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FOR SALE. FOR SALE Farm of 81 acres. Good buildings, J miles west of city on the Smith road. Dr. I J. Baughmnn, Montrose, O. 11S-193 FOR -SAIiE OR TKADK S3 acres with pood buildings nml fynciN, rich tillable Innd, wntcred by springs nnd brook, line tWh pond, orchnrd and Mimir bush: close to Akron; price les than tirVJO. J. I. Bnchtel, Insurance nnd loan. 1S South Howard at. 170 tf CHEAP Sncrnflce sale of four lots, 60x152 feet on Ulch St., near Crosier St., onlv- J 175 each. SI room house. North Hill, nearly new. hardwood llnlsh, $1,000. Good 00 acre farm, near Akron, for sale, would take city property In exchange. Money to loan at 6 per cent. C M. Jonas Tci.866 FOR SALE No. 108 Otis St., 7 room house, large barn, lot OJxlftS, J1075 cost J200; 6 room house, Sliver st modern Improve ments, $Sno. with :t room house In rear. tl.400; 0 room house, with large lot, blsr uni-gain nt tyt; room nouse near liucbtel College, $1,300: KJ feet front, Wooster ave., J2.000; desirable city. lots In Havnes allot ment, i u toll of S.Ialn St., as lowas?230; very desliable lot W.JIHlerave.,Jfl; houses and building lots In nil parts of the cltv. J. I. RACHTEL, 1SS S. Howard St. MONEY TO LOAN. TO 10AN 15.000 in turns- to suit borrower. J. I Bachtel. 1SS South Howard. 170 tf 2IONEYTOLOAN Abundance at 5pr cent on residences, business property or .farms. Prlvllcgo of pnrtlal pavments aftor one year. Obas. A. Blackford, 180 South SInlnst. Oct. It, 1 mo. MONEY TO LOAN From J5.00 and up ward on household goods or nnychattle se curity and allow the goods to remain In your possession. Can repay us In monthly installments. Room 14, Arcade block. Of-1 lice hours, 8U to llTO a. m., 1:30 to S p. m. L. C. MILLER fc IVY MILLER. 809-321tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT A new 7-room house with all modern conveniences, located at No. 510 West Exchange st; good well nnd cistern. Inquire at 510 West Exchange st, 176-178 WANTED. WANTED Purchaser for n good lot in South Akron. Inquire of E. J. Hosklns, Democrat offlce. 1GG-170 TO EXCHANGE A nrst class four horse power electric motor for a ten horse pow er motor. 91tf WANTED. Ten men who want loans of RiOO, $500, $1000, $1500, 2000, $500J. For particulars, call on ll. V. UtilUUtjl. Tel. 618. 4S Central Bldg, Justice of the Peace and Notary. 205 Wooster avenue. Houses on monthly payments, choice lots on Wooster nv. will be sold nt a sacrifice, also greenhouse equipments cheap. A 45 horse-pow er boiler, almost new. I have the finest allotment In Akron. Lots 60x175 from tlOO to S200. Come to sec me. INSURANCE Before You Take Your Life, accident or health Insurance, see FEAHK 0. HEWC0MB, District Aeent Aetna Life Insurance Co., Everett building tel. 922. FOR saz-e: If you want a first-class driving horse, finely mated coach or carriage team, call at Steiner's Stock Barn, No. 1350 South Main st. Nothing but first-class horses kept in stock. X. E. STRIKER, Prop., Tel. 1734. John Q. Martin, JJgr. Mch 18, 1900 WANTED TO LOAN $1,000 to $3,000 at 6peroent for term of years if security is gilt edge. Inquire at once. Halo 2 Ooatos Everett block. Tel. 1623 STROBI BROS. Stoam Laundry New machinery, new location. "We guarantee our work. High gloss or domestic finish. Nos. 132-137 North Howard st. WWuVvVWtfWMWM PETERSON & WRIGHT Successors to J. E. Peterson Groin. Hoy. Sill Feed, cemeni, Lime, tic. 128 NORTH MAC? ST. TeE 124 Peterson & "Wrieht SHAW'S PURE MALT. The sick and delicate need a gentle tonic-stimulant. It is often a matter of life and death with them. The ideal nutrient and restorative is pure whisky. That's precisely what Shaw's Pure Malt is. Sold by WM. "WASHER, 344 S. Howard St., Akron, O. QA:SS.S!j.St 2!Wrei SS.irj.v-'vat Manufacturer of all kinds of bruBheB, Orders promptly attended to. 155 S. MTATN ST. AKRON, O. F"Eiririly A a a hi i r gs Our specialty. Special rates. We whiIi clean, good finish, don't ruin fabrics. Will call for and deliver Knods. One trial is all we ask. AMERICAN LAUNDRY 405 East Exchange st. Ztz & Reed, Props. Ptone 72J MASSILLON COAL CO. Wo have a large amount of money to loan on good real estate security. Low rate of Interest. Terms most reasonable. 149 S. Howard st, Phones 582 and 533 Ca Cs $ Ieesb m GET OUR PRICES. F3i-fc.cE-ilo Coal Co HO S. Market St. Fhoo 556. BORROW MONEY l'rom us on your own terms, also see us about that INSURANCE you have e-piring soon. P. P. BOCK I CO. CLAMS & LOBSTERS AT the: bank oafe, Tlio Finest Restaurant In Akron. UZkLS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. ITflZ IMPORTED Aid) DOMESTIC Afo-fc Goods & Cigars Under Central Savines Bank, JOHN KOERBER, Prop LIS Coal, Moving Vans, Teamln and Transferrins:. "Fil nlns and Transferrins:. "Fill your coal bins now and avoid the rush." Office, Cor. Cherry and Canal sts-Tel. 25?. J. K. WILLIAMS IVlEtoHlrio Shop General Machine Work of All Kinds Clay Working Machinery tor Stoneware a Specialty. OrowersofWfrie Catawba Pure, Catawba A, Port, Sweet, Ires Seedling... Always on hand. All orfien promptly tilled, Special attention riven to ill mall orders. SCHAEDLER & RHHN, Kelly's Island, 0. Iron and Srass For Every Purpose, Exchange and Water Streets. The Dixon Transfer Co. Coal, Transfer and Livery Packing, moving and storing of ootls. Coaches, coupes and carriage1 or funerals, weddings, parties and nllings. 