Newspaper Page Text
term&iZxr-p'- ; " Hwy rf ; fn4? ' i- "t t,VT awrom" t)a1jY mmooiiA'v .lauDAY, jukes 1 1 'SW- S. A O.'a PointrHs Our offer of foiir pounds (if H. & (L'h Uercnl Jt'uffoo for '-.ic gives yoil ii ecicnl itt less lima hall' price of package eeienli widely advertised. H. A: (J.'h C'oteal Ih preferred by ninny to them, mid you don't need to pay the freight. SCHUMACHER & GAMMETER, KM K. Howard St. Tol olio. AKRON SOLDIER llsi M ii Week Beginning; Monday Matinee, June 11. TBTE BAKEU The lending Herman Dlnlci'l (Jomrilkin. JNO. A. WEST Musical Comedian. BARR & EVANS In their Now Comedy Skit. "IN TOWN ON HUSINKSS." TOMMY HAYES America's, ITemler Musical Trick none Soloist, G1LMOUR & LaTOUR In thplr Comedy Sketch, "MKS. BRADY'S HlXnOPTlON." VERA KING Vocalist imil CoukmIIuiiiu'. Two performances dully, except Sun any. Afternoons 12::iU -Kvcnlngs 8:15. Admission evening!, il)e nml I20e Matinees JOe to nil parts of the hOUSC. ItrRenciI "kpS'Ib on sale nt the A. H.C. waiting room, three days In advance of performance. Fr6o hand concert Sundry afternoon. 1 MISREPRESENTATIONS yill never make pennnncnt buyers. "Wo guarantee our (.iltOOKIUlCS aH lopreseiited. You will lliul our goods ALWAYS KKESH; ALWAYS BUST, the market affords. Try our TEAS AND COFFEES The exquisite nroma of choice coffee will lip found In our blend of Mocha and .lava. We give you belter quality nt lower prices than at any other store In the city. We havo always a com plete assortment of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits In season. Telephone No. 58. All or dprs promptly delivered. Writes From tho Phlliriplnos to His .Mother. Ml'H. 10. Horn rlli. nf Akron. Iiiih w. celved a letter from her son, I'orpoinl inirry Hogarth, whoi Is it Mini Mine, Philippine Islands, staling Unit IiIh regiment has not had much lighting to do of Inle. b'tf)H are being built to resist (he assault of the natives during the niluy season. Corpoia: Hogarth says that "II he had II Id do lie. would trot ill ll illld kilt nil Mm 'nil'. gors' at once and be through Willi ii." GRIESMER & CRMRINE GROCERS No. 218 East Market Street LADIES' Hair Dressing Parlors MRS. E,. GLANTZ, 1 1 1 Mill St. Between II own nl nml Mnln stiocts A (lno stock of Kw Itclioi. 1'omnnilour HolU, Knncy Combs, ilnlr Tunics, Knco Powders, Ui Hrlglitoner, etc., etc. ilnitlcuriiiR nnd Knclnl Troiitiiicnt, Switrlies, Dolls WIrs nml AVntuh Ohnln mndp of ladles' own luitr. Appointments can bo inndo for any tlniudurliiR tho ilny or ovenliiR. Phone 389 Tientnicnt of scalps n speclnlty. Burkhardt's Beer .....,Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!i!iit Try it . 'i ' ' and you'll buy it. At all first-class Bars. SHORTER HOURS. Browory Employes Will MakeDemand -District Officer Here. Carl .Miller, of Cleveliidd, dlsltfcl spcrelar.v of the Blowers' I'nlon, was In this city Thursday. He held a con fereiice Willi I he eiuployeis in I tie ur leitioon. l.nsl ulglil lie was preseni at a meeting of the union. II was dceid eil lo ask the otliployeis to reduce the woik-day from 111 to l hours. The drivers ask for a rule njruliiM deliver ing beer lifter it unlock, " This Is In uccordance wllli I he Interiinlloniil scale. ' LIGHTNING Kilted a Young Man at Wadsworth Belonged to the Eighth. While Lieutenant li'red C. Ill'le, of Wadsworth, a- young mini of 'll, was siding on his porch ilurluK the thun der shower, Wednesday afternoon, he was struck by llglilnlng mid lusjnntly killed. Mr. Mile was a lleiilenant In Co. (i, Uljihth regiment, and leaves :i widow and