Newspaper Page Text
f!yfimMmt''';:- 'ixmfojiff'r tj.j snf.r!.lsf'-rvn,f TWWipWP? - i tfwsc fcl ' , ,, -,;r Tft ' '"jVCr " wriy I Part On, Fais I to CLOSING OUT . . A largo variety of high grado Perfumery nnct Tollofc Articles nt about ono-linlf regular price Hotter got n supply at once. GEO. S. DALES & SON. AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT Fair Tomorrow 10. Bl' VOLUME NINE. NUMBER 19 AKRON. OHIO, SATURDAY. EVENING. MAY 12. 1QO0. PRICE ONE CENT STATE COSTLY Completes Its Case. Is the Boer War, rv h Ir. Rogers Asks Court to Instruct Jury To Return Verdict For Defendant. Witnesses Tell of Interview at Mr. McGarry's. Tfieir Storios AgreeEnu of Firsl Week In Garber .Trial. The State reached a resting p;uce' In the Gather trnl at (I' o'clock Sat urday morning. At that time the defease sprung a surprise In the nature or a motion to dismiss the wise, and that the. Jury be Instructed to return a erdlct or "not guilty." The defense takes the ground Hint the State has failed to mn:;e a ease against the defendant. The jury was dismissed until 0 o'clock. Monday and Judge Koliler listened to the arguments pro and con. The court will decide the question Mondaj morning. Mayor AY. 13. "Young was the r.rst witness called Saturday, lie testlhed that he weef to the home or Daniel McGarry with Mr. H. 13. Andress at 11:20 o'clock Wednesday inornmg, SopJ. '.'8, 1S0S. Mr. McOnrry escorted them into the parlor and they stepped behlod a pano. '4'ho witness said u person called nkthe. house anil entered' fh,WyXP01U'wiMMnii.i.i .t&.'.fhKt "Did you reypgnizeirtlio'VoiceV'Vnhked, iiyngetsfiijnri'.' c ! "I did." "Whoie voice was It?" "Mr. Harvey C. Gnrber." The wltucss then related tTie conver sation between Mr. MeCurry and Mr. Garber. v. Rogers cross examined "You remember the other day. May or, ypu said jou first met limber at Horlx's" '"' "Yes, sir." "Well, that was not so, was It?" "All I know about it. Is that I'm heen told since that Mr. Mm Tier wasn t there That It was another reprosenta- you have It, you know it. You know all about the iavy feeling the stomach, the formation of gas, the nausea, sick headache, and general weakness of the whole body. You can't have it a week without your blood being impure and your nerves all exhausted. There's just one remedy for you There's nothing new about it. Your grand parents took it. 'Twas an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word "Sarsaparilla" famous overbite whole world. There's no other sarsa parilla like it. In age and power to cure it's " The leader of them all." $1.00 Mile. All dratilits. Ayer's Pill; cure constipation. "After tufferlne terribly I was induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles and now feel like ,'s new man. I would advise all my fellow creatures to try this medicine, ..for It has stood tho test of time and Its curatlro power cannot be ox- celled," 1. 1. Good, jan.av, iktj. iirowntown, va. Welta the Doctor. If tou have Anr potmilalnt rh&fevr ana deilro th J beit memcat advice you Pll IKJ. iiiij icivi.r. mil. iiiv uprior ieefy. You will j f celre a prompt it- Hy( without coat. Addrrci, J. DB. J, O.AYEH, Lowell, Hill, m'w w m w m m sfc o m ns MAMS). saraparilia H iRsi5fcMfci: lklS145MA r8sSUFJLl r "Tim street of'Alron will soon be and Is willing to pet dovn to hard work tive of tho Telephone company." Tlie meeting at Cumin's house was ngaln brought out and the fact elicited that the witness called at Michael Iloye'H on the "way home' fiom Cron ins. v ,. tHyoiVr1wHtryHmvm'X-!MnoriilnR73' i "i .11.1 . . "oit also saw Unrry Audreys V "Yes, sir." Uurlng the cross examtiialtou' Mr. Rogers (piest loned the witness about the meeting wi(h Jinrjier PU thij wlt ui'ss' law ollice when two men were In the closet. Xolhln new was dis closed. neferrlng to the uicetliig at McGar ry's the witness wild ho wuh sjttlug on tho floor "tailor fiihhloned" behind the piano, "nidn't you gettlrfdV" "No. f was not, thoru loijg cuongh." "Didn't your l?gs get ciainpedV" "Xo. I was alile lo'"uilv wheu I got out." , ' "When you got out what did you do':" h '. , "Had a little talk with Audrcss and MrCiarry." .", "Where did ymi. Ihon-go?" "Down town to my rllnnerr' "Who drew the i0tlfvM V " "Mr. Andress." .V -"Hid jou send atelegram to tho Mayor of (Jre'envllle )p arrest Mr. Oar- berV" "I did." ) vA Wdn't Mr, (hirber cal you up the nctft day froni Coluiijbuji and ask you Jf you hud setit tle .telegram aud did you not say In reply, tlpit you hadn'i, that the Sheriff hniljoil It, and signed jour naineV -v '' "I said the Sheriff had M'lit the tel egram." 