Newspaper Page Text
r "" ifilAW1 pm fV';WiSv JZS jSSBJSyiB!?1!?' Ri I Very few snctlons of ,.tbo United States nro'freu from catniTh In some form. In the NorthcnK States It Is almost universal. A disease so common would natur ally give rlso to a largo number of so called cures, and catarrh remedies are- offered In every form; Inhalers, .washes or douches, naive ointments, powders and iutornal liquid medicines. The latest catarrh ctne Is a prepar ation In tablet form, very pleasant to take, and according, to many recent tests,tho results have been highly satls factory. Unlike patent medicines In general, this uew catarrh cure Is not a secret preparation,' but tho Ingredients are plainly stated. Druggists sell the remedy under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and the tablets are composed of highly concentrated antiseptics, cucalpytol, hydrastln, gualacol, beechwood tar, and several other well-known catarrh specifies, and tho success of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets in promptly relieving and curing tho different forms of ca tarrh Is really something reniarltablo. Whether the catarrh Is lu the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or stomach, tho tablets seem to act with equal suc cess, relieving In a few days tho stuffy feeling in head and nose, removes tho tickling and irritation in the throat and bronchial tubes and a few weeks' use seem to remove completely tho hawking, spitting and other annoying symptoms of catarrh. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are approv-' ed by physicians, because no secret is made of what they contain, and peo plo who suffer from catarrh should bear in mind that many catarrh medi cines, powders, ointments, etc., contain cocalno to such an extent, in fact, that in many states their sale is prohibited. largely, for this reason the ingredi ents In Stuart's Catarrh Tablets aro plainly stated to the public. This, is something no catarrh cure lias over done before, nnd people who aro care ful of what they put Into their stom achs will fully appreciate this advant age In using Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because they uot only cure thecatnrrh, but they leave no bad effects and no habit is formed, as is the case with so many catarrh remedies. Full size packages of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets aro sold for 50 cents at all drug stores. 'ryyvw "tr r "$r v xnj- vy -jr .AmlH m a do , ra t t-xmrr $wm lB a f 9 mm trim MP? till 8 unm, a i .uiuiiui t PPM WPP ppmmgmm&mwmmpp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Your Wants Will be received, for publication In the Democrat, by mall, telephone, nr personal application. 24 Words Can be put into FOUR Hues. In writing1 your want advertisements please follow this rule. WANTED-MALE HELP. iWANTED Agents In every county to handle "Coin on Money," sold exclusively through agents.t For further Information, address Coin Publishing Co., 5 Studio Dldgs., cor ner State and Ohio sts., Chicago. 202 tf WANTED. iW ANTED Men to learn barber trade. This is the busy season, C00 positions ready, $15 weekly guaranteed, two months' term completes, special of fer, can earn scholarship working for us, new field, comnilsslou nllow cd. Tools presented, two years saved, Writo today for cataloguo and par ticulars, Moler Barber College, Chi cago. 111. x 2S0-201 WANTED-A good boy, between 15 nnd 17 years of age, to learn sign writing, Charles W. Kempel, 112 S. Uownrd st. 283tf WANTED-Four roomers on S. Main nt good location. Address Democrat ofllco. tf Hi YOU WANT to buy a grocory, If you want to sell your grocery, If you Want to buy a saloon, If you want to pl your miloou or any other bust PLAIN TALK To Catarrh Sufferers. Every person, suffering from ca tarrh in its many forms, knows that the common lotions, , salves . and douches do not cure. It Is needless to argue, this point or to cite cases of failure, because every victim of ca tarrhal trouble knows it for himself if lie has tried it. , A local application, If it does any thing at. all, simply gives temporary relief; a wash lotion, salvo or po.wder cannot reach tho seat of the disease, which is the blood. The mucous membrane becks to re lievo the blood of catarrhal poison by secreting largo quantities of mucus, the discharge sometimes closing up tho nostrils, descending to the throat and larynx, causing an Irritating