Newspaper Page Text"'iV-r v K7 ''".' " ' - i .'iff h L ' 'J ". ' . I Jll I nil. I I . iimi Hi.llunuUBI Vth- ; ty fi xf; ' ;f!r - ,.,.,-v- ""I. W-li"'!.'! V',W',T'V ' , f ',i i ji s v v'j-rf".:' 11 i A' 3 tf T '' . - DAILY DEMOCRAT Fair Tomorrow Spectacles and Eyo Glasses At very low prlo. CU and - how well w cvtn flt you. GEO. S. DALES & SON VOLUME NINE. NUMBER 11 AKRON. OHIO. THURSDAY. EVENING. JUNE 7. 1900 PRICE ONE GENT AKRON 3$cft5 LAST DAY. i Great Convention Selects Officers For Ensuing Year. Rev. W. 0. Thompson Re-elected President. There Was no Contest For the Places.' Akron Not Represented In the List. One Hundred and Twenty Seven Graduates In Normal Department Chillicothe Gets Next Convention. At Hip afternoon session of Uic Sun day school convention tin' nominating committee niiulu tho following report for tlic oUleors of tho association fur the eusuiiig year: President, ltov XV. O. Thompson, D. I)., LL. D., Columbus. Vice president, ltov. C. 15. .Miller, Dayton, General secretary, Joseph Clark, Co lmnbus. h5iiiinstfilrrTLrite(nBKj-r Luueiister. " ,..- Treasurer, Tl. L. Harretl, Springfield. Statu Normal secretary,- Hubert Cow den, Dn.vtou. State primary secretary, Airs. A. G. Crouho, Westervillo. State home department secretary, S. A. Gteeiiuwald, Findlny. Business Cominlltee Itev. W. 0. Thompson, D. D., Itev. C. 15. .Miller, Itev. L. P. Leltnaker. Executive Committee Itev. W. O. 'J'homphon, 1). D., Columbus; Kev. C. E. .Miller, Dayton; 1,. 1'. Leituuker, Lancaster; 15. I.. Barrett, Springliehl: Col. Hubert Cowden, Dayton; G. 1 Hunslcker, Wllliamspoit; Henry XV. Sage, Cluelunati; Itev. .1. L. Ullliuau, Cleveland; Kev. ,M. .1. Grnhlc, Cleve land; KU L. Young, Norwnlk; George K. .Mother, Chlllieothe, XV. A. Donald son, I.orain; L. 11. Severance, Cleve land; II. D. Klneharl, .M. D., Coving ton; ,1. C. Hose, Alt. Union; C. F. Streeker, Alnriotla: Itev. W. .M. Butler, Cadiz. The following di.stilct picsitlents were elected; HuV. A. M. Dawson, Alonroevllle, Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, Brown. Itev. .1. FBunioft, Eaton, Treble, Montgomery, Drake, .Miami, Shelby. XV. B. .lones, Van Wert, Mercer, Atlg lab.e, Van WVrt, Allen, I'utuaiu. L. D. Hoyer, Swantou, Paulding, Henry, Defiance, Williams, Fulton. Itev. XV. A. Powell, D. ., Toledo; Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky. .1. II. Steele, Tltliu; l;..ueock, Seneca, AVyaudot, Crawford. .1. It. Vlrden, .Marlon; llaulln, Alarlon Logan, I'lilon, T. 1). Bondiiro, London; Champaign, Clark, AladlMjn, (,'reene. Ceo. Al. 1'avey, Washington C. II,; Fayette, Clinton, Hlgliluiul, Boss. F. Al. llarover, .Manchester; Adams, Pike, Scioto, Lawrence. Samuel Llewellyn, Coaltou; Oallla, Jackson, Vinton Hocking. Rev. 15. S. Lewis, Columbus; Picka way, Fairfield, Franklin, Licking, Del aware. .1, XV. Bnker, Mansfield; Knox, Mor row, Itichlnud, Ashland. Gpo, 15. Iteiter, Sandusky; 15rle, Hur on, Lornlu, Aledlna.' Waldo D. Webster, Hnveuua; Cuya hoga, Lake, Summit, Portage, Geauga. Itov. II, A. Howling, Burbank; Wayne, Stark, Holmes, Tuscarawas, Carroll. H. 15. Bilker, JCanesvllle; Coshocton, Alusklngum, Perry, Guernsey. G. II. Black,, AlcConnellsvllle; Noblet Alorgnu, Washington, Athens, Aleigs. .1. O. At. Floyd, AL D Stoubenvllle; Jefferson, Harrison, Belmont, Mouroe. Rev. H. AL