Newspaper Page Text
pjTyrawraMmw tmf&nm($. I, "rv pps?iH'r'r'S'ii'flT. v 'JWf HH -.', v, "artn v'H.7TS; AKRON DAILY DEMOOHAaVSAT-tTRDAY, iTANTj'AltY 13,'ioOO If w IL Si GOLD OUST K3F F Vr U The Best Washiilt) Powder. Cleans Everythlnn from Cellar to Garret ALL ABOARD PERISHED. Unknown Ship Went to Pieces Off Newfoundland. STOItJf I'RKTEMED AN IlESCULS. Utenoats Trolmlilr Were llrnkrn 'p Through Mismanuircment In the Fnnlfl of the Doomed Orevr nml rassencers. Soma Likely I'erlnlieil 1 runt Cold. Bt. Johns, JT, 1'., Jan 13 .Tho fol-. lowlngxcomprlso sotno of details regard ing tho wreck in fct. Mary's bay that cnuld bo obtained: Tho ship is a iwo nastcd steamer of nearly .1,060 toafimd probably caixlod a crow (d (10, with possibly somo passengers. She wcut nihoro before daybreak on Thursday, striking a ledfi'e nt tho lootiof tho clltl, where escape vroa liopeloas.i9 The crow launohod the b?ats, but prr-bably daring the paulo some -were crushed against licr sides, others being sv. nmpod 'mil nil tho oicipxuts appirontly perishing Tlio ship wan seen tnboonllro byrosl dents six miles aw ay. At tli it tlmo only three men woro loft ou board. Two wcro on tho bridgo and ono.-" I" tho rigging. Those ou tho bridge wcro rafo antll nboat 2 p. in., when thoy wero washod overboard and drowned, tho bridgo being curried away. Tho survivor soon after loft tho rigging, swam to tho rocks and twlco oudoavorod to got a footing. I'uUinj; in this, ho had made his way back to tho rigging, where ho died of exjiosuro daring tho night. Many dead bodios aro visible tossing in tho surf. Two of them, thrown np in a cove, cannot bo reached owinx to tho heavy sea. Ono Is thought to bo thai: of a woman. 6 Boats and other wreokaga aro strown among the rocks for miles. Yostorday was moro stormy than tho day before, and it was Impossible) to roach tho wreck, which has gouo to pieces to snch au extent that it has sunk beneath tho Wa os. Tho wreck' coniinUsioiior liopos to bo ablo to obtain her namo today. There Is not tho shghttet prospect that any soul on boand osoapod death, as tho Intense mld-uilntcr cold would kill any who escaped drowning. DREAMER MURDERER ARRESTED District Attvrney Claimed no Ilia ICvl ileure of rremeUlteleel KHUncr. Nkw YoitK.'Jau. 13. Alfred Morn son, who shot unit klllod one of his wives, with whom ha was living in Mount Vernon, is under arrost. Ho was arralgnod and hold for tho grand jury ou tho charge of murder in tho llrst degrco. Morrison, mi tho night of 1 J8, shot his wife AUda and hIio diul tho following riiyi Hn said the snooting was tho result of fright occasioned by a dream of burglars. The woman her self, knowing that death wiih oertuln, attributed tlio Bhootiiig tu tho same ca.U6o as Meirrl'nu did. Thoiurrifcr'a jury exonerated him. bouie days later Morrlsou's original wife, whom ho married many years ogo, gave information that ho was n bigamist. Morrison was committed to jail with out lull l . $ Tho next grind jury will imsoniulo in Wbltq Plajns on tho llrst Monday 'In Fobrnary. ' D'strlct Atfprnoy Andrews claimed that ho had nlle,ient hvIuoiico to provo (hat Morrison.', in' shooting I U wife, oommlttcd'a ntil borate an I premedi tated murder; Muni Keounstrti't I'art nf ltuail, Wahius'iion, Jan. 13. lieforo tlio completion of tho Tranu Siborl.ui rail road it has btromo nei esMiry to rotou. struct tlio work already dime, and this -will cost not less than 15,000,00i, Tho Information is mipplltel to tho state do partmeut by Cominore.iol Agent Orooner of Vladl ostock. Ills report, i ompllod from ltussUn bources, shows a curious condition of allairs ou tho road. In tho haste of oonitrULtlon and tho anxiety to jet everything cheap tho road win too poorly constructed, rails being tue light, etc. Only about SO miles an hour ran bo run ou tho level with safety. Tho cSthjuet Matting. y.IllOTO'1 Jan". 