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'Hl F AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT FRI1DAT, JUKIJ 8. 1000 "' 0 1 15 ft ( I I" ML Ita? go YOU YOUR WANTS YOUR WANTS XOUR WANTS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR PUBLICATION IN THE DEM- r OORAT, BY MAIL, TELE PHONE,' OR PERSONAL AP PLICATION. 24 WORDS 24 WORDS 24 WORDS CAN BE PUT INTO FOUE LINES. IN WRITING YOUR , JWA'NT ADVERTISEMENTS 1 PLEASE FOLLOW THIS BULB. MONEY! VE LOAN IT On Long Tlmo and Easy Payments WK will niako loam from $8 to $1,000 on Watches, Diamonds, Housohold Goods, Pianos, Organs, Horses, Wagons, Carriages, Store and Office Fixtures, Merchandise, Stocks, Bonds, Jewelry, Insurance Poli cies, Rents, Contracts, WITHOUT ANY PUBLICITY WHATEVER AND WITH OUT REMOVING THEM FROM YOUR FOBSESSION. Eleennt Private Offices. Loans made same day. AKRON SECURITY t LOAN CO. 193 South Howard St., &f Near (Villi S. Phone 862. Open eyenlncs sntll 9 p. m. FOR RENT. FOR RENT A suite of rooms for rent at Nclau Bros.' AH modern Improve ments. 41 If WANTED MALE HELP. SNTA.:;iEp ;Agents- In every . county to handle "Coin on Money," Bold exclusively through stents. For further Information, address Coin Publishing Co., 5 Studio Bldgs., cor ner Stato and Ohio sts., Chicago. 202 tf WANTED. (WANTED Tho lady that had a little girl with her, that recoiwd tho wrong package, Monday afternoon, will plcnsn return It at once. Green wood Bros., Star Clothing House, 12-11 WANTED To buy a $1000 house and lot, must be cheat) for cash; write description to C, care Democrat. 33-tf .WANTED Four roomers on S. Main St., good location. Address Democrat office. tf IF YOU 'WANT to buy a grocery, If you w.ant to sell your grocery, If you want to buy a saloon, If 'ypu want to eel! your saloon or any other busi ness, call on E. M. Young, room SO and 31 Akron Savings bank build ing. Telephone 0J2. A rjood office room for .cut. AGENTS WANTED. $3.00 A DAY CASH GUARANTEED AGENTS (men mid women), selling our high,, grade Laundry and Tolled Soaps. For exclusive territory write Milieu Soap Co., 012 Adams St., Chi cifgo. ail tf LOST. LOST A poekctbook, Sunday after noon, either on Bartges, Main or Goodrich sts. Finder will receive re ward by returning mimic to (his of fice. ' . 41--13 FOUND. FOUND A pair of steel drained spec tacles. Owner can havo sumo by culling at this olllcc and paying for this advertisement. 17-tf FOUND A poeke'tliook containing money, Inqulro at Kempel's furniture stove. 40-12 BANKS. ' "A SAVINGS ACCOUNT-Is a friend In adversity." Start the now year light by opening a savings account with tho Contral Savliiga bank. 3 per ccut Interest paid on deposits, Scpnrato department for ladleu and special attention given to their ac counts. Jan. (I. 1001 MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN-$5,000, In sums to suit. G. W. Grldloy, 18 Central building. Phono 510. 17 tf Uie Democrat'WHiU column. It pays. II people's Column jjj MONEY TO LOAN-$5,000 to loan, In sums to Butt borrower. II, O. Feodorle. 301-tf MONEY TO LOAN-Prlvato loans made on housohold goods, pianos, or ganB,bgrscs,wagon8,ctc.,lnsutnu of $6, $10, SID, $23, $35, $50, $70, $100 and upwards at the very loweU rates on tho same date nbked for. Property left In your possession. You cun pny tho monoy back In small month ly payments and each paymsnt so made reduces both principal and in terest. Call end Investigate. Loans made In all suburban towns. Ollleo hours from 0 to 11 a. m., 1:30 to G p. m., and from 7 to 8 in tho evening. L. O. Miller, room 14, Arcado block. PACKING AND STORING. WANTED-Fncklng and storing. Fur niture a specialty. Krnts's Furni ture i tore, 140 8. Howard. Men 0 to Sep 0. