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MIMiffliMgtfk mffiwir:fiwijW'ltil'r"m'' "Wff y!'lw55SS V v AKRON DAILY DlEMOCKAir. JMKXNDAY. MARCH 12, 1000 -'KJlSpSrS as 666GeGeei.$fe Pants ! $ Men's, Boys9 and $ Children's $ A LARGE STOCK AND jg VERY LOW PRICES. 4m f niAii One-Price Clothier and Out- if ill. LllliCr. fitter, 110-1 12E. Market st. (0 1 -Ajuiotloaa 1 H EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING I I ..Jim Wk.i H Everything Must Be Sold by Saturday, March 17th P I IVI- O. Brousel H I. O. O. F". Tocrjple, H I Telephone 603. 178 MAIN STREET. I Protect tEi Baby. Our large assortment of NURSING BOTTLES and attachments enable you to do this. Wo sell the BEST NURSEB, which is tho only appllanco which ACTUALLY DOES prevent wind colic and bowel trouble. Prloo Complete SSo. Wo also carry a full lino of Infant Foods, which are always FRESH, as wo buy only in small quantities and replace them often. 132 Woos-fcot- Aveni Phone 1781. I T HFFFFRNAN Plumbing, Heafng- l j. ncrrEivniiri, and Lighting. . RPLirin2f Promptly attended lo at ' lowest prices ZOrft r. INltartcot: at. Tel.649 A POINTED OUBVIEIMT One-half the cost of making beer is paid for labor. The employ ment of labor at good wages, by her institutions, is the life of any city." Why not then, if .you drink beer Drink Kennel's, Sg&ffiE Lager Beer And keep the money that you pay for it in circulation at home? Golden Band Bottled Beer, in pints or quarts . . Tel 30 If iw K mmmammm amumm i mi n i in mm p We sell three highest grade machines, each capable of producing sat isfactory work through years! of constant use, and yet differ-! ing broadly from each other in construction; not nil of our cus tomers care for the" same (else why should we sell three?) We shall be gla.d to explain the points of advantage pos sessed by each. United Typewriter and Supplies Co,, 42 Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. r UllS I PANTS I ZAA,g A ( Akron, Ohio. you aro Interested In GIVE US A CALL Crown and Bridge Work can't bo beat. Prices aro consistent. Gold fillings $1 and up. Best teeth $8.00. Philadelphia Dental Rooms , 126 South Main st. Open oveuings. Sundays 10 to 1. GENEROUS AreG.A.R. Members. II rv Divide Receipts of Free Concert. Mr.M. T. Cutter Enjoying Life in Florida. Buchtol Benefit by Ladies of the Maccabees. Masons, Attended two Funerals Sun' day Morning. There was no regular meeting of Buckley Post on Friday evening last. Thoy gave an entertainment to their friends instead. Tho houso wa? crowdt'd to tho doors and no more standing room to let. In behalf of the members of Buckley Boot we thank all, who participated In the program, and we want you all to como again In about three weeks, when we will give another free entertainment and we will divide the receipts of the house with you. A communication was received from Coinrado M. T. Cutter, who Is spend- iug the winter iu Florida, llo says, while you are getting the tall-end of this blizzard aud the cold winds and snow nro blowing through your whls kcrs, I am basking In tho shado of nn orange tree that is in blosfcom. Around my cottage this morning arc blooming thousandb of roses. I frequently think of tho comrades. Of course, I keep posted about your work In tho Post,for although I am fifteen hundred miles away the Democrat, Beacon Journal and World reach me regularly, contain ing such full account of the Tost that when I read them I want to bo with you, aud I frequently llnd that a tear has stolen quietly down and dropped off tho end of ny nose. I am not cer tain it was a tear, but it left its. blighting mark upon tho paper, just like a tear. Well, I must go, for there comes a crdcodile from out of thp In- goon and he Is "headed this way and is about tho slzn of tho one In Billy Washer's museum. HE PTA SOPHS.1" il. Begular meeting next TuoMlay ovo nlug at 7:30. Work on two caudl dates. U. B. K. of P. Akron company held their regular business meeting on Friday night, Knight B'oster was reported sick, but improving again, so as to be able to be out In a day or so. Second Lieut. D. II. Sells being sick at the time of our regular installation, on last Fri day night, being present with us, was duly installed as Second Lieutenant of of the company for tho term. Every Knight loyrtl and wlfo or lady friend Is requested to ho on hand next Friday night, March 10. Don't ask' what for, blniply come and have a jolly good time. KNIGHTS OF PYTniAS. K Akron lodge Is forging right ahead In membership. Latt Wednesday ev ening they conferred the rank of pago on one candidate and have several more applications pending. The. promptness