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P??!5jg5S - -Ci - -aWT- " ?ZT- T ,. J. ..,.!., ! sassgrijgsy! I will Euaraatee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lum bago, sciatica and all j rheumatic pains la two or three hour, acd cure in a few dtji. I MTJNX0N. At all druggists, I 25c a rial. Guide to Health und medi cal advice free. I 1503 Arch tU Phila. -Real Estate Security, Farms, Houses, Lots, also on Furnif, Pianos, Offce Fixtures, Horses, Wagons, Diamonds, Jewelry, Insurance Policies Or upon anything of value from $1 to $5,000. 1 also buy Mortgage Notes. LOANS MADE THE SAME DAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. H.O. EV1SI Room 47, Central Building. (Old Beacon Block.) FOR SALE. FOR SALE No. 124 Bare St., 9 room, fur nace, grate, bam and fruit, also cottage, five rooms, will sell as a whole or separate. For particulars, G. W. Grldley, 48 Central build ing. Tel.51. 02tf FOR SALE Tennessee phosphate lands H. "Wisener Hammond, 1006 Park building, Pittsburg, Pa. 141-142 FOR SALE Prirate sale of household goods, beginning October S, between 9 aan. and 5 p.m. Must be sold before October 20. A. W. Fritz, 25 Allyn st. liSt-145 FOR SALE A modern, convenient home at a bargain; all conveniences and large amount of fruit; also for rent if not sold. House is arranged to accommodate two families. A. W. Fritz, 223 Allyn st. 130-145 FOR SALE Farm of M acres. Good buildings. miles wst of city u the 8mith road. l)r. I .1. Baughman, Montrose, O. 118-105 FOR SALE Look nt 204 S. "Wllhclm St.. near Crazier, if yon wuut a home cheap. Flrst-clnso fiv room house with closets, slate roof, nlmnt now and newly painted, JV.S it sold moth. Call on or address Clara A. iAjwrev.Tullinadgp. O. 129-153 FOR SALE Business property mid two 1'c1IIiiks, S. Main St.; stor room with larse lot, j'XX); 5-rooin houe. Woodier ave., ; new fi-room bonne. Holloway St., JV5; Xo. 120 X. Walnut St., J1.1XW; n-room house and two lots. Minml st., $1.3"0- S-room house Orchard court. S1.3U0; lots on good street as low as Silo; 50 acres with good buildings, near Akron, to exchange for city property. JIousps for rem. Money to loan. J. I. BACHTEL. U 1SS S. Howard St. FOR SA.I-.S Large lot. Home St., ninth lot from pave ment and ear line; only $310 if sold this week. fiood sis room house, York st,, only f 1,000. Kinall store room for rent at $6 near city building. Money to loan at 5 and 6 per cent. O- H. Jones US East Exchange st. MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN SSX). $.', $800, J1.000 and 2,000. J. I. Bachtel, 1 S. Howard st. Wtf MONEY TO LOAN From 55.00 and up ward on household goods or any chattle se curity and allow the goods to remain in four possession. Oan repay us in monthly nstallments. Room 14, Arcade block. Of flco hours, 8:S0 to 11:30 a. m., 1:80 toBa m. L. C. MILLER & IVY MILLER, a-s2itf WANTED. TO EXCHANGE A flrst class four horse power electric motor for a ten horse power motor. 91tf AV ANTED At once, a boy; must be over 12 years of age. Inquire or address S. & C. care Democrat office. 111-14S WANTED A girl to do general house work. Enquire at 503 E. Market St., cast half of double house. 141-143 WANTED Lady to learn chiropody, facial and body massage or any one of these professions. Drs. Frank Hort and wife. Call 103 N. Summit st. 141-143 LOST While shopping at;the PH. Schnei der Co. store a box from Frank, Laubach & Clemmer's Jewelry store containing a sil ver bracelet with two golden hearts at tached. "L. G." appeared on one heart and "J essle" on the other. Finder will receive reward if left at Democrat office. 111-143 S. F COI-EMAN Justice of the Peace and Notary. 