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sS - 3es"-;v"r -c?- ea 53-5--ir .,- - "- ?- vi-. Whatever You Pay For a pair of shoes is too much if you don't get the worth of your money. What S& Charge You is the right price for the best shoes that are made. A look at OUR $3. SO SHOES Will demonstrate to you that we give you the worth of your money. In fact we have made a special effort in goods at that price, for both ladies and gentlemen. DO YOU KNOW it is a great advantage to make your selections from a new stock of goods? OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW. Wagoner & Marsh, E3G le Ostrich Miss Helen Griffin, $ KNOCK DOWN Fight Between An Ex-Judge and Police Court Prosecutor. Judge W. C. Ong and Police Pros ecutor Thomas Kennedy, engaged In a known down flght during the trial of the Globe Tea company case Thursday. Judge Ong made a slighting re mark about the Prosecutor, who re torted by calling him a liar. This angered the Judge, who drew first blood by striking Kennedy on the - - A SUGGESTION - - As goods of all kinds are advancing in price and present prices cannot hold out long (they will be higher) why would it not ne of advantage to you to investigate the prices we place on goods in our Dry Goodst Clothing and Shoe Department tomorrow, SATURDAY These prices are way below the present value of the goods, nnd you might do more than place in a supply of them. Have you noticed the skirts in our south window? There are only 10 dozen left; they are extra value; some were 75c, $1, fl.25, percale, madras and cambric. Tomorrow will be the last-dayon them at the present. IRICE A9c EACH Lay in a supply for the coming year. 'Just arrived today, several crises of new novel things In our Cloak Department. GOLF CAPES, JACKETS, SORTS, SILK WAISTS and FURS Spend an hour in this department and get prices. The prices advertised below are only a fraction of the whole and are excep tionally low. CLOTMINO Men's suits, $3.93, $5, 6, $7.50. BIG VALUES. Our $8 all wool suits will cost you elsewhere $12. Latest thiugs In fancy checks,stripes and worsted,cus tom made, the only thing worn this fall, $12. Men's all wool clay worsted suits, $10. Men's all wool satin lined clay worsted suits, $12.50 and $14, is equal to any tailor made suit. Men's single and double breasted meltons in gray, cas tor and brown at $10. Beats any $12.50 and $14 suit in city. Boys' 6uits, ages 14 to 19, long pants, $4, $5, $6 and up. Children's knee pants suits, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and up. Children's vestee suits, 3 piece, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and up. Men's pants, working, 49c, 59c, 75c and $1. Men's bull breeches, can't rip, 79c aud $1. Men's dress pants, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 up. We are agents for the Duck brand mackintoshes, Duck coats, etc. Prices on mackintoshes,with or without capes, $1.98, $3, $4, $5 and up. Canvas coats, big value 75c. Canvas coats, rubber lined, warranted, $1.25, $1.50, $2 and up. Men's rubber coats, $1.69, $2, $2.50 and up. Boys' knee pants, made to wear, all sizes, 25c. Boys' knee pants, all wool, all sizes, 39c. This is our stronghold and you willnot miss it to look at our line of clothing. Men's serviceable overcoat, J2.9S. Men's overcoat worth $6, $3.98. Men's beaver, blue and black, $5.4S. This is a regular $8 coat. Men's beaver, melton and kersey black, brown and blue, worth $10 to $15, $0.98, $8 and $10. Men's genuine English Melton overcoat, black, blue and brown, fancy trimmed, lined with Italian satin, whiie they last $12. A regular $18 coat. Men's ulsters, fuli line, from $4.48 and $6.98 and up. Full line boys' overcoats. Children's overcoats and reefers, $1.98 up. SHOES Men's heavy Shoes, congress, lace and buckle, $1. Men's Dress Shoes, all styles, $1. Men's Calfskin Shoes, war ranted, $1.49. Men's Vici Kid and Box Calf Shoes, latest styles, $2.37. Women's heavy Grain Shoes, 98c. Women's Calfskin Shoes for winter