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maMgnwmmaKmwayjj SZTETZSEET? WTBfar TSFT8 -f.-jTlTr-nT7-T V"lTJ!"nyf7rcp3 ---, t 4 if :Jf- Everybody Reads rThe Democrat ...NOW... AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT Fred Lanb's Specials for" This Week. Hpsro Whs Tfmltrlolni, Dalle Ovm rr Sic pre tit Tnrktryi ana bit kini of brent d 1'ouUry People's Ccsh Meat Marker, t UK. Howard St. thv VOLUME EIGHT. NUMBER 231 BATTLE Along the Tugela. England In Fever of Excitement Over News Roceived Today From the Front. Report That Warren Crossed Tugela Discredited. juller's Advance to Relief of Lady smith Begins. London, Jan 15. (Spl) Thoio Is every reason to believe that the great est battle of tho Boei war Is raging today along tho Tugela IUver for moie than 25 miles. Colenso Is the center of tho line, rot glelcrs drift at the west Ir the oxtienio left, and Weonen or Inhlnwes mouii tain at the cast In the light of the lino of battle. Buller U nt Potgleters ihltt lighting to turn tho Boers' flauk there and lush on to Lndysraltb. Clery Is nt Colenso engaging tho Boeis there and keening tbeui fioiu ic Inforclng their Hanks. Warren In at lnhlnwc 01 YVceuen, more likely the former, whero tho Boers are entioncbed north and south -w t -of tbo Tugela, He Is piobably striv ing to capture this posltlou, solzo tho ford over tlitTiupeliVfen" miles north of Woeucn, nnd.tliru the enemy's left .flank. London Is In a foer of oveltenient. but the war oftlte 1ms no news or holds back -what It lias. Gen. Itobeits lepjits: "So ihangc In the situation," but this Is looked up on either as diplomatic or as Indicat ing that Bulloi and his generals ate too busy to send dispatches Warreu started eastward fioui Treio on Thursday with a fljlng col umn of 1J.O0O men In the illieitlou of Weenen, lie wns equipped with luge supplies aud full mcins of tiauspoitn- tlon ready for a long ninich All tbo colonial and luegilii t.cops have been placed under Gwicinl War lcn's command Scouts found no signs of the enemy ut Grobler's Kloof, while CoV'nbo was deserted. It Is assumed that White's success at Indysmlth has biokcu Uiq Boers' neurit and that the ncny Is falling bne'r. A dispatch fipn LnilvMuitli .dated Thursday, .Tan. 11, by hcllgraph, by way of YVccihii, sajs: "Tho Iloers aro toitlfylug positions north and west of Lad) smith, doubt less with a low of securing a safe line of retreat should opposition to General Bullci's advance fall. They still sui round Lad) smith In large numbers "It Is known that they are grcntly dcpiossed by tliclt heay 'Trior to Saturday tho Boeis were perfectly confident of their abllltj to defeat the gairlson and to take posses sion of tho town." New Voi k, Jan. 15 -(Spl ) The Jour nal publishes tho following special dis patch: "London, Jan. 15, 'Ihlity-flvc thou sand men are now helng hurled against the Boer armj guarding 25 miles of tho Tugela river. "Warren's division Is reported from Capetown todav to have crossed the Tugela near Weenan, east of Coleuso, the left wing of the Boer army, ' Clery Is In command of d cll Iklou marching toward Colenso "Each of these generals has a force big enough to cope with nny part of the Boer army that can be concentrat ed at any one point. "It Is tho general belief that a big battie is raging now along 25 miles IWBBBKMft inn Largest Exoluslvo Dry Goods Store January ....Clearance Sale.... Great Reductions Throughout the Store CHOICE JACKETS at Half Price Capes, Furs, Suits, Skirts, Waists, etc., at Big Reductions of the river front.and for tho tlrst time since tho defeat of Buller at Colenso, Just a month ago todaj, theie Is a geu eial hopo In both official and unofficial circles that at last tho cordon of troops guarding the rher will be broken. "The news that Wnuen hnd crossed the Tugela has nroused all England to a fieii7j of enthusiasm and vast rrowds beslego the wai olllce huugiy for ofliehil news of the battle." London, Jan 15 (Spl) A dlspatih to the Cential ,"ews agency says that Gen. Warreu has crossed the Tugela river. The report of the move Is not ciedlted. The leport that Geueial Wood hns Invaded the enemj's coun try Is also discredited. Dm ban, Jan 'la-dJelBjcd In trans-mIssjou)-(Spl Ail