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Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, June 08, 1900, Image 1

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."'- -T
Fairiomorfov'V :
"" hi 1 1 - ' ! -
.! r
. . -
st, lit
n Gold Taken Away.
Kruger Will Not Suffer
For Funds.
Forced Banks to Deliver
Their Coin.
M Boers. Reported to be Gathering
American Consul the Bearer of
Friendly, pispatches.
PrYffdria, Juno .".10:45 p.m. Spl.)
President Kruger moved .f2,f00,N0
pounds ot gojd from hero before the
town was evacuated.
It is stated that Commandant Gonor
nl Botha himself assented to the siu
rendpr of tho town.
Spvpii puns wore taken from the.
town Infct evening. Gordon's mounted
mpii captured n maxim In a. wagon.
While thp Now South Wales men and
the West Australians took up this
mils, three miles to tin; north of hero.
The troops marched steadily Into tho
town from 2 o'clock until J-.;iO p. m.
Before leaving hero States Attorney
Smuts torced tho National bank to give
up all its available gold which war car
ried away.
T.oudou, .luiio S. (Spl.)-Tho Hours
an; concentrating at Aluchadodorp.
Monday night u strong force of Colon
hih troops and a number of battailous
of Iji'tpurlaf XctiiiuiuO. lojttjti'U n Boer.
(ieneral Warren with a blrOtfglTOrce.
i Oucamiied at Campbell.
Mot With Kruger.
London, Juno S. (Spl.) United
Slatch Coiieul Stanley Mollis has re
turned from Alaohadodoip, where la
vished President Kruger with whom
he had a close conference which last
ed for two hours. Mr. Mollis was the
bearer of friendly dispatches from tho
Culled Slates government, urging that
peace terms be arranged.
Is Also Mighty In Legal Battles
Case Dropped.
."w Vork, Juno 8. (Spl.) John L.
Sullivan lias Just knocked out a St.
Louis Browing company, in tho courts.
Mis lawyer found a statute which pre
vents lipy foreign corporation from
lighting in
is licensod
It would
llie Slate cot'.'. ts unless it
to do business In New
co si
the company $1..10n
to get a license In Now Vork whllo
tho amount sued for was but .f 120,-on
notes signed b, Sullivan, which the,
farmer champion says ho did not pay
because the Jlrewlug company dli not
docorntp ls saloon as It had agreed.
liiiKjOKV'n"1 MiiivmnuniicHiji ui null.
AE OF"F"E:S5 in our
..Carpf Department.
Commencing Saturday Morning
1000 yds. Tapestry and Body Brussels
500 yds. Velvet and Axminster Remnants
800 yds. Ingrain Remnants ,
Also Remnants of Linoleum.
P.H.SchneiderGo. I
Largest Exclusive Dry
Goods Storo
Dress Goods
Shirt Waists
Tailored Suits
Jackets, Skirts
t , .. ...
Lac6s, Ties
White Goods
and Wash Goods
155-157 S. Howard st.
Under theso circumstances the com
pany has given up Us suit.
By Report In Reference
to Cdttell.
Will Prosecute Him On Other Counts
Carlton Case.
The information tmt an effort was
to be made lo secure a piinlop for
lioiiiulus Co toll has" aroused the people
of Tallmadgo. T-hoy are bitterly- op
posed to any such proceedings.
A member or tho Stone family In
formed a Memocrat reporter Krlday
that the Kindly Would 'take stops to
have Cotell prosecuted again provided
ho was. released, There are two counts
.(i.thiiuHf.tjni'iil under which he has
urtver boon irln Unc. Is for the murder
of urij. ,Stoun and Uiu other f0r-Jhu
,- Unibobuiqi' -.Wtinaniakor said today
(hat lie would go to Columbus for tho
purpose of bringing the Carlton case
to the uttcutlrm of (Jovernor 'iih.
Thursday the liovor(iof vol'iised to ap
provo the roconimouilatlon made by the
Hoaid of Pardons. Mo said that he
did not believe that Cfirllon was enti
tled to a pardon. Ptos-eutor Wuna
niaker holies to convince the llovernor
that Carlton should bo. released,
Ycrltes Will be Nominated.
