Newspaper Page Text
teiirwwi ?vwXfcr s BTJ aRmDMWtWlffl i VJeY 5 ;Vlj wsrv" v-"-v tft i 1 1 I i I if ' M :fe ft r i'1 ) 'i l 1 J I : f ft I It .! . ' AKItOItf DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY. MAY 11, 1000 THE WEATHER TUESDAY. Cooler. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' SUITS 100 LADIES' MAN TAILORED SUITS All this season's goods, Eton and Fly-Front styles to go at 50c on the Dollar 150 dozen Ladles' Summer and Jean Corsets WMMwnwnvMMKMra i ilr. 150-152 S.Howard st. A Big Kick. Thut law lmt everybody soomg toliino tn rogoril to their intimity. AVu will mi- uenvor 10 noip you out 01 tins iroumo ir you will glvoiiftn trlul puekuKO. THE SIXTH WAUD LAUNDRY. P T ftFPh "ftr' E"t Mnrkot Ht. - m st Phone 1561. rpjJK ONLY 1'JjAOK vvlinro ou i-nti not J- tho original I'nrlslnn eo Oreum, wbolcsnlo mill rotnll. Hppcliil julcua Klvon lor invvn frtns.fnatlviilHioia prlvulo lifirtlop. Ills supply f fruits, cnnOliHnml nuts for circus any. Now (Jnlifornlu cljerrlos just recclvc.l, N. LASKARIS CO. Tel. 280 oud BI2. ma B. llownrd Ht. Man Bros. Shall continue to sell this week the cm of ; in hi i As long ns it lasts at 4 Per 4 Sack Our high grade FAILED To Settle the Strike, "Will plenso you Ndan Bros. Leading Grocers 301-303 Mill st. Akron, O. Telephone 376. I,, SPARKLING BEAUT2ES Each glnss of Ice Cream Soda ut Model Hakery, Ih a sparkling beauty. It not only ('Helmuts tho eve. nlcascx tho tnstc but It Ih mobt lofreshlng ami ncneiiciai, as a food for tlio inner imiu, becauso It In inudu fiom Sweet (Jrcuiii, (liul iiavorcd with Vitro l'tult JiiIqoh. Remember tlio pluce, Model Hakery, 10Q 8. Howard St., 'Vhoio IMM. .B.LAFFERTY I . OPEN ALL NIGHT ' V Tr-T TTtTOT ,v flEW ENlxLAND KKEAU. Workmen Finding Em ployment 'Elsewhere. A Conference of Company Officials. Hot Session of Village Council Expected. Remarkable Pitching of Frank Vcsslcr Bnrberton News. (Special Correspondence.) Bnrbortorr, May 14. Joseph Bishop, Secretary of tlio Stato Itoatd of At ti tration uoufcrre'd wltli Snpt. Sneddon at the Stirling Co.'h oftice today. Mr. Sneddon declined to change tho propo sition ho tnude tho' Milkers last week and therofo're tiu situation Ih the same. IHm evident that It will be on ly it question oC time, until the nion llnd work. Many of, tho skilled work men uro ttccuriug employment else whoi,o. Today over 200 uiolders and bollormokers wont to Cleveland. Mr. Bishop Saturday evening Mated that ho could do'iluthlng mom to ter minate Ihn strike. Ho hinted, however, that ho would bu back In n few dujs. EdW. It. Klnttlulim, of Chicago, becrc tury of tho Stirling Company, W. A. Pearson, of fiohongetady, N. Y., and W. S. Everett of rmisburg, who also arc connected with tho Sliding Co., held n coiiferenuo with Mr. Sneddon today. 'Thero ih talk that men -will be. Imported to $11 the Nti-lkcr' places, but ns yet theio lj nyt any ovldenco of It. Houses torrent huvo become such it hcarce nrtlplu that two famlllen have bought tentH unit patched them In thn woods neat- tlicltiiMuiiit ait tile plant. Y'estcrday was a record bleaker at tho BiirbWtbn'Iwi. They entertained over KK) riichIh, Aiimiik tho Rtiesls was Miu OliuilcH Nclnn of 'New York Olty, wife of thenpled carloonlst of tho New York Ilurnhl. She wtw ac-conipnuied-hy MM Allies E. Xelan, of Akron, and Mltis .Veillo E. Itooney, of riymouth, Wlm. Other Akron guests wt'i-o Mr, and Mrs. ,t. AV. l.yder, MIks Ethel AdaniH, Geo. 11. Spencer, llownrd (I. Ooodwln, ,1.' O. .TiiLkmiu