conipiohcnslv e combtncd-advaneo-by-Bullfr'B entile ami) Is now In piogicss. The lldc'r trenches" nt Giublei s Kloof nic rcpoitol by Mouts to hao been muuiateil It Is belief eil the lioeis nio con- contintlng faither north. l'leteimniiuburg, Jan. 15 (Spl) Hellographlng Ins been going on nit dav between 1'ieto and l.iul)Miilth Mcrch nits hcio hue been icccivlne; otdets hoio to send food stuffs This Is taken to mean that movement for the icllef of Ladyoinlth Is expected to beslu nt once. It Is believed that ths movement will begin on tho even In,; of Januaiy 15 Tho foiclgn nilll tu) nttaehmeuts have, gone to Cape Town to Join Gcncinl Kllchcuei. Loudon, Jan 13 (Spl) A dispatch from tbo Boor headquarters at Ludy sinlth, says: The Boeis, havo sentenced a de serter named Di. Caldwell to four )ears' Imprisonment nt hnid labor.' Cape Town, Jan. 15 (Spl) The test tieusou case of the alleged Doug' las lebtl Gert Vmiren has been nd Journed for a week, London, Jan, 13 (Spl ) A dispatch f loin Dmban, Natal, says that a Boer day's uiuich of thp si a. It Is believed baaus eountiy, Zululandi within a da)'s tmiicli pf the sea. It Is. beleved to be waiting for supplies and am munition secretly lauded neai St Lucia bay. The Boers have looted all tho stores and mines In the Swaziland territory ami tho ruined (nnttves ale completing tho destiuctlon. j Lnteuzo, Mjiiquez, Jan, 12. (Spl) A Boer version of tho attack on La- d.vsinlth on January u, dated Boer headquaitem, Lnd)tuilth, Jauuaiy T, speaks of the Uibboin icelstauco and conspicuous bfnvery on either side, but tho buigliejs' ivgio anally com- r pelled to retires from most of the ground the) uajl occupied. Tho Boei losses' are placed at 54 killed. Including one Transvaal and three I'reo Sta(o Held toincts. Ninety- six were wqilndfd. rim wuATrtEii- Threatening 'Jolghff rq(n Tuesday. gPln II 155-167 8. Howard st. H .HM&1&M AKRON. OHIO, WILL BUILD Hundred New Houses. Akron Realty Company Incorporated Today. Successorto N. R.Steiner & Company. Real Estate Business on a Large Scale. Charter Issued to the Granite Company. Clay Head Will Build Columbus, O, Jan. 15 (Spl) Tho Akiou Realty Compau) with a capital stock of $150,000 was Incoiporated Monday, The Incorporators are N. B. Stelncr, II. T. Wlllson. W. W. Mcintosh, Geo. C. Berry nnd II. V. Hourlet, The new couipnii) Is the. first lucor poiated leal estate company In the city and will vhluall) succeed Steluer &. Co, who have tarried on n leal cs- tat ebuslness foi eight )eais. Jo less than 100 houses w 111 be built In South Akron, the coin nig season by the new Inemporatlon. The Granlto Clay Company was al so Incorporated with $100,000 capital. C. H.ralmer, Gcoige T. Whltmorc, Prank II. Waters, J, B Campbell and IL 0. banford aro tho Incorporators. SPAIN'S CENSUS of Cuba Nearly Half Million Too High. Uncle Sam Finds Total Population to be $1,200,000. Now loik, Jan 15 (Spl) C. II, Olmstead, tho Assistant Dliector of the Cuban census, lauded here fiom tho Tianspoit Mcl'heison with fom statisticians and supervisor who had been working for tho last several months In Cuba. They biought with them 24 boxes of iccords, nil of which will bo ent to Washington today, Manuel Itaseo, who was the supcrvJS' or of Hnvann province, did not nC' company his colleagues to Washing- ton. He said that 1,550 enumerators had been appointed, all of whom were Cubans Many women were allowed to act as cnumcrntois, niul Senor Bos- co said they wcic much better than the men. The icsiilt of tho work Indicates that tho Spanish census Inking In 18S7 will probably have to be reduced by about 400,000 , Thus, tho present population of Cuba will be about 1,200,000. Tho cost to tho government of taking tho census will bo betweeu SoOO.OOO and $400,000. WALL STREET Stocks Were Irregular Today Some Quotations. New York, Jan 15 (Spl ) Stocks opened luegular todn), with sugar af foidiug tho feature of trading It open ed 34 hlghei ut 117, declining to 1JBV4. Tederal steel was lower and nt 5J, declining to 50 Metropolitan was i lower nt 104. Northern l'aclllc was up to 51$; Amcilcnn Ice up 1 to un'S, and l'aclno Mall up to 4455 Lorenzo, Marques, Jan. 15 (Spl V A Boer dispatch dated January 10 says: "Mafeklng Is being continually bombaidcd. Tho ri spouse fiom the British Is weak. Tho natives aro dp. sorting tho town and It Is reported that tho Katun aro stnivlug." MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 15. 