Louisville, Ky., June 8.-(Rpl.) The
Itopulillean state central committee to
day decided to call ;i slate convention
for June 'Si or :!8, and that the nomina
tion of Jolm W. YorUos, for (Jovernor
be made by nccIanuiOou. IO.vliovor
nor Taylor's deelslou'not lo return to
the state was really readied Sipidny,
when tie was. visited by numerous
Republicans. '
Gone to Detroit.
Poor Director Kendall has furnish
ed transporlatlon l( Mrs. Tillle Rapp
and family of four children, lo Detroit.
One year ago the husband and father
'committed suicide leaving the family
Ju destitute clrcunlstances. Friends
In Dot mil will give them aid. TIoy
woul to (heir new homo Thursday
lirH lliiliill,,, Ib7 I
go 18 IBlilgli Cf- I
Are the best made. Furnish eoldorrftir--- con
sumo less ice. '.-, , "'-A r -m
' Wo soil thorn exclusively .and arejxclusivo
agents. J'ftO
Killed In Battle With
. Chinese Troops.
Fighting Is In Progress Alarming
Condition Prevails.
London, June S. (Spl.) A news
agenoy dispatch from Tien Tsln, dated
today says:
"From Chinese otllcla! sources It Is
learned that 4,01)0 Boxers surrounded
t,500 Chinese troops between Lofn'und
Yong Tsuii' yesterday and according
UWho latest news lighting Is still go
ing on this mprnlng. The otllcials say
thai fiiM) Boxersiwcrc kllleil but she no
'atcouu'l ' (itJUitihftfttBfcaaiinUlsBiSSiWi
count ot the unmpse uimiiiiiios.
Thlrfy of (ienefal Nlohs troops en
countered a body of Boxers three miles
from Jiere ou the Taku road and killed
LM of them.
No uows has been received from Pil
oting Fu for three days and tho situa
tion there Is believed to be critical. It
Is reported that the Chinese troops
have been defeated near there.
The French cruisers D'lOnlreeastoau
and Jeau Bart and the rtusslan cruiser
Russia have arrived at .Taku.
. Tien Tsln, June S. (Spl.)-Flghting
is going on between the Chinese troops
and the Boxers J0 miles from here In
the direction of Pokln. An engagement
is also reported to have taken place on
thq Taku mad.
It is reported that the Chinese troops
have been defeated near Piloting Fu.
Two French warships and one Rus
sian cruiser have arrived at TakiiT'
Washington, June 8. (Spl.) Confir
mation, of press reports from China
about a battle between the Chinosp
troops and Bo.ers was received at thn
navy department thin morning from
Admiral KempIV daled Tougku .liini: 8.
The cablegram cays:
"Battle yesterday between Chinese
and Boxers near Tien Tsln. Large
number of Bonocs oxpooTcd to reach
Tien Tsiu tomorrow."
London. June 8. (Spl.) A dispalch
to the Central News from Tien Tsu
of today's dale says the P. rid go on the
lOleclrlc railway near Pokln has been
destroyed by the rebels. A ilelneh
meiil of Chinese I roups was present lit
lhc time, bill merely looked on while
I ho bridge' was being destroyed.
All the dlplomalie representatives In
Pokln have decided lo ask for au au
dience Willi tie Kmporor ami Kmpress
All foreigners in Pokln mo prepar
ing (o loac for Tien Tsln.
Is the Situation in China American
Interests In Danger.
Washington, Juno 8. (Spl,) A cable
dispatch from .Minister Conger at
Pokln shows dial the Chinese situation
continues critical. There has been 110
Improvement since his cablegram of
Wednesday and adds thai the Boxers
have now seized the railroad from
Tien Tsln to Pokln and torn up the
railroad track. Ho says that tho tele
graph Hue Is still working and thil his
messages have so far been iihiuplcstcd,
Minister Conger reports (hat the sit
uation warrants immediate action to
protect American Interests.
To Consider Matter of Nominating
National Ticket.
New Vork, .limn 8. (Spl.)- -According
to Chairman Peabody of the mi.
Uouul committee of U10 Gold Demo-
elitis a meeting Jhi the committee In
Iudiauapolls Jub -." will seriously
consider placing h presidential ticket
in the Held Ms In ONiH.
