Newspaper Page Text
vSr if?-'' -.- '- -- 1I Rose Bud Cream "' The best remedy for all roughness of skin, it is delightful as a toilet requisite. Ask for it at C. B. Harper & Co.'s Drug Store. AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. Shot Guns, Rifles Powder. Shot, Shells, Cartridges,4 Revolvers. Fishinjr Tackle, every thing in SPORTING GOODS at LOWEST PRICES. SN Geo. S. Dales & Son, 228 South Main'. St. VOLUME EIGHT. NUMBER 134 AKRON, OHIO, SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 23, 1899. PRICE ONE CENT WHERE WAS NASH? Roosevelt Was the Whole In Todays Demonstration. Thing Nash, Like .Rip Van Winkle, Soliloquized; "They Have Forgotten Me." Absence of Foraker and Bushnell Men Was Ominous. Crowd Was Large, But Not Up tion of Managers. to Expecta- With every condition in favor of assembling an immense crowd on the occasion of the opening of the Ohio Republican campaign fine -weather, free railroad tickets, free refresh ments, and the best oratorical talent in the party, the number attending the opening today is more than dis appointing to the Hanna manage ment. Whilejthere is a. liberal representa tion of the Hanna wing of the party present, the total absence of friends of Senator Foraker and Gov. Bush nell is very significant to those ac customed to seeing their faces at campaign openings in the past. The utter lack of enthusiasm on the part of the crowd, coupled with the ominous absence of theBushnell Foraker contingent, had a distressing effect upon the party leaders. It was au indication of what may hap pen in November if the absentees in like manner remain away from the polls-- f -....;,, i . The first brood of Judge Nash's chickens have come home to roost. And there are more to follow. The first real enthusiasm display ed by the people was when Gov. Roosevelt arrived at the head of the Cleveland delegation, and was driven down Main st. in an open carriage with Mark Hanna. Mark conducted himself with an air of complacency and satisfaction as the people cheered, which seemed to indicate that he felt: "It's for me." Chilly Reception. The reception of Col. Dick and Senator Hanna at the Hotel Buchtel was chilly. Only a few people rec ognized them and these applauded very feebly. Gov. Roosevelt seemed to be the idol of the Republicans. All the cheers were for him. All the ban ners read "Welcome Gov. Roose velt." No where was there a banner welcoming Judge Nash, and no voice was raised to cheer him. Judge Nash was there but that's all. His personality, like ohis candidacy, was forgotten in the presence of Roosevelt and Mark. in Akron today Akron with a popu lation of 50,000 and-Summit county with a population of 80,000. The Parade. The parade, which was tho feature of the day was in divisions, officered and formed as follows: Platoon of police; grand marshal and staff; Foster's band, Akron. FTRST DIVISION'. Capt. A. P. Baldwin, Commanding. Division formed on west side of South Main St., with the right at City building. Tippecanoe band of Cleveland. The Tippecanoe club. SECOND DIVISION. Major E. F. Taggart, Marshal. THIHD DIVISION. Capt. Herman Werner, commanding. FOURTH DITISION, Prof. S. P. Orth, commanding. FIFTH DIVISION. E. A. Hershey commanding, was formed on West Exchange st. with their bands. SIXTH DIVISION. J j..". 'Pardee commandingl' r Carriages containing speakers and guests formed on Main st. between Mill and Market. When the parade was formed the hell at the Central Engine hnuse sounded 13 times whon the carriages containing speakers passed through the lines of divisions. AT GRACE PARK THE CROWD. Only Came Eight Thousand People Into Akron on Trains. The Democrat had men stationed at every depot. A careful count was kept of all the trains entering the city. Not counting the regular trains, 93 extra coaches were brought into Akron. Agent C. D. Honodle says that 00 passengers can be seated in a car and that, upon an average of 75 people were in each of the cars coming into Akron today. Taking this estimate as a basis for computation the 93 coaches brought in 6,5)75 people. The Democrat estimates that more than 8,000 people came lntolter i morning. The Young Republicans'! club was at the Union station to meet I Gov. Roosevelt ami the Cleveland ' i THE PARADE. mounted I ti in , o mo I mere were jusi ,sio Men In Line. The Decorations Were Profuse The Program