escaped before he could be caught. Later an attempt was made to enter the residence of Mrs. Susan Cole on Brown st. A ladder was placed against the upstairs window. The man was frightened away. Teachers Institute. Convening August 28 and conclud ing September 1, two teachers' in stitutes will be held in this city one for county teachers and the other for city teachers. Each will be. held at the same time in High school hall. Among the principal instructors will be Dr. James W. Milne of Oneonta, N. Y.; Supt. W. B. Randolph of the Hudson schools and Supt. W. M. Glasgow of tjie Barbertoji sohools. VETERANS Complete Arrangements For Excursion To National Encampment at Philadel phia News of the Lodges. Buckley Post No. 12 held a large and enthusiastic meeting last Fri day evening. The death of our late and much re spected comcade, Elias Fraunfelter, was announced by Commander Chalker. Comrade Blackson of Norton tp. has rejoined the post. The transportation committee, through its chairman, J. W. Little, and Comrade Mell, made a very complete report of their negotiations with the various railroad companies for transportation to Philadelphia to the 33d National Encampment. Af ter considerable discussion it was decided by the Post 'to accept the proposition made by the Pennsyl vania road, which is $11 for the round trip, with privilege forstopping oi the return trip at Baltimore, Washington and Hanover Junction without extra charge. The trip from Hanover Junction to Gettys burg will cost $1.50 more. The train selected by the post as its official train leaves the Union depot in Ak ron at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 3, and is due in Philadelphia the next morning. Quartermaster A. McLaughlin was authorized to procure badges for use of the comrades who attend the en campment. Commander Chalker read a very friendly communication from the merchant prince, John Wanamaker, cordially inviting all comrades to visit his store while in Philadelphia, where they will be provided with resting room, check room, telephonic and telegraphic ac commodation, guides through the store, etc.. free of any expense. Pythian Sisterhood. Louise Assembly had a well at tended and pleasant session on Fri day evening. Next Wednesday evening all are invited to attend the lawn party at 107 East. State st. at the home of Sister Jane Williams and Mrs. H. D. Irvin. L. 0. L. Mj. Busy Bee Hive met in regular re view Tuesday and transacted the usual routine of business. The cap tain wishes the team to drill Tues day, August 15, at7 p.m. Special as sessment No. 2 must be paid by all life benefit members this month. U. V. U. At the last meeting of A. Lincoln Command, LT.V.LT., delegates were elected to the fourteenth annual en campment to he held at Des Moines, Iowa. The delegates are: H. H. Harrison and William McNeal. Al ternates: J. A. Moody and S. Davis. A lecture will be given at the S. of V. hall by William Siffert, on "The Battle of Gettysburg," Tuesday eve ning. The lecture will be illustrated by stereopticon views. Modern Woodmen. Akron camp is enjoying a large at tendance during the warm weather. All neighbors am requested to at tend the ineeings on Aug. 14 and 21. as seven candidates are to receive the first and second degrees. It is the wish of the officers and team that all make a special effort to be present and witness the exemplification of the beautiful.ritual of the Modern Wood men, which is equaled by few and surpassed by none. Akron camp is enjoying a wave of prosperity, owing to tiie increasing appreciation of the benefits of this organization. By Jan. 1, 1900, Akron camp bids fair to be the banner camp of Ohio. Knights and Ladies ol Honor. Agenda lodge met as usual Wed nesday evening. Though the at tendance was not large, the meeting was very interesting, important busi ness being disposed of. The sick members are very poorly and it would be well for all who could to visit them. We expect to take a trip to one of the lakes soon, so come to the meeting and hear about the good timoyou will have. Meeting called to order at 7:30; but many come earlier for a social time. Daughters of Liberty. C. and v.c. being absent from Co lumbia council's last meeting is something that has never occurred before at a regular meeting of this council since it was organized. Sister A.C. did very well for the first as a presiding officer, not being used to handling the governing reins of the council. Initiation of three candi dates is expected at next meeting. Those in charge of the work should be prepared and all members should be in attendance promptly at the hour as coming-in late always inter feres with the business of the counr cil. Our guests from Clevoland were compelled to postpone their visit to a future date in consequenco of the street railway strike. I. 0. F. Court Pride No. 856, 1.O.F., con- atural Gas : Notice to the Citizens of Akron : : In order to introduce into all homes in the city of S S Akron in the shortest possible time the use of Natural : Gas, The East Ohio Gas company will give A Discount, From the Present Fixed Rates, of : 5c For Each 1,000 Cubic Feet. Of gas used for domestic purposes during the year com- uicunus juiy 151, loyy, aim enuing juiy 1st, iyuu. As the company is making all house