Ingham, .lolTorson; Ash tnbiila, Trumbull, .Mahoning, Colum biana. There wns no contest for any of tho places. jg GRADUATES 0( Normal Class In Bible Sttidy- -In- teresting Feature. An Interesting fratuip of the IiibI day's meeting wns tlio ginduatlng ex wclseB of the class of 1000 of tbti Nor- &:; &J ?lj null class of Jlllilo study. This do partnient Is In charge of Col. Robert Cowden, the statu normal secretary. The class numbered 127 mcniiiurs, the of whom were present .at the exor cises. The addles to the dnss was deliver ed by Piof. S. 1. Faust ol the Union Biblical Seminary of Oaytuti. The names of the '(graduates follow: Adaius-.l. A. Smalley, Conrad N. STnnlley, Wheat; H. Pearl Henson.MIss Alollle Boltlcmaii, AIlss Fslello Reld, Winchester; AIlss Alice Stewart, West Union; Air. Lloyd 15. tJnyman, Cherry Fork; Warm P. Codfrey, Cedar Mills; AIlss Margueilte 15111a, Airs. Matlle Wlekerhani, Winchester. Ashland- .Mr. C. W. Heifer, Irn Weldlcr, Itev. David Weldlcr, Frank Bailoj, Paul Ibilley, Solomon Aloher man, Ashland. Auglaize -Air. Lee L. Levering, St. .Marys; Alius Daisy Dean Holcroft, AIlss I'rances Ada Romshe, St, Marys. Brown -Cora Alta Prunty, Sardinia. Carroll Airs. Lllllau Al. Skeels, Airs. Hultle F. lllse, AIlss llatlle Rutan, AIlss .lennle Mctlregor, Carrollton. Clinton- Jennlt) 15. .McKay, Clnre. Cu.Mihoga AIlss .losephlne Kyears, AIlss Alninle Bowie, Harriet Itotfcfonl Chandler, AIlss Mamie Coetn, Leigh Leounul, T. C. Williams, AIlss Jennie. K. Wilder, Allsb Maud Peacock, Airs. Alary Kolfrath, AIlss Tomo Inonye, AL D., Prof. .M. L. Dartt, AIlss Graeu Chapman, t!. 11. BiiitoVb, AIlss Myrtle Reuedlct, AIlss Anna .Maria Lefnux, AIlss Ida Van Oram, Cleveland; Agnes Could, AHIa Ollt, Bumgartlner, .loslu 15. Rawson, Berea. Franklin -Homer S. Puunmyer.Wes tervllle; .1. F. Brown, Pleasant Cor ners. Fulton -Airs. J. M. Longnecker, Del ta; Alls. Knilly S. Hoyer, Swnnton. Harrison -Kate Slimi'ions, .Martha B. Sliotwell.Sara 15eanor Rlte.Catti.; Sa die Pearle Kentuer, Sclo. Henry-Airs. Rosetta (.larster, AIu C I ure. Highland Alliu H. AlcClellau, Sink ing Spring. .Monroe- AIls-j J5dith 15. Shields, AIlss Fannie Kv.vJyu Shields, AVoodsiled. .Monigomery-Alrf,. .Myrtle 15. Baker, Broolallle; Art lun- W. Donlluger, Aler litt I. Comfort, Win. G. Stlverson, Rev. Columbus Hall, John Wm. Culler, I'lani; iJiiner, Herbert Hulfman, Mrs. Berlha 1. Huirman, AIlss (ierlrude Stutsman, Miss Laura Perry, Aliss JeSHe' Alumina, Buy. Nathan ' P. France, Dayton; Ida V. Hook, 15. A. "Hook, Wongerlawu. .Moitow-AIIkk Kvn Irvln, Alt. (Ulead; AIM Taiuar L. Kelly, Surprise, Ottown-Alih. A.. W, Tracy, Plilllps vllle, KaVi.; Airs, Alary B. North, Lake side. () Mlsu Diilln lllul.i-.. ll.,l.. j.Uw.;Mlss , Sarah EHuyatt'ttH(isou!' yieii.; .Mrs. .LUI; Longnecker, Lake- ulrlA. i I. Perry Airs. Tamv , Comly Wilson, Somerset. Portage -Caroline J Clarke, Hoots town. Stark-Rev. 15. t. prlt, Mrs. Nellie AL Brubaker, AIlss Laura Clesar, Car rie La Mean, Ada A. Whipple, Win. X. Frederick, Leroy Colic, John F. Ober Iln, and Ralph II. Wli'eeler, Canton. Trumbull .MKs Kate Bell Crowe, and Alary Blanch Crnw. Newton Falls. Washlnglou-AIrs. Lizzie A. SiMlli, AIlss Adeline Eugenia Stanley. Slan le.ivllle; Mary Silsap Corner, .Marietta; tieo. W. .Mindllng, Bai'tlett, Airs. Jen, nle AL