13 At tlio cabinet meeting 8n.tirv Hay road the1 reply pi the British government to uurxepnt Bntajlon regarding (he Hour m Inures in Uelagoa br. Members of tho ctbl net, lifter thi) mcftliiK, said th it tho Uritlsb, answer was entirely satisfactory to thlsjoermrloiit. Tho severol jxso lutlons of luquiry u to tho conduit o. tho war-whtofi'hara been lutrodnciU In both houses of cougtcss woro diictl i d, and the 'statemilnt Was madathat ful and complete information would bi furnished at tlife earlleht day posslblii. l!il ltnll.r to (Jull I'dIoii. OtSVELAS'u, Jan. 18. Tho bijss rod iiollcrs of tho Cleveland district of the Ahterlutn Steel and Wiro company have tendered their roslgnation with a view Of withdrawing Jrom tho lldd lldllors socatiou It was understood1 tb it thin action was taken beoauso, as ther eav. The Easy Foofl Easy to Buy, iiasy to Cook, Easv to Eat. Earrtp'X)igcst. Luakeats r-Atallcrocciti 7rfffr nAl ,Bffl(' v it it ' jin kaufflUKaJr'Mi- iisjii-A .4"v?niT DUST KON-OHRIBTIAH AOTOES. Itrr. Sliplilon raarcit Tliejt Jllglit Act "In till Slrn" (lefinnl Alnorl- cilu l'lSfflfEhl. Topfka, Jan. IS Bov, 0. M. bud don said ho had not bcon consulted about tho dramatization of his book, "In llii Steps," which Francis Niilsou is undertaking In England. Ho said in part: ' "I haTo rcfuiod to nllow It to to dramatized in this country for fear It might fall into tho hands of peoplo who would nso It for making money iu stoad of making a lesson oftko story, feovuul playwrights havo nskod for per mission to dramatize tho story, but X havo so far refused to allow them to plato it on tho stago If It oould to played every tlmo by Christian men and women there would bo no objec tion. If theaters wire owned and ton trolled by Christian mon add women REV. O. U SHILDOH, the samo ns the chnrches, I can see how it would do ft great deal of good." OTIS EEFORTS VI0T0BIE8. Whrntun, lie Cabled, Had Cleared (Invito X'roTloce Fnemjr I.ot Heavily Xu Men, Anas anil lpoat1. WAoilINaTOj,, Jan. 13. A messago from (Icnoral Otis said: Makiua, Jan. 13. Continued opera tions by Gonornl Dates' command south of Manila, Tho Ihlrty-sovcuth mid Thirty-ninth regiments aro at Oalauiba, commanded by Uolouol Dullard. On Jan. 1 Gplouol Ilullaril, with two battalions of the Uilrty-ulnth, attacked n furco of IntnrgoiitB iu tho vicinity, drlviug tho enemy uud capturlug the town of Cnbayuo, and on tho following day capturod llluan. Ilia enemy 'a losi was it) killed und u largo number wounded. Twenty prisoners and rllles wcro captured. Our casualties were three men slightly wounded. On Jan. II Colonel lloyd, with threo companies of the Thirty-seventh, cup. tured General mid olllcial papers uud property thrco miles cast of Los Uunos. On Jan. 4 Colunol lng, with n detachment of tho Thirty-ninth, at tacked tho Insurgents at Carmona and M wero killed; no casualties. Ou Jan. U Colonel Uullurd, with portions of tho Thlrty-saventh und Tlilrty-ulutU rcgi incuts, dttockod thu enemy south of Ca laniba, whom ho drovo bo) ond Sauto Tomas, killing Jl and oapturlng artil lery! cnsmiltlcs, 0110 jirlato killed. Captain Ualccr and Llcutcnaut Polltza of tho Ihlrty-nlnth woro slightly wonuded. Jan. 11, General Cheatham, wltn tho Thirty-seventh, 11KI men, supportoil by artillery, attacked the lnsurgouts two mllos wott of Siuto Tomas, driving them from that soctlnu; 110 casnaltles. Uonenil Schwau's column, consisting of a fijuadrou of the l'ourth, ono of tho l'lovtnth (avalry, the Ihlrtloth and 1'orty.slxth iiifainry and 6ix Nordon foldt.gum under Captain Van Duseu, sclred Hluau, Sllang und Indang Nalo, mattetlng tlio cueiiiy who woro sooroly liuulshod. (Jcucral Wheaton'H oolumn, threo troops of the l.!nouth cavalry, tint Fourth, 'Iweiity.elghth, Thirty olghth and I'or-lllfth leglmcuts and Astor mid Keuloy's batteries, has drlvon otr tho nuemy from all Important points north of .Sllatidlluu HO had heavy lighting and captured cousldtiabla public property, iutlioting homy loss upon and scattering tho cueiiiy. Hehwau's oolumn is now mov lug iu Nortliciu lkit mgai iu u. southorly duectlou. All Oat province Is occupied by Wheatou's cpnimaud. Thero was heavy loss to tho enemy cturlug tho week ill men, ordnanoo and either property. All cpcratlou. very successful, ipiia. LEtfZ CASE BEING PUSHED. 