OCR Interpretation

Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, May 14, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028140/1900-05-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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AKBOiT bails; jdemqgbat; moota
rillllll 1H MM Ml
HKll tyV !? V
i -
I 'Befiijes'uto'rs
.... The onlyho in tho markot with sovon walls.
ojf 6ream 'Freezers
- Alf BifcG-family, hotol and restaurant.
taw'rt Mowers
Mndo by tho Whitman & Barnos Co., warranted.
Variety of sizes, colore, quality and prices.
WelsbacBi Gas Fixtures
Burners, Chhnnoys, Globes and Mantels.
Tie Herrick & Sons Co.
(Continued -from first page. i
DON'T PUT ON SniNGLES when you can get
SLATE, whioh are safer and more durable at
very little additional expense. . . ,
We havo a, largo slock of all kiuda of Slate. See us
for an estimate. Repairing: promptly attended to.
The KascSi Roofing Co
Telephone SS7.
Slate Roofers, Cornices, Sky Lights and
General Sheet Metal Work.
To most people spoiios mo simply bpouges, jet thero aio n tcoic
of varlotloc. t3orao little ouos cost tirgocd deal, somo large oues coat a
very little and are worth less. Some are full of lime; some are ruined
by bleaching; boino'ufo too conr.-e; some too line; s.oiuo just light.
Wo keep all kinds and sell them for Just what they are and for
what they are worth.
132 Woostor Avenue.
'I Phone 1781. Akron, Ohio
When you aro looking for Dental
work that our prlcos aro fair and
above reproach, and work Is second
to none.
We can extract your teeth painlessly
, Extracting 25c
Vitalized Air 50c
Hesl Tooth oh rubber. .,..$8.00
Good Tooth $5.00
Filling 50c end up 1
i Our Gold Crown and Bildgo Work are
mado from best 2ZW gold.
Mill HI Rooms
12V aouin main btroct.
Open Evenings. Sundays 10 to 1
- , , , . .
Gou tinned fiom first page.
Tho very finest. Tho no plus ultia.
The erouio do lit crerae. That's HAIL
IT15R WhMsay In three languages.
HI South Howard St.,
Akron, O.
QAEt!rAt asirsa-rBEi-
Manufao'.urur of all klndaof brushes
Ordota promptly attended to.
ciipcr. A reporter for tho Democrat
auh nhun some lulcroHtlng informa
tion relative to this Item of expense
by a man connected with tho Wullueo
show. Ho said tho 'Nelson 'family, uc
robals, received ?1SOO per week for
tholr act. Billy (jhoolls who la with
Barnuin'n circus Is paidjfjiOi per week
for o;io aqL at each performance, Sin
glu nets ate paid for at a rate of from
?no to ?;100 a week. ' (
formerly the performers and mutl
clans connected with a circus hoarded
at hotels. This hns beon changed so
that all the people aro furnished their
mollis by tho Bhow. There aio two
(ents, one for the professional people
and another for tho laborers. Good
substantial meals aro served at both
places. Bins artists carry tholr own
horses, which aro fed by tho circus.
Thoy aro furnished a groom.
The Wallace circus, which Is in Ak
ron today, is an anti-trust show. With
Rluzllug Broth-am circus It Is in tho ter
ritory of the combine giving It a bnttlo
for tho flupicmucy. Both shows will
luvudo I'eunsyHnuia whero they will
cover the saiuo territory us tho Soils
iV Foropaugh and Buffalo Bill shows.
'Mia lust named are owned by one com.
combine bliows to got tho luiht uUiae
pnuy. It Is tho plirposo of tho null
tlons between them. 'Mils Is tho point
wheio tlm two untl-shows cross.
"Did you not say that Mctfnrry be
Ing an nppolutce of Vouug's ho could
call off tho mattcrV'
"I dtd not."
"Did 'you not say 'Muyor, ydu ana
I nro both good Democrats and r that
Gnrber Is a Democrat and a good fel
low, and that the matter should bu
slopped?' "
"I did not."
Tho cross cxaiuluatlon also revealed
that tho witness had vetoed nu ordi
nance of an Independent telephone
compauy as against the Central Union
in Columbiis, during the latter 'part
oflSDS. ,, f '
Mi, W, T. Tobhi was next called..
Ho hns been with M. O'Nell & Coin
pauy -2 yeais.
"Dd you Uuov Mayor 'Young?"