AicClurkln, Alarietta; Walter .1. AlcCIrr, Hurt let t: ".Mrs. D. F. Gra ham, Bartlett, Mrs, Alary ! Ward, Marietta; Ford AL Palmer, Stanley ville. Wayne-Hesler A. Winner, Apple Creek; Loreto Crisinore, Julie R. Ken singer, Nellie Al. Dull, R,iv. S. 5zru Nelklrk, lOllen Derr, M. Gertrudu Urh. more, Woostcr. Williams- Ajniii Riiweon. Kmnia Swan, Mary .Morse, "Air. and Airs. W. F. Kesler, Pioneer, Wood D. A. Barber, Bowling Green, County unknown Mss .Mary L. Schweslow; l-'iauces JhiitiioMmew. A FTHRNOON SI5SSION. A noon-day symposliuu wns con ducted by Dr. XV, A. Powell, or To ledo, shortly after the noon hour. Tho theme was ".Making the Alost of tins Red Letter Days." The speeches wore limited to ten miiiles each and the lollowlng participated in Iho piogrnm:' .Making Iho Albst of Children's Day, by Rev. John L. HlUl'uau, (ievelapd. Making the AIoM of'. Fourth of ,luly Sunday, by Air. WuMo D. Webster, Ravenna, . .Making the Most of Christmas, by .Mrs. Harriet B. Claj'Jc, Columbus. Alnking the Alost of Knitter, by Airs. W. H. Sklnneri CJevenud, Making the Most of tie Biiihdayn, by Itov. M. J. Grnbln, Clovelaud. Making the MoM nf fSelio Day, Dr. H. D. Rlnehart, Covlngtou. CHILLICOTHE Will Entertain Nex) Convention of Suqttay-Schools. The special co'minlttep appointed to select tliu place" for iloxl year's meet ing, has to recommend Olill llcothe. Maiiield aiul Flndlay both worked liard for the honor of oulci tnliilug. CLOSING SESSION v - f Of Great Sunday-School Convention Treasurer's '" Report. The last day of the convention had for Its theme l "Crowning of tlio Nineteenth CoiilUry, wjtli a Forward .Movement fur 'the Twentieth." The meetings,- i successful from tho beginning, luiyf grown In Intcrent. and Thureday'B bdbSlotis ., were coutlnual .i'i. - .trM u ,.-,: r,; - iiiIIIph from early morning until tho close of the program. The fact Hint never again can the Ohio Sunday School Association meet dur.lng the present century has Inspired the dele gates to renewed loyalty to their wo''k. In the absence of Rev. W. .1. Demp ster of Napoleon. Rev. T. Al. Patterson of Portsmouth conducted tho early morning prayers. The song service at fl:!IU was entered Into with unusual zeal and the hymns weib sung with abundant spirit and vim. The spliitual hour was conducted by Rev. 15. 11. Waiianiaker of Blyrla, .Mr. W. A. Cool of t'rbana, being absent. State Treasurer 15. L. Banett deliv ered his annual report. The treasurer said that the financial problem hail been a perplexing one, and In some cases had been a great cheek to the work. A statement follows: Balance reported at Inst meeting, .viVS'i.!!!); con tributions, $l,1KlLlt;; payments on debt pledges, ffilSTi; from general sec retary's ollice, ."58.Vi.UO ; loans. $2,1111.111; total, $11,018.1)1; total expenditure for ypnr $8,21.-J3. Balance .May a I, 7.)S. IS. Tho apportionment of Summit county Is ?UN, with .f8a.i:o paid. Dr. J. C. AL Floyd of Steubenvlile, secretary of the State Home depart ment wns i.ot present and his report wns omitted. At 10 o'clock the grand rally of Sun day school forces took place. The meeting was addiesscd by the presi dent of the association, Dr. XV, O. Thompson of Columbus. Dr. Thomp son Is prcsldeut of the State Univer sity mid his time this week bus been taken In educational matters. He ar