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AKRON DAILY DBMOUIIAT. TUESDAY DECEMBER 26 w. H NttTHTO LIKE IT Ever Before Known. A New Catarrh Cure Which Accomplishes Marvelous Results. AIM INTERNAL REMEDY A Pleasant Tasting Tablet; Every Form Rapidly Replacing the Old Methods of Treatment Cures Catarrh of the .Head, Throat, Bronchial Tubes; Ca tarrh of Stomach and Catarrh Wherever Located. A FEW FACTS About the New Catarrh Cure. The new Catatrh Cure ie a new departure la so-called catarrh cures, because It actually cures, and Is not simply a temporary relief. The new Catarrh Cure Is not a salve, ointment, powder nor liquid, but a pleasant tasting tablet con taining the best specillcs for catarrh in a concentrated, convenient form. The old style of catarrh salves and ointments aro greasy, dirty and in convenient at the best; the new pre paration being in tablet form is always clean and convenient. The new Catarrh Cure is suporlor to Catarrh powders because it Is a notorious fact that many Catarrh powders contain cocaine. The new Catarrh Cure is called jStuart's Catarrh Tablets, a whole some combination of blood root, boachwood tar, guatacol and other iintlstpttcs, and cures by its action upon tho blood and mucous mem brane, the pnly rational treatment for catarrhal trouble. You do not have to draw upon imagination to discover whether you are getting benefit from Stuart's Catarrh Tablets; improvements and relief are apparent from the first tablet taken. All druggists sell rfml recommend them. Thoy cost but GOo for full sized packages, and any catarrh sufferer who has wasted time and money on sprays, salves and pow dors, will appreciate to the full the 'morlt of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. YOU CAN CURE IT. A Now Cure For Catarrh In Tablet Form. The old time treatment for catarrh was in the form of douohes or sprays; later on, Internal remedies were given with greater sucoess, but being iu liquid or powdered form were in convenient and were open to the ' same objection to all liquid remedies, that is. that thov.lose whatever mod- ioinal power that they may have had on exposure to the air. The tablet Is the ideal form in which to administer 'medication, but until recently no successiui catarrn tablet had ever been attempted. At this writlnir. however, a most excellent and palatable remedy for catarrn nas oeen piacea oeiore tne gubllo and sold by druggists, called tuart's Catarrh Tablets, composed of tho most recent discoveries In medicine for tho cure of catarrh, and results from their use have been highly gratifying. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain principally highly concentrated anti septics, which kill tho catarrh germs In the blood and mucuous mem branes, nnd in this respect nre strictly scientific and modern, ns It has been known for some years past by the ablest physicians that the most suc cessful catarrh treatment was by in haling or spraying, antiseptics. The use of inhalers, douches and sprays, howevor, is a nuisance and an Inconvenience, and moreover can in no wise compare with the same rem edies given in tablet form, either iu efflcaoy or convenience. A clerk in a prominent Insurance office in Pittsburg rolatos his exper ience with Stuart's Catarrh Tablets in a few words but to tho point. Ho says: "Catarrh has been, almost con stantly with me for eight years; in this climate it seems Impossible to get rid of it. I awoke ovory morning stuffed up and for the first half hour It was cough, gag, expectorate and sneeze before I could square myself for my day's work ; no appetite and a foul broatb which annoyed me ex ceedingly. "X used Stuart's Catarrh Tablets for two months and found them not only pleasant to take but they did tho business, and I can sincerely . recommend them to all catarrh suf ferers." 4 A LIFE COMPANION And a Very Undesirable One. With thousands of people in this climate, catarrh is a constant and life long companion; it gets better at times, but each year becomes grad ually deeper seated and after a time the individual resigns himself to'lt as a necessary evil. Catarrh cures are almost as num erous as catarrh sufferers, but are nearly all so Inconvenient and Inef fective as to rendor their use a nui sance nearly as annoying as catarrh Itself. It would seem'at first glance thnt catarrh being a disease qf the mucous membrane that salves, sprays, etc, being applied directly to the membranes would be the most rational method but this has proven not to be true. The