Newspaper Page Text
txtrnmMmaMKMK ISttHUttIMBi'TIMF'Mt 'ssimsi'i mmm F&jAltif wM-iv-ww111 -& mm ywfvus 'ktIvw v'lWIVl AiCKOJT DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATUKDATV-.iTANTrABY 18, 1800 &', I: L IN f. I' ir fl ! B (fl l' HI "''-t 'A '50 - Akron Men Will Race. Weise and Rankin Pre paring For the Trip. Simms Benefit Was a Great Success. Will Not Moot Jack Farroll at Nilos. The Bell Saved Kid McCoy Local Sporting News. Two Akron riders Mill compete for rich prizes otTercd uh-yvlu lutein Ht tho ;nrls Ilxpiwllloii. .Tolin Wlcse mill .Tames Unnkln. tlto fnstcst team In this section, mo now making nriangonients tor tlie trip, They will meet some of the woilil's glentcst rlileis. Their Mends In Ak ron, ami they are legion, pieillet a Trent nidus future for the joung men. SIMMs- ni:.Ni:i'rr, The crowd In attcnilaiico upon the benefit Riven Fildny night by (he North End athletic as'oeliitoii for Ait KlmniK was estimated at 3.10. Keats for 1!00 weio niiangeil. All vver till ed nnil a largo munlicr worn obliged to stnnd. The clear piollls of the af fair exceeds 5100. -The heat of order prevailed. There were seven spnirlng lioutB.put On na follows: Flist-WIIIu Mullyuu quit Eddie I o party, 15-year old 'Akron Jmjs, four rounds. ' Sccowl-llcmy f'lulstliin, colored, and "Hilly" ivtilch, both of Al.inii, four rounds. This was a lively hunt, Iu tho second louiid Christian was knocked doivii twlm and Dctrlch once. The other renin's wcie not marked- liy liupuiliint feiiltnes. Third One-iomid-iuircl-hmit, ho ',wcen Frank Morgan nnil Hurry Jen kins of Akron, Fourth on round lielwccn liefer ro Ed Dunlvorst, Clevclniid.-iiud'tloo. Rogers, Akron, tho Utter colored. nttli.-Jon MiiMlrld, Cleveland', mid Jack Palmer. Aknui, imir loiiinU, lloth exhibited i lever ti tilts. Slxtli-(lcorg Church, IluiMIci, col ored, and (feome .Hchriioilcr. Akmn, four loiiuds, t'lintley o llonnell, of Akron, was to hao met t lunch, lull it was Impossible for him to he pies ent. The colon d liny Is ih'ier, and as Kclliaeiler Is nut .'Xpeilenccd, his dusky little oponnent merely gnvu ii light vxiilhllhiii of points. tiiiveiith Ml Hliums, Akion, nnil u ww mmorjauaMM! , What do the rwAvn i willtUI CUB Drink? Don't (jlvn them leu or (oUce. IIo jou trlwl Hid lifw food nriuk callod OlcAlN.O!' It h lelleioiia nnd notirHiluR uiul tiiLcn tho pliuo of t otltu. Tho moto flruln-0 jon flo tho cliillrea thu iiiuro lionlil. jon ilhtnh. utu through tin ir nyiienm. Qniin-0 U iniuto of pun) erolns, and whra prop.rly prepared ioh liko tho cholm urnlosof rolTeii hut nV-ont na mwli. All croccrs Mil It. lCo, nml '.'5o. Try Grain-O ! Iniiit tli st your nrwrr rItc you (UtAlK.O 9 Cures "Colds" In any part of body. 1 Ht. AHYi nuvhlnnithniir. n ii iimh iwi nm ii mm Dr. Fenner's GouRh Monov Wbrc otlii-f nillclno rll HiU will brinaS f fr Urlp.-CoUU. Ulfutimuin. lrou; t,W K P I ."v1""'-!:. 1 m liiiiusiiu, ii li'JMI'llltr. UK" HJ 1' 1 t v .V r.A V V Bltud most i play most elfcctlvclv o cr 3fcttive ccene vhcu thrown i'bv waicn caudles. Tho lijjlit .that liclslitetis beauty's charm, tbntgiveiitlie liulsllcd touch tothedraning I room or dining room, is the i jacuow giov7 oi 'Sold In all colors and tUudcs to harmonize ivith uny interior W"u(MtureiJ by P. STANDARD OIL CO. 43 WfWn urn i n mi i nu,uiwas ,.1t . , i'iilii l1IWnlW IWHWinw llM UjtMvriMm J '. f; UUsl LI eftsyu tiaJnfflK ' Ii i i idVK'. Urn WMX Brit 'H -1- B mw 1L In NJMf MBS v m;1 i Mm i "-!