Newspaper Page Text
-r'V br.-r-err' ir v ' iMitt AlfcltON DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATUEDAX, JANTJABY 13, lBOo - PPT IW . ! - ' V it l i W' I ' MWI , . i ! Taesr"5ri receipts I' ie, rromouniy "";. , I ! '( ; The Weather Sunday J ', , ' J rrobnbly Bain. i ' . Special Sale Ladies' Mus lin Underwear. - ''- - ' ' i Kid Gloves and Mittens $1 a pr. The best kid glove ever placed on n dry Roods counter, In tlic grade ivo handle. Never luvto wo done such ft Ills business In Kid fllovps as In tlic season Hint has recently passed. Hut wo .ought, when & linndlo tlic best up;todate clove that Is in tlic country Every imlr guaranteed. ! jTwo-clasp or hook, all Bhades. ,'V ' 75c a pr. Not sneli a good glnvo ns our dol-. lar Krnilc, but a' Rood glove for 7." cents, In clasp only. $1.50 a pr. Superior to our -tljglovo mid also carries a guarantee ylth It. Any shade you deslVe'f Two-clasp or hook. This glove n highly recom mended for Its splendid lilting qualities. SOc a pr. Ladles Lino Dhicl; HJlk Mittens, probably not ho heavy as wool, but equally hb warm. At 12k a pr. A special Jltleu for boys mid sin.'. This mllten l-nnadc of a In ivy strong jam, mid will ijlai i'. ' of tear and wear. H . 150-152 S.Howard st. The Annual Meeting of Agricultural Society. . Bonded Debt Was! , cliiced $1,500. Directors and Officers . Noxt Year. fc 'A A t-or iw e: v i WE L.OAIVI JT On Long Tlmo and Ecsy Payments VT. will mnl.i'luHin fi mn til tu tl.r Wntcbtn. Diamond, ltmiH"holl 'let c'h, I'lonoit, urgfuu, II(trfon,"ViiK)ii(t ( i rr i ioh, Htoro a tnl Otllco Fixture, Men l.ft ulit hiucxR. JioiKis, .loweiry, iiiMiram rn clii. UflntM. CmUiiuMs. WITIlol'T AV MIHLIfiiTY WIIATICVKIt AND Willi. OUT HHMOVINU TIII3M 1'UOM VOUll Elegant l'rlvntc Offices li Sol l 193 South Howard St., V-ffi" Near rvilll 5t. , rtone 1523 until 9 p.m. open evenings. S.&G.'s Saturday, .Tun. 20lh, 1H0O SPECIALS KOUWISKIC IIiNDINO 1 lb CAPITULATION Of Ladysmith Is Hourly Expected. Vienna, Jan. 13 (Spl. Dispatchos received horo from Pretoria are to the ef fect that the Boers havo stormed Ladysmith and tho. heights find that the capitu lation is hotfrly expected. . ear aniounled Items fol- ,- $310. 7 lln A. I'arlna, for -.'e. ",Jdb NiitmcK for Hie, VI lbs (Irauulated KiiKiir mid any We tea for . 1 lb Choice Nectiirlens for He. SUGARS 1SV4 H flinuulaled for ?1. Wilis While "A" for !fl. S3 lbs Kxtru O for $1. 'Xi lbs Yellow for l, New Orleans llrown Hucar, IVJc. fvjpc: FroOOS W linvo now a complete Hue of llattlo Creel; Kaiiltiirlum lleallh nml Nut roods fresh from the factory, Jrec with i lb. Star Rafclnir Powder 45c per lb. 1 Hire Holler, with lid. 1 Dread IlalK'r Complete. 7-nt. tiraulto Dish 1'an. 1 Large Oninlle Keltic. Quality of Ktar llaklns Powder Riinranleed. Call, umll or teleihono jpur order. Addressed postal cards free. Date ofi Fair; -Fixed First -Week X . October. Thel'Iu'dehtediiess of the Kulunilt Cimiity, Ai'lcnltural society lias iieen redncfillJ!l.r,(l(). ThlJlfact was nnnnunccM to the mcmbers'at the annual Meeting Sat unlay, vrfeasdrei' ' (1. w. lliewstcrs report wii's'uu lutereslliiK feature. The total lecelpls ainounleii lo ?i.i, 210. This Incliules n balance on hand, Ian. 1, I fiDO. of 371,71, inakliiK tlic net recelplH, frtr the. year rj,sw.W). Of this Ktl.6l1.il7 represents the nioii'ej' IftUeii In nt the Kates ilurlnc the fair. This is (lrlir(l by days as follows: Wednesday, ?3i.i.7.. Thursday, $317-'.71. Kilday, ff1.tHKl.ti1. , Other receipts from the fall-were: 1'roni Brand slaud, $r.!O.01i Fmni privileges, $1,2H5. l''rom,clieeJs room, .r.'