with which the team work is put 6n and executed is what brings out tho good attendance of its members at lodge meetings. TUo of ficers aro paying special attention to the memorizing of tho ritual. The sicl: aro reported Improving, t Special mcct lug next Wednesday to work the rank of esquire. PYTHAN SISTEBHOOD. Louise Assembly Friday evening was largely attended. Much business wan transacted aud members took great interest iu tho work, especially Iu the Initiation of one candidate. Several of our members have been reported sick, and sisters should not neglect io call on them. Next Fridny evening all Bhould bo in their places promptly at seven o'clock. L. O. T. M. ' Protection Hive, will meet In regular review next Tuesday evenlg. Assess ment No. 44, Is duo this month. En dowment members take uotlco that no mor'o assessments will bo sent In ad vauco unions by request of bender. Guard drill every Tuesday ovenlug. Buchtol beuellt in ono week. Busy Boo hlv6 held regular rovlew Tuesday. March (I, with a good attend- ance. Ladles of tho team aro request ed to, meet nt McPberson hull Tuesday livening, March IU, nt 7 p. m. by order of captain. M. W. OF A. Akron camp met last 'Monday even ing In their hall, 213 East Market St., and had a "iod time. Two now mem- "ToCmonW,nd,lo-iaorrow, nnil to-morrow. Crep on In petty ptce from ur to dy And nil our yrrterdjyi hurt llufitf.1 fool. The vrny of dinky death " Procrastination is the thief of health well m the thief of time. There arc icw tilings in which pro crastination is so much indulged as in let ter writing. Wc mciu lo write, but "t6-morrow and to-morrow creep v on" and we ncKlect it. This io bad enough when the corrcs pqudence ii , , social or busi ness in Us character, but when it con. cerns the ital issue of health it is in finitely worse. This touches you, ifyou are one of the women who have felt inclined to take advantage of Dr. Pierce's offer of a con sultation by Jettcr, tee. You have studied the evidence which shows how other women have been cured. You cannot doubt but that Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription does cure diseases peculiar to women ; irregularity, ulcer ations, inflammations, bearing -down pains. You cannot doubt it, because of the force of Uic testimony of hundreds of thousands pf weak women made strong, and sick womcxi made well, and you mean to write to-morrow. Write to-day. Your letter will be read in prhrate.'its contents guarded-as a sdcred confidence, and an answer promptly mailed you in a plain envelope without any printing upon it. Address Dr. R. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. " When 1 wrote you about raj tilmenU I wt. tlvinjr In Richland, Iowa," writes Mrs. M. Vas llne, of 647 South liberty street, Gale.burtr. III. "ItooltBijtbotttes.of Br. l'lerce'. Favorite Pre scription, four of the "Golden Medical DUcov ery' anil four vlaU of Dr. Pierce's rieaiant Tel leu. Before I had taken four bottles of the ' Faiorite Prescription ' I was a. new woman, t cannot make pen deicribe my heartfelt mtl ludejbut will confirm tho truth of all I say if those who vrlte Inclose stamped envelope for reply." , Dr. Pietce's Pellets arc a natural aid to beauty. They clear the complexion, bers were given the work. The camp will give a smoker In tno weeks from next Monday, and every Woodman in tho city Is Invited to attend this out first stag party of the season. Several application's wore received and will Ijc acted upon next week. Tho members of tho team will be sure and be In at tendance riext Monday, as wo have n class of now candidates to puc through. Come out neighbors, as wc will have several visiting neighbors from out of town nt this meeting and your aid Is needed to entertain them. , K. O. T. M. Akron tent hold regular review laht Monday night with a large attendance. Tho tent received five applications for membership, approved soven applica tions to membership aud initiated sov en candidates. Assessment No. 3, Is now due. All members will please pay same proiubtly as Is also assistant as sessment 'No. 32 due. Thd captain of the tenm rcquexts their presence for drill 'Mbnd"uyJnlglit, as nro-nlso all Sir Knights requested to attend Monday night's review to transact business of great 'ImpSrfanct'. 