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ESSS spsuwi fRmFmZWrwsjjpW?, - iu H, vn AKUOK DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1000 i i i ' If i: la U li i ,ni '4 W iv. I tm l m 2 i ft-. in ti :? '3 -! I b i , . Hi. e.y .i L W li5,. ' wn V tl 1 BWr m ir r 1 tod MV- iir- IIH t?y J1 't . 6" ' ,1 )! :f f . : 8 ''.. j m m, 9f m "$&U : TIIE WEATHER TUESDAY. Rain and snow. Wnmner. Muslin Under wqar ...At the Old Prices... It Is a fact thai ready to wear undergarments aro increasing In demand and also In price, being early buyers you can make your selections hero ut tho old prices for tho present. Night Gowns B8i 75e, $1.00 to ?2.00 A big variety to, select from. Somu of tlicsa garments are ele gantly trimmed, and for cut and lit they can't be beat. "White Skirts BOc, 75c, $1.00 to $2.00 Doiiblti I ho usunl variety of styles this season, tucked, frilled, hembtltclu'd, trimmed with laces or embroideries; now tloublo flounces', etc. Corset Covers 8c, 10c, 12'c to $1.50 An assortment here to please. The most fastidious, muslin, cam bric or Nainsook. Every desirable shape. Tim latest is a. French cover without seams. NOTE Look at our 2.o and l0c line, they aio the best you fan Ami at this price. Trimmed with Iaco 'or Hamburg, slnglo or double rows. Ladles' Drawers l'Jc, 23c, 30c, to $1.00 Generous widths, neatly tucked and tilminud; tho latest shapes. Flannoletto Wrappers fiJic Nwu patterns, extra wldo skht would bo good vultio at (hie. lthick Satin Undersklrls r0c tv 5.00 .Made of u good salln, with rullle and iiccordlau pleating, all sizes, Eiderdown Sacfiiofl 50c A great special. These garmcuts aro worth 7fic today, but they aio an odd lot that makes tho prices. 150-152 S.Howard st. IVTS O IM EYX Airc aosra IT On Lena Tlmn and Easy Paymonts WIS will mnku lomu (mm f& to tl.000 on 'VVatohei. DlnmnmlH, Huuaoliolil Ooorts, l'lntios, Orgni, Hothuh, Wiikoiip, (JiirrliiKiia, Htorn unci OIIlco Kin lures, MorclmiullBn, UtocltK. lunula, Jowolry, Iiihunuu'it l'oll olM. Ilnnm, OiiMtniclK, WITHOUT ANY l'UUMOJTY WIIATKVIOK AND WITH OUT HKMOVIKO Til KM KItOAt YOUIl POaaKBHION. Elegant Private Offices. 193 South Howard St., &'."1 Moor- IVItll St. Phone 1522 unlll 9 p.m. Open evealnci. sooooooBoaaaao iXMirlciiPiR llnvn I'rmou Our a a SES0E SALES To nut Clonii Oimli Into your poukot. Koto thin lint: 1 lot llov' Vonl Onlf'i-, tup solo, ttpnod ,...,. 75o I lot Youth' Vi-nl I'uif iVici', llppi'd, , Mta lot. voiittiH'Hchoof HllllCtl, l.nce, tlpiinil, tnp wlo Win 1 lot .Moo's Kulilim, (iioiu) ton, Holl ... Mo 1 lot WniiiimVi Itiiblicia, v IiIh loo, hUiihK', lo-M , 1,'iq iHot lluih' f 'nil l.uuc, ixlil Intakes -iniiilD, OM urnilii Wa Hot Liulliik' .Inrinv HIoiiii AIiih- kits, nnrron, U Krntln Wo 1 lilt MI.IUIl' Hill IK, NlZl1 11 III.' loO I lOt I.Udll't' tillllt IlllttOII, H(ltlt I ti too, piihint i li, l7osj,iliinil C. 75i Hot l.iulloH'T-liiittutiDioritiilloii. m 1 lot lluhy MorcualiiH Hk" Vi 'lunl" l'Hi'0' ' TRUHKS null BAGS thiltiiio Uoc'OKl-llirlil.clH. i met m S 121 S. Howard st. 2 z tooaoaosaaaaoeaaaaaaaaaaaaeaa" S.