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TSpi -r tr AKItON DAILY DEMOCRAT. TBtDAY. JUNE 8,' 1000 .t.....44....4 . TKC3E3 ISTE'W- JDIVY" GOODS STORE jj5 3 Great Specials For One Week 3 Oommoooing Safeurclay Morning, June 3"th IAL NO. I NO. 22 ZEUSTG-ILjE!! BROS iSd ?j JLmJ JZu 2IAL NO. 3 -? ! 300 Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns. Wo bought from a larga mxuitfncturov of muslin underwent', a lot of Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns much balo w their real valuo. They are all well made garments, nicely trimmod, in laces and embroidery, garmonts sold evorywlioro at (iOe, Too, 85e. Wo will place the entire lot on sale on Saturday morning, June Obh, at the vory low prioa of Ki See Display in Window. J lr. Don't miss This Sale. UMBRELLAS Ladies' Colored Umbrellas, with fancy borders in blue, rod and green. The sale price is $1.98 RlhhOIIS""6 avo ma(e another deal in Ribbons. 1IMUWIIO No doubt you remember the rush in Kibbons at our store a fow weeks ago. We have new ones coming in all the time. This week we will place on sale a lot of plain and fancy taffeta, in all the now shades at 15c, 18c, 19c, 23c fo Don't Hiss This Sale. Remember we have everything in the Dry Goods line and sell at lowest cash prices. ZENGLER BROS, (T 0 I. 0. 0. F; TEMPLE 178 SOUTH MAIN STREET Mil m Cover everything in Straw, Split .Straws, Bough and Readies, Mack manes, etc. Natty, well-mado and durable, those hats will keep their shape, color and npwnees to the end of tho season. It never pays to buy some thing that will look like a castoff re called beforo its probation is over. Under our straws no one noed give bail for its appearance. From 10c to $2.50. COPYRIGHT T BADGER, VAN NESS & CO., 123 South Howard St. SUMMER MILLINERY SALE TOMORROW AND SATURDAY. We are striving not to carry over a single hat into the vjiext season, and it you have not purchased your summei Tiat, or want another, you can save just half your money by buying your hat during this sale. 50 BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED HATS in a variety of styles, including th. handsomest black not and straw turbans, latest walking effects, shori backs and side flares. The prices have boen marked down from $B. $6. 50, $7, $8, ft) and ?10, to $2: SO, $3, $4, $5 and $6. -- 100 TRIMMED HATS, ovory one in this season's styles, trimmed in th latest trimmings and built on wire frames, in black and colors. Thes hats retail regularly at $3, $3.50, $1 and $5. Wo offer thorn during this sale $1.75 to $2.50. Lodlos' Suitors Now in style and design, made in rough straws or plain braid, with handsome bands and sweat bands, 19c up, Ladies' VIlii-E Mats Straw or felt, Infest styles, 75c up. ' Don't wait, but come early and make your choice of those offors for Tomorrow and Saturday. Mice M P ftiiHrin Upstairs 122S. Howard St. mlbb 1T1. E. VUiiUll, over Reid's Shoe Store. r..1..! fcrw.:fc5!wi J . . Bargains in Fine Shoes And Oxford Ties For Hot Weather Wear To make Saturday a big day wo will oiFer special inducements -for buyers. Every shoo and oxford tie guaranteed for lit-and wear. Don't Miss it Saturday, June 9th E. F SJKUVAINi I BIO 3. Main St. Annual Picnic. ... The numfhl picnic of the American Cereal eonip.uij's empires will bu held Juno 'Si, nt Itnmlolph paik. A good program ot upoilH iff being ar ranged tor tho occasion, Member of the committee on nrianBenionlh arc: 15. A. .Montgomery, chairman; John Malitiiilug, (iPoigo Thoiuat, II. Zlnk. Cummins anil U'liiee hpeetrcs (lint threaten baby's life. Choleia Inlnntum, dysentery, dlaulioea. Dr. Flower's ltrnct of Wild Strawberry inner rails to con liner them. ill k Slows AND Hot Plates. And Hot PJates. SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE TUv lUmt Pr Sellers of Stoves and Fu Tlie JaUaHl