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- '"4-tmm "Tej -uj.-?: --"B-- V-(3i.S i ." tCayj. ', "KfcV'1-t Li j V.K -iv, ---, - . '-y- 8 AKRON TJATJLY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9 '& PV '-- a 9 e o o t e e e a e c 0 0 0 I &$& The Weather Sunday Eain. Holiday Goods "Galore." We have never had SUCH a LARGE and well ASSORTED STOCK of XMAS GOODS. Bolls ! Dolls ! We have always had the reputation of having the Pret tiest Dolls in the city, and this season we consider we Jib AX the record. At 10c each Kid body dolls with bisque face and light aud dark hair. At 25c each THE UNBREAK ABLE DOLL, made with a felt body, jointed, with light and dark hair. At 50c each Any kind of a doll you can think of: lomted dolls. with kid and felt bodies, dressed aoiis ana xiony varaens. At 76c each Bisque jointed dolls, kid body dolls, dressed dolls in the height of fashion, brides and widows, dolls dressed for July, dolls dressed for December: ; also baby dolls in long dresses. At $1.00 each Large kid body aoiis, witn ncauuiiii laces, Diue eyes, light and dark hair. This price includes everything in the aouy line. At $1.25 to $2.50 each These , prices include a big line of dolls, all tne better grade; dressed and undressed dolls with natural hair. You ought to see that large doll at $z.du; it is a oeauty. Doll Slippers and Stockings To fit any size dolls vou have. Also separate bisaue heads at low ! prices. At $1.00 a Pair The best kid clove ever sold over a dry goods counter, in all shades and sizes. Lots of kid gloves are always sold for presents. WehavH prepared ourselves for the occa sion. Wo guarantee the first trv- injr on: if they burst wo orive vnn another pair, 2 clasp or laceing, 1.00 a pair. 150-152 South Howard St. Joseph Young Dead. Joseph Young of 214 "W. Exchange St., died Saturday aged 62 years, 6 months and 5 days. He leaves a wife and five children. He was a brother of T3x-Commissioner Henry Young. Funeral services will be private at his late home at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Interment Glendale cemetery. in $15.00 will buy the best air tight heater made, at Stump Bro.s.' INSTANT DEATH John Whit myer of Canton, aged 21 years, was instantly killed at a coal mine near Canal Fulton, Friday. Quick Horseshoeing For these slippery streets require sharp shoes. Go toRich'& Co.. 4ii South Main st. LOW VALUATION Placed on Sheep by County Com missionersFarmers Complain. There is much complaint, on the part of those who suffered the loss, because of the low valuation placed on killed and injured sheep, by the County Commissioners when allow ing claims. The .Board cut down the aggregate amount claimed, $28. Claims allowed amounted to $602. Sneak Thief. A sneak thief entered the residence of G. H. Bien, 517 East Exchange st. at 6 o'clock Friday evening, while the family was at supper. He stole a pocketbook and a small sum of money. . 3. The Akron Shoe Oo Receiver's Sale Entire stock of Leather Shoes out at greatly reduced prices. Big assortment of men's slippers we will close out at 50c, 65c, f5c, $1, . $1.25 Ladies Avith cold, tender feet, Comfort Shoe, price "We are offering the Dorsch this fall styles at Gentlemen cannot wear better shoes are the best made. Our stock of RUBBERS plete. Try them. Repairing: is done right in our shop. iThe kkmn 132 South SXSicftc Huber . PERSONALS. Rev. Jas. H. W. Blake of the St. Paul's Episcopal church, will preach at Canton tonight. Gen. A. C. Voris, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Miss Sadie C. Ranck of 407 South Main st., is the guest of Canton friends for several days. Mrs. D. B. Aungst has returned from a visit with relatives in Mans field. C. P. Humphrey has gone to Washington, D.C., to spend a week. Rev. Chrisman of Suffleld was in the city Friday. Wm. H. Roland of Canton was in Akron Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zink of 141 Dayton st. are in Clarion, Pa., for the winter. Miss Katie Stehle of 417 Bartges st. has secured a position as clerk in M. OVNeil & Co.'e store. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Baker are mak ing an extended trip through the west. Philip Keeper of Milan is transact ing business in Akron today. Clarence A. Hackett, formerly with Dodge & Plumer, has secured a position with W. Buschman & Co., Cleveland. Beechau's PlliS No equal for Consti pation. Make a Date With Rich, the horse shoer, and have them sharpened up. 411 S. Main. ARM BROKEN Chas. Crile of 127 Sherman st., had his right arm broken in a fall on Hopp alley, while returning home from work at the Goodrich works. Runaway. The horse of the Akron News Co.' ran away on E. Exchange st. Satur day. The wagon collided with the porch of the residence of P. Leiser, tearing down a post. Get Your Shoes Sharpened. Rich will do it while you Plenty of room and workmen. wait. Rich & Co., 411 South Main st. HE DISLIKED FOOLISHNESS. And Wouldn't For the World Act Like on Idiot. "My dear," said the young father, "there Is one request I want to make of you." "What is it, dear?" "I wish, dear, that you wouldn't talk this baby talk to our child. It's ab surd. The idea of saying 'kltcby-fcitchy-kee' and 'whose wizzlcuns is 'oo?' to a human being is little less than barbarous. Don't you let the neighbors do it, either." "I'll try not to, dear," she answered, patiently. "But it seems to amuse Dorjy so much." "Don't call him 'Dorjy,' either. It's positively idiotic. His name's 'George,' and there's no use of starting him out In life with a vocabulary like a Poly nesian national hymn." "But he's a little fretful today and wants to be amused." "There are rational -ways of amus ing a child. You can sing to him." "I have been singing to him." "Well, give him to me, and I'll sing to him awhile." She passed the baby over, and he proceeded to do his best with the toreador's song and the Bedouin love song and various other selections. The baby persisted in whimpering. He continued to sing, and presently the little one began to smile. In a little while It was fast asleep. "Sou have quieted him beautifully," the mother admitted. "By the way, what was that song you sang over and over again? It seemed so tuneful and lively." "Haven't you heard that?" he que ried in astonishment "It's from the latest comic opera, and it's a corker. The chorus goes: "Toodledj, foodledy, up-i-deel Jimmity, Jammlty, lingered RigZity, jlggity, rammity-ho! Blimmity blam, and away vre go! "I only remember the chorus, but I'm going to buy it and learn the whole thing by heart" Washington Star. Brlef From BlllvlIIe. The market reports tell us there is great activity in money. Fact is, ifa so active we find it impossible to catch up with t Admiral Schley is a whole souled fel low, with a streak of human nature in him as big as a barn door. The Billville fair was a great suc cess. The mules ran so fast over the race course they shook off all the mort gages. Atlanta Constitution. is being closed ask for our 6 shoes, all $1.50 $4.50 for they is com- Shoe Co. IVIsdg-s St. ocoivor 15 Days Until Xmas. With each Piano sale from today on we Will Give Free a Fine Music Cabinet. Call at once and select your Piano. Kranich & Bach. Starr, Richmond & Needham PIANOS Goods sold for Gash or Payments. Old instruments taken as part payment. G. M. 0TT & BR0. 173 S. Howard Street. Overstocked and a Late Season Compels me to make another cut on our already low prices, for Suitings, Overcoating and Trouserings $30 suits at $25.00 $35 suits at $30.00 Our line of, woolens is tne best, our style and fit positively always correct. Halier The Tailor... US S.Howard st. Merelr a Question of Spelling. He was the engineer of an ocean liner and prided himself on his knowl edge of electricity. On one of his brief stays at home he -accompanied his 'wife to a party. The subject of elec tricity coming up, he indignantly com bated the Idea that It was possible for two people to produce nn electrical cur rent through the body of a third by simple physical contact His wife and a friend said they would prove it and, leading him to a window, told him to Dull up his sleeves and place both hands llat on the glass. They then, on cither side, took a firm grip on his wrists. At the end of a few moments his wife said: "Don't you feel a pain, Willy?" "No!" he replied and returned a like negative to a second and a third In quiry. At his third response most of the company began to laugh, and It sud denly flashed into his nitnd that the pronunciation qf pain au1 pano was mu burne. new lorn Tribune, T i "FLOWERPOT" INN. f v Theodore Hook, wishing to visit Sun bury, was