1 , ' "Didn't he nf-k what ii 'trouble was, up there,' and youilld you didn't know?" ' , ' ' -1 don't think I .did," ' And ho said ho WPU)i collie up with-' out tho SherJItr' ' '-,"., "He dlil." - ; "Did Mayor Wank cnll you up and ask what the (rouble 'was, and didn't you say you did not know'"'' "I did not." "Didn't you cay po )r 'subtnPc'cr -I can tell you exactly wtint I said if you want loUpow:"; ' ' ' ' Mr. Rogers djkl not press thg witness tor the exact; word. EMPHATIC REPLY. Not a Political Trick, Says Mayor . .Young. "Didn't air, p f. t)bm sny o you, Mayor, you Ijnow this is a political trick,' and did ydu riot mlmlt Hint It wnsV . r -- , "Ko, never, most enjihi)tlcnl)y no. ,Vot to Mr. Tohlp or apy Duo else." . 'Did not Tubln.fiiiy to .ypu, qii had ei ti'tinp fo'r o'urtVr "'i yv icpllwl . THE BIG FOUR TAKING CAREER AKRON'S 140 MILES OF STREETS. In splenrlid condition. There arc 1 JO miles of streets to ho looked after. The Hoard of ntyjCoiumtesioncrs wants; and act in harmony with the Council for the. benefit of the taxpayers." Interview with City Commissioner Cr Isp. 'Yes, G d blm and Ve got him;" ".Most emphatically no." "Did you not say to I.. C. Miles; I.. fc. Pardee and Uarry WiUon of Cluve land, that you bad ietn trap for hlrin-- . "I 'iirver-s.ldanythlng orUic,Wiid?ii "Did you not say to Mr. Paige be tween this time and the sprmg elec tion that you would like to have him vote in favor of an opposition tele phone company, and that the new com pany would contribute nliout 5000 to the Democratic, campaign fund?" State objected. Objection sustain ed. "You were a caudlfltnto for re-elecliou in the spring of 180!V" "I was." ''Did you not say to Mr. Taige about' the time of this transaction Hint, you wished he would vote for the support of mi opposition telephone franchise, that if lie did you could get about .fG0), for the Democratic ticket." "1 did nqt." "Did you ever ask him to vote in fa vor of an opposition franchise?". State objected, aud question ruled out. Defense noted an exception: "Along about the time or this trans action did you ask Paige to vote for anot her telephone franchise?" "1 did not." uOURT Has Another Question cide. 'o Dc "Did you ask him at any time up to April 'IV" State objected. Hoth sides suTiiill ted lengthy argument, Tho court overruled tho objection Tor the tituo being, and will consider it further-, Defense refused to question rurtuer until the court had delinitely nilcd. Judge Stuart Interrogated: "Were you at Croulu'b house on Sun day?" "Yes, sir." "Whnt was said?" Tho defeiiFo objected. The court said, Croiiln Is a witness. 'Xot before this jury," satd Judge Stuart, "Well, i'e heard a good deal aWyt Croiiln somewhere," remarked j'tlia court. The fiuestlon was withdrawn. '. STATE RESTS But t hire I? a Proviso In Connection With II. Mr. Wunnuiakcr announced thnj tiu State would rest on condition that tlm defeuso would not further eros; ;:. niiiluo after the court ruTcd on, the iiucstjou referred to above, Mr, Sleber arose ami stated tit tlie. court thai the defense had n lesol Jrox,. onltioii (o submit and jas:cd tiiat tm Jury be excused. Tills was done. Mr, Rogers asked t1"t the court In struct tiie Jhry that according In the evidence suiimlttcd oy, the state, thai no crime laid been coiuiijlttedjind tl itha'rourt luMnictjt&udftryiiurcliti i itnd that a a (Continued on sixth p.lge.) Cases Heard. Applications for discharge In bank ruptcy were heard by Judge IticK t inOIeveland Riturdn y, In tlie cased Of" John" K. Sleheillng, !'