1 ,i, Attention of Mrai Asalei railed t Claim AKaieut Turkey, " WASinNOTOV, Jan. 13 It is said at tho statp department that tho attempt to secure sotnu sort of reparation for tho killing of Leuz, tho bicyclist, In Turkey, is beinj steadily prosecuted. The attention of Mr. Kiriinsa im- ralnistr to Tnrkoy, has beon at tractoa to tho sobject, and ho will inako renewed reiuohontations on H to tho porta. Hecyet 9lQtlUK nf Collega I'reftldeuta, Uahiiisiiuhq, Jan. 11 A secrot moot ing of collogo presidents of PeutiKylva ula Institutions was Hold In this city to talce action ou tho resolutions recently pissed by the) state medical council rela tive to tho qua)I(ctii)n9 of men apply, ing for licenses to practloo medicine in this state, Tho resolution passed by the) medical counoil requires four 'years in a modioli school. The proceedings worn not inace public. ARMED MEN UN HAND. Charge of Goebelltes Against Opponents. BIOIli: Or THEM KL'AUY TO COMC. tr?ubllean Iujth nt the Chnrffes Con tent With floeliel Men the .Method of rrncetlnro lu Xaiilotttre Chnrses of Taylor Voted Down. TnAMironT, Ky., Jan. 13 Tho con test committee, iu the contest for gover nor, met a'd, by a majority voto, over ruled tho objections fllod by Governor Tnylor to tho Dcmociatio members of tho committee sitting in tho case liich member mado a short statemont, deny- ! lug tho allegations in tho governor's of- fldavlt. All of tho Doniocratlo members prosont voted to overrnlo tho objoctlons aud Representative Yarberry, tho only TtnnnhKean nnW nnne ntt In I sustain them. Tho (Joebel leaders clalmafl tele graphic advices from counties in tho eastern part of the stnto that military companies in that section aro being equipped to como to Frankfort next week. They also raid Republican militiamen wcro in tho town in citizens' clothes Republicans laugbod at tho report. The Republican leaders insist on tho claim that tho contestants for stato offi cers must receive a majority in each branch of tho legislature, Instead of n majority of a joint uitsombly, as claimed by tho Democrats, and this is another of the quostlons which may buvo to go to tho courts. If tho Republican contention is sus tained, it is admittedUoobcl would bu In exceedingly clcso Tines i j tho souato. Ilia latest poll of that body by tho Re publicans is that it contains at least tlvo antl-Goobul Democrats and Senutor Hill, Democrat, Is 111 at homo, with lit tle prospect of getting hero during tho sesslou. With Hill and Goebel not vot ing, the Goebel sonators, uudcr these circumstances, would bo in a minority, t Wit J. BRYAN COMING. Will Xlo a fluent at rnmifylTnnla Iletno CTAtlc Conilnltten Meeting, at llarrliburff. IlARRtsBuitn, Jan. 13 John It. Ril ling, chairman of tho Democratic stato committee, issued a call for a meeting of tho committee in the scnato chambers, Uarrlsburg, at 1 o'clock, on Jan. 23, to flx tho tlmo and placo for holding the stato convention. Mayor Fritehoy received n telegram from Colonel William J. liryan accept ing an invit ition to visit Uarrlsburg on tho dato of the meeting of the commit tee. Tho convention will probably bo hold in Harrisbnrg in March to nomi nato candidates for auditor general, two congressuien-at largo and presidential electors and select eight delegates at large and eight alternates al-largo to the national convention. BRYAN FOR WOOL TARIFF, So Auerted hy Waul Men In Iloiton. Frlendt Doubt It. Bohtoi., Jan, 13, tu its wookly re vlow of tho wool market, tho Boston Commercial Bulletin today said: "Utah correspondents of Bojton wool houses sav (hat they havo recelvcd'por soual assurances from William J. Bryuu that, If elected prcsldant, ho will retain a, protoctlvo duty on wool, having chaugod Ids mlud on free wool." Lincoln, Nob., Jau. 13. William J. Bryan passoil throupli tho city, on his way to Ht. Louis. His tour includes snoBchos in Bt. Ixiuis, Frankfort, Ky., Cinciuuatl and tho Atlantic and Mow Kuglaud states, and will not bo finished until Tob. J. Political intimates, when askod concerning his reported ohango of opinion on tho question of free wool, said thoy could not speak with authority, but nothing Colonel Bryan had said in dicated that attitude, and thoy doubtod tho correctness of tho report. NOTHING SAID ABOUT HIS VOTE. Wltueie Kalil hlteilcte Had Merely Hhuwu Hint Money. WAbitiMiTON, Jun. 18. Thero wero again four or tiro witnesses beforo the senate committee on privileges and elec tions iu conueotlon with the attack upon tho right of Houator Clark, of Montana, to his seat lu tlio senato. Probably the most important witness of tho day was II. II, (tnrr, a member of (ho legislature, who had voted for Mr. Clark for tho senate. He la ono of tho tnou iu whoso name money was turned over to tho stato, Mr. Gtrr said that whllo this money, fl.OOU in 11,000 bills, had beon shown to him by Mr, White side, aud ho had marked tho envelope containing it, Mr. Whiteside had not said anything to htm about voting for Mr. Clark. Statement of a fyelghbor Is to be Believed. Nothing: so Convincing as What Persons Whom We Know and Respect, Say. 