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aSESS2 ,.,. - r.r-..-,-..! -.. W " ' . wwyw'ml'M'wPllwff','i JVlVjcu..N UJWJ-.Y. UJ'JAIOOKAT. MONDAY, MAItCII 12 1000 i n n a al tv tl LJUMIIAW Will M SPECIALS KQIt WKKIC SrC'Q WJ W4 IJ-a vJ ENDING Snwivdny, March 17,11)00 1 ID. Fresh Sliioddod Cocoanut for lilc, 2 Ibi. for t!3i'. 12 lbs. California Evaporated PeaOll CS fdl If 1(7. (Cheap US iipph'S). I Hit. S. & G.'s Cereal ColTi'o for 12."i?. (Our own least lug). VI lb. Iicst Pcniing Nutmegs for loo, The over Increasing Interest In S. fc G.'s specials warrants thi'lr oontlnu- mice. Wholesale prices in rctiill quail- lltU.s. ; Junket Tablets. Something new for deserts. Olio all Id solidifies two quarts of milk. Color or ilnvor to taste. 10c hit bov. Mother Goose story hook. Polly Dear series, free with 1 lb. any of S. !c G.'s .lava ami Moulin Coffees. 'We have a smprlo In'storo for you In our Easter Offering commencing April 2ud. Join our mall order eonstltunuoy, It you eau't call or telephone tVJO. Our tangons pass your iloor In the eity. Ad lressed postal cards FREtf at the More. China & Japan Tea Store Schumacher & Gammcter Tol. 550. 101 S. Howard st. TWENTY-ONE "Tramps" In Court. Eleven Were Arrested at Weeks Pottery. Raid by Officers Murray and Russell. Prisoners Brought In Monday Morning. Early Mrs. Myers Wanls to Return to Her Husband. Itju lido the "Jinuse" by mistake; that who had applied for" a position as cook. Olllcer Goodoubergci' placed .1, W. Miner In the city prison Sunday morn. Ing ut it o'clock. Miner lauded In Ak ron Saturday afternoon. ills actions were of a slisnlelous natllie. lie want ed the otlleer to lock him up for safe- keep ng, claiming thai he feared bod ily harm fiom someone. Olllcer Good cnberger took the man to Glenn's tav fin. lie got up nt midnight and left llin hotel. His bed wan paid for, but 1 o didn't en re. Miner neglected to put his underwear on when lie left Olenn'H, so ho undressed In the alley, and made, the change. On Sunday It was developed that the man had delirium tremens. Ills con dition is Improved today. I Inch Kane. Intoxication, SfU and - - --c-- ' costs. Joieph McKlcnr, Intoxication, S2 ' and costs: Win. F. Brunei', samel charge, dismissed. Martin Dalku has 11 led an allldavll In Mayor's court against Frank Cardn- filler, accusing IIIIU OL ninntiu), mum;- at Chaille Dalka. Oilicer Gieoulose shot a tramp dog, In tiont or tlm Empire house Saturday evening. The canine had no home and acted strangely. TRANSFERRED Stocks and Bonds To His Wife Without Any Consideration. Claim Made by Creditors jt ITALY To Take Steps to Restore Peace. HV Minister Authorized to Take .Initiatory Ste)s. London, March V'. .(Spl.)-It Is be. llevcd Italy has npttllud her minister here to pave the way for peace be. tween Gioat Britain and the Trans vaal. Premier Yenosta held a coulor ence with the British Ambassador at Home today ami It is said talkeu of the message that had been received from the Italian Consul at Pretoria, the lat ter having been authorized by both Kruger and Sloyn. to ask his court to make overtures for peace. BOTH SIDES Waiting For Each Other to Begin the Fighting. Louisville, Ky., March lU.-(Spl.) At noon Governor Taylor had fully 200 "military men In the. Stale House grouuds ami three gatllng guns. Beek liam, the Democratic Governor, had two companies of militia and nlwut li00 deputies". Xo' attempt was made-to-arrest Beckham. A story was elrdu lated that Beckham has Issued a war rant for Itepubliean Adjutant Gonoial Collier's arrest, but Beckham at onco .sent Sheriff Sutter to Collier to deny the report. Both are testing on their oars, all fully armed for the tirst time the trouble began. The Itepubllcans swear that before Iuuoeent men shall lie hounded by the Ooebelltes, Willi the aid of the .10(1,11(10 reward to buy perjured testimony, that If there Is a warrant tor the nriest of Governor Taylor as an accessory to the iimr der of (Joebel, as the Republicans claim is the case, then a bloody clash will follow any attempt to arrest the Governor. Secretary of State Towers and ('apt. Davis