'i ' ' I'i'mASOMO, ,u Masonfi' '?rotliers SHendi'd tho fu neral of Ilie late 'Joseph Barker Sun day. D ' Akron Comnlander.v, K. T attended the funcral''6f Capt. Hcnry'il. Brown, in full uuifo'fm' Sunday. Services were held In Memorial chapel. Akron lodge, icgulnr meeting Mon day. Work iu H. A. and F. O. degreecs. All arc requested to bo present. I. O. O. F. Granite lodge, will entertain Canton Akron Patriarchs Militant next Thurs day night at its room on South Main bt. The social committee will give a social and 'party In the lodge rooms Friday night, March 23. Summit lodge, Monday evening, had a good 'attendance. Nemo lodge, Tuesday evening, had tho usual attendance. Communication from Medina lodge, said that it will come over in a body Tuesday ovenlug, March 20, and will bring 10 candidates to receive tho first degree. Akron lodge, No. 571, Wednesday ev ening had a fair attendance. A com mittee ou entertainment was appoint ed. Colfax lodge, D. of B. Sowing society had a lively session Thursday after noon. A lively session was had In the evening. A social Is ou for the near future. Canton Akron will meet next Thurs day ovenlug. An Invitation has just boon received to pay Granite lodge n social visit that evening. It Is accept ed and will turn out In a body. Every chevalier Is expected to bo nt tho Mili tant armory at 7 p. m. sharp, Akron encampment mot Friday ov cuing with a good attendance. Three petitions for membership were receiv ed and referred. (Furnished by tho Abstract Title Guarantee and Trust Co., 220 South Main Street.) Dora Bei-FO tu Cella Belheld, 50 feet Yule st '. $2,000.00 LuFuyetto Homer to Charles P. Foot, part of George Sny der farm, Coventry tp 100.00 Fanny A. Kohler to Anna E. Kckerman, 50 feet Ynlo st. . 2!0.00 O. B. Bols to W. N. Boerstler, 23.100 acres. Peninsula - 000.00 D. M. Walker to Alice Lulu Walker, 50 tout, Wilson st. . 150,00 O. E. Bols to W. N. Boerstler. one-third of 10,01 acres In Boston tp 120.00 Tbo Biirbcrton Lnud and Im provement Company to Elva L. Hoffman. 40 feet Lake live., Baiburton 700.00 TSIS-lfr Etr I JRSiEstetcSsfcS I LIKE Hunting Jack Rabbits Is the Slaying of Filipino Soldiers, According to Statement of an Akron Boy. Longs For More Excitement In the Tropics. Mrs. Elizabeth Hogarth Receives a Letter From the Philippines. Mrs. Elizabeth Hogarth, of 125 Lin coln st,, Jins received the following letter from her son, Harry, who Is a soldier in the Philippines: Sllaug, P. I., Jan. 11, 1000. Dear Mother: You no doubt, will bo surprised to hear from me, after my long silence. To tell tho truth I have not had time to do anything. Wc have had a hard time of it the Inst few days. We left Manila on Now Year's night, and we have been on the "hike" over since. I don't suppose you know what "hike" means. Well, It's what the boys hco call marching. This war over hero Is like hunting jack rabbits, we flud the Insurgents iu tho trenches and open fire on them, and, in about an hour wc haTe the place to ourselves. But, I want to tell you one thing; they can't stand tho "Boys in Blue" when they make a charge and let out the Ameri can yell. Tho first placo wo stopped was at Las-Penis. Wo went into camp and that night our outpost was fired upon and they made things pretty lively all round us the remainder of tho night. We stayed at this place three days and then moved on to a town called Bu coor, and there had a little fight. Throo men were wounded on our side; but you ought to have seen tho dead "nig, gers" lying around the next morning. I found one fellow witli the whole top of his head blown off, and one leg torn off. Ho had been struck by one of tho light artillery shells. We rcstea at Bueoor a few days aud then pro ceeded to a place called Enms and thero also had a good fight. There were threo killed and eight wounded on our side, nut I wont try to tell you about the casualties on the other side. Tho next day on our march, we could see dead "niggers" banging on tho fTI-i Allort-Clark: Drug Co. Red Cross Remedies; The ondorsation given to EED GROSS REMEDIES by the well known Arm of Allen-Olark Drug Op. is sufficient recommendation as to their merits. This firm is most prominent in drug cir cles in Akron, and the public generally have implicit confidence in them, and what thoy recom mend is sure to bo accepted by the community. They recommend Red Cross Blood Elixir because it is THE GRANDEST REMEDY EVER KNOWN. Rod Cross Rlood Elixir is the wonder of medical discoveries. A wonder in curing the sick and suffering. A wonder in its grand testimonials of cure from foremost peoplo in the land. A wonder in its enormous sales in every town and city. A wonder because it has brought health and. happiness to millions. ' The Grandest of all Spring: Medicines. The Best Nowis the time to4ako it. T UAcds ui should take a Spring Medicine. Here is tho prescription of tho Red Cross Blood Elixir: SABSAPABILLA, STELLINGA, JLr J ' SENNA, OELEBY, --. YELLOW DOCK. . - MANDRAKE BOOT, '( SASSAFRAS, rv .,.. ' ' . - PRICKLEY ASH, f " . LICORICE ROOT., y ' IODIDE OF POTASH, v- IODIDB OF IRON. 1 This prescription speaks for itself; you know what you aro getting, and furthermore you know (if you are posted on the merits of tho different roots and horbs) that you are getting the best tho land affords. If you want pure, rich blood, a beautiful complexion and nice soft skin, this is just your remedy. XHH HjTH PROGRESSION. In the watchword of men and women who are nilve and up-to-date. Old ' fogylsm and stagnation aro mental ... death. Nations, cities and Individuals '. that progress are not afraid to get out of tho beaten path. Tho aggressive, 1 earnest, Intelligent man or woman Is not bound by codes or dogmas. They . think for themselves, ami humanity , benefits thereby. Ar a class, the med ical profession Is clannish. Tho old school smacks of decay. Bleeding and blistering died hard, .but died never theless, while homeopathy continues to progress. The great Pasteur was not 11 physician, yet he blazed a path way which thousands now gludly fol - low. A few bright, active, progres sive physicians, who will not be Itotind ' by precedent, and' who have the cour age of their convictions, are doing .1 great work for the profession ns a whole. They believe that no man or school has absorbed all tho medical knowledge obtainable, and when a scientific discovery Is made that rev olutionizes a pet theory for the treat ment of disease, are willing to give It a fair trial and abide by the results If favorable. Such a physician Is Dr. L. M. Lander, of Chicago. Bead and weigh the honest words of this noted specialist: "Several times during the past few years I have observca the effects of Warner's Safe Cure in cases of Kidney Trouble. I found that the action of the medicine was highly curative In effect, and that most desirable results followed Its faithful use. "t believe it to be a very fine remedy for Kidney disorders." (Jan. 20, 1000.) DB. L. M. LANDEB, Dr. L. SL Lander It n gradual ol the Imperial Central Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. fence and lying along the side of the road. We have not had any fighting since, but we have been trotting all over the Inland trying to find the ene my. Ask Jim Limbert how he would like to be In a skirmish line four miles long and go that way all day, fighting all tho way. We threw away our blankets and haversacks and vkept nothing hut our belts and guns and, talk about it being warm; the heat was terrible, and we were In the swamps, up to our knees. Neverthe less, I like it. We aro now camping at a place called Sllang. There Is a church here that Is over 100 years old. All of the houses arc built of bamboo. Our regiment lias gone up the line to take another town, and Compauy M has been left here .to guard the commissary. Wc do not know how long we will be here. I don't thlnu there will bo much more fighting to do over here. I will not stop to tell you all of the customs of these "niggers, but will talk about home. How arc all of the folks around tho old town': I received one letter since I came to the island and that was from you. I am glad that you got my picture. :im Spring: Remedy you can Possibly Take. Now is the time vou.need it most, for in the snrinc evervboiv Send us your name and address and we will send you a sample of our Red Cross Pile Cure AND Red Cross Liver Pills p'rse: op oharqe. Addross for free samples tho Red Cross Drug Co. BUFF-ALO, IM, Y. Please take good care of it. Well, this Is all for this time. You don't want to wait for me to write bo cause I never set a chance. Good bye till you hear from me again. Your loving son, ' COBP. HABRi. n. HOGABTH, Co. M, 3Sth U. S. V. I.. Manila, P. I. P. S. The following is a list of towns which wo helped to take! Emuss Dasmarias, Sllang, Binjand, Llpa Sanfosial, Bautayas, and tiose arc not all of the big towns. I must hurry, for the wagon is going out with the mall nnd it will be 11 week before anything goes out again. They are loading up the Spanish soldiers to take them to Llpa. That saves us a trip. Give my regards to all the boys. There is lots of excitement here. 1 wish thatTvc could have-a fight every day. Then I would be right in It. Well, mother, do not work too hard. We have not had a pay-day, as yet, and don't know when we wilt get one. Your Son. Elmer Zimfflerman, representing F. W. Buckley. My own idea and a suc cess. A negligee short made open front aud back. You should sec this. Telephone 1515, Johu Lamparter& Co. & f )fr.jfcatteltfl: ir 'at tftftj fakMifaM.WM13&l!4i-4k..Ji&JM.!t , '.liv ,t. . ?". "Mi. v ,mAlmiri S-xx, , i 1 t. -a.v.oir.'Jjil ,-,