wear, $1.25. Women's Dress Shoes, but ton and lace, $1. "Women's fine Dress Shoes, button and lace, $1.49. Women's warm lined Shoes, $1.12 to $2. Kraus Dept. Store 151 and 153 South Howard st. -Akron, O. . HENRY KRAUS, Prop. i South Howard st. o-F Feathers nose. Kennedy countered heavily with a rigght swing on the chin, cutting Judge Ong's lip. The men were separated before doing further injury. Special Sale at 8:30 A. M. Saturday morning at 8:30, galvan ized water pails only 10c at J. J. Brasaemle's 5c and 10c store, the "Big Store of Little Prices," 118 S. Howard st. Attend Sunday afternoon football game at Summit Lake park. North Ends vs. Indians. Children's School Shoes, sizes 5 to 11, 49c. Children's School Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, 63c. Boys' School Shoes, sizes 8 to 18&, 69c. Boys' School Shoes, sizes 13 to 5, 98c. Girls' Shoes run in price from 63c to $1.50. Extra values. Men's Felt Boots, guaran teed, $1.98. Men's Leather Boots, $1.50 to $3 50. Women's House Slippers, 49c. Little Gents' Vici Kid Shoes, sizes 8J to 13, 69c. Men's heavy Grain Shoes, congress and lace, double sole, $1.35. Our Ladies' Congress and Lace Shoes, fine kid, $1.19. Boys' and Youths' Heavy Tap Sole Shoes,waterproof , 98c. For thit sale 300 pairs Boys' and Youths' School Shoes, were $1.25 and $1.50, 98c. Big line of Rubber Goods at the lowest prices. The Eubber Goods we sell are sold under an iron olad guarantee. Hundreds of bargains in this department. We will save you money. DRY GOODS Gray Blankets, 10-4, 24o each. Gray Blankets, 11-4, 32o each. Gray Blankets, extra large size, 79o pair. All wool gray Blankets, $1,98. All wool California 11-4 5 pound Blankets, $2.69. BED COMFORTS. Single Comforts, 39c. Double Bed Comforts, 49c. White batting Comforts,$l.l9. White batting, hand knotted, $1.63. Shaker Flannels, 4Jc, 5c, 6c. Tennis Flannels, extra value, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c. 4-4 Muslin, heavy, bleeched and brown, 4c to 6c. All linen Crash, 16 inches, 5c. All our Dress Goods at 40 per cent discount. Our line of Table Linen start at 12ic and up. Good Comfort Calicoes, 3Cc. Marseiles Bed Quilts, big line, 39c, 49c, 65c, 75c, $1 and up to $5. The Bates Quilt, this sale only, 73c. 300 dozen Skirt Patterns, 33o. WOOL SKIRT PATTERNS, 63c, 79c, 85c and up. 1,800 yards Cretons, 5c, 6o, 8c, 10c and 12c. 300 pieces Stamped Linen and Irish Points, 5c and up. 65 dozen Dresser Lcarfs, 72 inches long, 15c each. Good Ginghams, during this sale, 4c yard. 90x90 Sheets, 39c. t Pillow Cases to match, 8c each. 90x90 hemstitched Sheets, 47o Pillow Cases to match, 23c pair. 8-4 turkey red Table Covers, 49c. Turkey red Table Damask, 19c. Table Padding, 28c per yard. Batting, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c roll. NOT AFRAID Of the Whole Crowd. Brittain's Burglar Made Good His Escape. He Outwitted 25 Farmers and Officers. They Had Him Surrounded In the Woods. Walked Boldly Out Threatened to Kill Crowd. Just when and how he entered the house is not known, but at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon a burglar was seen emerging from a window in the residence of a farmer named Sechrist, in Springfield township, two miles east of Akrou. Clutched in one of his hands was a revolver; in the other was a gold watch, two gold rings and a razor, stolen property. Although several persons were about the house, seeing him and he seeing them, the burglar walked away in a most deliberate and uncon cerned mannar. He was apparently not afraid. And then another singular feature presents itself: Several men, it seems, witnessed the departure of the burglar. Stupified for a moment at the thief's boldness, the men re mained inactive. Recovering them selves, they started after him, over took him, and for a short distance walked almost side by side with him. But he was armed, and they were not. Finally the bold desperado ordered the men to leave, threatening to shoot if they refused to do so. They obeyed, but