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" wr- rtfftSlsjtsiSISil!?, MHifi&MS Jf JPVr jXJLx'-T'nfit j AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. vt Fred Laub's Specials tot This Week. Hparo Jlltx, 'Icnrtprlnlni, Hull n?.f!f.rn.'ir"'. t"r 'I1- Tarkoji nra nil ktniMof tlrosicil Poultry People's Cash Meat Market, II r If. Howard st. U i FAIR and WARMER. VOLUME EIGHT. NUMBER 279 AKRON. OHIO, MONDAY. EVENING. MARCH 12. 1900. PRIOE ONE PENT SfvxwJii ti b I n P n P II al ti U. il )f li I LEYDS Denies Reports That Kruger Sued For Peace. Says Bobps Are Not Dis organized. Roberts Tells of More Hard Fighting. Is Within 15 Miles of Bloem fontein. Kruger Has Summoned Execu tive Council. Noted Irish Woman Censures Great Britain. Purls Match 12. (Spl.) Dr. Lcyds, the Tiansvaal diplomatic ngeut, denies tin- story tl)at Fiesldents Kruger nml Stejn have cabled peace proposals to Lord Salisbury. lie also says the re ports of the liners being disorganized (ire iuacyrnb?, London, March 12. (Spl.) The war olllcp has received the ollowiugdls-pntqll.fropt'LonLltoberls:,- . . "Aasvogul kop. March 12.-'u:;t0 a. in. -1W were unnppOM'd during our nin roll ypMerdny. 'Gatnero loports that he was with in a mile oC the Bethullen railway bridge yesterday. Tlie bridge has ln-eu partially destroyed and the ene my Is holding the opposite bank." Burghersdorp, March 12. (Spl.) Tho Biitlsh advance column yesterday ex changed shots with the Boers at Both ulle. Tho British command the road bridge. Executive Council Summoned. London, March 12. (Spl.) ,'S p.m. A dispatch from Loicuzo Marques states that President Kruger arrived In Pretoila Friday and Immediately summoned the Incentive. Council in session. Colonies Are Loyal. London. March 12.-(Spl.)-In the House of Commons today Mr. Jot-eph Williams, financial secretary to the "War olllee, stated that the British col onies had furnished 20,000 soldiers during the pieseiit war In South Af rica. BRITISH Believe the Boers Are Disorganized Kruger's Appeals. Capo Town, March 12.-10:1." a. in. (Spl.j-VThci publication of President Kruger's appeals to tho Burghers aro leeeived Joyfully by tho British, as It I roves to their satisfaction that tllo P.oers have been disorganized by their leeent defeats. ,Tho Capo Times discourages an nc 'tlvn agitation In support of the anni hilation of tho two Boer republics. It idvlses the people to have eonfldence In Great Britain, as the government cvlll make n settlement that will lit; en tirely satisfactory. The Cuutidlau and Aiu'rallan volunteers who wero hero jrecontly wero unanimously In favor bf the eradication of this two republics. I Arrangements Imve been lnudo by he civil and military authorities to linve all future cases of rebellion tiled leforc a Judgo and two military olli- fi'is, But the (Jape Dutch who weio npturcd at Suunyslde and hare al ready been airulgned In tlio ciH 'onrts, will be tried by a Jury at Cape fown during tho April Assizes, Tho WE HAVE JUST opened and placed on sale a large line of Buffet Side boards that are very attractive. They are not only elegant in de sign, but are beauti fully finished and are made of the choicest selection of oak we ever saw. We would like to interest you in them. BURDETTE L. DODGE Stller of Everythlap to Furnlth a Home. HOWARD ST. government will ask Parliament to or ganise a special court. Mr. Cecil Bhodcs Intends sending Mr. Baker, a uoted architect to Egypt Home and Athens to study the Mauso leums at those places. When he re turns, he will erect a Mausoleum at Klnibeiley In memory of those who were killed during die siege, ROBERTS Thinks He Will Soon Occupy Bloem- fontein Some Likely Fighting. Droifonteln, March 12. (Spl.)