"I do." V . .
"What relation hn'o ou had With
"Closo political frlecdi."
"Do you remember seeing Mr. Tfounff
in his ollicu on Hcpt. 28, 1S0SV"
. "I suw him tho evening of lliu ilny
they tried to arrest Clarber."
"Did you havo a conversation?"
"I did, at tho Elks' club."
"Did you say to the Mayor, 'Mayor,
this la a political trick, ana did he not
admit it?"
"Not at tho Elks' club."
"Did you have a conversation at the
Major's- offlcc?"
"1 did, a few tlnjrt after tlurbcr gave
"In that conversation did you not
say to tho Mayor, 'Mayor; you know
this is a political trick,' and did ho not
admit it?"
"In substance but not exactly."
"Glvo your language?"
"In conversation I said, 'Mayor,
j on know this was done for political
effect,' and ho said 'I'll admit to you
but I don't want that generally
"At the Elks' club did you say to the
Mujor.Ho jou'sot a tiup'for hlm-dla
OrAnActlon For Divorce Pleaded
';' For Her Husband. '"
Mrs. Janfes Arnold, wlfo of thu B6s
tou township proprietor of n speak
J easy, wasut tho County Commission-
ors' "omco'" Mouflay morning pleading
for (ho release df her husband who Is
confined In the county Jnll. She said
his arrest was tho result; of "spite. The
woman Mild that ho would bo released
from jail or she would Institute pro
ceedings for divorce.
Missionary Services.
Tho Woman's Foreign MJssionnry
society had charge of thVi services Sun
day morning at the Main st, M. E.
church. 'Mrs. E!l Conn, who Is presi
dent of this district, gave sketched of
missionaries Scut out from tho Cincin
nati branch. Appropriate remarks
aud music added Interest to the ser
vices. A pipit' wis made by Mrs, Conn
to Increase the membership of tho so
ciety In this church, which now num
bers 40. A special collection was taken.
1 , M AY
Tnum"3rms sjgsggggs?
kV Ww W
' ' "1 ii i i.i.i
C 7lie
C in vi
$ inn
C Cor-l
1 1
f and
11, 1D00
4 . u II
quality of our goods
hat' hns civen us tho
TATION that if you
THE LEST go to
Main and
Exchange sts
It is admitted by oven
our competitors that we
havo tho largest and best
selected assortment o f
DIALS to ho found in any
house in tlis cty.
,Is such that we, can please
everybody, . whether - from
north, 'soutli, oast ojc west,
bo thoir choico wine been
whiskyoj; brandy, ittiporto4
or dfjofo'tlc. This ineans
wo Hare tho tstoqk for you
to choose from.
'But it ib as ireasonablo t6 say WATER is ViCkTT EF. -
Why not brf equally as fastidious about your liquors and got only THUS BEST
FU WEST for medicinal or family u be?
Try Our Famous Mascot Rye Whisky, 4 years old
S&l.glO per Gallon SOo per Honost tQtmrb.
Call up tho Climax Cabinet company
No. u"0 and ask for our 'solicitor to
conic and' lake oitr measures for
screen doors and windows.
for SsTtlii7 Ma
thluoi. TrAewrltcn
Flr Af, etc. Tin
Mlilieit ira. cut n
from your dattor. q
Democrat readers aro always posted
on current events.
From the Big 4.
Mr. A, Ij. Gtanby arrived Monday to
assume the pobltlqn'of Supervisor of
the Akron division of tlm Erie, loft, n
cnut some thue ago by tho .promotion
of Mr. V, .7. Moser..Mr. Giauby conies
from Oullon, O., whero ho has brou
employod In tho ougtucor's. department
of the C. G. G. & St. L. rnlUoad.
you?' "
"1 did and the Mayor yild, 'Yes, by
God, we'vo got him dead to rights.' ."
' In cross examination by Mr. W.uia-
? it ,V "'!
maker, the witness wild he was al
ways In fnr of one company In Ak
ron and that happened to be the Cen
tral Union.
"As a matter of fact you did what
you could to qulut this down?"
"I did."
"You tried to Induce tho Mayor to
drop this prosecution?"
"I thought ho had made a political
At this point tho court adjourned
for tho noon hour.