mother. He had been mar ried only a year. fJlm'ISStm, BMm W9 wuaaaawjM wPMJim Til it a llRln nil no ( ,,r,l nt tVi rlfjht Umo may mean Uie difference lc tween Hie and death to the passengers nml crew. What toil in to the friction of the (lelicato parti of the ctifjlne. Pr. Pierce'n Goldeu Medical DIco'vcry is to the dcli- body. It cascB tlieir lalwr, pre vents the loos of power and watte of energy caused by friction. Many a man who was nil run down, whose limbs ached when he walked, whose back ached when he laid down, who bicnthed with dif ficulty, and couch ed constantly, has been perfectly cured by the us? of Doctor I'icrce's Golden Medical jDIscovery. It pur ifies the blood, strengthens the stomach and heals weak lungs. Accept no sub stitute for"Goldcn Medical Discov ery," nor any med icine calleif "just as good" by the dealer. Mr. Cha.1. Hunwlck, of Lenox, Macomb Co., Mich , writes- "I hnve uevcr felt better in rjy life than I do now. I have taken Dr Fierce'B Golden Medical Diicovery right atonic. I can now walk qr.lte well with a cane, and hope to throw even that nwy before Ion:?, and as I have had to me crutches lor nearly two years. I think I am doing fini. I do not cough now aud I can sleep like ia school lioy You must know that I hove been treated In two hospitals and by three doctors besides, and received no benefit; so I think your medicine the only medicine for me.M Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser in paper cover, is sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing oitlv. Address Dr. 11. V. Tierce, Buf falo, N. Y. (fel A GOOD THING Will Be Passed Along to the Afflicted Will WorH ai Trade. .loo ('tipples, the well known blind man, has secured .fl(K) from friends, and will build a small room opposite the City building and K" llll() business. loo Is an upholsterer by trade, ami he will make u specialty of repairing chairs and other furullure. "In case I f-rel rich," said -Mr. Cupjiles Kood nnturedly, Friday, "I will leave my liulldliiK and business to some other worthy blind man of the city." Mayor's Court. In .Major's court Ifrhlny mornliip, losenh S. Itocers and tieorse Stanley "were each lined 5 and cos is fin- cling ing to a niiivijis train. Kor 1utoIeu, tlon, Kreil !rew' nnd Aleud IMJiie'wer.a each lined ."W and costs. "Cii'sr(VaK:.ln? Clarence. Hrii'iliirrifiKMpd bflioU-suH-' poll, continued It) .li'iue 1'-'. Summit County Graduates. ' The graduating exercises of the C'ace school .at Cleveland, were held last niglil. Amoiit; the graduates 'upon whom the degree of Ihichelor of Arts was co'il'erred wcio, Curl Alexins Carl ton of ltiirbertott, and Hdson Krcciunn of Twliisburg. PERSONALS. To those who drink whiskey for pleasure; IIAHI'HU Whiskey .adds zest to existence. To those who drink whiskey for health's Mike; IIAItl'UK Whiskey makes llfo wmih living. SOLD uy WM. WASHER, 144 South Howard St., Akron, O. Caspar aiiM-riei nwgsggjgjjjfijftMiSij Manufaottiror of nil kindaof brushes Orders promptly Attended to. . 1W 8. MAIN ST. v AKRON, O. Harry llrewsterof Indiana is visiting his parcnls In Akrop. Joseph Shea, formerly an iiisuram-e agent In Akron, Is tiow slatloued in Cleveland. Doctors (ii-iiul, .Moiitenyohl, Uabe and W. 0. .lacobs ai;e at AUanlle City. ' -. I Clias, N'orrls, formerly 'of Akron, Is now engaged In business; In Atlantic City, Alhs Ida ('Hue formerly of Hast All ien, Is, conducting, a , reslatiraul ,at Alkinlic Cl'ty. ' ', , .Mrs. It. Forse(f of; X. Arlington. h., will spend several' Weeks visiting her iiaients In Chicago, r