The executive committee of the Gold
Democrats hold jS Secret meeetlng in
this city Inst tfrhJay and after a full
discussion of tlin! National situation
It was decided 5viuiliorlzo Secretary
Frenzel of Indtnfut lo Issue a call for
a meeting of. u) 'national committee
was agreed Haiti" It would bo wise to
wall until uftoiJ&tliP Philadelphia and
Kansas Clfy' ftSivuntlniiH before an
uouhclng a vproTiitn. Mr. Peabody In
an hltervnw'Ji'clenlay said:
"It l'iml licou MfPJ'd that it would not
bo uocrsKJiry tpfiurguul.e our foix-es
tills yyffiliut wklecldwl that in our
keoplngUVstod tivfold fashioned Dem
ocratie HncIplosStlud that It was our
duty to guard Xuv well and to take
In this cohilnir ciii
nialgn whatever ac-
tlon may ifc. foiwil
1 'necessary to keep
fore tho people."
Tovoiyed many Iet-
lerH iVoiii-tiold.
of the country asking him to have
something definite done. The commit-
teemon attended Friday's meeting and
repoited that there was much senti
ment among those who cannot afliliatc
with the Republicans and who are op
posed to Bryan for tho nomination ot
a third ticket. It Is said that If at the
meeting of the National committee It
Is decided to hold a national convention
it will be held In Indianapolis.
And Roofers Will Organ
ize a Union.
Drivers Adorn Their Wagons With
Union Label
'.At meeting of the Central Labor Un
ion Thursday night, 11 was reported
that the tinners ami roofers would take
.slops toward perfecting an organiza
tion in the near futuic.
Four delegates from tho horsoshoors'
Union were admitted. The repot t of
this Akron Drhers' Union was full of
promise. At inelr last meeting l!2 new
meiubeis joined the union. Already
several of the drivers have the labels
upon their wagons.
Without doubt the Labor Day pnrado
Will surpass all previous Industrial ox
hibltlons. The bricklayers, barbers,
ami clerks are organfJug to appear In
tile parade In uniloim.
The Cigar .Makers reported that the
Intel national I'nlou had won the
strike in the oatt.
About .10 bookbinders attended a con
vent ion of the craft in Cleveland
Thursday nlghl.
' The Federation of Labor will hold
au open meeting in Young's hall, June
The local resorts are n'll after the
Labor Day picnic, but as yet no cholco
has been ninde.
County Levy.
The County Commissioners reduced
the tax ley from H.IMt mills to,;!.!Ki
n)llls. The levy by funds Is as' fol
lows: County, 1,7 mills; poor, .7 mills;
hrldgl, Jl mllN: special road, .'' mills;
children's home. .'J.' mills; Indigent
soldiers, .1 mill; election .1.1 mills;
building .10 mills, ditch, .1(1 mills.
Will Settle.
Au attempt Is being made to iVrml
nato the sltlke of thu ''Jolly men" In
the Akron potteries. It Is believed
that a settlement will soon bo reached.
. . -. v
TI10 Jury In the case of Lydla
Booim vs. Slsiiiuud Wachner gave the
Dtolutiff a verdict fur $300.
Work In Secret,
And a Prominent Soci
ety Submits Terms
Whereby Present War
May Be Ended.
Nothing Wanted But Independ
ence By Natives.
Important Petition Sent to
States Congress.
.Manila, J mm 8.-(Sp!.)-Tho Katlpu
uiiit society, a secret order with ramifi
cations throughout the Islands, which.
It is said, was the Instigator of all the
revolts iigalnst Sptmi-Ii rule and which
It is known had a principal part In lhc
rising agaiusl the Americans, has pre
pared a petition lo tins Congress of
the Putod States which will be sub
mitted through the Philippines com
mission. The petition recites the history of the
Katlpuiun society, including the de
tails of, the organization, to which, it
is alleged, -l.OOO.OiH) members belong.
It declares that from the commence
meut of the fighting the peaceful na
.ilvcs '(tivo supported the lm-urgciits
In conclusion, it Is declared that
eight points have been demonstrated:
I e: First, the revolution was entirely
the work of tho common people; sec
ond, desire for Independence Impelled
the people to prepare the insurrection;
third, the people are determined to sac
rlllce everything In order to obtain
their Jpst aspirations; fourth, despite
I ho grave hindrances the people still
hope that the Americans will bo just
and Impartial and recognize them;
fifth, tic Filipinos will never conform
to American sovereignty sixth, annex-
I3i.at.i0n lifUmjio'-hibliwS'iv.ojlUwlU'iiiiiiijial
lest autonomy would be a violation of
l'1" will of tho Filipinos and eighth, the
Filipinos are capable ot self-govern
The limit paragraph says: "In the
name of jubticc and with all the ener
gy of ur souls, we demand, Host, the
recognition of the Independence of the
Philippines, and second, that in enso
information Is desired concerning
events occurring relative to the peace
ful villages or the armed camps, It bo
requested from the Filipinos, who by
their antecedents and good conduct
merit the respect, confidence and af
fect Ion of the Filipino people."