& -lMlIiIl 'mrm mm mss, rTmmmitmmmmm wmgz: sfe s,. Am0 viv mm&mMmmzryWMm ai VT.fLT"ii r w 'iiiiiti. gjaaw tvt n. r uMuiM,1'UTUflWHkTukt:.'u v ',httcwmt PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND : STRENGTHENS RACKED MBW, Adjt. S. W. Groomes, 140 East Jones St., Dayton, Ohio, wi ites: "I had ereat relief from Palne's Celerv Comnniind lust nprptnw wniin vn In Columbus I took a heavy my head for three months. . ...j. JCV.MJ V.UIHJJUUI1U. ii iuw auutnuK m my ucuu was ioon gone, ana i nave cel ery Compound alone to thank for my cure." Suffering has its first effect upon the nerves, When the body is not sustained by nerve ener gy; indigestion, slow circulation of the blood, anci an impoverished system result. Denny OallnKhei', Chnchind, six rnuiids. Denny Is a good boy, and clever In feint ., hut ns unnblo to make nmeh of a show with Alt, InlerspeiHluK tho prPKi-am several selcitlous were sunn by tho ff, J!. A. A. illiarlel ciuiipiioi'd of .Messrs, II. 0, Htephemi, (list tenor; I'lank Heeley, second tenor; .Mllo Williams, b.ultone; 1'rcd riilunul:, buss. The loferce, IM Dunkorst, who lasf spiliiK I'mwht -'.'I iouuiIh wllli (Ins lliihllu, mid who Is mulched tn meet Ituhllii iiRiilu at (huluuall, In tho tlrst week In H'Vliiuiiiry, e.xpr ssed lilmself us tieliiB well pleased nlth thu c(cn. Iiik's enlerliiluuieiit. ItopiiilhiK' -Ills uiich lth ituhllii, he said: "linn conliileut of v limine 1 now Wi'ljjh -M pouuiN, hut will K" Into tho llHK at lilo, I haM' uhiiidy lie- guu training, mhl will woik hard to Ki't In fsniulvforui," He says Minims will win the llRht with While, and ndded, "I feel sure that he will bn the uet I'JH pound champion of tlio wo'ild." OfJucI; JNilnier, Iiiiiikinl niIiI; "Ho liuido n k'ood HliimhiK Willi MaMleld, and I predh'l n futtue fm' him." HIMMH-WIMTI! fHXTi:s'l Local sports ale Iu '.'nml hplrlls oer th( pripei;ts of sccmlin: the, Hhiinis While llpht. If they succeed, ncconb hii! to ilostgmi, tho i;n will lake plate III the (liaud iipern house. Tim Xoith Dud Athletic Asnoc.itlim nlieady ns- silleS a puso of .iiKI, In of lour lecelpts. Tim in.itler will bu de- chhd himiii. HI.MMH DIIAWS COI.fllt I.IN'1). Alt Nlmnis has i.uiieleil his en- Hiiiiement with the Nlh-s Athletic club. Ho was 'to hao met link 1 'an ell thelo on .hill, "il tor a inile of $1'.1U. Hlnce his iiccvjitiimii of the niTer he has teaiued that I'nni'll Is a lii'KI". Minims draws the mlor Hue and for that reason lie to lle up to his uKi'ceinont. Denn Dall.iKher, tlii well Known Jilsh llfthi welsht, will taho HIuiiiih' idnie. ri,()oui'.ii roi'it Tim i:s. Jvld Mct.'oy pit the decision iium .loo CJiiiynik) In a limit which lilted three louiuls at tho 11'o.idway Ath letic club l'llday nli;ht. 'hoynskt would have had tho Unlit in the sec ond found wore It not fur an accident as to the, tluie Ueeplnt;. He had Hour iil tho Kid four times, hut tho time keeper nulled the bell as MU'oy wn counted for flic limit or ten hcioiid, and this saved Urn Kid from alwoluto defeat. ChoynskTs nionds piotesled tiKorously.hut lleferco Johnny While, well Luowhii,' that tho round was ilioit by mnuy hccoikIb, hloud by ihe olllclnl tineU-epei' and mdered the men lo continue' when the bouic iuiik ugnlu or the opinlns of tho thhd