rived at the convention Thursday morning. PRESIDENTS ADDRESS Dr. W. 0. Thompson of Columbus at th'e Convention. Air. Thompson's subject was "A Look Into the Twentieth Century." He said In part: "Wo are here icpresenting a portion of God's children engaged in Sunday school work. During my term of service ins your president which covers four years, I have heard no person doubt thr wisdom of the caiibe, Continued on fifth pnge. DEMOCRATS NOW Are Members of First Republican Convention; i So Says Gen. Brinkerhoff of Mans field Hanna Disappointed. Columbus, O., June ". (Spl.) Gen. Roelllf Hriiikerhoir, of .Mansfield, one. of the six surviving members of the Ohio delegation to the first Republican convention, held. in PlttsTjurg, in iy."iu, in an interview In regard to the Invi tation from Senator lliuinu to attend the Republican convention In Phil adelphia, said: "l have not received on Invitation.'" The gentjral leiuarked that Senator Hanna, upon Investigation, had found thai a majority of .the surviving dele gates aro Democrats, anil therefore, had decided not tf Issue (he invitation. So far as known, there nru only 11 of tlio delegates living. DAMAGES Result From a Chicago Assault Case. Young .Woman Sues Two Wealthy- Young Men. Chicago, UlR., June ".--(Spl) Hsera AlcCord and .Matthew Alciiaugliey, two wealthy and prominent young men of' Blue Island, have been held to the grand Jury for assaulting AIlss Susan I'eloreisen. Suit lias also been begun against them for $."0,000 by their alleged victim, and Nicholas I'elerelsen, rathe.!' of Hie young woman, has sued them lor $10,000. Young McCord is a nephew of Mr. AlcCord, a Chicago millionaire. Ho Is '-'.'l years.o'lrt and upon coming of nge lip Inherited $."0,(M)0 of his father's pm Jute. AlcCinughey Is a cousin of Alc Cord and Is a nephew of Former Coun ty Coniuisslouer MoOhiughey. His people are wealthy. The assault Is said to havp bpen com mitted on tho evening of Decoration day. ' AIlss Folorolsen had gone to the Blue' Island depot with her tlnnce, a Chicago man. On the way homo she accepted a ride In a buggy with tho two young men licensed, Instead of lauding her at her house nicy drove by In spite of her hcrenins and strug gles and stopped several miles Iiim yond. There they aro alleged to have pulled the girl Into tho ditch uud us' biiultcd her Automobile Line. Bellcfontalne, ,0., June 7.- (Spl.Vr Alereliii'nls in this city are considering a scheme to purchase six automobiles which will be run into adjoining conn, ties ,lo secure trade' It is estimated, that a population or llioAX) could be reached in this way, .A.V5 '"V BOXERS, The Men of Terror, Seem to be Very Accom ' modating Foes. They Have Issued a For mal Proclamation, Telling Foreigners When They Will be Massacred. Chinese Soldiers Accused of Cow ardiceTroops Arriving. New York, .lime 7. (Spl.) The Ev ening World prints the following: Peklu, Juue 7. A luockunatlou bus been placarded by tnu Boxers at Tien Tsln announcing tlmf all foreigners there will be massaiaed next Sunday. Air. Ragsdale, tin .American consul at Tien Tsln, wires Hint the situation there Is most menm tug and an attack on the city was threatened late last night. The foreign consulate theie had (."0 troops and ten machine gnus and felt coiitident that tlipjj' rebels would be beaten