mucous membrane Is made and repaired from the blood and ca tarrh Is a blood disorder, and a remedy to bepormanont must act on the blood and when purified from catarrhal poison the secretions from the mucous membrane will become natural and healthy. There are a number of excellent Internal remedies for catarrh but probably the best and certainly tho safest is a new remedy composed of Eucalyptol, Hydrastis, Sangrimarla and other catarrh specifics. This remedy Is in tablet form and sold by druggists under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and anyone suffer ing from catarrh ma;r use these tab lets with absolute assurance that they contain no cocaine nor poison ous minerals whatever. A leading druggist in Cleve land, speaking .of catarrh .cures, aye: "I have sold various catarrh Simple, Convenient; Cures of Catarrh. cures for yoare, but have nover sold any which gave such goneral satis faction as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, The contain in a pleasant concen trated form all tho best nnd latest catarrh remodles, and catarrh sut foiers whohave used douches, sprays and salves, have been astonished at the quick relief nnd permanent re sults obtained after a week's use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets." Druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets at Wo for full sized packages. Ask your druggist and If he is honest ho will tell you there is no safer, more palatable, inore efficient and convenient remedy on the market. IT IS IMPORTANT To Know What You Aro Taking When Using Catarrh Medlclnei. Catarrh is the short route to con sumption, and tho Importance of early and judicious tteatment of ca tarrh, whether located In the head, throat or bronohlal tubes, cannot be too strongly emphasized! Tho list of catarrh as long as tho moral law and the forms In which they are administered, numer ous and confusing, from sprays, in halers, washes, ointments, and salves, to powders, liquids and tab lets. The tablet form is undoubtedly the most convenient and most effec tive, but with nearly all advertised catarrh remedies it is almost entire ly a matter of guess work as to what you are taking Into your system, as the proprietors, while making all sorts of claims as to what their med icines will do, always keep it a close secret as to what they are. The success and popularity of the new catarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, is largely because it Is not only cures catarrh but because ca tarrh sufferers who use these tablets know what they are taking into their systems. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets being composed of Kucolyptol, Hy drastln, Gualacol and similar alua- u.a (..lit UilblBOlJIilU .iiigiauiBiiba, nuu are pleasant to tho taste and being uissoiveu in tne moutn tny taice immediate effect unon the mucous lining of the throat, nasal passages auu wnoio respiratory tract. The ouros that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets have accomplished in old chronic cases of catarrh are little short of remarkable, and the advant age of knowing what you aro putting into your stomach is of paramount importance when it is rememborod that (he cocaine or morphine habit has beon frequently contracted as tho result of using sooret catarrh remedies. ' Stuart's Catarrh Tablets meet with cordial approval from physi cians, becauso their antisoptio char acter render them perfectly safe for tho general puhllo to use and their composition makes them a common sense euro for all forms of catarrhal troubles. A DAILY NUISANCE. A Simple Remedy Which Will Interest catarrh Sufferers. Iu its early stages catarrh Is more of a nuisance than a menace to tho goneral health, but sooner or later the disease oxteuds to the throat, bronchial tubes and even to the stomach and Intestines. Catarrh Is 'essentially a disease of the mucous membrane, tho local symptoms' being a. profuse discharge of mucus, stoppage of tho nostrils, irritation in throat, causing cough ing, sneezing, gagging and frequent clearings of the throat and head. The usual treatment by local douohes, snuffs, salves, etc., often gives temporary rollef, but anything like a euro can only be obtained by a treatment whloh removes the catarrhal taint from tho blood and disappearance of the lullammatlon from tho mucous surfaces. A new remedy which meets those requirements and which so far has been remarkably successful In cur ing catarrh is Stuart's Cotarrh Tablots. These tablots aot upon tho blood