recommended to the "Flower pot"' inn. Xow there resided, it seems, at Sunbnry in a large house an elderly gentleman, a bachelor of somewhat ec centric disposition, whose ruling passion was for his garden. This was kept in admirable order and decorated ruth a profusion of ornaments in the ery height of suburban fashion leaden Cupids, slate sundials, grottoes of oyster shells and looking glass, heaps of Hints and overburned bricks denominat ed roekwork and, beyond all aud above all, with a magnificent vase filled with a flaming cluster of fuchsias, geraniums and a number of plants with brilliant blossoms and unutterable names which faced the entrance. Here one fine afternoon when the flowers had reached their acme of reful gence Mr. Theodore pulled up his den net. A powerful pull at the bell brought a sort of half groom, half gardener, to the gate. "Take the mare round to the stable, put her in a loose box and rub her down well. I'll come and see her fed myself in a few minutes. Xone of you rascals Is to be trusted." So sajing the young gentleman threw the reins to the domestic, marcbed leisurely along the broad, brown, sugar like looking walk, dexterously cutting off here and there an overgrown carna tion with his whip, and entered the Ball. Giving another tremendous jerk to the bell wire in passing, he walked into the dining room, the door of which haft pened to be open, took up a magazine and thicw himself at full length upon the sofa. A tidily dressed maidservant ap peared at his summons. "Bring me a glass of brandy and wa ter, my dear, and send 'Boots.' " "Boots, brandy and water!" exclaimed the astonished gill. "You may fetch me a pair of slippers yourself, if you like; so make haste and you shall have a kiss when you come back." Duped by the authoritative air assum ed by the visitor (it would be indecorous to suppose another motive), the at tendant disappeared and speedily re turned with the slippers, observing, "If you please, sir, I have brought you a pair, but they are master's, and he is rather particular." "Xonsense! Where's the brandy and water?" "He never leaves out the spirits, sir; he always keeps the key in his pocket." "He must be a deuced odd sort of fellow then. Send him here." "Master is dressing,' sir; he will be down directly," and accordingly, after a few minutes, Mr. made his ap pearance in full evening dress. "My good friend." commenced Hook, without raising bis eyes from the paper, "allow me to observe that the rules of your establishment are a little incon venient to travelers. I have been here above a quarter of an hour and have not been able to get so milch as a glass of brandy and water. Bring me one Im mediately, and let me know what you have for dinner." "I leally beg your pardon," said old Mr. as soon as he could find .words, "but I am quite at a loss" "So am T, my good man for a glass it brandy and -water, Bring'., that arid an other for yourself, and" then I shall be happy to hear whatever"""you have to say." "But, sir, you must, permit me to" ' "I Vfas never in suSjp a detestable house In my life, esclaimed Hoot, starting up. "What do ypu stand there "forr'instead of attending to my orders? Am I to be kept here starving all night? Bring the brandy and water, d ye hear.' . The old gentleman "jrt'S struck pos itively speechless, his, face purpled, he seemed in imminent' "pferil of choking mill me tuuutril i-uuiiu. ui ac, iuuij,u4' tion and astonishment. ,l "Why, the fellow's dtunk," pursued Theodore; "disgracefully drunk at this time of day, and in his own parlor, too! I shall feel it my duty.' sir, to lay a statement of this inexcusable conduct before the bench." Mr. sprang to the bell. "John! Thomas! Turn this impudent scoundrel out of the house!" The arrival of the servants led to an explanation. Nothing could exceed Mr. Hook's regret. What apology could be made? He was a perfect stranger to Sudbury; had been directed to the "Flowerpot" as the inn '"affording the best accommodation, and, on seeing what he imagined to be a gigantic representa tion of the sign In question at the gar den gate, he had naturally entered and acted upon this erroneous impression. This was the unkindest cut of all. To find a stranger reclining in full posses sion of his sofa and slippers was bad enough, but to hear the