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mmmmmsmm wmmmmm man uUuim?a .(""M V JjJIj UiHUoAMiyMi !9W SVWWt-p3R'" ""A7S.W Jijfgfl AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1900 JPJJMI1' Tjffiffiftf&Sft n . 4 hfc 0 i . w THE DAILY DEMOCRAT EDW. S. HARTER FRED W. GAYER Editors and Mantgan. ED. H. DE U COURT, Mgr. Advertising Dopi. CIIA8. A. MAllVlN....Ncws Editor rUHLISIIKD BY Tnn Akron dkiioCiiat co. OFFICE: Democrat Block, No. 133 anil 137 S. Main street. Long Distance, I'houo ISO. ornenns and DinKCTons: President JAMES V. WELSH Vice President A. T. 1'AIOE Secretary FUKD W. GAYBIl Treasurer M. W. HOXD Edw. S. Hnrtcr....Dr. C. W. Mllllkln Ed. It. De La Court. , r Entered nt the postolllce nt Akron, Ohio, ns second-class mall matter. Delivered every ctenlng by carrier boy 5 CENTS A WEEK, lly mall ?'.' K0....?t.2.1 for Mr months OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF AKRON. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL No. IOO. BATUrtDAV, JAN. 13, 1000. Keep your eje on tho pronoun! rip per legislation for the gnwrnnicut nt Canton. It Is lietlei prrlinps td lie-nr tlie Ills o limp tli'iu tlee to otlnis wo know not of. NYns-neinncrnt. At nny rate, take the initial of n Well-wishing lwlglilmr and don't lly to tbu lilpaitlsnu Hjstein that talsjjot cms Akron. ,, Mr. .Tames It. (larlleld has made n posllhp nniioiintpnient that ho will riu n candid lie for Congicss to huc coed Judge Phillips r Medina. A Coluinlms paper nnumiucps that l'lill lips Is to be given only one t nn by the "Ilanna crowd." The Medina states man and Henntor Alexander should shake hands. (, Attorney (Jcncrnl Griggs luis re fimcd to employ tho nnli-tiust law In n ciiho ngnlnst n combination nt east ern railroads. Tho only elTeftlio em plojnient of tho null trout law thus far recoided has been ngnlnst labor unions. It Is this law which flen. (liosvenor iiHsurcs tho peopln ilei'iion (trates the sincerity of tho antagon ism of the Itcpublinii pally to lie trusts. Itepubllcan currency legislation will uiHluohtlonably foiio the money epics, tlou ngnln to tho fiont as n Hal ami dominant Issuo ot the -ninnirgn. 'i ho llepubllcans are prcptulng to lock up tho greenbacks, ship tho gold abroad mid leave tho clrculnlliiK medium at the mercy of the national Innks. Tho people will not do n IIiIiik to this pol icy when tley hao another oppor tunlty to enter judgment upon It. The YouiiRHlonn Vindicator rejoices lieintijie that city Is to lumi an euter prfso a new llneoleuni factory which people ran lslt without helng ohllg cd to put on oeinlls A Id on lias had more than u score of such factoiles for years, and has douo lint erj lit tle bragging about It. If Youngstown peopln want to see a llneoleum fac tory with mi up to iliitci eipilpment, hustling management, and expanding business, they need go no 'farther than Akron to llnd It. Tho Standard Oil company hanks In New Yprk city control ll.bil per cent, of tlie toul bank deposits In that city, and 301)0 per cent, of total outstand ing loans, Tho power of such a com blnatlon of capital ocr the lolumo of credit nud of currency In clrculn lion Is Mich Unit at any tlmo half a dozen men could, ag limy did only a few dajs ngo.forco commercial pan ic nud ruin thousands for their own prBt, This situation will not he cured by liming tho ndmlnlstrntlou ut Washington In partnership, as It is today, with monopoly. A natural