at noon demanded an Immediate trial. ATTORNEYS There were 21 "bums" arraigned in Mnrn,.' i.nnvi Mnndiiv morning. The prisoners' bench was, not large 'enough to accommodate, ajl, and, part of the class had to remain standing. There were ohl bums, young hums, long bums, short bums, white, bums black bums, hairy bums, and hairless buhis. When Mayor Young took his heat, he Inquired of Chief Harrison If they needed any recruits in Manila. The Chief remarked that Akron's stieet cane needed a few lecrults and for live days,aud whatever additional time It takes to work out costs, the follow ing named nomadic Individuals will be in the employ of this city: Oris Orant, Arthur Marshall, Chas. Daley, Thomas Marsh, Gnstnv Helner, l'eter Bold, Joseph Devine, .lohu Hick- ey, Thomas Blown, Thomas O'Donnell. James Forsyth, Dick MeCrum, Fled Swartz, Frank Henderson, Win. Smith, James Farrull; John Jones, John Daugherly, Lincoln Roberts, Edward Heel and Chas. Rich, same charge, were both dismls.-cd. Mayor Young .Instructed the "class" that the members who wore good would likely be dismissed befoio the expiration of their sentence. "Those who become 'smart' and attempt to shirk their duty, will however, remain in the employ of this city, nutil their full sentences are .orvijd-out." , 'Eleven of the men .were su'rested at AYeeksL pottery, East Akrou.iit ." o' cVclr.Momlay morning h Ojileors Murray and Bussell. The wagiiu was sent for, and when It arrived, the otli j'ers who made the arrest. luil their prisoners all lined up at the comer of Case avenue and Market st. The other bums either applied for lodging at the city prison or were arrestcil at various times between Saturday evening ami Monday morning. Artii Myers was arraigned on the ohm go of lesidlng at a lioiisc of ill lame on Notih Howard st. She plead ed guilty. Mayor Young reserved sen tence until Tuesday morning. The woman's auest was ea.ised by her lnisliaiid. Mrs. flyers said that she had .been residing' In the '''house" for months. 'vKliu wan'ts to go back I ie now, and held n conference with her husband In the 1'roseoutjor's oflicc. The woman cried bitterly, nnd era biaced her husband frequently. It Is thought that he will take her back. Mrs. Myois cln lined tliat she liqd got- J. J. McGOWAN of Wilcox. Woorls Heirs do riot '.Agree on an Administrator. Stale vs. 1L C. Oarber has Im-oii au thorized to lake deposition!!. A default Judgment for 8200 Iiiih been given the plaintiff In the cime of Flunk Ktinx vs. Carl Kieiiger. WILLS FILED. The will of Harriet 13. Tiowbridgo was tiled III ITolMiie couri .moiiohj. Iler husband Is given the Income of all her properly during his life. At his dentil the title Is to be placed In the name of her sldter, Kiln O. I'aiiaalce. Anna Phillips gles all her property to her husband, John M. Phillips. pitoBATi: m:vh. Final naturalization papers have been Issued to William Hoffman. T. W. Wakeinan, asslguee of the Akiou District Telegraph companj has nied n list of the claims present ed. Tho aggregate is ?1,41.83. baguc Bros. & Co. YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE .WHEN YOU HUY YOUR. I Dress Goods and Silks OF.... Is the Lowest Bidder For Paving Street With Block Asphalt. The Lowest Bid Sheet Asphalt For Two More Divorce Petitions Filed Court House;N'ews. - & The application oft,,A. Wilcox, for iii ftim-iini-cn from bankruptcy was heard In tho United States court at Cleveland today. The ercditoiWare contesting. They are not satlstled that he has turned oir all his assets for their benefit. Two Akron banks are parties to the proceedings, the, Second National and I the Citizens' National. Stocks that are alleged to have been transferred by Mr. Wilcox, are as fol lows: Akron Building & Loan Asso icatlon, Wilcox-Bruncr Company, Thomas Lumber company, Baker-Mc-Mlllen company.Akron China company, Akron Woolen & Felt company, Ak ron Savlugs bank, India Rubber com pany. Challenged No Action Taken by Commissioners. To Ask For a Court House. lew Time Extended to April 1st. Regular Committees Appointed For Ensuing Year. At a special meeting of tho