cough, continual clearing of tho.throat, deaf ness, Indigestion and many other dis agreeable and persistent symptoms. A remedy to really cure catarrh must be nu internal treatment; a reme dy which will gradually cleanse .ho system from catarrhal poison and re move tho fever and congestion always present in the mucous membrane. The best remedies for this purpose are eucalytol, sauguinarla and hydras tin, but tlvp dltllculty has always been to get these valuable curatives com bined hi one palatable, convenient and cillclent form. Recently this has been accomplished and tho preparation put on the market under the ua'me of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets; they are large, pleasant tast ing lozenges, so that they may lie slow ly dissolved In 'the mouth, thus reach ing every part of lhe-'mucous mem brane and finally the stomneh and in. testifies. An advantage to bo considered also is that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets con tain no cocaine, morphine or poison ous narcotics, so often found in ca tarrh powders, and this use of which often entails a habit more dangerous than the disease. Stuart's Catarrh Tablc'ts aro sold by druggiBls at CO cents for full sized package, and are probably the safest and most effectual catarrh cure on tho market. Kyd&.Hk. ...rf..h.JSt4&.rfh dk xy -xr fOr s'-M--B'f'Hjr',ar 3 f l SM., k.v.v NjCHt' ness, call on E. M. Young, room SO and 31 Akron Savings bank build ing. Telephone 032. A good oQlce room for rent, WE WANT Property to sell and rent; quick sales made and careful attention given. 1 f- P. P. BOOK & CO., l"' 220 South Howard st. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Private loans made ou household goods, pianos, or gans,liorscs1wagous,cte.,!nsuins of S3, $10, $15, $23, $33, $30, $75, $100 and upwards at tho very lowest rates' on the same date asked for. Property left in your -possession. You can pay tho money back lu small month ly payments nnd each paymeut so made reduces both prluclpal aud in terest. Call and Investigate, hoans made In all suburban towns. Oiiico hours from t) to 11 n. m., 1:30 to 5 p. in., and from 7 to 8 in tho evening. h. O. Miller, room 14, Arcade block. $5,000 to loau, lu sums to suit bor rower. ,' . J. I. BAOIITEL, 1SS Howard St MONEY TO LOAN-Wo can let you havo It in any amount ou easiest terms. It can be paid monthly or tho Interest bouil-nnuunlly ou from ono to ten year's time. Brouso & Holllnger. 220 S. Main St., Tel. 2. Akron, O. FOR RENT. FOR RENTr-K, of H. hall, No, JUO S. noward st., over J. B. Storcr'g jewelry store, every Tuesday Wed nesday, Friday nnd Saturday nluhts. Inquire of J. W. Arm, at A. Polsky's. 280-285 & A, AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. FltltfA.. . i. A LIFE COMPANION ? And A Vnrv TTnrfAcImlitA Hma With thousands of people In this climate, catrrrh Is a constant and life long companion; it gets better at times, but each' year becomes gradually deeper seated, and after a time the in dividual resigns himself to it as a nec essary evil. Catarrh cures are almost as numer ous as catarrh sufferers, but are near ly all so Inconvenient and Ineffective as to render their use a nuNance near ly as annoying as catarrh itself. It would seem at llrst glance that catarrh being n disease of the mucous membrane that salves, sprays, etc., be ing applied directly to the membranes would bo the most rational method, but this has proven not to be true. The mucous membrane Is made and repaired from the bipod and catarrh is a blood disorder, and a remedy to be permanent must net on tho blood, and when purified from catarrhal poison tho eecretious from tho mucous mem brane will become natural and healthy. There aro a number of excellent in ternal remedies for catarrh, but prob ably tho bes't ami certainly tho safest is a new remedy composed of Euealy ptol, Hydrastln, Saugulnaria hud oth er catarrh specifics. This remedy Is In tablet form, pleasant to tho taste and sold by druggists under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and any ona suffering from catarrh may use those tablets with absolute assurance that they contain no cocaine nor poisonous minerals whatever. A leading druggist in Cleveland, speaking of catarrh cures, says; "I have sold various Catarrh cures for years, but havo never sold any which give such general satisfaction ns Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. They con tain In a pleasant concentrated form all the best nnd latest catarrh reme dies and catarrh sufferers, who have use'd douches, sprays and salves, have been astonished at the quick relief and permanent results obtained after a week's use of Stuart's Catairh Tab lets." "-'.'