'lluie- h nothing so tomlnelng ns tho tntii!ieiit of people whom wo kiieive nml rerpett If jour nrlichiior tells Jem Riiine Ihlng, j on know It U true; no neighbor will elelelin iinolli or. ho Hint Is thn vtnj with Kid up otilx, 'I ho mntijliipnts pf people! UUiig right hero lu Olilei urn published so that jmi may nsk these peoplo nml llnil out (ho grrntlpood Mejfrow'ii Kiel ne eilds urn lining, Mih T. Me(liiiti", SOS tWlteri'oii St., Alliance, I), biij s; "Iluyf sulteieel for tho pnst lour yVnrswlth pain neioss tlio sniiill of niy ljtiek In the legion of my kldnejji, ularb with ox Ileum iicnoiisni'n' MolioW's Kid HP- Olds being so lilglilj';rccoinnienil(Ml I c one hilled to gUo Iheni ii tHiil. I fol lowed thei elliectloiiK tjeisely mid lu u wiy Hlieut time wamftatlrcly reliev ed of nil n ttoulilen' 'j Morion's Ktdiicjimljiuri! not pills, hut jelhm tubkts, npirsell.'jit CO cents a box. Tor Mile a ul djtjtfslorp, uud nt John Lnnip-irtoi stoic Qo'i driij I IY I IB 1 Mulled on receipt of prte;a',' Mnnufac I tured by lohu Morrpw $, Co.. ehomlsts, ")rnllpM o, 'A . . i S PILLS ;The Best and Safest:: : Family Medicine ; TOR ALL ; Bilious and Nervous Disorders ; Sick 'Headache, Constipation,' ; ; Weak Stomnch, Impaired Dl-; ; , gcstion, uisorderea Liver ana , ; ; r-crriale Ailments, ; :The World's Medicine: 1 Annusi sale Exceeds 6,000,000 Boies. J ,0 c,nU n1 ' " "' J ' mcliam's rilU hnvo tho largest tele 0 ! , ",nr Proprietary Mollrlno In too world, and ! tills ttSSXctn achieved T UIlltfua a,J.KttAH ..!.!. M muiyu. ura niuii(.uijuia ui .saiuiiuiiiao KEPUJ3LIUAN LEADEES. tlanna and inhere In Philadelphia to Talk Over Iiatlonul Convention Arrangements. Philadelphia, Jau. 13.-Chalrman Mark H. Hanna aud Josoph H. Manley, of Malnoi II. G. Payne, of Wisconsin, nnd United States Si nator N. B Scott, of West Virginia, who constitute tho snb committee of tho national Republi can committee having in charge tho ar rangement for holding the national con vention hero iu Juno, arrived In this city. f ' The visitors today inspected tho audi torium of the foccut NatlouaVExport exposition in West Philadelphia, whore tho convention will bo held. SULZER AGAIN AFTER GAGE. OCared Anoiher Itecnluflnn Itepuliltcans Said lie Had lleen Anewered. WAsinMJtov, Jan. 13. At tho house session the spoakcr laid beforo tho houso the resignation of John Walter Smith, tho governor of Marylund. Mr. Butzor (N. V.) presented for im mediate consideration n resolution for tho appointment of a special commltteo of niuo members to inestigato the re lations of tho secretary of tho treasury with certain Mew York national banks and tho transactions rolattvo tq tho snlo of tho Mew York custom house. Be foro tho rondlng of tho resolution was completed Mr. Dalzell (Rep , Pa ) ob jected on tho ground that the resolu tion should go through the box In the regular way, "Then I nsk uuanimaus consent," said Mr. Sulzer, "for Us consideration," "I object,"' shouted Mr. Hopkins (Rep , Ula.), and several other RepuWl cans Mr. Grosvonor (O.) moved, that tho resolution he laid on the table. "It Is not beforo tho house," obsorved Mr. Hopkins "Tho ablo roport 0f tho sodrotary of the trl'usury has met all tho oharges It contains " RECOMMENCED AN ADVANCE. 'lteortedl'lteiuliot 6hlo 'Miners Com. mlttee Meeilnf. Columbus, j"aui'13, The Ohio miners received and cdusidored the report of tho scalo'committooi fn executive ses sion hero. Efforts woro made to keep the report socrot, but it was learned the committee recommon clod an advance of 25 conts per ton, n change from the present system of paying lor screened coal to run of mlno, to bo considered equivalent to an alvauco of 15 ceuts por ton. The roport was adopted. Tho con vention Ldoptcd n resolution favoring tho cteutlou of a national defonse fund. LABOR DAY INDICTMENT8. Ohio Supreme Court lloelded They War Not Iuralld. Oolumuus, Jan. 13. Tho supreme court has handed dawn a deoislon in a criminal caso involving tho