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pfWSviP:5 ij v-& . t-- v.-,j"j."--,rt-f' " f'" "? e 1 Zf. -r iuj22S0ZJ2, -"WTS-V grj.qs '", . -- ;v. AKHON DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9 jJi.jT'.j-, v-.j "- tsfv v A -wrvy' "" I Rheumatism A slight indefinite pain in the joints is the first sign of Rheumatism. When you feel this warn ing sign take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and the progress of the disease will be arrested. This remedy acts directly on the blood and nerves and has cured hundreds of cases of rheumatism that have been declared hopeless by physicians. See that the full name is on every package: . Dr. Williams' Pink! Pills for Pale People Mre.iInry Rlxton. of BarryvlUe, Sullivan Co., N.Y. She says : "About two years ago I had a severe attack ofrheamatlsm. I suf fered acute pain and much Inconvenience. Physicians were unable to check the disease, and 1 was directed to a similar case, vhlcn -was cared by Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale People. My son bought i me some 01 tne puis ana tne nrst E1 irocured another box and those 'Ills for Pale People cared me." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills far Pale People contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.Vitus' Dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers, or Tvill be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. i , KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. jftetr Commander ol the Missouri Brl. svade Helmet Glints. Dr. William E. Webb of Macon, past brand chancellor of Missouri, was elected prigade commander of the uniform rank at the recent ses sion of the grand lodge. General ,Webb, the new commander for Missouri, is a typ ical military man, broad shouldered, powerfully Toiced and of command ing presence. He acted as surgeon general on the staff of General Holmes. His sten t "RTxxlAir E, webb, from the grand chancellorship to the command of the Missouri brigade never occurred before in the history of the order in the state and ivas a splendid testimony to his populari ty. He will remain brigade commander ior four years. General Webb is a native Of Kentucky and is 44 years of age. 3Jhe proposed Pythian demonstration to Ee held on Thanksgiving day in Pittsburg is meeting with great encouragement Sfrom the lodges in Alleghany county, and jthe outlook is for the grandest Pythian demonstration that has ever been held in Pittsburg. The number of members of the subordi nate lodges in Nebraska is given at C.G6T, a net increase during the year of 707. The total value of the investments and property of the subordinate lodges is j78,026.56, and the cash on hand is re ported to amount to 518,874.74. "Another new lodge in Massachusetts E&b month, It Starts -with CO members. Join T. Horner is now grand chancel fey of Kentucky and Wade Sheltman jjrgg&jKeper of records end seal. t'rt? " ' 5 UNITED WORKMEN. ' h. M$ Insurance at Loir Cost Chips Y From the Workshop. I JGrand Becorder Harwick has issued che following interesting statement, show ing the cost of membership in the order ah this state since its introduction in 1873. The total amount paid by any member to (the beneficiary fund from date of institu tion of the first lodge in this state (June 10, 1S73) to "Jan. I, 1899, was for the fcldest man (seventh class) 5550.12; to the relief including the assessment levied (pet. 2, 1899, $17.80. The average cost ber year, exclusive of lodge dues, was p2t84 for $2,000 insurance. The German United Workmen associa tion of St Louis is a valuable adjunct to ftfce order in making its benefits know n to she public f tthe thlrtyfirst anniversary of the or jjer was observed in various ways in all Rf the grand jurisdictions. fThe age limit being fixed at between EI and 45 years Virtually makes the A. V. V. W. a young man's order. I Tte recent visit of Supreme Master forkman John C. Bickford to St Louis &S afveady shown 6. marked influence port the members Of the order in the ju s&iction and jjlven them inspiration and ; rot inmra worn;. gflOYAL ARCANUM. 