.Wl. rrom race entile", $1,:H'J. The soclely .was kIvcii ?1,r,0u,by (ho County Commissioners and -100 liy tun rJtaie, i:.vpendltiues for the year to SlILiniMI. Home of the low: ,' ; t 1'ermanen't li)iprnvemens, ?1,9iJ1'.;iO, Advert Islnir, fr.7S.70. llxport judges, ifdl.IlO.v . ' Hands, !K.Rri. ' Hpeelal ntlniclloii, Knees, 'A(K. Iileresfiald on society debt, ,?23S.(1L lulcresl Jinlil (in bonded debt,!)7,". l'ald (ill society debt, First Nntlnuql haul.-, SLjifKi. ' (Ullceri) and itlreclors, JS0I.30. Total iiiinilums In elasses, -.101.70. Tim Vital Indebtedness of thu soci ety iiniounli'd on .Ian. 1, 11)00, to !J10,- Don. It, Is divided iir follows: Note V'ltst Natlomil bank, ?3,700. Jlorlwujo held by Obcilln eolleRe, $13,1100. ' Koto Thomas Hale, .3uo. The assets nt the society, aro valued lit from .10,000 to fn.u0U. lUieitoiH eleeled were: M. L. HptiinUle, Halh, two years. .1. K. Moiirc, Copley, two (' .('. Kmter, flrcen, two years. 15, M- Ullswortli, Hudson, one year. (Jus rlollicrllilir. Noilou, onn year. A. Ii. (Caldwell, lMrtaci', one year. (leo. Whentley, Itlchlleld, one year. O, li. Thompson, Hlow, one year. i. II, Ovlatt, Twlnsbiiri;, one year. I., M. (lanyard, Akron, one year, Thu retlrliiK members of the Hoard nrci L. 1, Krellibauiii, H. 1', Thomp son and L. H. ICbrlght. The dlreelors meet Satiiulay after noon and elected olllcers as follows: (lcnC. Hlanford, lloston, piesldentj 1). .1. Tlioiiujs, CliyahoKii Kails, vlco president, (1. W ll.rowstcr, Coventry, treas urer, Albert Hale, Kpi'lnirlleld, secretary. Tho fair will bu held the llrst week 111 October, Hunters GET YOUR GUN Or RIFLE HERE Only reliable Roods, sold nt IiOWEBT PRICES. All kinds of Ammunition and Hunters Supplies. Louis EZIofccwl Phone 38 Sll South Main St. the Missel Souers and Splcer, and '.Messrs. Harter nd .Casoj solo, "A Dream of Paradise," dray, .lames W. Jlarter: tho "Heavens Aro Telling," Ilnyflcti, full chorus choir. .r ' - Itev. W. 1'. Crispin, left today on n two weeks' lecturing and organiz ing tour In thclnlercsts of tlio Prohi bition party. Ho will travel through Poilagu ami Triinlbull .counties. On Sunday oven1iig)io-.vll occupy tho puipit ofv. if: II, Miller at Atwntcr. r -The nmnn'gVnlentof tho Akron n.ulld & Loan Asuocljitlot Js to bo congratu lated for the fine sjiowlug It has ipadu fjir tlio year. 'A-semi-annual dividend op three per cout'was declared, and A 1.1 ....I- - ."- i- L. :i douc ,.,uuo wasicarrieu (O ino mn Vi..A.... . .'. . .. ...L ' it was lue.'iuosi prosper- IlilliTlflllHl. J:... -..r. ., ....,. ...., n..l tiut.vcui ,uiu unnuciuiiuii UYI 1 IlilU. 4,11- I "'X-M . I. ',". . .. niinniii statcinejit o tno nssociauon Is piibllshed'lui'tortay'a Issue of the Democrat. ' ' ' '" " . , , s ' Dr. II. S. Upson, a son of Judge W, If. Upion of this city, was elected, president of tho Clovland Medical so ciety Friday night, t Henry- Kragor, till ouiployo of tho Xioodreli Utibber works was taken with eramps'whllo at work at 3 o' clock S.iturdny'moinlng. He was re' 'moved'to'iil'i'lionuy 'JU3 Huron St!, In Parle's 'Ambulatu'e. '"jf . The Akron Turn' rorelu will help the Canton noclety celetnato Its 2(i-anniversary Jan. S.1. Gas :: Experience . That is pleasing. Wo arq using; our burner in a Garland IJaneo, doing all cooking and baking in a perfect manner, with lesq expense than coal cost, and think of tho convenience and cleanliness. Our burners nrove all ijj right, anil it might benefit yon to lnvestigato. n Gas Loes, Asbestos Backs And alt gas appliances, THE BEST GAS HEATING STOYEMADE. A largo, splondid r j New Gas Range for Sale, j.u iiur.guiiii uiij , Mantels and Orates at a: bargain- ;to. 