123 and 125 Carroll st. Tel. No. 30 NOTICE... For Drugs, Prescriptions, Fancy Articles and Cigars come to the Now Drug S-fcor-o At No. II2I S. Main St., Tel. 1372 ROSS BALYEAT, Proprietor YOU CAH HOW FIND 1 at 234 Sooth Main st. LOCKSMITH ND GRIHDIHG RF.FAIRIHG A SPECIALTY NAZE MAVTE: CURED Primiirv. Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD IJOIS OX. periiiantly in 15 to ; any. xou can oe treated tit home for suine price under same suarantce. If you pre fer to come here we will contract to pay railroad fare nnd hotel Mils, and no charge If we foil to cure. If jou ii.Tko taken mercury, Iodide potash, and still have aches and pains Mucous Tatches In nrmth, fcoro Throat. Pimples. Cnpper-cnl-jrrtl Spots. Dicers on any part of the body, flair or JIvcbrovvs Fnlllni; Out, It is this aecomlnrv IJLOOI) rOIbON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most oh-tinate cases and challenge the world for a case we can not cure. This disease lias always baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. K00,ft capital behind our unconditional guarantee. Absolute proofs sontsenled on ippllcation. Address Cook Remedy Co.. liSJ Masonic Temple. Chicago. III. IVIICEID CANDIES. We are making special prices for Churches, Kestlvalsmid Schools, etc vvliole sale and retail. Wemanufactureall of our candle-. Chocolates a specialty. K. LASKARIS CO. l'lioue 2i. 102 South Howard St. and .r52 S. Howard St.. opp. city building. Dpu Sewing Hi, 'Machine OIL. Por Sewlnz Ma chines, typewriters, Fire Arms, etc The Hizhest Grade. Get It from your dealer. Rafrrinrns..Ca..ciye'"d,o. !f Atlantic Garden f vi ..European Restaurant.. $) $ (0 200-202 E. Market st. Refreshments of all Kinds. The celeorated Anhenser Bnsch Beer always on draught. Meals at ail hours at reasonable prices. Give as a call We will please yon. DETTLING BROS., Props. 0 tf n ?3 -S - -3 - S - - - - m. . f a- a" ' m - nSBiinFiaKi ;fissaif52as raJPHfl'B3PRlB,!9aKMs.4flWKCGHiBBHK swim9qmim09&3aassvmmmit mmSJSSuml Winter in the South. The Fensoii approaches wlion ones thought's turn toward a place where the inconveniences of a Northern winter may be escaped. No section of this country offers such ideal spots as the Gulf Coast on the line of the Louisville & Nashville railroad between Mobile and New Orleans, tt possesses a mild climate, pure air, even temparrcture and facilities for hnntinjrand fishing enjoyed by no other t-ection. Accommodations for visitors arc first-class, and can be se cured at moderate prices. The Ij. & N. II. It. is the only line by which it can be reached in through cars from Northern chiefs. Through carsched ules to all points in Florida by this line are also perfect. Write for folders, etc., to Jackson Smith, D. P. A., Cincinnati, O. $11.00 Philadelphia and Return. $11.00 Via P. & W. and B. & O. B. It., Nov. 14 and 25. Tickets good returning ten days from date of salo. For further information see C. D. Hon odle, ticket agent, Union depot. tastings oXJ&A . I .11 IN flNA I do Dot beliere there, u s case of dytoep ie, indigestion or b? stomach tronbl that cannot be x lieT?d at once and permanently cured by my DYSPEPSIA. CORE. MDNXON. ' At all druggist, 25c. a vial. Guide. to Health and medi- cal advice free. 1505 Arch street, Pnila. GEMS IN VERSE. Th' of Love. When do 1 lore Uiec' Wlirn il i t)rotktts run Tlinvjsh dandeMoti meadows f it- Juiw. Wlicii horns of hmitcmrn erect the harvest moon And mellow autumn int?tnir i don?. When f-prinsV; tnumphani nurthes hae I'ppun, When winter winds through ItJpard branches croon, At solemn midmplit 2nd iX siltrr ncn, At Wu'-h of mornin? and at -ct of sun. Tliy onthfuI plendnr nhto me j d-ar But I hall lox th iill when outli fiits M-. I loe the hn thine tr know not tear And loie thco when diri-ur hoters nish; My soul shall crae thee when the Tark draws near Aad still be lojtl through eternitv. Walter Milone in Bookman. The I'rens. The part ia preent still! In pyramid. In symbol and in paleosTaphy Remote events rereal their Mston. Which wear an J wreck cf tinv in lain forbid. While Thotiffbt and Truth tne uin-Untly to blcii Ike world with Uct and safe mt'Ilr,nt,'. In ranous modes they spcaV. with eloqutnce; But rise to brilliant acme in the Press. With all that art and science can sugget, .. With lightning's pech, of fluency sublime,. The inconremenceg of space and time Recoil and vanish at the Press behest. Ideal supreme, with wondrous blessings rife, Tbe distant lands are neighbors at its fett. The scattered nations at it bidding niert. Bestirred by pulse of new and higher lifp; Arena whore the Wit, tl c Satirist 7," And D.sputant engage in pleasing tasks Vj Of guarding truth, of crushing gloy mssfcs. . And render fint impotent iO re?'et. Where Rumcr, clad in Fancy's fiVh array, O't tempts the world to play mischievous part. But alK) where sweet Humor thrills tt.p heart And suarelv laughs Its gloonr and care awty; A medium by which culture wields the force That brings the "rrUhonV to n fellowship With brightest minds, with ripest scholarship. The thoughts and works that moM the public! course. Aiil Mark the march o. that tnuinpliant train The people as they rie. from height to height. Refined In taste and skill, by brighter light . Inspired and their ambition born