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IW&W Vf''HT'lP?wvmfr'T'';1'JWf) " 'wW?!J'IJr' l'VVUfHKVfW1 ' Myiw' ''" HV'd AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT FAIR and WARMER. VOLUME NINE. NUMBER 66 AKRON. OHIO, FRIDAY. EVENING. 3VhY 6, iflOO PRICE ONE CENT BRYAN AND ADLAI E. STEVENSON WHLIA jW5!v!3S!yv!j?TMM? I iff ' I WM ( Ur k WILL LEAD PARTY OF PEOPLE TO VICTORY AT FALL ELECTION. Mi. ii ,,f inililtiir mil rif till' nice and wim Ljil'll hopeful Unit lii! might obtain the i-iioiiiliiutloii. r .& I'lii- opposition to the silver Rppubll. can candidate Is composed lnfaVly of Earned by Delegates to Greatest Convention In Country's marched ami sang (hey distributed their Mil badges, "llrjan and Tonne." Starting lit the Contra house tho pro cession moved down on Savoy. He ncnth the window of' room M, the band southern mill eastern Domuciats who fctoppod and played "A Hot Time." h.i.v Hint il IXMilocrat muse oc2Jinmc(i tor sccuud'nla'eo on tlio ticket? Their ono objection to Towni) is refiner po lllical nlllllitthilis. Till' opposfiAii h.m turiii'il to Adlai lllilll tl) lcilll till' tangle. All night and eaiij tijw moin lug tliovi! were conferem-crf, im up to Id o'clock today tin's sltuntfoiftrpiuiiln cil as It had been for two ius the Hold against Townc. Then; fa a feel liiK nuioiig lutiiij1 delegates .tjiut tin l-'rom tho Siivoy tlio Toivno boomers wont to Hie Rnltlmore iind Invaded the hotel. Thry sang "Towne, Towne. ''hurlcs A. Townr," until tho place wns IIUo liodlitin Iind then headed for i In .Mldhiuil. While the hand swept iirolind the Midland, Dnufoith stood Iii hI di; till' lobby. I.nto last night Mr. Danforth wild the slluiillun wiiu so complicated he did not li-cl suilicicntly Involved to say whether or not he would lie In the race wMyyy&y. LEADERS ON BRYAN AND THE PLATFORM. oilvoulion should nominate yitW east i todny. He had no supporter on the Candidates Are Firmly Pledged to Work For Overthrow of Imperialism and Trusts, Straight Forward Free Silver Plank Was included In the Report of Committee on Resolutions. HI IS, 11)11 IIIHI II ill! wuiihi jijf.unu ins rieiuls to arrange It. he' Holild be unlimited for second plncrcjguu tho Irst ballot. There wns" earn- this Adopted With Splendid Display of Patriotic Enthusiasm---Hill Would Not Accept Nomination For Vice President. Convention Hall, Kansas City, Mo., July 6, (Special). Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, was nominated for Vice President on the first ballot. The vote stood: Stevenson 583 1-2, Towne 69 1-2, Smith 16, Patrick 46, Carr 23, Danforth 1, Hogg 1. The nom ination was made unanimous. It was 2:21 when the nominating and seconding speeches were concluded and the roll call of states was commenced. Before,balloting Hamilton Lewis withdrew his name as a candidate for Vice President, seconding the nomination of Mr. Stevenson. em inan Jusl to show tlmt.MjV Rryan is not tho whole show. Alt tin; real en thitslasui of the convention 4 for Da ld H. IU1I ami If ho would jij-yinil his menus IIOIIl 'IllM-l morning iiuii'h talk of a sliiuTppde to Hill, buL his friends discouraged the plan. There wns also tal:Jof going back to Elliott Duiiforlli, but muiiy of the delegates appeared Indifferent about tho (.ecoiul on the ticket and II seemed Impossible, to ma toy' a corubi tlon of uiueH strength oil tuiy candi date. Tliore wiih some fear lyiioug the leaders that If a candidate could not be selected In advance n protracted day and night Hussion of the convention might result. The conference between commltteeB representing tin; Humeral If and Silver Republican conventions nud the I'opulist party fulled to leach an agreement at the hour fixed foi' the convention to meet. y TOWNE BOOKERS ( i.ntcreiice eynvailttoo he wild, notwith standing this. H was ngieed when the roll was called this morning Al.ibauia would yield the lloor to Florida, nud that state would put In nomination, 101 llott F. Danforth of New York. Some claim Hill's name will be plac ed before the convention at an oppor tune moment on effort will be made to stampede the convention for him. It Is known thnt Towne Is I he only man acceptable to the radicals and to day the Hrynn-Allgeld-WUHnins con tingent declares the M'nnosotn man will win. ENTHUSIASM ' -VNominatlons For Vice