round. ClioynaU's cleverness outpointed and outshndowed all of McCoy's tlcned liner wotk. McCpy Uiivlna cseaptid defeat Iu tho ftiv C)Jt)ir..J)A cold that resulted In the grip. No medicine seemed to do me second round was again lucky In tho third, as the blow wl(h whlfh ho scut Choynskl down nnd out wa delivered almost two seconds nfler the hell had i ling for tho completion of tho thhd round, There was n Breiit dell of nolso In tho unilrtlou; at thq tbno tho Konfi'soiiuded, nnd pndonbtedly neith er hcaid the claliR of the hell. Iu tho noitheaslcrn petition' of tho build Iiik theio was a liunult, emmed by ono of tho spectntoi-H dropping 'deiid. Tho man was ny much excited during Hi" bout, nnd expressed himself free ly ns to .McCoy's being out before tho liell rang. Ho slid from b,ls sent dead as the bell sounded for tho beginning of tho third round. Col. Jllko J'liddon, HnicUoeper for -McCoy, said aflerwnids tWithn round was clipped by forty seconds; that McCoy wns groggy and practically oiit'when (he gong rung, Chojiiskl, whllo feeling fcitlicr sore, said that he had no fault, iu flml with thu leferee, and In -n conversation with the later, excjneiatvd Vhlto from all blame.i "I had him licked god und sine," hnld Choynskl, "and had the time keeper acted right, I had. .McCoy out. llowou'r, I am satisfied that nothing was done by either tho leferee or of. Ilclal timekeeper "with an Intention of doing mo n wrong. It yas nn unfoi-. tunato thing that thu tlmnKhoiilil bnto been inlMiilcidnled, as I hud won und won clevei ly." After tho bout Cl0nh and McCoy signed arlli Ifi to meet agnln under the same conditions, tho bout to tako pliieo at the llroadway Athletic! club on 1'eb, ''il. Mr. and Mrs. I,. C. Miles, of AMon, Ohio, aiilied hem today, Mijsa M'nsh. Inglon special. Jr. .Miles Is nil e. Trensiuer of Summit county, nml a foinier p.iilncr of Colonel Die Is. Ho called on the latter today and at lie publican headnuailers. Mr. Miles n,i ho Is one oi tho f.!iv men from Ohio who Is not heio looking for n political Job. With Mis. Miles ho will lemaln hero a few d.i,s,nr,d then go on to OTHDlt'l'lMli HIHJ'S. These might bo" I'Hhlps tlint nnss to the Nght," and pelhips riot, lint that Is the subject of j)r. Drolmck's sei - inon Hiiiid'iy morning at tho First MelhodlM chnnh, Ho will nl.o siionK atniiaf.crunonlncc.tlrtgfor.neuVnl' in ::;n on "An Unrighteous 1'cnce." Thu evening setMcn conimc'licci at :yn, conducted by Dr. I'lohock, SJcats fie. All luvlt.d. tfOFAi til nm'muin &&i JxiKi, w iBfla (KB a gin for'L'iiilnVlf,?'0'1' "" """Oim Proalratloo anil all Ule70, ot toe genitlM oriouioj either ex, suoa as Nervous I'rostrallon, l'ilnii oi l!St fiinhood l ' - i?CS''V.?.S?IL?'.y'i'4iJ (S!sftw:KSfiSsSSSS ' fea." j Jgt-f t.T &t M.'ll''i'IILli I suffered Intense pain with any good until I began using LONG LIFE Was Ended by Death. Mrs. Mary Josephine Dunbeck Passed Away At the Home of Caspar L. Kempol. Mrs.Josephlne nunbeck died rrlchiy night nt the hoiiio of her daughfer, Jlrs. Caspar I,. Kempol, I III Talk l'lace. Death was due to pneumonia. Mrs. Dunbeck was born April I, lS'Jt, and at the tlnio of her dentil was 78 j ears of age. She was a" untlvo of (iennnuy, and at tho ago of nic jenrs, came to America nnd with her parents, located at Drle, I'u. Here sho lcsldcd lieaily all her life. Her hits, baud, I'hllllp