again; Tribunal that o'crshadows state and court, Vestured with rights and glory of it own; f" A pover mightier, higher than the throne, The human race its subjects and snpiort; i A voice that peaks humane humanity And inapiratiois of the nobler soul; I A foe of Crime and powers that inthrall A fnenu of Law, of Peace and Libertj. John L. Bevan. The Sandman. Oh, the clock upon the mantel strikes the dread ed hour of nine. And the winds bemath the window start to whim per and to whine! pTis then the Dwarfs and Ogres bjcfc to tl eir tavrs are drawn, For thp Fani'imn's on a forage that is uhr the children jawn! Blue eyes that sparkled roguishly all through the long bright day. Brown ee3 that flaehed with eagerness for jov and fun and play, Now blink and roll and turn ibout and -tiuti vet more to see. Bat th Sandman's on a forage, and he flings lus sand in glee! Mr. fawn is also busj with the rosy tniuth ol jouth. We bee dark, gaping caverns and a gli-un of i tooth. And heads Ixgin to droop and nod. and lots fall from the band. For the Sandman's on a forage, and lie's casing round his Mind I Rae picture b-xiks lie on the floor, and drums row silint aie. And voices seem to drooping hrads to drcamv, distant, far; The clock booms out half after nine, the breath more slowly drawn; The angc!- now are all asleep, the Sandman's come and gone! Harold MacGrath in Syracjse Herald. The niicknhent Cake. Wnh apo'ogies to Riley. "When the fro-t is on the punkin an the fodder's in tl. i-hock. At vou in "P n the mornin dost about on fl o't lock An go down stair3 in tho kitchen with a kind o" sleep lute. Where vour vife is waitin fer you with tbe grid dle in its r'3T. With the first cake o the sesn brown an goldn on the plate Oh. h feller's never kickin 'bout tHe cruel way o fate, Fer a fechn eoires upon ycu that no pot couldn't n?cck. When tlK grease is on the griddle an the batter'i in the crock 1 Tfc-y can tell about the solemn an the lonesome dajs o fall. When the skies ars gray an purple an the quails begin to call; When ti.e tree3 are trimmed in colors an thi chipmunk on the fence la a gathenn Ids harvest fer his winter residence. : Its lonesome, mighty lonesome, but a savin purty i wi-ie Is 'bout a silver Hnin to the cloudiest of skies, An the sunshine strikes ft feller like a rale elec tric shock When the grease is on the griddle an the batter'i in the crock! The Klnsr'a Motto. A mightv monarch in the days of old Made vtier of high honor, wealth and gold. To one who should produce in form concise A motto for hU guidance, terse, yet wise A precept, soothing in his hours forlorn, Vet cne that in his prosperous days would warn. Many the maxims sent tbe kinfr, men say. Tbe on he rhoe, "This, too, shall pass away." Oh, jewel sentence from the mine of truth! What riches it contains for age or youth! No stjtcl epic, measured and sublime, So comforts or so counsels for all time As the- ftv nerd. Go write them on your heart And make tin m of jour daily life a part. Has lurne importune fallen to your lotf This. too. will pass away; absorb the thought And wait; jour waiting will not be In vain. Time gild- witlrgold the iron links of pain. The dark todiv leads in'o light tomorrow; There is no cudlrfs joy, no endles sorrow. Are voj upon earth's heights? No cloud In view? TryGrain0! TryGrain0! g Ask yon Grocer to-day to show you 5 g a package of GRAIN-O, the new food J & drink that takes tho place of coffee. Tho children may drink it without i f injury as well as the adult. All who 3 a try it, like it. GRAIN-0 has that "Z rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, 5 6 but it is nwdo from puw grains, and 55 2 tho mostdelicate stomach ruceiveii it z without dbtress. the price of coffee. 5 15 cents and 1S5 cejita per package. Sold by all grocers. r Tastes like Coffee I Looks like Coffee B Insist that your grocer gives yon GRAIN-O X Accept no Imitation. fttgyfffilM oo md Trfsr motto once trjln. Thi, too. Rull ptf twiy;" Fme, glory, piste and power, Tbey are but little bsnbles of tfie hour. Finn by tbe ruthless ynrs tlo-n in tl dut. Tk irmrains and be worthy of God'a trust. CTrell yonr prowess while it Ust: lMe- hloonu Kot blight, to mark 3 our footprint! to th? tomb. The truest gratDess liet in being? kind. The truest wladom in a bappy mind. He who osponds his Miter's judgment mocks; The gloomy Christian is a paradox. Only the sunny soul respects its Cod. Since Hie is short, we need to maVe it broad; Since life ia brief, we need to mare it bright. Then keep the old king's motto well in sight And let its meaning permeate ii Li Whatever com. "This. too. s'la'l jwv aviar." Ella niier Wilcox. Remember Me. IBy the author of "Ihmd Hurum." "When this you see, dtar triend. remember me," Old fashioned, trite and neither new nor elever, And yet expressing what will alnas b The longing hope ! In remembered. 'How often haic thee simple, wuimon words Implored the Set of lnvmg ircolltion. How oft liave stn-cfc aiwi HumrW mem'ry's fhords And stirreil emotion- of a pH atfection. And so my tribute to jour book tt lt Comes but to thi.