kept an eye on his move ments, meanwhile arousing the neighborhood. Soon, a ohase was instituted and the crowd of pursuers kept growing larger and larger. Some were mounted, others in buggies and yet others to a large number on foot. Excitement, intense from the first, now began to assume furious propor tions. Soon the bad man was coralled iu a wood on the Brittain farm, three miles east of Akrou. A crowd of 25 farmers had him surrounded. Some were armed with double bar reled shotguns, others with revol vers, and a few had corn cutters, while one, with rare presence of mind, brought along a copy of one of Mark Hanna's late speeches on trusts, which as a last measure of threatening violence he intended to exhibit to the burglar, and if he re fused to sarrender the stolen articles, taking his own life in his hands, it was the further intention to read the speech to him, with the hope that if death would come to his relief, he would become an easy prey to the pursuers. But the thief then became desper ate, reason apparently forsaking her throne, and he defied the whole pha lanx, with Mark's speeoh thrown in. The next move was to send to Ak ron for help. Deputies Sheriff Hol linger and Stone started at once, with Sheriff Kelly following in hot haste. The police department was notified and in a short time the pa trol wagon with.four big officers was hastening to the scene, amid a cloud of dust and grave apprehensions. All along the line, people were hurrying to the wood, some on bicy cles and others running, all out of breath. At the woods the farmers at first debated what to do. Some suggest ed that the thief be lassoed, others declared that he ought to be gigged, and while one was advocating the idea of sailing into him with a corn cutter, others stood around like an accusing conscience on the 5th day July, and listened with respect to the lamentation of a man who regret ted that Bosco wasn't there to "eat the thief alive." The burglar, m a few well chosen words, declared his intention of re tiring from the scene, which he did in the most song-froid manner. The whole thing was funny; the farmers, county officers and police, besides the reporters and other prominent citizens, all standing around, trying to blame it on the other, while the thief continued on. And then an undue quietness, broken only by the tinkling of a cow bell in the valley, settled over all, while the crowd dispersed for their respective vines and fig trees to dis cdver where they were at. The thief escaped so completely that no trace could be got of him. It is thought he is one of a gang of tramps whose headquarters have been in a swamp just south of Weeks' pottery establishment in East Akron. In company with sev eral police officers a reporter for the Democeat visited the camp Thurs day evening. It was then-deserted, but there wore on the ground pots, A Money Saving To the Public. I sell School Shoes of the same reliable quality that you find in men's and women's footwear. This is the kind that wears and the kind to buy for the boys and girls. For strength and durability at every point of construction, makes the Defiance Crack Proof School Shoe For Boys. Misses and Children the most durable and reliable. Parents, it will pay you to examine before purchasing elsewhere. Ladies' Fine Shoes leads all others for style and durability. Men's Shoes, no better in the city taking price in consideration. A full up-to-date line of Furnishing goods at less than down town prices. All stvles of Rubber Goods and Felts. SOUTH END SHOE STORE Between Thornton and Voris sts. W. S. R0DENBAUGH 1125 S. Main St. GRAND DANCE Tuesday Evening, Oct. 31, at MARKET HOUSE HALL Under the auspices of the Admission 35c per couple Bncklin's Orchestra will furn ish music. EVERYBODY INVITED aooa Did you ever hear of the At No. 190 South Howard street? Watch for their jSpecial Sales! EVERY SATURDAY. S : Saturday, Oct. 28th you: can buy a ; At 10c per pound : Fresh Spare Ribs, Oysters, Poultry, etc. Always on hand. IJOS. BABEL! 