0fkttittOilT Iu the Order In.ercaslni?. Council CllBpinss. CVf ijind," says W. Holt Apgar, supreme Mifent "that the order is standing better .. . , f. t? g:Wsf7.yAra- E ssssM Id age, When proper treatment is not secured,-at this time few women are ever really well again. They quickly become nervous, "fidgety," unlovely old creatures no comfort to themselves or their families. There is nothing like Wine of Cardui to help women over this dangerous period. Those who take it when the first menstrual irregularity gives warning of the approaching change have a peaceful long life as.a reward. They will 'grow old gracefully and enjoy life to the end. If you are near the time when you can expect the "Change of Life," fortify yourself by getting a gl.00 bottle of Wine of Cadui at your nearest drug store to-day. It relieves every sort of "female trouble." Foradvice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, the "Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. EVERY DIinGGIBT KBEJJPB stX.OO BOTTLESi dox aia me so maen gooa mat i two boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink than it ever did before. The fact that we advanced the charges last year, cre ating an emergency fund, has increased confidence among the members, and the slight rise in the rates has resulted in a surplus or emergency fund of 5500,000. The membership in all the states is on the increase, and we hope in Colorado to reach the 1,000 mark necessary to the establishment of a grand council within a year." The Royal Arcanum bowling teams In Brooklyn and New Tork city are or ganizing for the winter contests. Lieutenanttpovernor Elect J. C. Bates of Massachusetts is a member of Bast Boston council. ' Many councils are arranging for "smokers" during this, season. They al ways do good if properly managed. ' Supreme Regent Apgar was present at the dedication of the new hall of'Po cnsEet council, Fall "River, Mass. - 'ODD FELLOWS".'- i Law as to Fnbllcftr of Grand Loajre Elections Lodge Notes. A secretary of A subordinate lodge has no right to mall Efintcd or written post al cards or letters giving the names of candidates for grand officers, with the number of votpp cast in his lodge for each, to otheiflkibordinate lodges or to any other persS than the grand officers designated by law to receive tne official' returns of votes cast in the subordinate lodges, provided that this decision shall not be construed to prevent any member of a lodge in his individual and unofficial capacity from making known to other members of the order or to the public the, mere result .of an election for grand offi cers iu. a. lodge, Grand Sire's .Decision. Odd Fellows of Hamilton county, O., are taking sfeps'to form an Odd Fellows' club. Massachusetts, grand fodge officers have Dedicated lodgerooms at -Methuen and Springfield. The Pennsylvania Odd Fellows' Or phans' home has been fortunate for sev eral months past in not having a serious case of illness. William Thompson of Pennsylvania en campment, Philadelphia, 38 -years ago was elected chief patriarch and at the re cent election was again placed in that office. A newly instituted -subordinate lodge must be opened by the grand master or instituting officer in the third degree. Under no .circumstances can a member who has not received the third degree be elected vice'grand of a lodge. A junior past grand is not an officer of a subordinate ,lodge and is, not. snb-' ject to a fine imposed by the lodge upon absent officers. . When the., vice grand of a subordinate, lodge is "given 'authority to appoint' his' own supporters, the noble grand, cannot prevent their installation upon the claim that the appointees arc not acceptable'to him. The suicide, ot abrother is no, bar, un der th'e general laws of the order, to the payment of funeral benefits by his lodge. The traveling .password as well, as all the passwords of the various degrees of the order are to be spoken as written and pronounced in English and are not to be translated into'any other language. Past,ofiicial rank'can only be obtained by service. It, cannot be conferred by resolution of, a lodge as a mark of esteem for a brother who has not actually ren dered thejrequired'Eervice. . 1 '' MASONIC, Practice Dlflfriltr and Decorum In the Lodgre Trestleboard Deafens. ' There is -no place in the lodge for frivolity or for anything but the strictest deoorum 'and respect Through out all the degrees the most sublime prin ciples are taught, and the most profound I think it my doty to write yoa about myself. I am 44 years old, and was very sick last summer from the "Change of Life." Two of the best doctors in Grand Island, Neb., after treat inp; me, gave me tip to die. As a last resort I finally tried Wine of Cardui. I am happy to say it helpecvme from the first dose. After using it awhile, I' was in better health than for many years. ' Another spell has lately come on me, and I sent down town last night for a bottle of "Wine of Cardui