Incrcaso of pi Ices, when It Affects all forms of proper!) , wages nnd products, Is nn excellent thing for the) people, Tho Democratic party purposes to bring this about by In creasing the nation's volume of cur rency to a point whero prices ot all tblAgtKincasuusl by money, will bo gTRgitrtSeitl stimulated. The Itepubllcan Dollcv Is to "innko money scarce, and there fore dear," and everything else cheap. Thus, low prices- nffect etcrytlilng but the articles controlled by trusts, reason of monopoly and trust favoring laws, arc enabled to rnlso prices to any limit they please. Dem ocratic policy ot today should not bo confounded with the policy of Orovcr Cleveland. Tho administration party Is the only party today that neliociites and practices the trust creating finan cial policy begun by Urocr Clce land. Within the last week the JsWYotk Sun has glicn the Admlnlstintlon's Hank Tiost bill some hard raps and now It Is busy knocking nt bugaboos. "Notwithstanding the suspension of gold payments hy tho Unuk of l'rnneo unci Its use of sltcr loin only In meet ing the demands of its creditors," says the Huu, "tho piemluni on gold colu In Tails has fnllcu to one tenth of 1 per cent nfler liming In en, for n little while, one-ilfth of 1 per cent. Yet there nre would he nnaucleis among us who insist that If a sllurlte Ad ministration should surpend goldpaj ments and paj out on!) slhei dollars, tho country would nt once he phcid on n silt or hasls! ' This htigahoo Just knocked our by the Huu was a fi orlte In the uniisitallj Inige and i.uo collection exhibited fiom the Canton pore li to uvte stricken multitudes four )cais ago. It looks as It tho Sun Is beginning to shine ng.iln. "Hie still lllng liiciense In the pilco of tails, holts, Iiuih, nails, beams and lion and Wtol piuducts geniinlly is bound to hao the seilous unw quenco of chicking enlerprlnc. No one caies to build when building mateilils cost J0 to 7." per cent mole thin they did u year u go Ho the unction that is bound to c onto In these pioducts will not he an unmixed c II It will hurt tin eiimpnnli's that hae been moieiipltiil- r. ' 'I iHHiee- t "Eros Iwitfo lleld foitli estimates aiftl inomlscsjiaaed on uupiccedentcd and hunehtly capitalized will go light on miking inQUp'fur their stockholders." 'lhls paragniph Is fiom Tho Stock- holder, olio of the lending llimncfal Journals, of Wall Stieet,-a Journal wl(Ieh iioliody will chaige with lion I- Ing cnlamlt,for political effect. It scorns to hno the situation sized up about , light. Whin trusts nilso prices, iiitiaviigantly high simply be cause they Jiiuo a monopoly of pro duction, without coriespondlng ad Mintages, being enJo)ed by tlie people-, It doecn't, talco long to piohlhlt the comminptloii 6f nrtlUcs uuuufactuiid b) IhO'tiusts I. 0F. Officers Elected For Another '..Year's Work. Couit I'llilty' Coiiipanlons of tho In- ilejit ildc'llt Older of I'ousliis, lime cleileel tin! follimlng olllceis: Court dopiitj, Muiy Acl.ei; chief ranger. Allll I Ylllldellioof: hl elitnf rnnn.r Hiittl'u liumn; luinillng secietai), Einnui Ili-ndeii llnniiilnl secietaiy, Ll7ln Wibjlit; (niisiuer, Nettle Sliutti tintoi Anna lliuk; eirganlst, Mary llolehM'j seiiloi) wniilen, On Hie (llllio; Junior wilielcn, Cuia Me Milieu; senior In mill', Olii I'lfer; jiinloi beadle, Msr- tlu Aktil) Jihjslcliin, l)i, K O I.ebei innii; tnisees, Veaehlla .Mellancv. Cnr- ilo Cooknui tlnanci-, Caulo