and lady, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ohrlnteusen, Mr. and t Mrs. OhRH. 15, Campbell and Clem ent II. Wright of TallniadKe. Tim Council meeting tonight will furnish more amusement i linn tho Wallace hliow In Akron. Tim injunc tion casc,iignlust Air. Walsh, which So llcltur Everlmrd was instructed to ro Ie, hafl not been revived ns Mr. Ever- ihnrd doee uot thltk It policy to do so. Ho Is waiting for Stuail t tsiuurt to take tho initiative in the muor. This, with tho trouble ntt ho canal, In not getting ho pipes under when the wa ter was oil', will be the hauls Mr a lot of discussion,' which caiibo tlio Council men to bnvo "Lint on the lungs," a new disease, which Is ' nuw epidemic. In Barbeiton. The ball ?inHs Sunday between tho Marines uud Machinists resulted In a victory for the former by a score or 13 to 11, A bg crowd witnessed the gamp. Ernnlt Vrsslor, tho pitcher for the Marines, suiprlsed everybody, lie struck out -S moil, Hud tho catcher worn a mask thp Machinists would not have scored. In one lunlug he retlieil the side, by pitching ten halls. This young man will bear watching. A 1,1059 wtl'o bouse Is being built for tlfn" Akron Onpnlns factory located north, of New Fortngo. Iun.dreds af people went to Akron .totlay'to wltpcss the Wnllmo show. ii'lios, .Onnliiei' is moving his family, hero from Mt. Yiuiion. OJins. Ammerninn has concluded Ids visit atl'IvllbiHjk. His wire uud chll dreti wI remain soue 'time. dn0i aawwihillia Firo.Noar Barherlon. tW'ii'HtMl'y I'runit! hoiihc, owned by AJni: SJuidoek,, and located on iho Akropand Barbfi'tpn load, a mile eSSyS3sapwA ?BtaAiL Ji5!ilgkSiTi. --T- vix "JvNiiJV". ;S miw&t JS Kri. ' e- w-. i " i r " v mt r'&ms&t MM 4-.?. 'U fi". .. i vwJinrtWI ! - Ii7 S ,c- "Of To Yourself and Family: i Buy tho Akron Bakery's Fine Bread from Your Grocer. You will know it by the name on the loaf. Also tlio Bluo and White Label. Jt is tho Finest and Best Bread you can buy. Delivered Fresh Every M.orning to Your (grocer. We have the Largest Loaf in the city. It is Cheaper to buy our "Cornmeal" Bread than to bake. We ask you to give it only one trial, knowing you will -bo ploased. Do not let tho grower give you an inferior broad in plaeo of ours. Akron f Bakery. northeast of Kaiberton, was burned to the giuiiud last moiling. 11 In not known how the life originated. The Crnfty Wltloir. I'hll Ossirr-Eury woman believes that the proper'agq at which to innrry Is tlio age at whch she married, Slnnlcus Ves, unless she linnpcns to be a widow. Tlicii, 8I19 protects that she was too young at her tirst mar rlage. riiiladelphla Tress. ALL KINDS Of Weather In United States Sunday. Sailors Frostbitten on Lake Michigan Hot In Chicago. Chicago, Ills., May 14,-(Spl.)-01d Mother Naturo baa Juggled cousidein bly with tho weather for SO hours and n stranger combination has never been witnessed. 1 1 was 01 degrees In tho shndo iu that home of bltzzanl, Winnipeg, yestci day. Two sallois had their ears fiost bit tel out on Lake Michigan. It was SO Iu tho coolest place In Chicago. Two person1-; weru overcame by tho heat there, and at Helena, Muni., tho people were wearing oveicuats buttoned up. "et In Tlorida the cool hi cozes fanned tho check of the, plueapplu plnntor. Clios. Mjers was overcome by heat at Hairlson and'Claik sttocts last night, and Joseph Foulolu was pros dated by the heat while hauling dlit at Twenty-thst and Wood sts. Wil liam .lohusoti mill Jonas Hatch had their ears liost bitten while