190 S.Howard st. ' i Phone 139 skillets, tin cans and fire wood. A hollow tree served for a cupboard and in it were stored sugar and salt. The tramps have been there for some time, and are thought to be a bad set of fellows. They usually creep into the pottery establish ments to sleep at night. These carbuncles on society, how ever, are going to get into trouble if they are again caught in the neigh borhood. They will be promptly ar rested; but it is thought this excit ing incident will cause thorn to leave. The men are well supplied with arms. Early Wednesday morning, before daybreak, a driver of one of Een ner's brewery wagons was driving along in the vicinity. A small, smooth-faoed tramp approached him and asked him to go with him to assist iu thrashing some members of the camp, whom he said, "have It In for me." Of course the driver didn't go, whereupon the tramp replied: " wen, I'm prepared to nx 'em," at the same time displaying a razor and a revolver. Soald head is an eczema of the scalp very severe sometimes, but it can be cured. Doan's ointment,quick and permanent in its resnlts. Atany drug store, 50 cents. Special Sale at 7:30 P. M. Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock coal pail and shovel 10c, for both, at J. J. Brasaemle's 5c and 10c store. "The Big Store of Little Prices," No. 118 S. Howard st. WOOD'S WIFE Had Him Arrested On Charge Dis orderly Conduct. Fred Wood was arraigned in Police court Friday morning, charged with disorderly conduct. He pleaded not guilty and his case was continued to Saturday. Wood's wife, from whom he is trying to secure a divorce in Common Pleas court, accuses him of calling her names. Thomas Sherwood and Ora Cliaffel, were each fined $2 and costs for intoxication. At 5 o'clock Thursday evening, BIchard LeMont, an nged paralytic, who claims his home Is in Ashland, was placed in the city prison for safe keeping. Friday, Iip was taken to the infirmary. The Barberton Tigers vs. Hart-Allotment eleven foot ball game Satur day afternoon at Summit Lake park. ii nil in M MR Mb Roost Hi There is but one great dis covery for the prevention and cure of all kidney difficulties chat grand remedy, Warner's Safe Cure. For five and twenty years it has stood the test. PROPERTY Of C, A. & C. R. R. Co. Will be Transferred. To Pennsylvania Next Wednesday Change In Officers. The Pennsylvania railroad will as sume full control of the 0., A. & G. Ry. on Nov. 1. Its offices will be iu the Pendleton hotel annex, which was recently pur chased by the Pennsylvania com pany. It is adjacent to the Union depot. The furniture for the new office arrived in Akron Friday morning and is being placed in position. Everything will be in readiness by the first of the month for business. H. W. Byers, from the P. T. & A., will be the new superintendent. S. E. Burke, who has been the assist ant engineer in maintenance, has been promoted. F. H. Alfred, the former engineer on maintenance of way. will have charge of the con struction work on the Panhandle west of Columbus. J. .1. Henry, former superintendent, will be train master. Trainmaster Henry and Superintendent Byers will have their offices in Akron. Gentlemen, do not fail to see the new enamel, patent leather boot at Stannard & Cooper's. SALT TRUST May be Ousted From State of Ohio. Local Correspondent Calls Attorney General's Attention to Operations. The recent purchase of the Loomis Salt company by the trust has been called to the attention of Attorney General Monnettand it may result in action being commenced to ou.t it from doing business in this state. A letter was forwarded to Colum bus from this city giving details of the operation of the trust in this state. The correspondent says the trust has "distributing agents" in all the large cities and gives the follow ing names of them: Joy, Martin & Co.. Chicago; L.J. Pettit, Milwaukee; J. F. Curry. St. Louis; J. H. Wasson, Columbus; Cutter & Guilbert, Duluth; W. D. Creassy & Son, Cincinnati; A. S. Nichols, Michican City, Ind.; M. Basshare, Toledo; and F. A. Hobbs, Benton Harbor, Mich. He says the total output of the trust is four million barrels per year and that they have increased the. price of salt since the oiganization was made to the extent of SO cents per barrel. This means that the oiganization of the trust increases the profits of salt dealers to the amount of $1,200.