Dr. Ilaiullton, thpjHmtt Akron ileu INt, has nioM'il -nlo his new resi dence on Kat,t .Market s. .Mlss.ltose Wurls of (jiilioi), is vlslt Iting at the home of her cousin, Miss Lilly Wurts, 1UH Sninner st. The teachers of Spk-pr school .en joyed an outing at Sliver lake Thurs day alteruooii and evening. Iiov. I,. A. Miiieiuilli' will exchange pulpits wllh Itev, .Slning or North Springfield, ue.t Sunilny oenlng. .Mrs. Louie Pool qf CiirinU'hiie st., will sieud several weeks visiting her parents In Itogu and vAdriiu7Mlci. . I'rof. and .Mrs. 11. V. Kgbert will entertain Biichlel College Seniors at their home, r.'.'S l-J. Uuclilel live., Sat urday evening.- A lawn fete will bo phen by Ihe'I.n dics of Independent Hive, l. (, 'l M. at llic corner or- l',owor.v and Kxchange Bts., Satuida.y 'evening. The .lime nieetlng of the Summit county llorllfUUtirap rsoneiy wip oe held ar I lie home of I if. Slurry, Tall uiadge, next w'pdnehtlijy, .Mine :, Th!rly-lHe of .Miss I'ylly Whlteliouse friends entertained her al her home Wednesday ev,ltig, ,TH' evening was spent In niuslivHiuTgijim'H iiihI Hglt re fieshnients were served. .Mrs. lC.-,I.aypnrJ, Ifo (if Uio fuinier pastor of the KlrsUiiesliyterliin chiin-h church of this "city, aud now pastor at I'.oveland, ()., Is VlHUIng friends here and atteiilllhg (he S. S. eiiiveiiUil, ,Mss' Sadie Fry of I'hatlaiiopgn, Teiiu., and Mr. ami Mrs, Samuel nich anls. of Ileiilun, Holmes county, are the guests' Of Vr. and Mis. J. M, Ilnrd lug, 'rJD l'earl'Ul. ' V- Want Insurance Money. A eotiitiiiuileatlnii has been received al the Ileallh olllce from .lohu H. Hniuir, of Driiu.eith, by Dundee, .Scot land, asking sworn Information con cerning the death or his father. Hob or! Hduiir, at the Akron Cll.v hoipltnl, April 1(1. The son slated Unit his father cntiieil considerable life Insur ance, and his airs are desirous of procuring the money now due. The elder Honur wa. Keeper of the links or the Akron Coif club. NMffftifi fe Bargains Like Ours Bring Crowds and Swell Sales 1 v The time is drawing nearer for our removal into the New! Hamilton Building, and the fabulous cash discount of LJy On every garment in our immense clothing stock insures the greatest saving ever offered by any house in the state. Jv Stiff and Soft Hats M. O'Netl & Co. Muslin under wear sate. M. O'Neil & Co. Shako Into Your Shoes. Allen's Koot-Kase. a powder. It ures piiittful, sniai'tlng, swollen feet and Ingrowing nails, aud Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bun ions. UV'the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes 'eel easy. It Is a certain ciu-e for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try It to day. Sold by all druggists and shoo stiit es. By mall for il.'c In stamps, TrliiYpaj-'kagC-free. A'dtlress; Allen's. Olmsted, .I.eHoy, X. Y. ,jv . ui. Scalded to Death. Steubeiivllle, O., ,I,une tl.-(Spl.) Wil liam, the nine-year-old son of John Call,, while playlugiuhoiil the. Toronto Ice plant, fell Into a tank of boiling water and was terribly scalded. He died at noon. We also allow the 20 per cent discount. You'll Find Interesting Bargains In Summer Underwear, Negligee Shirts, Sweaters, Belts, Bike ' Hose, Neckwear, Suspenders, Fancy Hose, etc. J. KOCH & CO. v W i I 'mv&&&9m 125-127 Howard e What Do The Children Drink. . Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the now food drink called (ilt.VUN'-DV 1 1 In delicious and nour ishing and takes the place of collce. The more (Jiain-0 you give the chil dren the more health you distribute through their systems. Oruln-O Is made of pure grains, apd when prop el ly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs about as much. All groccrs.sell It. llic and line. rnjtvrjrj'rLa,mmMrlKnrunrrrmMMa a i 3W a Ma on That Every Patron of Ours Shall Be Well Dressed, i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Dressed so thai the 111 and Illness of the clothing shall be manifest to anj person of good taste. We count (t mlsfoilune to make you a suit (hal you do not want. We do not Intend In let a single thing leave Ihe slore that will nut be welcome to the hujer as long ah B he wears It. The Fit Musi Be Right. Tin- ipiallly must be right. The style iiiusl be right. Your Interests are our Intel psIs, .lust step In and let us show you some of our woolen novelties and a serges for midsummer wear. H. W. MOSS Merchant Tailor 183 'South. Main street, Central Ofliuo Huildinp;. LATE LOCALS, t Arrangements luiVL',,, not been com pleted for the aiiJtpiil'piefdc of thu Goodrich employes. A meeting will be held In a few days for that purpose. The Dully-Swjjiart reunion will bo held at Lakeside I'ark, Akiou, Thurs day, June 121. n m Moonlight excursion by .steamer to Long Lake park. Secure a dale Sun day, steamer Ieines 0 nnd 1:0. The master plumbers plcnlced at Turkeyfoot lake Thursday. m v Kmployes at the plant nud olllces of the Whitman & Humes company will give n dance at Silver lake Wed nesday evening, .time 1U. m i The elevator In the Kyerett building Is.pol In running order today. It will be lepalred as soon as possible. m w M The letter carriers held a drawing Thursday to determine the lime for their vacations. Kach man is entitled to J.'i days rest. Work was commenced, on the west end of the .Market St., Improvement Friday morning. , . The post ofliee Is supplying'weather reports to SO. stores and otlices in the city. ' Last nights rain was general throughout Northern Ohio. 11 will be of great benefit l the grass nud oats crop. w - The planking at Urn -Mill St., rail road crossing Is l7i very bad condition. Several horses have fallen at the place during the past few days. M. O'Neil & Co. New assortment in wash waists, skirts, suits and wool dress skirts. M. O'Neil & Co. Walked Out of a Window. XtJlitabula, .. .I.""" S.-(Sjll.)-C. (i. Kmipp, n somnambulist, whose home is at 1,'nrrofsvllle, walked out of a KPi'imil mIoi-v window here 'tit the Hotel .lames, fulling in feet. He (s In u very precuneus condition. CLAMS & LOBSTERS THE BANK CAFE Tho finest ilostntiraiilln Akron. MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. Kino Jmpoileit nnd Domestlo Wot GoodsA Oifsara ITiiHpr llAntrnl Hnvltlcm Hank. ..h.b .MeOM.m K V r s. w mam w - "- f r GARDINER Indicted For Criminally Assaulting a Young Girl. Chllllcothe, (., .limn - (Sil.) -All 1:30 l,ii, Ihe sieclal grand Jury retiiin, ed an Indict meiit of murder In the lirst degrpp against itlchard' liardlner, Ihe negro who Is alleged to, have outraged and murdered little Kthel i,ot)g. (eorge roe, the alleged slajer of .IiHHPR Stewart, was also Indicted ror nuifrter In the fieeouil dpgrp.e. . . PRINCIPAL SMITH Says He Did Not Apologize to Mr. Saalfield. To the Iiilltor: In leply to the statenient, possibly 'inspired, which iippi'tireil 'bver the signature of Mr. A. .1. Sua eld lu last evening's papers, I desire to make the follow big statements: First: It was l! ijays after I had punished Arthur Saalfield, hefoie the Superintendent ylsited me in regard to the matter. 