-: Wherever ,ou may be. Though far rfwavT though vear on .vcars be past, "When thi you er, tlar frinl. remember rae." Kdusird Noves Wetcott. The Doclur'H Mory. ill ItopTfc I in her bd TtandjEi'd and bli'-ttrtd from fool to head, Bndjgfd jnd bbsiirvd from htad to to. lr. Ibvrr. vvjs very low Boitlo .:'d aucrr. n'O'n and cup On lb- tbl -flfKHj Irai.lj up, rhv.i-f high aiitj low degree. Calomel, catnip, l-unesrt tea, Even thing a bodv could bear Incepting light and water and air. I opened the blinds tbe daj was bright And Jod gaw ir. R'igcrs roc light. 1 opened U-c window the ilaj ias fair Aid flwi gave .Mrs. Koccrs some air. Botll-s and blister, pmuiir aiw pills. ""Catnip. tneset, irp and ffjuills. Drug, j id imdninr. hizh and low. tbnw tutni as far as I could throw 'Whj( jrejou doing?" mj pjtienl cried. "Frightening Death." I coollv readied. Pearon Rogers, lit- c-ante to me. W ite is umtu round," said he. "I re'lly think hell worn through. Ehc scolds me jtut as she used to do. All lhr jKop!e Ijie poohed and slurred. And the neighbor have had their word. Twa btttr to pnIi. some of em ay. Than be -urod in uch an irregular way." "Vour wife. said I. "had Cod's good care pd bra rfmd.eB, light and water and air. Alt th doctor. Iwjond a doubt. Couldn't have cured Mr. Rogers without ' Tbe deacon tmiid and . ed his head 'Tbn vour bill i n z." he said, "God's be the glorv u- My. Cod bles jou, doctor: good day. good dayl" If ever 1 docto tht wxman again. Til give her medicine made b men Medical World. The One Grent Chain. Tbe purport of the hour $ vast. The world wants justice. It dimandi United hearts, united hand?. The day of charity Is pat. Let no man think he ran dtpoiI j And 10b hU kind bv triik and fraud And at the lact makf peace vnih tod" By tossing alms lo honest toil Men have outgrown tbe worthless creed Which bade them deem it Oods good will That labor sweat and starve to fill And glut the purse of idle greed Tbey have outgrown tbe poor content That breed oppreion. Forged bv pain. Mind links to mind in one gieat chain Of protest and cf argument. And by the band of prcerc burled This mightv duin cf butnan thought. In silenct? and In ngu!si wrought, Encompi'i'es the pulsing wo-Id. And hr who will not form a lick Of nc conditions Pion to be Ere lot must aland aghast and ee Old sj'stems tippling dovn the brink. They cain.ot and they blull not lat. The bnuder impulse of tbe day Will ga:i and grow and sweep away The rink injustice of the Pavt. More labor for tbe -elrtsh few; More leUurc for the burdened man. T'lce Ihingi shall surely come to piss As olil condition change 10 new. Tlicy chinge throtih strain and strike and itrife. The wort but speeds the final hct. Work for all men for all men rest And rim to taste tha joys of life. Klla WVffer Wilcox in Xc York Journal, PreicrInKr Time. Said Mr. Haldwin -pplc To Mrs. Rartlctt Pear, "Yoir're growing ier plump, mdaiu. And also very fair. "And there's Mis Clingstone Pe-tch, So mellowed by the heat. tJponmv word, he reallj looks Quite gooJ enough to eat. "And all the Mise Crabapple Have blushed so ro.v rnl That vtrv toon tbe farmer's wife To pltiik them vnU be led. "Just e th libcl!as! Thrv'r' growing fo apce That tl'rv reall.) ire beginnng To gri purple in ttte fte. "Our lapny tim" ir orei, For Mrs. Gr"n Ki I'iuia Sav3 e.b l.noa untn hr sorrcrp Prrvm? time has ."onu," "Yes,"' :a!d Mrs Brtlctt Pr, "Our djy is almost o'er. And toon we shall b? nothenng In sirup by tbe score V And before th nonth was ended The fruits that looked eo fair Had vanished ftom among the leaves, And the tree wrrp etrlpped and bar. Tbe were all of them in pickle Or in some dreadful scrape; "I'm cider." sighed the apple; "I'm jelh !" cried the grape. They weio all in jars and bottlet Upon tbe -belf Arrayed. And in their mid-t poor Mrs Quince Wa ttirnrd to marmabd' St. Nicholas. "I ICH0." I do not kimu. I tee in a child at play Before the wondrcus mystery of life And know not it is there, except at times There comes to me a sense unnamable; The veil srcio; just a little drawn; 1 see An awful glimp- that shake ij inmost soul. It nuv be but a tone, a word, a fate. A strain of tnuir or a look, a voiig. And jII the world goes fading into dream. 1 mhiii tu feel a II this has been before. There rise up'a something in niv fouI, A something of unuttenibb As old as life, ave, and j death. That gazes through mv . the world And brings a smse of loneliiu---. a gleam . Of fearful knowledge; then it bides away. It ws more frequent in my early years. Before I clogged my soul with flesh and tin. But evui vet it comes to me at times. And oiue I know not what the caue it came And In the iicnv burst from out my lips The one involuntary try, l know;" And tlxn it left me helpless as a child; The dream died from me, and I went my way Into the world to toil and commonplace. Denver Jfws A Denial. "So," exclaimed Senator Sorghum Indignantly, "that man told you my vote was for sale!" "He said so in so many words." "Well, you can go to him and refute the calumny. It's for rent onco in awhile, but never for sale." Washing ton Star. Ko Ens For Art. "What interests you so deeply?" she asked. "I am trying to make up my mind," he answered, "whether that thing on the table Is my new wastobasket up side down or your new hat right Jde 1 The Care thai Gurei Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough. Asthma, eroncnitls and Incipient Consumption, Is Tie GERMAN REMEDY" CwsivTeA-aTvA Wn Acrne 5WjA AniKttsls. 25&50.iAsf WJfiSSS "O0'0''0-O00-,0 o-co,o AORE THA M o t o i A BROTHER 6 O'.0'-O'0-.'0.-0.