'closo out this, ycar,s Mock. Wo aim to. Koor tlio Very best goods1 niiido at lowest prices, L,D, Ewing 119-121 Kirkwood st. Throws. down (he gauatltit to Ak ron. Mr.' Plllsbury,' tho world's great est chess player, at Lledprtafcl ball, today, 7:30 p.m. China & Japan Tea Store Tel Schumacher & Oammetcr PM. 1IH B. Howiird si. THE ONLY PLACE , Yttii lltiil I'lnrliln nrnnirei. tleit Ttrd Uml Nnni Ornnfii), Fine Tort Tilnm Itiiniimm, nud all Ul mis n( ChntlleH.Nutfl. KIki, l)HteH,eto at wliolesnlo (iurt retail IM. LASKARIS OO. t'hone Ss9. , 1(12 H. llnwnnl it, nuU m H, Howard st. Dpputlto City lluliaiiiff MILLION Involved In Action Brought Against Direq . tors of Company. Alleged They Have Con spired Together To Injure Stockholders Another Ritchie Case. And IVIua-fc Soft ' '(Pacts Are Stubborn Thlnes." '6ur prices' and grades of Lumber, Shingles, Lath', Bash, Doors, cto., Me tno ' a I -kS 1A M -l 4. Wo invite ,ypur lnspootlon. Tele phono 27,1, WILSON LUMBER CO. 80 8. Jtn'ln'at.j 6pp.Ma;lfket Hoiisa DANOIIf6 AOAdIcMY NoW term fdr",'T)eglnn7;WrlasswlIl open Monday, Jan. 8,'loJ6'. Special luductrtnctntH )(or jljfsmtuMj..iror f ur ticr lufbrmiitlon, call ul 503 S. High st'., near Coujjf House. ,(, 104 E. MARKET ST. 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs;xxxxxxxxxx E. STEONBACHER & CO. T MlTllTi) 1 The iron ft llll. RBfS 1 ililM...tiet.ei..i..t Itou'll Be Proud I 5 Of thoBiiit "f clothes wo innko; J for you. Not only proud fifjj first but proud a long tinte.S Sfor it will, not only bo stylish; and bccoinihg, but it will lasto almost indefinitely. At the lowest ; possible prices LATE LOCALS. Tho Mothers' artd Teachers' elrclo of North lllll, will I . t Tuesday, Jan. Id, at thu lll);li school building at tho usual time. An address will bu given by Itev. .1. .H Freeman on "fiovcrn incut In tlio Home." All parents aro cordially Invited lo come. t Will Chrlaly, of Akron, has been elected president of the Cincinnati & Hamilton Kloctrlciil , Hallway com pany: also treasurer of tlio Cincinnati .V Miami Valjey Traction company. , . It N mid that the chances for an electric railroad lluo Is-lwceii Akron and Canton nni very good. W, A, Lynch, of Cniitnn, who omih the lluca In that city and MnsMll'ou, nml the line coniiectliig t two cities, Is contem plating tin) jesiiniptlou of this enter prise which ,he ngllated hhiio tlmo ago. i r .. It has lifcn hinted that the piesent ndmliilslratjo'ii or Niiflouat (juard af fairs ivllf make an eltort to havu the giianl anneal with tho Ki-ng-JiirgcnWii rllle, nud that 1n) obi,ol(te Sprlugtlelil will ho called In mid lelegaled tu tho rear- Do You Want to Save Money on that prtir of shoos Hint you aro kouic to buy this, month? Wo nro oflbrint; )ovost pri cos this month ovor of- forod. 1 lot mon's $-1 .CO viol kid wintor woiglits ? Drs. L. G. and J Have Opened Their New Dental jfffiffik Parlors In Their New Block CORNER MARKET AND SUMMIT STS. OVER CLARKE'S CSOCERT, 't ' ! t ! Natural Positions Of Children and Adults quickly arranged by... BESAW The Natural Artist and Photographer. Your portrnlt sketched from life or photo at tho studio, IG6 S. Howard &.