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mrs. Ada ,T. Tidymnn, n former stu dent of Oljorlln Conservatory gives Uioiougli instructions on piano; pupils taught t their own homes; terms moderate. Address, 210 Brown st. 39-45 l'rof. SlnipMns leaches psychology, personal magnetism and magnetic heal ing, 1114 S. Summit st. :i"-l'J SPECIAL BARGAIN-Must bo sold quick; a ! room house neitV Buchtel college, only $1100. C. H. & S. E. .Tones. 33-tf WHITEWASHING and patching, Or ders scut to 110 S. High st. or tel. 411. A. T. Picket. 10-22tf WHY do huge COMPANIES dumtiud ABSTRACTS before tliey BUY real ESTATE V BECAUSE they KNOW their VALUE. WHEN you BUY a HOME get an ABSTRACT made by the ONLY COMPANY that has all tho RECORDS In their OFFICE. THE ABHTUCT, TITLE-GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY, 220 South Main st. Telephone No. 2, Ak ron, O. READ! GREAT BARGAIN! READ! Are you looking for the best real1 es tato bargain over offered? Call at No. 357 .S. Main st, and get full particulars. A jgood. 7 room houso and barn, 1 acres -of land With all kinds of fruit trees. Property Is located at No. 149 Dayton st, North Hill. If sold Im mediately, $1,000 will buy thls.rrop. crty. 'i'HH BRUNER, GOODHUE COOKE COMPANY, Oldest Abstract ofllco In tho county. Established 1870. Our experience guarantees a correct Abstract of Title. Prices reasonaDle. Prompt service, 215 South Main st. 'Phono 15. NOTICE-I will buy all tho old horses and marcs that you do not want to keep over winter. R. C. Zimmer man, 210 Furnace st, Akron, O. Tel. 820. 186 tf FINE SOUVENIR PICTURES OF Buchtel college beforo tho Are and after tho flic, on 0x13 card suitable for framing. Enclose 25c to E. .7. Hoskln, caro of Democrat, and pic turo will bo sent. tf READ! GREAT BARGAIN! READ! Are you looking for the be3t real es tate bargain over offered? Call at No. 357 S. Main st, and get.full particulars. A good 7 room house and barn, 14 ncres of land with all klndu of fruit trees. Property Is located at No. 149 Dayton st, North Hill. If sold lm mediately, $1,000 will buy this prop erty. SPECIAL NOTICE. Here la the description und price o" the great bargain In a nouso and barn, which was to bo announced today A scod 7-room houso and barn, 14 ncres of laud with all kinds of fruit trees, located at No. 140 Dayton st, North Hill. If sold r.t once. $1000 will buy this property. For particulars, cull at No. 357 S. Mnln st. 200 tf Wo have always said wo would have the finest allotment In the city, and to convince you that wo have It, all wu nsk Is for you to go out and look over our White City Allotment. Streets all graded, title shado tiees. In fact everything up to date. There Is uolh iug In Akron that will cciiuil It, 30 now houses will ho built on this allotment this year. If you arc thluk Ing of pur chasing a lot or houso and lot.on easy terms, It will pay you to see what wu have before buying. IT. G. HAYNES, Room 410 Everett Building, telephone 1 5211 27 tf FOR SALE Cheap, second-hand fur niture and stoves; Call at room 7 uow Doyle block. Joseph Llrarlc; . FREE F-R?EE To demonstrate to the ladles the benefit mid beauty of Massage, will give free treatment Monthly mid Fri day, ,Iiiiio 11 and 12, IVHI3. S. FRANCE Room 322, New Walsh Block. Take Elevator FOR SALE. FOR, SALE-3500 fpet lumber, plained on one sino; niso a tsiyers" winu in.ui puinpj nearly n good as nowj two miles dltccto west of Cuyahoga Falls, O., on tho Medina ronS. Iryj'ilro for H. J. Herbriick. 1800 READI GREAT BAROAINl RBADI Ato you looking for tho best real es tate bargain over offered? Call al No. 357 S. Mnln st, and got full particulars. A good 7 room houso and barn, VA acres of laud with all kinds of fruit trees. Property la located at No. 119 Dayton st, North HID. If sold Im mediately, $),000 will buy this prop, erty. FOR SALE- Elegant home, II rooms, modern Improvement, near Werner Works, Inquire- 150 Perkins st. 38-13 FOR SALE Choice nnd cheap homes at two-thirds vnluo from $500 up. No. Ill Vine, Inrgo houso and barn, a bargain. Business lots; ono 721 8. Main at $75 per foot! Lot W. Mar ket, r'100, wortn $2,000. Lot H. Hill Wls(. near A. B. 0., cost $500, price $225. 