1 then (list learned that Mr. Saalfield had a grievance. Second: The same di, or 121 days after said punishment, 1 sought out Mr. Saalfield; but In so doing, nothing was further from my intention than to lipologl.e, ami 1 am much isluuishcd that letnarks which I mount to be frank and explanatory could be so misconstrued.. Third: I hereby ii:cliilm any mo tive in calling upon Mr. Saallicld be yond 'a desire to arrive al an honora ble understanding by comparing both sides of (he case. fourth: If .Mr. Saalileld meant to piosecute vigorously. It appears strange thai he should wait 121 days before beginning action, aut that said action should be stealthily biotight be fore the boaid by the Superintendent without giving uie a proper chance to appear u defence, Kirili: That piece of hoe was noth ing nioi-o than a rubber simp, made by splitting lengthwise a slum piece of hose and taking half. Sixth: I have no leiison to fear pioper pioscciulou; (here Is a delight ful tangibility about thai com? wlilrh tenders I'mponslble the shafts of mallco by whomsoever directed. .lUlIN It. SMITH. Attractive Millinery At Attractive Prices Special reduction sale, during the month of .Tune. A full line or the NEW STYLES IN FELT HATS Gray and castor and all the latest colors, ranging in price from " Also all the latest styles in : -c SAILORS At special prices -some ab low as u!ic. Children's School Hats at ISe. See our Trimmed Leghorn. Such exquisite specimens of the milliners' nrt have never been shown before as are now displayed here In TF?irVItVIED MII-LINERY We are making special reductions on these. See them; you can't help but realize the great alues" you arc offered at such astonishingly low prices. IVIis3 Helen Gri-Ffin 125 East Exchange St., cor. High. M. O'Neil & Co. ' Bargains in Mil linery. M. O'Neil & Co. f "- ' ' German Warriors' Convention. Members of the l.andwehr vereln ave 'begun already to hustle arrnnge- meiits for the annual convention of the National (ieriuau Warriors' Associa tion. In he held In this city from Au gust 111 jo 121. Kuiiils nro being solic ited to coiiKfrnct arches over tho prin cipal hireets. Tim greater part of the piograiu will be conducted til Lakeside park. i 3BOO REWARD. Wn will tiny tlio above row arc! for nnvense of I.lver Complaint, Dynpopuln, Hick Hewl nche', Indlgustlon, (Jonsllpntlon orCoitlve liesn wo i-nnnot purn with l.heritn, tho Up-to-Dnto l.lttlo Liver Plll.w lie" llinillrpt-tlons Hiv ktiletlynoinpllfil with. They nre purely VeijetiihloBiliI noverfnll loBlvosetUfnt-tlan. 26o boxen contnln 1ft) ruin, loci boxes contain 40 pills, fci boxes csntHln 15 pills, llewnre of sulistltiitlons nnd Imitations. Kent by mail, htnmps taken. NKHVJTA M KIUOAI. CO. Cor. Liinten nna jbckioii nn., kuk'ibw , tin Co'TIO O. D. ' Leading Tailor Smart Summer Styles . . . Mark the suits we make to or der from a choice line of wool ens In exclusive patterns. Want of lii Is a fatal clothing defect, and no man can fit somebody and everybody ai the same time. Men differ In shape as much as in tempera incnt, and It Isn't possible to strike an aver age. A skillful tailor Is the only perfect Utter. Breckenridge, 120 South Howard St., Akron, O. Hold by K. Htelnpncher & Co-, ilrugBlets, ron.o, Ak The Democrat s culnlng readers and popularliy every ilayj read it. &..&r:C'.&fe?sr.?:ir.3?,.S?:5rr:'5r:'tvl JSPECS t rSailors and Outing Hats u; A special line of Z TRIMMED HATS Nelson's Millinery, No ir For month of June Reducarl Pricis on All Trimmed Millinery Also for the bsilanco of tho sotison wo will koop on hand . $1.00 each ? m t I t 0 0 () '. m m m m m m J '4 t 'f, 4VK-.