$ $3.50 a T5ie s 9 Tailor! li1 Tho charity school under the direc tion of Mrs, A. Adliuisou, visited thu Pure 1'oud jthntv Batuiday aflcinoon, , , Tlio following special select loiu will be rendered at thu pmln; tervlco In the riilvcrsnlUt church auuday oven lug! Pilgvlin'H evening song, Uhluv-beigei-; choir Miss Inez Kliliiimiu, bo- . r- tt , j. "llolst: solo, "Nearer -My Clod lo Tlice," 175 S. IiOWarU St. Slllaniett, Miss Ella Itogei-Hi ipmrtcttc. ............. J "BaUuaV" Kvpulug Song," Keethoven, 1 lot mon's &X)Q box calf bills now kil 1 lot sliocs fee $3.00' misses' button 50c pair 1 lot Indies', ?JJ to-fo shoes, sizos; 2 io 1, now 1 shoes pair lot ladios' button 50c pair Look (or tlio Recalvor's Sign. 132 S. Malu st. The Akron Shoe Co. Nick Huber, Receiver. COAL GEORGE C. IIUGILL lias oponod a coal olllco nt 625 Knst Mill St., (old Btatul of T. W. McCue), nnd solicits tho trndo of all his friends nnd fonnor patrons. Estimates on nil kinds of Btono work cheorf Ully given. Jobblnir promptly dono. Telephone 387. " ' .M.,iV r , Fraud and Collusion Aro Charged The Allegations,' An action for $1,200,000 was filed Krday by Iewla A. Rltcblo, 'n stock holder' In the Anglo-American Iron Company, I" The petition Is a voliunj'npus docu menfr consisting, of lJiJpag9s.'of,type. written matter. Tlio -jlffenjjants are, tho Anglb-Anierlcan iron. Company,' Judge Stevenson Burke, Charles W, 4UU.tUiHU, VIWl, . Vi.L'U, llUli.-. lc A, Paget, -Henry r, .Macintosh nnu Ella M. Burke. The' plaintiff Is tho son of Samuel J., Ritchie of Tall madgo. He, sues on behalf of himself and all tho other share holders of tbe Anglo-American Iron Co., excepting tlio Individual defendants. The male defendants aro directors of the defendaut company. Burke, Bingham, Allen and, Mc)ntosh,cons'ist Ing ft majority of tho. directorate of tho corporation. It was organized In 1880, under tho laws ot Ohio, for the purpoio of purchasing and operating mining lands In Ontario, bearing nlcklc, copper, Iron ijnd gold. Tho most valuable of the nl'cklo nnd cop- icr mineral lands nro located In Den son townsjilp, Ontario: 'Those lands aro alleged to be enormously rich In ores, the quantity of nickel oro being estimated a( many millions,; of tons. Tho out crop a.lonq'13 remarkable, because of Us quantity, and quality, That' below the surface Is unlimited. t I. claimed that, thou assays havo tbpwn tha hc. per ceptogn, of nickel n, th,e ore Is .fnMn ejecess othat takj en from flana(yan,( dipper. Co. mines, whloh; aro tho rjchcsf In Cana da, It Is alleged that tliQinlncs bavo pover been developed owjng to tho wrongful nets of ,the, directors of tho company and ,100,, conspiracies, and frsnunipni ana coiiusjvo. ;acis or ino ndlyhual (lefondants,, ..jl oi the de fendants aro stockholders of to, Ca nadian Copper compauy, wblqb, oper ates nickel and copper mines ndpa cent to tbpse of tho Anglo-American Company, Tucso mines hnvq, been operated over slnco 188(5. Tho annual ulvldends amount to $300,000, besides a large surplus. It Is alleged by tho plaintiff that the Individual defend ants' Iioto conceived It to bo for their greater Individual gain and profit to kep the mlhci of tlio defendant com pany Idle, thus doing away with any competition from It, and thereby reap ing fgeater personal gain and profit from tho Canadian Company mines. The plaintiff charges that this Is an vfllful breach of jthelr trust and con trary to, their, oath of otllco as directors of tho Anglo-American Iron Company and of great Injury to tho plaintiff nnd other stockholders; JIo saystlieyi havo cqnsplrcd together to effectually hinder ond, prevent tho use of the mines of.'tho.'defondant company. Ho says. the, other stockholders have found nil their efforts to" remedy tho trouble 7 " L.vr. ","!L .... '.