The promoter of this movement is
one of the principal founders of the
Kutipuuan. IU told the Sun corre
spondent today that he was authorized
to treat on behalf of the armed insur
gents, and that their real demand
comprised independence in Internal af
fairs and American direction of for
eign relations.
To Appoint Two Attorneys
For Carr.
Cost Tax Payers $1,000
Decision Saturday.
Judge Kohler will decide die sev
01 al questions raised ni connection
wlh the Carr ease Saturday.
The Democrat was Informed Friday
that S. (!. Rogers and 10. F. Voris had
unfilled Interested parties Unit I heir
bill rqf defending Gideon Carr would
bo .?(i!0.
This fact has been called to the at
teutloii of Judge Kohler. It 'Is claimed
liat litis Is considered more than tho
county will pay. 'If two attorneys are
appointed for the defendant, Prosecu
tor Wanainaker will ask thai ho have
au assistant. This would make the
total o,pensc o tho county exceed
The court bus sgnlied thai he is op
posed lo such extravagant, bills In con
neetlon with cases where the fads are
practically agreed upon. It Is general,
ly believed that he will refuse to up
point more than guu attorney for tho
Claims Paid,
Sheep claims paid by the County
Commissioners wore as follows: II.
,M. Siiidml, Hudson, .fS.'JO; C. S, Nor
ton, Nojthaniptoii, ?1.1!5; Joseph Ilolin
olrlghl, Coplo.v, JSIL'JQs Samuel Brlggs,
Copley, Jf'.ll); George Alyors, North
amplqii, .7,1.1.
Without Money.
Tlioiuas Simpson, an aged sou of the
Kuioriild Isle", applied lo Poor Director
Komhjll for assistance Friday. He
came from lniiuiapols, whore ho has
len In a hospital. Ho was sent to
Youn8townt where Mends reside.
The Upharn
Watch Us Grow
Special Sale
Commencing Saturday morning
The greatest values we have ever oHbred
to our trade.
Special Sale of Ribbons Continues
Watoh Us Grow.
The Upham
Beautiful Boulevard
Between Barberton and
The Drive Will be Three
Miles In Length.
Alleged That Housman's Money
Not Forthcoming.
3tisXil-ijvK.-iall:, j.,
Hoonan's Backer Is Ready to Post
a Forfeit.
(Special Correspondence.)
Barberton, June S. The boulevard
between Akron arid Barberton, de
scribed In these columns stvcral weeks
ago, is now assured. Air. N. R. Stcincr
of Akron, and Air. W. A. Johnston,
mauagcr of tho Barberton Land Co.,
are the principal promoters of the new
The Akron Realty Co., In which Air.
Stelner is largely Interested, by the
purchase of the Salt works property,
connects the property Air. Stcluer
owns personally to the land owned by
Air. Johnston, situated between Alain
St., South Akron to New Portage, The
.property is three miles In length.
These parties have decided to build
a boulevard, 100 feet In whlth. hnvlng
the driveways, with trees and shrub
bery In the center, and trees on either
side. The boulevard will start near Ira
avo., Akron, ami run In a direct Hue
to the New Portage road, near the
Rapid Transit switch, making a dis
tance of about three miles. This will
make a direct driveway to Barberton
and will beneiit both cities alike.
Alossrs, Johnstou and Steluer will
open up' the adjoining territory to the
boulevard. In fact they wljl start a
little village of their own. 'fjfrenuuus
efforts will be made to secure manu
facturers to locate there, for which
they can make good offers, as the land
runs along the railroad fur toiiio dis
tance. When the lipulijxard Is complclod
and the laud allntcd It will practically
unite the two cltios.
II Is appropriate at this time to ex
plain how (his big uiidei Inking amis
launched. When Wllkofsky Bros,
were active in seeking a local Ion for
their proposed steel plant holh Akron
ami Barberton were asked lo make
au olfer. It developed that Baihertou
could make the best offer, and Air.