. A. Wilcox, and .oliuC. Ilerbruck of Akron, and George W. Ilulett of Kent. Telephone the CJImax Cabinet Com pany for screen doors and windows. No.'oTO. Overcome By Cold. Michael Toneyspike, emplojed b. .Tames .Alctiulre in dredging tlie canal ri'ear Tlprntou st., becaino so cinlleu lij' wprkng In lb water that lie imu to he removed to tils home ,:i.'I Kurniice st In Parks.' nnibiilnnee, Snturdnj. WINK VS. COFFEE. A Test Case. "A .wine maker's wife gn whom I !wiih calling a jear or two ago, urged me to drink a large cup of ery strong cotteo wjicn I had declined to take a glass of wine for the reason thnn wine affected me unpleasantly. The coffee was so strong Hint my head reeled null veiled for two or three days, and I decided the wimi would have been tlie more temperate dilnk, after all. "I hniiiicrn n moderate user of i olfee lint hud been suffering Horn sick head aches for swiili) tlino ami was becom ing vqr.V susplcloUb that coffee was the eiufse of thorn. After this experiment, the drug power of coffee was made so plain I abandoned it altogether apd hail a long season ol hot weather ijrlnkJng which Is not enjoyable, as you will iiduilt. 'After awlillo I was Introduced to Postum Food Coffee, and it proved a joy and promise of plcasuro to come. H tasted sn much like coffee that 1 waited for some of the evil effects to dfwoUip.'Thpy did not come, so I drank It three- times a day and still continue. The habit spread from me to the rest ot tlio family. Km" father; a continu ed votfap" drinker, SI years old, now drinks. Ppstttm With great rllsh, and his 'health hue beet) better tho past winter t!iii fat" several years, 'Oii Christmas we had a reuulon of cvorn p'ld-tlme friends and served 1'ofititm (Utend of coffee. Ono of the Indies, wio holds an Important eduea toiql position and miiijt euro for her ner.vcH, "unlit: 'Glvo hie the smallest cup, 1 (jure npt drink coffee.' Sim ilt told thnt it was not eonee, urn wit's Postuin. After drinking a liltle of t, she said, '1 nover liked Postum hefoi-o. Thu way wo mado It, It was so colorless mid tint, hut this Is delicious,' and fhe passed mi for the second cup. .tl uxpJ.iIiumI thnt Mhn could always hurt1 ('upturn delicious if slio would follow till' dlieetloni as (o the, amount Id Uu wid time to boll. Mrs. M. P. HaiuitF, Prospect Park, Cal, C0LLINW00D. Title of a Ntw Nprth '' Hill Alloiment- - To be Opened to tho Public by" Mr. Sawyer. " Attorney Wni. 'W SawjOr has great fallh in the future of North Hi)l. lie believes that within it few years build ing rights on Hip heights to Urn north will be more valuable than in any other part of the city. Ilo not only talks North Hill, bijt shows his sin cerity by making large (mestments In that section, lie rc'-ojttl.v-purchased about :so across of laud on J he north side of .Cuyalioga Kails incnue, seeral hundred feet east of Day ton stieet ex tension and now has a foicu of nieii and teams atuvork srrig sticets. He calls his ncv allotment Collinwood and thiuugh the center ol the tract ot land he Is laying mi) a new stieet to lie known as 'Collinwood iiwmie. In eouuTNitloii with, ;i Dejnocrat leporter he said thai now that North Hill had been' taken Into the city, the streets wotildooit be lighted aud water mains would ho laid, Wlh these Im prou'tneiits In vluw ho believes that theio will be stampede of home builders towards the Hill, lu sujipott of bis claim that leal fKtate will be efy valuable in that locality belaid that Noitli Hill would alwniS be a strictly residence neutiiui; that lots in residence socdona brought from ?i!uu up, while lu shop secllons, building lots lu ought from ?ulll iijwii. Collinwood lb only a seven minute ride fiom tlio Howard and Market bis. corner on tliu,rw. and us soon as thu double tracks aiu completed, the tlmo will be i educed to tle minutes. In tlie athertislug columns of toda's Hemociat, Mr, Sawior aunoiiuccs that commenchig Wwiewliy iiiornliig.Mny JO, he will sell loth as low as iflu to bo paid for at the rate of, soveu cents- per day. Sales nt this prices would no doubt be an actual loss unless tio pur-, chasers buid bouses nifl thus add to tho Millie of hjl ufisojd lots,,as tieiv Is no acreage twin ecu Akron and the new cut hrdgo, op the car Hue that can be bought for lfsi than four or llc hundred dollars per ncie. Some owner,-) lire How asking as much as Wi for single lots on Cuya hoga Kulln i venue. It will be noticed that Mr. Sawyer Is offering to'aeU buy oyery o(lier lot or every othtsr pair of lots nnd that ho will not sellmoiu than two lots to the same persoijint'prosput prices, It Is vry evident, lbntlio. expects to inako his money nut of thu uilearucd lucre uieiit, Uso Democrst want column. It pays. .f. i ' ' ' 'f to do what is right for the people.. Woman Gets Rich Mines. Austin, Tex., May H..-(SpJ.)