-Gen- eral Boberts Is now within It" miles of Bloemfontein. The Boors were driven from some strong positions and tho Freo State capita, it Is believed, will soon be occupied by the British. At 10 o'clock Saturdny the cavalry unex pectedly found the. Uopjps at' Droifon teln, cght miles south of Abraham's drift, occjupiedtronply by the enemy. They, InimedlntPlynttempted to out,-. flank the Boers, moving forward under n hbllvy' shell and Miishn-Vieker gun fire, but leaving behind a thin eontnln- tContlnued on eighth page.) y.."'CZAR" - ' rui, y ovor.v day foi' tlio deadlocks, Get i& ;, 'M ' J mtsm mm rna ' A' I V v . OTIS Not Optimistic Now. Changes View That War's "Practically Over." The Rainy Season Is Now at Hand, Giving the Insurgents Chance Recuperate. Reports That Enemy Is Scattered, luaccueate. Washington, March 12. (Spl.)-At no time since Admiral Dewey took pos session of Manila bay has tho Philip pine situation been more serious for the administration thnn now. It had been hoped and wns believed that Gen eral Otis, with 00,000 trops, would be able to crush the lusurrectlou before the rainy season of 1!00, but that per iod Is now nt linnd and there Is little to Indicate that the war in the Philip pines Is at au end. From private sources the Information Is brought that tho rebellion will con tinue Indefinitely. The scattered in surgents will be given opportunity to iccuperntc and reorganize their forces during the wet season, for it,hns been fully demonstrated that the American soldiers arc practically powerless after the rains begin. Genornl Otis has ceased his optimis tic dispatches announcing that the war Is "practically over." Ills last dispatch was most discomforting. It told of' nn organized nriny of 2,000 insurgents that had been" encountered by hltf troops.' in northern Luzon where It was believed the coutnry 'was cleared of hostih's, the" insurgents are' l ('tinn ing, nurt have begun to attack the gar- ANDERSON AND HIS AS MOTHElt GOOSE HAD IT; Old Klhg Colo wns a merry old souK And n merry old soul was ho; , He called for bis pipe, Ho culled for his bowl, And he called for his Fiddlers thiee. MANAGER'S ANNOUNCEMENT Akron's next ton years if tlioy will say your tickets early and avoid thp Mill! Win Largest Exclusive Dry Goods Store. NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. This flection of our itorolsovr floMiif?vltli Kood thlDRi for our customers. Our asiortmant Is romplata, containing all tho now wenvos nnrt colorings. BLACK DRESS GOODS Our strong point. Don't fnll to sco our line. SILKS. Wo linvo an qlecnnt assortment now Foulard BlJk in oxclunlvo dross patterns; no two nllke. (lliolcc newsllk for unlntnln hem stitch and plnln effect. New Suits, Jackets, Dress Skirts, Silk Waists and Shirt-waists. New'Cartains, Curtain Materials and Rugs. P tit ' 155-167 S. Bernard st. rihons. Generals Vood and Young have asked for Tclnforeemcnts for the far nothcrn country. TERRIBLE 3 Loss of Life In JerseyfFire. t Fifteen Bodies Have Been Recovered ". The Identified. f Newark, N. J., March 12. (Spl.) was undoubtedly the worst fire In Newark's history from the stand point of fatalities attpndlng it caused tho death of nt Icftst 15 persons and destroying the frame tenement at the southeast corner ottSIorrls and" 14th avenues this morning. Fourteen bod- ft f lcs,of men, women and children had been taken out of the ruins by the firemen ami one nuin bnd-dled at the 'p "clty'liospitnl up to'tfo.'O'cloek this, morn ing. Tho search Of the ruins wns bc- , if tlr kept up and tho list of victims may bo inci eased. , JTho names of dead so far as Is Xfflii n ALL STAR TR0UPE "OLD KING COLE UP TO tnxnnvers can sco tlu crnnd ' sDeotnculnr otravnennza in continuous porformanco nothing antl pay tho fiddlers. No rush. known follow: Angela Cnslllo nmt his wife; Tony CiibIIIo, Heunlnllo