Enacted. Grace park is profusely decorated witli Sags. A large platform has been built at the south side of the band pavilion. The sides of (he platform are draped in branches covered with green leaves. Tali flag poles, from whose tops' float large flags, are arranged about the speakers' platform, and smaller flags are everywhere in evidence. Palms and flowers are tastily arranged about the stand, and bunting encir cles the larger flagpoles. The speak ers' stand is large, seating: auite a number of people, the speakers, officers of the meeting and repre sentatives of the press. The program enacted at the stand was as follows: Music by the Columbus Glee Club; invocation, Dr. Ira A. Priest, presi dent of Buchtel college; music by the "Columbus Glee club; introduc tory address, Hon. N. D. Tibbals, president of the day; address, Hon. George K. Nash; music Columbus Glee club; address, Hon. Theodore Roosevelt; music by the Columbus Glee club; "America" by the com bined bands. Commenced as Reporter. Geo. K. Nash commenced his busi ness career as a reporter on the Ohio State Journal. The newspapers throughout Ohio have spoken of Mrs. A. E. Babcock, who is traveling with him, as his daughter, when she is I his stepdaughter. She is the daugh of Wm. Babcock, now deceased, Tippecaeoe club. Thirty escort wa also present and the Eighth Regiment, besides 3.000 peo-1 pie assembled to meet the hero of ' san Juan hiii. I The parade was one of the gov. Roosevelt ami Senator Mark . largest and finest ever seen Hanna rode in the first carriage with 'in Akrnn. heinflln TO the MC- u . -, o -r Kinley parade in 1893. J. P. Zerbe and Myron T. Herrick of Cleveland. Many people crowded about the carriage to grasp the hand of Gov. Roosevelt. Met Roosevelt. The committee delegated to meet Governor Roosevelt at Cleveland was composed of the following naned persons: L. C. Miles, chair man; Judge U. L. Marvin, J. Park Alexander, Judge J. A. Kohler, Geo. A. Barnes, C. C. Goodrich. J. H. An drews, A. J. Rowley. Judge N. D. Tibbals, M. B. Goodyear and Dayton A. Doyle. The party left for Cleve land at 6 o'clock Saturday morning. Saturday forenoon was principally devoted to the reception of visiting delegations. Mounted escorts were iu waiting at each of the stations, and when the crowds would arrive they were escorted in great style to the places assigned them. The places to which the various clubs were assigned follow: Tippecanoe Club, Cleveland, May or's court room city building; Railsplitters, Toledo, Militant hall; Lincoln Club, Toledo, Militant hall: Wood county club, Bowling Green, Empire hotel; Columbus club, Council chamber; Columbus Colored club, opposite City building; AVooster club, Wind sor hotel; Elyriaclub, Windsor ho tel; Cambridge club. Crumrine block, Market st.; Ravenna club, Sohoeninger block, second floor; Alliance club, Hotel Buchtel; College clubs, Empire hotel; Vet erans Civil War, G. A. R. hall; Medina Club, Schoeninger block, 2d floor; Mansfield Club, Schoeninger block, 2d floor; Warren Club, J. W. There were 2,918 men, women and children in line, in carriages, bands, horse back and afoot. There were 535 men in the hands alone. Little hall, Main st,: Youngstown Club, Hotel Buchtel; Canton Club, Hotel Buchtel; Spanish-American soldiers, Schoeninger block, 3rd .floor. Spanish-American soldiers met on Market st., front of their headquar ters, at 12 :30 o'clock and organized. Most of the delegations had bands with them. ROOSEVELT TALKS. Says He Is Glad to Be In Akron His First Visit. Gov. Roosevelt said to a Democrat reporter: "I am certainly very glad to be here on this occasion, and I am glad to see the enthusiasm displayed. This is my first visit to Akron." Just then some one came forward and said: "I shall be glad to join your Rough Riders, Colonel, when they come out to boom you for the presidency." 