of)', but the loss of life was like ly to be great. Tlio British battleships Barflour and Terrible, hnve nrrlved at Tnku. They make a powerful addition to tho Brit ish fleet. AFRAID Of the Boxers Are the Chinese Troops Bullets Donl Hurt Them. 5'" London. Jiiiip7.,t7f,Spl.) A dispatch n'oiu Tien Tsln saV$tf i'- v . "I left Tien 'i'slu Mills morning eu route for Peklu, accompanied by Gen eral Alleh, supposed to be one of the best of the Chinese generals, with 00 troops. We proceeded to Lofa, ; dis tance ot'31 mile1 Wo found the plate layers cabins In flames and tplegraph poles cut, and men engaged In destroy ing others In villages near tho railway, where flags weie seeu bearing the In scription, "Kill all foreigners.' "1 saw smoke, evidently from burn ing houses In the distance, but General Alleh refused to proceed further, being In mortal fear of the Boxers, though the foreigners endeavored to persundo him to dlRcntrnin Ids troops, who aro firmly convinced that It Is useless to fight the Boxers, as other Chinese say they hnve seen Hoxers .hit with bul lets and run nvvn'y. "There seems to be little prospect of u lesumptlon of traflle to Pekin, un less the torelgn powers assuniu control of the rallwa'y, until the Chinese gov ernment proves Itself capable of man aging communications with Its capi tal." Troops Arriving. Tien Tsln, Juno 7. (Spl.) -A train which left here for the septic of the Boxer troubles is now returning. It could not get further than -tl miles from Tien Tsln. Villages along the railroad Hues were reported to be In Humes uud the telegraph poles had been cut down. The Ohlnpso troops aboard the train fired on small par ties of natives, but (he commnndpr re fused to proceed or to detain his men. Last night litu British innriues and Blue Jackets, JW Russians, :)1 Ger mans, 50 French and -15 Italians nr rlved here. It Is believed "thnt this additional force will Insure tho safety of Tien Tbiu. China Braces Up. reklu, June 0.-(Spl.) A strongly worded imperial edict was Issued to night censuring the Chinese troops for i'nt-!ivillliiess nml orderintr 4lw virenrv of Chi LI and General Jung Lu, tho Chinese commniiiier lu chief, to sup press tho Boxers Immediately. Roman Catholics Won. Tien Tsln, Juno U.-(Spl.)-It. Is ru niftred that a light occurred yesterday between the Hoxers and the Roman Catholics. The latter killed three of the Boxers and captured nine can non. s BISHOP COLEMAN Deplores the Discord at tho Ecumen ical Conference. Wilmington, Del,, June 7.-(Spl.)-Bishop Coleman, lu addressing tho an nual convention of 'tho dloceso of Dell) ware In Mllford yesterday, said III reference to the Kcuinenlcal confer- ejV' "Far from rejoicing at, what appeared to borne us a beautiful exhibition of ,- ';l"";,h . .fti'lMifr r. 1 1 . comity olid unity, it was to me a most uielanco lily confesxlon of a practical discord uiid real variance. "There., were prceiit too many evi dences of delcriillned and apparently Irrcvoclbio differences to enable Unit meellugTto atone siilllcleutly for the giicvloiiu'wotuids on the body of'Chrlst by rcusoi'))f llielr differences." Si FUNERAL Of Wife bf Ex-Secretary Sherman at Mansfield. Manslli'hl, O., June .