.". All druggists sell full sVze packages for 50 cents. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. M. O'Ncfl, 038 W. Market st. 2TS tf WANTED-50 girls. Apply at the bindery of the Werner company. 282-2S4 WANTED Apprentice girls nt once to learnithe millinery business. Ulsch & McCoy, 124 South Main st. 283-2S5. LOST. LOST Saturday evening, a silver mounted purse, between High st. aud corner of Main and Mill sts. Finder please return to 1CS S. High st. 2S1-2S3 LOST A box containing juwelry In M. O'Nell & Co's store Tuesday even ing. A liberal reward offered for tho return, of same to M. O'Nell & Co. 2S1-283 BANKS. 'A SAVINGS ACCOUNT-Is a friend in adversity." Start the new year right by opening a savings account with tho Central Savings hank. 3 per cent Interest paid on deposits. Separate department for ladles and bpcclal attention given to their ac counts. Jan. 0, 1001 SPECIAL NOTICES. JUDGMENTS. BEFOItE you buy REAL ESTATE get an ABSTRACTof THE ABSTRACT TITLE-GUARANTEE & TRUST CO., who will show you tho JUDGMENTS, MORTGAGES, LIENS, SUITS PEND ING and other ERRORS AGAINST THE PROPERTY. Bo WISE. De- maud an ABSTRACT. Tel. No. 308, 220 S. Main st, Akron, O. II. M. Hol lluger, secretary. NOTIOB-I will buy nil tho old'horsca aud mares that you do not want to keep over winter. R. O. tTImmor man, 210 Furnace fit., AUron, O. Tel. 320. 180 tf W. F. COLEMAN, Justlco of tho Pence and Notary, 205 Woostcr are. nouses on monthly payments, chqlco lota on Woostcr nvo will bo sold nt a sacrifice, also grcenhouso oaulnmonta chenp". A 45 horse-power boiler, al- miKi now. I have the tin est nllntmmit I In 'Akron. Lots 00x175 from $100 to TlTl, UWD IV DL-L- UV. A DAILY NUISANCE. A Simple Remedy Which Will Interest Catarrh Sufferers. In Its early stages catarrh is more of a nuisance than a menace to the general health, but sooner or later, the disease extends to tho throat, bronchial tubes, and eveu to the stomach and intes tines. " , .Catarrh Is essentially a disease of tho mucous membrane, the local symptons being a profuse discharge of mucous, stoppage of the nostrils, irritation in throat, causing- coughing, sneezing, sagging and frequent clearings of the ilirdiit and head. The usual treatmoul by local pouches, snuffs, salves, etc., often gives tempor ary relief, but anything like a,curo caii only be obtained by a treatment which removes the catarrhal taint from the blood and the disappearance of the in flammation from tlie mucous surfaces. A now remedy, which meets these re quirements, and which so far has been remarkably successful In curing ca tarrh Is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. These tablets act upon the blood and mucous membranes only. They can hardly be called a secret patent medi cine, as they are composed of such val uable remedies as Snugulnarla, Hy drnSUn, Eucalyptol and similar cleans ing antiseptics, which cure bycllminat Ing from tho blood and mucous sur faces tho catarrhal poison. Stuart's Catarrh' Tablets are largo, pleasant tasting lozenges taken Inter Bally, allowing thorn to dissolve slow ly In the mouth; iu'thls way they reach the throat, fauces and the entire nli mentary canal. If desired, tbcyny.ulsu bo dissolved in water and used'las a dotiohe, In ad dition to the Internal use, but It is not at all 5, "essaryt(ratt;o inJoucho; a fow of thorn 'dissolved hi the mouth daily will be sufficloift ' Ilowcver, when there Is much stoppage of the nose, "n douche made from the tablets will glyc iramedlnle relief, but the regular dally us.o Internally of tlmso tablets will cure the whole catarrhal trouble without resorting to the Inconvenience of a douche. Dr. Bennett states "that the Internal treatment for catarrh is rapidly taking the place of the old plan of douching, and local application, nnd further says ; ANNOUNCEMENT. I take pleasure in announcing to my numerous clients, friends nnd acquaint ances, that I have opened a law ofllco in rocm 7, of the tnw Doyle block, Akron, O., after three years of practice lu Cincinnati, O. fob 27 mar 27 IRA h. NASH. WANTED-IJuyer for a first class bus iness; large profits; sinnll expense. G. W. Gridley, 43 Central building. tf THE BRUNEI!, GOODHUE COMPANY. COOKE (Oldest Abstract ofllco In the county. Established 1S70. Our experience guarantees a Abstract or Title, Prices reasonable. Prompt 215 South, Main at. 