again. After taking, it a few hours I am vtty much better to-day. It is a pleasure to me to tell others about this wonderful medicine. Mrs. M, "w". RANDOLPH. This functional change which comes to a woman makes the period between 40 and 50 one of the most critical in her HiV Tf the iirhinar. nf T.iff " is n.issed safelv. she mav exDect to live to a harinv I sin W W 0 t WiM WPTP lTiyasTi WsTitirisrsi'TyffriTrt w sT llr ffltsTsW truths are expounded. Anything but a solemn dignity during the secret work of the lodge would be like the playing of the "Highland Fling" or the "Sailor's Horn pipe" at a funeral. Too much stress can not be laid upon the sublime dignity of the "work of the degrees of Freemasonry. Masonic Standard. It does not matter so much where Ma sonry came from or who was the first grand master, but what is Masonry now and what it is accomplishing for human ity. Orient and Sheaf. Charles F. Hitchcock is grand master of Illinois Masons and J. H. C. Dill grand secretary. The grand master of Illinois reported to the grand lodge that he bad written over 2,200 pages of manuscript with his own hand during the year. The next triennial meeting ot the gen eral grand chapter of Royal Arch Ma son1; will be held at Cincinnati, beginning Sept 2S, 1900. There are 61 chapters of Royal Arch Masons in. Minnesota. The supreme council, A. A. S. R., of the southern jurisdiction is the oldest body of the kind in the world. There are 74 councils of Royal Arch Masons in Massachusetts, with a total membership of 15,000. Thirty-nine grand high priests have filled that office durin-r the century of existence of the gram! chapter. The southern jurisdiction of the Scot tish Rite is composed of Scottish Rite consistories in all the states south of Mason and Dixon's line and west of the Mississippi river, exclusive of Michigan and Wisconsin, and it is the supreme council of Scottish Rite Masons in the 33 states included within this territory. Louisville expects to spend $150,000 in entertaining the triennial conclave of Knights Templars which meets there in 1901. Horace R. Bradbury is now grand com mander of Ohio Knights Templars and John N. Bell grand recorder. President Kruger and General Piet Joubert are enthusiastic Masons, as are practically all of the educated Boers. Red Hen. The total receipts of the great council of Indiana for the past year were 514. 244; expenditures, $,513. Judge K. M. Hord is great sachem and Thomas C. Harrison great chief of records. Chattahoochee tribe of New Xork has adopted over 200 palefaces during the past year as the result ot a new system of getting members. Reports from 165 tribes in Pennsylva nia reservation show a net gain of 1,100 members. Menoken tribe of Philadelphia recently celebrated its first anniversary. It has $4,000 and 657 members as the result of one year's labor. Chosen Friends. The scientific table of rates is based up on the mortality table, of selected lives and collects from the member in monthly installments the total amount to be paid for a certificate in the order during the member's "expectancy of life," so that a member joining at 18 years of age will, after having reached the age of 60, have nothing more to pay.- His $500 on each $1,000 of protection will have been paid. The member who joins at 40 will be through paying at 63, and he who starts at 54 will finish at 68. National Union. Over $9,000,000 has been paid to ben eficiaries of deceased 'members of the or der. Since organization the order has lost about 3,600 members by death. The average amount of insurance car ried by members is $2,500. g ModernVWoodmen. . The total number of certificates issued since Jan. 1 last is 103,104 and 1,127 new camps. The man who attends the .meeting of his local camp will, not be found in the list of chronic kickers. It is the stay at home fellow who makes you weary with his fault finding. No camp officer has a more responsible position to fill that has the local clerk. Each camp should have, a permanent "good of the order" committee, and now that the cool evenings are here have an entertainment at least onco a month dur ing the winter months. The total deaths for the nine months ending Sept 30 have been 1,408, or a monthly, average of156. If 'this Tate is maintained during the remaining three months, the deaths for the year will ag gregate i;876. Knlehts of Honor. R. W. Finlev been appointed grand reporter of Texas, vice WT. P. Cole, de ceased. Texas has a membership of 8,000. In carrying on the recruiting work of the order