- 000 per annum, all of which comes out or tne pooKets ot tne salt con sumers. Special Meeting Royal Foresters. A special meeting of Royal Fores ters will be held Saturday eveninir at Foresters' Temple, Market st. All members are hereby notified to at tend. PERSONALS. F. A. Wilcox of Erie, Pa., is here on business. J. L. Held has gone to Cleveland, where he will remain a week. Mrs. Mary Morris has returned from Chautauqua where she spent the summer. John Ritzer of 111 Steese St., who has been laid up a year with phos phorous poisoning, is regaining his health. The Daughters of Liberty gave an oyster supper and dance in Forester-' hall on East Market st. last evening. The attendance was large. Entertained. Mrs. Ada B. Johnson of Biugliainp- ton,N. Y., the national president of the W. U. V. U., was royally enter tained Thursday evening by Abra ham Lincoln Command, No. 2, iu their hall. A bounteous supper was served and the evening passed in so cial chat. Mrs. Johnson, who is en route to her home, was not disposed to deliver an address. Special Sale at 8:30 A. M. Saturday morning at 8:30, galvan ized water pails only 10c at J. J. Brasaemle's 5c and 10c store, the "BigStoro of Little Prices,' 118 S. Howard st. Fatal Collision. A P. & W. passenger train collided with a freight at Underclifl, Pa., Thursday, daugerlously injuring four trainmen. BIRTHS. Birmingham. To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Birmingham, Lods St.. Oct. 20, a daughter. Wolf-To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf, Oct. 23, a daughter. Attend Sunday afternoon football game at Summit Lake park. North Ends vs. Indians. Marriage Licenses. Frank Read, Portage . ....29 Lido Warner, Portage 26 Frank S. Craig. Cuyahoga Falls.. 27 Cora M. Hippentenl, Akron 19 The Barberton Tigers vs. Hart Al lotment eleven foot ball game Satur day afternoon at Summit Park lake. If you think of changing your heat ing boiler call on Oborlin ; get prices on-the Cottage boiler for soft coal. fllL OF VAuDKRBILT. It "Gave Cornelius Only ?i,500, ooo. ILFBCP HKA 01' THE HOUSE. H : 330,000,000 Other Glen . uUtt,0()) Aiiieci- Alfred liaised Coruo liiW Miuro to That Amount ami Hie Latter Aecepteil Cliarituble llequen'. Nnv.- Yokk. Oct. 27. Senator Depew gave out a statement of the terms of the will of the late Cornelius Vuuderbilt. It shows the tortuue is estimated at JTO.OOO.OJO. Alfred Gwynn Vauderbilt will jfei about -50,000,000. Ho thus be comes the head of the family. The will gives Cornelius Vauderbilt about 1, 500,000. It gives to each of his remain ing brothers- and sister about 7,500,000. Altrtii, o. eoufsi, not included. tut ol tne spirit of affecfion aud for the porpjse ol sacisfyiugallof the mem bers of the family, Altred CJwyim Vuu dirbilt sues his brother, Cornelius, enough ot his inheritance to mako his loitui.e equal to that ol the otner iiiem liers, nauieiv, 57,OO,000. Senator De pei saya that Cornelius Vauderbilt has accepted this arrangement iu the spirit in vtiuch it wasoffeied. Mrs. Vauderbilt gets for life tho dwelling house and premises on Fifth avenue between Fifty-seventh aud Fifty-eighth streets, also tlie stable, in East 'ibirty-eiKuth street, certain pictures, etc., the pew in Trinity church, New pun, IX. 1.. houses vehicles, etc., house aud stables, etc., in Newnort, 2,000, OoO iu money or securities, as she may elect, sunt au annual income of $50,000. fiom securities to be set apart by the executors. Ot Cornelius' share $1,000,000 is placed iu trust, lie getting the income. ripeeitic bequests are made as follows: William ii.. Vauderbilt, 100,000; Chauucey