'Phone 15. correct service. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A largo nhonocranh nt n bargain. Jeff Leeser, attorney, room ! 010 Everett building. 2S2-2S4 FOR 'SALE-A hlgh-grndo piano; in first-class condition; will sell cheap; aro moving to Denver; Col. Inquire M-s. A. Purely, 1310 S. High st. 2S2-283 FOR SALE-Mllkvroute, In South Ak ron. Inquire at 'this ofllco. 2S0-2S3 FQU SALE-Che'ap, 1 work horses. Inquire of A. D, Alexander, No. 209 E. Market st. 280-285 O. II. and S. B. Jones, 55 Central building, offer uew 0-room house, near Buchtel college; bargain nt $1400; good ti-rponi houso Wabash ave., only $1230; 7 room houso Day St., $1200; good, home, 7 rooms, Homo St., $2000;. new 0-room houso with furnace, Raymond St., $1230; seven farms nearAkion for exchnugo for city property. FOR SALE-By G. W. Grldly, 48 Cen tral Building, Phono 510: 0 room house, W. State st. . . , . .$1800 7 room house, Jnckbon st 2100 7 room house, Aqueduct ....... 1500 Q room house, Charlotte iooo Properties In all parts of the city. M.oney loaned on real estate at low est rates. tf. FOR SALE-Rehicmber that I stll havo a few of hosu W, Miller ave, lots, at $250, $30Q riiul $350, No bet tor located lots for tho jnoucy. $300 jlL 10. 1900 that probably tho best and certainly the safest lenicdy at present on the market Is Stuait's Catarrh Tablets, as 110 secret is made of their composition and all the really efficient remedies for Catarrh aro contained in this tablet." Druggists sell Stuaifs Catarrh Tab lets at 50 cents for full size packages. Ask your druggist, and If he Is honest, he will tell wou there Is no safer, more palatable, more elllcicnt and conven ient remedy on the market. UNDER MANY ALIASES. An Old Enemy In New Disguises. It is the common belief that what Is popularly known ns catarrh Ik simply a chronic cold In tho bead. This Is true as far as It goes, but as a matter of fact, catarrh Is by no means confin ed to the nasal parages, but extends wherever tho mucous membrane ex tends, which means nearly every part of the body. Tho mucous membrane is the in.sldo skin of the body, aud Is nearly as ex tensive ns the outside skin, and any Inflammation of tills membrane caus ing an extra secretion of fluid Is really catarrh. Catarrh is, therefore, an old enemy disguised by many confusing names, for Instance, Rhinitis is nasal catarrh; laryngitis nnd pharyngitis, throat ca tarrh; gastritis, stomach catarrh; cys titis aud nephritis catarrh of the hind dor and kidneys. Therefore, although the location of the trouble gives It various names, In reality tho sum total Is catarrh and nothing else. Do not mnkc the mistake of thinking you have no catarrh because the head nnd nose appear to be clear. If there is cough, tickling in the tboat, and hoarseness, you have throat catarrh; if there is no appetite, but nausea, gag ging nnd disgust for food, especially In tho morning, you hnvo catarrh of the stomach. The surest treatment for every form of catarrh Is an Internal remedy which acts specially on the blood and mu cous membranes; such a remedy Is1 tho new preparation sold everywhere by druggists under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a medicine in pleas ant tablet form, nnd containing all the best and latest specifies for catarrh. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain in highly concentrated form, Snugulnarla, Gualucol, Eucalyptol and many other buys fine residence site, yRacutel ave. One-half acre, young orchard, W. Crosier St., $300. Soutn Akron lots, Upland Lawn allotment, $100. O0S E. Exchange, 7 rooms, barn, big lot, $1200. Bargains In homes, all parts of city. J. I. Bachtel, 18S S. Howard st. FOR SALE Tho Henry block, 215 aud 215 East Market St., very cheap if sold soon. Baker & McMllleu ex ecutors, 131 Ash st. 277 tf FOR SALE OR RENT A nlne-rcom house, No. 302 Crosby st., modern Improvements. Inquire of S. B. Weary or B. L. Dodge. 278 tf FOR SALE $200 cash and $300 long timo buys ncro with 72 feet front on West South st. On this property Is a small house with fine orchard. II; O. Feederlo, 301 Everett building. Tel. 015. 