care should be taken that hus tlers and not bustlers are employed. Make a special .effort to get your mem bers to attend the"meetings and then for mulate a plan for increasing the member ship of the lodge. . Knlarhts ot Mmltn. . Many 'commandcries' are arranging to present during the winter one or. more of the degrees in a style of completeness and magnificence that 'they, bay e neref-before attempted. . . , All supreme members and 'all repre sentatives present hnve'been'made past grand commanders, and hereafter noone will be admitted to a' supreme session ex-' cept he be of that rank. She Had Observed. Mrs. Housewife Arid so you have fully decided to be married, Bridget? Have you considered that marriage is a very serious thing? ' ' Bridget Yes, mum. I've,been watch ing you and Mr. Housewife. Somer ville Journal. - Concordia, &aniui st'- A Covereign Remedies gupreme. You take a genuine medicine when you use a Sovereign Cure. They touch the spot, that is what you want. Virtue gives true reputation. THEY POSITIVELY CURE 7rs J Mark Her. Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble, Coughs, Dyspepsia, Blood, Ca tarrh, Asthma, Heart, Liver, Diarrhoea, Crlppo, General De bility, Malaria, Neuralgia. A Separate Rrcnedy for Each Disease 25c ETery Semedy Each Tor Sale st All Srsggiits. THE HOMEREASURE A book t aU of Tslnsble Information, SENT FREE toany&ddnis. If In donbt as to the nstsre of tout Illness. 70a consult our doctors tj mU absolutely free of charge. SOVEREIGN REMEDY CO., 1337 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. RULES FOR HUNTERS. Some Advice Jfot to Be Taken Too Se rlonsly. Gunning accidents have become so frequent that it might be well to form ulate a few rules for the guidance of those who go forth to slay. How would these do? First When you hand a loaded gun to your companion, always keep the muzzle pointing your way. This may Bave the fool killer a Job. Second. Never go hunting with a man who looks like a deer. Don't look like a deer yourself. Look like a mule or something else easy. A man In Pennsylvania was shot by a particular friend because the tuft of hair on his bead resembled a partridge. When you go hunting, have your bead shaved. Third. Don't use a gun that will carry three or four miles. You may drop an Innocent cow in the next coun ty. Better stick to grandad's shot gun with the warped barrel. The chil dren In a Wisconsin country school got a holiday on account of one of those long distance guns.- Bullet cross ed over two townships and bit the Echoolma'am in the limb. Fourth. If you bave any doubt that the deer you are going to shoot at may be your hunting companion, don't yell, "Is that you, Pete?" befofce" yon fire. It might alarm the deer It it is a deer. Fifth. If you really want to insure perfect safety against hunting acci dents, have your eyes, your nerve and your firearms thoroughly tested before you start out and then stay at borne. Cleveland Plain Dealer-' 'His Expectation ' What little Freddie expected to see at the hor80 show. New York Journal Bad Things to Live With. "These skyscraplng flats have knock ed the stuffing out of romance," said the young man. "Yes," said the other young man, "they have. Fancy serenading a girl who lives In the fifth story with a brass band and a megaphone!" In dianapolis Journal. Kans., Felj. 28. J899. ft (1 'A M 2lWi t&tyx' A NATIONAL BOULEVARD Proposed Road Between Wash ington and Mount Vernon. TO BE A HIGHWAY OF HIST0ET. tt Is to Be Free to All and Will Be Seventeen Miles Lone and Tiro Hundred and Fifty Feet "Wide S,ne Eestlons For Structures Along the Ronte. ' The beginning of the twentieth cen tury -will witness the construction of a national boulevard which, when completed, will connect Washington and Mount Vernon. In 18S8 congress made an appropriation of 10,000 for the preliminary survey of the route. President Cleveland not only signed the bill, but before its enactment in terested himself In the measure. Sec retary Endlcott detailed Colonel Peter C. Hains of the war department to make the survey, and when the report was made Secretary Endlcott indorsed it and advocated the passage of other appropriations to begin the work. The legislature of Virginia granted a char ter to the Mount Vernon Avenue asso ciation and soon after transferred to the association a claim against the government for $120,000, with the un derstanding that when the money was collected It should be used in the con struction of the boulevard. The Mount Vernon Avenue associa tion recently met