Akron Bar Asoelatlon tills morning It was decided to make an active campaign In tho Interests of a new court houe. The committee, appointed at a former meeting, was instructed to take up tho project. Tho members ot tho commit tee will endeavor to enlist the people generally In favor of the move. The standing committees for tho year were named by President H. T. Wlllsou. They are ah follows: Kxecutlve llavvey Muster, Francis Selberling and II. U.AndrosR. Investigation anil grlevamv-F. II. AYaters, S. O. Rogers an 1 J. A. Brad ley. Meinbershlp-F. If. Thelss, 11. L. Snyder nnd C. T. Orant. Judiciary A. C, Yorls, J. V and II. C. Sanford. Medical Treatment Free for Three Months to All Invalids Who Call Upon the Brit ish Doctors at Their Offices, Suite 36, Central Offlce-Bulldlngr. Total Count of Estimates Not Yet Completed. - . . l 41... James J. McOowan oi akiou, is u.u lowest bidder for the contract of pav ing Kast Market st. with block asphalt. Tho principal features of his bid fol low: JAMES J. McGOWAN. From High st. to Buchtel nve.: Five year 'guarantee, .fnUOCWK; 10 year guarantee, $7(1.(1 10.211; 1" year guaran tee, $88,70:1.711; without guarantee, W- ons.or,. From Buchtel avc. to Case ave.: Five year . guarantee, .?:il,2"G.0; 10 year guurautce. .SKi,0S4.01; 15 year guarantee, !?15,8oU.2() For paving with sheet asphalt, the bid of the Ollsonite Paving and Hoof ing company, of St. r.oulswas lower than that of the Barber Asphalt Com pany of New York, there being but - . . . . t...1t riM.nlUMcl two bids lor siieet nspuiiu. auu-u.wi? follow: OII.SONITF, PAYING AND HOOF-. INO COMPANY. From High st. to Buchtel ave., five year guarantee, S5IVI70.70; 10 year guarantee, ?iH,:mi.50; 15 year guaran tee, .? 71, S 17.70. From Buchtel ave. to Case avc: l'lvo year guarantee. .?2(t,(500; 10 year guar antee. !F2i),2:i:t.50; 15 year guarantee, $&I,1S2.40. BARB10R ASPHALT COMPANY. Fiom High street to Buchtel ave: Five year guarantee, .V.'!4,(IS7.03; 10 Ho Is alleged .to have held In addi tion to tho stocks named above, bonds nf dio following cornoiatlons: Pitts burg Plate GInss company and Muucie Land company. Aside from these se curities hn will be.nsked to tqh what has become of equities In real estate, mortgages, land contracts, etc. Tho contestlug-eredltors claim that Mr, Wilcox has 1 171ns t erred tno tuio or the soouryios,' etc., to his wifu and f'rlends and that he has done so with- out any consideration. They seek to have the, stocks, .$c turned over nnd sold for thelfiJieucn). '' 'HKIH'CONFKIW Thc'hijlrs.oj'tbe hijo J. B. Woods met today u;Vd trd to a'grcg on an ad. mlnlhtrator of the estate. As1 soon as this Is settled the action to set aside, tijc' will, will Jv"ealed for iriill in Common Pleas tjqurt. The iieienuanis will not mnko'inuy defense and tho Jury will be instructed by the Judge to return a verdict for the plaintiff. George G. Allen, executor of tho will has agreed to resign as soon as the case Is decided in favor or the plain tiffs. His compensation has been Us ed. II is in excess of .?5,000. It was learned Monday that the heirs could Hot reach any agreement In reterence to the selection of an administrator. AH of the children are after tho ap pointment. It Is not Improbable that tho cpurl will be asked to name some DEMOCRATS Will Have Lively Caucuses Tuesday Night Candidates. . Considerable Interest Is being taken in the contests to come befoio the Democratic caucuses Tuesday night, of which the call Is published in another coluniu. In the First ward Councilman Paul will lie nominated for m-electlou by ac clamation. Indications are that Mr. J. B. Hutlicr foul, the South Main st. hardware r.ieichant, will be nominated lor Coun cil from the Third waul. Mr. Julius '.YTiielm Is a candidate for the nomi nation for member of the school board from the Third waul. In the Fifth ward It Is likely that Mr. Richard D. Mason, ol LoDuru si. will be nominated by acclamation for Council. Mr. Mnson is a brother of Mr. F. II Mason, general manager of tho Goodrich Rubber company, and Is one ot the best known residents of the ward. Thus far, Mr. Amos