-t 11 o'clock today tlfo'funeial of .Mrs. John Sher innn wajj'hohl at the Sherman home. The services wore public and the bur ial prlva'te, ' ' ' The postmaster general Instructed Postnuisier Cider to close the potolllee from 10 lo 11! o'clock out of regard for the deceased. All otljor business places will be "IommI. Air. Sliernia'n Is quite well today under the great aflllctio'i. FATAL, Injuries To a Nurse In Fire at Hamilton-Wednesday. Hamilton, O.', June '".William BloetiileH home nt No'. 57 AIL Pleasant like. Ignited from coal oil iied in sturtlng a fire ycstciday and burned to the ground. Mrs. BJoechle, with her tjnce-day-ohl child, was lescued, bifl her nurse, Mis. Kllza Branlc, 4!) yeais old, was fatally burned, and Airs. Branic's daughter, Anna, aged BO years, was disfigured for life by the flumes. Loss $U,000. TROUBLE In Store For the People of St. Louis. Train Load of Men on Way to Take Strikers' Places. Philadelphia, Pa., Juno' 7.(Spl.) A sneeltif train in:iili 11 1 nf ten earn left the H. & O. railroad tation Inst night wjth oOO trolley uiotorinen and conductors, who have been engaged here by N. J. I-errand to go to Sst. Louis to take the nhices of the strik ers. A ston was made at Baltimore, jj;hpre1 u.0 'more nn!U wire, taken 0,n' The men to, lip-, taken -from, ttii- e.ity are a hardy looking lo ami as they are armed with revolvers It Is probable that there will be trouble If they arc -attacked. The majority of them are men who hnve been discharged rrom (he Union Traction company Tor van mn offenses, and many of them have 6een out of work for a long time and aio lu need of money. STEPHENS Declines to Call Out. the Militia to Suppress Strike. - St. Louis Mo., June 7. (Spl.) No progress in undoing. tho deadlock be tween tle Transit company, the strik ers and (lair legal representatives w;as niade this morning and It looks as though nothing would' be done for a long time. J-'orly-li,ve arrests for minor offenses Blowing out of prlvaje hatred of the Transit company, wern made by the nnllce In the nasi Jl. hours. The near est to a case of violence was an at tempt of some unknown to shoot I'o ljceman William Alywnrd while he iv.iu mi ii Union lie car. The bullet passed through the olliepr's hplniet. Governor Stephens nas necuiicu 10 order out the niilitfa' so far on the renewed personal plea of" live hundred St. Louis business men. Workman Suffocated. ii Loialn, O., .Iiiiip 7.--John Gorman, a bllist furnace worklngmnu. was suffo cated by gab from a Wcducs daj . A Commission at Six. Delaware, O,, Juno 7,-(Spl.)-Gov. Nash has Ksued Jils ofleial eoininis sion to Francis Marriott, aged sK vcars, mui of Air. and, Mrs. F. Al. Aim-I-lott. of fills cltjv which gives lllm tho honor of being 'StiprrlUieuupui aim general ntleudn of -the squirrels in the Stnto House yuid." He is tho youngest person holding nn otiiclal comnjlsslou In Ohio. - .1 Resigned to Accept. II. Bruce Wilson .'has retilgucd his position" as tVnvellng 'salesman for William 'Wolf lo "actcpt a much bet ter one Willi the Wujdoumii company of Cleveland. Ho Will start out with his gilp'for tho Wehleiniiu company Monday. ,Mr. Wilson Is one of the popular ami mst successful salesmen 011 lite roii'l. 1T" wl" vK,t 1,m olp,r trade lu:t(o Interest of his uow em ployers. ,y . , . r- Xtl, . , - Commcncmcnl. The crimnipncfm'mt. exrnises of the AlogiidorVHIsh M',ho.ul will bo held Fri day evening. The graduates are as follows;, KUUilt. .ljSvU. Wallace p'ero. Pearl Russell, .pita Wise, Amy jllalo and .Maple' Uhodcs. w ,..ij vw '& r'fru BOERS Fighting For Time. Are Making a Stand at Hatherley. President Kruger Had Arranged For Flight. Intended to Take, a Dutch Steamer For.Holland. Trying to Avenge Death of British Soldiers. T.niiilmi. .tune 7.