205 Wooster avenue. Houses on monthly payments, choice lots on Wooster av.will be sold at a sacrifice, also greenhouse equipments cheap. A 4S horse-power boiler, almost now. I have the finest allotment in Akron. Lots 60x175 from $100 to $200. Come to see me. JEWELER. FOR REPAIRING See George Hanellne. Watches, Clocks, all kinds cf Jewelry, 138 South Main St.. under red watch sign. 222U INSURANCE Tho lowest net oost of similar policies is tho true eoono mlcs -test between reliable companies and is the basis of our comparisons. THE AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., Frank O. Newcomb, District Agent, Everett Build ing. I have a few desirable lots at low prices in good residence parts of the city. o-ti Look for us at Q9Q S. Howard st. fcCO P. P. BOCK & CO. Insurance and Loan Agents. If you want a first-class driving horse, finely mated coach or carriage team, call at Steiner's Stock Barn, No. 1350 South Main st. Nothing but first-class horses kept in stock. N. R. STELNER, Prop., Tel. 1734. John Q. Martin, Mgr. Mch 18, 1900 WANTED TO LOAN $1,000 to $3,000 &t 8 percent fcr term of yearaif aeeurlty It gilt edge. Inquire At onoe. Mail Ooarfc- Everett block. Tl. 1528 MASSILLON COAL CO. We have a largs amount ot money to loan on good rtal ntt iwurlty. Low rate of interest. Terms most reasonable. 149 S. Howard L, Nimm US wi 193 VwWAAyV STROBI 2't:oanr I mvww New machinery, new location. We guarantee our work. High gloss or domestic finish. Nob. 132-137 North Howard st. THKEE VICTIMS OF FIRE. One l'crwin llnruvil iiratli, at Ahta- labulK Two Ierilieil at Trimble. Aiirr.vBLL.t Oct. 3. Three wooden business houses, owned by M. Kohue. were totally destroyed .by Are. A search of the ruins revealed the charred remains of Harry Randall, berer known as Tug Wilson, who had conducted a ferry line here for years. Total loss on building and contents, $7,000; par tially insured. Trimble, jOct. 3. The house of Fred Esenhammer, three miles nort of here, burned, and two children, the only oc cunauts of the house, were burned to deJith. I L PETERSON & WRIGHT Successors to J. E. Peterson Groin. Hoy, mi Feed, cm!, in, fie. 138 FORTH MAUI ST. Tel. 134 Peterson Wrlfht A pure whiskey agrees with any food, in fact aids digestion. It tones the stomach, increases the flow of gastric juices and so promotes strength and flesh. A pure whiskey like HARPER Whiskey. SOLD BY WM. WASHER. 144 S. Howard st.. Akron, O. A Crltloal Eya There are faults to be detected in all things, and laundry work is no exception. We don't send out bad work. We some times get a bad lot of work through our machines, but we don't let our customer get It. We do' it over and make it right. You may be ns critical as you choose with the work you get from us, but you will lind that it is right and that it suits you. AMERICAN l-AUNDRY 405 East Exchange st. Phone 729 Etz fc.Eeed, Props. THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION CO. The A., B. & C. Route. Waiting Room, North Howard St. Time Card. May 27, 1S99. Cars leave Akron 5:30 n.m., every half hour; 0:SO a.m. until 7 p.m. and at 8, 9 and 10:30 p.m. Leave Cleveland S a.m., every half hour; da.m. until 8 p.m and nt 9, 10 and 11:10 p.m. NOTICE... For Dmes, Prescriptions, Fancy Articles and Clears come to the IMoMtr Drug Store At Ho. 1 121 S. Mala St., Tel. 1373 ROSS BALYEAT, Proprietor Notice of Appointment. Estate of Frederick Hodmeister. 'de ceased. The undersigned has been appointed by thenrobate court of Summit county. Ohio. as administrator w.w.a. of the estato of Frederick HoIImeister, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estato are requested to make imme diate payment; and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present tho same for allowance or rejec tion. 1IAVID HERBERICH. Dated thisSoth day of September, A.D. 1899. Sept 26 Oct 3 10 LOCAL MARKETS. WHEAT 70 CENTS. Retail Prices. Oct. 8, 3 p. m. Butter, creamery 28c, country 25c, lard 10c; eggs 20 to 22c; cmcKens, 15c per id. dressed, spring chicken. 