Presidpnt. Convention Hull, .Inly l!. - (Spl.) Tho comentlon was enlled lo order at 10.4." liy Clialrniau Itlehardson and when the delegates liecailie (piU'l, Senator Tlllmnu, of South Carolina, chairman of the committee appointed lo confer Willi the ropullsts and Silver Republicans, came forward to leporl. Mr. rillinan slated that the committee had been unable to njxreo upon a candidate for Vice I'resldeut. Tim 'roll call was ordered lor I he nomination of Vice. I'resldeni, Congressman .1. It. Williams, of Illinois, nominated Adlai K. Stevenson. At I'Jiti'J u'eloek, Congressman Williams started to speak. Ho was compelled to. wait for order. Tin convention was very disorderly when Williams arose and even I he delegates directly in front of htm could Hot hear hhn. The Congreshiiiau took Hie platform to nominate Adlai K. Stev enson. Chairman Richardson suspended business until .the delegates and spectators could bo seated. The noise and disorder was nmro marked than nt any previous soslon and persons but a short distance away could not hear those speaking upon the platform. When he named Seveusoli, the delegates from Illinois got up and did what they could lo start a cheer. The, wore allied by I'etiiisylvauia. The nomination fell Hal, hoeer, and It imis evident Ihat'steveusou was not a hot favorite. Townc of Minnesota Named. At 11:18 li. A. Rossing of Mluneso ta nominated Towne. The announce ment was received with enthusiasm in Hie galleries and the delegates cheered loud ami long. ' At 1I:."7 Coicruor Thomas, of ('(dorado, seconded Towno's nomination. The onlhusiuMii at the mention of Towne showed thai ho was hi the lead. Hill Refused to be Nominated. At 1 1 i.'lfi Thomas (irmly nominated o.vSenalor Hill of New York. There were cries for Hill and when his naiiui was announced, the ex-Senator was escorted to the platform, lie acknowledged Hie (lemouHtnilioii ill ills honor, but declined Hie honor, ami said he could lie , was cheer ed by the Towne men. ho though! Mint his course was favorable to their liiiin. Hutchinson, of (loorgln, seconded the noml'iullim of Stevenson. Homer S. Cumnilngs, of Connecticut, seconded the nnmluiitlou of Towne. Win. Kennedy, chairman of the Connecticut delegation, look thy platform and Feeonded the Humiliation of Stevenson. Other Names Bcforo Convention. At lii:-'."', Inimphy of Washington, nominated ,1 UnmHton I.owK I-k-r,ocrnor MoCleary of Kentucky, seconded the nonilnatiou'of Stoveiison. At this point the Towne men began t'l become a little down licintei!, for It wns lojii- Hun the Croker-Harrlsou combination aided by Pennsylvania, was. trying to force an niillSllver, anll-Itryan man on (lie tlekcC l.eo Knoll, of Miirjland, nominated .lohu Walter Smith, of .Maryland, (leu. ,x red II. Pain's seconded I he nomination of Tow ne. ' Patrick's Name Presented. . ,. When MlR.6url was called, Cov. H. W. Stephenn M.irln'r lo ( ond Stevenson, but' e.-Cioorndr Stone beat him to tho platform. Stone wound up by nominating Stevenson. Senator Money seconded Ktrveunoii. CongiesMiianUalv or New .lersey nominated Huvld II. Hll. V. M. Uousli erlv of Ohio nominated A. W. Patrick. Washington yielded to Idaho, but Idaho did not appear. St. Clair of West Virginia neeonded toouaom Coop er of Wisconsin nominated Townc. Will Remain In Lincoln. Lincoln. Neb., .Inly (1,-fSplO-nryiin Is home and ho will riot go to the Kansas Cltv convention. His uiaiiagers are prcpaiing for n hurrah at lioino and It Is expected Hint 30,001) KnnsiiK City comentlotiert. wjll visit Lincoln to see Bryan. Inly C (Spl.)-(Jiily one task Ifl left to the liemocratlc national convention now that Hrynn has been nominated for President ami a platform adopted and that is the nomination of n candi date for Vice President. Tin; conven tion reassembled at 10:15 o'clock this morning, Kansas City' lime, for that purpose. Tlio leading eaiidldalo for second place is Charles A. Towne. Adlai H. Stevenson boom Is forced by s.omo Democrats who hope by nominating hint to capture the votes of n few friends of Crovcr Cleveland. Most of Hie Democrats seem lo favor Townc, mid his nomination 'ih ardently desired by the Populists and Silver Republicans, jvho 1iro here. There are also booms for Hill mid (ioveruor Smith of Maryland. The Keller boom is laughed at and the boom has gone astray. Parade the Streets With Banners and Bands. Kansas City, Mo., .Inly (J. (Spl.) Tlio last day of the Demon utlc con vention opens with a light bet ween three candidates for the lioroluatloii of vice president. ( y . Charles A. Towne wautSlt, so does Adlai 10. Stevelisou, so lues Elliott Danforth, whose boom has suddenly revived No one knows what Hill will do Very Utile nttentiou Is jiald to tiie movemeii'ttt In fiiYoiMJf John W.