&Gs SPECIALS FOR W1CI3K KN'DINO Saturday, Fob. '2-1, 1000 n pnckagei Miittlo Mitchell Torn Flour, Hitokwhi'iit or Old Itellablo I'liuonko Flour for 'i'e. (Tlicfcu aro KoiiMiiinhlo goods ond aro clohed out at wlioh'Hitlo prUvs,) boxes Unsy Hrlght Move l'ollsli for 30c. (This Is a paslo polish of best qual ity.) 15 lbs. best (Iranulated Sugar 'anil 1 lb Star Making Powder for $1.00. il boxes American Coeoa ror SKe. Now take your penell and Usurp up thij of specials, all rollablu goods. "What do you ilnd? S1.00 buys tlio lot! CopiKirii them wllh jlur regular iirires nuywhoro and what do you llndV You llnd that you would pay SUMO-Wii: more, a having of Juit 30 per cent. Now UiIb 1h Just one week, ni! weeks In tho year ynu hnvo iho Mime oppor lunity open to you. ow jou may fiuy, Oh, yes, I know I could do better by going to tho China Japan Tea Htore. but I can t always get down. JDon't let such an obstlcle bo in your way of sarlug 30 per cent weekly, tend, telephone or mall your oidur, Our wagoiu pass jom- ooor in tho o)ty. AdUicihxl postal cards fiee, nsk for llioin. China & Japan Tea Store Schumacher & Gammcler Tel. B0( 104 S, Howard Bt MASKERS Enjoyed Themselves. Many Elaborate Costumes Were Displayed. Mrs. Christian Fraze Has Sore Eyes As a Result of Visiting tho Hills of Manchester. Village Dismissed From Damage Case Barberton News. (Special Ccji-respondcnce.) Watflic'ton, Feb. 10. Tho masquerade dauco given by tho Inn club Saturday uvcnlug, was a mopst enjoyable affair. It was a grand- sup-cess In every way. All formally jva put aside, each ono contributing to lhe fun, evidently re solved to' get their full share of amuse ment. fSoino of tho costumes were comical la the extreme, whllo others rtcto artistic. Tho lilt of the evening was made by M. Borotvsky aud G. II. Ilartley, representing Baron Do AVhls kee and Dupty Ithodes. Their make ups wero complete, and they mado their nppearanco amid ringing of bells, Dusty being drawn In on a small boy's veloclpnde, by tho Huron. Tho peanut woman, Mrs. (. W. Dow, followed, panning befpro her tho famous llarbcr ton peamit'stnnd. Among others mask ed wero: Mr. und Mrs. II. A. Oalt as Uncle Sam ami Goddess of Liberty; Mr. and Mrs, Wyndecker, sailor aud Japanese lady; Mr. aud Mrs. E. E. linker, English duo and Tonsy; Kuth l.oomls, a ,lup; Etta Marsh, giddy young school grl; Tlorthn O. llrcnlzcr,' Normandy peasant; G. Forest Flto (tone, Louis XIV costumo; 11 ir. Ilnmlln.Unrlo Paul Kruger; Mr. Camp bell, priest. .T. K. Itoltlnson was quite completo In bis impersonation of an American gentleman. Among Akron people present wero: Mr. and Mrs. E. Ucck, G. Forest Firestone, Miss Martha Hcclc and Miss Ituth r.oomls. Photographer Coursou took a flashlight of tho group. Mrs. Christian Frazo Is confined to her homo with soro eyes. Saturday morning she called upon Mrs. Nicholas Hill, at Manchestor, on business. Mr. I Froze owns tho housp In which tho , Hills reside. Uefoie Mrs. Frazo left tho IIIU home, a rumpus occurred ond . Mrs. Frazo quit the plnco with two bad eyes. Slut allege that Mrs. milscratch cd her and Unit she can hardly see as a result. This morning alio Mnt for May or Iiuraut, her sou stating that slio wanted to havo Mrs. II 111 arrested for assault and battery. .1. W. million wart asscised .