-O.0 0.-G0-C' u il U.lMl'l oil 1 1 1 1 li;p. Il U.1-. i. II .1,1-utln-r one. Hut. iinjna.v. thi i. Ituu il iinjiiioiiril tlut -Miillmiitii l"vl hfjuli: Mnlluorth ii- mnif. cmiit utikiT. s Vttlo tlii(U in tin- iii-ck. nuijlii :inl mi iluly .it::' !'fI t ;m evil luokiii piK but ciH uniiiiKli if t' man p.iv-cnsi'rs Jiiln't :it-k- liiui if he llicmlit tin- Utile M.icl. ciiM'.il juniiiv mi.-iut :i tini. Ill- lniMt -".el. Tlio cisiuli. if a man. wor.'il .ui-t tiii- :iu-ci-: "Ilnw ln I know .iu lirttiT than .mhiV" Tlii- third ulhn-i. nlm .! "iinu-tliin f :i liiilie-' linn .mil Miinkeil t i:icttCN, tnicl Ikh-ii kniinn to tv.n li V- ii.i-t:iii'. nf llil sort uilliniii . ii. vim: fiosti tin- orn tonup nf hi- ri'ilj. "Kcillj. nm. jmi know, uf'ii' nniMii!: i hi I timii ttiulcr Ilit-r.ciitlifi- :ill Ihi- 111:1c. ami a t.illinx In loini'U'r lit'io tlno-n'l iiumii fml uc.ulicr where Ae'll he an finni imiv." Tlie unlink tliiueentli. if m'iimiI ma'am, was too much fur the thinl th nr,..iml he .iiil. in the thin time ( .1 man nlm i- ealdiinj: hi- hieath: rl:f am, will jell kindly pi to- tin- lii-l "Hi cerV He kimu- all ahmit lit lit- Main clouds." Mnllwmlli av (( dnt at the lime puffing -iiiuko fmni hi- pipe. He le.n! the Ue-tinu in the seliooliiisr.ini"- ee befoir -he a- within ten fei of him. "Madam." he -aid. "ynii are a fool wnm an." uhicii caii-ed complaint to the ap tain. But that waMi't hui-tid the lu-t ofiicci. It e.a- that pipe of hi-. He wa stnokiuK it 011 the hiidne one nn;Iit when the captain Mi oiled up iiiiawaie-. ".Ii. Mullworth." -aM the captain, with the accent on the "Mr.." "jou know il "i-again-t tiie mle- for an olhier on duly on the bridge to -moke, and it et- a had example for the men. I'ut out that pipe." "Aje," said the first otlticr. Uuockinj: out the ashes and puttinsr the pipe in hi pocket. The leiy nest night nils what U known as a "snifter" siioxt. law, wind. uasty Sea the kind sailors -ay they .11 e ! moie likely to get just outride of New ' orlv in winter than anywlieie el-e on thr whole Inoail Atlantic. The captain. 1 umfortablu after a din ner and much talk with the pltiiup. un-attR'-hed pill to whom the saloon &tew ard, with his usual per-pieacifj. pix'eu the seat of houor at the e.iptainV right hand, took an evil notion to x up tin the uiidge. It was -now ins -o haul you could scaiu'ly -ee Mullwoiih. whose watch it was. except by a little led glow that UClllTU A The great rem dv for nervous prostration and all diseases ot the generative organs of cither sex, such a Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood, Impotency. Nishtly .Emissions, Youthful Errors. Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Oriuin, which lead to Consumption and Insamtv. With everv 1CTCD HCIIII! 8 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at $1.00 Der box. Aricn UOMUi o boxes for SJ.Ot). IJIt. MOTPS OUEinCAl, CO.. Cleveland. Ohio For sale by J. C. Day & Co.. 210 W.Market Bt. OUR BEAUTY DEPARTMENT OF Mme. Ruppert's Specialties!' KSiM?tris'!27iJMSw!v o o m beauty: stfi Mme. Ruppert's orld-Renowned Remedies AKI5 THE BEST. They are the pioneers of r'l complexion prepnrntlonn.hnv Ins hreit old for 111 a 117- yearn longer Hum nny other. Titer ore ne1 noil rec ommended by tne beat people. . d alvray xtvc complete unfiifn'' llon. TJiey are tbe only Kenulne. mtlurtl IieautlticrM, founded on arlrn llflc principles. EverrtlilriK about (hem inspire conll Jcnce. Alixo Inte j roof of merit ban liccn given numberless times tiv Mm-, itnp pert. No otlier Speclnllst lias ever irlvcn ocular demount nil ions. Owlna to These Well-Established Facts. Wc Give .time. Kuppert'a Remedies This Wcll-Hnrned Prominence. EXTRAORDINARY OFFJiR ! Jl BOTTLE OF MME. RUPPERT'S FACE BLEACH, $1.65. THIS OFFER IS BONA FIDE AND EVERYONE CAN HAVE A POTTLE OF THIS WONDROUS FACE BLEACH FOR $1 65. Madune Ruppert's Face Bleach Is not a new. untried remedy Its ue assures ft perfect completion. It baa been sold for 20 years longer than anv like preparation and to-day lias a larger salo than all there combined. We are receiving constantly supplies fresh from the laboratory ot 'Mail.ime Ituppert. No. $ Bast Hlh street. New York, and they are par excellence. Book "HOW T0 tJB BB710T1FUL" Free. Bverj caller at this department nil! Ie given this unique booklet FI'.F.B It contslt : all those little secrets of tho toilet so dear to every woman's heart. We live below a Hit of some ot Majarce Ruppcrt'a Toilet Requisites Mme. P""5erft Price. Our Price. Mme. Ruppert's Golden Hair Tonic give new life to and atopi falling hair $1.04 Mme. Ruppert's Wonder ful Depilatory removes au perSuoua hair without in Jury to skin In 3 minutes.. 