and mucous membranes only. They can hardly be called a secret patent medicine they are composed of such valuable remedies as Sangrinarla Hydrastln, Eucalyptol and similar cleansing antiseptics, which cure by eliminating from the blood and mucous surfaces the catarrhal poison. Stuart's' Catarrh TabletB are large, pleasant lozenges taken internally, allowing them to dissolve slowly in the mouth; in this way thoy roach tho throat, fauces and the entire alimentary canal, If desired, they may also be dis solved in water ana used as a douche, in addition to the internal use, but It Is not at all necessary to use a douche I few if them dissolv ed In the mouth dally will be sufil cicnt. HAVE YQU ANY OF THESE Symptoms ola Very Ctjnmp'n Troublel There is no disease sooommonln the United States as cata'rrh, because it appears in so many forms and at tacks so many different organs. It is a common mistake to supposo that confined to the nose and throat.'- Any inflammation. of the mucous membrane wherever lo cated accomnanled bv ahnnrmnl Ac cretions, is catarrfi. Catarrh of stomach or bladder, or Intestines is nearly as common as nasal catarrh and much more serious although it is true mat otuinncn catarrq ana ca tarrh of other Infernal organs Is (he result of neglected nasal catarrh. A now remedy has recently ap peared which so far as tested seeing to )c remarkably effoctivo in promptly curing catarrh, wherevor located i The preparation Is sold by druggist generally under name of Stuart' Catarrh Tablets, and In ad dition to being very palatabla and convenient, possesses extrnrdinary merit. In many cases giving immed iate relief from tho coughing, hawk ing and constant clearing of the throat and head, those symptoms with Whloh overyono Is familiar who had over suffered from colds in tho head nnd tliroati Catarrh is simply a continuation of these symptoms until the trouble becomes chronic and grows gradual ly Worse from year to year. Stuart's Catarrh Tablots are com posed of Hydrastin, Eucalyptol, Gualacol and similar antlsoptlos and catarrh specifics, from which It will be seen that no secret is made of the ingredients and also that no mineral poisons nro used, as in tho caso with many wnll known catarrh medicines. i'or catarrh of tho nose, throat, bronohlal tubes, for catarrh of stom ach, Intostinos or bladdor no prepa ration is so safe and glvos such rapid and pormanont results as Stuart's Catarrh Tablots. All druggists sell them at GOo for full sized package. You can use thorn with assuranco that you will not contraot the cocaine or morphine habit as tho results from this catarrh ouro aro aparont from the first day's use. M'SWAT'S TOETURE. OR ONE CAN HAVE TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. Tho II irrlblo Storr of a. Sensitive Hoa.eholder Who Llveil on the Vat of the I.aml, lint Conld Not Properly Appreciate Hie Lnclf. cnAptrn I. "Lobelia," asked Mr. McSwat as he surveyed the enormous fowl that loom cd up before him on the Luge platter, "how much did this bird weigh gross weight, 1 mean, feathers nnd all as It camo from Its beautiful homo In the country!' "Twenty-seven and a half pounds,' replied Mrs. McSwat. "Tho man said It was the biggest turkey ho bad sold this year." After a few moments spent In a care ful survey of tho enemy, for the pur pose of deciding tho proper strategic point at which to begin the attack, be grasped his trusty weapons and sailed in. CHAPTER II. "I didn't order any meat for this meal, Bllllger," said Mrs. McSwat as they sat down to dinner next day, "There Is plenty of tho turkey left.' "Is this the Bnmo fowl wo had yes terday?" asked Mr. McSwat, surveying It critically, carving knife and fork In hand. "It looks larger than It did then." CUAPTKll in. Saturday. Dinner hour In tho McSwat mansion. "How much did you sny this males tic ruin weighed when In the pride of Its full grown beauty, Lobelia?" said BlUlgcr, making a gash on the left side ofthe turkey, hitherto untouched, and slicing off some of the white meat "Twenty-seven pounds and a half." "I had forgotten whether Ifwas 2T or 37. over see a picture of an tcpyornis, Lobelia?" "No. What Is It?" "It Is a glgautle bird, of which come remarkably Interesting fossil remains have been found. Its egg was several times as large as an ostrich's egg. Tho bird Itself, I am happy to say, Is now extinct unless this Is an rcpyornls." CHAPTER IV. "The sermon this morning. Lobelia," observed Mr. McSwat, sitting down at tho tablo Sunday afternoon nnd unfold Ing his