Cockllu and JlaYy Uqldei, 'tho olUiers will be lustnllnl .Inn. 2el nt Willi li tliue n Itiiiiiiuct will bo seru'd to tho iiiembi'rs, OL-AIRVOYANT ntuiirAuy "" biiuging mis mi. eitlsemeiit nud M ceni ei,u ..,i- no liii(T,than Kntiiuhi), to sir rrnncls Hart, tio illsllngiilslHil Occult Dlng iiostlcun CIaiMi)iint nud I'nlmlst llialei-.'inay ieinult him lecawllnc ail) tiling past, prene nt en fiituie. This Hclcntttlu utiug aeliNcr Is not like for- liiuo te((eis, who aim In niniisn J0, HIi rranels Is lueUiiseil bi iiuimliiiMit anil sclunttte people who hao been belpid by hla nppaiently dllno pow er. Ho tells oti Just what )ou want. ,lso what )ou may vxptit legarellng nay ntie oif iitDlnbu. how to eontiol nii)i)ne.nn I smceeeld in join eleslieslu lene, uuirilogn, dhorce, lienllh, busl in ss, ro-uulthiK M'jnrated, situations, law nuitk, pinpeily, lo-unlllngsiparat-l couples, fjiinll) nlTiilis. Diseases and druukoiniess cured without inedl clno or iu?ery, iulck and sum or no piy; mi luiiueiiee. ii'inoMsl.lost nffec tlons testprvd, tilings tltu sepaiated together uud tnuSts speedy imd lmppy uiaiihigu with the onu )ou lmu b) pioper adylcc-i locates lost propert) or filciidi); also lucky elates ami hhih beis. Actually tj!s full nniiu'se of thoso who cull fqr consultation fieo. Do not call for amusement, Hut if in double COMB uud bo nelilsed and helpeej to success. Hours S n in. to 8 pul. plllco nt Tho rinnkfort, 317 East Maiket St., opposite now gou'in- ment !uiielng. nilois arranged so you meet no strangers. Ladles' maid in nttenditnco, All leadings after this week ?3 to S0f' Auiviis-r . . . "One Little Word' and Three or Four Moro "Buy a 99 In the language of a pi ano dealer for the last two months !'.'' 220 South Main street. A ONE-TERMER. Tha,t What Congressman , Phillips Will Be After tho Convention Votos Aro Counted Next Summer. While III Columbus Tuesday Mi. t. It. (lailhld said ho would positive ly bo u caiiellelatn against Congress man riillllpH for the Itepubllcan nomination In tho Tncntlcth dlstilet. It was through thu iuslrumentiillt) of Hpeaker lte)nolds thut (Initleld wns elefcaled for llio nonilnutlon two jenis ago and that Juelgo ridlllps was noiulunted. In letuiu for tho administration Intlueuco In behalf of his candidacy foi speaker Judge Ilijuolils Is tiy Ing to leilprocato by exerting his In lliieucu In behalf of Out Held sn)s the l'tess I'ost, It Is the Intention of the ltnnnn crowd to innko n oae-termer'of Con givssmaii l'hllllps, and Om lleld Is their finorlte. C0IV1M1SS10NERS Discussed Franchlso Matters Meeting nt Dayton. Comity Coiunilsiluner K. I. I'llllus lepotts that tho meeting of County CiiiniulsHloni'is nt I)ii)toi "wns lu eery wnj u pronoimiiel suicess nud was luteiestlng ami liistiuc'the fiom stall to llulsli, Tho most Interesting subject discussed was tho giantlng of fiitiiclilscM which eamo up In tho reguhii ipiestlon box. One county ii'poitisl that it was (cieling nuuual ly from companies within Its bound ?.li ii mile of tiuili; another county was leeelilng JJ5 and soMial le ech eel lump sums. There aro coun ties nlso that piohlhlt tho companies from i tinning thvr cats across count) bilelgis mid nialces them build tlulr own bridges. Tlio money brought In by thoso iinntinl pa iiieuts.Captaln Hnney snysj Is used ns u loud fuuel for keeping the high way along thu Hint of tho Jracks lu repair. , ' How' This? I We oner Oat Hundred Dolln Itowurd for U.ey.B0tSut0ru.t,' Cann0t 0Ure b J. F.OlIKNBYAOO.. 