15c a lb. Corn, ear 25c per bushel, shelled 48c; oats 30c; hay 65 to 70c a hundred; straw 35c a hundred. Lettuce 12 to 15c perpound. Head lettuce 15c. Radishes, two bunches for 5c, Cucumbers, 2 for 5c. Celery 10c a buueh. Wax Beans 12jc a measure. Tomatoes, home grown 10c a 2 qt. measure. New beets, 2 for 6c. Potatoes, 70c a bu. Home grown cabbage, 5 to 10c head Green Corn 15c doz. Wholesale Prices. Wheat 70c; oats 25c; corn, ear, 20o; corn, shelled, 37c: hay, $10:60 to $11; rye, 55c. Butter, creamery, 23 to 24c; country 15 to 20c; lard, 6 to6c; eggs, 17c; chickens, live 7 to 8c, dressed lie. Navy beans, $1.60; marrowfat beans $1.90. Potatoes 40 to 50c. Cured hides, No. 1, 9 No. 2, 80, green,No. 1, 7c, No. 2 6c, cured calf skins, No. 1, lu'-Jo, No. 2, 9c; green, No. 1, 9c; No. 2, Sc; tallow, No. 1, 4c; sheep pelts, 40 to 65c; lamb skins 45c, Pork, dressed, jJ to G live 1 to 5c; beef, dressed, 6c to 8Jc, live 5c; mutton, live. 4Jc to 5c; dressed, 8c to 9c; spring lamb, 10c; pork, loins, 10c; veal, live 3 to 5)c, dressed, 9 to 10c. Sugar-cured ham, 10c to HJc; shoulder, 6 to 7c; California ham, 6 to 7c; bacon, 8 to 9c; dried beef, 15 to 18c; lard, simon pure, 7 in tub; 7c in tierces; country kettle 6c ; pure lard, 6c Lumber. Hemlock bill stuff $18 per m Norway bill stuff $22 per m Yellow pine siding"No. 1 $27 per m Yellow pine flooring No. 1 common $23 perm Yellow pine ceiling No. 1 $27 per m White pine lath No. 1, $5 per m White pine lath No. 2 $4.60 per 1000 Clear red cedar shingles $3.40 per 1000. Clear hemlock shingles $2.50 per 100U. DON'T BUY LUMBER Until you get our prices and see our grades. The Hankey Lumber Co., Wholesale and retail dealers in ..l.uivibe:r.. And manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. 1036 South Main St. - Akron, O. 'Phone 29. Fels-Naptha soap is as good for the clothes as it is for the washer. 5c ; and the 5c back from your grocer if not satisfac tory. IVI. & Co, nukcr. Philadelphia. J.R-BEN The&mat tesrei- ATIVE. ir- RQr.Ranictl.Ann t. t A nenc tonic and blood purifier. tbadeiubk. the brain, makes the blood. pure and rich, and causes a ceneral feeling of health, power and renewed vitality, whfle the generative organs ant . .-......( . i . " T .1: ivfcttiu uieir normal powers, and thesunererisqmcklv made conscious of direct benefit. One bov. will work wonders, die should perfect a cure. 60cts.S B0X;6boxes..S2.59. For sale by druppits c-. cryn here, or mailed, sealed od receipt of price. Address DRS. BARTON -LND BEXSON.3i: Ear-Ben Block. Cleveland. O. "ALL BAR-BEN SOLD AT LESS THAN 50 CENTS A BOX IS NOT GUARANTEED BY US." Candidate Jones Petition riled. Columbus, Oct. 3. The petition to place the name of Mayor S. M. Jones of Toledo on the Australian ballot as an independent candidate for governor was filed with the secretary of state. The petition contains about names It is claimed by the nianaKtrs that ticy had in all 14.000 Jonet about 8),000 names, but e.:rander will not be nled. as it is considered nnuece.s- Died 1'roin Clilnrofurni. AKitov, Oct. 'J. Dr. Clifton G. Smith died irom the eitects of chlorolorm. He hadbecii .-uueriucrand vscd chloroform to roli-vo 1I10 iMiii. He was lonnd dcid, with the bT.ttlo of the drug held close to his nose. Ho v.i Jc yeara ot asi"- t'li.timbus Itailwui C'oinb.ned. Col J'BL.-, Oct. :i. The consolidation of aii the street railway lines of Colum bus was comuleted. RDR. HABTEL'S BOOK. elief for Women sentree, in pi&m, seaied enTFiop& write to-day for this Book:, containing Partfeu Iats and Testimonials of DB. MARTEIS French Female Pills. Praised by thousands of satisfied ladies as safe, always reliable and without an equal. Sold by all druinnsts In metal box. Frencb nag un top In Bloe, white and Red. Take no other. Vrencb. Druz Co.,B31 & 3S3 Pearl EU. liew York City- !f Atlantic Garden & $ ..European Restaurant.. $' ( 200-202 Z. Market at. . RefresHaieiits 01 all kinds. The rgi I celebrated Askenser Basek Beer .?. y. always en dranght. Meals at all (f W tours at reasonable prices. .f" iKi Give ns a call jft -1- wewiupieaseyon. g DETTUNG BROS., Props. j 1CASPAR ZINTEL. Manufacturer of all kinds of brushes. Orders promptly attended to. 165:S. MAIN ST. AKRON, O. CLAMS I LOBSTERS AT THE BANK OAFC, Tlio Finest Restaurant in Akron. MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. HUE mrORTED ABB DOMESTIC VtSo-t poods & Olgara Under Central Savings Bank, JC?5-IIJ KOBRBCR. Prop Blend most softly and Dlavmost effectively over ja festive scene when thrown 'by waxea candles. The light that heightens beauty's charm, that gives the finished touch to the drawing room