Mr. undMrs. Trank Knelpp of. New
Cattle, Pa., bpent Sunday utth Mr. and
Mrx, O. B. MIUer,l5 Bluff su
Miss Irnia .Bobiuhon, of 'JOj Carroll
St., left Monday morning for a week's
visit with friends In Youngstowm
Hon. ,T. Park Alexander left S.unday
night for T)eknj,, Kansas whero ho
will attend tho 'National conreronco or
Charities and Corrections.
Mr. P. W. Ganjard of Ashlauil, was
In Akron Sunday.
5rr. Frank G. Itusscll of Urbiua,
O., has accepted a position In the Erie
freight oflieu in tills city.
Mrs. D. U Marvin and Mrs. F. A.
Selberllng left, .Monday for Aim Arbor,
Mich, whoro they will attend the
May festival given under ttio auspices
of the University of Michigan. While
thcie thoy Will bo tho guests of Mrs.
II. W. Sadler. -
Mrs. Hurry 'G.Kuitz entertained a
few friends at dinner Sunday. It was
her birthday, rjup received a miniver
of beautiful presents as a reminder of
tho occasion. " '
lMr. 1'heroil rVfrntrhas sercrcfi his
connections -with tho B. V. Goodrich
Co., to accept a posltioii as geuernl W
porlutoudeut of Tho IVnuylvnulu
Buhhefpo, fit Evirt.U'n. "i
Miss Graco Myers' Sunday school
class vvHIvfelve au entertainment in
Main bt. M. E. church next Wednes
day ovenlng, May 10. A line program
has beeu arranged.
MlssFnuuy Falor left for Cloela:(d
Sunday to lslt with friends for ttio
next six weeks.
Mlts Clara Beiiko, of Steluor ave.,has
roturned from a visit with' friends In
Borea, and Cleveland.
X-jarwia KCosei
Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools,
Wire Cloth Screen DOors and Windows,
Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils & Glass.
From S&2S25 "to J0.
Come in and take your ohoice. Wo nro glad to show them.
We have the most complete lino of
Fight With Hoboes.
4 J. II. WcHtcamp, of H8 North Maplo
St., fireman at tho American Coreal
Company's mill, on Mill st., had a II vo
ly tight with two hoboes, at 2:30 Mon
day morning. Mr. Westcamp was
working In the boiler-room, when two
tramps usUed permission to .sleep In
the mill. They were denied the privi
lege, nnd ordered to leave. This they
refused to do, nnd both assaulted Mr.
Wcstcnmp, who Is a largo and power
ful man. lie grasped tho larger of tho
tramps and threw him out of thu boiler
room nnd soou kicked his companion
after Tho tramps rcallselug that they
had i.ttaeked the wrong mau, left tho
vicinity of tho mill,
B-b vwEIi psy you to give it gs tries 1.
Of Kentucky, Penn. and Maryland Jjlyo and Bourbon WhUkien., lM .
fJPWo deliver all our goods in plain packages, without any marks to indicate contents.
Gor. Main 'and Exchange Streets,
Telephone 941
was aroused by the countess saying:
" 'Etcuse roe, but wo aro sitting on
tho same chair.' " Dotrolt Freo Ttess.
OiirFlrnt I'ital Unto.
The flrst law of congiess Oxlng rates
of postage went Into direct on June 1,
170i!, with lates as follows:
Not exceeding 30 miles, 0 cents.
Over 30 and not exceeding 00 miles,
8 cents.
0er CO and not exceeding 100 miles,
10 cents.
Over 100 and not exceeding 150
miles', 124 cents.
Over 150 and not exceeding MO
day, and the convocation u.l rurally
turned on tholr common pests.
"The mice have been &o bad Intcly,"
said the elder woniau, "that I keep ev
erything locked, up and all my eatables
In the boxes."
Tho younger womnu's eyes sparkled
with eagerness. t
".My!" she said. "I wouldn't dare do
that. I wouldn't want to run such a
risk. I lcao crackers, and cheese lying
about every night when I go to bed so
that when thp mice become hungry
they'll Und soinethlug to eat and not
gnnw thlugs. I'm njways afraid they 11
bite holes In my new tablecloths and
miles, 15 cents. my nice centerpluees If I don't leave
Over 200 aud not exceeding 230 the cheese right where they can tlnd It
miles, 17 cents. 'easily. 1 feel poifectly safe when I
Over 250 and not oxecediug 350 Unow them's plenty for them to cat
miles', 20 cents. right wheio they Can get at It."