1 00 Mme. Ituppcrt's Gray Hair Restorative ia not a dye. but returns gray hair to lu natural color ta Mme. Ruppert'a Pearl Bnarnel causes the skin to assume a girlish Iovellnesi. mainly for evening use I 00 Mme. Ruppert'a White Kosa Face Powder, an cx q'llalte powder M 83c 83c $2.19 83c 43c ItKtuemlirr, tro MME. RUPPERT'S FACE BLEACH at J, w. IsJ I E ELalaip im?. m nmr sH- ftr?Pr lll"Mllllllllll.i BEECHAM'S PILLS The Best and Safest;; s. I Family Medicine j FOR ALL 2 ' ' RiliniK and Nervnns liisnrders J i Sick Headache, Constipation, I ; Weak Stomach. Impaired Di-1 t gestion, Disordered Liver and ' Female Ailments. :: The World's Medicine! "4 Beecliain's Pill- lne trie li"i-i - .li sj t any Propntiar? Mcln wintiu'ic, ,14 this baa been achieved T4 fm. 4hn tfillaf'fr. r 5.c f . . . , II m nioe.T tiac:. ana foitn. ano or cour - be couldn't -ee tbe captain, or then' wouldn't have been any little red jrlow from Mnliwoith's pipe. "Mullworth." roaied tbe captain, "put out that pipe!" "Aye." aid the lirst officer, knocking oat the -he and purling the pipp in his poc!c"t. The man who vras at the wheel -ays the twain stalked back and forth in the storm, -ide b side, full IS minutes without a noid between them. Then the captain went down and watched a pnker game in the s.moking saloon, pnlf inc Pereely on a Manila cipar. Bur the hearty good cheer of that Ma nila couhk not smooth the captain. lie tlnew away the butt with more force than was necessary, as he strode out into the dining snow. Ilis footfalls made i' 1 ound. am the first that Mullworth knew of his approach the captain was planted sipiarely in front of him. Mullworth didn't even try to take his pire out of hi- month. They glared at j f a h other for a minute. Then the cap I tain, with slow deliberation, took the I pipe from the first officer's mouth, broke ! the long brier -tern across his knee, cast the two offending pieces into the sea and -tamped off to the little stairway that leads down to the hurricane deck. "Aje." said the mate as tbe captain disappeared. The -hip docked nt her pier in New Voik noit day. hut the captain said noth- ! im: to the powers that he of tho first offi- ici's bie:n.h of discipline. Perhaps he had 101 gotten all about it by tbe time the -hip had diopped her pilrt down beyond Sandy Hook on her net tiip out. "Yitainly -o -mail a matter should not h.-nc- di-tmbed him, for had not the sa loon stewnid delivered him from an im- poitant pair of pas-engers armed with a letter of introduction to him and wedged them down nt the lower end of the table, between a giumblini Philadelphian and a low voiced Chicago mm? And hnd not tint same -reward placed at his right hand an uncommonly pretty tomist girl 1 who didn't know a soul on board? I Pe: haps the captain wns thinking about the gill a- he stioiled out on the hurri cane deck smoking hi pipe. Mullworth looked down upon him from the bridge and lueathed a prayer, and the piayer v,a- answcieii. for the captain presently climbed to the budge, pipe in mouth. As he indifferently an-wered Mull-, worth's -alute tbe tir-t o(lite,r snatched the pipe from between the captain teeth m VITALITY X3?t. MOOT'S A BOON TO ALL WOMEN. O Mme. Ruppert'a Price. Mme. Ruppert'a Almond Oil Complexion Soap: a per rici Eoap. a combination ot almond oil and ai. not a boiled soap and contains no lye Our Prlca 18c Mme. Ruppert'a World Itehovvncd Face llleach. InrKO bottle, clean the skin tit any discoloration aud licaiitillcB ibe complexion naturally :.N Mme. Ruppert'a Egyr" I'.-.u Halm, a valuable skin I od and used In coumc lion" with the llleach re moves wrlnklca 10 II sell balllo f $i.6o 83c $1.6? Agent and threw It far out into the son. "Wc allow no Miiokinjr on the bridge, sir," he aid. "It's against the rules and sets 11 bad'cxample to the men." "Aye." said the captain. And bo Mtilluoith lost hi.- place. 4,I wouldn't V done it." said Mull worth afterward, "if he'd only just thrown my pipe into the -ea. even though that same old pipe wa more than a biothcr to me. but to look at him a-break-itnr it acro-s hi- knee that was more than an honc-t man could -taud." New fork Pre. .A.-- A.- liufifE!Hi V -V -V- At one time tne celebrated mii-icinii celebrated Logier was organi-t of the pari-h church of W.. where hi- family re-ided. This cliurch wa- at a considerable dis tance from any dwelling hnu-e and was approached onlj through an extensive burial ground. To add to its loneliness, it stood aear the seashoie. It was a!s.j reported to ie haunted In the ghost of a suicide who .1:1- buried without the fence of the ravey.ud and who uightly Trc quented the church lo -lie for Christian buriaL It was even whispeicd b.v the peasantry that the bell hud been heard ei to toll at midnight. The noble proprietor of the estate, the Marquis of S had just pieseuted to the church a line new organ, and on the coin ing Sabbath it was to be opeued aud performed on for the first time. Logier had lieen on business to a eily at some distance and did not leturn home until late on Saturday uight. when, learning that some of the ar rangements were still incomplete he de termined, iu spite of all di nasion, to proceed to the'ehurch himself. So. tak ing in his hand a lantern, he set forth. Such a night! The elements seemed combined to deter him from his rash en terprise, but 1111 he went, "boldly whis tling aloud tp keep bis courage' up." Tis true, now and then some wild (ieimau legend would cioss his mind, but he only whistled tbe more vehemently. At last he reached the lone graveyard and. through the bine graveyard, the church, whose gray tower was occasionally vis ible amid the Hashes of lightning. Its usual noisy inhabitants, the rooks, were ominously still, only uttering nt inter vals a distressing caw. as if suffering from bionchiti-, and the hand- of the old clock pointed to half pa-t 11. Still. Logier was ii"t afraid. Oh. no! It was chilly, aad any one's teeth wonld chatter. Reide. the 01 gun would take but a few