napkin, "did not strlko mc as being In the preacher's happiest vein. What ho said, though, about character being formed largely by tho homo life,!i Its quiet and refined Influences Oh, great Cffisar, Lobelia! Is this that thundering old turkey again? Are wo never going to have the last of It?" "Now, you needn't make a fuss about that turkey, DIHIger. It's nicely warmed over, and It will bo just as good as ever. There's too much of It to tnrow awny, ana you anow it as well as I do." "Pardon mo for asking the question again, Lobelia, but bow much did you say It weighed In tho raw?" "Twenty-seven and one-half pounds. You ought to bo able to remember it by this time." cnAr-nin v. Early next morning, before anybody else In the houso was stirring, BlUlgcr McSwat slipped down stairs, took the remains of that turkey out of tho Ice box nnd weighed them on tbo scales. Thero btlll remained seven pounds and a half, Including the skeleton. And the drumsticks, large, leathery and terrible, were yet untouched. Thereupon Bllllger McSwat, with a bunted look on his face, fled. He took his dinner down town that. day, and when no did return, at .11 I m., he eheaked up stairs to bed. TOEEMD. Chicago -Tribune. Trnlr Polite. Housewife Clear outl I won't, give you a tblngl Beggar (as a barrel organ strlkes'up) Then, madam, may I beg you for the honor of a waltz at least? Megjpi). dorfers Blatter. THE FORAY OF THE IRANK MACKENZIE .SAVIUF l(KUARF.EUVAS) L TALE R365-'e CnAPTEIl II. X STnAWOE TAtI! OUT OF THE HOHTIf. Desmond looked at his friend for a moment without speaking, pulling great clouds of smoke as ho sought a clothing of suitable words for his rev elation. Then as tho marvels of It swelled In his memory ho dashed Into It Incontinent, forbearing oratory. "By gum, Arthur, it is a great game! Tho fellow's name's Lars Lars Plnd Ja. What d'you think of that? Pic turesque and pretty original In Kast London, eh? Ho comes from Skclllgen, a village In tho district hanged If I remember tbo district, but It's some where In northwest Finland and on tbo seaboard. There'll bo time enough to find out tho geographical details. Shortly, his story is this: "He's a woodman, or rather was when ho was at home. lie was em ployed on .the estate, of a magnate of sorts. ro forgotten his name, too, but It doesn't signify. At any rate, his employer got Into some mess with tho government and doesn't inhabit his an cestral halls. The government runs tho concern on confiscation principles In the old chap's absence. "This inau 1'ladja spends his time In tho forpsts. Goes for dnys together among the pines and doesn't see a soul. How he's got to England he has only tho ghostliest notion of. Thinks when ho was Inibecllo" "Oh. ho knows he's been dotty, then?" Interrupted Barr. "That's a fairly healthy sign at least." "He knows right enough, but he's as sano as you or I now. Well, ho thtuks when he was In that statu that he wandered on board some ship In Ulcaborg, stowed away and got fired out In the port of London. Ho has some sort of misty reminiscence of being knocked about by a cross eyed scoundrel on board, but can't remem ber much. Ho's got hero somehow, that's the main point." "That certainly seems tbo main point up to now," agreed Barr. "Don't Interrupt Now enters tho villain of the piece. It seems be mar ried his wife In tho face of strong op position from her people levanted with her, in fact. Her brother, who seems to have been a particularly atrocious sort of scoundrel, never for gave him. The young woman was fair to look upon, and this deadly brute bad hoped to make a bit by offering her to the highest bidder." , "There seems sound commercial tact In that" quoth Barr, "but I speak as a fool on feminine subjects." "l'ou do. Dry up. Our friend queer ed this pitch entirely!," and bis poison ous snake of a brother-in-law never forgave him. Nothing1 bapponed for a time, but tho other was on the watch. Now we insert the blue lights for the emlmlracuious touch. "One day Piadja was eating his grub beside a forest brook or rather chan nel, for It was a drought summer when In one of tho pools bo sees a metal rod sticking up among the peb bles and sind." Barr stretched out his legs and guf fawed. "Bless your heart, Billy, the beggar's stolen It out of the 'Arabian Nights.' How much for this priceless Information?' "Nothing, you ass. Besides, tho beg' gar can't read. Shut up nnd let me fln isb. He sees, as I say, a metal rod and puns at it" "Man Is naturally a prehensile ani mal," explained