'Do you hear many such expres sions?" Col. Roosevelt was asked by the reporter. "Oh, occasionally," he replied. GRATIFIED. Judge Nash Pleased With Appearance of Akron. Judge George K. Nash and party Continued on Last Page. Akron on the regular and special trains. Allowing an equal number who came into Akron from surrounding towns by (heir own conveyances and electric cars, which is considered a very liberal estimate, (here are not to exceed 16,000 out-of-town people THE WEATHER: Fair tonight and Sunday. and the wife of Rev. Babcock, pastor of theEpiscopal church in Columbus. TEDDY ARRIVES. Came With the Tipps From Cleve land on Special Train. Gov. Roosevolt, Mark Hanna and party, arrived at 12:45 from Cleve land. The party was in charge of the eacort sent from Akron Saturday 1 4 4 J 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 "J 4 4 4 4 4 4 J 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 i 4 4 1 1 ADDRESS TO OHIO DEMOCRACY. By A. C. Bachtel. President Ohio Association of Democratic Clubs. Democrats of Ohio: When the history of this American Republic shall be written, one of the resplendant stars that will shine forth in all its glory, in those pages, will be the part taken by the Democratic party of America since the foundation of the Republic on this continent. Not iu all the history of the peoples of the earth is there any record of a political party that has, out of the necessities aris ing from a Democratic form of government came, iuto existence, lived a full century,and has, upon entering the second century, demonstrate'd to the world that it is now more alert and alive to the welfare of American citizens than ever ih her honored history. This being true what citizen of Ohio, or this nation, cannot be proud of being affiliated with this grand old party of the common people. No man who Hvps iu this age of the world can be ignorant of the trend of affairs in this nation since the War of Rebellion came to a close. All students of politics canuot help but recognize the en croachment not only upon human liberty and independ ence of thought, but that centralization of power, iu the hands of men, who to gratify selfish purposes, are ready and willing to stultify even the Declaration of Indepen dence or the Constitution of this nation, if need be, to thwart the will of the people. Is it not time the voters of Ohio should be aroused to the dangers that threaten the body politic? As every man values the privilege of American citizenship he should study the principles that the Democratic party promulgated in its platform recently adopted at Zanesville, and upon which we shall wage our battle until the ballots are cast in November. It is not only important that every Democrat .should stand firm in the discharge of his duty, but that every citizen should consider whether his interest does not lead them into the ranks of the party of the people this year. The result in Ohio this fall will indicate largely what will be the course in National politics next year. No Democrat in Ohio should find any cause not to sup port our State ticket, at the head of which stands that Prince of Democrats, Hon. John R. McLean, the man who had the courage to stand single and alone in 1896 in defense of the cause of the American citizens, who stood for the Chicago platform. Democrats of Ohio, let every man do his duty. Arise to the importance of getting out every Democratic vote on election day. When you have done this, the greatest victory ever won in this state will have been achieved. Then with the satisfaction of a work well commenced we can take up our cause again and battle loyally for William Jennings Bryan, the man who stands nearer the hearts of the American people than any man that has risen in this nation. Their confidence in him is so absolute tbet they will surely crown him next year with the highest honor possible for this nation to bestow upon one of her citizens. Let us organize clubs, to bo permanent institutions for disseminating Democratic principles. Only by thor ough organization can we accomplish the results that are dear to overy true Democrat. Wo can mako the Ohio Association of Democratic clubs the most, powerful factor for Democratic, success ever organized iu this State. The Democracy of Ohio expects every man to do his duty, and never falter. It will be done. r I I I I I I I I I- Boasts of an Aggregation Second to None. j Akron boasts of no roof garden, but it can put up as good a Hogan's alley aggregation as can be found anywhere. t Every evening the sound of the bass drum lends is noise to the tin can medley, and the toot of the tin horn as a crowd of fantastically at- tired urchins march up and down i Maiden Lane alley. At the head of the parade inarches the drum major, who, by the way. is also an acrobat of no mean acquire ments. His attire, would after night, him to be taken fork ."Calico Jack," but he puts "up good 'tumbling, all the same. Following him is the Irish comedian, reulend ant in a suit of green as emerald in ?color as the"auld hod" itself. Then r ,there are the dancinggirls, tho stake- pullers, clowns and stage manager.