connections at actual cost of materials and labor, it believes that this : saving in the price of gas will go largely towards the : expense of piping the houses and will give the company S the advantage of having every citizen (even the poorest) as a consumer, thus affording to all the best and cheap- s : est fuel. To encourage the use of gas by manufacturers, : : special rates-will be given on application at the office. S EAST mtt fiASS E. STRONG, President ' ducted the funeral services over the late Brother J. T. Easterbrook, who died at the City hospital yesterday, in their temple headquarters over 115 E. Market st., with the assist ance of the Rev. T. J. Post and Com panions of Court Pride No. 1. The remains were placed in Glendale vault until further arrangements are made. The Supreme Chief Ranger Dr. Oronhyatekha was requested recent ly to accept the bronze statute of himself, erected at Toronto for his benefit as a gift from the contribu tions of his 150,000 Foresters. Supreme Deputy Evison is work ing the central part of the State. He reports the courts of Newark, Zanes ville and Circleville in flourishing condition. Independent Foresters of Cleve land celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fraternity Sunday, June 18th, by attending in number 700 atdivine services, rendered at the Epworth Memorial church. Pathfinder. Supreme Organizer Pfoiffer spent last week in East Liverpool and is now in Pittsburg. The Pathfinder will be represented at the National Fraternal Congress to be held in Chicago August 22. Having secured over 5,000 members we are now entitled to membership in that body. Deputy W. H. Vogt of Akron, who has been working in Pittsburg for some time, has been compelled to re tire to the home of his father-in-law at Lisbon, threatened with an attack of typhoid. Supreme President Steiner and Su preme Treasurer Smith attonded the Cleveland Elks' fair last Thursday. Akron lodge No. 1 was called to Continued on Second Page. MILITARY VEREIN Enjoyed Annual Outing at Voris' Grove, Sunday. The annual outing of the German Military Verein held at Voris' grove, Sunday afternoon, was a very pleas ant affair. It was attended by about 300 persons. The following named persons com posed the committee on arrange ments: Capt. Herman Werner, John Ruthenborg, Frederick W. Ruthen berg, Carl Schoenduve and Gustave A. Groesel. Target shooting was the principal feature of amusement and some good records were made. The following received prizes: Carl Burkowski, first prize: John Sueper, second and Gustave Groesel, third. The special prize was won by'John Backe. Other amusements of a social nature furnished splendid entertainment for the crowd. Music was furnished by the Eighth Regiment band. Bound Over. Andrew Stafford, charged with stealing a norse valued at $65 of Wil liam Smith of Richfield, was ar raigned before Squire Hoffman Mon day morning. He pleaded not guilty and in default of $1,000 bond was sent to jail to await the action of the grand jury. Royal aBSOlDIEiYUBE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome PAPER To be Published For Benefit Colored Voters. Queer Arrangement Said to Have Been Made In Washington. A curious story obtains here that great dissatisfaction prevails among the colored voters in Ohio; that they resent the attitude of the adminis tration toward the lynching of ne groes in the south, and that they complain of nourecognition in local politics, says a Washington special to the Enquirer. A notable example is cited in Franklin county, where it is said a brilliant and deserving young colored man was ruthlessly turned down for the Republican nomination for representative. It was rumored here several days ago that Dick was coming down to fix up a scheme to whip the colored vote into line. It was said that ho would come here to enlist the serv ices of a Mr. Cooper, a colored man, in this city, who affects journalism, with whom the Administration has dealt previously, to conduct a Re publican paper to be circulated among the colored people in Ohio. Just where this paper was to ba issued did not appear in the allega tion. The simultaneous arrival of A. W. Maynes of Akron, with that of Colonel Dick, and their being quar tered at the same hotel. lent color to the idea that the story contained some truth, at least, and that the said paper was. to bo pinted in the Co lonel's home town, Akron. When asked concerning the truth of the re port, Dick indignantly and emphati cally denied it. "I haven't seen Cooper, nor do I expect to," said he. "There isn't a word of truth in it! It's preposter ous!' Col. Dick will probably remain un til Monday, though he says he may leave at any time, and cer tainly as soon as his business is transacted. APPLICATIONS Filed bv Men Who Seek Dis- charges In Bankruptcy. Applicationi for discharge! in bankruptcy will be heard in the United States court this week in the cases of Isadore and Adolph Hold stein, Cyrus J. Witner, John J. Cook and John Kreuder. Exceptions havs been filed to the two last named ap plications. Boiler Works Sold. Clement A. Barnes, assignee of the D. F. Morgan Boiler company, has filed a deed transferring the proper ty to the Goehring Manufacturing company. The consideration was $fi,S14. R1KIUA ! Powder