minutes to li. and then to think of tonioriovv's laurels! So he just glanced carelessly toward the side of the graveyard where the suicide was said to be interred and. opening the door with a key that he kept him-elf. entered, closing: it after him. and ascended to the orgnn loft. The interior appearance of tbe church was not more cbeeiing than the outside. The lantern he carried did little more than "make darkness visible." but the lightning discovered many a monument and grim old effigy and many a coat of arms with its banners pendent. Amid the pealing of the thunder, the howling of the tempest and the roaiing of the sea Logier set to work, whistling, however, this time "Old Hundredth" or spme similar tnne. and soon he became so absoibed in his occupation that he "took no note of time." though busily engaged on other notes. The clock strikes 12. It seems to him that every toll calls up a spirit. The storm increases, the drapery and banners are flapping, and low moaning sounds seem to issue forth "from the low vaults, the mansions of tho dead." His whistle gradually becomes minor and very ada gio, with a close shake. But hark! What shriek is that? It is followed by another and another. Logier's hair stands on end. his whistle faints away in a false cadence, gieat drops of perspiration stand on bis forehead, and his candle flickers flickers in its socket and goes out. This was too fearful. As he crept to the stairs, with the intention of making the best of his way out, a blow in the face from some spectral hand some what accelerated his pace. And, horror of horrors, just as he opened the door the skirt of his coat was seized with frantic energy by an unseen hand. Lo gier tore himself away, leaving the skirt behind, banging the door after him, and dashed out ig'.o the graveyard, followed by the despairing shonts of the specters and the wild, mocking laughter of fiends. In the pitchy darkness he lost his way and.after stumbling over some ancient tombstones, had recourse to his hands and knees. In this attitude he pursued his way for a considerable length of time, when a flash of lightning discovered to his terrified virion tbe vicinity of the suicide's grave. lie could e through the paling that it looked disturbed. Ah. then its tenant had indeed left it for his nocturnal w,-trh and micht ho oven now rcturninc: Here was a ililemma. There was no time to loto. . Lopier quickly resumed his eccentric crrnnastici in another direction, fount the sate and. making use of the vehicles most hi demand, set out for home at a good round rate, which home, drenched, forlorn, raii:n- one conttail, pins sundry rents in other garments, the'eon seqnence of aforesaid gymnastics, and with a firm belief in ghost, he reached as the clock i-tiiick 1. Save to l;is wife. who. of course, vvas blessed with an inquiring mind. Logier said not a word of his ndventuie, for the snbjt'Ct vva too serious to mention. Be sides, glumU do not like to he made n common snbjeel of conversation, so he went to dim di. Xothing could exceed in sublimity the effect of the org.111 under his command. The singing, too, vvas exijuisite. All were enchanted. After divine service the at tention of the assembled wieheads was called to the fact that a lobbery had been attempted the night previous, tho extou conoborating the fait with a tray coat tail which he lud found fastened on a 1111M near the fiont door. lie also had found .1 lantern in the oig.m loft, which the sacrilegious villains had piob.ibly left behind on some siiddeu alarm. Sonn? of the .window . were broken, but whether by the robbers or stoim could not be a ccrtjined. Some owls feathers were like wise stiewn in omul, and a dead was lying near them. The blow of a bat's Tving doe- veiy likely feel similar to that of a speetial hand. Logier held his pe.itc and as soon as he reached home darkly hinted that it might bo as well to sav nothing of that la-t night's visit to the church, patticularly a the gho.l might not like it. Xew York New s. A Xottible Preeeilent. "The beef tmst scouts determined to put the ju'ice, of btealcs up higher thau ever bui'oro," lvmarlced Mr. Oaswell. "Beef can scarcely get higher tbau It tvas when the cow jumped over the moon." added .Mr. Dtikanc Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. V I'eNKimlsf Uv View. The .Maid Do you believe the mi crobes said to be in kisses ever de velop Into anything Uuugcrous? The Bachelor I'm afraid they do. At least I've been told that inarrla'se Is pf feu a. icyu,lt-hlcn0 News. J, - When witnesses arc examined the Contt insists that they shall tell only what they know, not what they think or b'heve. Time no again mc wandering witness ia brought back to the point by the stent voice of the judge: "Mad am we are not interested in what you think, wc want to hear what yon ac tually know." There's no such trouble experienced with the worthy wom en witnesses to the cures wrought by wwwwm Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. T.hey ctor what they are talkinabout. Women , who suffered from painful irregularities, from inflammation, ulceration, displaced organs, bearing-down pains, or any other form of female disorder, which undermines the health and shatters the nerves, such women know when they are well and why they are well. They do not hesitate to say: "I know 'Favorite Prescripfian " cured me" There are half a "million women wiiaesses like these : " I ara enjoying good health, thanks to your lumfad rice and valuable remedies." writes Mr. Anna Willy, of Northville. Spink Co.. S. Dak., (Michigan "House) " I suffered very much with female weaknes.