-fSnI.l A disiKltcll to a news agency from Lorenzo .Mar lines of today's date says It is re ported that the Boers aij making a stand at Hatherley for the purpose of gaining time. They are moving the Brlti-h prisoners to Neoltgcdacht, lu tl,.. I'.ImiiiIk Vnlli'V which Is said to be a most unhealthy spot. Three hun dred prisoners arrived at this place, oil Tuesday and 700 yesterday. Tlicy are guarded by -50 Boers. Had Arranged For Passage. Rli'inlnchniu. June 7. (Sol.) The eorresiioinlent of the Post Hears from nn official Hacuo souce that a serious question coccrnlng President Kruger Is agitating the etherlaiurs government. It seems that the Transvaal President had decided nn to Alay !tt to take re fuge on the Dutch cruiser Frlesland, which is now nt Lorenzo -Marques. There is reason to believe that tele graphic orders have been scut from the Hague to the commander of the Friesland as to his future course or actiou. British-Soldiers Stabbed. -t" -lk Capetown, .Tune 7; (Spl. Two Brlt luli soldiers were stabbed to death 1y an Italian during a street light here today. A mob thereupon wrecked the supposed premises of the murderer, who had succeeded In making His es cape. Not a Candidate. Cnuntr Commissioner rillius an- nounccs that the report that he Is a candidate for the Democratic, nomina tion for Secretary of State, published in a local paper several days ago,. Is wholly without foundation. He has not even thought of such a thing. LATE LOCALS. Southern Ohio Traction company slock was quoted on the Cleveland exchange for the first time Wednes day. Offers of 7',i were uot accepted. A shorlnge of brick has delayed work in the plant of Hip Granite Sewer Pipe company of Alogadore. The excavat ing and grading him been completed. The plnnt ofthe Akron Paper com pany, at Boston, wi.j be lu operation by the 15th of July. J. Bert Jackson, assignee of Andrew Jackson, has sold I'.O feel on S. Main St., to George Blsbee. The price was 5100 a foot, an aggregate orsf-t.SOO. The Alnry Day Nursey has been gtvon pei mission by the Hoard or City roni iiiUsiiiiicrs to occupy Blcrco park for one day. It is tho Intention of the teachers of the Nursery to glvo a linml concert soon. The rtato for holding the concert. Is not yet au- uuiiced. v Chief of Police Hsrrlsou returned RUCKER'S Korak Wonder Cures all STOMAUH, BOWEL ami BLADDER, disorders, cures ECZE MA, purifies tlio BLOOD, regulates tho LIVEH nnd KIDNEYS, obliter ates CONSTIPATION, anil romovoa all kinds of WORMS. Korak Oil oures all pain. Prlpo SOo. For sale by'nll druggists, E. STEINBACHER & CO. Wholesale Agents.' .,., .,.'tJV4wftt:t home Wednesday evening from Stneth port, the county seat of MciCean coun ty, Pu., where, since Tuesday, he was a witness lu the ens on trial at StiiPthport, against Joseph Mack, ac cused of committing burglary nt Brad ford, Pa. Alack disposed of some of the goods In Akron, and was sent from here fo Canton for .'JO days. At the expiration of his term, he was