Over 350 and uot exceeding 'IjO. There's nothing after all like having
miles, 22 cents.
Ovor 450 miles, 23 cents. -s -
I( would seem that postmasters of
that day mpsl have been greatly'p.'i
plcxdd In adjusting the rates on en Mil
a clever Idea llkq that now and then.
(Washington Tost.
.Mekiminca of Uritlsli Ueiflmonti).
The gienadler guards were nlcUnnm-
incubator Burned,'
"tjnclo Jqo" ICompef Is no I he only
mau In Akron vho hns had had luck
with lucubutors. On Sunday au Incu
bator belonging to Ales McLaughlin,
of 218 Ilarvaidt., binned as tho result
uf au nccl'dent, and -the lives of 30
l'l mouth Bock chicks woro destroyed.
Lanlan'i Uuliber Uathtnb,
General Law ton mado It a habit of
bla life to tultc a cold water bath ev
ory morning before breakfust, nnd
while campaigning he carried with him
a rubber tub. It mado no difference
whero ho was, bo always ordered thu
tubful of cold water to his quarters
every morning.
In following tho Apaches he reached
a mountain. Ilo knew that tho In
dians bud tied there, aud boforc pursu
lug them farther ho loft his rubber
tub and other tent equipments at tho
base of tho mountains In charge pf au
old and faithful sergeant to guard
carefully until ho returned. It was uu
old trick with tluit trlbo of Indians
when being pursued to circle around
and return to tho exact pont whenco
thoy started.
Tho gc.net ul left tho tub and started
out after the Indians. They circled
around, covering u wldo territory, aud
beat General Lnwtou back to the baso
of tho mountain. When ho got thoro,
ho found that the old sergeant and his
six men had b?cn killed and that his
tub had beeu carried off by tho In
dians. The Apaches evidently learned
how highly tho general priced the rub
ber tub, for they plnced groat store by
It after they had captured It and guard
ed it as closely as they dlcf their own
lives. Louisville Courier-Journal.
letter under such a dlvetslfied schedule'"1 .vi "Tho Coalheavcrs' because they
ns tho aboe. The weight limit wii 'ero at one tlmo ullowpd to work In
qna ounce (singled but 'a single letter plain clothes at odd Jobs for private
Was a single sheet, two sheets dj-yi.w employers. The Seventh foot wore "Tito
threo sheets triple, four sheets a'-.- Elegant Extracts" because at one tjmo
ruplo letter, oven If tho wholo four did all their olllcors "had been chosen from
not exceed an ounce. other corps." The Forty-sixth owed
I their name of "The Lacedoinunjaus" to
a Shock For cnriyie. their colonel's stirring speech on thu
Thackeray once told Sir John Mlllals'nuciont Srartuus. Like many other
this nmuslug story of Carlylc: regiments, "The Gallant Fiftieth" ro-
Uo had spent a day In tho reading ) eclved several nicknnmes-"Tho Blind
loom of the British museum and bad , Half Hundred," from their ophthalmic
given a great deal of trouble to one of troubles lu Egypt, nnd "The Dirty
tho offlclnls, sending him up and down , naif Hundred" because In their peuln
laddora In bcarcb of books to satisfy sulnr tights thoy wiped tbemsclyes with
his literary tastes, and on leaving the (their black facings. The One Hun
room ho had gone up to tho man and (iredth regiment are "The Old Hun-
told him that It might be some satis- ;arcd" and "Tho Centipedes." The
faction to him to know that ho had 'Tw.-ntv-olchth woic callCd "Tho Foie
obliged Thomas Carlyle. The official mui Afts" because, stnudlng back to
hesitatingly answered him, with a back, they repelled a' front and rear
bland smllo nnd tho usuul washiug of attack before Alexandria In 1801. The
bauds In tho air, that the gentleman Cheshire regiment has been christened
had the advautnge of him, but that iiho Lluhtnlnc Conductors" because
probably they might have met at eouio yitt tbo Irish umuomers of 1800 several
mutual rrlena's house, uo nau never ra(.a ,Verc struck by Hghtu
The "B-SO'WriBwP20"
Llvory, Boarding, Foed and
Salo Stable....
Cor. Willi (and High $.
First-class Service in Every Respect
rhone 3?2. E. W. Cubbisan, Prop.