highest achieve ment of art he possessed the admira tion of himself and friends and the envy of all Sunbury, his darling vase to hear this likened to an alehouse sign was a humiliation which dwarfed into insig nificance nil preceding insults. London Evening News. Practical Way to Learn Low. When Lord Kenyon was chief justice of England, there used To be a box for the law students close to the bench, and Lord Campbell says he well remembers how the chief justice would show the pleadings to the students and explain their effect. The air since Lord Kcn yon's time has been humming with schemes of legal education, yet, strange to say, no one has emphasized the im portance of following cases in court or leporting them as an education regimen for law students. The benefit is im mense. The student is shown an object lesson how the machinery of the law works; the respective roles of tne legal drama played by judge, counsel, solicitor, registrar, witnesses, jurymen and tip staff become clear to him, and from each of the principal dramatis persona; he gets his lesson, the ripe fruit of prac tical and professional experience. Law Journal. Accommodated. The manager of the clothing depart ment opened his envelope "on pay day and scowled. "Look here, MIggs," he said to the cashier, "this Is the fourth time In suc cession you have paid me with three $20 bills, and I'm getting tired of hus tling mound to get them changed. Suppose you work your big bills oft on some other fellows for awhile, begjid!" "Mr. MIggs," spake up a calm, un emotional, businesslike voice from somebody who was sitting Inside the railing with a newspaper In his hand, "for the next four weeks you will please save Mr. Whackbam some an noyance by keeping one $20 bill per week out of his envelope." Chicago Tribune. Check. "This," the bold young man whisper ed, touching her blushing cheek, "Is the pink of perfection." "And this." his fair cousin retorted, bringing her hand against his cheek with a Tinging slap, "Is the sounding 1 brass." Chicago Tribune- TT Mahogany Walnut Oak All Fancy Woods I 1 J nunc loll - Gil.. aSiEdPKw A a"" Piano Cases Walnut Looking Glass Oak Tops Ladies' Oak Sizes Gents' Sizes Mahogany is Banjos . Autoharps Violins Violin Cases Music Boxes Phonographs Phonograph Records Music Stands Metronomes Cases Fifes Flutes '"' .'" Mouth Organs Everything Musical Sehirmer's Complete Library of Music Vocal Instrumental. Smith, 220 S. Main St. Everything Sold on Time IF DESIRED. Gentlemen, when buyiifscTshoes, why not buy at a MEN'S SHOE STORE? "We make a specialty of MEN'S FOOTWEAR, aud can show you the very latest in this line. Why pay 56.00 or $7.00 for shoes? "We guaran tee the Strong & Garfield $5 Shoe" Equal to any shoe sold in Akron. - Our "Walk-Over" $3.50 Shoe Leads all others at this popular price. 813 Under Akron BMALL SHK1NKAGE NOTED. Son's KotIcw Said It Was Surprising For This Time of Tear. The Failures. New York, Dec. 0. R. G. Dun & Oo.'s weekly review of tradai. issued to 5ay said in part: The approach of -a now year usually brings so much of hesitation in business that the small shrinkage this year is sur prising. Probably never before have the p. jdnctive forces of the country been so largely cqvered by contracts at this date insuring employment and profit far into the coming year. This results, not from any mere speculative excitement, but from actual demands for consumption running far beyond the producing capacity hereto fore and pushing it to remarkable expan sion. The increaso in foreign trado has been insignificant compared with the in crease of f24,000,000 in payments through clearinghouses. For the week the pay ments havo been 20.3 per cent larger than last year and 33.1 per cent larger than in Prices of pig iron are strongly main tained, though extraordinary efforts prom ise increase of over a quarter in producing capacity within o year, because the entire output of most furnaces for the first and in part of the last half of next year has been told alreadv. Sheet bars ate a shado lower owingto the closing of many tinplatc works. De mand for cars and other railway equip ment are enormous, ana aisoior snipping, both lake and ocean. "Wool has advanced further with much speculative buying, though most manu- lacturcrs nave suppnoa wants ior tne present, and