legality of, certain proceedings which transpired or. Labor d ty, designated by law oj a legal holiday, ' The court holds that "it la rent nnlnnr. fal to hold tho court of common pleas ou inac aay, wucu tuo juuges 01 the pus triot havo i)icd tho,t day for the com mencement of the tormj aud au indict munt found nnd returned by a grand jury impaneled and sword on that day it not, on that account, invalid." Kitted a Woman, Wounded tlliuielr, Mium is-diono, Ky Jan. 18. Tho Rev, Wesley Hall, at Illudmau, Knott county, is reported to havo killed Mrs, Luclnda Isaacs, aeistor of hlsdead wife, and then to linvo shot himself in the ab domen. Physlulans say ho will recover. Sho refusod to marry him. l'ccentrlo Ainerlcitii Woman Head. Palis, Jan. IB. An eccentrlo old American v, omac, known at the United States legation uud consulate for the last 'iO years nudor the namo of Lady Livlngstonu, died here under extraordin ary clrcumstauces, leaving a largo for tuno for unknown heirs. Mercury In tli Droino Seltser, New Youk, Jan, 13 Prof. Wttt- haus, tho chemist, who was recalled In tho Molluenx poisoning trial, testified that from his aualvsls It was probable that Mrs. Adams had taken about W gralus of cyanido Of mercury In the poisoned bromo soltzor. Ton gralus, he said, would havo caused death, Harry Cornish and Mrs, Rogers, daughter of Mrs, Adams, were recalled to tiV.eo the history of the glass in which the poleon Was administered. Klsht Mora Dratlia Tram riacuo, WAKiitNoroM, Jau. 13. Tho state de partment was Informod by Mr, Hey wood. United States agent nt Honolulu, under dato of Jan. 1. that eight deaths havo occurred from the bnbonlo plnguu ut Honolulu sicca tho Lt telegraphic report, Deo 20 last, whloh uunouored threo deaths from that cause. Mr. Heywood alto statos that tho entire cjtv of ilouolulu Is in qaaraiituo. , Ileurlus on Subsidy 11111, WAiiifiio.v, Jan. 13 The sonata comuiittno on oommeroe began hoaringo' on Beuator Fry's bill to promote the commerce llU(j increase the toredgp trade ot tho United States and to pro vide auxiliary cruisers, transports and, kcuuen (or govornment rase when us eetsjry, known as subsidy lll. ' Mrlkrs Trusts Through TaflsT WAhiiiNaTtiv, Jan. U.-J-Reprisenta-tlvo Pcarru, ot Maryland, introduced' 'a bill "lor the suspension of tari(I,duUe Upon Imports wnen their sale or mnn footure are monopolised, and providing for is cominifcelou rm f orbiarn oaxnlmarpa to investigate and repcrt to &' WW dent thereon," -,il Vi$ ; BEEGHAM' i' Likely Scleral Miles Baclj of Colenso Lines. HIS DISPATCH 80 INDICATES. rrouably Within 14 Mllos of General Mhlte'e tlutposte, at I adysmlth Ula Death TJets Krom Ulieaae In tho lte slesod Toirn- Ixdo', Jan. 13. 1 n, m Genoral Boiler's messago announcing his for ward movomont of Thursday is Inter preted as meaning that ho has passed around the western end of the Boor lines at Colenso and is' now soveral , miles behind .them and within 14 miles of General White's outposts at Lady. eiuiiu, j. no uoers, a low days ago, naa forces with guns at Springilcld, whore General Duller datod his dispatch. Throe commandos havo been obviously dislodged, either by lighting or ly ma noeuvres, the Boers retiring across the Tngela as General Bailer advanced. iToiu Goneral Buller's dispatch, counted with tho fact that minfMHni Intelligence from tho seat of war has virtually ceased since Monday, the de duction is drawn that important opera tions aro iu progress, as ho cannot move far without going against tho Boer en tronchnumts. Tho death lists from onterlo fever and dysentery at Ladysmith, averaging from eight to ton dally, are considered moro serious than the casualties of Sat urday's fight, as they indicato the frightfully unsanitary condition of tho beleaguered towu. A lottcr ft om Lady smith, dated Doc. 7, says that evon then HO out of the $40 men in the battalion at whioh the writer was a member wero sick with dysentery or enterio fever and, according trf'tt dispatch to TA Dally Chronicle, dated Jan. 8, the patients aud attendants in Toinby camp, where the hospital is, then nnmberod 3,800. Bnller's message contained tho follow ing: rj h "I occupied Iho south bank of tho fugola rlvcr,-nt Potgleter's drift, this morning, and seized pont. The river Is in Hood. Iho enemy is strongly en trenched