taken to the .Mckean Jail. The grocers met Wednesday night and discussed various trndu matters. No action has been taken lu reference to the annual picnic. w The Akron News Co. has removed to the Kverett building, under the Sec ond National Bank. The pension of Alfred H. Wade,, of Hast Akron, has been increased to' $3 a mouth. Dr. G. B. Williamson, of Akron, read a paper to the convention of the dentists of Northern Ohio at Cleve land, yesterday. CONSPIRACY Claimed by Wachner. Alleged That Boone Is a Party to It. Supreme Court Will Hear Alimony Case. Eyesight Injured by an Emery Wheel. Seeks to Recover Damages-Court House News. A number of peculiar' -claims arc made, by the attorneys for tho defend ant In the case" of Lydia Bunar; A'K. Slguiuiid Wnchuer. The plaintiff sues to collect SlNOOO damages. She al leges that Wachner told her husband liquor after he had been told, by her, uot to do so. Wachner says thnt ho did not sell any drinks to the husband. He claims that the only drink Boone over had in his place wns given him. He al leges that on several occasions Boouc attempted to get drinks by seudiug other parties after them. He learned that they were for Boone and refused to sell. It is claimed thnt the defense made an effort to get Boouu Into court as a witness but he refused to come. They were unable to locate him so lhat no siuninoiis could be served. It Is the claim of the defense that the ease. Is a conspiracy to bleed Wach ner. BILL OF EXCEPTIONS. The supremo court will be asked for an niiiuiou In the PHueger alimony case. The defendent, Ernest F. Pffue- gcr, filed his bill of exceptions to the holdinir of the Chcult court Thurs day morning. This Is the first alimony case over tried lu this county that nas been appealed to the Supreme court. An effort will be uiade to get an Im mediate hearing of the matters In contention. Air. Prtueger claims that his wife was allowed excessive ali mony. OVERRULED. The motion, tiled by ChniTes II. Palmer, asking that the guardianship for his propertj be terminated, was ovcrrulid by Judge Anderson, Thurs day. Palmer has given notice or ap pealing to Common Pleab court. DAMAGE ACTlurv. William H. Sirlouis has tiled a peti tion asking damages agnlnsi the Whit man ami Barnes Manufacturing com pany in the sum of 55.030. He had bis eyesight Injured while workls;at an emery wheel by pieces of dying steel and emery. He alleges mat tho proper precautions were uot taken by the company for the safety of Its em ployes. CALENDAlt K.vrme.o. Harvey Musscr, Andrew McNeil am! W. H. Evans have been appointed to .,Lai.m T.(,n!s.. Dovle her dower Intel- est In certain real estate belonging to the estate of her late husuanu. The A. L Boot company was given Judgment ngalnst Major L, Blssell, Wednesday for ?200. The divorce case of .Mary K. vs. Wil li 1.. ii, nine Iihk been referred to James W. Harter and that of Frault vs. Almeda Alcst will bo nearu uy iu. C. Housel. BIUEFS. Hnrvey Musser has been nppolnted administrator of the estate of Alelln da Clause. Bond .fO.OOO. Albert C. Buell has been appoint guai 1II1111 of Harriet Buell. Bona $1,400. Charles L. Shlpnian hns tiled an ac linn against Wlllhuu Cramer to col. led S130 alleged to be duo ou notes. He asks for the . foreclosure 0 p mortgage, ., r$4M dfVjTi Ji m 'A i 1 tl i-.