DunhecU died six .veins ugo and since that time .Mrs. Dunbeck has visited with her children. Threci weeks ago she came to Akron for u lslt with her daughters Iu this city. They nio .Mrs. C. f JCempel, Mm. IJ. V. I'llueger and Mrs. John Yager. All were present at her death. Mrs. Dunbeck leaM's seven chlldien, :i." grandchlldien ami (1 great griimb children, Itesldes the ones nlren'dy named, the children me Mrs. Jacob Simmons, Mis. .loM-ph Hower, and llustnvo Duubcck, or Drle, Ta., nnd Joseph Diinheck, of Depnw, N. Y. When quite joung Mis. Dunbeck leeched a mcio fall, causing Injur Ion' which iniidn her a crlpplu for life. Through all her long jears of p.iln and I'lilslcnl depenileuce, she wns nlwavn 'I'eerfnl and happy. She was a kind, devoted and lining 'mother, and en joyed the fileudshlp of n host of no. iinalntances. Mis, liuiibccl; was', n doMiut Ciithollc and a member of fit; Marj's chinch In Drle. The icmnjip wl" ,,n ,"';i'" '" 1:il M"U'!a5' nll'l Ui f""cral wl" l' held Monday. ' ' .. .i ,...,.... T2. V . " "l" Z" ...." "' '. . P ' ""- r""-' " , ,10Pnow f "on A. I'ai-dco, the dlstln. gulshed Itepiihllcan politician of I.ou Mana.-Colunibus Dlvp.itch. I uxx amrimfra ,. AM JUXIVXln TWn -r-"-.-r.m ' - .'. rjiV. PERSONAL NOTES. Tho third annual ball of the Jour neymen Tailors' loenl union, No. 42, was held Thursday evening nt Music hall. A fair sized crowd wns in at tendance. Music 'was furnished by Prof. Lantz's orchestra. Committees were: Arrangement O. liY. SIclhani or, J. McTammany, Geo. McSwccney, F. Franklin, Louis Pahle. Iteccptlon C. Evans, Geo. McSweenoy, S. Trag- lcr, J.. Franklin, J. Johnston. Floor 0. W. Slelhamcr, 0. Evans, Geo. Mc- Sweoney, S. Tragler, J. McTamninny. D. F. Kaup of Tiffin, Division freight agent of the B. & O. is in tho city. Twenty young people, friends of Clyde Oir, gathered nt his homo Thursday evening to celebrate his 21sl birthday. The evening was pleas antly spent with games, music and singing. Mr, Orr wns presnted with a silk umbrella ,n gold ring nnd a hook of poems. Lunch was sertcd nt 10 o'clock. Mrs- S. C Thlnney entertained fflonds Thursday afternoon. Cards wero a pleasant feature. Light lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Miles are In tho edst! He is visiting the larger cities In the Interest of tho Akron Cereal Co. Sir. nnd Mrs. J. L. Crist nnd Mrs. Mary A. Kng of Dast Orange, N. J., ar,o the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. T. Ar lington Smith, 087 E. Huchtel Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Smith nnd daughters of Cleveland wero the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Arlington Smith of .'87 E. Iluchtcl Ave, this week, p Miss Ella 1'ranklln, of Quyahoga st, entertained a party of her friends nt her home Inst Thursday evening. Mu sic and gamps Tt ere enjojed. Refresh ments pencil. Mr, A. J. Hnrth, of Doylestown, was In Akrpn yesterday. The dance given by the students of Buchtcl colicgo In Militant hall 1'rl- day ovenliig proved n highly enjoyn blo affair. About 00 couples wero presenti Tbp guests were received by pr. and Mrs. Ira A. I'riest, Dr.'und Mrs. C. V. jolbc nnd 'Miss L. Eluilo Warner, The dancing, comniltteo Is composed of W. 13. Hardy, Hnrry Ruwrll nnd Fred Huddleston. Mr. D. II. M'ny, of Franklin Grove, II., has been lliensed to wed Miss May II. Mluler of