-.. -J .... invic,citmi, a. me mujuiiy ui iyu sfock Is lie)d by the, defendants. Ilq Is, lio olleii, losing n large amount of money! as dividends upon his capi tal slock. lie further alleges that tho other stock olders nro greatly "dam nified" by .reason of tho alleged con Bplrncjes and collnslvo acts of tho male (lornunms. lie says no icara xuo Grpwri may .take proeedlngs to declaro the property now claimed by tho de fendant company to havo been for feited fbr nqn-use, ns not n slnglo ton or oru uas neen inuicu upon vuu prop erty, The capital stock of tho Anglo .morlcan Iron Company Is $5,000,000. X)t ibis n;-100 shares of tho par value of Ji'MOO.OQ have been Issued. Tho afllcers nro: Stevuson Burke, presl dentj C. W, Blnghnm, vlco president; Henry T. Mcintosh, secretary nnd treasurer 'rsccauso of tho alleged In juries complained of, he says ho and tjie other stock holders ,unvo been damaged to tho sum of $1,200,000. IF" YOU CHRONIC DY HAVE INACTIVE liVer OR KIDNEYS TRY J lOTTLE CJP- DR. SAWYER'S FAMILY CURE For all diseases-arising from inactivity of tho stomach livor, kidneys, and bowols. SM'sllrL CUT PRICE 65c Headquarters ,for Medicines, Chemicals, Dye, Staffs, Fancy Articles, Fine Porfumory, Brushes, etc. XMTFrescriptiohs carefully compounded. E. Steinbacher &. Co., Wholesale Druggists EXHIBITION AND SALE NEGARARIAN COLLECTION OF ...ORIENTAL RUGS... NEW WALStimoCK, one door soutU of Rap)d Transit Office Exhibition: Tuesdafe'Janr;i.6, 10 a:m. to S p:m: Auction Sale: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Jan, 17, 9, 19, at 11a.m.,, 3 and 8 p.m., each day Frank s. t. smith, ifc'G. Negararlan & Bro. flUvllVUWWi I The Direct Imrcrtert. Cleveuuil, 0. nam DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND OUR Special Sale of Eagle Shirts $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 jjnes go at 75o $4100, $4.50, $5.00 ones go at. . $I.OO The Jot'conr,U.o"f Fwridrf'FlannelB, Silk and ''VXool Mixtures, Madras, TatloUs and' Ox'fbrdswlllle:they last. -. M n mm 1 o 1 'emit h . Hn wo rrl . S.trppt i A. V f.v?" v-;'' rZ" ' 2 tj oribatt .WcJ'' Pf' Af nr 0 viz ft ..EMERGENCY CASES... j i ji At this season of the year when oxtremo fl changes aro froqttqnt, everybody should keep ( on hand a few omorconcy remedies. Egyp- ffl tian Remedy will nlwnyft prove benoflcial in (( cases.of, couch's, colds' or croup, and can' bo 9 ijjf given to children with perfect safoty, as it contains noth- fl, J ing poisonous or injurious. Ve-hiak'o and guarantee-it'. (V w The Allen-Clark Drug Co; . rhrner Howard and' Mill streets. hv ,. t- v.''.T :"?: i 3r FINANCIAL STATEMENT OE THE AKRON BUILT- ING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, OP' AKRON, OHIO, 1 For tho-Yew; EAding,r)ecembor30tJi, 1899. tl -..,..--..- ..... . - " l;...;1 "; DEATHS. ") IT BEATS THE DECK' How wo can put suoh p6rfoct wqr) niiinslitp on n slilrtlroiit, collar or cull Is what ov'oryoho says that ,eXf amines our faultless laundry work. No spot 'or fray to mar tlio boaut y of mo, lrroproaenauio color nnu union nut upon it that (lotion competition hv nnv laundrv In this town. Our laundry work litis reached tho top notch of nerfectlon that has yet been EXCELSIOR LAUNDfeY 166 S. High st.Tel. 1i $ !Ue;.fi.liMi;-,'.;utf4U?irri. ..v .alAA, Jit.