in Alexandria and elected a board of directors, who re solYed to resume this work as soon as the board elects officers, early in 1900. The Washington end of this highway will be the western entrance to the capltol building. The line will run through the Mall, south of the White House, and near the monument to the Potomac at the western terminus of New York avenue. It will cross the Potomac over the proposed memorial bridge which will unite the capital with Arlington, the home of Lee, and now the Arlington National cemetery. On the Virginia shore the boulevard will follow the course of the Potomac to Alexandria and from thence to Mount Vernon on the exact line over which Washington traveled from his home to Alexandria when he was an attendant of Christ church In that city, and in which his high back pew Is still pointed out' to tourists. When this boulevard Is completed In accordance with the proposed plans, it will belong to the nation. The distance of this highway, will be 17 miles, the, width 250 feet This distance will be sub divided Into as many sections as there are states and territories. Each of these sections will be named for a state or territory, and such state or territory to be honored will be asked to contrib ute to the beauty of the boulevard in whatever manner shall be decided upon by legislative enactment. Whatever trees or shrubs are plant ed along any reservation will be taken from the soil of the state the name of which Is applied to the reservation. If there shall be monuments or col umns or arches, as there will be prob ably in the1 course of time, they will be constructed from material taken from the mines or quarries of states and ter ritories honored by having sections named for them. It has been suggest ed that each state shall erect a statue 'of its most distinguished citizen. The traveler over this highway will thus find in a short' distance a mute history of the United States, giving him In a short'journey'a conception of the scope of the country which he could obtain in no other way without time and ex pense. It will be an avenue of the sto ry of the country. The proposed boulevard wjjl be free to all. Its general construction will re quire an army .of laborers, but its com pletion in accordance with what is out lined can only be accomplished when there sTiall be no more history to make. The'posslbilities of the beauty of such a highway can scarcely be computed. Since It has become known that the work Is to be pushed suggestions mul tiply daily. One Is that a monument shall follow the completion of the bou levard -proper, In the cornerstone of which shall be placed the name of ev ery man employed in the highway's construction. Some of the suggestions are fanciful, of course. That which proposes a pan theon "somewhere along the line in which shall be gathered the remains of each president Is one. This plan pro vides that each succeeding president shall find sepulture here when his life's work is done. The suggestion to have statues of the military and naval he roes grouped in a temple constructed upon a field to contain reproductions of all the appliances of warfare in the history of the country is being dis cussed. There have been suggestions from those favorable to the Idea of ex pansion that somewhere along the route there shall be something not yet defined which will convey to the mind of the citizen of other years the Dffort of this "government to civilize and elevate the peoples of the colonial possessions. An enthusiastic member of the Mount Vernon Avenue association said to a New York Sun reporter: "Before the close of 1000 the country will wltnessthe beginning of the na tional boulevard. Already we have re ceived letters from people In many states .offering to agitate the movement as soon as we shall indlmte what Is wanted. Capitalists haTe sent word they may be relied upon, and the mo ment we got fairly under headway the student, artist, sculptor and artisan of the United States will come In, for this highway wll be an academy of honor for the exhibit of their work the like of which no nation on earth can ever hope to surpass or even try to imitate." BOON TO FARMERS. Thrashing Engine Used to Transport Grain From Farm to Mnrkct. A. J. Wakefield of Sioux Falls, S. D., has found a new use for thrashing en gines which promises to revolutionize the present method of transporting grain from the farms of South Dakota to the nearest market points. As an experiment he tied live wag ons together and, after loading them with an