at tho helm of the schooner Julia n. Merrill on Lake Michigan. They came to Chi cago and suffered from hestt. Vicarious (IcTcnsp. "Ma, I do whli I had a little slsfor." "!!o you would have some one to play with. I-'ieddy?" "No' in: soze ev'y time you washed ray face I c'd wash hern." Chicago Record. ixford: m i: For Hot -WeafSir 1 Vo liavo a coinjileto lino of Sioes .,,'ahd... Oxfords In all kinds of leathers aud all styles,, SPECIAL LOW PRICES ..ON IflS 111 1188. REID BROS.' UP-TO-DUE SHOE AND TRUNK HOUSE 1 22 South Howard street Iji 'n. '! ,nn..m.m IID.HHII.IIIM.HII.IIWWII"' Hi krlwlfl If ri I.JIJ SPECIAL w 14 I A . m V0 j. m MA M.M m .,.Por Ten Days... Commencing Saturday, May 1 2 1 i ii ii an to il to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to t "ft OF- Pictures and Frames m w Wo will g'ivo elegant pictures freo to custoniers who will havo us frame theln. Framing done at lowest rates. Wo also havo a largo collodion of subjects framed for inspection. Those samples include tho best platinum prints, nhotocranhs in colors or monochrome, also etch ings, pustollos, walor colors and many others. f.v Attond this sale and got a ticket at tho door and" (f deposit coupon n the box at the roar of tho room. (J) This Ticket ontitloa tho bearer to one chanco on a W beautiful ten dollar whotocravuro and frame which W will be'eiven away on tho last day of sale. Gome (0 and briiig your friends and wo will toll you why wo tiro giving su,oh low rates on these goods. If YOU Wish Pictures Framed Wo will give it prompt attontion and guarantee noat reliable work and lowest possiblo prices. jTjL JL Reifsnyder ior East Market, st; W m w m m m 6trnTTberry IUhlns In 'tMille. ' A singular custom prevails In Clillo whlrh In these drtys of aseptic pre cautions tflll tauso a sluidtlor anient those who sco Infeetlon lurltltig III of cry detail of life. It Is enllcd straw berry Ashing and Is conducted In thh fashion. At tho cJoeo of a dinner tho cloth Is removed, and theio Is placed upon the table an Immense bowl Into which nre emptied half a dozen bottles of nor deaus wine, four. of cheiij and two of turn, besides stigifr and nutlneg. Into this ralxtiue Is put a very large straw bciry, which floats upon the Mirfaee. Tho bowl Is provided with two ban dies. These are used to lift the vessel and tilt It so that the strawberry mn bo brought near tho edge nnd sucked Into tho mouth. This would uppenr an easy fent, but It Is a dlflicult one, as tho fruit rolls e-'xr when touched with, the lips. The contestant in the effoii swallows a considerable quantity of the liquid concoction. This Is tho ieas.ou for tho gome, for the bowl Is passed fiom one to the oth er many times In succession before the strawberry Is captured. When that moment finally arrives, all of the guests have 1 cached a ripe stage of nihility. This Is the came as it Is played among the higher classes. Among thoe of a lower social standing the Ih'ry liquor of the country Is sub stituted for wine. With them straw berry tlshlng develops Into n function compared to which a fighting mixed rile party In this town Is the tcci cation of a group of peace seeking Qunkeis. "Ncw Yoik Sim. -'' -Our Llre of ,- Men's Oxfords Mado in PATENT CALF, KUSS1A CALF, and LINEN at the popular prico $3.50 Are now ready for your inspec tion. They are made upon correct lasts. All sizes and widths. E C. WILMS, ' 113 E. Mill Street. Akron Savings Bank Block. vSJHSHSBSP.OTSHHa&aSBSHSHSHSSSHHaSSSBSaSHSasaiHSaHaStSFM 12 