-KeUer .:. in nii'Min.,.nnt;;Trir.4uivv'iiii...iaitciv I of Washington state. Their names, however will be presented lo the con vention. Stevenson Is not on the ground, but his booril is.- So while Ills supporters talked last night the Towne men work ed. They got the Lincoln baud, Induced 10 or 5,0 members of the Traveling Men's Association to Uko their red, white and blue umbrellas with them and parado the city. With their own hlrmigth, vhleli was not moro than 50, this procession started out. It began its monotone, "Towne, Towne, Charles A. Towne,'' at the Coates house, sang It to tho "Hoi Time" tune, and as the baud played "Did Kentucky Home," spread it out so that It came In with tho time of a cake wall: and as they Knew No Bounds When Nomination Was Announced. Kansas City, July (I. (Spl.) -It was Just 8:50 o'clock Thursday night when tho announcement whs made that Wil liam .leanings Rrynn had been nomi iifilcd for President of the United States. The demonstration which fol lowed has never been equalled In niiy convention In the history of the United States. Tiie crowds cheered, the bands plnjod and tliere was ti general re joiclng all over the hall. The nomi nating speech was inado by Mryan's friend, Willis D. Oldham, of Lincoln. Ho' began his mhjris at tl:10 o'clock-. He wns frequently Interrupted by ap plause. When he had llnlshed there was the wildest enthusiasm. Dele gales paraded the Door carrying Hr. an's port rail, lings and most every thing they could lay llielr hands on. Mr. .Oldham wns followed by David R. Hill, of New York. He was given an i,iiiiluJ1.1ijJu' i10!p' There were soim delegates wm nisseo niu nicy wiae ory largely in the minority. He sec onded the noinlnallon of Rryan. iRoth speeches will be found In full In anoth er chimn. Tin; reading of the resolution",' by Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, was the signal for tio llrst great dis play of enthusiasm, This occurred a short lime, utter the convention as sembled Thursday afternoon. The platform as reported was adopted. (It will be round under a separate head.) Webster Davis made a speech in which he nnnoiiueed himself as n supporter of Rrynn. It was a pro Roer address. AHrr the nomination of William J, IJryaii tho convention adjourned until Friday morning at 10:110. ! I ! i ! i 1 Kansas City, Mo., .Inly 6. (Spl.)-4Iero are wine or tho opinions of well known Democrats on Hryan'a selection and the platform: Ororgp Kred WllllaniH, of MasMiclnmettB: "There is no protesting Miiee against the platform and tho selection of Rryan. There will be nosubordlnatlon of the silver question, but It Is evident to everybody that the great xneuaco of tho times Is the Impel lalistic policy of tlu; present Administra tion. I think tho party will be. very much stronger every where for Hip. action of the committee on roolutlons. All who tely and of necessity must rely on Rryan for leadership will admit Ids masterly and Insuperable qualities ns a leader, and they arc fortuuatu to be able to put him In command on the platform that was agreed to. The platform emphasizes tho leadership of Riyan and preages victory In November." V.x Governor John P. Altgeld: "I regard the platform as the strongest ever adopted In the country. We have started a tldul tio of auinlsm which will sweep from ocean to ocean. With the tides of November, militarism, Imperialism, MeKltileyiisin and Ilanunlsm will pass from America forever. Rryan will be the next President." .Senator Daniel, of Virginia: "The platform will be the bond which will reunite the Democracy of the country. It will prove satisfactory to Democrats of whatever opinion regarding the llnancla I question. It Is ery strong and wllh meet with approval everywhere." Richard Croker, of New Yoik: "The platform is all right. It Is splendid. I hare not studied it carefully, but I heard every