-A dis patch fiom Durango, Mexico, says Mrs. Mary D. Grace, of Syracuse X. Y., has come into full possessum ot tho Hl-mark and Vacas nilncs ;u the State of-Diiningo, alucd,at acvcu millions of dollars. i .. UNSETTLED Is the'Buffalo Strike Will Not Recog nize Union. Buffalo, N. y., May, 12.-(Spl.)-Al-t hough it was thought that the strike among the Lackawanna car repairers and yardmen might bo settled yester day and that the diltloultlcs with tlie Erie, Lehigh and "Western, New Yoik and Pennsylvania roads would follow as a natural result the whole matter was blocked late yesterday attciuoon, when Master Car Builder Canffcld of tlie Lackawannn refused to deal with A. T. Pish, chairman of tlio strikers' committee and John C. Daglish, busi ness agent of tho International Asso ciation of Machinists. Mr. Cauuehl said lie would deal direct with' the striking employes or no one. So blat ters are again nt a standstill. Non-union men may take the places tho htrlkeis. DELEGATES Will be Met by New York Reception Committee. New Yotk.Mny 12. iSpI.) The mem bers of the committee which Is to meet tho Boer peace envoys said today that tho visitors were not oxpeelcd to aulve in this city before tomorrow. They are on the Holland American Uue steamship Miinsduin, and when (Ua vessel is sighted the lcccptlon committee, representing the National Boer relief fund association, Will go down tlie bay nu a lug to meet tho enovs. After lauding tho delegate will be excelled to tho Netheiland ho tel where a reception lu their honor will be held. Coming at Wrong Time, - Paris, May 12.-(Spl.)-Tho Mfflln, in an editorial article toduyj says the Boer peaco delegates havochoseu jin unfuor:ible moiuiit to visit tho United Stales. since, necordiuig to. flur paper, tho Americans are now doing in tlio Philippines what the Jjrjtlsh nrb dolug lu South Afiica. Careless Workmen. Loudon, May 12. (Spl.)A-dpntcli from Delagoa Bay says 'positive evi dence has been obtained thnt the e- ' plosion hi the Begblo opglhpring works at .lohaiiiisburg was duo to tlp ruio lessness of luxperlciiecd Workmen,, England Has Spent More Than $160,000,000, Has Lost 18,384 Men, 222,057 in Field, And Has Not Yet Subdued 35, 000 Boers. Roberts Meets Liltle Resistance at Kroonstad. London, May 12. (Spl.) Papers de sirous of peace In England are publish Ing the following facts and ngur-js: Cost to Kngland of the Boer war up to date, about S'-'.OOO.OOO pounds. Total British force In the field, 2J2. 0.7T men; 35,061 horses; l&l macbino guns and 455 guns of all calibres. Of these have gone Troin Kngland 16d,117 men; 27,0fiT liorscs; 103 ma chine guns and 291 field and other guns. Number of English killed, made pris oners or permanently Invalided, 18, SS3. ,TF At the end of Franco-German war Germany had actively engaged In the field 404,221 infantry; uD,3C2 cavalry and 1,074 guns. Total Boer force today at closest es timate 35,000 men. ROBERTS Reports Having Things His Own Way at Kroonstad,- ' London, May 12. (Spl.) The War ollice received the following dispatch from Lord Roberts this afternoon: , "Boschrand, May 12, t):05 a.m. I mi south of Kroonstad. The enemy evacuated their lirst line or entrench incuts during the nipht. "Wo are now recounoitcrlug towaras Kroonstad. Trench's cavalry seized a drift over the VaKche river at 4:30 p.m. yester day ju-t In time to prevent the.cnemy from opposing his passage." London, May 12.-(Spl.)-Thc War office has received the following Train Lord Roberts: "Geneva Siding, May 11, G:25 p.m. My headquarters with Folc-CarewV division marched 20 miles today. We are now near Geneva Siding, 11 miles fiom Kroonstad and six miles rrom Boshraud, where tht Boers arc hold ing an entrench feitlon. Gordon's brigade is touchla them. Tucker's division is a short distance to thc (Continued on eighth page.) ...FOR RENT... One store room in the new XXth Century build ing, cheap, if rented at once. Inquire of Clerkin&Maag Main street. RUCKER'S Korak Wonder Cures all STOMACH, BOWKl and BLADDER disordors, cures ECZE MA, purifies the BLOOD, regulates tho IilVEU nnd KIDNEYS, obliter ates CONSTIPATION, and remove nil kinds of "WORMS. Korak Oil ", oures nil pain. Prlco SOo. For snlo by nil druggists. E. STEINBACHER & CQ "Wholesale Agents. ,r, ,"" r JTte&tW ,ti. . ' -Sv! M n&j. ji&?i tefc. tetu&w PfVv t .MJ" fw.