M. Depew, 00,000; Edward V. W. Kossiter, 50,000; John Hone, $00,000; liev. Dr. David H. Ureor, .50, 00; Charles C. Clarke, 25,000; Frank lin Allen, $.23,000; Maud Gwynue Shep awi, $23,000; John Rutgers Leroy, 20, 000; Charles F. Cox, 510,000; Edgar 1 Chapman, 6on of Rev. E. T. Chapmau of Watervliet, N. Y., 10.000; George R. Feariug, 10,000; Rev. Dr. William S. Laugford, $10,000; George A. Wur burton, $10,000; Robert It. McBurney (dead), $10,000; J. R. Hatmaker, $10,000. Also the following annuities: Mrs. William Turnbull, 1,200; John G. Earle, 1,200; Air. Jeremiah Simousou. J1.200; Mrs. Sarah Simonson, So00; Mrs. Cornelia Littell, 200. Upon the death of each annuitant the principal set apart for 6uch annuity is added to residutry estate. A legacy of 6100,000 is given to "the Young Men's Christian association of New York city and the desire is ex pressed that the income, so lar as prac ticable, te used for Christian work among railroad employes. Also, a bequest ol $00,000 is given to the rector, oaurch wardens aud vestry men of St. Bartholomew's church, 10 bu kept invested by tnem and the an nual income applied to the missionary work of the parish. There is u lurther bequest of 200,000 tor the erection of a building for church purposes in said parish, contingent upon its not having beeu erected prior to tho testator's death, the surplus, if auy, to be added to the bequest last ubove named. Also the followiug bequests: Vtl wwajrfsaaggcaoaBaMIBBWfaPrj'TTr-V, .- a i.!c university, $i0j,oU0; St. Luke's hospital iu Aew lork city, uU.OOO; the Iiouil'aUc ami Foreign Missionary so ciety ot tlie Protestant Episcopal church. JoO.oOO; tiusteesof the Vauderbilt uni versity, Nahville, sOO.000; the Red wood library at Newport, 10.000; the Newport (U. 1.) hospital, $10,000; the Christian Home tor intemperate Men in New York, i?l0,000; the Manhattan Working Girls' society ot the citr of New ork, 10.000; the New" York Bible unit Common Prayer Book so ciety, $10,1-00. Also the executors are directed to pay to the Society of St. JohuhmJ the sum of tf-.UOJ, and a bequest of $I0,00o is made to the same society. Also to ti.e Piotestant Episcopal So ciety tor Seamen in the city ot New urn a bequest ot 610,000 is given, auti Turner's pointing of the Grand canal, ouice, is given to the Metropolitan Museum ot Art in New York. A bequest of $1,000 is given to each of the family servants who have been in the employ in the house or stable of the testator tor two years next preced ing his death. Also the followiug be quests: John II. Denipsoy, $5,000; Charles A. Whittaker, coaclimau. $2,000; Tony, his barber, -j.OOO; John Allen, his t.umer, S-.'.OOO. THE SULTAN 7 AS EASY. Salu nojal 1'iuiiiM im;iort ftrcared For Wlip.1 W i:l.l lure Go.mI l I. -ik. Washington, Oct. 27. War depart ment officials refused to make public j ny of the provisions of the arrange ment made by General Bates with tho sultan of Sulu, the southernmost group ot tne Philippine?, but state that its main features have been touched upon in the cabled press reports from Manila, The document arrived iu Washington about six weeks ago. A cabinet officer said that General Bates had secured for the Uuited States the valuable services of the whole royal family of sulu for the compensation ox a good cleric, aud provided for the im mediate mitigation of tne conditions of tlie slaves and their nltimato emanci pation. Not beiug iu actual possession of the Sulu group (and Spain has never beeu able to obtain moictuauanouuual suzerainty over it) the ability of the United States military commander to effect these thiugs, besides preserving peace and opening the isliuds to trade, is regarded as commendable. It is lurther said tnat this arrange ment is not permanent, and does not prevent different treatment of tha isl ands iu tho future, and still further, it has not been approved thus far by the president, aud may be rejected if it is deemed proper to do so. 'the, arrange ment is regarded as a puro'v military ; !