word of It as Senator Tillman read it. It suits me; It Is big enough and broad enough for all Democrats and I be lieve It will suit all Democrats.. It Is good enough for all to stand upon. I could not. say more If I tried. As for our can didate, Rryan, he Is goln; lo win. Wo will carry New York Slate for him surely and I predict now that he will be elected President of the United States-." Carter Harrison, of Chicago: "I am perfectly atistled. Making antl-imperlalHiu the paramount issue for the coming campaign is eien better that what we wrrc lighting for in the committee on resolutions. All that we asked was that the convention should not specifically reaflirm the old money plank of the Chicago platform because all feared it would be made the dominant Issue In the campaign." I i i I I i :: Conference took the lloor and announc tliat the commltte.e was still In confer ence, but, said he. there is no reason whv we should not nominate Rryan. Rrynn in point of fact, was nominated by' us a year ago. Rryau's name was presented by Teller at 10:55. NOT SAGUINE. Will Towne Fears That Unit Rule Defeat Him. Kansas'' City, Mo., .Inly 0. (Spl.) I'or tiie llrst lime since he arriwd here last Saturda.i, Charles A. Towne lids morning expressed doubt (1 his ability tn capture Hie Democratic nom ination for vice president. Ho said tlio unit uile which prevails with most (legations would deprive him of Kill oles and that certain leadeis here had evidently determined to hack 1 1 III at any cost and by mi) means. At the kiiii ctliiie, Mr. Towne said lie iind no Rcfrjg-l Icraforsi ill m ' Don't tills weath- S I n hi i - -" -1 cr make you think i i j.yiifi!o.IMrr?. e 13 -, v , , n, IB Is your old one m ; m .Largest Exclusive Dry Ha H "J am ( gi s.or. .11 large enough? n! 1 Inlv li if you are iniJ 1 Clearance 1 1 I ! 1 Q 1 IB us C haVC thcm I ' i tJaiC 1 1 all sizes and prices. 1 j Ej Every Day In July 1 1 1 ! i Bargain Day on li BURDETTE L 1 1 everything. II JLl' I I nTa nTnniflnTII UUIaS. A M.ObUIHUHOU . "5T li n 155-157 S. Howard nt I . j wmmmmmmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmm SILVER REPUBLICANS Nominated William J. Bryan For President Friday Morning. Kansas City, .Mo., July (i.-(Spl.) Tlio Sliver Repuii('ans convention wns called to order at l;r5. At 11:58 Rry an was nominated for President. Chairman Tlllotospn of Toiwka at once read a report of the committee on platform. Many planks have been tak en from tin Democratic convention. Senator Teller from the Committee on Will Fot Visit Convention. Lincoln. Neb.. July i.(Spl.)-Rrynu will not go to Kansas City unless In vited by the convention. No such in vitation has been received by him. He said this morning he saw no reason why he should go. Having: bought the Badg-er, Van Ness & Co. store, we are closing: it out in our room. We bought this stock at good reduction and as we want it to interfere as little as possible with our stock we will for the next 30 days have some excep tional values in shirts, neckwearr underwear, hats, caps, bags and the many articles that went to makeup this unusually fine stock. BLACK BEAR HAT STORE. SENATOR TILLRIAN Selected as Chairman of Committee of Conferee's. Convention Hall, Kansas City, July (I (Spl.) Tho conference comniltleo appointed by the Democrats, populists and Silver Republicans to discuss tho vice presidency met ill the parlors of the Kansas City club. The session to day, was a sevrel one. Senator Till man of South Carolina, who favors the nomination of Towne was made chairman of the conference. Tim com inrtlecmaii representing the Populists apd Silver Republicans did most of Hit talking the Democrats being attentive listeners. The selection of Tillman as chairman of the convention con ferenco was regarded iiH favorable to Towne. Tir conference was still in session at J0;15 o'clock with no prospect uf mi agreement, for some time. The result. Is was -said would not bo made public, uulil the Demo crat le conferees report to their convention. BOOMS BUSTED. if Either Stovenspn Pr Towne Sillier Not In It. Coinontiou Hall, Kaunas City, Mo., Kft" t""'1"1""1""11''" I have today had the Central Union telephone removed from my store and residence, replacing thein with No. 95 and No. 97 of the New Company. Learn to use the new, phones. NOMINATING