Mogadore. Hon. I'ntrlck Kerry, of. Mt. Vernon, Itoprcsentntlyo of Knox county, spent Frjolny In Akron. During his visit here lie was ho guest of Mnyor W. E. ybung, He and the Mnyor were class mutes at ihe Ann Alhor law school. Oapt. Klllig leaves today to visit old nrnnilmn, Vaiidersnll. at East Liberty, before leavlug for the Iowa Soldiers' home, nt Mnrshnlltown, Io next week. He returns to Akron Monday. TIo graduating class, suporlutend enf ntd teachers of the High school, wero entprtnned last evening by Miss Margaret Allcu at her home, 108 How cry st. Light refreshments wero served. Alex S. (ireonbnum left for Scran ton, I'd., to tako tho management of Mr. II. arcoubnum's Scinntou depart ment store. Or, A.A. Kohler Is able to be around ngqln, n'fter ills two weeks' attack of sickness, H. T. rjck'tpn, of Akron, was Iu Co lumbus, yesterday, AlKlX-LKONAItD. Fiank K. Ajklns mid Mrs. Lillian M. Lconnrd worp united Iu marriage at t)io lionto of the bride's sister, Mrs. H. p, punt, J02 Upson St., In tho pros into of the bride's Immediate rela tives, on Nov. 3th, 1SDU, Ilcv. O. W, filussor, offlclatlng. Mrs. Hannah E. Hidden nnil daugh ter, f Sill Fir St., wero In Cleveland, Saturday. J(ls Clementine Harbor spent Satur day la Clovojand. Dnu'w. Ituhiuan, lto MIIU nve rt turpe'd to I'lftsbiirg, Frldny. II. M, Uotiser was In Cleveland, Sat illday. ' Mf. aud Mrs. Harrison Honodle, of Cleelaiid, arp tho guects. of relatives III. Akron. At 7 q'cloc! on the evening of .Inn uaiy Sl, Mr, E. I". Werner, usblstnnt supciiutrndcnt of tho Werner com pany, and son of Paul E. Werner, pres ident, of tho company, will bo united Ii; marriage with Miss Harriet M. P.Qeblman, daughter of Mr. Louis P.Oehlman, of 130 Itlutl St. Tho ccieinouy will be performed at tho bride's, homo by Ilev. J. H. v. Itlakc, rector of Ht. I'nul's Episcopal chnrfh, Only Jmniedlato relatives of the fam ily will ho present. Iloth young poo- ly Will de njc pie nje promluont In Akron's social Irelin. BIRTHS. i HQPAAl'Jan. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blinanf, of 374 Home St., a daughter, 'fVANtf.-Tn, 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Jt)mes p. Evs, 13U Silver, Bt., a diugjitor.t f , -t 'A LEE Swept the Board at Eight's Ejection. Received 63 Voto of 69 Cast Companies B and F. by The Eighth regiment held another election Trldny night. Tho position of Junior major wns to bo tilled nnd two cnndliintes were in the Held. Tho candidates were SI. A. Charl ton of Bueyrus, cftjituln of Cp. A, nnd Frank C. Lee of Wndswprtb, captain of Co. O. Both men were candidates' for the oflleo nt tho recent election at which tlmo Captain Le,o lacked but' n few, votes of winning the contest. The ,vntrc cast by, the Akron com panies wan .light.- Only half of Com pany B's vpto wps polled, while Com pany F did somo better. The qt,o,,BtQQd; Cpmpany B, Lee, 30; Charlton, 3. Company F: Lee, 33; Charlton 8. The Board of Canvassers composed of Captain Blackburn of Co. B, Cap tain Werner of Co. F, nnd Captain Fisher of Canton, will meet In this city Monday to make., thq official" count. . NEVER GETS. TIItBD: , This seems to be truo of Dr. Fro hock who -s nowpreaclrlng-.Brrdng rovivnl sermons nt the First Methodist church. Tho service Friday night was marked by great power nnd in terest, the large audience being deep ly moved by the