-hyiH fYiy(,Mir.. ,.. MltiiMt s J,i .Cash on hand at Closo ot ' last term ,,..,.. , ? 20,503.10 Dues on running stock.... "3,372.15 l'ald up stocls ., 70,000.00 Loans repaid 203,833.40 lntm-ent i.. H0.S27.0S rrcinium ...'.-.... ;;,;.. 'itasias"! Itcnts on real estate...... 1,450.84 Ileal estnto ,.-,,., 18,209.52 Refunding of Insurnucoand tuxes .....;..'. ....', J, Interestnnd discount ..... . 137.12 l'rollts on real ostatb'.-'... 21-80 " O'lfllllJIlRUrtHNTS. Loans on mortgage' security $171,053.83 VlthdrawaIs of paid up stock ni3,075,00 Withdrawals of running stock "23",034;73 Dividends i... n.'... 32,580".o7 Expenses, Including snlar- - - les 4,706.62' Interest nnd discount r,00 Insurance and taxes 1,805.51 Ileal estate 12,6S7.31 Contingent fund 2,445.78 Cash on baud 2O.O03.5T Total ;. $305,280.02 HAIlKIlj'GS. nonEnTSOX-jXlrs,, Ida Robertson,' (lied at her homo In East Liverpool, Friday. Tho remains will bo brought tit Itds vJty.',)M6uda.r'. igtHiernl serif jces' will bo held at tho chapel In Olendalo nt 10:30. o'clock Monday. IlKtJfimiDU-Joseph lleuscher; aged CO years and 1 month, died at 3 o clock Saturday morning nt tho homo or his 6pn, George Itoiischer, 432 North Iln (OH ft. Heath was duo to dropsy, Tho remains will be sent to Clovcaiaiui, Monday. The funeral will bo bold church In' that city. Tlio Iilltc.of Akron will bo nt LIcder tilfql liatl Joday, 7:30 p.nj., to meet Mr. I'llUbury. tha champion chess and 'Checker player. rr Interet .'...;., ? 3a,827.os Premium ......,,.. 2,052.33 ltents ,," J'4'-10'81 Interest nnd discount.... i-Ji.l- p'rotlts on real estate. ....:. 'l".4: &WI ii'. W - Total ,,...$305,280.02 I'HOIIT AND LOSS. ' Dividends on pnkMipstock.$ 25,880.23 Dividends on running stock 2,800.00 Dividends on lonn stock.. 2,270.01 Interest nnd discount . .... 5.00 Expenses t ".r..'-..'r'.. '-4.7P6.02 To fund;-for contingent' lo'sses -.'..!.... Tiii".. -..'.? L,.0aiPl' g?4 ' ' l f ".c .' ' r " LIA'hiLiTfES. 4,61.32 40,710.22 Thi "HOWARD' ' Uviry, BoardlnB, Fid and Sla Slibla.... . :j:... . ..-. - mwmra mm rw niitn aa ; r flriWUw Strvlce In ETery Respect, MwM'ari, ' i , E. W, CubMson; Prop. ASSETS, qnsh pn, hantjt...',;-...i. 20,003.57 Loans'' on mortgages. ..... 545,3S7.00 Ifuriilluro nnd uxtur'os,,.., 310.00 Ileal estnto ..,.,;..'.i.... 17,385.22 Meal estate sqld on contract 1,170.71 Duo for Insurancp and tuxes .........,'...,.. 1.08U-1U Interest and premium., duo., 2.2S1.07 Total .,( J507.054.32 LIAniLlTIES. Paid up stock $430,500.00 llunnlng stock Dnes on loans , Dividends' Undivided profits .... I-'iind'-for' contingent cs Uncollected earnings . Total loss- 54,208.25 78,705.08 14,081.32 820.08 . 18,470.72 . 2,281.07 .$507,054.32 Summit County,' Oblo, I hereby certify' .that with tbo books of tjtp association, B. 8.: "' the nbovc 'statement Is true , nnd corresponds (J.-l.--1JHUM-JK, Secretary. Subscribed an'''ru to before me, this .2th day of January, JOOO. ." J ' W. T. SAWYER. J.1. 5. iAl, ikl flfj Notary Public; Directors, John w. Jlakcr, E. A. Ilcrsboy, W, A. Tardeo, O., L. Sadler, Joseph ly. Kelleyi N. P. floodhue, nnd Charles II. Elliott. OPriCEBS.. i " O. I. Bruner, secretary.- ijiiy ti. ,A, nersuey,' tprcHiueD( ptm. Aiuutci, uvaoutui, h I L UiYPjr. .UUS9U&, ,Jgm mMl&iiMm Y. A. rardee.vjce'i president , ii -ffcttSw &&i'?i$l ( iiS l,,!fe.i ..ii.&.)i&ftoJtiLui' . feSfe .-.-. ;"" - ,jriu-;ii..-tviiii'