- and other ailments for more thau two vear-. when I wrote to you for advice. After careTully following your advice and taking -be bottles each of Dr. Pierce's Tavonte Prescrip tion and 'Goldeu Medical Discovery' lam now a well and happr woman." " I bad been a'great sufferer from female weak ness" writes Mrs. M. B Wallace, of Muenster, Cook Co.. Texas. " I tried four doctors and none did me anv good. I suffered six years, but at last I found relief I followed -vour advice, and took four bottles or Golden Meilical Discovery,' and eight of the ' Favorite Prescription.' I now feel like a nezv zvoman. I have giiued eighteen Prtu:i 1-." .Sick women can consult Dr Pierce with out charge, and thus get the benefits of his long experience in diseases peculiar to women. Wtite freely. Write fully. Your etter will be treated as a sacred confidence, and its answer will be written with fatherly friendliness, as well as medical knowledge. Write without fear as without fee. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Dally; all others dnlly except Sunday. Central Standard Trme. CLBVEIAND, AKRON" COLUMBUS. Union Depot, Market fct. Going ortb. No. 27f No. 35 No. Si No. 2 Columbus express From Mlllrslurg onlv Columbus fn- i.vtil Going Jvuith. Col.-Cin. fast mall 0.05 um lo::(7 am 4:15 pm 9:Csam 4:4.1pm 9:07 pm NO.SS 10 fliiiiersmirg only No.2tf Col.-Cln. express () ERIE KAILROAD CO. Erie Depot, Mill it. Time Card: Dec. 11, 1S9S. Going West. No 1 Express No fit Limited vestibule No 15-r To Akron only No 13 Huntington special (ff)u... No .If Pacific express No S7 Accommodation Going East. No 8 Limited vestlbnl. No 12t Exnress . 8::m ;ui , 7:(1 fini , 9:15 in 1 .12:22 pi-i . SlM pill . SMIl .11 1 15) nei .. &-"! nm 12iS pi.i .. 4:25 iMi No 4-f New York special . No 19f Chautauqua express No SS Accommodation . 4:i' i (ft) Except Monday and dayt after bmi dayt. WHEELING 4 LAKE ERIE BT. Myron T. Herrlck, Robert BUckensderfer, receivers. Tim card: Nov. 17, 1898. Nol No8t NoS am Toledo (Union dpot)Lr 7:15 Hpanrar ln;l pm 1:! :a 4:23 4:40 ioai . 1031 Creston Orrvllle.. 10: 4:54 5:13 5:43 pm 11:18 am 5:50 :4fl 9:2u Mnsslllon . 11:50 Vnlley Junction... Wheeling . 12:5 ArS5 No4f Lv 6S) m No 6 10:00 am 12:55 pin 1:50 2:22 2:49 3:(n S:is 8:30 Wheelins - Vnlley Junction . 8:00 .8:50 . 8:20 .9:45 Aiassiuon . Orrvllle Creston. Lodl. jomo Spencer -10:15 Toledo (Union depbt)Ar 1:20 pm a. iu .Booin, General Traffic Manager. J. F. Townsend, Assistant General Passenger Agent. C T. & V. R. It. Going North. How. St. Union Enst Depot. Depot. Akron. No 4t7 . ...... 0:45 nm f:23 am (5:03 am No 4f 9.20 nm 9:05 nm 9:10 nm No 6 1:10 pm 1:00 pm 12:41 pm No 10f 5:1B pm 4:55 pm 4:5ft pm No 8 b:25pm 8:12 pm 8:17 pm Going South. No 7t .. 8:42am 9:05 am 9:19 nm No 3 12:orpm 12:lSpm 12:27 pm No V 4:20 pm 4:55pm 5:07pm No 5t 10:5pm 11:1 pm 11:26pm No 47 7:35 pm 7:50 pm 8:00pm D illy except Sunday from Union Depot PITTSBURG & WESTERN R. K. Union Depot, Market street. Leave for the Eiit. No. t Vestibule llmUfil lAlnni No. 4r Pittsburg express i;:IOnm No. 4 Pittsburg mail t:li)pni No. lo Washington Express from C. T.d-V. IJ. U. Howard -t.ttation 4rJ0ptn Arrive from th" East. No. 3 Western mall 11:-'-! am No. !7r Chicago -:press . . .. 7:J5 pm No. 5f Vestibule ltmlttd . . 11:09 pm X. 9 Cleve. Express, ar. O. T.A V 1 R. Howard st. station 9:aiaiu 1 BAlnMOHE & OHIO. Union. Dopot, Dopart AVest. 2Jo. 6f Vestibule limited i::!Sn'ii No. 7 Akron-Chicago fast mall ia:Ka 1 No. 47". Chlcato express 7:JO ' Arrive from the west. Ko. t Vestibule limited IvWhiu No.M-r Pittsburg express :or, m No. 8 Chicago-Akron fait mail 6:Mp 1 THE NOKTH KKN OHIO TRACTION CO. The A., B. C. Konte. Waiting Room, North Howardst. Time Card. May 27, 1389. Cars leave Akron 5:C0 n.m., every half hour; 6:S0u.m. until 7 p.m. and at f, o and 10:30 p iu. Iave CleveltunI 3 a.m., every half fiour; tf .m. until S p.ui nnd M 9. 10 and 11 :10 pun. THE NORTHEUN OHIO KAILROAD. Time Cord. Dec. 19, IsH. Depot North Main Street. Depart No. 1 70 ara ' No. 11 5:00 put Arrive No. 2. 4 pm " No.12 .12:15 am A liandsomo Publication. '-The Empire of the South," Issued by the Southern Railway. "The Enipin- of tho South." a a pagn book, IiaiuIoinoIy illtistraletl, with most complete information over compiled regarding the South and Its industries i a valuable addition to any library. This book is issued by the South ern Railway, having been compiled at a large expense, and It is th handsomest publication, of the kind ever gotten out. Copy will be forwarded promptly to any address upon application to V. A. Turk, general passenger agent, Vnshingtou. D. C, with 15 cents to cover postage.. Hunting and fishiug books, "Land of the Sky" pamphlets, maps and other illustrated literature mailed free to any address bv, J. a Ream. Jr., K. V. V. A., SO Adams St., Chicago, III. C. A.JJaird.21fi Fourth ave., Louis ville, Ky. Wm. H. Taylo". Asst. General Passenger Agent -niisville, Ky. SIAKS3 OLD LOOKSSWI rrrsi!sr I Baihd bfo. ca, $m Monarch IJolish lip Vet ru-Hir. Pianfts. "