speaker's, powerful appeal for spiritual life rather than legal righteousness. On Sunday Dr. Frohock will speak In tho morning' on "Other TIrao Ships." In.tlie afternoon at 2:30 lie will address a meting for men only. Biibjct, ''An Unrighteous Pence." Ho will also conduct tho ev ening, service, nt 7:30 nnd preach tho termou. Seats free, Tho public In vited. ' ( T FOR DOUBTERS. Easy to Investigate Thin Mr. J. T. Gallagher of 83 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. , writes tho foH lowing whlcji Is of Interest to nnyono suffering fro'ip the pain nnd annoy uiicp of piles.; The gentleman says: i sunereq tor ,sis raouuis ironi Itching plles The Pyramid Pile Cure wns recom mended nnd "P nsell Sno box which cured me completely; ine pain aim agony wnicn i un-, derwent was' something IndescrilK uhle. 1 used rnnrij- qther remedies with only temporary relluf. Had I known that this fqrm of the Pyramid I'll Cure was n suppository I would li ) used It long before I did. Tho P. jid Pile Cure reaches tho $eat ot disease and a soothing bcusatlou is experienced at once. , This is Dona lido pnd anyone who Is Incredulous mar write to m.v ad- ill ess and I will Verify the nbovo by return mall.'' Respectfully, J. T. qnllagher, B3, Clinton nve., ,-Albany, N. Y. The Tyrnmld Pile Cure has been n pleasant surprise to thousands of sull'erers from piles, becnuso ot tho iustiint relief it. gives and prompt cnio whirl) results rom Its regular use, and this U ilono without tho uso of opiates, narcotics or poisons of any kind ns the Pyramid Is wholly frco from nny, Injurious drug whatever. Hundreds who had almost decided lo undergo an operation, believing nothing el&o would -enro thcra, hnve been nstonlshed to find that a fifty cent box of the Pyramid riio Cure was far safer, hotter apd more ef fective than an operation could possi bly be. . , Tho Pyramid Is sold by all druggists nt floe for full sized 'package. Write to Pyramid Drug Co., Mar shall, Mich., for little, book' on cause and euro of piles. ' BLINDFOLDED, lief oio bo goes to the Paris Exposi tion tournament tho;' great Plllsbury comes to Akron, Plays all Akron, blindfolded nt chess; and checkers. Lledertnfol hull, nt 7:80 p.m. today. . . ' THE N'OUTPEJIN OHIO TRACTION COSITANY. Thc'.A,IJ. It, U. Railroad. Waltlug'rooni, Nor(h Howard St. Tlmo Card, Nojr. 20. 1S00. Cars for Clerola.uu) Ipiivo corner How- :ird mid Market 'strtets every hour from S:30"n, a. to 8:30 p. m. nnd to 10:30 p, in. .Bnhn days and Sundays ,"i:;Ml a, in., 0,80 a. in., and every hnlf hour to 7 p. ui, U:0Q p. ni. V p. m. nnd 10:30 p. m., : ! If you tiro co'ntomplnting tho oreution of -a, npy 'residence nnd havo tho onnqrihnjty of an in spection qf"ffio!M,jf O'Npil house, your attention w'Jlj bo" nttractod to the supelrb interior finish. Plt?aso borir ) niind (hat nil tho lumber in this elegant residence wns furnished 1y The Hankey Lumber Co. .'CURE YOURSELF 1 , Um Dla far uuottartl aIclirMn,inflnninallont, irninloaj or ulcaratlona iri f piucani tntinbrani, ailM. rluUmm. &nd Dot lit tin fTHiEumCHtMiqiiOo.UiPr potioooi. ; mmm vnwuo, r iisi in puiu TpppW, muar&rj?' P"fir f-Ti pfi r"T"" "tefefiaMfiSi ;priii j mlm OauaaiMl WTT PraMlU OiBti ffW' mmz mmmvi o. l iWiir- , Queer way to do business. Grocers sell Fels-Naptha soap c a bar and return die money, if not satisfactory'. Nobody wants