$1 and costs for Intoxication by Mayor Dur- nut thin morning. A pair of Chain blocks, capacity two Ions, wero stolen from tho Itapld Tra'n sit Coinpimy- Saturday night. In justlco John MeNaiuuia's court Irwin II. Dague of Western Star had Chris ChriHtonscu, also of Ihat place, arrested on a charge of assault and battery. Chrlstensou denies tho alle gations, stating that ho attempted to strike Dague, hut missed his mark. Tho caso has not yet been set for tilal. Tim Diamond Malcli Co. has been dismissed fiom the S.'i.OOO damage cum) brought by Margin rt Hm-ko against tho Match Co, and City of llarberton. If a Judgment for damages Is rendered tho city will, hao to stand tho full n.mouut. Fifteen witnesses wero sub poenaed Saturday evening. Memorial services In honor of Miss Francis E. Wlllaid, Into of Chicago, tho organlxor of the W. C. T. U. wore held In thn U. It. cliureh last oveu lng. Tho e'llltlcc was mini. Itov, El, lnnor A. Klug, 'of Montrose, formerly of tliH place, made thn nil ditsy, J. U. Graham, scietuiy of the Car rara l?alut Co., left for Baltimore Sat uiduy ovcnlng to visit his wlto and family for u for days. Mr, and Mrs, A, U. Ackermau re turned from ("lew-land this monilu'T. Franlf Gpod, 1, H. McNeil, IV, ;. A PERFECT HEALTH BREAD IStea2SiSeaSflKt!rrCTic3J3 BAKED PROM Purina Health Flour Which contalnt all the nourishing elements ol (lluterean Wheat. OOLO DY S. B. LAFFERTY, 106 S. Howard St. This flour comos to mo very highly rocommonded and somo of thoso who have used tho bread sneak vory highly of thn product. S. B. LAFFERTY. Walsh & Co. Is tho place to buy Climax Stoves, Ranges and House Furnish ing Goods. SPECIAL PRICES On Guns, Ammunition and Hunting Ooata. Bo sure to examino the principlos of our Hot Air Furnace You will say. like othors have said : "it is the BEST in tho market." No. 1050 South Wain st. Near Hankey Lumbor Oo. Phone 1044. M ffinmmnMi Natural Of Children and Adults quickly arranged by... BESAW The Natural Artist and. Photographer. Your portrait skotohed from life or photo at, tho studio, I3S S. Howard Graham & Baum Fire Insurance Representing tho following companies : PIREMEN'S, ,. Kttnbllshed 18:5 NEW YORK FIRB, Kutnbllslioil lft)2 MANHATTAN FIRE, Established 131H MILLERS' &. MANF'G, . ... . . KstnblUliod lfiSl COLONIAL, a EMnlillsUoil 18W STATE OF ILLINOIS, Kstnbllsheu 1815 'PH0HE 379. Graham & Baum Central Office Block. Itaymond, nnd U. G. Fredrick of Ak ron enjoyed Sunday at the Inn. James llaker of Akron .h now .. ographor for tho Carrara Palut Co. The l.ledertafel will havo now and attrue'tivo features at thq prize mi,h. iiuenulo Tuesday' Qveiilug, Keb. 20. Qujck and suio Is Stewart's Tablets. M druggists. Cold The advanced 'jlasa of thq Militant Daneing Academy will bo changed this week from Wednesday to Tliursduy ev enlng. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. l'OK HHNT-SIs; nlco rooms with all Hie latest Improvements, over AVhlte. Ijiw's cigar htorc, -108 East .Market st. lnquiro at the store. 20t-20d Pretoria and Jolinnneeburt; aro the principal cities of tho Tranpvanl, Jotorla, the capital, has a population of about 10.UOO and Is connected by iall with Lorenzo Marques, tho, Portugal noaport ou Dclagoa bay. A railroad e2so runs from Pretoria to oliaunesburd the great mining city of tho Transvaal, and cou'nects with railroads traver ins Qapp Colony, a,mj Jtyta). ' '. , ELLSWORTH Wins the Postoff ice Fight at Hudson. His Nomination Sent to Senate by President Today, Washington, ,1'cbV 10.