Stelner, president of the Chamber of
Commerce, conferred with Air, John
ston, and said ho would rather see
P.tirherton get It than any other place,
since Akron eould not lnnkp n satlsfac-
lory offer, ami that lie would use Ids
efforts In that dIrccr-o-.i.
At this meeting between Afr. Steln
er and Air. Johnston, Air, Sleiuer stirt
ed a conversation r0atlvu to the price
of real citato near, Wlugertur's cross
ing, lie thought 11 would advance In
value. Ono thing brought on another
and tluajly they decided to work to
gether to get all the property along the
lino of the proposed boulevard. First
Air. Johnston bought the Soqors farm,
ami the Akron Realty Co, bought sev
eral pieces of property, until now)
they have nil Ihey desire and nro ready
to carry out their plans.
Up to dale, Air. A. K. Towilsond has
not accepted the franchise h'e asked
for lo build a strew railroad from the
west corporation line to die Soda Ash
switch. A limit qf 510 dn.vs was placed
on It, The time has nearly expired.
A sporting mutt fhIiI today that
Jesse Miller, Hoolitlll's hacker. Was
ready to post $600 ou bin wtiu, hut that
- Brouse Co.
Shirt Waists
- Brouse Co.
Grand Picnic
Under the auspices of the
You will miss a good time
if you don't attend the Saen
gerbund picnic.
All kinds of Entertainments.
Singing, foot ball, tug o
war, foot races and other
amusements will make the
day the Galant day of tho
picnic season.
Round trip tickets on the
Walsh line 10 cento to
Everybody invited.
The very best music will
bo in attendance.
Lou HoUMiian did not have his ?.10O
up on Slmms. When Miller approched
Housman, It Is claimed, the latter said
the talk of him posting .foOO was only;
newspaper talk.
Letter Carriers vs. Policemen.
Arrangements aie being made foe
a game of base ball by the Akron post
ollice employes and the policemen. It
Is said that the game will be played
on tho Buchtel field next Tuesday.
Sent For Letters About Grape-Nuts.
0;J0 boxes of gold and greenbacks
will be scut to persons writing interest
Ing and truthful letters about the good,
that has been done them by the nso
of Urape-Nuts food.
10 little boxes each containing it
!10 gold piece, will be scut the 10
writers of the most Interesting let
ters. 20 boes each containing a !?.1 gold
piece to the "0 next most Interesting
writers, and .ft greenback will go to
each of tho HW next best. A commit
tee of three to make decision and tur
prizes sent on .liil.rOrHMHi.
Write plain, sensible letters, giving;
detailed facts or ill ljeallh caused
from Improper food anil explain Hie Ini.
pmcnient, the gain In strength, in
weight, or In brain power after ulnij
Grape-Nuts foodA jt
It Is a profound ffaet that most alk
of humanity oome j'rom Improper .ind
noii-noiirlshing food, such as whllo
bread, hot biscuit, s'tarchy and uncook
ed cereals, etc.
A change to perfectly cooked, pre
digested food like Grape-Nuts, scion
tlllcally made and containing exactly,
(bo elements nature requires for build,
lug the delicate and oilerfilI cells oC
bialu and body, will quickly ohangu
a half sick person lo a well person.
Food, good food, Is Nature's strongest
weapon of defense.
Include In tho letter the true names
and addresses, carefully written, of 20
persons not very well, to whom wo can
write regarding the food cure by Cirupo
Almost everyone Interested in puro
food is willing to have his or her
name appear In tho papers for sueli
help as they may offer the human nice
A request however, to omit namu will
be respected. Try for ono of thu iWOj
prizes. Dvery one has an equal show.
Don't write poetry, but Just honesti
and Interesting facts ulwiit tho goooj
you have obtained from tho puro food
Grape-Nuts, If a man or woman hat
found a true way to get well auif
keep well, It should be a pleasure to)'
M ret eh a helping hand to hurauulty,
by telling the facts.
Write your nanie ami adddross plaln
y ou letter and mall promptly to th
Postum Cereal Co,, Ltd., Battle. Creek,
Allch. Prizes bent J uly S,
Ml Jl
, 5
r J
i '
a r
- kMlahmfm vrM$$M

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