-. about 15 dogs, nine cats and a goat hitched to a little wagon bringing up the rear. When you hear the music in the alley the Hogau Kids are out. PJ. Dry Goods, Cloaks, Etc. New Fall Dress Goods i Silks and Trimmings Our -tock i. vi-ry com plete, the best styles are rep resented in our stock. NEW Golf Cape Styles And pric". hae -.truck the popular ford. We sell good goods at lowest possible prices. Ik Pi Mr Go. Successors to 155 and 1ST South Howard street. m t ALLEY GANG. Akron STOLEN RING Found In Akron Pawn Shop Brought Here From Canton. A short time ago the residence of George Nauman, in South Walnut street, was burglarized and several rings and other property stolen, says the Canton News-Democrat. A few days ago Miss Ida Nauman was vis iting friends in Akron, and she visit ed several pawn shops and succeeded in discovering one of her rings there. The broker was forced to give up the ring to the young lady, who was ac companied by a policeman. Tho other ring has not been found, but the Akron officials are investigating, and their clue as already obtained will probably lead to the arrest of the burglar. The local officials be lieve that the crime was committed by local parties and the goods were taken to Akron and pawned for them by other parties. READY TO SLEEP SOUND Leave Off the Coffee. A city solicitor for a grocery in Americus, Georgia, reports that in calling upon a Mrs. W. F. Marsh, found her complaining greatly about the loss of sleep and nervousness in the family. He suggested that per haps the trouble was caused by cof fee drinking, and advised that 'they use Postum Food Coffee in its place. A box of the new Food Coffee was sent down to them, and at a call tho second day Mrs. Marsh stated that about three o'clock in the morning she was suddenly awakened by her husband jumping up to dress, stating that he must get off to work. She looked at the clock and told him it ,vas only three o'clock, and ho must have made a mistake. He said he felt there was certainly something wrong with the clock, for he had lept his usual time, was perfectly refreshed and had his night's rest out. The good sound sleep contin ued night after night after leaving off the coffee and using in its place the Postum Cereal ooa (Jollee. The solicitor further says: '! told this experience of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh to Mr. If. F. Davenport, and after the first night's trial ho told me lie had never slept better in years. Mrs. Davenport was in the store this afternoon, pronouncing it wonderful. "Some of the doctors here are strong advocates of Postum Food Cofiee. One lady, Mrs. W. 11. How ard, buys it by tho dollar's, and is getting all her guests and ac nuaintances to use it. Tho president of one of our banks ues Postum Cereal Food Coffee to the exclusion of all other beverages. It meets with the approval ol some of our best citizens." T. W. Callaway, of Gatewood Grocery. Americus, Ga. For Practice Work. Grounds Are Now Equiped With Lights. Wardetta Won Hard Race at Berea. Dates With All Cleveland High Schools. Jim Kennedy Makes Friend Sporting News. The Akron foot ball team will he in practice Monday night on the lot which has been piepared for prelim inary work. The electric lights are in position. The team will have but little time to get in condition for the season and it will require hard and constant work from now on. Wardetta Won. Wardetta, owned by AVilliam Richardson of this city, won the 2:24 pace at Berea Friday, after losing the first three heats. The best time was 2:23J. Grace Elyria finished fourth in the 2:35 trot, which was won by Jean K Best time 2:80. A. H. S. Dates. The Akron High School eleven .will play all the High School teams or Cleveland. On Oct. 13 they will meet West High at Cleveland, the same team playing here Nov. 18. The dates with Central High and South High have not been fixed. Kennedy Is Clever. Joe Kennedy, the California heavy weight, who is to box Peter Malier 20 rounds at the reopening of Lenox Athletic club on September 2fi, i showing up well in his train ing. Kennedy shows himself