3"! nndsriljnod, liav. Vnowa 3. P. Cheney for the la.t l& jrenr,Hnel believe him perfeotly honorttjle In il bu.tneM Mf.n,"',"?,,, nnsnclslly b o to carry ToJeelo O UAX, vVbofv.iji,, WAL'uiKO, KINNAN 4 .MAIIYIN, ..V.a" iPat?.rr "urn u teJieaitnternslly, Mtlng directly upon the blooet uid macoiie! ffili SS.' , 5.1" " m- rrioe tec per bottle. Bald by oil drugiuti. fetllmonldi free. uiiia f.mti-rnii . - .Tr :t - wt twuii; a till i m tu? btn 3 1.1 . Piano GR h GIGANTIC Railroad Trust Includes All Local Lines. Every System Between New York and Chicago In It. ; A trust, Including the railroad s)s- tcnis operating Hues between New York nud Chlengo, Is belngg formed. So far have negotiations progressed that tho combine Is assured. Tho tesult will bo that lates. axed by the Joint Tialllc association, for bidden by the supremo court of the United Btntes Court, will bo enforced by a combination of gient capital. Tho Vanderbllts nnd J. Plerpont Morgnn aro behind tlie deal. The trust Includes nil ronels owned or operntcd by the Penns)lnnln, the D. .1 O. aud the Drle. All the Akron Hues aio In cluded. The II, & O. load has nbsoibed tho Clo eland Teimlnnl & Valley nud tho Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern. Theie Is little doubt, liurwcr, that tho I'lttshuig & Wistein will fall In to tho hands of the Ilaltlmorc & Ohio nnd leccut iinuounicMneuts seem to ludlcato Hint the Xoi thorn Ohio Is to full to Its lot, nlso. Theie mo u f w enir.ll lines In this territory which 1 ie not been mention ed Iiijthls list of eousolldatoel prop el ties.. Home of theie hnc been tak en cnio of while others nie still run ns separate) pinpeitlcs. These are, howeier, of no gieat gcueial Import- nnie.and cien It lift alone would ne er be able to create any great fato dis turbance; As the m itiitennnea ot intes Is what Is uliued at, either the absorp tion or the omission of these roads would haio tio effect one way or tho other. BAD BOYS Destroyed a Large Amount Valnablc Proporty. Broke Into Diamond Pottery and Smashed'Stone Waro. A ease colled 'to tho attention ot tho giand Jury' which was Iguorcd, comes from Ilnst Akiolf. Th;c, plant of Jytv, DInn)oiiiu I'otory Cointiaii)is loohtbel' lu tho Llttla'Cliy ohoga Valley 4near tbe O. I', &.'t, (racks; For rpinei time It has, been Idle. ; & A gang of boys h.-uc taken adMii) tuge of this fact, ami lumi proceed ed to wieek a gieat deal of inluablo piopcit). 'iliey liaic, during tho past few months ennui el n Ipsa aiiKiunlliig to ?.10tl Wlnelows liumi been broken by tho wholesale. Kot satlslle-el with tills tho bojs forced Sin intiauee Into tho plant and smashed u luge amount of green wale. On one occasion the wnlchman ntteiiiptod to ealeh sinne of the) offcuelois. Thoy weie In hiding. When ho entered the building the bo)s sneaked up to the dom which they locked. Do wusikept a pilsoner for some time. Therei was not sulllcleut enlilenco against nuy one ho) to warrant tho return of an Indictment. NEW RULE. Lost Articles Will Held 30 Days. be If Not Called For They Will bo Given to Conductors. A new nile has been established liy tho Northern Ohio Traction Cqmpnny, Heretofore all lost articles nicked up on the ems by conductors lm been leturned to tho otllce. Tho nrtl cles weio kept for an ludcllnlto time. Jinny were never called for nmj a Milled collection of goods has been stored uwii) there. Under tho now order the nitldes will bo liold !I0 da)s. If not mile el for, In that time, tho con due tor who mailo tho llud will be giv en possession ot tho article. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, thai ninrvelou medicine for throat and' lung trou bles, quickly relievos and euros, the painful breathing nnd dangerously sounding cough, Indicative ot con gested lungs. No other' remedy Is Its equal. 28 AMUSKMKNTII iHHBUjjF.pKlf,' GRAND OPERA MytNACtCU UnilCET I MopdntEv IVVUb euiug. JN. 15, Tho llensbaw-Ten Broook do.( lli( "Dodge's Trip td Hew .york'5 Baturdsy, Jan. 80, Btettl'on'il 'Vfiole Tom'g Oabln. ' jf mu T " ft SCOUNDREL Played on Innocence Of Young Girl The Officers Investigating. Case Called to Attention of Sheriff.' Fortune Telling Fakris Will be Driven Out. Large Sum of Money Secured From Wurking Girl. "As long ns human nature Is ns It Is theie will bo cases of this kind," once remarked a Judge. Ho was deallug with a caso where an "Innocent" had been swindled by a i'fakcr." If tho Judge's remark bo true.ilt's safe to assume that swind ling will continue as a permanent custom, Ociaslouail) Just occasionally an Akron cltlzon gets swindled. Hut ns n rule they are wary. Tho worst cises of fotliiilztiin; nre usually connected with such fakes as fortune tellers and epilck fortune deWees. City olllclals hne ueier looked kindly on sllckiliidhldunls who wish to locate here to describe to the people what they are, what they should he and what they will be. Akron's ofllckils hn)o confleleuee In tho people nnd be lieve they know' their Individual bus iness eiulte as well as thu moral ele b tuclice, w hose boIo aim Is "coin." So nn nctho campaign will bo conducted hgalnst theso sorceiers, nnd HI will ho tho fortune of the fortuuo teller who hereafter visits Akion with tho Intention of doing a h)puotlc swind ling business. Ills actions will bo carefully watched dally, and if be df gresses from the proscribed, rules Jds punishment will be dire and acute. This icsolutlou has been suggested by repoits connected with past otents, but toelny, It seems thnt a taso Is being do) eloped against u fortune toller who Is now doing buslnrM lu this clt)'. Ills actions hae been called to tlie attention ot Sheilft Kellv, who will giro the matter thorough luvcttga tloii. It Is snld tlie aitlst In ipiestlon e lnlius to be In league with some hid den, in) sterious power by which he inn, tell to tho enct day when a youiig person will be iiiuiiled. It costs money. lion titer, to llnd this out. Tho beauty of a joung )onutu doesn't excludo her flora pn)lng the price. This extract ot Iniquity Is not lu tho business for thp loo of his fellow man or worn nu, either. Ono of tho reports In circulation is that by cunning artillco nnd gross im position on n weak mlud ho not only secured ?7 cash from it )oung woman, but dellled her character. Ills ttrst demand of her wns for $100. This sliej did not lmu, but gavo him tho $7 all tho money she possessed. This Is but ono case. Not long ago, ono of these fortuno tellers seemed $IG0 fremi n working girl. Ho then skipped from tho city. These scouudrols must go is the or der Issued. At The Grand. One of tho best fnrco comedies of the season, presented by n company c?f fnre'eures, which Includes two of tho best farcical artists on tho American stuge.John H. Henshnw and Mity Ten Bioeck, will ho presented Ilea- Moudny night