J. White is the only candidate announced for the Democratic' nomination for school board from the Fifth ward. Mr. White was clerk of the Board early In the nineties and Is well qunlllied to rep resent his ward in the Boaid. In tho Fourth ward, Mr. August Piskc will contest with Mr. Louis II. Anicr for the nomination for Council. Amoin: tho candidates whose names ate to come before the Democratic con tention at the City Hall Wednesday evculug are those of Attorney Ylncent Helbllng and Mr. A. O. itolloway, tho latter a student at Buchtel College and one of the soldiers of the Spanish Amoilcan war. For Com table, Messrs. P. J. Cum mins and Edward Bolan are announc ed. The friends of Mr. Clarence Ba ker infoiiued the Democrat this after noon that he would also be a candidate for the nomination for constable. Mr. P.jikor was for many years an employe of the Webster Camp : Lane company and lives on Lods st. DAGUE BROS. & CO.- j "We btiv onlv the boat, and carry the largest and most j carefully selected stock in the city of Akron. The past week lins shown some marvelous Rolling of dress goods : and this week will be still better. I . . SILKS. - Also arc having a tremendous sale this season, and to $ know and see the latest in Silks you must see our stock. Jig Our range of 1 Black Dross Silks m Js worthv the attention of the most critical buyer. You fl can find anything you may bo looking for and at reason j able prices. , I Carpets & Asall Fapor 1 At prices to please, and a mammoth stock to solecfc il from. baguc Bros, & Co. ' rrHMHTTHiMMHI PROF. RICH Will be on the Road In His New Ca by April 1 . Prof. George E. Rich, the well known furrier, of this city, will go upon the road with his traveling horseshoeing establishment about April 1. The car Is uow being reconstructed for Prof. Rich's Kent. It will bo divided In live first-class living rooms-, and his family will travel with him. Prof. Rich will receive a nice Income from the advertising which will adorn the car. The "ads" will bo painted by C. W. Kempol, the sigupainter of this city, egid paoPnau.A iooakt.hhaxiCraa.h mmsssjn: First OI&S5S5 HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS AT. Akron Photo Eng". Co. 603 South Main st. Family Waohirt(js Our speclnlty. SpucM thitr. Wo wash clefcu. good fintab. don't ruin fRbrics. Will call for nd cUUver goods. One trlfil U all -no ask. AMERIOAN CAV.INOR'V LAST LINKS. Pfcone 72 405 Eit ExchiEt it. GEO. E. ETZ, Prop, AVolsh t in OCEAN TICKETS TO El'HOPE AND PARIS EXPOSITION. Tickets via all leading lines at lowest intes Information cheoi fully given upon application to C. D. Houodlo. ticket.ngont, Union depot. Cook's per sonally conducted touru. The Clerks' union will hold u social session and smoker In Kramer's hall, Tuesday evening. There will be u meoilug ol the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday even Injj, at 7;U0 p.m. A staff of eminent physicians nnd surgeons' from the Britinh Mc'dlcnl In stitute have, at the urgent solicitation of a laigo number of patients uuder their treatment In Akron, established a permanent brnueh. of tlm Institute, in this city In the Central Oflicc build ing. These eminent gentlemen havo decided to give their services entirely free for three mouths (medicines excepted) to nil invalids' who c" "l'on them for treatmeut between uow and April 1st. Those services consist not only of consultation, examination nnd advice, but ao of all minor surgical opcratlojt. Tho object In pursulpg this course Is to becomo rapidly and personally ncnualuted with tho sick and aflllcted and under no condition whatever will any charge bo rondo for any services rendered for threq mouths, to all who call before Ajirll 1, Therefore, the most humble In circumstances can avail themselves of the services of these eminent physicians. The doctors trciH all forms of disease and deformities, and giutrnnfeo a cmo in evorv case thoy undertake. At the llrst Intcrvluw a thorough examina tion Is made, and. If Incurable, you nro frankly and kindly told sn also ad vised against spending youv money for useless treatment. Male