Barr. "His Instincts would not permit him to do less." "Pulls at It," continued Desmond, paying no attention to this sarcasm, "and up it comes. He finds It's soft metal and of a dull color, but In pull Ing at It the bends and cracks upon It sbowod bright In point of fact it's gold." "What elso?" queried Barr softly. "I could have sworn it" "At this," went on Desmond excited ly, "ho paddlod Into tho water nnd be gan to dig and delve for all he was worth. In a minute or two up came a cup and a little later a necklace. Then, as luck would have It, a cloudburst and thunderstorm came on, down camo a deluge., und before ho know what was wuat tne torrent was roaring away ten feet deep." "Tho laws of nature are Imperious," said Burr. "Water must find Its lovel," "Well, that didn't put him out at all, because bo knew that ho could return when tho storm was over and scoop In the remainder. lie burled the cup and necklace, not wishing to cxclto suspi cion by bursting too much treasure on the community all at onio, but the scepter for that's what It undoubted ly was, by his description bo cut up Into little bits nnd took home, no sold It lump by lump to a money lender, and this old fool let the cat out of tho bag. "So it came to the brother-in-law's ears thnt bis sister's husband bad got something worth selling. Ua camo down Ilko a cartload of brick. Ho de manded his share, and our friend very naturally told him to go to the devil. Then this stupendous villain began his tricks." "It's 'All Baba and the Forty Thieves,' Billy." said Barr stolidly, "l'ou can'ttget away from It" "Humbug! This was tho way of It: The fellow In charge cf tbo Skclllgen estates was apparently just such an other brute. Ue was a relation of the former owner, ns far as I can mako out As bo was by no means a persona grata to the Intelligent peasantry, he bad a lieutenant and a couple of dozen soldiers to look after him. Theso two beauties went to the officer and trump ed up 'some sort of charge against the unfortunato Lars and got him shoved Into jail. Wbnt they did to blm thero Lord only knows, but some utter devil lahness, for thero seems no doubt It was thero be went off his head." "Humph!" said Barr unbelievingly. Tbo question Is, Was he ever on It?" "Ho caq't ijtvc any detailed account of the matter. All ho remembers Is w ill"'" ifl i Jnt a A 'SON. COPVBICUX BY F.MSAVILEj, OF5. that his wife was mixed up In It It was on seeing her in their hands that something cracked Inside him as be describes It and he was endowed with the strength of ten. Somehow or other he must have hewed his way out for tho next thing ho remembers ho and his wife wcro outside In tbo forest After a bit his wife couldn't raovo nny more. He realizes now that she must have died then, but bo says be didn't at tho time. Directly after that ho was alone and tearing through tbo forest Ho must have visited and unearthed bis burled treasure in some sort of In stinctive way, just ns a dog scratches up Its bones, for when he was on the ship he fouud the necklet round his neck." "Qury: Is It the same necklet?" quoth Burr. "Where Is it my most credulous joung friend?" Desmond thrust his hand into his pocket and flung a string of amber beads upon the table. "Thero you are, my unbelieving Thomas. Now let me go ou." And ho resumed his tale as Barr examined the gold linked circlet "He thinks there wcro a lot of wolves in the forest, and that he played with tbem nnd laughed to them from the tree tops, but that may well be a bit of Imagination, ns you suggest But that doesn't matter as far as tho rest of the story's concerned." "Hang It Billy," remonstrated Barr, "don't gag at a wolf or two after swal lowing a burled hoard! Let's have the wohes by all means. Most effective touch." "All right Grin If you like. Tou won't put me off It Now he's In tbo wildest sort of state at finding I under stand him, and he's begged mo by all I hold sacred to take him back to bis homo and gle him a chance to see his desire upon hls-enemlesv I told him he was a fool for his pains to wander back to a place where, as suro as eggs are oggs, he'll only be clapped in pris on again, and probably a worse thing than beforo como upon him. But It's no use. It wasn't at first by any means that he let on about this only as a means of bribing me to tako blm along. He'd spent himself first In explaining his tale of woe without any allusion to this treasure trove. Now, seriously, what d'you think?" "I think very seriously Indeed," an swered Barr, "for I