about four and a half miles' to the north." An npptrently well-informed corre spondent of The Morulug 1'oit said: 'Tho Boer strength, originally 83,000 mcu, is now heavily augmented by CupeColouU's, and tho enemy's light ing forces may be estimated fairly at 100,000 men and 201 guus. The Boers are not compelled to guard their com munications Their grass is good, the crops uro growing, vegetables, cattlo and sheep aro plenty and game Is abund ant " Remarkable scenes of patriotism wero witnessed lu London last evening after a short service held for tho volunteers in St. Paul's cathedral. Tho vast audi ence was slow to disperse. Ladles stood up on tho chairs beckoning and calling to brothers, sous and friends in tho ranks, tho latter signalling back. A sotno of great animation ensued. The organist introduced a few bars of the national authom iu concluding the vol untary. The cltect of this was magical. First the volunteers and then tho con gregation took np tho strains and tho vast cathedrat was tilled with entnusi-' astio song. The Dnko of Marlborough has boen accepted by-tho waromcc for sortlce in tho i'rausvaal. WILL BOERS AbCEPT HAY1 lyde Bald lie Saw No Reaion Why Call on Salisbury Fxplalned- London, Jan. 13 With rclercnco to a Washington report cabled hero that tho Boers will retuse to receive Adelbert S. Hay, tho new United States consul at Pretoria, became he "was in constant communication" with tho British for eign ofllce whllo in London, Tho Asso ciated Prom is informed that Mr. Hay's communication with the foreign office consisted of a social call on Lord balisbnry. The Transvaal was not dis cussed. In reply to a telegram from Tho As sociated Press Dr. Loyds, tho dlplomatio representative of tho Transvaal, wired from Brussels: "I see no reason why the Transvaal government should not recognize Mr. Bay ns representative of the United States. I urn unable to say more as communication with my government is cut of-" DISPLEASED AT ENGLAND'S DELAY. aerman Offlolal Dlumed Uarban Authorl. tie. l'or It. , Rerun, Jan. 13. There is still great dissatisfaction in Germany at Great Britain's long delay in releasing the Buudesrath and in sending a formal answer to Germany's protest. A high official at the foreign ofllco yotccd the foregoing sentiment when questioned on tho subject, adding: "Apparently the London government has tried to expedito matters, hut the Durban authorities are unduly slow, scorning M be determined to open tho last box of the Bnuelesrath'a cargo, lu order to avoid an admission of error." 135 KILLED AND 242 WOUNDED. Casualties In Bauk and rile at Z.ady. i. smith luidy Methuau's Denial. London, Jau. 18. Tho war office an. nonnced that tho British casualties at Ladysmith Jan. 0, among the rank and llle, wcro lilfl klllod and M2 wouuded Lady Methuen has issued an absolute contradiction of the rumors that Lord Methuen is ill, or that ho was Injured by the falling ot his horse at the battla et Magersfontelnj Faster than ever to California Chicago -Union Pacific & North -Western Line THE OVERLAND LIMITED leaves Chicago B.30 p.m. daily, arrives i uuhj furiustu j, j a arirrnooz or rnra 1 day and Los Angeles early next morn- in. nuinoBsr or cars; an meats in Dining Cars. Duffel Smoking and Library Cars with barber. The best of evervlhtnir. The Paelflr Frnrm leaves 10.30 p. m. daffy. Tourist ' aiecpers even aav and nersonallv conducted excursions every, Thurs day. Illustrated book freeA Call on any agent or address Chicago ft. North-Wcitcrn Hy, J UI,Hil,' rerl IICIm(, . C'Mamlt garuM.. tin it, siM in rat . ei..! eel .(., . . fejeleitrnnmrlMrtM.fefrsn ! - Locomotor rr ' Cured by - Dr. Wiliiams' . Pink Pills , for Paie People BSlrUH'fi'iWWemiC wmw HEW YEAR BEGAN 'WEL1V Euii'i IUfIcw So Noteil.'ilnt Paid Tbcro Whs Still Olucli Uf TIip 1'iuril , I'arlj- ?ar Itesltutlon. " New York, jau. 13 H. G. Dnn & Oo.'a weekly review or trade IfsuoiI to day tuldln part: Tbo hnfllnet of the ne year U-fcins wrti. thouffh thero it UHl much or the usual heslta tlon In hrancho-i whero laatri car huii 1103 wun extroordiuary und prices havo rino greatly some .muio ii UAtur tl, ttinu th nothlnti lnclicate-idocrcrtttio'fionajnjinffliaaositlon cr purchaa'nc poftcir, but thrq 'i tontlnulug tine In wajefl to promotit iivrt w litonotary conditions) hvo