and femahj weakness, ca tarrh nud catarrhal deafness, also ruptute and goltw and all dUeases of the rec'.um are positively cured by flielr new treatment. Dr. Arthur G. Rldeout, Tile chief oonmililiig surgeon of tho In- dilute. Is lit pitrHonul cmig,i. OUlco honts from U'U. m'W ! m No Sunday hours year guarnteo, ?:i,4 18.70; 15 year guarantee, ?IM,:i5:i.50. From Buchtel ave. to Case ave.: Five year guarantee, .fW.l 18.70; 10 year guarantee, ijsJi,-wSiO; 115 year guarantee, S-ifl.OO-MKi. WANT BID THROWN OUT. The. representative of thu Barber Asphalt Company challenged thp hid of the Ollsoulto Paving and Rooting DIVORCE COURT. Two petitions for divorce were tiled In Common Pleas court this morning. Jennie Rogers of Mogadore, charges her husband with drunkenness, willful absence, gross neglect of duty, and adultry. .Margaret Noo was married to Daniel Noe Aug. UO, 1807, In Dell lleld, Germany. She alleges that he Is guilty of neglect and cruelty. The divorce case ofjEtta M. Friend vs. Wilbur G. Friend has boon referred to G. Forest Firestone for bearing. Emma Carter was granted a divorce Saturday from Edwin Carter on tho grouudu of neglect and cruelty. DAMAGE CASE. Theodore F. Thompson lins uicii a yetltiou-In Common Pleas court ask- , n.n l..i 41.. 1 lug judgment tor .', "" ANOTHER AFFIDAVIT Has Been Filed by Miss Rhoades Against C. E. Patterson. Jessio Rhoades has Held an atlldavlt in Justice Thomas' court against Clarence E. Pntterson, accusing him or being tho father of her child. Both parties are colored. The Rhoades girl brought suit against Patterson last fall, in Justice Campbell's court. The child was horn September 12, 1800. In some manner the case was settled up before the date set for trial iu Justice Campbell's court, but the girl necuxes Patterson of not living up to agreement, l'atter son has a wife. Ho Is not In this city at present. CM Castings Seymour Jlnrlott, of Canton, and Miss Anuic Fisher, of Akron, were married Monday morulug by Justice Thomas. Rev. Robert Moffett, of Cleveland, ox-secretary of the Ohio Christian Missionary society, conducted services at the First Disciple church, this city, Sunday morning and evening. Ser vices next Sunday will be conducted by Prof. E'. E. Suoddy, of Hiram col lege. The friendsof Miss C. Ula Feuchtcr have reeoiyed Invitations to attend a piano recital given by her, Wednes day evening, March 1-4, at Miss Ella Blgolow's studio, S. Maple st., program to begin at 8 o'clock. Miss Laura Isonman will slug. Miss Wlnfrcd Al len and Miss Jessie Anderson nro also preparing piograms for similar oc casions. Otis Mitchell', of tho Erie trelght of fice, has been promoted to the position of bill clerk nt Ashland. Mr. Mitchell left Monday to assume his new duties. For Every Purpose. .' Ad am son, Exchange and Water Streets. rowers of Alr Catawba Pure, Catawba A, Port, Sweet, Ives Seedling:.... Alwnys on hnnd. All orders promptly flllMl' fepeclnl attention plven to mall orders. SCHAEDLER & RHEIN, ... Kelly's Island, 0, . ELLIS Coal, Cor. Cherry and Canal sts. Tel. 25T. Moving Vans, Teaming and Transferring. "Fill vour coal bins now nnd avoid the rush." Office, Company, elalmulg Irregularity In (ho J y0VjUQni Ohio Traction company. Ho manner In which Hint company's bond 1 .im, i,0 Was injured In a col lision between his wagon ami a ear on tho tracks of the defendant. Ho says that tho accident was duo to tho was filed. The City Cominlssioiiurs have tnkou no action In the maH'jr, nor havo thoy yet decided whether sheet or block asphalt will be used. Bid for contracts of paving Camp bell st nnd eonstiucllng local sowers In Yale and Hanard sts., have not yet been eo(iu(od JOKE ON HOYE. The Dog Was Stuffed and Well Preserved. Sanitary Policeman M. W. Hoyo was notified that there was a dead do kept In the reildence of 0. E. Long, on South Main St., just outside the city limits, In Coventry township. Olllcer Hoyo, iu company with J, W. Melton, an olllcor of Coventry town. ship, visited Mr. Long's homo, and I sure enough they found a dead dog, In I the pallor J But tho animal was stullVd pud prV- served as an ornumeut, carelessness of the moloiman. OTI(EH PLEADINGS. All answer has boon filed In thu ciifo ,. ?.. a r'ow executor vs. Emanuel Frank. Tho' defendant alleges that tho notp for if 1,000 held by tho plalntllf was delivered to him by tiio father of his wife wlli the understanding that . . .1 .. An 4-1 (it flfkfftMfl. U was to bo inrncu mui iu m us.... ant. Ho says that the plaintiff has fulled to carry out but trust. 