1900. DOBSON Because a Youngstown Paper Compli ments n the Democrat. According to Dobson the Democrat Has Grabbed Every Bribe Insight But It Didn't Take Dobson's; That Tells the Whole Story. Tlio Iiobsou papei showed an un usually bad temper Saturday night because the Youngstown 4 lelegrnm had complliiHMiled the Demount upon the up to date equitment Mint has been Installed lu the Democrat's plant. Tho Bencou ssildil The Akiou Democrat has found Itself euJo)lug such n muisure of McKlnley piosperlty that It his decided to put In .1 Goss press and llnot)pe machines.. Vy the Democrat continue to b o over whelmed b) prosperlt) that It will publicly mkuowlulgoMts foi nni fiee sliver oi tors' .and will mend Its political wtijs. Youngs town Telegiam. Bvldently otu Youngstown friend is laboring under u mlsap piehenslou r"Kaidlug tjte source of Its Akron coniemporarj's pros pei It). "MtKlnlej 'ptosperlt)," which Is holiest and teal, has had nnthlug to do with tho Dtmo ciat's "piosperltj." The Democrat's ' prosperity," Brother Tolegtnm, Is due to black mall, levied without shame, on about oveiy public proposition twit has come before a eouuell having a mnjorltv representing the Democrat's political procliv ities Their Hist taste of blackmail amounted to $000, and was levied on one of Akron's telephone com panies. Then "blood" Jiioue) from an other public corporation, nnd moio "blood," uione) or blackmail from other public corporations. B en thing was plundered that cimc, In (heir wav. (I' .Buty-flno'ln Aki-niiogmemoors tho sudden "fldp;' made, by" tli4.' Demociat wlicntthe loVal street rnllwav coiApnnv was asking fn vots of a Demberatlc city council, and the cause of the change haSj been i u open scciet. 'limn uot satisfied with selling out to one telephone, curpui.itlon, It levied tilbutn upon the uthei, to an extent onl) tho lobbei and the lobbed know, and how- tho owueishlp of the piper has pass ed fiom its nomluil stockholders, and Is lepicsented b) encitin luaueps, owned b) an oigaulza tlou of Akiou and foreign capital ists, the fuiihfianto and )uotet tlou of whose lutuests demand that the) oli ill hive "Inllueiiee" iv llh the,1 Democinllc ptiblle otll clals and Dtmociatlc "bosses" whq have robbetl Akion luto bank ruptcy hi the jeniK the) have been In povvn, and who, notwith standing theii gllteilng piouilsis nnd rtotests to pioteet tho dun people, have robbed, nnd gven uwu) lu thei time, moio vnltinblo feauchlses than vveie given away jn all tho pievlous )ears of Ak ion's hlstoi). This leaves out of lonsldera tlou, tho tvvotlincs blackmail lev ied upon the Dcmociatle ' boss' of Ohio, John It McLean, who In 1807 and ngiln In lb')8, paid luto thp Democrat's tieasury enough money to keep It afloat several mouths "Prosperity" and "blackmail ' aie R)uou)uious terms with tho Demociat, neighbor Telegram, aud In tic name of newspaper deccnc) geneialll), tho facts ought to bo niiulo know n 1 iirdlunriiy"'tho Democrat pa)s no atteutlon to attacks mado upon It by Mr. Dobson's newspaper, for hero nt homo tho peoplo kuovv how much of cicdeiice to place In nil) thing tint paper has to sn), but as tho Telegiam has no means of knowing tint tho Beacon's onl) Justification for the at tack Is an aggiavated caso of what nowspaper men cill "sour grapes," tho Democrat wants Its readers to pardon this one dlgiesslou fiom cus tom that It may pay Its icspccts to Ml. Dobson foi tho benefit of tho Telegram. It would be lidlculous for the Dem ociat' to place Itself upon the witness sfuud eveiy time Its envious contein poiaiy wakes, such absurd charges against It as the foregoiug. Akion's citizens will recall the time, and not so vciy long ago elthei, when the Dobson paper, and olhei paid agents of tho local franchise Interests were, by lunuendo or sneeilug suggestion, making piactlcally tho samo charges pf Insincerity and corrupton against son of the honorable members of Akron's1 Citizens' Commltteo of Fifty. T a ,.,- ....!.! .b ..... ..... .!