perceive that you and be are lunatics who differ only In degree. Probably In some of bis sailor wanderings he picked up this old neck lace somehow perhaps honestly, per haps not and evolved the remainder out of a whisky or vodkl heated Im agination. But I know you well enough to be perfectly aware that what you call your mind Is already made up and that you mean sailing up to Skeleton or whatever the outlandish place may be to dust after tbts fantastic phan tom of a lunatic's brain. So be It It'll be a jaunt anyway. I shall perhaps prevent your getting Into the roost dis astrous kind of scrape, so I'll come. "It's 'Mlllaba and the Forty TMevu,' Billy," a!d JJarr stolidly. But, O Lor', the blatant absurdity of tho business!" "Well, there you're talking wild, old man," said Desmond, getting up and straddling across the hearth rug. "This Isn't the first time by many that I've ho&td of viking treasure belug burled sp north. If you come to think of It and consider how those old customers were always raiding south, It's a won der that more of tbo stuff hasn't como down the centuries. In my opinion, there's more of It buriod than has ever been found." "That I should think, Is excessive ly probable," said Barr dryly, "so why co naddllnc after It In a mountain tor- tent? Much better form a syndicate of exploration and discovery and send other fools. 'Tho Russian government will let you have a concession of all Finland probably for a couple of fiv ers. What on earth should bring scepters and necklets Into the be'd of a stream?" "That's the convincing thing about It," said Desmond. "If the beggar had only como with a talo of burled treasure, I might have thought with you. But, my boy, It Isn't likely ho would Imagine the stream Incident It's a trifle too Improbable unless you consider other testimony. It's just here that history backs him up. It's well known that the old vikings used to bury their special chiefs by turning aside tbo course of a stream, putting tho corpse In a bole In tho bed of It and then turning on the tap again. What thoy did for their chiefs you may bet a very considerable part of your Income they did for their worldly goods. Gold's moro valuable than even heroic carrion. Anyway, I'm going to have a look, see? And you're coming along to call fair. Place the Domini, or must I use force T" Barr yawned aggressively and look ed upon his friend wth contemptuous pity. "Yoi( always were an enthusias tically dogged ass, Billy," be began, "and I s'pose you always will be till you get a good fall. Xes, I'm coming, but If you think" .!jts Xj? , Desmond caught him by tho elbow nnd twisted him out of his cbnlr. "There, Arthur, that's quite enough. That'll suffice to relieve your con science. Come along with mo to the club, and then we'll see what sport the town affords. If you preached till doomsday, you wouldn't turn me, so drop It" Ho reached his hand over to a peg, lifted down a hat and dumped It on the other's head. Thrusting blm and his exiostilatlons before blm, bo drove him from tho room. The sound of the wordy warfare grew thinner down the passages. The great doors of the hos pital swung to. Their altercations final ly lost themselves In the swirl of the London traffic. Thus was tbe foray conceived and begun. (to lit cwtutcedJ T l ADVICE TO NOVELISTS SOME POINTERS FOR WRITERS OF THRILLING FICTION. The Adiilaer Think. That Sot Enough Attention I. rjeTnted lo Local Col or nnd Trlee to Sliotr What Onch: to Tie Done. Tho writers of Action of the present day are as far behind the time as a clock that hasn't ticked a tock for 17 jenrs. The race for fame has caused the majority of them to overlook the fact that tho scenes of their stories are In some country village where tho bab bling brooklet babbles and the war- bling song birds continue to warble while the deserted maiden tries to work tho public for a stake. If theso writ ers would only have their stories lo cated nearer home, so their readers might Inquire Into the authenticity of their portrayals, work would become a joy instead of a sheer necessity. We have in mind at this time a short story mat will nsrvo as an example for writ ers of fiction to follow. Start oft some thing like tnis: THE WINKIXa OP CHARLOTTE HEKRIETTAl on, FOBTUXE VERSUS FOOTBALL, atirTEft i. Grosvenor VanDusen ran lightly np the marble steps of tho MacCawberly mansion and rang the bell In a shock ing manner. As It was an electric bell tho high cheese of society overlooked the manner of Its being rung. A mo ment later