the money ; the soap is a wonder. F.I. &Co. nuiien, rhlbddjl,!,, GARBER'S Trial Next Week, i"T 1 According to Judge Nye's. Announcement. Jail Declared to Nuisance. be Court Had Criticism to Offer ot Report. Will of Thomas F. Hunt Courl Houso News. Judgo Nye sent word to the Olerk ' of Courts yesterday that he would ba in Akron next week, nnd whllo her will try all cases that havo been as signed to him. Among the coses assigned to the Judge Is the Gnrber case. It Is understood that Mr. Garber'g attorneys will nsk to haTe the Garber iudlctment nolled on the technical ground that thero waa no ordinance pending before the Board of City, Commissioners nt the tlmo he Is charg ed with promising n brlbo to City Com missioner Mc'Garry to Influence bis vote upon the ordinance. IT IS A NUISANCE. Among the matters reported upon by tho grand jury, was the condition of the county Jail.. Certain features were declared to be a nuisance. After hearing this sec tion of tho report,1 Judgo Ivobler saldt "Your report is all right as far as it goes. I believe thnt you should have branded tho entire Jail as a nuisance, ns It ceitnlnly .is." Tho Stnto Board of Charities re ccntly reported that thero was not a JaJl in tho state that was a lit abodo for criminals. FOB A MONpMBNT, Iu tho will of Thoqjos'F. Hunt, tiled Iu Probate Court Friday, he provides that not less than $1,500 be used by tho executor in tho erection ot a mon ument over his grave. The balnnco ot Ihe rata to Is given to his widow, Char lotte Ann Hunt Tho cstato consists of real cstato valued at $0,000 and $030 In personal property. AT PLAINTIFF'S COST. Tho somowhat celebrated case of tho Marlon Heights Land Company vs. T. S. Clillds nnd J. M. Barnard, In which tho .plaintiff asked Judgment for $0,000, will bo dismissed. Tho plaintiff pays nil the costs amounting to over $100. IN CONTEMPT. Mrs. Bello Stroup wns granted a di vorce from Charles Stroup, July 7, IS!)?. Tho defendant was perpetually ' enjoined from interfering with or mo lesting tho plaintiff. Sho was given $(100 alimony. Friday Stroup was de clared to bo In contempt. Ho lias paid but $ir of the alimony and has uuuojcd tho plaintiff by calling at her home. WILL BE REFEP.HED. ,' The old case of Love, administrator, vs. Kanford, executor, will bo referred to some nttorney for hearing. This uctlon grows out of tho Mooro will case which has been pending for four j ears. CALENDAR, ENTRIES. Tho case ot Calvin Spade, admin istrator, vs. Frances Solberllng, as signee, has been settled. C, I. liruuer has been appointed re ceiver in tho enso of P., D. Cnssldy, receiver, vs. E. B. Harper. Tho report of tho referee In tho dl vorco case of Paul A. rerrin vs Mary Perrln. The plaintiff alleged adul tery. Tho caBe of Josephine Noble Fish- pr vs. D. w. ihonins ct nl has been settled. Charles Esselburn has been ap pointed receiver In tho case ot Jphn M. llowley vs. Harry It. Crowther. Tho report of tho receiver of Jones & Parker, has been approved. TRANSCRIPT. A transcrpt, from Squiro Thomas' court, In the case of the state vs. Olive Smith, tins been filed In Probate court. Sho Is charged with obtaining money under fnlso pretenses. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tal iets. All druggists refund tho money, If it fails to cure. E. W, Grove's .slg, llt"P e- -o-y Pat p,V, (wAiufci. ,,iHMMwm