Cnslllo, Frank Caslllo, Cnnnlua Cnslllo, Getanlno Pnltnlcian, Nttnelalo It.irdo, Theresa Antonio BarmlniiQ, Partlano, Gulseppe I'armlnno, Nuncnto Parmlano. Two other bodies were recovered, which wero so badly burned that they were unrecognizable and one other man whose name is not yet known, Jumped from n tlilid story window to escape the flamcs.dled subsequently nt tho city hospital. How the Arc started Is now known, but Vilo Cradcii7o, who lived In the house, wns nrrested about 0:30 o'clock because Virglnlus Do Pruln and Jos eph Frenrg told Otllcers Murphy and Mullcr that the man knew something about the origin of the blaze. Craden zo wns locked up In the Fourth pre cinct police station and DePruta and Frenlg were held as witnesses. Tho charge against Crndenzo wns stated, but Captain Edwards says the man is held on suspicion of having commit ted arson. People's Theatre. Dr. Bucker's "Korak Wonders" pleased a very large audience Satur day night nt the "People's." Tonight "Ten Nights In a Bar Boom;" Tues day, "Hero In Hags;" Wednesday, "Mnblo Heath;" Thursday, "Fast Lynn;" Friday, "Undo Tom's Cabin," and Saturday, March 17, "St. Patrick's day," matinee and night, "Kathleen Mnvournccn." DEATHS. GREISING Leon F., the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Greislng, of -108 S. Forge St., died Sun day from inanition. Tho f uncial was held at 2:30 o'clock Monday after noon. Interment in Alt. Peace ceme tery. ALEXANDER Mattie, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Clayborn Alexander, of 113 Fountain St., died Saturday after noon, of consumption. Deceased was aged 25 years, S months and 2S days. Funernl bervices were held nt 2 o' clock nt the Second Baptist church. Iuteimcnt In Glendalc cemetery. The Prohibition voters" arc urgently leipiestcd to meet nt cily council cham ber Tuesdiiy nt 7:30 p. 111. to place in nomination a city ticket. AS THE MQGAPOllH POET SEES IT; Old King George vfl n merry old Czar And a merry old Czar was ho: He called for Button, His automobile, And he called for hid. Proxies thiee. deadheads nopd apply. Nothing G. M. ANDERSON, Sole CIVIL WAR Likely In Kentucky. Both Governors Sur rounded by Soldiers Anxious to Protect Their Precious Lives And Their More Precious Jobs --Bloodshed Feared. Prisoners Secretly Removed From Lexington Jail. Louisville, Ky., March 12.-(Spl.)- Clvll war practically rages In Kentucky today. Both Governors today fear the other will attempt to nrrebt him and both nie surrounded by armies. Armed for any emergency, about 75 special of ficers today arc patrolllug in and about the Capital hotel, Beckham's head quarters, lo guaid against any attack by Taylor's army ' in itato licusc square. Taylor's military force wns supple mented by the arrival of a company of GS men from B.irbourvllle. They were 'iiuirtered in the State House, and cannon was brought out to lend a mote war like rolo-inp to the scene. '1 he report came t'i a state Scn.itor fioui .1 Republican source that during today the soldiers would be ordered to nn est Governor Beekhnm. Mayor Dchoney swore In nn extra guard of about 75 men, who armed themselves heavily. About 50 of them remained either In the hotel or In sight of It, and a signal was agreed upon to give no i'ce to nil guards to assemble nt the hotel In case gf an emergency Addi tlonnl wananis will be Issued aud served in a day or two on the-charge of accessory before tho fact to the wil- Ha DATE. , goes hero but Proprietor. fill murder of Gov. Goebel. Tho namea of the men to be arrested will be kept secret until the arrests nrc made. Tay- lor says the ?100,000 reward bill pass ed by the Legislature is simply a fund to HWfiir nway the lives of innocent ltepubllcniiH nnd that ho means to pioti-ct them. The Lexington company of state mllltln