100 bargains. Also farms and loans. W. H. Sanfoul, Room 1, Arcado. FOR SALE-SIx room house with barn, well, cistern, sewer, paved street and cellar wall complete, for a new house on same lot, all for $1,100; easy payments. 32 lots" In tho Rusctta ITnynos allot ment, on a graded street; 10 of these lols at $250 each. A few more lols on W. Miller avc., at $250 and $350, Large lot on High st, near Mill st, $1,000. I.ot on Bowery St., $800. Two lols In Koliler allotment, at $250 each. Lots on Raymond st, at $225. Lots In Reynold's Lawn allotment, $100 each. Lots in Slelner &. Co., allotment, at $250, New houses on" easy payments. Money to loan and houses to rent. ,1. 1. Bachtcl, Insurance and real cslate agenl, 108 S. Howard st 12 tf READ! GREAT BARGAIN! READ! Arc you looking for the best real es tate bargain over offered? Call at No. S57 S. Main st, and get full particulars. A good 7 room houso and barn, Vt acres of land with all kinds of fruit trees. Property is located tit No. 140 Dayton st., North Hill. If sold im mediately, $1,000 will buy his prop erty. FOR SALE-B G. W. Grldley, 48 Central building. 'Phone 510. 80 aero farm, line house, furnace, bath, grates, etc., live cisterns and tmlk; also well; good burns, chicken house, 12x00 feet, new; large orchards; good prospects for abundance of fruit Nine acres wheat, 8 acres oats,- 4 acres corn; must be seen to be appreciated; worth $8,000, will lake $5,000, if sold in ten days. Ouly two miles from the city. Call ou G. W. Grldloy for further information. FOR SALE By The Bruner-Good-hue-Cooke Co., 'phone 15, No. 232 S. -.Main St.: 0 room house, W. .Market near Por tage Path, lawn graded mid house In good shape, $1300. No. 413 Allyn st, largo lot, $1000. 152 Arch st, double house, good in vestment, $2800. 110',i Aqueduct st, line location, cheap,$1100. 300 North Arlington, good house, $1000. Ill Blult'iit, 0 rooms, good locution, $1200. 138 Bare bt., 11 rooms slate roof, $1200. Cor. Bare and Euclid, tlno homo for price, $1250. 5 room house Bme st, bargain, 1050. 205 Bell st., 7 rooms, cheap, $1200. 123 Bloomlield ave., neat place $1000. 735 W. Cedar, $1Q0 down, cheap, $1000. 703 Cross st 5 rooms, bargain, $000. 173 Charles' st, 7 rooms, ulce, largo lot, $1200. 313 N, Case avc, 0 rooms, 050. 107 Coventry bt, 7 rooms, large lot, $1250. 208 Carroll, small house, lot 00x200, only $1350. 100 Day' st, will sell at a sacrlUce, $1550. 003! W. Exchange st, to bo sold cheap, $1100. 577 W1. Exchange st, good location, $1000. 5 room house, Fourth ave., large lot, $050. 305 Fourth uve 15 rooms, $000. Fine place ou N. Forge bt, all mod ern Improvements, with barn, must be sold. Mliko us a price on tills. 117 Good st, large house, good loca tion, $1000. 324 Haynos st good house and barn, $1 100. 211 Hint st, big bargain, $750. 103 Hn.el bt, largo houso,' $2000. 100 Livingston, large house, largo lot and barn, $1500. 207'j McCoy st.ehcap at price, $1200. 110 N, .Maple, large lot, good place, $100o, 527 S. Main, htoro room and barn, cheap, $2700, 100 NIemau st, 0 rooms, $1200., 110 Rockwell court, desirable loca tion, $1150. 525 Sumner bt, 8 rooms, mid fur nace, $1700. 500 W. Thornton, If sold al once, a big bargain can ne obtained, will paint house and barn and put duwu new stone walk. $2700. 101 Upson st, largo lot, good house, $1200. , 111 Wooster ave. large frontage, 8 room" house, with business room at tached, also barn, $2500. 187 Wooster ave., 7 room hoii'jo mid barn, $1300. Cyclone Insurance, cheaper than wind Itself; all kinds of insurance. Money to loan at prevailing rales. For anything In the agency line sen us, 'Phono 15. Ili'iiuer-Goodhuc-Cooko Co, FOR SALE-Lot 203, S. & 8. 