lO.,naces,166S.'Howardst. DESERTER Is An Akron Soldier. According to Statement of Sergeant Waltz. Captured While Fighting the Americans. And Placed With Filipino In surgents In Prison. He Talked To Sergeant Wallz. About Akron People. Mrs,. A. Waits, of -10 May St., has leeched a letter from her son, Ser jeant Frank 15. Waltz, of Batteiy M, Sixth artillery, on duty in the Philip ilne IhuiihIh. While It contains good now.s concenilus Scrjiennt Wallz, and tliinp. In general, them Irf nlno in It leferenco to an. Incident that Is 1j.hI news for Akron." It tells ot an Akron buy who deneited the mi my of tho United Stales and Joined the ranks or the iusurgculH. In hlh letter, Serjeant AViiltz hpeaks of Ills having been on police duty, and having (insisted on one occasion, in tak ing Mime eaptmed Filipinos to nrtam. While walking through the prlMin, he wan ery miieh nuiprNed to hear one qf the prisoneih ask him, in Kngllsh, for a chew of tobacco. At first ho could not iecogni.e the voice qf the man, but upon approaching him, wlw thut ho was an Akron boy wltli Whom he wan well aciiualnted. "I pitied the poor fellow," writes Sergeant Walt., "and talked wllh him quite a while. He iibked me about Akion people, ami the latest iiovmh from honie." During (heir talk the two Akion nion illhcusM(l matters eonceinlng the war, hut Sergeant Walt. makes no refer ence in Ills letter, to what was said. The mini was1 captured during an cngngemenf. betweeu tho American and Filipino forces. Ho was lighting agahi-jt the Americans. Sergeant Waltz has been In tho ser vice two years, one of these having been in the Filipino Islands. Buttery M is now en unite lor the United States, the oyage being niado on the transport (Jrant. Tho battery will he btatloned nt Fort Monroe, and while there, Seigeanl Waltz hopes to secure a furlough, during which ho will pay n visit to his patents. Ho writes thnt lit- Is anxious to return to "Hod's country." ltecently, Sergeant Waltz scut to his mother a number of photoginphs ot people and scenes hi the Philippine Islands, among them -being a plcluie of a Filipino leper. The picture was repulsive In lis ghastly portinyal ot a faco Indicating an advanced singe of the disease. M. 0'Nell & Co. New assortment in wa;h waists, skirts, suits and wool dress skirts. M. 0'Nell & Co. Stono Mason Killed. Cleveland, O.. .Juno 8. (Kpl.)-A heavy stone which was being ralwd to Its plnco In a now building on Kuclld ave., fell and btruek Jacob Hniislllk. n mason.' on the head. He died before an niiihiihiuee could take him to the ho&pltal, W Jw' S"3p iS JB M3rannlllH9HHH A .The Best on Earth. ..ISA. Han an Shoe for Men TRIBUTE To Memory of a Sunday School Leader. ftj) THJ3 MI Shoes for Ladies Wn nrn nvnllfalvo ntrflnta fnr these makes. eorriin i nui gruumh uvn ....ON... PRICES lint mil SiiBtj His Reputation Entended Far and Wide Founded Chautauqua. The current number of the Ohio Ssiimliiv Kflmtil Wntkor. itfintiifnq thn following reference to the late llou. Lewis Miller: When (lie I wpmIIpIIim iinim 1 con vent Ion of the Ohio Sunday School Association ttus held at Akron, on June .J-u, 181J), Miv AIMlni win Mk iiri.Ntfllnrr odicor. and for one jear from that time ho served as president of the Associa tion. In ISO.", he wan president of tho memorable Seicnth International Sun day School convention, which met In St. Louis, Mo. During the '2r, years, Mr. Miller has been famous as the ".Father of the Chautauqua Moemcnt;" a movement which has perhaps done more to popu larize education, tnau any oilier ru f.nllnnnl nctivltv In the 10th century. Yet. long before tho Chautauqua As sembly was launched, Mr. aimer nnti a repututlou which exteuded far beyond the borders ot his own State, as OIiIo'h foiemott Sunday school woiucr. HncK in tho slxtlns lie hecnnie sunerintend- ent of the Fhst Methodist Episcopal Sunday school nt Akron, wnien oiucc i. imi',i for :i."i vcavs. It avbs during his connection with the school, that tho new church ertitice wuh erected. The Sunday school room was an Inno vation In church building. It was so now and novel, and so admirably adapted to Sunday sciiool purposes, that It at once became popular; and the "Akron Plan" has since revolution ized Sunday school architecture. ..Natural Gas Stoves.. Blue Flame Oil and ..Gasoline Stoves.. Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers vn IVIi Larn W ind The Standard Hardware Co. 146 and 148 South Main Street. IREID BROS.'! S UP-TO-DATE I SHOE AND TRUNK HOUSE 122 South Howard street; : n ..SPECIAU.. J IJUNE SALE! A GENERAL iCUT IN PRICES! ON ALL I Fancy ISuitings...! Will be made during the month of June... This reduction is made in i ordpr to reduce our stock of 2 Sui tinge. , S A prompt respond will in-; sure you a cltoico selection. e 1 i . . J Haller, : The Tailor. : ITS S. Howard Street.; 'I'hone older 071. "Hello, Hello, On vou keep Joues' Ice Oreaiu?" "Yea." y'Ben4 up. tnQ quarts.' VJt 2T it M. 0'Nell & Co. Muslin under wear sale. M. 0Neil & Co. OLD SHOES. ii.ii Rise In Price Is Only Temporary Agent Talks. v,i mrimt who Is well nosted In both oiude inhoer and leclaimed lubber matters, said lecently: "Thete Is no doubt but what old shoes arc going to bo higher for a little while. At the same time, I doubt IE the holders nrc aware that tho falling market In crude rubber is liable to iroe a barrier against continued high price in their product. Thero is no question but that the great quantities of crude rubber In hand and due, paiticulaily in the Antwerp maiKet, will enable manu fiietuieri in many lines of goods to do without leclaimed lubber, as low priced Alilc.ius or even Tara grades compounded will givo equally good results at a lower cost than will high pi Iced bhodrty. rersonally, therefoie, l am not In the market for old shoes today." M. 0'Nell & Co. Bargains in Mil linery. M. 0'Neil & Co. OFFICERS afD.' Electod by German Catholic Societies State Mooting. Tho slate convention of German Catholic Societies of Ohio elected the following ftllkeis, nt lie convention in Youngstowir. President, Henry Nelle, Cincinnati; vice president, Peter Wlllielm, JlasslUoii; secretary, J. F. Kegelmayer. Columbus; treasurer, A. Kulzer, Columbus; spiritual adviser, Upv. John Klute, Youpghiown. Colum bus was chosen u tho uext meeting place. ' If in want putP Ice Cream, V, A. Jouca keeps It, Telephone OWj. Just received a new line of Ladysmith Hats! Special for This Week: All our Fine Walking Hats at about one-half price. Children's School Hats, 19c. 75c Rough straw Sailors, 49c. Trimmed Hats $1.48, $1.98, $2.48, $3.50, worth double. MANSFIELD, RISCH & IVI The tarrest MlUlaerj Establishment in Akron. r.noH store, i 24 South Main Street. - Ohio. J. W. Little' Old SUnd. OsasasHSsaHaHEHasasHsasHoHHHsaHasHBHSHSHSEsasaEras fl w 01 e Is her clear, peifect, tegular teeth'. When nature art comes to the rescue. Those whom we sup ply with exact reproductions of na ture's best efforts are envied by, their acquaintances. Wo adopt painless methods and guarantee a perfect fit In all cases. Painless extracting: FREE when we make your teeth. Best teeth $8; fine teeth $5; best gold crowns S5; bridge work $5; fill Ings 50c up. ft IMEIAf YORK DENTI jjj I4 S. IVInln St., Akro 'it Open Evenings nil h p.m. Sundays v 10 i. w SaSHHHHaaHHSHSaHaS25ESE5H5a5a5aHaSH5ES5SE5E5E5H5aJ CLEARANCE OF Trimmed Hats and Novelties Having a VERY LAKGK; stock of Trimmod Hats, wo began a Special Sale Wednesday, June 6 And will continuo until our stock is vory much reduced. REIVlEllVlBEfR, no old hats. Evorything NEW and Ur-TO-DATE. Collars m. Cos. IVI. E. Aoloott; 129 South Howard street. rL 1 Telephone 349, hi ,avjMaatifefe" .$$&-& it