278 tf FOR SALE Choice and cheap homes nt two-thirds value from $500 up. No. Ill Vine, large house and barn, a bargain. Business lots; ono 721 S. Main nt $75 per foot! Lot W. Mar ket, $1200, worth $2,000. Lot N. Hill Wise St., near A. B. 0., cost $300, price $225. 100 bargains. Also farms ar.d loans. W- H. Sanford, Room 1, Arcade. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Tho most elegant suburban home In Summit county; largo houso of 0 rooms, hard wood finish, good cel lar, heater, good barn, six acres of land. Street cu-a pass door. This property Is .beyond question the fin est property on tho market. Will sell for less than cost of Lulldlngs. A bargain. Tlios. L. Cldlds, at torney, Walsh block. FOR SALE Brick business block for less than two-thirds Its value. This Is a No. 1 Investment. If you havo $1,000 to $1,500 to pay down, call and see us. P. p. Bock & Co., 229 S, Howard st. FOR SALE-If you want a first class drivlne horse, flnulv m.iteii coach or carriage team, call nt Stein er's Stock Barn, No. 1850 South Main sfc. Nothing but first-class horses kept In stock, tf, R. Stelner, Prop;-. Tel. 17C4. John Q, Martin, Msr. , men is. iuuu PACKING AND STORING. WANTED-Packlng and storing. Fur. equally valuable curative elemonts.and no one who suffers from any form of catarrh has seen the inefficiency of douches, .sprays and powders, will over go back to them after once trying Stu art's Cjuarrb Tablets, and one which gives so much relief in so short a time. All druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets at CO cents for full sized pack age, and the regular daily uo of them will effectually cure this troublesome and dangerous disease. YOU CAN CURE IT. A New Cure For Catarrh In Tablet , Form. The old-time treatment for catarrh was In the forjri of douches or sprays; later oh, internal remedies were given with greater success, but being In li quid or powered form were Inconven ient, aud were open to the same ob jection to all liquid remedies, that is. that they lose whatever medicinal power thy have had on exposure to the air. The tablet Is the Ideal form lu which to administer medication, but until re cently no successful catarrh tablet had ever been attempted. At this writing, however, a most excellent and palatable remedy for catarrh has been placed before the public and sold by druggists, called Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, composed of the most recent discoveries In med icine for the cure of catarrh, and re sults from their us'c have been' highly gratifying. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain principally highly concentrated anti septics, which kill tho catarrh germs In the blood and mucous membranes, and In this respect are strictly scien tific nnd modern, as it has been known for sonic years past by the ablest phys icians that the most successful catarrh treatment was by Inhaling or spray ing dnttseptlcs. . , - '- The" use of inhalers douches and sprays, however. Is a nuisance and Inconvenient, aud moreover can In" no wise compare with tho same remedies given lu tablet forni,. either in efficacy or convenience. A cleik in a prominent Insurance oflice fh Pittsburg relates his experi ence with Stuart's Catarrh Tablets In a few words, but to the' point. lie says: "Catarrh lias been almost con stantly with me for eight years; in nlture a specialty. Krata's Furni ture store, 140 S. Howard. Mch U to Sep 9. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO PRINTERS. The Deputy State Supervisors of Elections for Summit county, Ohio, hereby give uo.tlco that the contract for printing 27,000 ballots or more, as pro scribed by law, will be let at their of fice, at Akron, -O., on Saturday, March 17, 1900. All bids 'to be In by 11 o'clock a. m. Each proposal must be accompanied with n bond signed by ap proved sureties for twice the amount of the bid. The Board reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. F. E. WHITTEMORE, ED II. BISHOP, Clerk. Chief Deputy. Dated at Akron, O., tills 3rd day of March, 1000. Mch 5-12-10. NOTICE FOR PAROLE. Notice Is hereby given that Charles L. Cooper, a prisoner now confined lu the Ohio State Reformatory, has been recommended to tho board by the" Su perintendent aud Chaplain as' worthy of consideration for parole or dis charge. Said application will be for hearing ou nnd after April 10, 1000. Mch 2-0-10 NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glveu that ou tho 5th day of Match: 1000, nu application was made to