1 C. T. Grant, trustee fox the credit- orsof Geo- C. Hut'"1 bfls u,etl !l coss, petition In the case of Jostah Wlgloy ,ys. Qty. H$ alleges tuui iuu i"i" la Indebted to nugiil in tno sum 01 $112,50 for stoue rurntished hbn by nugiu, (WLENOAB ENTHIES, The ease of Kiaus Kirn Ar Company vs. Maggie Dollar has been settled The vlt'l'onOititt In the case of tho PERSONALS. The Fnudnnglo ciub onjoyrd 11 pri vate masquorado at tho homo of Miss Mae Ilamor, 008 State St., Friday ev ening. Light refreshments were serv ed. lion. II. 0. Sanford wont to Pennsyl vania Monday. Hon. Charles W. Kcmpel was In Kent on business Monday. Dr. T. l'V Mahal', pastor of thu St. Vincent do raul'o church, Is iu Cleve land todny. Presldout a'. F. Walsh of the A. & C. F. R. T. Company, returned home Monday from Now York. In which city lie had spent a fow days transacting business, C. E. Sheldon Is lu Now Yoik on business. Dr. C. L. Gochriug lufl for New York Monday. S. Q. K?rrulali, a prominent Clcc land attorney, was n tho city Monday. I r, Gold Medals to Harper whiskey at New Orleans & World's Fair, Chicago. Try It, you will endorse the Judge's! verdict, sold by WM. WASHER, 144 South Howard St., Akron, O. Tho "HOWARD" Livery, Boarding, Feed and Sale Stable.... Cor. (Villi and MlgjH ate. First-class Service in Every Respect Phone 3?2. E. W. Cubblson, Prop, J. M. Wells, night operator at the South Akron Erie stntlou, has been appointed night operator and ttccct agent at Ashland. Dr. Gios, ehlropodlst of Youngstown is at tho Hotel Buchtel. MARRIAGE LICENSES. v .1.1 1 .1,'cnses nrmrv.n- II. Boosnlgor, Brumtiold. .SO Susie Ifershbeigw, Akron Groom's occupation, merchant. Seymour Ballet. Cauton Alum Fisher, Akron Gioom's occupation, farmer. The Dixon Transfer Co. Coal, Transter and Livery Packing, moving and storing of goods. Coaches, coupes and carriages for funerals, weddings, parties and callings. 123 and 125 Carroll it. Tel. No. 30 go HBDJUNOSBACK lUklUSIBSU) WM 0 THJIlBBi-UH TgLOOKlISWI MvnBJw M0m 35 1 affctr-irallf.-i".. S :'0"5!,,t '1 iB5T'""f'1'"')'":n E " U'U 3AIR& Bne. t co, Cuviuao. o. A. Kohler left fpr Elyria Judge Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Wurman and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm.-Shuaurimichcr of Cleveland were the guests of Jr. oud Mrs. N. M. Burke over 'Sunday,' . .'JO ..17 no iiu An insulator on tho trolley wire or the A. V Q. F. B- T. toinpnny, lu front of the city building, burned am loOav Quito .1 largo crowd of wothtors was attraclei. while tho Insulator was burning. Milton Breiiensteln, Noiton ... Helena Machrr, Ilametown,.. Groom's occupation, farmer. Otto Gioff, Macodonla Bessie Edwards, Macodonla... Giooni's occupation, farmer. LEGAL NOTICE. Gilbert Rogers, residing at I'ainbam. in tho Slato of Now York will take notice, that on the 12th niy of March, 1000, Jouule Rogers filed her petition In tho Court of Common Pleas, Summit coutitv. Ohio- bolug ennuo No. 'J7l9. praying a divorce (nun saio uiioeri Rogeic, ou tho grouud of habitual drunkenness, gross nogJcct of duty, adultery and extieiue cruelty, and for alimony aud for an tnjuucilou and that said cause 'will ha fpr hearing ou aud nftofr the 25th day of April 1000. A lostralnlng older hati been allowed as prayed for. JENNIE ROGERS. P. V. Waters, her attorney. Mar 12-lOL'U Apr 2-0-10 OASF-Arc XINTEL WSSHT Mnafuotur-M 'A all kinusoi mmmii Ordore promptly attonoad to. IIO W. IWIairteot 2St. A nil look at our ..CANARY BIROS. All fine singers. ALSO flKASS CAGES FOR SALE. Rltohlcii OoI Ooi J. K. WILLIAMS IVIsaGHlrio Shop SKATES SHARPENED General Machine Work of all Kind, Clay Working Machinery for atonewar a Specitlty. J Mwft M