has deserted to Beck bam. A battle between the Barbour- vijlc company and tho deserters nt Lex ington was expected when the train rnshpd through there. The trip wart inniie by way of Paris, and at Itlch- mmid news was received of the capture of Secretary of State Fowcrs and Cap tain Davis. Captain Black saw that nt once an attempt to capture the men lu bis command was very probable. Cal"ng his men together he cautioned them to keep cool and deliberate. Tho blinds of both coaches were dinwn down and the doors locked. A stern command was given, there was a click us tho men deftly tilled their rifles with ball cartridges and then came the mo ments of suspense and watching as the train drew near Lexington. The men ciouched down between the seats, pre pared to give the attacking party a Ihely time. Cnptain Black's fears weie not groundless, as was f.howti about a mile from Lexington, when two blue coated bcouls, mounted on swift horses rode rapidly away townid the city when they discerned the train. Xo attempt, however, was made to In terfere with the train and It passed swiftly through Lexington. As it n eared Frankfort th blind- wpre again drawn and the cou.pacy ngnin piejiared to resist capture. There was no Interference though and the troops disembarked In front of the state house and went into camp with picked nieu there. SECRETLY Were the Prisoners Taken Avay Be fore Daylight. Lexington, Ky., March 12.-(8pl.) At two o'clock this morning Secretary of State Caleb Powers and Captain John Dais, who were arrested hero Saturday night charged with being ac cessories to the murder of "VVm. Goe bel were recently taken from the Lex ington Jail, handcuffed together and placed 011 board the 5 o'clock Louis ville Southern train and taken to Louis ville for safe keeping. The local offi cers feared an attempt would bo made to rescue the prisoners, hence the se cret moving. The prisoners wero tak en In carriages to Law renceburg, ., where they boarded the train, as the officers wero afraid an atttempt would be made to lescue them If they at tempted to boaul the train here. At the j.iil the deparUne of the prisoners Ih btrenuously denied, and the guard Is being maintained ns if the men were Still theic. The news of the moving of the prisoners lias not yet reached Be publlcan' headquarters, and but few people In town know of , the action of the offlcei"-. Report Confirmed. Louisville, Ky., March 12. (SpI.)-3 p.m. Secretary of State I'overs aud Cnpt. John Davis, who were bplrlted out of Lex!ngton Jail last night, reach ed here today under heavy guard. Sheriff Bosworth says he slipped the prisoners out of Lexington to preveut them from beingp'escued by tho Moun tain soldiei. rowers and Davis de mand 1111 Immediate trial. There Is no truth lu the story that Governor Tay lor will prevent the Legislature from meeting. LATE LOCALS. The directors of the several K. of P. lodges met In McPherson hall Friday night to discuss the union hall pro. Ject. Xo deflnite arrangements were mnde, and It mny be sometime befoto tho cooperation of all the lodges can be secured. , Mr. and Mrs. William roust, oJ Northampton, were tendered a fare well reception Wednesday evening, by 250 friends. They will remove to near Steel's Corners. The Elks held a social session nt their club rooms Friday evening. Thero wero present 150 people, and an excellent time was enjoyed by all. The gospel of health and grace by, Jenness Miller. Julius Lane will deliver his lntereati lug lecture on the Transvaal ai he Graco M. B. church Wednesday oven. Ins.- The plant of tho Columbus Sower Pipe company has been transferred to the American Clay Manufacturlns company, The consideration wa 555, COO. ..... 1 Sww&wft kmMm&fi$M araBCTgrw Hfc6J tSflfeMaWjffrti- ,i..tfHtMtofcyi.WHt i-g