-(SpI.) Tho postoinco light at Hudson Iwas ended today by tho apolntmcnt of Charles H Ellsworth. HJs nomination was sent to -the Senate 'Monday by tho President. Tlioro will be no contest over tho confirmation. Ellsworth Is a relative of Gen. Dick. Ho owes hlsapolntnlcnt to that fact. There wero several other candidates. Among those who mado an active canvass for tho place wero Messrs.' Ci P. need, H. E. Leo aud R. T. Mller. Tho term, of Postmaster W. W. Lewis expired on tho fifth of this month. Mr. Ellsworth will assumo tho duties of tho office as soon as his appoint ment is confirmed and his bond ac cepted. Tho costumes-worn at tho Lleder. tafel masquerade Tuesday evening, Feb. 20, will be a sight worth seeing. Card of Thanks. Mr. E. B. Slsler and children floslro to return their slncero thanks to friends and neighbors for kindness shown at the death of Eluora O. Sls ler; nlso to pastors and choir. Ttio Coat of Itoynltr. The Duko of Cambridge, cousin of Queen Victoria, has received more army pensions than nuy other member of English royalty. In 1850. on the de cease of his father, the country voted him an annuity of $GO,000 a year. At 18 years of ago ho became a colonel, at 20 a major general. In 18j4 a lieutenant general, two years later a general on full pay, six years later a Held marshal at $22,500 a year, and In 1801 he was appointed a colonel of tho Grenadier guards at $10,000 a year. His resi dence, Gloucester House, he, of course, occupies rent-and tax free, equivalent to about $12,000 per annum. Ho holds tho rangershlp of St. .lames', Green nnd n.vde parks, which Increases his annual Income by about $11,000, be sides oVe? - 520.000 yhch he draws yearly as rental,of his estate near Wim bledon. - . ' ' ' Somo Sritl. faction. "Good thing I mado dat rule never ter leave er house without takln sopie thin wld me." Tjpes. Think They l.oolc AU'llljtht. I She Men are more conceited about their looks tli.iu women. He-I'rove It. She Men always put, their hats on without looking In the glags. Chicago Uocord. Thoauht It Wn. n I'llnllnn. I ftniiln'l .i4... ..t .1... I.n....... tn. l..l. d.d you Gltaon" Ti" W . ly turned panegj rip." "I didn't know Gibson was nn aero-bat,"-CIevelautl I'laln Dealer. Wo Sell tho Best Butterlne Made at i6oa pound. Viortor Bros. Corner High and Market sts. , SPECIAt AKK0UKCEMEKT. wo httvu oponi'd mi nttorniinn nnrl eteninitlirmiH Outline Hohool, whore Imlli'S run icnrn tho ontlro urtnt RESSMAinr(0....nii(l tofloh "Tho I.i. dies' Kinni'h Tnllor eyBtem." Onll nnd Invostleato. ... ,, EDWARDS ft HAUH0H. IK B. Hownru, oir Hold' shoe Btoro iifMnnwBvir" PREfORIA, THE BOER CAPITAL wmmgm n- uvuujutsji: Sweeping .TTTr 2lV1T?J.mVeTmOry01eflvnnco Sale Pns a WHY SHOULDN'T IT? Such bargains ns wo offer 50c, 75c, m Have never been equalled j,6 uuu uui, every siow soiling uno, every discontinued line is yours at swcepincly It m reduced prices. Best selection won't wait for late com ors. 4 m ... When in search of at 122 South Howard pieaso you. SPECIAL PRIOES OP TRUNKS JLvZjLCL Up-to-Date Shoe and Trunk House, Stile Light on tllatorr. To tho surprise and consternation of Itcgulus, the Iloman general, when about to penetrate still farther Into the enemy's country, an enormous serpent, half