Pamily Aioot-irsj::a
wash olean, good finish, don't ruin '
fabrics. Will call for and deliver 1
rln rMn l.tl.1 (m ..11 . ni,V. " I
405 East Exchange tt.
Ploue 139 GEO. E. ET2, Prep.
, n ouctob sack fmm
m (51 isns LVBvnxt lyB
narch Polish
i m Uti n., rtimihin.. vimn. ml Fcxuletn. .
fl 5 fjjJTlIlri, HirclirooJI-'inhh H
q I W DAino Bitot. & Co. m
adl vtuett.
Growers o hflt&
Catawba Pure, CaUwW APorJL
Sweet, Ives Seedling;...'." ' i
Always on hnwlf ' 'All ..oitoorf 'promptly
filled. Bpeclnl attention given to mnll
orders. ,
SCHAEDLER & nilEIN, ... Kelly's Island, 0.
heard of Thomas Carlylc.
The body needs luternal ns well as
external baths to keep It healthy. To
night march."-
llghtulug durlug u
Loudon News.
The Ulrm-linls.
The ilug-hal docs not dlsdnln an In
sect diet Booties, grasshoppers, lo
be -taken each day. beglnnlug with a ed mm q( c(m,e f hnyQ
glvo the body an Internal bath drink d mmncH'ai0 VM;
plenty of water. Two quarts should , os t nnfl bots
bo -taken each day, beglnnlug with a , , ' M, .,,,, , ll4 , ,
glass Just after rising and ending with bometImcs BmuMfl myM,f by'WatclitaB
!. f MlW. Jh2 .the bold yet cautious and gentle man-
ore Inclined to stoutness, do not drink i
iiaii li Ti'litnU ri rt tlinctn IMitinno Vflll
during meals or within a half hour be- a,lecUum os and. after a
foro or after them. If your complexion "Ilmmary c6ntSQ of S00tIllnR caresS.
1 Rohrbacher & Allen
Tel. V0. 170 South toward 'street j
School Sites,
The new building conmlltteo of tho
Board of Kducatlou haa mudo soyeral
vigils to the upy City territory, south
of Akron, for the purpofio Of selecting
n situ for u now school building. Throe
parcels of lnud nro under considera
tion. Two of IIuim; nro In tho If. S.
Kalor allotment nnd the. o(lier on Stelu
or ae. The lust uauied Io Is now oc
cupied by tho mission of the Fourt)i
Church of Christ.
Mrmorles ot n Wn4U. .
"Did you ever try to danco with, a
foreigner?" ubltcd a Loulsvlllo gentle
man who had been traveling ahroad.
"I did bnc," ho continued, "and that
oxperleuce M-as morq than enough for
me. It happened' at n hull at Musta
pha, at the Hotel St. George. I usked
nu Austrian countess to waltz, und
nhcu no started i supposed we uould
danco In the lplvurely American fash
ion., Tho cpuntcss had a dUfercdt Idea
In her head. She preform! tn whirl
madly like a dervish on a spaco that
could bo covered with a nn'raso, nnd
on account of her superior strength
clung to her, and we began to spin.
"Finally, when It seemed to rae that
wo were pcrfouulug our unties dn tho
celling with our heads hahglug down.
I could stnud It uo longer and, gasp.
Ing for breath, suggested that wo sit
down. I saw two chairs galloping
around tho loom and prepared to catch
them ou tho next lap. Wo steoied fur
them, I clinging helplessly to tho nth
I letlc lady, and then wo sunk down. 1
tat dazed and almost lusenslblo until I
Is bud, nothing Is more conducive to a
euro than drinking water either hot or
cold, but preferably tho latter. New
York Press.
wuen tlio Puaa Ucta tier tlnelc Cp.
It Is not anger alone that makes cnts
arch their backs, ludeed, whpn two
cats aie preparing to light they do not
assumo this nttltude, but crouch low,
justns they do when about to spilug
on tholr prey, the body being extended
aud the hair not In the least erect.
But when, on meotlug a dog suddenly,
fear Is qouihlncd with anger then tho
cat, standing at Its full height, at onco
arches its ba k, with nn Instinctive ef
fort to appear as formidable us possi
ble. Darwin compares It to the similar
attitude of tho lynx when attacked nnd
to that of bhd-j which rumo their f oath
era and spread out their wings nnd
tall, when alarmed. It Is noticeable
that, a cat will also arch Its back when
iu nu cucctlonato frame of mind, rub'
blug itself against It.s master's leg. At
tho samu time It slightly raises Itsur
and holds Its tall erect. Its whole' at
tltudo Is Just tho reverse of that which
it assumes wheu savage.