to be o'ne of the liveliest big men on his feet in the ring today, and a wonder fully clever two-handed fighter. Gardner Defeated. Oscar Gardner the "Omaha Kid," was defeated in a 25-round go at New York last night by Jack Hamilton. BIG BUNCH Of Cases Continued by Mayor W. E. Young. Alleged Brass Theives All Entered Pleas of Not Guilty. The alleged thieves, charged with stealing nearly $500 worth of brass from the Erie R. R., all pleaded not guilty iu Police court. The men who were arrested for receiving stolen property also entered pleas of not guilty. The cases of grand larceny against Frank Edwards, Geo. Ney, Anton Gelder, Jos. Harris and Geo. Snyder were continued until next Wednes day. The cases against Huber Joint and John Groet,, who, it is alleged, received stolen property, were con tinued until Wednesday, Isaac P. Rosenblatt's until Friday, and Ben jamin Rudiminsky's until Monday. Officer Kempel claims he has suf ficient evidence to jonvict. Sophia Ashbaugh was fined fit) and costs for stealing a gold watch. Another case of grand larceny against her was dismissed. Milton Breckenridge, 12S Factory st., pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault and battery against him. His case will be heard Tuesday. It is alloged he assaulted Mrs. Henry Kraft. The case o? disorderly conduct against ;ei. W. Aldun was con tinued until Monday, after ho had pleaded not guilty. Jas. -W. Orr, Wm. Hadloy and Jas. Wethels, intoxication, f2 and costs. Grand Organ! i Kecitai ast-1 I Concert I $WCUUC5Uay?UU.4,157n it tf vt Reopening of the Great Organ in i) ft ifc iii to it ii viz it it Hi it m m 9 1 First M.E. Church 1 -of Akron, by- Mr. Frederick Archer 9 Mrs. Katharine Houk Talbot fix "Mrs. Talbot fl Of Pittsburg, assisted by the Celebrated Contralto Soloist, -0f Dayton, and- The Tuesday Musical Club -OF AKRON- The Columbus Dispatch sa3rs yfy is a woman of magnificent presence, and possesses j a contralto voice of great power and richness.' in such songs as Schumann, hchubert and (j Brahms, she is at her best. I Tickets Now on Sale ji; Robinson's Book Store, South Howard st. ili Office of Abstract Title & Guarantee Co., South f vfc Main st. "" . fl itf Citizens National Bank, South Howard st. JJ Vg City National Bank, South Howard: st. jj- Mk 4 9 W B 9 B& V 9 9 K 43 Wk -43 d 41a !. 4h 4& 4S& 0 1 jjy Natural JlS -SwlP I Notice to the Citizens of Akron: : In order to introduce into all homes in the city of I Akron in the shortest possible time the use of Natural Gas, The East Ohio Gas company will give A Discount, From the Present Fixed Rates, of : . 5c For Each 1,000 Cubic Feet. Of gas used for domestic purposes during the year com mencing July 1st, 1899, and ending July 1st, 1900. As the company is making all house connections at actual cost of materials and labor, it believes that this saving in the price of gas will go largely towards the expense of piping the houses and will give the company the advantage of having every citizen (even the poorest) as a consumer, thus affording to all the best and cheap est fuel. To encourage the use of gas by manufacturers, special rates will be given on application at the office. EAST OHIO QAS CO. NO, Presidi int DAMAGES Asked By Wife of a Former Resi dent of Akron. Mrs. Antony Williams today filed a suit for damages here, says a Mun oie, Ind., special. "Williams is ex tensively interested in the Joplin, Mo., zinc mines, where lie has re sided for a year, while his wife and son were here at a hotel. He was at one time a rich hardware merchant at Akron, Ohio, and came to Muncic to manage tho extensive land inter ests of Colonel A. L. Conger, wheie the suburb of Congerville now stands. Tho allegations gh en to the press are simply cruel treatment. ST. PAUL'S PARISH 1 Kemember the COOKING SCHOOL by Prof. Edward Detlefl, in tho basement of St. Paul's church. Series of eight lessons for $1.00. First lesson, Monday, Sept. 25 2 to 4Vclbck Different menu at each lesson and special dishes made at re quest of pupils. I Will Stay at Home. Col. Chas. Dick said to-day that the possibility of the Eighth regi ' mem goinsr to Xew York had about ' vanished. He stated that if Senator Cromley sustained his objection they would remain at home. nVVAl &AKIN& wvvmjwu AbSQUUIEIX friJRE Powder Makes the food more delicious and whoeMtt. aiwm.tjr Jif x- ilWWWiq.CX'W'JJv.'t.,vt,