aggregate of -100 bushels of wheat, coupled the thrasher engine with .which he had garnered the grain to .the string of wagons and started for Fanlkton. Thp trip of in miles wni I The Easy Food Easy to Buy, TWMir Easy to Cook, Easy to Eat, Easy to. Digest. uaker Oats Atallgrocciil in 2-lb. pkgs." made in six hours, says the Chicago In ter Ocean.. Wakefield had but one as sistant During the trlp'of the curi ous train along the country roads the farmers living along the route tem porarily abandoned their work in order to watch the strange sight. When the unusual procession entered Faulkton, it attracted the attention of hundreds of townspeople. Wakefield carefully noted the man ner in which the engine hauled Its load and Is satisfied that the capacity of the engine is sufficient to haul dou ble the number of loaded wagons transported on the "experimental trip. It is therefore his purpose to haul about 1,000 bushels of grain on the next and subsequent trips. Several good results are noticeable from the experiment Notwithstanding the consumption of coal, the employment of the thrasher engine makes, in Wakefield's opinion, a considerable saving both in time and money over the usual method of haul ing grain to market with horses. Fif ty bushels of grain is an ordinary load for a team of horses. Thus the 490 bushels hauled by the thrasher engine on the experimental trip would have required ton trips if hauled by team. Knew a House Lot. Mrs. Pratt (angrily) Oh, you think you know a lot, don't you? Mr. Pratt (calmly) Well. I ought to, my dear. I'-ve been in the real es tate business nearly 30 years. Chica go News. Financial Estrangement. "What cold glances Wiggins gives you. Billy." "Yes; he owes me $5, and I owe him $4. He's mad because I don't pay him." Indiananolis Journal. 4tttii w r.tV Spoiled by Eminence. "Is your youngest child obedient?" "Wo got along all right with him un til h& took a prize at the baby show." Chicago Record. Acme of incredulity. "You say you take no stock In his promises?" "No more than in a war rumor." Chicago Post. BESTFORTHE BOWELS If 7ra baTcnt a regular, bcaltby movement of tae bowels every day. you re slcfc. or will bo. Keep your bowels open, and be well. erce. In tbesbapeof violent pbysie or pill poison, is aangerous. Tbe smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping tbe bowels clear and clean Is to taka CANDY TRADE MARK RESISTZRCO Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Cod. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. !0c, SOe Write for free sample, and booklet on bealtn. Address SterUagRcsetyCvapany, Cliiciso, BoDtrfl!, XtwYark. 222a KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Faster than ever to California Chicago -Union Pacific & North -Western Line JHE OVERLAND LIMITED leaves Chicago 6.30 p. "m. daily, arrives VTtI s?srttSS C 1 if nrrtfrfiAnri it'IuVJ ) day and Los Angeles early next morn ing, no cnange ot cars: an meats in Dining Cars. Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with barber. The best of everything. The Pacific Express leaves 10.30 p. m. daily. Tourist Sleepers every day and personally conducted excursions every Thurs day. Illustrated book free. Call on any agent or address Chicago & North-Western Ry. 4S1 Broadmaa, - NtJt York 433 Vim St., Cincinnati S07 Smith fli St., fltUtara 727 Thn Areadf, Cltat'ard 17 Campum Martin, Detroit 601 Ce'( St., Phlladtlphla SS8 Washington St., Bntax SQiaalnSt.r - - Bujao A Handsomo Publication, "The Empire ot the South," Issued by the Southern Railway. "The Empire of the South," a 200 page book, handsomely illustrated, with most complete information ever compiled regarding the South and its industries is a valuable addition to any library. This book is issued by the South ern Bailway, having been compiled at a large expenso, and it is the handsomest publication of the kind over gotten out. Copy will be forwarded promptly to any a'ddress upon application to W. A. Turk, general passenger agent, Washington, D. Cy with 16 cents to cover postage. Hunting and fishing books, "Land of the Sky" pamphlets, maps and other illustrated literaturo mailed freo to any address by, - J. C. Beam, Jr., N. W. P. A., 80 Adams st., Chicago, 111. C. A. Baird, 216 Fourth ave., Louis ville, Ky. Wm. H. Tayloe, Asst. General Passenger Agent ' .ouisvllle, Ky. Pcnn. Lines Shortest and Quickest Route between Akron nnd Now York. Commencing Sunday, Dec. 10, train leaves Akron 2:27 p.m., ar rives New York 7:30 a.m. 