tbe massivo door swings open, nnd tho MacCawberly butler shows the young man Into the some what scrumptlously furnished recep tion room and Inquires as to the qual ity of bis fine cut VnnDnscn hands the butler a $10,000 bill and, throwing himself Into the attitude of a rustic Apollo, says rather forcibly: "Aw tell aw Miss 'MacCawberly aw that I deslab tab. see ber at once. Tell her aw thawt I am awaiting ber gwaclous favabs in the weceptlon woom." Tbo butler bows and ambles out of the room. When he Is gone, TanDusen takes a hand bag be carried and commences to tako bonds, jewels and bank notes from It and arrange them in bargain counter style on an onyx topped stand that happened to be at hand. In a trifle less than 02 minutes from tbo time tho butler left the room Charlotte Henrietta MacCawberly entered, Idly twirling a string of diamonds 2 feet 3 inches long. "You wish to see me, I believe," she said in tones that coated the window panes with frost "Yes, Miss MacCawberly Charlotte. I como to offab you mab fortune and myself. Will you be mine to bold, to love and awyaws cherish?" "Pray, do not oxclto yourself need lessly, Mr. VanDusen. The man I wed must achieve fame. Do something that Is manly and then come to me." Tossing the string of diamonds care lessly under the sofa, she left him with his money. "Proud, haughty beauty, Ah'll win you yet I" v "--. ,.ir rairrrs n. The reader will please let Imagina tion convince him that 11 months and 20 days have rolled away since that night of which the previous chapter is supposed to treat aurm in. 'Tis tho Ides of November, and tho earth Is garbed In somber hues. A great throng of people are gathered about a bulletin board, gazing with rapt attention on tho paper pasted there. At last a man In front utters a howl of Joy. "Wo wlnl Wo wlnl ,Wo win! ,We wlnl" shouts the man. Tho crowd takes up tho cry, and soon tho entlro populace Is shouting. "VanDusen mado a desperate plungo with the ball and after telling the op posing forces a new gag calmly walked arouud their left tacklo and won tho championship for Bllkvlllc." These were the words that started tbe crowd cheering. camta nr. Again let us revert to tbe MacCaw berly mansion. Grosvenor VanDusen walks proudly up the marblo steps and Is bowed Into tho parlor by tho groveling butler. "Say, old hoss, bike out and tell Lott that I want her to como In hero right away! Hurry up!" In a trifle less than a moment Char lotte Henrietta MacCawberly appears. "Hello, Lottie! Haw's the gov? Just thought I'd drop In and say that I bave a small gift for you. Here." Ho hands her a small package, and, unwrapping It she finds a tooth. "That is tho tooth I lost in the game of football I won for Bllkvllle," he said In explanation. Tbero was a moment of silence, nnd then there was a swish of silken gar ments, and Charlotte Henrietta Mac Cawberly cast herself Into the out stretched arms of Grosvenor VanDu sen. TOSEYD. L. A. Ewlng In Omaha World-Herald. 'COOKERY IN BOLIVIA." ' The ftutlonal Tllah, Chape, and flow It Is Prepared, The stoves of tho Bolivian Indians are curious things. A bole Is dug Iu tho giound about 18 Inches deep BUd a foot square, and over this Is built a roof of clay with boles of different sizes to receive the various cooking pots. Itonstlug Is done on spits pass ed through the holes, so that the meat comes out very much smoked unless great care Is taken to have only, live KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES PROMPTLY CURED, A Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mall, T)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, tho wonderful new discovery in medical sclcnco, fulfills ovory wish in promptly ctirlngkldncy, bladder and uric acid troubles, rheumatism and pain in the back. It corrects Inabil ity to hold water and scnldlng pain In passing It, or bad effects following the usu of liquor, wino or beer, and of being conipelief to j?o often clur- ufc mo uy. ium io kcc up many times darinsc the night. The mild nnd extraordinary ellect of Swamp- highest for Us wonderful cures of inn tnnai rltalvAoathM t. If you need a modiclne you ahould hdVfl ttlAhfeof-. Mnlrl lit rlfM1fvrlar In GOo and 1 slzea. You mayhavo a numjuB uume oi mis wonuenui now discovery and a book that tells all about It, and Its great cures, both Bnt fi tinl (t a! r -AA l.H .n.ll if ..u..w ..mbu.u.-j.j hw uj mail, nu drenRDr. Kilmer & Co., Blngbam- luii,.