& u i.AV i. ..,Art if. jtR!r,4..i. .,...-kl'A.J.i.,.).,j. .v-WAJlt .0 ifelll"SytV tjiJMiU RAGES Who has not heard Senator J. Park Alexander, Chairman of tho Commit tee, and leader of the cltlrens' fight for protection of the public Interests, openly mallgued, his hononble mo tives Impugned aud his posltou mls icpresented to tho people because of his connection with the Citizens' movement? These malignant slurs that hnvc been exhausted upon tho Citizens' Committee, tonstltuto the pennlt) which public-spirited citizens liavc had to pay for their devotion to the public Interests. Sinister Imputa tions arc the last weapons with which privilege seeking monopoly attempts to break down honoiable opposition lo Its put poses Senator Alexander, tho chairman of the Citizens' Committee, and Mr. It L. Dodge, Its secretary, and others of Its members, including Judge Stuart, the chairman of the local Be publican Executive Committee, know something of the offeis that were mado tho Democrat, and the influ ences that were brought to beai, to have this paper quit Its cooperation with tho citizens to protect public lights at a time when they were most In need of piotettlou. But the Dem ocrat did not quit, with thp result that It has won tho good will of Ak ron'H business men, has enjojed the favor of their patrohage, ahej has thus been able to giro them aud the cltl zens a paper upon which the) could rely foi sonic recognition of their rights It Is right herp that the shoe Ins pinched Neighbor Dobson, whose at titude of favoritism to the franchise Interests" as agnlust thu Intciesls of tho peoplo has been notorious. Ills coiuso has lesiiltcd In a deresvtl for feiture of a gicater amount of legiti mate iidvcrtslng patronage than has como to hint ftom n policy of truck ling to the franchise Inteiests. The Demociat knows that It Is pre sinning up tho Indulgeuco of the peo pie, but they will paidon an explana tion foi Mi, Dobt-cm's benefit of how It tomes that tho Demociat has been able to equip Its olllce with about $12,000 woith of Anil Dobson machin eiy, without tho help of tho franchise Interests, something that cen tho thilfty Mr. Dobson, by Implication, confesses his Inability to do. Uhree years ago, when tbo Dobsons, then publishers of the Democrat, be tra)ed their paity by selling out their Influeuco to tho nepubllcan candidate for Ma) or, upon conditions that were nppiient to most people at the time, hiding the selfish motive for their act under a cloak of pretended dlsllko for their own party' candidate, tho Dem ocrats of Summit county lcsolved forthwith to rid their local organiza tion of tho Dobsons "thenccfoitb and forever," as one of them expressed It nt tho time. To bring about tho desired change It wns neccsary to pay the Dobsons an extravagant price for tho worn out equipment and demoralized business of their newspaper, but tbo following contract of purchase, an exact copy of tho original prepared by Attorney Geo. W. Slober tells tho stor): This agieenient made between Wm B Dobson and Rujse)) T, Dob ' son, first party,and, Edward S. liar- ter and Fled W. Gayoi, second party, is as follows; (1) rirst party hereby transfer and sell all their capital stock in Tho Akron Democrat Corn pan), which they hereb) guar antee Is not less than STiQ shares, faco value ,f J000 per share, Continued on fouitu page. M ui v. .. Ar. .. MaiLiMiEl nUJUt-AW ",T1 rw .tm iffYvMiiiotrmilTtg Grand Op or a House of Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 17 and 18 Two Cxhibltloni Dolly Cvory Afternoon at 4, tZvonlns o-t: a Tho Oroat Suoooob THOS. A. EDISON'S LATEST MOVING AAF200F3iZFHI MYSTERIOUS "lll'JSION SCENES JOHN . DIBBLE, Now Mualo Now 0O0f-0s An up-io-ciate iwjuexniDitiou. Jiy mr ttin anest moving: picture entertainment yet produced. Don't full to see thereat lstlo EJot-tlo Soonon, the INlmrzloral Won clors, the latest moving picture llluntratod Soneo and many other new attractions. Admission 20c """SSxSS"" ALUL. THIS ASSEMBLY HALL afternoon -the: PURE F-OOD SHOW and CARNIVAL. OF FON Have you seen the voting contests? Our Plantation Sextette Xew- Songs Xew Music, Cooking; Lectures Every Afternoon, M H ADMISSION IS OCNTG 9 BETTER WAGES be Demanded at the Miners' Will