arc less disposed to purchase at prices now averaging higher than at any time since dune 10, ic-ai. mgucr prices demanded in the interior, and ris ing prices abroad, givo confidence in spito of the fact that goods have advanced from the lowest point this year only 19.2 per cent. Wheat has risen 3 cents and corn a frac tion with decline in western receipts of both. Atlantic exports of wheat for the week, flour included, were only 3,59,677 bushels, against 5,636,767 last year, ana Pacific exports 8S6.172, against 556,63d lost year. Failures for the week have been 221 in the United States, against 218 last year, and 83 in Canada against 3 last year. Prominent Slau Implicated In murder. BOME, DeC. 9. A great Sensation WaS wmcuimuusuuu. xwj uj, iuc uui Ui , two railroad men on the charge of mur der and robbing in a railroad car near Palermo, Signor Ifatarbarcolo; a former director of the Bank of Sicily. The murdered man's son ac- chamber of deputies, from Palermo, of giving the order for tne murder. Tne chamber of deputies met and author ized the prosecuciou of Signor Palizzelo. To Colu Lafayette Dollars, WAsmxGTCMf, Dec. 0. The secretary oi tne treasury oraerett tne purchase of silver ouiuon lor the special mintage of the Lafaytte silver dollar. Arrange ments are making to mint them on Tuesday, the 12th, and it is almost cer tain that coins will be delivered to sub scribers before Christmas. President MoKinley is to present the first one to President Loubet. Attractive Irish Bait. The bloodworm resembles the leech. It is black and soft and about as long and thick as the thumb, being full of blood. It is found by night in salt marshes along the seacoast, is shipped in damp seaweed and is worth about 5 cents. It bleeds on the hook until noth ing is left of it but a flabby black skin, like the empty finger of a wornout kid glove, and this trail of blood, running like a red ribbon for 30 or 40 yards through 'the water, is what draws the fish. PMIadcIphia Itpcord. LIEUTENANT GENERAL SIR GEORGE S. WHITE ' General Whte Is a veteran campaigner; but, outnumbered as h" was by - the Doors, his campaign around Ladysmlth was practically doomed to failure ' when it was begun. When hostilities opened, he was in command of all' . British troops in Natal. I .u-..., M I ft SII East RflillS-t. avings- lank For week ending Saturday, Dec. 16. 3 pounds S. & G.'s XXXX Confec tioners Powered Sugar for 20c for yourXnias candies, makes frosting without eggs. Simply stir up with warm milk. 1 package( Silver "White Gelatine 13c. 2 packages for 25c. 3 colors, pink, salmon and white. 7 cakes E. B. Vanilla (eating or drinking) chocolate for 25c. 34 lbs. Cleaned Currants for 25c, ready for immediate use. Brown Sugar. Tho old fashioned New Orleans molasses sugar for your fruit cakes, 4Jc per lb. Fancy Tablo Baisins 15c per lb. Malaga Clusters. Commencing Monday, Dec. 11th, every purchaser of 25c worth of tea, coffee or spices will receive FEEE our beautiful 16x20 inch 1000 calen dar, "Pussy's Playtime." If you can't cll or send, drop us an order by postal card and your order and calendar will be prompuly delivered. 5 JAPAN m mil I6S. Howard . f I Mil. Telophone 526 11 Henry j, Holzworth and -George Metzg'er, who have "been with Miller ' & Roche for the last 11 years, have j resigned their positions, and opened ard st., under the firm name of! Wloncorl fn ntoi'n all fholfnlri r1r,A,' ancl maKe DliHlV H6W Ones. 'Call and see us Saturday, Dec. 9th. amraHwn TAILOR-MADE GAEMEHTS We are making Tailor-made Gowns a specialty. Also remodel Jackets. Good work and perfect 'fit guaran teed. Ladles are Invited to call and investigate our work. EDWARDS & EARHOH. 122 S. Howard, over Beld's shoe store, ."! Scotch-Irish Society to Sleet. Kxoxville, Tenn., Dec. 9. Tho Scotch-Irish Society of America accepted an invitation from the Knoxville cham ber of commerce to meet here June 1 to 4. - l -i Seemed Quite Probable. "Sold my story, old man," exclaimed tbc writer joyfully. "Well, do you know, I thought from an item I saw in the paper that very likely ;ou had been successful," re turned the cynic. "When did you sell 12" "Last Monday." "Just as I thousht. AccordJag to the paper a magazine editor was commit ted to an asylum for the feeble minded Tuesday." Chicago Post 1. 1 ft ii $h sii- . .-t j