or during room, is the mellow glow of worn WAX CANDLES Sold m all colors and shades to harmonize with any interior hangings or decorations. Manufactured by STANDARD OIL CO. -5 For sals everywhere. . H I Till 111 II I I"' DRINK Burkhardfs irs THE BEST BREWED $Pkzsf f I A a"- IS? gjMKBB vH DISASTROUS Attempt to Duplicate Feat of Cham - pion High Diver. Ever since the high diver appeared in this city at the street fair, small boys have been attempting to dupli cate his trick. Monday evening a number of youngsters gathered on S. College st. lo witness the performance of Philip Austgen, a youth who be lieved he was to shine some day as a great artist. His flrst attempt at hight diving proved disastrous. He struck on his arm, dislocating the elbow joint. ;He resides at 309 South College st. At the Grand. The Ideals opened a week's en gagement at the Grand Opera house Monday evening, presenting "In the Heart of the Storm." The compauy is stronger than over and the large audience thoroughly enjoyed the drama. The Twentieth Century band furnished excellent music. "Lost in Xew York" is announced for Tuesday and the balance of the week the plays will be, "The .Ladder of Life," "The Charity Girl," -'The Census Taker," "The I'ish Hero," "Fanchou," etc, Matinees will be played on Wednesday and Satur day. GOLD The GOLD T Washing Powder. Cleans Everything from Cellar to Garret. JI :rk 1 n. !.. i. Liimiou. Buui.i.N, uct. o. iiark Twain (Samuel L. Clemons), arrived in this city from Sweden, enroute to London, where he intends to spend the winter. Xoruiau Wines Dead. Saxta Barbara, Oal., Oct. 3. Xor man Wines, a well known United States mail contractor and stage line owner, is dead. He expired suddenlv. PILES "I mObred the tortures or the damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion witn wbioh I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS In tne town of Newell, la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely ftee from piles and feel like a new man." w. . .-., .-. uvuca isb., iswuM. lliy, IB. CANOY TRADE MARK HI0WTSMD PlflftRltnt. PnlatftlA Pntent fTa.fa iZnnA TV Ckxxj, Nerer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 35c, We. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lUrilag RrmtSj Cmpipj, Cblej, Bratnil, RiwTerl. JU M.Tn.RlP Sold and snaranteed by all drag- I U'BHIi gisu to CtJKE Tobacco Habit. MAKE PERFECT MEK no not sespxa i uo not bur forliOiierl Tho Joys and ambitions ol life ran be restored to you. Tho tctj wor8tcase3oNerTOUIerllltyarf absolutely cured by rVEKFECTT TABITS. Give prompt relief toi r?mma, failina memory and the wan; and drain of vital powers. Incurred b I indiscretions or excesses of early yetrr Imnart Tieor and cctenc" to eTerr funr Icn. Brace up the sjstem. OivoMi -m to f "heeks and lustre to the eyes of Arywoune or o!2 One BOo box renews vital energy. g A J 6 boxes at 3. E0& complete (guaranteed cure TTTfyF or money r fund 3d. Can be cxnied in vest b pocket. Sold 5Terj'rtpre.or mailei in plain wrapper on recpt ri Drl-e br THE rSBSXCTO CO.. Cutoa Bide., Cfcltat V For sale In Akron by E. Stelnbacher & Co., B. Market st, and Lmparter & Co., 183 Howard it WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY Thev hire toad the ttofvear;. and have cured thousands ol case: of Nervous Diseases, such asDebility.Dlzzlness, Sleepless ness smd Varicocele, Atrophy.&e They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make digestion perfect, and Impart a healthy vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked Sfrnnlr lMin frmanntly. Unless patients viiviifcjnfciuiui are properly cured, their condi tion often worries them Intolnsanlty, Consump tion or Death. Ma'ted sealed. Price ft per box; 6 boxes, with tron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund the money, $5 00. Send for free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 1. A. Warner, druggist; 208 B. Market. ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS Of the Chicago & North western Ry. afford the best service between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Leave Chicago every night at 0:30. The track and equip ment are of the highest standard. Low rate tourist tickets to St. Paul, Minne apolis, Lake Minnetonka, Duluth, Helena, Butte, . Tellowstone Park, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Alaska. For particulars apply to your nearest ticket agent or addross Chicago & North-Western Ky. Principal agencies: Chicago, 193 Clark st. ClsToland, 127 The Arcado jjm&ffl$ Fry A MASSACRE FEARED. Scary Letter From Outlander, at Johannesburg'. BKITAl.Va .'IlMlMUY ACUVITV. There V a the Jlorm Hud C'.iptiii4l IJitmU'p, tti Nittal, but It Was Ntit CoiiGrMiptl -onie 31cmbiM of Far liauirnt Kvturnetl tn l.ciulun. Losnov, Oct. 3. Xo confirmation is obtaiuable from ;my source of tne re pot t contained in :t dispatch to tho Ex change tVlegraph company that the Boer.-, have ciptured Dundee. No exceptional activitj- was shown at tho government ofiicea. Jlr. Chamber lain and the Earl of Selborne were ab sent trout the colonial office, but Lord Lausdowne, General Lord AVolsley and General Sir Evelyn Wood were busily engaged at the war office. General Sir Redvcrs Buller called at the war offices and a bpecial board meeting was held. Naturally nothing of the-discussion was made public, but it was understood that General air Kdvers Buller will not proceed for the Cape until next week, evoi'pt in case of unforeseen develop ments. Alany members of parliament are re turning to town in anticipation of an early sum uiDUing of the houses of par hauicut. It is the general impression tuat, .ticotuh some speakers may ex- jiress tiictiviovul of the government DUST Best policy, few will go to tho extreme of voting against the required credit. It is considered more probable that they will abstain from participating in a di vision. A letier from an Ontlauder received in was published. The writer haul: "If itcoines to a light, I believe the Boers will make a massacre of it, blow Johannesburg to bits and shoot us on night. In iaut, I have been told so by out? in office." Reports from various arsenals and garrisons in Great Britain testily to the active coutumauce of military prepara tions. Tne reserves have received pre limiuary notictito be prepared, aud hev erai regiments have been uotilied to hold themoelvcs in readiness for active service. Confe;fC'il vt'inc l(Htllf tinnier. V.siiim.,hi.v, Pa., Oct. :J. George Ward, a colon d man, gave himself up to the district attorney here, confess ing that ho witnessed the shooting of Alexander S7ustlish and wife at Stock dale Friday night, but that he ran when another man did the firing. Tnis third man is not one of those now in jail hero. Heiifj's Grand Uncle Dead. SiinFriEU), Ills., Ocf. 3. Harvey Henry Dewey, grand uncle of Admiral Dewey, died at the home of ins son, E. P. Dewey, in this citj . He was born in the old Dewey homestead, in Berlin, Yt, Dec. 30, lb09. In 1863 he moved to Sheffield. His son, William Dewey, a mayor ot this city. Rome, Oct. 3. A committee has been formed to inaugurate an international Catholic congress in 11)00. The Vatican prohibits ecclesiastics to adhere to the Orientalist congress, which is patron ized by the king. TAKES A HIGH PLACE. Stands Well In the Estima tion of the People. Attention Is Naturally Excited When Anything Is Praised by People Whom We Know. A thing that stands high in the es timation of the public, and which is especially recommended by the Ohio people, naturally excites our atten tion more than if our people did not praise the article. Such a thing is going on right here in this state every day, people are praising Mor row's Kid-ne-oidsbecf-use they cure. There is no deception, no humbug, they do positively cure and we fur nish the evidence. Mr. and Mrs. P. Remby, 531 Short st., Cambridge, Ohio, says: "Our four year old son was troubled with weak kidneys all his life and we were never able to get anything that would cure him until we heard about Morrow's Kid-ne-oids and they have completely cured him of his trouble. Mr. Remby was also cured of kidney disorder by the use of Morrow's Kid-ne-oids in a very short time." Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are not pills but Yellow Tablets, and sell at fifty cents a box, at all drug stores and at John Lamparter & Co.'s drug store. Mailed on receipt of price. Manu factured by John Morrow &, Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio. Notice of Appointment. Ehtnte of Patrick Couglilln, deceased. The undersigned has been appointed bj the probate court of Summit county, Ohio, ad administratrix of the eMutn of Patrick CoitRhlln, deceased. All per sons indebted to said estate aro ru(iieted to rriako immediate payment ; ami all per sons having claims against said estate are requested to present tho same for allowance or rejection. KA.TE OOUGHLIN. Dated thli 24th day of Sept., A.D. 1SW. Oct 8 10 IT BILL Of Wigley Brothers Caused a Lively Discus sion In Council. City Clerk Authorized to Borrow $21 ,000. Money Will be Distributed In Four Funds. Resolutions and Ordinances Passed Other Matters. The matter of paying a bill sepa rate from the pay roll at council meeting Monday night, which called for $250 to be paid Wigley Bros, as part of a compromise for the dam age on the new retaining wall on Bowery st. corner Ash, called forth considerable discussion. Mr. Amer finally made a motion that the contractors be given $200. This was passed and the bill sent back to the commissioners for ap proval. It will come before the council at next, meeting. Commis sioner McOarry is much opposed to paying (he contractors more than $185, which ho says is all tiiat is due them. City Civil Engineer John W. Payne presented a report setting forth the points he learned at the Syracuse convention. He recom mended that the houses of the city be renumbered. Bids of Geo. B. Harring & Son for improving Merriman st., price $2, S3G8.55; S. C. .McGowan for putting in sewer at Renner's brewery, price $1, 786.01; J. Wildes & Sons, layingside walks in city for the year beginning Oct. 2, price $1,281.85, this amount specified by the city engineer by us ing as a basis the amount of work done last year upon which to figure the lowest bid for this year. Bids ac cepted. Resolutions and Ordinances. Resolution to establish grade on Kirkwood st., from Market to Buch tel ave., adopted; resolution to award to Brewster Coal company contract for furnishing city with coal, adopted: resolution authoriz ing the City Clerk to secure a loan of the following sums of money for four months at 5 per cent for gener al fund, $6,000; street, $6,000, fire, $5,000: police, $4,000, adopted; ordi nance to levy special taxfor improv ing Johnston st.. from Arlington to McGowan, passed; resolution pro viding sidewalk on both sides Thorn ton st., from Main to Amherst, adopted ; ordinance to construct lo cal sewer on Harvard st., from Thornton to Russell ave., passed. Miscellaneous. Mr. Brady asked what had become of Campbell st. improvements, and also again urged that the peddlers' ordinance be given attention. The licence question was referred to the ordinance committee. Solicitor Es gate said that Campbell and Market sts. improvement matters would re ceive attention later. "The lawyers are now too busy with politics to at tend to such matters until after elec tion," said he. But the Solicitor said he would do nil he could with tho matter. Citizens claim the Buckeye Sewer Pipe company and the Akron Brick & Tile Co. use too heavy blasts at their clay banks, throwing dirt and stones about private residences. Reports and Petitions. Citizens on Maiden Lane alley claim that some ground has been re moved from their property and that sewer pipe has been uncovered. Spicer St., east side near Exchange be filled in. Citizens on Grant st. want street car work pushed along. Citizens want Euclid ave. from Pine st. west flooded. Citizens want telephone poles re moved from sidewalks on Wooster av., between Bell and Bare. Arrests made last month 159. Cost of keeping poor, $161.04. Street Committee reported in favor of re-establishing grade on Kirkwood sts, also to widen the gutters on North Summit st. to six feel. Council adjourned for two weeks. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures the Most stubborn coughs, colds and lung affections. Even incipient con sumption lias been successfully cured by this marvelous remedy. Sufferers will obtain relief after a few doses. 1'roUlent Will Ho to Clllvaeo. WASiirsoTOX, Oct. . A committee representing the Chicago Full Festival association, composed of John S. Miller, ( Jolm McNulty, General T. M. Anderson, William A. Talcott, S. W. '.".ration, William O. Smith, A. II. Re vell and Matron Hill, called on Presi dent McKiuloy and assured him that the trouble with the labor unions con cerning ihu cutting of tho cornerstone lor the Chicago federal building had been settled and there would be no hitch in the ceremonies. The president nccepted the inTitstloa. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS W Have You Bladder or You May Be Afflicted and Not Know It. To Prove For Yourself the Wonderful Curative Properties of Swamp- Root, the Great Kidney Remedy, Every Reader of "The Akron Daily Democrat" May have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail. It is now conceded by eminent scientists that the most important organs of the body are the kidneys. They filter your blood and workaway night and day, whether you are asleep or awake. People are apt to believe that kid ney disease is a rather rare disease, but statistics have proven that it is a most common trouble. And the proof of this is that most diseases, perhaps 85 per cent., aro caused in the beginning by disorders of the kidneys. BECAUSE they fail to filter your blood. Your other organs may need care but your kidneys most, because they do most. If you are sick, begin doctoring your kidneys, because as soon as they are welLthey will help all the other organs to health. When your kidneys are not doing their work some of the symptoms which prove it to you are pain or dull ache in the back, rheumatic pains, sciatica, sediment in the urine,scanty supply, scalding irritation in passing it, obliged to go often during the day and to get up many times during the night; uric acid, sleeplessness, nerv ous irritability, sallow, unhealthy complexion, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, loss of energy and ambition. If your water when allowed to re main undisturbed for twenty-four ' hours forms a sediment or settling. I or has a cloudy appearance, it is evi dence that your kidneys and bladder need immediate attention. Swamp-Root is the great medical triumph of the 19th century, discov ered after years of untiring effort and research, by the famous kidney and bladder specialist, Dr. Kilmer. It will be found by both men and women just what is needed in all cases of kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. This famous new discovery, Swamp-Root, will set your whole system right. The best proof of this is a trial, and nothing could be fairer than the offer to send a sample bottle of Swamp Root and a book telling all about it, and containing some of the thous ands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. Both the sample bottle and book will be sent absolutely free, by mail, to any address. The great discovery, bwamp-Koot, is so remarkably successful tnat our readers are advised to write for a ANOTHER DELAY In Resuming Work at Plant of Strawboard Company. The American Strawboard com pany, Barberton, on account of a de lay in the arrival of machinery, will not be able to put the plant in opera tion until November 1. About 100 men will be given employment at the start and the number likely increas ed later. Members of acuUmau'a Crew Arnriteil. Montreal, OjC ". Twenty-aight more members of the Scotsman's crew were arrested wheu tliey arrived on the steamer Ottoman. When they were searched, over 4,000 in" money was found on them, 'ana a quantity of good and jewelry. Some men don't appear to be crook ed until they are iu straitened circum stances. Cleveland Leader. ANSWER THIS Akron People Are Requested to Honestly Answer j This Question. i In Akron there are scores of peo- ' pie who allowed their experience and opinions of Doan's Kidney Pills to