$5.oo! iff H? BUYS AN ALL WOOL SUTT, OVERCOAT OR 2 H? TOPCOAT. $7.50, $10, $12 AND TJP, BETTER J ff GRADES, AT AKRON CLOTHING CO., NO. -J w 128 S. HOWARD ST. LOOK FOR 128 ON w WINDOW. NEXT DOOR TO DODGE'S FUR- S w NITURE STORE. jg TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Two driving horses, weigh 1,000 and 1,100 pounds each; prompt freo drivers; safe for a lady to ride or drive. Mc Cue's coal office, 035 Mill St. lfiS-165 WANTED. Ten men who want loans of $300, ?500, $1000, 51300, 2000, $13000. For particulars, call on G. W. GRIDLEY. Tel. 516. 48 Central Bldg. FOR SALE Ifew 9-rooni house.' with slate roof, cemented cellar, both, furnace and other modern conveniences, only $2,000. Business property, consisting of store room, fourteen living rooms and 63 feet front S. Main st. Wllfpay 12 per cent on invest ment. J. I. Bachtel, 1S3 8. Howard St. FULL CONTROL Pennsylvania Will Soon Take Charge of C, A. & C. An order was received in Mt. Ver non Thursday by which the Penn sylvania company assumes full con trol of the C, A. & C Our LIFE HIEDff warn. The Wonderful New Discovery In Medical Science. SAMPLE BOTTLE SENT FREE BY MAIL. Swamp-Root, discovered by th eminent kidney and bladder special ist, is wonderfully successful in promptly curing kidney, blatlderand uric acid troubles. Some of the early symptoms of weak kidneys or pain or dull ache in the back, 'rheumatism, dizziness, headache, nervousness, catarrh of tho bladder, eravel or calculi, bloat ing, sallow complexion, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, suppression of urine orcompelled to pass water often day and night. , The mild and extraordinary effect 'of the famous new discovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, is soon real ized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Boot and a pamphlet that tells all about it, including manyof the thou sands of letters received from suf ferers cured, both sent free by mail. Write Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., and please mention that you read this generous offer in tha Akron" Daily Democbat. oue. iully within the powers of th American commanding officer to draw up, and so it will not be submitted to the senate as would be a treaty, but will be merely transmitted as a matter of information. Hahiuseubg, Oct. 27. These par dons, among others, were recommended by the ljoartt of pardons: Harry Shan ley. Washington county, larceny; Geo. Straeer, Allegheny, murder first de gree: Samuel J. Frost, Lawrence, felo nious rape. Among the applications refused were these: Wilhani Jonu ston, Allegheny, felonious assault and battery; Edward Giosser, Allegheny, felonious assault aud battery: Jacob F. Gates, Allegheny, false pretciises; Johu Nikirk, Lawrence, larceny; Sarren Major, Warren, assault wita intent to rob. A rehtaring was g. anted in tne case of Barnot PeiimcK and Rosa Pell nick of Philadelphia. Xnese cases, among others, were held under advise ment: Hartuiau Coleman, Alleg-ieuy, embezzlement; Cornelius W. bhaw and James Eagan, Susquehanna, murder; Joseph iiirch, Allegheny, burglary; Peter McCarthy, Mercer, burglary; Eli Cady, Wasnington, telomous rape. Other cases weie coutiuued. AMUSEMENTS Orand Opera Mouse Wilbur F. Stickle, Mgr. next attractions one: week The Huntley-Jackson Stock Co. Friday evening, Oct. 27 "The Red Spider" Entire change of program eaoh evening. Prices ioc, 20c, 30c. f All MM3 Cii wan ciiiu oec The finest display of artistic portraits in oil, water color, pastel and crayon photo graphs ever shown in -the state of Ohio. A. A. BESAW Photographer and Portrait Artist..... Fine Art Gallery, 186 S. Howard st. See what nice Bread and Cakes we bake for Family of 40 V V This is what does it. We all have our places. COOKS and RANGES in the kitchen. Some of us receive in the PARLOR, while we can also furnish cheerful company for grandma or sister in the bedroom. Look us over at 166 S. Howard St. Sellers of STOVES and FURNACES. m "nfl m 1 i i 41 I J I il 1