the Commissioners of Summit county, Ohio, asking that the I annexation to the city of Akron, Ohio, of tho territory hereinafter described, bo authorized, viz. Being a part of tract 0, Portugo township, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at a point In tho cast line of tlie now coiporatlqn lino 200 feet northerly from the northerly lino of Glenwood avenue; theuco, southerly along said uew corporation line 2080 feet to tho south lluu of tract II; theuco easterly along tho south lino of tract 0 aud tho corporation lino 1000 feet; thence northerly 203Q feet, said lino intersecting tlie center line of Glen wood avenue, 470.0 feet from tho north-east corner of the Zeller farm; thence westerly, parallel to and 200 feet northerly from the northerly luo of Glenwood avenue, about 1050 feet to the nlaeo of beginning, containing 80,80 acres. Said petition further sots forth that Osborn Esgato as city solicitor, Is au thorized to probecute the proceedings necessary to effect said annexation. I Sntd petition Is now on file In the1 ottlcu of tho auditor of Supjtult county, 7 this climate It seems impossible to get rid of It. I awoke every morning stuffed up, and for the first half hour It was cough, gag, expectorate and sneeze, before I could square myself for my day's work; no appetite and a foul breath which annoyed mo ex ceedingly. "I used Stuart's Catarrh Tablets for two months and found them not only pleasant to take, but they did the bus iness, and I can sincerely recommend them to all catarrh s'ufferers." Druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets at 50 cents for full sized packages. They can be carried in the vest pocket and used at any time and as often a3 necessary. Guaranteed free from co caine, meicury or any mineral poison, absolutely safe. A FEW FACTS, About the New Catarrh Cure. The new Catarrh Cure Is a new de partuie in so-called cures, because it actually cures, aud Is not simply a temporary relief. The new Catarrh Cure is not a salve, ointment, powder, nor liquid, but a pleasant tasting tablet containing the best specific for catarrh in a concen trated convenient form., The old style of catarrh slaves and ointments are greasy, dirty and incon venient at the best; the new prepara tion being in tablet form is always clean and convenient. , The new Catarrh Cure is superior to Catarrh powders because It In-a no torious fact that many Catarrh pow ders contalu cocaine. The new Catarrh Cure is called Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a wholesome combination of blood root, beechwood tar, gualacol and other antiseptics, and cures by its action upon the blood and mucous membrane, the only ra tional treatment for catarrh trouble. You do not have to draw upon your imagination to discover whether you arc getting benefit from Stuart's Ca tarrh Tablets; improvements and re lief are apparent from the first tablet taken. All druggists soil and recommend them. They cost but 50 cents for full sized packages, and any catarrh suf ferer who has wasted time ana money ou sprays, salves and powders, will appreciate to the full the merit of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. Ohio, and will be for hearing, before saifl commissioners, on the 7th day of May, 1000, in the court house in Sum mit county, O. OSBORN ESGATE. Agent for Petitioners. Mch 9-10-23-30-Apr G-13 LEGAL NOTICE. Gilbert Rogers, residing at Farnham, In tho State of New York, will take notice, 'that on the 12th day of March, 1000, Jennie Rogers filed her petition In the Court of Common Pleas, Summit county, Ohio- being caue No. 0793, praying a divorce from said Gilbert Rogers, on the ground of habitual drunkenness, gross neglect of duty, adultery and extreme cruelty, and for alimony and for an injunction and that said cause will be for hearing on and after the 25th day of April 1900. A restraining order has been allowed as prayed for. JENNIE ROGERS, . I'YW. Waters, her attorney. MaT -12-10-26 Apr tMMG DRINK eseatsSSSw1' IT'S TEE BEST BREWED THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. The A., B, & C. Railroad. Waiting room, North Howard St " Time Card, Nov. 20, 1809. Cars for Cleveland leave corner Ho w nrd and Market streets every hour from 5:30 a. in. to 8:30 p. in. and at 10:30 p. m. Saturdays and Sundays 0:30 n. m., 0-30 a. m., and every half hour to 7 p, m., aud 8 p. m., 9 p. ta, and 10:30 p. m. . - Birkhardfs Beer 1 I