be published in our local papers I early in 1896, interviewed consider ably two years and a half afterwards, ' they positively assert that the bene- I fit received has been lasting. Is not that remedy worthy of your confl- i dence? This is one of the cases of the many we have: t Mrs. Mary Smetts of 835 Bowery , st., says: "In the summer of IS'.'G I told tfie people of Akron through our newspapers about the great benefits I had received from the use of Doan's Kidneys Pills. Shortly after I pro cured them at Lamparter & CoV drugstore tneyctirea me ol Kidney j complaint and released me from a ' vast amount of suffering. During' the two years aud a half which have i just past tho results have been per-! manent. conclusively proving tnat the benelits received from Doan's Kidney Pills are not transitory. Doan's Kidney- Pills for sale bv , all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed bv! Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. V. Sole agents for tho U. S. Remember the name noan s ana tiiRe no suhstl tute. Don'tmlss seeing the finest lot of California fruits over displayed in ' this city; pears, peaches, plums and J grapes. Wo have provided an ini-1 mouse stock for tho Fair this week,1 bananas, oranges and lemons-. Willi buy chestnuts, hickory nuts and ' apples in nny quantity. IM. Unkarlii Oo. Phone 2S9. 152 S. Howard t. und 552 South Howard street opp. city building. EAK? Uric Acid Trouble? One-hnlf tUe3Vle line-quarter tliejlslze free sample, and to be sure and men tion reading this generous offer in theAKKOx DAiirDEirocBATwhen sending their addresses to Dr. Kil mer &Co., Binghamton, If. Y. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root if what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar &ize bottles at" drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. FREE LECTURE The Hon. J. Park Alexander will deliver the first lecture in the "Woodland M.E. church lyceum course this evening. Subject "Government." A short program of vocal and instrumental music will precede the lecturer. The meeting is free to all and opens promptly at 7:30. The Easy Food Easy to Buy, Easy to Cook, Easy to Eat, Easy to Digest. uaker Oats At all grocers in 2-lb. pkgs. irsofWine Catawba Pure, Catawba A, Port, Sweet, Ives Seedling:... Always on hao4. All orders promptly tilled. Special attention given to all mall orders. SCHAEDLER & RHEIN, Kellv" Island. 0. The Old Lake View Coal Office Is in running order, with I John Irvin as manager, also , ' office safo for sale. Inquire of JRitchie Coal Co. 110 West Market street. N. WEYRIOK ATTORHET-AT-LAW Office, Second floor, Palmer Block. No. 168 S. Main st. First stairway north of the LO.O.R Tempie. iron and Brass Castings For Every Purpose. Exchange and Water Streets. The Dickson Transfer Co. Coal, Transfer and Livery Packing, moving and storing of goods, coaches, coupes and carriages for funerals, weddings, parties and callings. 123 and 125 Carroll st., Tel. SOti. . ELLIS Moving Vans, Teaming .'ind Trn ii sf erring. "Fill Coal. 3 vour coal bins now and avoid the rush." Office, Cor. Cherry and Canal sts. Tel. 25?. J. K. WILLIAMS-r Maohine Shop General Machine work of All Kinds, Clay Working Machinery for Stoneware a Specialty. Frank N. Fuchs, Transfer Coal, transfer an J general teaming:, rubber tire coaches for funerals, weddings, dances, moving rans, wagonettes, band wagons. 106 Lincoln st., Tel. 564. JU SWAMP-ROOT 111 IB KMney Liver and Bladder fill I JJBjj 3Xr take oce. ttro or three II H l'IS teafpooufut before or after meals lljjfflt Hjf Cliil'lren less according: to age ffjSi i I i'Hfli ly commence vrithsiiiaUdcses jm I fljjfl ami increase to fall dosp or more. Ejj I Hill aBtJleca3evo:dEecmiore(luire J BJpl I iPBlu eot remedy cured an J B IP '9 II k'oe' UTer bladder and Uric j Mi P'S If cl' tronDlcs And disorders due I WM HiHIl vrea kidneys, Ench as cntarrh j 9B lilflll ' le blpdder. irravpl, rlieuma- S mflj l&l It ,lsm' lumbnJro aoJ Eritfhf Vis. I ill I wl,Wl b tne orst funn of J ml HI DR- KILMER & CO. 1 t IJsoldbj-all Druggists. fjjilS Jv&4 n i I "1 .1 jrra i