'Phone C. D. Honodle, tioket ngent, Union do pot, agent for sleeping ear reserva tion. Homo' Seekers Excursions To the south, southwest, west and northwest. Dec. 5 and 1- See C. D. HonocUe,.Unlpn (Jenpt, Akron, Ohio, steamship arid railroRd agent, for rates and full information. IJ I (Corrected December 9,-1899t WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain. ' . . Wheat, per.bu. 6Sc. Eye, per bu., 68c. - Oats, per bu., 26c. -- Corn, shelled, per bu., 35c. Ear corn, per bu., 15 to 17c. Corn, cracked, $15.00 per ton! Seeds. , Clover (large), per bu, $3.50 to $4.23 Clover (small), per bu, $3.50 to $4.25 Clover, crimson, per bu, $3.00 Clover, white, per bu, $7. Clover, alsike, $5 Timothy, per bu, $1.00 to $1.25 Mill Feed Chop. Corn, oats and barley, per cwt., 80c Corn and oats, per cwt., 75c. Middelings, per cwt., No. 1, 95c. Bran, per cwt, 75c Flour. Spring wheat, per sack, $1.25 City brands, per sack, $1.00 to $1.10 Rye flour, per sack, $1.00 Graham flour, par sack, 10-lb, 30c Hay. Timothy, No. 1 baled per ton, $13.00 Timothy, No. 1 bulk per ton, $9. Clover and timothy, No. 1 baled per ton, Q4 to $10. Clover and timothy, No. 1 bulk per ton, $10.50 to $11 Clover, No. 1 baled per ton, $9.00 Clover, No. 1 bulk per ton, $9 Straw. Wheat, baled per ton, $5. Wheat, bulk per ton, $5 Oats, baled per ton, $4.50 uats, duik per ton, $-i.ou Rye, per ton,$ G. Rye, bundle, $11 per ton Meats. Beef, live per lb, 3 to 5c Beef, dressed rer lb, 6 to 8Jc Pork, live perlb 3 to 4c I Pork, dressed per lb 5 to 5Jc Mutton, live per lb 3 to 4Xs Mutton, dressed perlb 6c Lamb, dressed per lb 8Kc Lamb, live per lb 4 to 6c Veal, live per .lb 4 to 5 Veal, dressed per lb 8 to8Ko Ham, cured per lb 8J( to 10c Shoulder, cured per lb 7c Bacon, cured per lb 8 to 9c Beef, dried per lb 10 to 16c Hides. Cured, beef No 1, per lb lOJC Cured, beef No 2, per lb 9jc , Green, beef No 1, per lb 8c Green, beef No 2vper lb 7c Cured, calf No 1, per lb lie Cured, calf No 2, per lb 10c Green, calf No 1, per lb 10c Green, calf No 2, per lb 9Cc Sheep pelts, 75c to $1.00 -Tallow per lb, 1 to 4c Farm Produce. Butter, Elgin creamery, per lb, 25c Butter, country, per lb, 18 to 20c Butter, cooking, perlb, 12c Lard, country, per lb, 6 and 6c Lardcity, per lb, 6c Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz 24c Chickens, live, per lu 7 to 8c Spring chickens, 7 to 8c Chickens, dressed, per lb 8 to 10c' Turkeys, dressed 10 to 12c Ducks, dressed 1Q tq 12c r -.--' -, Potatoes, per bu 35 to 40c Navy beans, per bu, $1.75 Marrowfat beans, per bu, $2.30 Maple syrup, per gal, 70 to 750"" Onions, per bu, 40c RETAIL PRICES. Butter, Elgin creamery, per lb, 32c Butter, country, per lb, 25c Butter, cooking, per lb, 10 to,15c Butterine, per lb, 20c Oleomargerine, per lb, 20c Lard, country, per lb, 10c Lard, city, per lb, 10c Lard, compound, per lb, 8c Eggs, strictly -fresh per doz, 28c Chickens, live per lb. 10 to 12c Spring chickens 12c lb Chickens, dressed per lb, 13c Turkeys, dressed 16c Ducks, dressed 13c Potatoes, per bu, 60c Oats, per bu, 80 to 32c Corn, ear, per bu, 25c Corn, shelled, per bu, 40c Corn, cracked, per lb, lc Hay, liailed, per cwt, 75c Straw, baled, per cwt, 35c . Onions, per bushel 75c Celery, per bunch 10c Cheese. York State. perlb, ISc. Swiss, per lb, 18c. Full cream, per lb, 16c Miscellaneous. Salt, per bbl, Wadsworth $1.10, N. Y. $1.15 Rock salt," per lb, lc Oil meal, per lb, 2c Crushed oyster shells, 55c a cwt. Crushed bone, per lb, 2Jc Linseed oil, boiled per gal, 62o Linseed oil, raw per gal, 50c. Turpentine, per gal, 75c White Lead per cwt, $6. Nails, 8d wire common per cwt, $3.60 Nails, 8d steel cut common per cwt $3..35 Nails, Sd cut common per cwt,$3.60 Lumber. Hemlock bill stuff $19 per m Norway bill stuff $23 per m Yellow pine siding No. 1 $27 per m Yellow pine flooring No. 1 common $25 per m Yellow pine ceiling No. 1 $27 per m White pine lath No. 1, $6.00 per m White pine lath No. 2 $5.60 per 1000 Clear red cedar shingles $3.50 pox 1000. Clear hemlock shingles $2.75 per 1000. DON'T BUY LUMBER Until you get our prices and see our grades. The Hankey Lumber Co., Wholesale and retail dealers In ..LUMBER.. And manufacturers ot Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc 1036 South Hain St. - Akron, O. 'Phone 29. Sir. Meeker had stood It longer than , usual this time, and be decided to as-,, sort himself. ' "My dear," he said to Mrs. Meeker' as she paused for breath, "If there la any truth In this Idea of reincarnation I know what you were beforo you be came a human being. Yon wera a-, powder mill." Chicago Tribuna. Mil ?