Darwin accounts for this In the fol
lowing words: "Certain stutes of mind
lead to certain habitual actions which
4ro pf no service. Nowwhen a dlroct
ly opposlto state of mind Is Induced,
tberp Is a strong and Involuntary
tendency to the performance of a move
ment of a directly opposite nature,
tbopgh t may bo of no service,"
es, accompanied by a soft "cawing"
note, hibcrt bla head luto the ear and
dexterously extinct tho ticks. These
birds always seem to have a good un
derstanding with the older and more
experienced oxen, who will, at a hint
fiom.one of them, Ho down und plnce
themselves In the most favorable posi
tion for the extraction of their para
sites. Stark's Birds of South Africa.
A lirlde'n Clover lile.
Out In a big apartment houso on Co
lumbia heights there dwells a youug
married woman who Is as uulvo as the
bildj) In the comic weeklies. The house
keepers who llvo In tho same houso
Wltl her have been somcwbut.nnnoyed
of lote by mice. Tho young woman
'metono ot thorn lu tho hall tho other
"Excuse me," snld tho shabby look
ing young mau, "But would you bo
so kind ns to cash this Check 'for mo?"
"Vhy don't yew git somebody thet
knows yew to cash It?" asked the old
couutrymnn, plotting up his carpet sack
from the curb.
"Tbo peoplo that know we won't do
It," bitterly ox"ckUmed tho young man,
turning n'way to hide u tear.
"Poor fellow!" sympathetically an
swered the fnrujcr-os he took out his
walkit. "How much Is it fer?"
Aud still they say money's hard to
get. Knnsnrf"Clty Indepcudont. '
You Must Eat to Live
Why not come where you get
the BEST MEAtsat aU hours?
European Restaurant ,
200-202 E. narket st.
The Dixon Transfer Co.
Coal, Tramfar and Uvtrjr ,
Packing, moving and storing of
goods. Coaches", coupes and carrlagos
for funorals, wed.dlugt, parties and
123 and 12S Carroll tt. Tel. No. 306
Machine Shop and Foundry
General machine nnd foundry work.
Lawn Mowers Sharpened.
. o
Moving Vans, Teaming
Rlid TrftmifnrTlnor. Will
9 vnnr on.il hlns now and
avoid tho rush." Ofllce,
Cor. Cherry and Canal'sts. Tel. 25r.
A Storr ot Amos Cpmmlnc.
One summer (v number- of years ago
Amos Cummjngs passod two weeks
ou a rl'ot boat and took Ernest Jar
rohl, the author qf "Mickey Finn
Idylls." with him for compauy. One
day a great storm nrp,$e, and the pilot
boat was tossed' about on tho waves
like a chip, 13VPry tulivute a wave
would dash over tho dock and threaten
to carry overj'thlnp away und swamp
the boat. Gumming and ilarrold were
In tho little cnblp,, tho-former lying
In a bunk Intently 'rending a book on
the French royp)ut!oh. Jnrrold poked
his head out to Jook pt the fctorm.
wheu n mountain P-f H'"- water foil
With n boom on tho deck and tilled his
eves with snrav. The boat gave n
For Every Purpose.
J. Adamson,
Exchange and Water Streets
B,eemcd tlmt she must turn comrttotely,
over. - " - . " '
"This Is uwful, Am'os," paid Jarrotd.
Tin going to put on a life preserver,
for I don't think 'tho boat "can stand
It'muny minutes longer.1'
"Oh, keep quiet, nud let mo read
Mickey," said Cummlngs, never lifting
his eyes from "tho page. "Tbq men
on this boat draw a regular salary io
keep her ' afloat." Saturday Evening
The oothlrnh I'luut,
Ouo of tho most curious plants la
the world Is what Is called thu tooth
biush plant of Jamaica, tt Is a .species
of creuper and has nothlug particularly
stilklng about Its appearance. By cut
tine pieces of It to a suitable length
aud fi'iiyliiK thoeudh the natives con
vert It Into u toothbrush, and a. tooth
powder to accompany thouM.- W tiio
fearful lurch and careened until It " mo! ' IX'H
jA4jto,,itlr;-,. .fe&.
VMWri-u&a .

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