i tototo n We l nettver Lincoln'. Cnnlncnn. Thomas V. I'icndle. tor 33 years a. doorkeeper at the executive mnneloti, Hsdd frequently to accompany Presi dent Lincoln on his walks about town and has many Interesting things to tell of that groat mant whom he behoves to have been one of tho biacst men tho world has ever known. On one occaslou I'rendle was walk- lug with the president down a flight of htops at the navy depiiitment when' 1 1 toy came suddenly upon a man who was evidently endeavoring to hide hlni self Iu a dark coiner at tho bottom of the staircase. Observing the stranger nnd fearing he meant harm to the president. Vrendle csstijed to place his bpdy In a position to protect hij com panion. Mr. Lincoln, however, brav,c narl featless as always, stepped forward aid closely semtlnUcd iho man, who ran rapidly up the steps and, turning squarely mound when ho reached the top, looked down uppu th president, who did not taller, but contluticd to gaz sharply at him. On their return to tho White Ilotiao Mr. Lincoln said quito eal'mly, "Premlle, do 7011 know I received a letter last nljjht warning tne against n man who cvactly an swered the description of that man we met on the steps' Leslie's Week ly. Ccd.irs Twenty Ccnlnrlc. Old. borne cedaih aie undoubtedly mote than V'000 .enrs old. for, though on good iliouilnc boil they grow about as I'lihl as oaks, on bare pavements mid BiiiqOthly glaciated bvci swept gianltc rldfjcs In the doiue veglou they grow ( exfteuicly blow. ' I One on the Stan- King ildgi. only 2 foot 11 lucheb Iu dlanietcr, was 1,1 lo ' j en s od. Another on the same ildge. oplj I foot "''. laches lii'ill.'tiiicter, had leached tho age ol MM ycat-. The tlrst 15 Inches from the b.itk of a tuedlum seized tioeli feet In dl.uncter-on the north Ttinqya pavement had ti50 lajcis of wood, or "i7 to the Inch. I'uyoud ths the count was sto ped by dry rot and uvcusiuw 11 wounds ' The largest I examined was oil feet In gh tli, or uonily 10 feet In diameter. and, though I fulled to get anything llko a copiplete count, I learned enough fiom this nnd many other specimens lo convince 1110 that most of the trees 1 8 to 10 frc.t thick, standing on polish-j ed glacier pavements, are mora than 20 centuries of nge rather than les. I Iiarrlug accidents, for all 1 can see, ' they vypuld live folates. When killed, they waste out of existence about as slowly au granite John Mtilr In Atlantic, nj allOidi u T:e of 3 Charge. 1 1 01 1 1 a .112 East Market Street, Akron. Ohio. tototo Tel. 1431 tototo ill K We havj a large and well selected stock In CALIFORNIA, OHIO and nJ IMPC-RIED Ims & irandies rm 90c 53 per gallon. ' ' And OLD KENTUCKY and PENNSYLVANIA S 2S From $''50 54.50 per gallon. V Renner's Yeilb Band Deer on tap and Bottle. Special stock in Bottled rQ Gcodj. Mt. Vornon, Finch's Golden Wedding, Old Oscar Pepper, Mononga- In hela, Cuckenlielmf r, Bel c or Nelson, w. H. McBreler "Whiskies. Apple, fjj Peach and California Brandhs nt distillery prices. 'fjl Flnoot Hot and CSolcl Lunch. w 4srasa5HSciasHK?sasssHS?tHsa5HHHsas2SHSssHiiaHHSH5ase! p , jAAAiMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA For Your Next Photograph Try Our Platinum Finish, The Latest and Best. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. SNOOK &. KILMER 138 S. Howard st. WW" v'W'rvw a I MrpttolmBr Rl 'Sm.'S Sc'si KSS V't r-id Xf AiM---i U1 ; -'Xxrv tfSviAT aiix Amateur Photographers ike Notice We now give free instruction in all hrn rnlion nf nhntnrrrnnhv tn ntiv piiRfntiinrn ' nlso freo ue of dark room at all times, ,Ve S luivn fho lnrrvoef. linn of n ontiiArnn "vftC - ntirf on tti1 f aci tit ftm rttft ut lrniiat itfldaD l.iaB)M'rMv "tv&x&f both wholesale and retaiL t you are in terested in plistrire faking do not fail to consult us; Itwillbetoyour advantage. Geo. S, .OaSes & Son, 228 st,h,Sstreet to666(S-:6C;$e6e6C;S:&'C & A. Wondrrfn! (Ir.oloKicnl frenlc. Among tho many vvoudertul freaks In nnlviro' there can be none In the geo logical lino Unit can posMbly e.c"l that known us "The Giant's Head.-' It stand1, or, inlher, reclines, ngalust tie taee of the clilf at I'olut Vinos, In Moututey (.ouuty, Cal., and all whn lutvo viewed the wonder dcclaie It to be the most colossal as well ns the niQbt marveloin ficnk Iu uutuial sculp ttie In exlslcnte. AH portions of the "head" except tho back, which appears to lie "blocked" Into the iijetamorphle io"Us ngnlnsi which It seems to bo so naturally ie dining, arc as pcifvct as though fresh fro 11; the hands of bouie glaul sculptor. Tho c!lu, p'outh, nose, eyen and brow mo all. perfect, as K also the hair, which appears to he gracefully drawn back from the forehead. Tho cars aie uot so "true to life" as tho other features nre, but evon In this respect no stretch of the Imagination Is required In older to sen tolerably perfect miilcr.lar appeudnges. The hold features, backwnul wave of tho halt, marMye forehead, mustache, fine ly phheled nosiiiN nnd deep set eyes nro all reproduced on a untuial yet gi gantic scale and with wonderful exact nP5. The i'lrnl Umbrella. To prove at what date tho first um brella was made Is a seemingly hope less tak, hut we Uud iccords of their Use auioug the Clocks and Romnus not alone as a protection tiom Rim or lain, but as a distinguishing mark of toynlty. Hy tho time of Queen Anne's lelgn they had become qulto common simply us a protection, but they vverp all Imppilcd until about ISOU, when thc'inanufncturo of them was begun In Engliimh Kncvt lilt Pop. "A little fellow." bays tho Kenucbec Jouuial, "the oldest In a family of little ones, whose father away from home winters, hud occasion to v Ibit his grnndiwioiita for a fev daj j. On Ids 1'otilru he lound auolhi-i' llitle member. Ills loinarlis wll ohow that ho was both Mtrpclsed uud liuilgniiut1 'W"ll. If .vou lijijen' giiiio .nut got another cosh thirned l.'dl Won't mj (ulna1 uj whep lie hears of Itl' " II 10 BE I! All Ono tolls of he Immense Bargains nnd .Excellent YnlueB ' - v 'wo have given In the pnst. Eport'i: INI Ess Our GRAND SPECIAL SAtE .OF. MEN'S and Bs6v, spring Swell and 1yjlvh dresser will be delighted wlth'thn truly line and fash lonable siiltK'Ourbfg stock comprise.-. Cciilliih; piireT vvoihteds In this llewot ntrlpej nnd inljynuos. itl In popular htylen; Oxford, Lugllsh Seigex, Chev iot and other ftihtU-i. livery suit made with (lAtroirti 'cue and a most elistom-l)ko iippenC'ihee. lion'l fiiigi't Kjr take advantage of dieu'b clothing and genls' luruisldngs see our bargtiliis.""' CLOTHING Suits Top Coats our special low prices on chll , Don'l buy chew hero until yon The Big 134 Clothing House trflolds-fcoln & Co. The New Shoe for Women ThMi The extreme. oSMytej thn perfection of (tymftlrt and lit. What 1 nioip. nttractvo Uiiu ft."" hand Mime foot. , TIJli UL 'l'UA vjill niiikc" yiijtrs so. Xo niirttcr whiit h(p you wear. I'ouiu'.liV. ijM fcco uieiu. . .,' ''. y i WH mi SctaUr'Ilpwnrd bb. KjjV tra w ft bO.. s2x f VJ i- &? . 1 -w jj.i. ..i-tev.