2nd allot, and lots 8 and 0, Lmnpartcr and Mot7. allot, Aro for "salo cheap, ou easy terms. Apply personally, Emory A, Prior, Att'y.. Cuyahoga FaJIs, O. y 30S-331 FOR HALE Flvo at.rc Just outside tho city limits on North Hill at jigo per acre. Think of It, you B0 Just nrf far out and pay $300 for a quarter ncro lot and wc can sell you flvo acres for $750. Houses, lots and farms bought, sold iiul traded, Money to lonu on easy prms. P. p. Bock Co., 229 a Uownrd st FOR SALE Bnrgnlns In homes and building lots. .1. O. Kupp, 417 E, Mill st 27-51 FOR KALE-By C. II. and S. E. Foiich, Cenlral Ofllco Building: 7 loom house, large lot, barn, well, city water and gas, West Exchange St., $2000. il rooms, nearly new, hard plno finish, West Chestnut Ht $1550. 7 rooms, furnace, sli.tu roof, Dajton st, $1 150, 0 rooms, slate roof, furnace, liny ino'lid st. 51250. Fine 8 rooms, bath, furnuec, natural gas, slate roor, nil modern eonvenlcn cos, Perkins st, near Union st, $3550 33-tf FOR SALE 43 acres of land, second bottom, two miles south of Hudson; now house, price $1,500; $200 down, balance la ton years. Lcroy Munson, Akron. 285-29U FOR SALE Hero Is tho place you nro looking for one of tho finest resi dence properties on East Market st. A sacrifice; a lino homo and good Investment, $-1500. Fine residence on Arlington st. $2,500, 00 aero farm In Cuynhoga Falls township. 13. M. Young, 31 Akron Savings bank block. READ! GREAT BARGAIN! READ! Are you looking for tho best real cs tato bargain ever offered? Call at No. 857 S. Main st, and get full particulars. A good 7 room house and barn, 14 ncres of land with all kluds of fruit trees. Property is located at No. 140 uayion st, Kortn mil. it sold lm mediately, $1,000 will buy this prop crty. FOR KALE-By Hall & Harter.How nrd'and Mill h(kJJ 0 room hoiise.ifuriiace, gas, near E, Market, $1800: ' 0 room lioiibc, good lot, No. 100 May st, $1000. Several 5 room slate roof houses, $1200. 0 room house on paved street, West Hill, $1S00. 8 room house, Crosby st, modem, $2750. 12 room modern homo on S. Forge st, cost $18000. 8 room house, slate roof, etc., Sum ner st., $2200. 8 room house ou S. Balch, a big bar gain, $2200. 8 room house with (0xl(!5 feet lot ou S, Maple, $2100. 3 room house, modern every way with large lot near the Werner works, at .considerably less than cost. A -Hue 00 , foot lot on XForgo st, $150d. " Also 'a number of desirable lots at $200 to $1,000. Wc can loan you money upon stright or installhicnt plan, whereby you may renav the amount, cither weeklv. semi monthly or monthly, or If desired the Interest may be paid semi-annually. See Hall & Ilarter. t (i-7-8-0 FOR SALE BY BROUSE tc HOL LINGER. Before you buy, see those fine Gale lolrt, Crosby Heck, Gale, Exchange and Rhodes ave. Possession given nt once, if you buy our May st. dwelling. You must decide quick, If you want the Snyder st, house and barn. Why don't you buy the 8 room house of us on nome st? $1000. What have you to trade for n good dwelling on Front st, Cuyahoga Falls, or tlpon 5 good lots Colllnwood, Cleve land, O.? or 'l'Tooni , house, and one ncro In Randolph, O.V Corner of Main and Crosier, cheap. No. 1317 at $1800. Wc wllb sell the Wooster nve. prop erty for $1000 now. Coiner of Bnlch mid Maple Is a good property cheap4 for $1800. Do you want to buy a cheap lot on Wooster nve., cheap at $375, paved utrc'et. No. 2oJ). May'.st'frroom up-to-date. Sen tills before y6u buy. Let us wrlto Jou n tornado or fire policy or liiaUo you a loan. - Let us sell that property for .you, wc have persons wanting to buy. List with us. 1 BROI'SE & HOLLINGER, No. 220 S. Main st Tel. No. 2. REAL ESTATE. WW -11 GOOD For fine Building Lots on the. West Hill. Office 209 East Market-st. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR PAROLE. Notice is hereby given that William Itlchter, a prisoner now confined In the Ohio Statrt llt'hirmiitory, has been rec ommended l the, Board by the Super intendent ami Chaplain as worthy of consideration for pnrole or dlncharge. Hnld application will be for licnrlng on and after .Inly 17, 1000. .Tut) 8-15 22 CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given that nil esti mated nssesument of the cost and ex penso of Improving Wolf street from Woosler avenue to Thornton si reel, has been made upon tho lots and lauds benefited by the Improvement (hereof and mentioned in an ordinance pio vldlng therefor passed November 27th, J800, and Is now on file In the ollleo or the City Clcik for the Inspection mid examination of the persons Inter ested therein. By order of the City Council. CHAS, II. IKBELL, City Clerk. .Tune 8-15-22. AN ORDINANCE. Changing the name of Perkins Park to Perkins Square. Sec 1. Be It ordained by the Council of the City of Akron, Ohio, that Hint part of tho public grounds belonging to tho City of Akron, and heretofore known and designated as Perkins Park, be and the same Is hereby chang ed, and the same shall be, mid hereby Is lo be known und designated under and by the name of Perkins Square. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from nnd after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed, June 4th, 1000. FRANK FIEBEGER, Frcs. City Council. CHAS. II. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by the board of City Com missioners. CHAS. H. ISBELL, Clerk. Pub. June SO. AN ORDINANCE. To inline the tract of laud deeded to the City of Akron, by Colonel George T. Perkins, by deed dated, Jauuary 2!, WOO. Sec. 1. Be It ordained by the Council of the City of Aknm, Ohio, that the tract of laud deeded to (he City of Akron by George T. Perkins, by deed dnted .Tunimry 2!, WOO, for park pur poses, be and tho same hereafter Is designated nutlet and by the. name or Perkins Park. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and bo in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed, .lime 4th, 1000. FRANK FIEBEGER, President City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Com missioners. CHAS. II. ISBELL, Clerk. Pub. June SO. AN ORDINANCE. To provide for the sweeping of Ex change street. Whereas, tho written petition of the owners of more than two-thirds of the feet front on Exchange street, be tween Mills avenue and Splecr street has been presented to the Council ask ing that said Exchange street Tkj swept, and Wlierea, said Exchange street has been Improved under the provisions of chapter 1 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, therefore Section 1. Be It ordained by the Council of the City of Akron (two thirds ot nil the members elected thereto concurring), that from the 1st day of April 1000 to the 1st day of April 1001, and front the 1st day of April 1001 yearly for a period of 2 years therefrom said Exchange street shall be swept. Section 2. That in each of said years the cost and expense of said RTvPonlnc shall be specially levied mid assessed equally upon each and every foot front of nil tho lots and lands and parcels thereof bounding nnd abutting ou both sides ot kxenaugo street aforesaid. Section 3. That said sweeping snail h. iimin under the direction of the City Civil Engineer, .1. E. McMillen and A. E. Meyers, who arc hereby con stituted a board In accordance with the provisions of Section 2307 mid 230S of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, as emended, nnd having the powers. therein and hereby granted. So,.tinn 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed, .Time llu, moo. FRANK FIEHEUGER, Pies. City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by the board of City Com missioners. CHAS. n. ISBELL, Clerk. Pub. June 80. AN ORDINANCE. To provide for tho sprinkling of Ex change street. Whereas, the written petition ot the owners of more than two-thirds ot thv feet front on Exchange street, up i ween Alain street and Washington .tleet has been presented to tho Council asking that said tixchaugo bireet do sprinkled with water, and Whereas, said Exchange street nas been improved under tho provisions tif chapter 4 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, thcretore Section 1. Be it ordained by tho Council of the City of Akron (two- thirds of all tho members elected H.iretn concurring), that from-the 1st tiny of April' 1000 to tho 1st day of April 1001, and from the 1st" day of nil iihii veailv for u period of 2 mi-ri therefrom said Exchange btreot shall bo sprinkled with water. Section 2. That in eaen or stun ars tho cost mid expense of said ' sin ihKIIiil' shall be specially levied and assessed equally upon each anil every fw,i rmnt of all the lots mid hinds antl parcel. thereuf bounding and ubuttlug ou both sines ot uxcunngo, ;reet aforesaid. s!..tinn a. Thai said sprinkling shall be done under tho direction of tho City, Civil Euglneer, Chas, Aust- gen and A. G. 'iccpie, wpo are nere- by constituted a. Iwrtrd in accordnnre with the provisions of Section 2307 and 2.108 of the Revlned Statutes of Ohio, as amended, nnd having the powers therein mid hereby granted. Section 4, This ordinance" shall take effect mid bo in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Paesed, Juno Ith. 1000. FRANK FIEBEGEIt, President City Council CHAS. II. ISBELL, City Clerk. Appiovcd by the board of City Conr inissloncrs. CHAS. H. ISBELL, Clerk. Pub. June 8 0. AN ORDINANCE. Of the city of Akron, authorizing the Issue of bonds in anticipation of the collection of special assessment for the Improvement of Rockwell Court from Blttmau street to the east end thereof. Section 1. Bo It ordained by the council of the city of Akron, Ohio, '(two-thirds of all tho members elected thereto concurring) that the mayor and clerk of said city, in the manner provided by chapter 2 of division 0 .of title 12 of part first of the revised stat tiles of Ohio, be and they are hereby authored and empowered to issue the bonds of said city, for the purpose of providing a fund foe dins immediate payment of the cost and expense of Improving Rockwell Court flora Bltfc mnu street to the east end thereof, to the amount of $2000, nnd In the de nominations nnd payable at the times following, to-wlt: One bond of $500, payable In one year from the date thereof. One bond of $500, payable in two years from the date thereof. One bond of $500, payable In three years from the date thereof. Ono bond ot $500, payable In four years from the date thereof. Section 2. That said bonds shall be dated July 21, 1000, shall express upon their face the name of the street and the portion theteof to be Improved and for which they are Issued, together with the purpose of their Issue; shall .cite the law and the city ordinance au thorl.lng their Ismip; shall bear a rate of 'Interest not exceeding 5 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually;' shall bo signed by the lnnyor and city clerk, and shall have alllxed thereto tlurcorporate seal of the city of Akron They shall have Interest coupons at tached duly sigued by the city clerk and shall be payable, both principal aud interest, at National Park Bank, New York city, antl shall he sold un tier the direction of the committee ou finance of the city council at not less than their par value. Section 3. That upon the sale of said bonds the proceeds theieof shall Ik placed In the city tieasury, und the said assessments antl all portions thereof, when collected, shall be tip piled to the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and to no other purpose whatever. Section 4. That the faith and credit of the City of Akron are hereby pledg ed for the payment of both principal autUlutercbt of said bontl&Mt matur ity,', ' - " Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed June 4th, 1000. FRANK FIEBEGER. President City Council CHAS. II. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved-by the board of City Com. mlssloners. CHAS. H. ISBELL. Clerk. Jiiue S-0. AN ORDINANCE. Adopting a plau of sewerage nnd drainage for a portion of the City of Akron, Ohio, and desiguatlng such portions of tlie work as arc required for Immediate use. See. 1. Be It ordained by the Coun. oil of the City of Akron, Ohio, that the plau of sewerage and. dra lunge prepared by the City Civil Engineer and on file lu his office, for that part of tho City of Akron, Ohio, known as sewer district No. It, .as heretofore established, Is hereby adopted. Sec. 2. That whereas, lu the opinion of the Council of the City of Akron, Ohio, tho following system of sewerage und drainage lying withlu sewer dis trict No. 0, is required for Inimedhyte uc, nud such system of sewerage and drainage Is hereby designated as fol lows: A main truuk scver lu North street, from Walnut street to a point 175 feet west of West btreet. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect nud bo in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed, June 4th, 1000. FRANK FIEBEGER. President City Council. CHAS. H, ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by the board of City Com missiouers. CHAS. H. ISBELL. Clerk. Pub. Juno 8 0, AN ORDINANCE Of the city of Akrou, Ohio, authorizing the issuing of bonds in anticipation of special assessments for the con struction of a main or trunk sewer in sewer districts numbers 1, 0, 8 and 0. Section 1. Be It ordained by the council of the city of Akron, Ohio, twp- thlrtls of all the members elected there to concurring, that tho mayor nnd clerk of said city lu tho manner provided by chapter 2 of division 0, of title 12, part first, of the revised statutes of Ohio, ami In pursuance of 'an act of the General Assembly passed April 17, 1885, be and they are hereby au thorized anil empowered to Issue the bonds of said city for the purposo of providing a fund for tlie immediate payment of the cost and expense of constructing a mala or trunk sower hi sewer districts uuniliers 1, (i, 8 and I) to the nuiotiiit of $23,000, In tho denom inations nnd pnynblo at tho times fol lowing, to-wit: Five bonds of $10t0 each, payablo in one year from Hip date thereof. Five bonds of $1000 each, payable jn 3 two years from (lie onto Five bonds of $looo each, payable lu three years from the date thereof. Five bonds of $1000 each, payable 1 four years from the tlute thereof. Three bonds of $1000 each, payablo In flvo years ftoiu tho dale thereof. Sect Ion 2, That said bonds shall bo tinted July 21, 1000, shall uxpress up. on their fnco and bear the name and nuriilKT of said districts numbers 1, 0, 8 and 0; shall cite the state law and the elly ordinance authorizing their Issue shall bear a rate of interest not ex feeding 5 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually; shall be sigued by tho mayor and city clerk, and shall havo affixed theieto the corpoate peal of tho city of Akron, Ohio; they shall havo Interest coupons attached, duly signed by the city clerk, nnd shall be payable, both principal and Interest, at National Pnrk Bank, New York city, and shall be sold under the direction of the com mittee on Finance of the city council, at no less titan their par value. Section 3. That upon the sale of said bonds the proceeds thereof shall bo placed In the city treasury, antl tho said assessments antl all portions thereof, when collected, shall be nj plied to the payment of said bonds antl the Interest thereon as the same shall become due and to no other purposu whatever. Section 4. That the faith and credit of the City of Akron arp hereby pledg ed for Hip payment of both principal and interest or said bonds at matur. ity. Section r. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed June 4th, 1000. FRANK FIEBEGER, FreMdcut City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Appnned by the board of City Com. mislnuory. CHAS."H. ISBELL. Clerk. ' ' June S-9. 1 ' AN ORDINANCE. To Improve Beck aveuue, from Mav ket street to Crosby street Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by the Coun cil of the City of Akion, Ohio, that tho Jmpiovenient of Beck avenue, from Market stieet to Croshystreet, except ing said portion of said street, between the points niore-aid. fronting on tho property owned by Delhi II. Good, bo proceeded with In accordance with the reolutlon to Improve the same, adopt ed April 10, ISO!), by grading the samo to the established gratle, curbing with stone, guttering aud paving with brick ail lu accordance with the plans, pro file nnd specifications relating thereto ou tile in the office of the City Civil Engineer. Sec. 2. That the cost nnd expeuso of bald improvement (except ouc-lif tletli and the cost of intersection?, shall be assessed upon nil the lots aud lauds aud parcels thereof bounding and abutting upon said portion of Beck avenue, in proportion to the benefits which may result from said improve ment. Said assessment shall be payable m eight (8) equal, annual Installments, and 'bonds -shall be issued In antlclpa.. tlou of the collection of the same, pro-, vldetl that said assessment shall in no case exceed the limitations imposed by Section 2270 of the Revised Sta tutes of Ohio. And the council find aud hereby declare that only the pro perty hereinbefore described will bo specially benefited by the improvement thereof, and that no other property than that specltied shall be assessed for said improvement. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall tako effect and be lu force ftoiu and after; the earliest period allowed by law. Passed, June -1th. 1000. FRANK FIEBEGER. President City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Appro ed by the beard of City Com missioners. CHAS. H. ISBELL. Clerk. Pub. June S-9. AN ORDINANCE To levy a special tax upon the lots and lauds benefited by the improve iiient of Rockwell Court, from Bltt mau street to the east end thereof. Section 1. Be It ordaiued by tho Council of the city of Akrou, Ohio, two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, that the assess ment of the cost and expense of lm. proving Rockwell Court, from Blttmaa street to the cast end thereof, as re ported to this Council by X A. Itobner, Lawrence Hallinan and A. A. Halter, three disinterested free-holders of tho corporation nppolnted Murch 5, 1000, for that purpose, bo nud tho same la hereby coufirmednnd that there be nnd hereby Is levied and nssessed upou nil the lots and lands described In said report and lu tho Improvement ordi nance passed November 20, 1809, tho several amounts as in said report set forth. Sec. 2. That the owners of tlio lota and lands und parcels therof bene fited by said Improvement of said street, or court, between tho polnta aforesaid, upou which the said sums; aro assessed, shall pay tho amount of said several assessments to tho trcas ' iirer of the city of Akron, Ohio, in, ' four (4) equal, annual installments ou or before tlie 20th day of August, Jn, tho years WOO. 1901. W02 and 1003, of be subject to the Interest and penalty allowed by law, and lu case of default! ( of payment as herein provided, tho City Clerk of said city Is heieby direct, ed to certify any unpaid assessment to the Auditor of Summit county, Ohio, to he placed upon the tux dupli cato for collection. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall tako ef feet and he lu force from and after the) earliest period allowed by law. Passed, Juno 4th. 11)00. FRANK FIEBEGEIt, President City Council! CHAS. II. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by tho board of City Col,i mlBsloners. CHAS. H, ISBELL. Clerk. Juno 80. 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