Convention. Indianapolis, Ind , Jan. 15 (Spl) Over BOO delegates to tbo convention of tho United Mine workers were present at the first session this, morn ng at Masonic hall. The first meeting was open to the public. Tho dele gates will not go Into executive ses sion until the senlequeftjon.eousld erod. Most of tho delegates arrived on Sunday" nnd nearly oveiy State, Is represented An advance In wages will be demanded nt tho conference with the operatois, which will begin on Tuesday of next weik to fix the scale for year Iieglnnlng April 1st. Xenrlv overyassoelatlonof Mluc Own ers will be repiesented at the confer ence. The ludlanu miners will Join In tho demand and tho Illinois deffer entlal of seven cents for inachlue mining will bo demanded by Indiana men. IT WAS THE FALK. Identity of the Wrecked Steamer Has Been Learned. Halifax, N. S Jan. IB-(Spl)-Tbo Halifax agent of tho Dlick Diamond lino is convinced that tbo vessel wucked In St. Mir)'s bay was his coinpaiij's steamer, the Talk. He sn)S tho lepent that she sailed from Philadelphia to Havana was an error and Instead sbo sailed foi S)d ney with a quantity of material for the Dominion "Steel eoinpauy, aud would have been due off St. Mary's ba) about the tlmo of the wretk. Captain Buggo commanded the Talk, which had a crew of SR men. ALTGELD May Lose His Fortune Chicago Fore closure Proceedings. Chicago, Jan. 15 (Spl)-Gov, Alt geld Is making a haid fight to savo his fortuno which Is tied up In the big Unity ltultdlng. I'oieclosuro pioceed Ings have btcu begun, Interest on bonds having been defaulted. Gov, Altgeld tiled an answer yesterday ask lug that the bill be dismissed for want of equity and asserting that tho fore closure proceeding Is slniply nil effort to get the title to the Uplty block at less than one half Its value Gov. Altgeld Is altogether In hard luck, Ills health has been critical and Mrs Altgeld has been an invalid tor somo time. , if Same In Akron. Scranton, Pa, Jan. 15. iSpl ) Five if. ipsar.! yxv. - t PRICE ONE GENT "" ni.wimi-1 .io'ii iMtWMna,.n.lwimMJW ZBE5mans&!wz I IVlRr. New RfTi and even great Ota i-J Children 10c IK I I I IMP I 7a r.ew Moving i-iciures. Cooking; Lectures Every Afternoon, two story buildings In the center of the town of Itawley were totally de stroyed by fire last night. Loss ?30, 000 Scranton Is poorly equipped wltll fire apparatus, which caused the loss. SENSATIONAL Incident In a Trial at Salt Lake City Wife Confesses. Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 15 The trial of Captain I'recl J. Mills of tho Idaho Company of"fSe"lTnlted SttItes-Volun teer Engineers tor the inurder of John C. Omclveney, Chief L'ngineer of tho Oregon short Hue railroad who Is Jn prison in this city ,has been productive of some sensational developments. Mills and Omelvlney had been clost friends for years and without warning of any kind on the afternoon of Octo. ber 3, Mills walked into Omclveney' private office In tho Oregon short llu tiulldlug In this city and without uttet Ing a word shot Omelveney througT three times lu the head, causing IS. slant death. Mills then walked ouf. nnd gave himself up to the pollco an(, has remained In Jail ever since. At the tilal a statement by Mrs. MUU was Introduced as follows: "I was ln tlmatc with J. C. Omelveney several times last year. Up to th it tlmo I wa a virtuous woman, and that he Is re sponsible In addition to my own weak ness for my disgrace and shame. X can see now bow he planned to do this" Temporary Insanity Is Mills' defensa to the murder. Mills Is of a very good family and so is his wife, and both they and tho Omelveneys w ere prominent In society, Mills wns at one tlmo LItitenant Gov ernor of Idaho and also State Engineer of Idaho. They have two children, 0 and 8 years of age. Omelveney hnd a family of four young children. Mrs. Omelveney Is In dallr attendance at the trial which is expected to last foe several days. A new ear will be put on the West Exchange street cni line tho first of the week. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum taking powders are the greatest menaccn to health of tho present day. 0L BAWwa PO6tH CO.. MW VO. M -ul .. '!?jl saj&ffitsg.s&iJfi"g' ' tyj.y'flvw-s-'