grovn viutlor wth tha roturn of $4 OOi 0J0 1 ro-n thtj Intt rlor dulnit thfc w t tic and further dptwitu by tli trrayury and n.or6 liquidation In nomo9t)(-culfttl tftoctc hrttalrtu helped Bnnks ropyrt nn inerQ-vo In their por cont of commerclnl loimimd rutei wero gen erajlr more eaay after (.10 decline announced by European banks t TU? f urnai-trg In hlMlj Jun I woro producing wetkl 20-1,18fJton-o:sp!iUron;asaln8t 2M0X) toniDoo 1. bjit osteyflral had ittoppedonly for the holldtyi andrtheni had started the output now i probably larger than at olther data Itexcocda cAuiumetion at liut iuj Th Iron Ago uhows an Incruuuo of 0,W tone. In un oin ntooi.8, Dnttnomasufacturert. appanintly COlWLUaed durlnc thn Year IS aJI.eil toTiH. ireo small net export lh Pecembor. Thq Increase since WW U aboi)6 f,JW0XJ tohs, pr MJi per cent, Prices changtf 'scarcely any, nor la new uuiiumi asi-iituuaniv Yfvo U not actvo, bar re sptculators or manufaatumrs Inchoate to buy at current prices, though tho good market showi somo advances for the seas-rtf with, a&cellent, trade thuiUr. The effect Upon-the seasons sales cauuot yet bo Judged. "Whtjat has beon slbw to movo, Atlantic ex ports la tw 0 v, ouks, having bee,i only 4 b7(l SJ4 bushels, flour Included agalnife 0,437,10) last ytar, and PaclAc ripotli OU Q03, against 1,5.4 l)511ait year Thoprtctficlosea fraction higher. Corn receipts have hUu fajlen below last year's, though thqejtpdrt-i In two weeks have been 7,UJl te bubslfi, agalatit T.ttfO DID last yi ar, and prUea havo Advancetl aboqt H cent Failures for the weak nave ben 274 In the United States, against 818 lost ysar, and ii In Canada, against ii ?Mt ypar. CONDEMNED BY MALIETOA. Calls rartttion of' Samoa a Crime Occi dental Civilization D, Curo to natives. i,Ki Lomx)n, Jan. mi'-rllalletoa Tanus, in a letter to tho Loudon Times, published here, onoloslng copies of the protests he addressed to tho United States', Groat Britain and Germany against the 8a moan troatlev ciaraotorizedf the parti tion of S.iiiioa as a gross violation of tho treaties and as crime against tho law of nations only equal to tho dismembor niont of Poland; Denmark and France. Ho thinks that If it ts for tho 'great pow ers to promote Wrs and annexations to distract the minds of tho peoples then The Hague conference was the greatest farce ot the century, ,. ,. The writer ajso asserts'that tho clvr iluation Introduced by the great powers in their annexations in the South eeas, Africa and elsewhere, Is inferior to the primitive state tif.the countries stolon, leading to war through breach of faith ou tbo uart of the government omolols ana to tho decimating of tho peoples by contagions diseases and spirituous liqnors. Slshop VVulCUker SI arte (Tor Cnjxi. riiiLAHntriilA; n. iSKlihop' Ozl W. Whlttaker of ''trio Protestant Epis copal diocese of Pennsylvania,' left here for New Vorlt, whence, ho" will sail for Havana. lie is) accompanied by bis wife and the nor. Dr. .POwors of the Keneral church missionary board. IlUhop Whlttaker has under his control tbo missionary schools -of the Protest ant Episcopal church established on that island, and ho intends to make a thorough survey of the ground already gone over and that ) tt to be coverod. . j Germany filiute Off Usltlsereats. -' BkitUK, Jah.'" 13. Ther semlBiolal Korddeulsohe aazetto said the govern ment had decided That It -would not bo compatible with , tflct neutrality to allow war mated ola to bu sent from Germany either to Great -Britain or to the Transvaal, and had roqnes'ed Herr Krupp not to Ornish either. Ho was reported as making eteel shells for Eng land. 'VJ l'ralsed V. S. Vmir aneljM-allen Vn I Berlin, Jan, ill), une; rnet society continued to agitate vlgoroiisly in favor of tho naval bill. " It) latest pamphlet issued deals with "Anlerlciaq naval re generation," prsjislairtbonergy shown aud admiring the) manner in whloh "this joyous, viguroinVnudilvfily nation plauta the Star Spa,ngle4 Bainner in every nook-and t,oruer of tho globj." 