SPEECH. Willis D. Oldham of Lincoln .Names Col. Bryan. The speech delivered by "Willis D. Oldham, of Lincoln, in placing William .1. Rrvan in nomination for President, was received with a gicat display of enthusiasm. It is printed In full below: Mr. Chairman: More than a hundred years ago the Continental Congress of America adopted a declaration which had been drafted by the founder of the Democratic party, and the joyous tones of the old liberty bell which greeted the act announced to a waiting world that a nation had been born. With hearts unchllled by the seir- llsh sentiments of cold commercialism, you have respouded patriotically to (ach sentiment contained in Democ racy's first platform as It was read to a on at the opening of this convention, and In view of Hie radical departure which the party In power has made from the principles set forth In that historic document, It is meet that we true believers In the republic of old- should, when choosing a Held and form- lug our lines for the bloodless name of ballots now impending, say In the language of one of the loved patriots of long ngor "Read this declaration at the head of tho army and -every sword shall be drawn from Us scabbard, and a sol emn vow taken to maintain II or to perish on the bed of honor." Much of history for this republic shall be either made or marred by tho action of tills convention. You, as leprosentaUves o.f the only party which is coexistent Willi the nation Itself; the (Continued on page live.) headless .body of a woman, identified as that of Miss Haney, was found near New Vienna today. The woman was last seen alive last night and her death is shrouded in mystery. Catrow Will Win. Dayton, O., July C (Spl.) Returns received up lo -0 p.m. tonight indicate the election of Capt. II. ti. Catrow, of MianiNuurg, over T. J. Kirkpulrick, of Springfield, as major of the Third reg iment, O. N. ti. A bitter tight was waged. The regiment consists of nine companies located In central and south ern Ohio towns. It NEW POSITION Mr. Hugo Schumacher Secures In the South. Mr. Hugo Schumacher. will eou co to Ilarrlman, Tenii., where ho has been elected general manager of the Harrliiian Land Company. Mr. Ferdi nand Schumacher is the founder of ihe Tennessee town and owns large inter ests lu the land syndicate. Mr. Schu macher's family will not go south until fall. For Suffierers.' At a special meeting helil In the North Springfield church, presorted over by P. W. Myers, of Mogttdore, Sf0.S5 was ral&e'd for the famine strlckeu sufferers of India. There were -50 people In attendance. B. S mitli 220 South Main. i nnmmiwf'i''n' Body Found. Ml. Vei non, O., July .- (Spl.)-Tho bodv of a mini supposed to be C. H. Harrington of No. Klill Adams st., Chicago, was found along the R. & I), iracks north of here today. There was nothing to Indicate foul play. It Is thought the man eltlior fell from a passenger train or died from siiiislioko. Two Sudden Deaths. Ashlaluila, 0 July fi.-(Sil.)-Jolin Reynolds, a P., 0. tc A. section man, dropped dead as he started homo from work Thursday evening fiom heart disease, John S.rauUa, ji Slav ore shoveleiylled Thursday al'ler.uuoti from sunstroke. Headless Bodies. Wilmington, O., July (!. (Bpl.) The A CALIFORWAN'S Successful Experiment With Food. i H A gentleman in Oak Park, Oal., Henry Poekman, took up the question of food, to see If ho eonld recover from an old case of dyspepsia, from which mix vomica, pepsin, and other reme dies gave him no relief. He started lu with (irapo-Nuts break, fast food, and his dyspepsia quickly disappeared. Ho also left off the use of coffee and took Postum Food Coffeo lu its place. Ho writes that ho has been put rlslil, perfectly well, and go ing to remain so by continuing tho uso of the (irape-Nuts food ami Pohtutni t Coffee. i1 It Is worth any one's trial, who do. 1 sires to be well, to rhango the illef, j and particularly to leave off qoffe. Grape-Nuts food contains elements. r that rebuild tho grey matter lu tho nerve ceuteis and brain und Rive, ono a feeling of reserve strength and vigr or. Tills food Is perfectly cooked at tho factory, can be served Instantly, j and Is on bale at all Ural-class gio j cere. Cl h. ft &,)&& .jitoaiateatftiM tol'iVtotWit;,lfauAA'l S&Mfi$i . . .)' 1.. Hii ij J?A$4 J ,1- .Mof .fc-iv