a mile long and as large around as n meeting house, suddenly opposed bis progress. Nothing daunted, however, Regulus led his army against tho colossal rep tllo. "Still," he muttered in bitterness of soul, "when I send the story of this battle back to Ro'me they will merely sny I have been drinking!" Which appears, moreover, to be tho view the historians took of It. Chlcagd Tribune. How u Man Thinks Ho Looka, The first time he wears a fancy vest. Baltlrooro Herald. III. Ilu.lno. Cnrcer. "I should think you would havo your boy trained for somo business." "I am." ' - "But he's nover dono a day's work In his life." "That's true." "He doesn't know anything except how to dress, dance nnd talk nonsense." "True, again, but that's part of the training for his life purpose." "Well, what do you expect to mako of him?" "The husband of an heiress." Chica go I'ost. A.tont. hed the Doorkeeper. On the opening day of tho session of tho Fifty-sixth congress, says The Cri terion, n tall, gaunt man, shnmhllug of gait, with "high water" trouseis, a slouched hat mashed In any old way and an overcoat that needed brushing, proseuted-himself nt tho center door of thp house of representatives. He start ed to walk right In. but was stopped by ono of the doorkeepers, who sulci to him testily, "Say, don't you knov you can't go In there?" "No, I didn't know It, my friend. I thought 1 could," he said mildly. "Nobody but members allowed In to day." "Well, I'm a member Congressman Gusbtnan of'Wasblngton." "Oh, I beg your pardon. Walk right In." As Mr, Cuoliman strode Into the hall tho astonished doorkeeper looked after him for a moment nnd then, turning to his assistant at the door, said: "Say, Bill, did jrovi sco that? Well, after that I ain't got tho nerve to stop anything." Che Helped Kim Ont. Ho was quoting Tennyson's "Blng, happy bells, ncross the snow." "What's that line. Molly." he asked, "about 'rlno'ln tho new?' I'vo forgot ten t." "So have I," sho replied, cut how will this do: "Thll ilia I wur will nevrr Co; nine ou th old ring Id th. nwt" Than he suld that she ought to be so rlous. Atlanta Constitution, smsmffimmmmm '"'""'''''"MIMMIMMWMMMMtMMMMMMnMMIMWMM o o " a" o o e ' 111 A. O 0 , O ----.f ?3S3t3E?:C 3 ossTJi-saaasas Inventory Shoe Reductions. a a $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 in Akron. Besides" this, every winter shoo, every odd if anything kept by a strictly street, and make your wants Bro 122 South The most. important arti cles in any cuisine are the cottce and butter. The best hos- telrics in the United States Serve Blankc's "FAUS BLEND" Coffee, so extensively advertised in high-grade magazines. At our store you can get in "FAUST BLEND" Coffee at 40c. per pound exactly the same coffee for your own tabic served exclusively on the tables of the famous hostclrics of lhe United States: GRAND PACIFIC. Chicago, IIOTKL IM'tSTF.R. Mllirankec, RUSSUI.I, HOU3K, Detroit, Mich. WADASIt K. R. DINING CAR9. ' ARLINGTON HOTEL. Hot Springs, Ark. EATTKKY PARK IIOTHL, AUcl!lt, N. C. TONY 1'AUbT'S CAFE. St. Louis, Mo. ST. JAMES. Jacksonville, IMa. SCHENLEY HOTEL. Pittsburg. iuussiif.L nousK, netroii, Mich. SMOoStSttWaSi WADASIt K. R. UININ'G CAR9. ltRKWlEi ARLINGTON HOTEL. ITot Sarlncs. ArV. yKRSAASSm NeSan ros LEADING GROCERS. FH0HE 376. OUR COFFEE Is tho most ooinpleto in the city. We carry a line of tho BEST COFFEES put up. Our own brands put up for us by Chase & Sanborn, have no equal. AVo also cany a full lne of Blankes Coffees, including his famous 'Faust" brand. Givp us a trial on ; 1 He Knew III. Dn.lno.a, "I noticed after you left the house this morning 'yqu went back again Don't you know that's unlucky?" "Well, It would have been a-s'good deal uuluckler for me If I hadn't gone back. My wlfo called, mo." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Yon Can Get Henri. For That. She Did you have, any luncheon to day? Tie No; It was nothing but lunch. It only cost 15 cents. Detroit Free Press. Twnnty Ilravn SJen Killed. IWDO.v, Feb. IS). A dispatch to Tho Times from Mnanwpoorfc describing tho retirement to Arundel, draws attention to tho dovotiou of ?0 ineu of tho Vic toria mounted rifles, who wero caught in a trap aud died to a man, fighting to the last. all ?o Eli fMuPilR AVOVlbIMK . T. Cutter & Co Exclusive Agents for AKron, o. L. J. HEFFERNAN, SS Repairing 20A Xttf. IVJearlco-t st. POINTED ARGUMENT One-baif the cost of maklne beer Is paid for labor. The employ ment of labor, at jjbod waces, by her Institutions, Is the life of any city. Why not then, If you drink beer Drink Remier'sy?ifnitS: Lager Beer And keep the money that you pay for it in circulation at home? Golden Band Bottled Beer, in pints or quarts . , Tel 30 SaSSftSBB . . . pronounced success. at BUT urto - date shoe hmiRA. o.n.11 ffl known. We are sure to $ AND SVTOWKL-S. Howard street C3 llMIrMi RHS'ftQSftnKBVCHHU":KCP9KSM RtSftW rt V I 2!!52B viiu. .an.wii.Hif.'r n TXSi2sl; -JS x Vt-i'LSsHai fc VI -i.' V 1 V rSmfVB.1 t s x k& -f i-&' jmrmemim SsStstxnt . iCt ""IifiS i . M1SA ViscStl u t v MiflifiT f MaSJH w, lsssStml Jffltim that is (ollowiEg 301 and 303 Mill Street, Hcror, QJ. DEPARTMENT Cofloes and seo It we can't please you. lndl.pon.ablc. "Somebody's been again at my writ ing deskl It's always so when I want to work!" "What's missing Ink, pen?" "No, my corkscrew!" Unsero Gesell scbaft. 4 ' - , Good Ground For Suspicion. Mudge I can't help suspecting the' sincerity of a man that always agrees with me. Yabsley I should think you would suspect his sanity. Indianapolis Press. It's a mistako to imagine that itch ing piles con't bo cured; a mistako to suffer a day longer than you can help.. Doan's Ointment brings instant re-1 lie and permanent cure. At any drug store, 50 cents. Not. WiUmMm SiMa'iEISw s3 4, ,. Impobu on your time to ask you to read a cataloguo of 15 or 20 pages, describing the merits of the. Satoria Shoes ?Pliey speak for themselves. Youi Inspection will be better than 100 l pages, of .praise. Call aud sco them. If onco you have tho SATORIA yot. will buy no other. Price $2.50 For salo ojily at tho old established shoe houso of i , no S. Howard Street. Promptly attended to at lowest prices Tl. 649 Qrent cut in the price of Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Violins, Accordeons, Harps, etc., one-half off (or 30 days. Call at once for bargains. s. 8. fairW"M--!V. 4&tAbf &idm.,'tfr&!ii ft r-SLM tefiMdZiik.ltk LW'l'''' , JZ.s.1 rf-rV"'-' gtimmak'x MHUr.UlMLM'!.!; , i, j L,A'jftij BMX&RSfQ H.lirlM4, sa fSKfi ?.r.(Jt U AIM. 9 jtjw. j . ,. M .ntKai