1 i" ' '.;' Thlelna; Cathie Sentoneed. New Yon, Janllt.'i-Loivls g. Gold smith, for years altlsjantdaihior of the Port Jorvis (N- Yil'Natioaal bank, wno pleaded entity to- steallurf uOout $100,000 from tho bank, ta(.S aeutpucod tosaiTe eight years in the , renltentlary at Blng Mureletiiia tu prlufc. v u DnBois.'Vi., Janfli Apbart Iplne, 23 years old, ahif'nud WUutly klUed' Steve Oarrl, ibout the same, age, In the Hotel Lafayette 'hf Driftwood. lKane was lntoxioarad.'fiAuictopute.sumo. t. f Ih TV f M ?. -4 This' fa tHe- sworn' statement' ofd a man who was cured. , "My lower limbs eeemed to bo dying losing all sense of outward feeling. The most' excruciating pains made me almost wild with misery and I couldfnof 'stand "alone. I tried elec tricity withjnp avail. Several physi cians gave mq treatment which was not effective. Oncdayl read of.maajwho had Locomotor Ataxia, and was cured byfhe,uso of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills l'or j Pale People. I procnte4 a half dozen boxes, and took thcnV before I was convinced a cure was possible, and finally used one box a week. My pains gradually disappeared, color came back to toy flesh. I could walk, run and jump, end actually dispensed with a fine." v Jocr, Siiobvaker, 'Jiiitor. farmer and Dairyman, North Yakima," Wash. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3d day of January, 1899. JAME3 R. Cob, Caunly Clerk. Dr Williams' Tink Pills lor Tale People contalu, in a .condensed form, all the? tete roents necessary to give new lite anil rfeluids3 They arc an unfailing specific for such dis iu mo iiitiou una resioro sniiitcreu nerves. cases as loeouiotor niaxia, partial psralyi sis. ot. litis dance, ecintlca, ncurulcia rliru- nuiusm, nervous neauacnc.ttie alter eincisor la trrliip-, pnlpltilion of tlio heart, pnlo nnd calioiv complexion, all forms ot weakuccs either In tnolo or female. Dr. WIIIIiitis' Plate Pills ter P'lo People sre never eolttbythodoion orhunttrotl but alwavs In pack ages, Atall OrujtMi, or direct t-om tho Or Wil liams Medicine Cnirpiny, Sehenectid, N. Y., 60 cents pot toi, C toicj "' Viia-.,'Jftifi,t-'r)y, A Hsndsoma Pubilcalion, "Iho mp!ro.ol the South," Istued by the Southern Railway, "The Umpire of the South." n. 2PQ-. page book, hanijsomoly illustrriaJ, with most complete Information ever compiled regarding the South and Its Industries U a valuable nildltlon, to any librdty. ' litis hook is. isstieel by tho South ern Hallway, Iidvlntt been compiled nt it largo expense, and it 1b tho handsomest publication of tlio Kind ovci gottun out. Copy -will bo forwarded promptly to any addtess upon application to, W. A. Turk, gonoral passetigerngent AVashington, D. Ci, 'with lB'conttt to covorpostngc. Hunting and Ashing bookB, "Land of tho Sky" pamphlets, maps and other Illustrated literature mailed free to any nddrosi bv, J. C. lieain. Jr., N. W. P. A., bO AdaniB at., Chicago, 111. O. A. Ilaircl, 210 Fourth ave., Louis ville, Ky. Wm. H. Tayloe, Asbt. Genoral Passenger Agent ouisville, Ky. Ladies' Hair Dressing Parlors . MISS MEYER, Mgr. EDMUND GLAHTZ, Prop. Dolls, Wiesanij Wajcj Cbains made of ladies', own hair for Xmas trade.. ., Trealment of Scalp a specialty. r ' No. Ill Mill Street Between Howard nnd Main sts. Tol. 13139. NOTIOE... For Drt ri. PreKrlptlons, Fuct I Articles ant Clears come to tte Now Drue Stors At So. 1131 S. Mala st, Tel. un ROSS BALYEAT, Proprietor BUY YOUR COAL OF " Oso. H. Ruggle, DEAIM HI Magnolia. Coal. Office: RMec St.j 3 doors east of N. Howard St., near Valley Depot. -Plumbing and Heating. Repairing steam and hot water sys tems and steam fitting aspeotalty. Engelhart fi Eckart an iwiiii Bt. SHAW'S PUItD HALT. Exhllcratcs nnd docs not poison, that's why (doctors dilnktlt. ItiUgood for sick and 61d aiifl vxccllent for young nnd well. Sold by WM. WASIIRIt, 144 South Howard St., Akron, O. We on Cam IDIPIig seokt rrepare """ KOllcs All the dellctcies la sessoa al ways louod ea Ztleao. Restaarsat contacted oa the Eoropesa lsn. FBICZ3 RZA50SABIE. m ATLANTIC GARDEN ? 202 E. Market st. (f J DETTUNG BROS., Props. w fl - Sour Stomach "After I trat ledaed to try CASCA UETS, I will of trbo without tntm to tba boiuo. UT llTtr wai in a verr bad Kbape and my bead ftcbtd aad I bad ttotnaeti trouble Mow tloceUk inx Caioautt. I rl fine Mr ife haialio oied mem who beneflolal reialta tor soar itomach ' j os. Kiucauwg.iWlCoDBrcuet., et-lxili.llo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... insiir lnn, gluts naimi, mt- sis S 3 CATHARTIC - ("TnADB wis Btonrmopjjf' WTWi&9VwsiQueaEr llu hi I A I , MX,Ai ,.--. ,-a 's&At