nt tho Ornnd. "Dodge's Tilp to Now York" Is tho nnnio of tho farce. Clean and wit ty with plenty ot action, catchy mu sic nnd ii laugh to ociy line, Is ns (food it definition of "Dodge's Trip to New Yoik'' as can bo given. If It wcro different, John D. Hcnshaw would not be playlug It. Ho Is not on earth to uiako people thluk, but to mako them laugh, nnd ho does that. Miss Ten Ilroeck's mission In llfo Is the same. It Is this fact that has nindo theso comedy artists such fav orites lu New York. Tho flu do ecle people) nro frivolous nnd want to laugh; Hcnshaw and Ten llroeck had nil New York laughing during their stay at tho Casino nud tho New York, and In their present tour they wllj mako nil peoplo everywhere laiigh, for lu "Dodge's Tilp to Now York" they hno n laugh provoking v chicle. Dr. Butl'i Cough Syrup cures Ibi worst cold n a day; stops tho running pf tho nose; breaks the fever and ban. Jahes all tendencies toward pneu monia, It Is the quickest reliever oqaoureroi uiroac ana lung ais- (fa ,-'- -.- yjthrtirf .. .-v . . .. I THE PUBLIC RESPOND , Our 20th Annual January Cleaning Up Sale! ....OF.... Overcoats m Tnwhnt fho MnfMnn. I,,i.-. .. M v.vv.....n Mujca wuiu ffl prices Wfl are quotlner Dlenses ono She.niJj305t,Jtd,wt?,fyllneea tt Sult- Overcoat, Top Coat.Undetweittr, tlata, Cons and Qonts' Furnishings. All now, stylish, reliable toothing. Tho low prices stamps tbom as tho greatest bargains over offered. r Big 134 Clothing House OLDSTEIN & OO. Groat January Clearance Sale CLOAKS AND CAPES M REGARDLESS' OF COST , M. D. Brouse, Arc,. 'I0; -- i 1 jiBBftMiBPIy i'Vy 3 ! Poor Soap Cannot Fino J?atries without possibility of ruining i Eieotric crip 2 Forale by all Oi For Vashine RnliRQbrBSB9'l9nrfliH Kleanit Manufacturing Company AKRON, O. YOD WANT Good BREAD CAKE? ROLLS Ot all IzlpetB. 1n'fo the best inado for your linpney, . The South an'St.iBakery rroducesuporbj;ooil8,nia a trial will convliice'j'you.i'rherB is none better. Try our ,i tioine-made bread, white ahcl ryo broad, fresh overy day. CakOR, foils, pies, doughnuts. w 3ErOIAt- NO'T'iOB Corn Heal Brcsl evtry'WeilnescIay and Saturday. .All telephone orders promptly de-i llrcred by our nvr tiellrecy wagon. G.H.HBINTS(kMAMgr. Kubltr t'JjecJ;BicJc 500 S. Maja ftfytf j JTel, 85r 'I '. J,1 I-irtSNnKYffj .-3.. and ...... uiH . m, . . j.iuuiu iur. iiio groat; sacnuco nnel nil. Vnn tnno . h.,,e Agt. Full Line of Skates Sleds Roasters Carving Knives Nickel and Graniteware A full line of Hardware In fact all House Furnishing .Hardware. m JOB WORK A SPECIALTY Pouchot, Hunsicker&Co. a '310-218 B. Main St. Clean injuring thom. Avoid any your clothes by using only ,' MADE BY AKRON SOAP CO. XAflrtdovs Tho only thing that 1ms over readi ed tho holght of perfection is KUEANIT Cleans quick, easy to rub oft', contains no crease, nover scratches, will clean anything. Try ono cako at your grocors or writo RICH & OO. 411 S. Main st. Ishe placo to get your shoeing done. They have ocr 7,000 shoes lu their shop and will do j-our work on short notice. Call on Itich & Co for Uorscshocluff. '"'rfiglfljftr &VU .. ..VWI"ny,1l. -J.iIJ? pjpw iin mi inning -" '- lUlimW niMfiymj-wiiiit . ,JiT . -i tffHH J1rt"! ij.1HH yWAJEMejE A,.-4 M sviiSitt fi iriJ( . I'di'Ad1 Lv "ii i " - iViia "n - i. ,hj i .... t.j " fir.L 'j ii tr . x it. ttat . r.ii '. ru e . LmL.'w L -mVCZ.! .-T. n IV J- hi .s -K Ay, j." . 'i' T I WJiiriTr iTM " r -t i!-JA