-,. i. tvnen writing mention that you read this generous o florin tho akhox Daily Democrat. CURE YOURSELF! Vm Blr CI for antutnrat oLKbriM,tDflmnjtloni Irrlutlboa or olccrBtlons of nucom mtmtirtoM. hrrnrjt rillWKlrl, Lpw eMairv l"rTtBt Coaurlefj, 1 rrnni '"Mnetj, rimrrn, iuo out UHUI THtEumCHtmatCo. tntorpolonooi. ; NciNtUTtfO.IJHI " Dr umrauu. U'B.aW .H v' " u piin wrFp"r, IMA, or 3 bottiet, 3.Vs! fiY mwtrmMm vtewf-Lfl t, r r7 for Ivl 'ircnltr Mtit ca reqaett f autui'i XmgOA tnm am. rENNYROYAL PILLS Tv (1.1-taal aal - i mitavJPV :tsot' M M4 1ib kla fUM. uer. nipt -f .nnw t tUMp 1W trtniti, ,,. Ill m2 BUf fr L4Im. M uu., br Mtrnm lalL l(MeTMtl!MUB Mam m-. aWAUbNwtbnuxln PB1LADA ? (Tlu.b4., f. -- " - loals at tbe bottom of the oven. Tho national dish and the common food of the masses is "chupe," a sort of first cousin to the Irish stew. It Is a conglomerate, composed of irregular constituents from the animal and vege table kingdoms, a mess of muttori and such other meats as are available; chicken, fish, fruits, potatoes, carrots, barley, corn, rice, onions, yams, etc., chopped up, highly seasoned with pep pers and herbs and stewed to a con sistency of porridge. What happens to be left from one meal simmers in the pot until the next If the fire goes out, tho "chupe" is allowed to cool, but It Is warmed up again and a new supply of tho Ingredients nddedto tho water logged and greasy stuff for tho next meal. In tbe cities, at tbe hotels and. res taurants where thero nro Trench or Swiss cooks, the "cbupe" Is savory and palatable, but the farther you go from tbe centers of civilization tho worse It gets. One cats It at first under pro test, then from necessity and only to escape starvation, but finally the stom ach rebels, and you limit your diet to boiled eggs nnd fruit, which arc usual ly to be obtained, but the experienced traveler always takes canned meat and bread with him. Sucre (Bolivia) Let ter to Chicago Record. 4f When Children Went to War, Among other improvements In the art of war, ss attained by the world in these later days, Is the abolition of the practice of sending children to sea, as was the case when the midshipmen of the old "oak walls" of England often were boys of less than 14 years. The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, ia telling about tbe siege of Bomarsund, in the Crimean war, which he witnessed from the frigate Penelope, tells this story of one of these little fellows, "What pleased me most during tbe whole busi ness," he says, "was the gallant behavior of a little midshipman, a mere child, 13 or 14 years of age. About the time when the fire became pretty ?iot I happened to come across him, and, as he seemed to be as much out of a Job as myself, I tonched my cap and took the liberty of observing that it was a fine day, to which he polite ly replied that It was. "Encouraged by his urbanity, I ven tured to ask him how long he had been at sea, to which he answered, T have only. left my mamma six weeks, but I ain't going to cry on her majesty's quarter deck a remark which I think as worth recording as many a one made by more Illustrious heroea. Soon after this, bow- ever, a man was killed close to htm, 4ndi the little fellow fatated and was taken below." s ' Homo Manners. Tbe young wife's Ideals begin tS tie) shattered when she sees ber husband put his filet on tbe best chair, Phll&i delpbla Becord. ' What do the Children Drink ? Don't giro them tea or coiled. Ilaye you tried the new food drink called GKAIN-0 ? It is delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee. Tho more Grain-0 you give the children the moro health you distrib ute through their systems. Grain-0 is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs about 4 as much. All grocers sell it. 15c. and 25c. Try Grain-O! ImUt that joor grocer gWe 70a GIIAIK-O Accept no lmltition. PIMPLES "M jr vrlfo hadulmples on her face but she has beon Ukfnr CASCABLTS and Ihey have all disappeared. I bad been troubled with constipation for some time, but after Uk loir tne first Caacaret I bave hid no trouble with tbla ailment. We cannot spealc too high ly of Casearets " Fbxo Wactman. 708 German town Ave.. PttiladelphU, Vtk CANOV f xxttt CATMAFTT1C l timbi mask atoansro Plouiiit, rtliuble, rount. Ttote Good. Do flood, NsTor BlcttD. Wmko. or Otliw. lOo, su, Uo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... tUrlbt EMto C.BIUJ. Cfcluf , MMlntl, Vrv T.ii. Sli MO-TO-IAC .ftittlSiffiE&ftSir jiTi villi ff A fr i -" ! jaa&ftLkjas-j iMMiSfM1iiM&-iM'4'iiM'i , & iWftisWfe ,.,,. . atetAJV .rtimri"-t-a''i'.ftvftfcN w iJff tfti-jfr.tM-',i hi&m